Till; COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. TOR SALE. Dwrirnble vacant lots nnd number of g-4 honnesandlo'x In HlnninHburif, 1'a Tho bi-sfc Somni'usmand In HloomlJUiK. A very dosiru ble property conlulnltiK iw neri-s and Hint, clnsi bulhlliiKd Willi ifooil will In a biHlnoxa worm HOW to $i!HJU per year at, Willow Orove. Dwellings In Kapy, Drangi'vllla and Bench Hsven. A large number ot minis In Columbia County, one In Luzerne County, one In Virginia. Two Country Bl ore WtiuiilR In Columbia County Hid one In Luzerne County, A water power planing mill, dry dock and lumber yard and sheds In Beacli Haven, 1'a. Also 10 acres ot ood farm land at Biimn placp. by M. 1'. LUTZ BON, Insurance and Kenl Estate Agents, BLOOMHl'U KD.l'A. tn SPECIAL NOTICES. IJTJI'TUHK POSITIVELY CUKEI) FOH IN. It formation address D. B. Wiiitkniout, Tamaqua, HcbuylklU Co., 1'a. R-ft-ly. rOOS8FOH YOUNG MKN.-M. M. PHILLIPS iV has very desirablo furnlHlied rooms ror young men. Hath room adjoining, (or use si occupant ot tlie rooms. Call and examine. S-l-tr. LL KIiJDS OF BLANKS KOH JUSTICES and constables at the Columbian of- oe. nr ANTED. Halesmen, traveling or local. W salary or conimlsHlon asprefem'd, out Otfreo. Address A. II. llereuduen Co., Nur serymen, tieneva, . h-vmi. a. TJADOKS. WKAKEPHEPAKEDTOSHOW t samples of metal, celluloid, woven and ribbon badges for all kinds of orders and bo nlet lea, and can .iave them made to order on suort not ice, dee samples and get prices. Address Tua Columbian, Uloomuburg, Pa. "117 ANTED COKKKHl'ONDINO AOENT IN W every town, to leport on parties re raiding opening or refitting Saloons, by tho ttood man can make fcvmo. KUTUIUIILD'S SONS CO, 73 Broadway, N. Y. MEN WANTED To take orders. No delivering or col lecting, bxper'nee not necessary, steady employment. Best terms. Write at once and secure t-noice oi territory. ALLKN Nl'MSKKV CO., S-IMm. KoclitMter, N. V, Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in i to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cts. Sold by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Bloomi burg. n-io-8m. It seems from newspaper reports that Minnesota don't want the prom ised Corbett and Jackson prize fight. In that event she even threatens to prosecute, as she should. HEIGHBOEHOOD NEWS. Interesting Items Prom Various Points in the County, Eeported by Our Staff of Correspondents Central. The last week has been a cold one, suow falling nearly every day. Some have started garden-making, but it is a little too cold yet. C. E. Yorks planted onions, lettuce, and peas. He says that he don't know when he will see them again. I. B. Gibbons is busy on his farm planting trees and fixing up genera ly, W. F. Stohner has moved further down the road leading to Benton. Miles Whitmire has moved in the house he occupied. Frank Myers is building a hall on the corner of his lot. We expect the addition of a stove and tin store, and a furniture store, in Central, in the near future. Jacob Steen, the owner and proprietor of the Central Park Hotel, is always on hand to attend his pat rons. You will find Jake square in all his dealings. J. H. Herring, clerk for A. B. Her ring, says they will close out business In Central during the month of April. The other residents will be about the same as the previous year ; mer chant Lorab, sadd'er ; Masteller and O. W. Larish, flour and feed. Trout season is at hand, and if you TEX SMALLEST IS THE BEST. There are a dozen wall-known liver pills, but only one to effective that it can be guaran teed to give satis faction, or the money be refund- ad. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets areV smaller, but better thanf 1 tho bufto, old- fashionedl I pill; the medicinal agents artj I refined and concen trated. Every one suffers, at some time or other, from Con stipation, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Biliousness, Bilious and Sick Head aches. You're relieved and cured of these troubles, if you take "P. P. P." These Pellets are easy to take, and act in a natural way without shock ing the system. They're easy to carry, because they are put up in little glass vials. Uiey'ro the cheap est, because guaranteed to give sat isfaction, llemember, that Dr. Pierce's Pellets are pleasant to take, pleasant in action, perfect in effect. Keep this in mind and you solve the problem of good health and good living. Tf vmi'rn unfTor- yl!i from Catarrh, tho proprietors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy ask you to try their medicine. Then, if you can't bo cured, thev'll V M ft v rrtl Hi pay you $500 in oath. want to get posted on the trout-catching business write to M. F. Shoemaker or Chas. Messenger. J. W. Perry is gone or he could give you some good points. The maple suar industry ha3 been good this spring. H. C. Hess an his grandson made, in about ten days, four hundred pounds. Several others have boiled large quantities. It also has a good sale. P. K. Shultz is busy fixing up, grad ing and beautifying his already nice home, and, with his trade as black smith, is kept so busy that we don't often see him. G. R. Adleman is a'so doing a good trade in his line, at watch making and general repairing. Business of all kinds is looking up, and the prospects are looking quite good for the season. Light Street. Mrs. John Harding departed this life on Sunday morning last, aged 84 years,io mos.,5 days. For a number of years she has been identified with the Christian Church which, by her af fliction, she has been deprived of at tending, although a patient sufferer. Mrs. Mitchel of Johnstown, Geo. Scott, of Lewistown and Thos. Scott of Tyrone, children of the deceased, were called home a week by her seri ous illness, she having lingered be tween life and death up till Sunday morning, when the summons came to end her suffering. Mrs. Gaylard and daughter, of Blossburg, Pa., being in formed of the illness of her sister, came on to help in the care of her in her last illness, but were informed before reaching here of her death. We are reminded of the adage 'That the young may die, but the old must," in this recent death, as this is the fourth aged person taken from our midst in the past few months, viz: Mrs. Sampson Townsend, upward of 80 years; Jos. Robbins, in the seventies; Catharine Oman, 85 past; Mrs. Hard ing, 84 past. Supt. Johnston gave the schools of this place a second visit on April 5th. 94. Mr. J. S. Grimes is now at home, after closing his school in Schuylkill County. S. J. Johnston informs us that he will have finished a seven months term of school in Montour twp. on Friday next. Mrs. F.mory, matron at the B. S. N. S., is visiting at her daughter's Mrs. M. L. Keller. Mrs. Thompson, sister of our towns man J. M. Hulshizer, returned to her home in .New Jersey, Saturday, after a sojourn of several weeks at this place. Not alwaj s, but sometimes, things get turned upside down when partak ing of the Indian's fire-water, as was the case with a couple from Blooms burg, on Monday, when they went into the ditch below town and needed the assistance of sober men to help them out of the difficulty. FOWLERVILLE. Mr. Durling took charge of the mill April 1. Mr. Bower, the merchant, is having good success. Miss Ella Remley is spending a couple of weeks in Benton. The people are getting ready to sow oats. Mr. Frank Remley spent Saturday and Sunday in Willianisport. As we passed the residence of Mr. Levi Fester, we noticed he was busy building a wagon-shed and some other repairing. He thinks the daughter ought to have as nice a home as the son. Mr, Sharetts holds bible class at his home every Thursday evening. The Difference. "Comparatively few understand why a person in charge of an estate is styled an Administrator in one case and an Executor in another, although their duties are precisely the same," said an old attorney. 'An Executor is named in the will to administer the estate. An Executrix is a female. If there is no will the female who closes the estate is called the Administratrix If the person named in the wi 1 as an Executor refuses to serve, the Court appoints another person and he is styled the Administrator with the will annexed. If a person in charge of an estate dies or defaults, and is removed, his successor is called an Administrator de bonus o, or an Administrator of the remaining assets Art Gems (in Colors) Free, Russell's Art Collections, of over four hundred magnificent pictures, size 10 by 13, are issued in twenty four Series, each containing seventeen tull page pictures in colors, (regular price $1.00 per Series) can be secur ed by simply asking your local Grocer or Dry Goods merchant (with your next purchase) for one of Russell's Art Coupons. If he cannot supply it to you, have him write immediately to Russell Art Publishing Co., No. 928 Arch St., l'hila., for full particulars, and we will see that you secure an Art Coupon through him free. An enterprising merchant can increase his trade 100 per cent, by using Russell's Coupon System. 3 23-41. "Only the Scare Remain," Says Henry Hudson, of the .Tames Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Anion); tlio many testimoni als which I see in rcgnrd to cer tain medicine performing cures, cleansing tho blood, etc., none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years nga, at the ago o( 18 years, Iliad swellings come on ray legs, which broke and became run nlng sores. Our family phy Kleinn could do mo no good, nnd It was feared that tho bones would bo nffcrted. At Inst, my pood (dl Mother Urged IVle to Ivy Aycr's Snrsnparilla. I took three bottles, tlio sores hctiled, nnd I have not been troubled since. Only the scars rctiiiiln, nnd the memory of the past, to remind 1110 of the Rood Aycr's Sui-snpatillii lias 1one me. I now weigh two hundred nnd twenty pounds, and am in tho best of health. I have been on the road for tho past twelvo years, havo noticed Aycr's Sar saparllla advertised in nil pnrts of the United States, and always tnke picas nro in tolling what good It did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay cr & Co., Lowell, Mass, Curesothers, will cure you Piano For Sale. Any one desirini; to purchase a second hand piano in good condition, an a very cheap, can get information by calling at this office. tf. Once in a long while a man can be found who, like Speaker Crisp, may decline the high and well-paid office of United States Senator, but it is generally when he has a sure thing where he is, or else something better in view. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. A condensed history and geography of the United States, in convenient form at a low price, is what every Bus iness man, House-wife, Professor, or Teacher and Student needs for refer ence and every day reading and study. Such a work is "The American Re public," geographical and statistical, historical and descriptive; size 12 x 14 inches, 206 pages, bound in durable cloth, price $1.50. For sale only by local and traveling book agents or sent direct by express prepaid upon receipt of price by the publishers. John V. Iliff & Co. no & 112 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Something wrong when you tire too easily; Something wrong when the skin is not clear and smooth. Some thing wrong when the Blood is impure. Everything right when you take De Witt's Sarsaparilla. It recommends itself. iV. S. Rishton, Druggist, tf. T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Promise City, Iowa, says : bought one bottle of 'Mystic Cure,' for Rheu matism and two doses of it did me more good than any medicine I ever took." Sold by C. A. Kleim, Drug gist, Bloomsburg. n-io-8m. m I Had'nt you better buy your Clothing where you get the best. One of our $15.00 Suits will wear Six months longer than you'll buy elsewhere. Our Business has grown so large that our prices are lower than the whole saler. In addition, we Pay Railroad Fare Pay Railroad Fare Pay Railroad Fare 6 Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth and Market Philadelphia TARIFF AND INCOME TAX. Senator Hill, of New York, partly unburdened himself on the floor of the Senate on the 9th inst.by announc ing the fact in plain terms that it was his purpose, though a Democrat, to as sail the tariff policy and income-tax policy of the Administration. Know ing his pent up feeling against the President he wisely concluded to not attempt an extemporaneous speech; but he carefully wrote or had written what he wanted to say in the partial 'ar interest of Senator Hi 1 of New York and our American plutocrats, and then he read it. Under the circumstances of course he had no trouble in holding the Sen ate spell bound from start to finish, though he shook his own hand at its conclusion, it seems. As we view it, there is only one class affected directly by high tariff, and that is the same class of very rich men who don't want an income tax impos ed upon them of any kind; nor will they submit and pay the tax if you impose it upon them as a matter of equitv in raising revenue to sustain the Government State or National. Whenever tried heretofoie it has failed wherever assessment has been attempted upon fabulous wealth. Such men as Jay Gould, for instance, worth 60 or 70 millions of dollars, were permitted to return for assessment but $500,000. Not so with the farmer, however, for his taxable possessions can be taken in at a glance by the as sessor, and, whether it be a source of income or outgo, he must pay his taxes without hope of evasion. The income tax being therefore an attempt at equitable assessment of fabulous wealth, we know of no class better able to pay, and we therefore favor the policy of the Administration in thus endeavoring to levy an assess ment upon capital a3 well as upon la bor. Though we have not the remotest idea that capital will submit to it, we still think the assessment should be levied, and that they too should be placed under oath as to the amount of their taxable income. Should they sware falsely to escape taxation let them take the responsibil- ity- The Senators most caustic objection to an income tax is, it appears, that he does not want the "Democratic party to become the tail of the Populist Kite." At least, so he says; but we apprehend the truth is he wants the sympathy and powerful influence of those who would have the income tax to pay were it levied and collected. R.KILMER'S KIDNEt LIVER'. no BLAOD Willi Pain in lite Back, Joints or hips, sediment In urine like brick-dust frequent culls or retention, rheumatism. Kidney Complaint, Diabetes, dropsy, scanty or high colored urino Urinary Troubles, Stinging sensations when voiding, distress pres sure In tlio piirW, urethral Irritation, etrtcturc Disordered Liver, Bloat or dnrk circles under tho eyes, tongue coated, constipation, yellowish eyeballs. Gunraiite-Vpo contents of Ono rtottle. it not beneAtod, Drugglita will refund to you the price pnid. At Drucclatu, fiOc, t.lzc, $1.00 Size, "InTalliU- Guide to Health" free- OinmlutUon free. Dr. Kilmer Si Co., TtiNiiDAMToy, N. Y. own r trr imrr,rm --.-r;Bn(a for Infants C (tutorial so well mtnptedtochlldren that I recommend It as superior tonnjr prescription known to mo," II. A. Anrnun, M. D., Ill So. Oxford 6U, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tho use of "Castorla to to universal nnd Its merits so veil known Hint It seems a work of mipereroRntlon to endorse It, Few are the IntelllRent families who do not kcepCastorio within easy reach." Caru Mabtto, T). P., Kcw York City. Tn CKNTAt-R B. F. Sharpless, Tres. N. U. Funk, Sec. C. II. Campbell, Treas. OB LOOMSBUR CO LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Capital Stock $30,0O0. Flotted property is in the comiug business centre of tlie town. It includes also part of the factory district, and has no equal in desirability for residence purposes. CHOICE LOTS are offered at values that will be doubled in a short time. No such opportnnitv can bo had elsewhere to make money. Lots secured on SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS- Maps of the town and of plotted property furnished on ap plication. Call upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. Wood Sales Agent, or any member of the Board of Directors. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. B. F. Sharpless; J. L. Dillox. C. W. Neal A. G. Briggs, Dn. I. W. AVillits, Dn. II. W. McReynolds, N. I). Fuxic. I I-IQ-tf -GIVEN TO- REPAIRING WATCMS CLOCKS Ml J". Gk "WELLS. Eyes examined It's a risk an article tnat is beyond question. We handle the best makes of Shoes for Children- BOYS need no longer wear cirls shoes dm wa have a line made especially the small Boys. Ladies wear Spring Heeled Shoes find a good assortment at sioreof W, C. McKINNEY. H. . Clark's Building. Main street. ELKHART CARRIAGE lave laid to rnn.timer. for t tr.n, jv ng them tlie demur , profit. Wo ro tlio iVi .m.unv wT""1 ninniiUctnrer. In Amor. Pw '""fotoKmlnn before ny money III ,?,? I'"' fwr you? Wrlto Sour own orrtSr. ulpplSg 8 Uke uU tiB u l:i WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagont, S3I to $30. Ouarantcwl aiiieeHtuiiou.li. Surreys, $63 to SI03 ' 'or lioo to Top BuRglei; "J1"8 " o1(1 o'- phaton,6a miS.2?' Form Wagons, Wagonettes, oJL?Wa.Son8' Delivery Wagons""! Road carts, liiinxm tun utK, HontK uiuuiax. No. 37. Surrey nueu. (J?f $23.50 No. Ui'i, Vop liturgy. $43 Ko. I, l - 'ui i-.:aiNi oAaa:.E. P'-rrnhb oT r.r ni. and Children. Cnstnrlst cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhona, Eructation, Kills Worms, give, slocp, aud promotes dt l-o.it Ion, Without Injurious medication, "For serornl years I have recommendr! your 'Coatorlo,' nnd shall always continue t do so as It has invariably produced bcocflcW rosulta." Eowrw F. rxnriEr, JT. 12Gth Btroet and 7th Ave, New York City, Coxpakt, 77 Mt'RRAT STniwT, Nmr Yons Cm -AT- free oi charge. J. G. WELLS. Din t Get Yourself in a Box BY BUYING SHOES OF AN UNCERTAIN QUALITY. you can't afford to run can't afford anv wav when we ran snnolv YOU witb .. r i y for A who will the and HARNESS MFG. CO. Fiirm. SIU ta 2H.50. - m Humor. imd fly kkth. Klktinrt llloycle, KlojlffiS luiomimllo tires. "I1!! ulil. a...., A I.. V N0.T81, BurTey. No. 727, Boa Wntion. No. 3, Furiu VYuuon. Aiirc!3 W. P. PrjAYT, Sec'yt .luul tuuiug, aruij .v.--- ELKHART, IND.