The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 30, 1894, Image 4

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    Ik iLoluinbimt.
RSTAI1 l.IHHItl) IStm.
fthc Columbia Jtfmorrat,
- ri'tti imiitn bv
t IllnnmiOmnr, ttio fount y dent of Columlilu
t'lMinty, I'l'niiH.vlvnnln.
I' ; tnslilo tho county, 1 1.0 11 your In ml
ixnco; f It not puld in iiilvanrft tmtMlilo
tlie count r. n yonr, utrtrtly In ndv incr.
All eoiuiiiiiiilriUlotm Nliiitilit bo wlilivssril to
UloiutiHlMirK, l'n
Cop I:: Portfolio lo. 1,
Cot.fMiiiAN Historical Art
Scries of the
World's Fair and Midway Plalsance,
The Mngic Cit).
MPCiit out tliis Coupon and
mail it, or bring it in person to the
office of Tiik (.'oi.f MiiiAv, with tkn
CFNrs and Portfolio No. i of the
MAGIC CITY will be delivered to
Future of the Democracy.
ii & .
i ne Adviress lssuea oy the execu
tive Committee of the Democratic So
ciety of Pennsylvania is a timely and
sober document which ilescuvs ih,
earnest consideration of all who have
an interest in the success ol the party.
As the Democtatic Society is a volnn.
tary organization within the party, ac-
knowieuging no Doss working no m.v
chine, tn.ikimi no nominations of
fice and seeking no spoils its counsels
at, least nave tne merit ot entire disin
terestedness. In referring to the al
stcnlion of large masses of Democratic
voters fi'iun the polls in the recent
elections the addiess asks if there was
any just or reasonable cause for this
display of indifference which has given
so much encouragement to grasping
trusts and monopolies under the pro
tection of the Republican party. A
partial answer to the question follows
m the appeal for the creation of "a
fresh and harmonious Democratic or
ganization, not in aid of any man or
taction, but in loyal subordination to
constituted Democratic authority, in
defense of Democratic orim-inles an.l
in support of Democratic candidates."
The acknowledged want of such an
organization seems to explain in no
small degree the extreme apathy of
the Democratic masses of Pennsylva
nia at, the February election.
J There are, however, some other po
tential causes of the reaction against
the Democratic party at which it were
fd'c to blink. Tne industrial depres
ion resulting from a vicious financial
lolicy for which the Democratic Ad
ninistration had not the least respon
ability created a tempoiary alarm
mon$ the people and a disposition to
,etreat in a timid and timeserving
;Krtion of tiie majority in Congress,
fl'he causes of the panic were mo t
liligently misrepresented by all the
rgans and orators of spoliation, and
. lultitudes who had enthusiastically
oted for Tariff Reform began to
oubt the widom of the measure,
r.d this apprehension was not long in
etiaying itself among the Democrats
t Congress.
; The House, it is hue, made no un-
ecessary uelay in passing the W ilson
i.l, but coupled with it an exlraordi
nry and unpopular system of taxa
on utterly foreign to the platform up
l which the Democratic party sue
ssfully appealed to the country in
' e election of iS)j. So far from be
r.gin to the Democratic conveiuijr.s
Pennsylvania and many other States
' .d never failed to denounce an in
me tax as inquisitorial, partial and
:cor.s:".t;.tional as '.org as u be'orged
the j-olYy of the Republican pasty,
is not strarge. then, that the
at:c voters in Pennsylvania and
cry where else slioi.ld luxe Iven fill
xvith distrust and apathy xvlsen ihev
, xt their representatives in Corps's
Uirg and he5i;at'.rg over the putty
gramme asd p.-.:c:.:iig the cam cut
; Tan ft Reform with a cast vd ia of
"publican jxlicy.
In the midst cf so many causes of
; couragement the defeats that have
, ertaken the Democratic party are
Si'y accounted for. These defeats
the just penalty for wandering
Ija the true political path, and it is
k improbable that the party will ex-
ience similar chatlsements before
; v work ot" purgation shall have been
xvmplished. Iat the great hcirt of
Democacj is sou-.d to the core,
I there is no reason to doubt its
'Tt&c as well as powei to cany out
'orxlained political programme. In
other way can the party justify the
' Jsooofits existence. Oae of t:ie
- 1 steps toward purgation is to shake
, the machine managers, who abuse
i organization tv their selfivh ends,
4 the men in Congress who hax-e
'wtlen the principles of the party to
je local interests and private nwrio-
ts at the expense of tre pevp'f.
u the reat work of lehabiutatirg
Democratic societies will prove a
powerful Auxiliary. The unselfish
character of these organizations, their
public spirit, and their devotion to the
principY of JvlTorsoniait I .morui y,
pecn'.ruly fit t:nin for the accomplish
iiant of thU p;itiiotic task. There is
no IK'I I or ttifii' lahors more promis
iu Id in machine'al and tarilf
ri.ukn i'enns) ivania. Uncord.
AXvim thf I'illfhnrg Timet.
" The ideal legislator is a scarce
article, but those familiar xvith Harris
burg alfairs, knu.v that by far the
greater number of the legislator try
to do the very best they know how.
Wherein the most of theni fail is just
because they don't know how. And
for this their constituents and not
themselves are generally to blame.
Legislation is ft biibineis an.l its very
nature makes necessary elaborate rules
and decisions based up. n these rules
for guidance in carrying on legislative
affairs. P.ut no , man however able,
ever leaiiuM these rules and their ap
plications neiorc he entered the leis
lattice or very soon after he did enter
He must see them put into actual
practice, p.nt the tiouble with the
most of them, leaving out the mem
bers from Philadelphia and Allegheny,
is that tliey did not get a second term.
Thus they are constantly represented
untried p.nd incxpeiicnccd men, who
after they have learned their business,
are retire. 1 to make room for others
who are put through exactly the same
process, livery one who h;!,s spent
any lime at Harrisbutg knows that for
very reason the business of legis'ation
is largely controlled by city members,
men neither abler nor better than the
country members, but xvho represent
mg constituencies winch rct irn them
for 8, io or 12 years have become so
lamiliar with legislative practice and
have so wide an acquaintance xvith
their colleagues and with public men
as to attain a prominence and in
fluence that no one. no matter how
bright and energetic, or hoxv brilliant
an orator, for the latter is a small
thing in legislation can train in a
single session, or even ia two sessons.
1 lie principal reason why country
vo.eis make this serious mistake is be
cause they too commonly regard the
office of legislator as a mere honor or
1 c ward lor party service rather than
the most responsible position in their
gift. 1 he argument too often used is
this: "He has had it once. If it is
a good thing, pass it around. Let
somebody else have his turn.' This
is a very low estimate put upon the
matter. Law making is too impor
tant a duty to put upon any man
merely because he may need the sal
ary. In lact the salary is not larce
enough to cut any figure in the tuns
action. Just now the people aie talk-
ing about whom they shall end to
Harnsburg next winter. There xvere
men h the last house xvho would be of
no account as legislators if they xvere
re-elected from now until the inillen
niutvt They should never have been
sent at all. P.ut a glance over the roll
of the House of 1S93 shows the names
of many men in both parties who have
proved their capabilities and useful
ness as leg.slatois. They have the
great that legislative ex
petience .-nd that acquaintance xvith
those who will be reelected that xvill
tit tnetn for doing what it is supposed
legislators are elected to do oass sen
sible laws and spend the public money
propeiiy and economical! v."
Space wi.'i not permit us to inset t
all of the article from the above named
paper, but the xvnter mentions the
name cf Hon. Andrew I. Frit? 4.x
3 a candidate fur re election, as one
"prominent anion those who have an
extended experience and who have
records for usetu'.ness and
The extraordinary c airn i put forth
th.n the-e is ro law" to punish the men
in Or.tahi xxho coining standard
siK-cr c'ollats cf the United States and
have Already put i:x circulation $soo,
occ. Thj Federal statute agiinst
c.n:::'.erfeitin imposes a sex-ere pen
.-Ity for simulating the coins cf the
IV.ted States 'v. i;h intent to defraud."
As tht Omalu coins are cf full weight
and. the claim is made that
there is vo i'-.teiH 10 deftaud av.yone.
thetefoii 1 o crisr.e. If there is" any
tl.irgin the claim the act ol" Coi gress
on the reject is a very imperfect piece
of;or.. Senator SSprmn -i!V.t
t a few
n cf the
?ena:e to th
1.x Senatvr
well, cf Ih:m :s. cl ilms that the Omaha
nv.r.t is peifectly legitimate, though
the proprietors are coins which
iom 5;v.u 4a cents, as legal tender
icc-cei.t dollars. There is a' fraud on
the people of the United States in im-po::-g
such ccit.s upon them and
gixir.g the enormous seigr.torage to
private rarties. Such coin rinn.xr
legal tender and their circulation as
United States coins is. therefore.
fraudulent. It is singular that this
Omaha mint has not been summarily
closed up ly the Government and
those connected with it put on trial.
That is the best way to jvrox-e how the
aw stands.
"For a lonj time I $;rTered with
sumach and liver troubles, and could
hr.J ro relief until i began to use
A.r"s Pills. I took them regularly for
a few months, and mj health was com
rletelv restored.'" D. V. Baine, New
Berne, N. C
"irjolin (;niu'riun, twcniy vci-m old of
.xiiHoo, xvtnle (jo 11;; out of Km f.iilu i' ulioi
with a gun, c. incn:iilly ilisdinfed tlio wear
on, the I nil intviiog tor fiend i.f ln I rot her
l.ny, f:v yenrt, ho.,c lifo is iIimjvmicI of J
Crr"v.'olonil lttisl vslicll will ro out mill lr
Townvoml xvill ro in n Suj-i lintrmtent of
(lie I'lnla I i-lj-li t:i Mint on,
CirMajorC. M. t', prosiiloni of
inc xxcsi r.nii v..oai, XX Hkcs Unrie,
fuliinitte.t to A very trying uml eriiienl smyi
cul 01 oration Inst v.ce'U Mni.(r Convni'linm
bail enrried a bullet in hU hoily nincu the
tiattte of pottsylv.n;n. It ha-.l lixitctlx
cniKvJ liiin much inc.mvenicn e nml lie ile-
tilled to h.ivc it rcniovjil wliith xvas suecesn.
fully (lune.
C-T Die bu siiioss oiillonW nt 1 lie l'ennsxl-
v.xniii Steel xvoiks, nt Stcoltoii, is howiti;
meniiv nn provomenl. 1 nc munlier of work
men tni.linc.l in the vniiuui ilenrtmcnt.
na un rcuscil to nliout 3,400, xvIikIi u xviiliin
1,00 ) of the forte necessniy when the grout
ministry is piislicd lo 11s utmost capacity.
The employees were pr.iJ fAZ. coo in xvaecs
for the last two weeks of February, xvluch
cxeoeiien innt 01 me previous semi-monthly
pay day about :Jo,Ojo.
CjTIIopuly Attorney doneral Strnnnlian,
xviio 11ns 1 icon mentioned ns a mccta.-or to
Chairman Wright, of the Slate Democratic
C om 111 it tec, has received leltcrs from a num
ber of prominent democrats the past week
urging lu 1 11 fo accept. Mr. Slrannhan has
concluded to take the position if it conies 10
him without a c.inlcst and is nln-adv potting
his nITiirs in shape so u t.) begin his duties
luiniciliatcly up.m his election. 1 lie slate
h'l.ulptaitoi s will bo established in llarrisbiiri;
111 .tend of 1 hiladelphia, whore ihey have
I'oon located since tho gubernatorial cam
p dgn of itiSo. ftiul the new chairman xvill co
operate xvith the city and cou ty ilcnioci.uic
Cfl'llonry llardii.g of Tunkluimiock has
hannock has iiiVMteriousty dis.ippt.ucd.
Ci'Tall Kivcr Mills are unable to keep up
wiih order. Sales of cloth exceed pioduc
t.on, and the siliiaiion ii much improved
chmpared with that cf two xxecks nyi.
r- f A Jjcvo damage suit against John
Ilrier is the result of a xeger that caused the
death of Herman riituiann at Milwaukee.
It is alleged that on June I 1 lalinar.n xvent
into ihe defendant's saloon and made n wa
ger with Charles Huilt that he could think
tiltecn glasses of beer in fifteen minutes.
Tha defendant xa to f irui-h i1k 1 eer. At
the tliii teenih g'ass l'lat.uann as overcome.
Tile defendant is allowed t i have ihen oiven
him two o.l.isscs of bi'amU-, after xhich "i'lat
minn expired.
CjT.V grand child of Kev. T. lVWitt Tab
mage xvas lia; trc-l xxiih water fiom the river
Jordan, at the liawklvn Talnrrnacle last Sun-
da v.
, Mr. Harris of Topeka. Kan-as . has
erected a line eranito monumrm over the
head of her hus'.iand's eravc. ll 1 cars this
simple ins riptio-a: "'Ibcd of Ieli:ium Tre
mens." St. Louis Kem-.b'ij.
A novel wav of siuncolin ? has iust I eon
brought to lilit by 1 hi French authorities
on the Franco-Swiss frontier. It has been
hscovcred that alout txventv-two thousand
watches x-alucd at 2000.000 francs. hae
emered France in the s;vaec of six moiuhs
without having pai. I ittJdutv. A great por
tion of these were discovered packed in tins
of a condensed milk comj'-any, from which.
01 course, the mill; ha 1 been taken out .-.nj
then carefully closed up again.
Stf"V. T. Ton ' a Chinxm.xn. promises t-
become nn international shuttlecock. He
was for some misdemeanor sent to the Color
ado Penitentiary, on entci ire which he was
deprived of his ijueue. In a few week he
will le discliarjjevl, an I, nn.'cr the deary
Uiv, in May will lw transo.r:e-l. ll.ixin
lo,t his cjuiie outside of Chin.-., he xvill not
Saved iIy Life
S5 Worth of Hood's Sarsa
parllla Severe Case of Nicotine PoisonlrK.
C. t. Ibxvt & Co., towoU. Mas. :
" C enttemrn .- I rit ths tines to ert:fy
that HiHd"s S&rsrari!'. has eurJ m of a icevst
rlnful die.vk from which I hve s.iorv-J tlie
1-ist timr year. It appeorJ In lh I roi ot
eruptions on try tuvk ar.J tit, ;rva.t;:.; ortr
r y tnV.y. so ioful tuit I rou!.l cot '.iv; at
tisM, auJ wuM not work in th !ay tur.e. sad
bou I dl.t lay down ar.d tl into a tittle do;, it
I would Dior Just a ouM urt tot
toml'le sasatioa, and
Blood Would Start
from th erui'tKms on my Wfs and body. I had
to wear bandages all tlM ubml My ry o.'rt
ba.tty swotlen. my baok la torriMo niiiiiso.
On physician satd It was wd kIoc auothar
svioma, and Ce last told w It as
Nicotine Poisoning,
and that I would hirt to cm to a physklaa who
suade a petality of my duwos. (.1 omitted to
ay that I am a rifar maker ty trade.) But
n.vxt's jtrprtlU had bn rnuTKlost.
and I Ut.v.iht I w.hiKI irv It. ant I ara l xni y
Uuutkful (hxt 1 did. 1 ji uuly s&y Uiat UakaI
&araiarllla tiaa leted
A Perfect Cure.
I an tret from aorrs, hara a (tmd arrtit, m
dull tMlinm, and that ooattaual alck hcadaeh
Is iron. This ooJrful cor aa only exNst m
doUara. Tata amaU sbmuI ol mooty koa
rvi so or all svy su!rl&v I am sull uaiiiC
Hcwd's rsivirnu, my taitaTut trVod whteh
Svm h4 swy lit. I rano( prat tt tVMfjk."
X au A. I-ot-ru, laUiaika. I ui) liuua.
Mood's Pill cxir Brr tUs, eoutpao
WlwuxiMS, aundK, twk kadact, livdsooa.
if r. irn. Booth
.'..WIiii.i.iiI.i. iuiii,...,,. , rni. t . ... 1
IM X-'.' 51 JEll B' ll R KU 'Ut K 15 W 1 -M V, O) HI J, II "1 M
E31 1 jD
be allowed lo return there.
CiTThirty years ago John Uoylc (J'Kcir.y
carved his name with a nail on the rough
face of a foundation stone in the chuu h nt
IVnvth, Ireland. Afterward he expressed a
desire to be buried under it. His wish is to
be complied xvith, the stone having been re
moved and now on its way to Doston.
C-STPresident Eliot, of Harvard, savs that
there is scarcely a single subject taught now.
adays in the same way that it xvas taught
thirty years ago, and that even law, the most
conservative of studies, is now treated in an
entirely different method than in former
CjTAntiouncement xvas made Tuesday of
the failure of Wood, lhown & Co., whole
sale dry goods merchants, Haines & Co.,
Kclnil merchants and U.S. 1 ouchheim t
Co., bankers, all cf Philadelphia.
Senator Colipiit of Ccoigia, ciied suddenly
at li is residence in Washington, Tuesday
morning, the result of paralysi ,. His .suc
cessor will lie appointed by the Ciovernor if
Georgia, and he will serve until March 1S93.
Mahlon Sellers, of Hoiks county, Windsor
Castle, has just secured his fiftieth license
for the same hotel stand. Mr. Sellers has
been Postmaster forty-one years consecutive
ly at the same place and Justice of the Peace
for thirty-six years.
The bank of Sponsler, Jonkin & Co., New
PloomtiehL Perrv counlv. nn ncslim.
mcnt Monday, for benefit of creditors.
The Carncvie Steel f!nmni hnvi .-tnl
the penalty of f140.4S9.44 imposed for de-
c hi hum piuics on ine naval x-ssse:s
$ ; , 1 J 1 . 2 5 w as paid to the four informers,
1 . 1. 1 t ... ,
.nn me I'a amt to me ot me govern
ment. A number of factories stnrtp.l tin M,ii.1uv
on full time, among xvhih are the corset
i.iciunc-s 01 ,vew iiaveo, conn.; l'ahvell
Pros. .S: Co., weavers Philadelphia ; the
Pel anon Roiling Mills, and the Knitting
Mills at St. Johnsville, N. Y.
Dandruff is an exudation from ths
pores of the scalp that spreads and
dries, forming scurf and causing the
hair to fall out. Hall's Hair Renewer
cures it.
Tha Etiquette of Visiting.
Married women leave tlmir hm
band's cards with their own; that is to j
say, one is left for the gentleman of
the house and one for the hostess,
writes Isabel A. Mallon in an ar'icle
on "The Art of Dressing for Visiting"
in tne April Jadics Joie . irit'il. i
A dinner party demands a call within i
two weeks, but this is not required !
atter a tea or a large reception. If a
friend is ill it is proper to call in per
son and leave a card with kind in
quiries written uron it. A verv nrettv
hnglish fashion is gradually finding its '
- . 1 j 1
wax- nere. Alter a severe 1 ness a
lady may send by mail to all the peo
ple wno i:axe called to inquire for her
an engrax-ed card reading in this way:
.Mrs. James brown presents her com
pliments and her th.'nks for recent
kind inquiries." This does away xvith
the necessity of making visits when
one is still m ill health, and yet it is
a recognition cf the courtesies receiv
ed. It is polite, aUo. to leave a card
of consratu'ation when a new babv
appears in the fami!x but one is never
expected to see the mother.
It's just as easy to try Oae Minute
Cough Cure as any thing else. Its easier
cure a sex ere cold or cough xvith it.
Let your next purchase for a couch be
One. Minute Coult Cure. Better
nxedicine ; better result : better try it.
.V. S. Rishton, Dn:?g;st.
Febley Institute
Liqucr, Cpima and T:"b::o
ill HABITS. Ill
Seud for rtvading matter.
We refer by permission to
J. U lur.e,
J. U. k:nr4.) CitiwlssJU
SSkf M.
FT Oil li.N. TriXi Mtawl tnai
fx v-a twrM iVimri k-mi v. JarW
Vv ? . mt m Mb MM 1 y
j iTkMlMMM.illmrMMlte
I W ka tLMMf m paniMU, In -mmm ul
S D IUWtrliM,M' mu
Ji r MtL ! ,r-.
'Jl1 J53 . Jotf
Bring your EYES with You
Our new
are now ready for inspection. If you want worsted Goods
we have a very fine article, 7 yard for $2.'2o, good woith 50
cents a yard. If you don't want Worsteds', our China Silk
stock U conipkte with novelties, the very latest.
Tl ic ever Glorious Sun and beautiful wetither has remind
ed us that summer approaches and wc, always leading, have a
mot beautiful lino of '
These afford an opportunity for benutiriil and tasteful
dressing and very moderate in prices'.
Our stock ot
lias undergone a thorough overhauling and lui been reduced ia
prices from 10 to GO per cent.
Our SWUNG CAPES for La Jits and COATS for
Misses and Children ntv the finest in town with Txrifi'M in rmrli
of all.
cutts and crackers. Water Thins,
queis, icacn diow ami Uream
Our DISH LINE is the
seen ine xew ictor lamp r
Pnrsel &
Fourth & Market Streets.
ro 'U'rehj&nable Good,
Everything Fresh and New.
Commencing Monday lOih ami continuin'. 10 ilava. we
will make rebate of from 10 to 120 per cent on evcrv article in our
House Furnishing Dept.
If you want anything in Furniture lor any room, Carpet?,
Curtains, Shades, Lamps, Mirrors, Dishes. Toilet Sets, c,
l ou can t atlbrd to buy any where eUe than from us. Our
Prices were low before, but when we take off in inauy instances
20 per cent, it places our
Competitors not In it.
All you have to do is to prove this by coming and exam
ining doods.
Don't forget our Patterns are the newest
and Goods ihe freshest, many of them having
only been opened up this week.
We want your trade and it will ha to your advaatae to
buy from us.
bee our Circulars
for full Particulars.
We ve got the Goods,
u. lfiiimi
fVA1 ..... . I ; " r 1
Salted Sea Foam, Salt Bau-
jUilk always fresh and nice.
finest in town. Have you ever
We have them at 2.2.
we want your Money.
S CO. ill.