A Rrgnlnr Sell. An trlKhman In hn,rlct lurk Had irnmiM'd tlmuiiih munjr Mates, Ann ovnrywlirro wu Imdly at tick Anulrmt 111 in wore the .'hI. IIIk tnl treil clol hen were quite a alKht, Ills thin, starved Ixxly too. For nowhere could ho got a bite Or any work to do. Hn rosohofl a city thotiffh one day And tried tolii'tf a meal, Biitpvery mi-hoii turned away Tlielr anwr to concoiil. Ho awked for work, ho wn refused, l-'or bread, re ftmed attain. Until hp felt hltnmdf itbunod lly all the city inun. Wliltp piumlnu hy a Jnnlc shop which A hiny nedlitr nwim, Ilexnvy the fellow hud itotrlch On Inlying raira nnd limit'. I'at thoiitrht nw Idle, mid thun went In To Interview t ho .lew, And try nn honest meal to win An buggers oft will do. "Good mnrnlnu sir," mild Pat Inside "IK you buy ruim nnd Imhich?" "Vv yen, of rourxu" the .lew replied "Pott vy dls store I ownsl" "Well then." si. Id 'ut "my iuck prevails I'or onro In ninny a day, Bejabers! put me on the scales Auusuo how much I wululi!" It. Ti. Rkamikh. Jim Meadows' Hobby. A CHARACTER SKETCH. ND did I know Jim Meadows? Well, 1 rather tfues 1 did. The Lord only made i few like him, and t reckon the model's broken loiitf ao." La I. Swanley heaved a deen siirli. knocked tho ushes from the bowl of his corncob pipe and laid it on the tab o near him His two companions, fellow occupants oi i ne - Dur parlor" in tne l'aiacc J lot el, looked at Cal. interrogatively, which plainly meant that they expected hlin w impart mrtiier inrormauon. It could be seen, however, that Cal. was Intent unon tellim a storv whether they wished It or not, so his audience or two settled themselves In their cosy chairs and prepared to lis ten. "Seems to me I can see Jim Mead ows right now," continued Cal., after a pause, "though lie has been dead and Bono nigh on five years, lie wasn't what you might call a hand some man, though he wasauitenassa ble in looks, but tho expression on his race used to att ract everyixiuy almost at sight, it was just plain good ikv lure, Dcnevoience, generosity, or whatever you call it, and it was written right across his face clear as daylight. J im was a poor man once poor as Lazarus, but even then he used to have a reputation for doing uncommon kind acts. They say that when one of his chums, who had a large family to keep, fell sick of the fever, Jim worked overtime for two weeks and did that fellow's work so that the wife and children would not be in want. Children used to run af ter him and climb upon his shoulders everywhere he went, and many a lot of fruit and candy did lie buy for Ju venile crowds that followed him. Among the youngsters in the town he was popularly known as Santa Claus, doubtless on account of his goodness oi neart. ''Well, one day came the news that Jim Meadows had grown suddenly rich. A distant relative of his had died in Australia, leaving to Jim as next of kin a vast property, said to be worth $100,000. To those who knew tho man it w is a foregone conclusion what would become of most of the money. Not that Jim was any kind of a fool in spending. He was not a drinking man at all, and of course had no luxurious habits. But his great desire in life as a poor man was to relieve the wants of hu manity, to succor the needy, caro for tho 6ick and cheer the unfortunate. As a rich man, therefore, it was but natural that ho should put his pet schemes into practice, yet he had liis own peculiar way about doing it. Knowing his disposition, the direc tors of local charities were not slow in approaching him with appeals for aid to help swell their funds for the poor, but, to tho surprise of all, Jim met their overtures with quiet but linn refusals. '"How much will I subscribe, gen temen? Not a red cent,' he would say emphatically. 'Your ways of feeding tho iioor and mine differ. No deserving person who needs assistance need wait ten days for it if he or she comes to me. You list en to t he plead ings of a starving widow and her chil dren and tell them.in a matter of fact, business kind of way, 'Wo will have your case investigated as early as pos sible and then determine what assis tance we can give you.' And in tho meantime she and her children may starve to death she may be in her coffin when you have concluded your 'investigation.' I don't believe in theoretical charity. It must be quick, spontaneous, hearty, practical, or it don't amount to a hill of beans.' "And he wasii't going to squander any money on building or endowing churches, either. Schools he would help, but it was the real, hard work ing, deserving poor that Jim loved to aid, and ho claimed that they wanted their stomachs tilled, and their bodies clothed, in a bigger kind of a hurry than they yearned to sit in pews and fall asleep over dull sermons. "Hut from the day tho lawyers do ltoslted Jim's money In the bank for him, and gave him tho pretty little check lKok to draw whatever sums he wanted, Meadows made it a practice to go around tho poorer districts of the town and inquire into the wants and condition of the people. He was like an angel wherever ho went, spreading sunshine and happiness in places where ho found gloom and sorrow. "Hid Jim hear of a case of sickness where the family was too poor to af ford a doctor? He had one there pretty quick, and tho physician was commissioned to let no expense bar the way to good diet for the invalid. "Did lie hear of a death In any house where funeral expenses could not be raised, or would be 111 afforded? He assumed tho responsibility himself and paid all the undertaker's bills. "Did ho hearof an honest bread-winner out of work and with a family looking to him for bread? Ho took care they had bread, aye, and butter too, for both butciier and grocer received orders to supply the family with such necessaries as were required. "Did a good and respect able work man need tools before ho could start Job? Jim bought them for him. And be uever was known to meet a 11 rs 'im boy or girl upon tho street whose snoes or clothing Indicated distressful poverty, but their wants in the way "i Kiiiiiicuis were promptly attend cd to. "Love him! Tlless your hearts, there wasn't, a man in all the State more loved than Jim Meadows, nnd if the prayers of the widow, the orphan, the sick and unemployed have any weight In heaven, t here's enough of 'cm up there to offset any sins the poor fellow was ever guilt v of. "Ho used to take tho keenest sortof aengnt indolnggood on the quiet, and in unexpect ed ways. Ever hear of t he way ne naiu oil his old score again lorn Moodv. tlm t, Gaspers'? Well, it was this way. Jim and Tom were courting tho same girl -mo ono in.it is wrs. Moody now. Tom was of a lealons rilmwiHii inn unri began to be verv bitter iiiriiinxt. .lit,, when he found he was after his girl. So ho used his mean influence down at tho factory and Jim was iiimwn out or worK without any rea son. SiHin after that he had his for tune left him, and Juit, alKiut that timo (Jaspers got in difllcull ies and i ney naci to shut down the factory t Ik very Week after Tom had inurriixl Moody hadn't saved any money for a rainy day, nnd as a consequence he and his new bride wero face to face Willi IMIVITIV unit ufirv'it l,,n Vi.u nnd how d'ye think Jim Meadows got in ins revenge on loin tor tho mean t rick he had played on him? Ho just rented it cosy littlo house, put ."oo worth of furniture in it, and pre sented it with a year's rent receipt, to iur. and jirs. Aioofiy as "a girt rrom an old friend." That's tho sort of man Jim Meadows was. "Ho never dressed stvlishlyoreven expensively himself. Tho plainest kind of clothes were good enough for him. If ho was ever told that his coat looked shabby ho would quietly say, "Well, 1 can't afford a new one this month," but ho would very likely ouy a new suit mat very dav lor some poor devil or another who needed clothing badly. He was frugal in his eating, but nothing was too good for any invalid in whom ho took an inter est. "Jim used to go to tho police court nearly every morning, not out of a morbid curiosity, but just to see what, good ho could do the xnr wretches wno ouen nnd their way there. Many a line ho has paid out of his own pocket to seta prisoner free, but he never showed any sympat hy for a real criminal unless there seemed to be ev idence of u desiro to reform. He had a kindly word for all. but his was not mere verlial sympathy, his practical charity went hand in hand with his cheering disposition. "One night he saved a young girl from suicide. She was one of the class that so-called honest folks turn up their noses at, but nobody was too low for Jim to lift up if lie could doit. That girl was tired of her life of shanio and wanted to end it in the river, and she would have succeeded if .Inn had not happened by at tho tune and rescued her. She was brought up at the jHjlice court after leaving the hospital, but Jim secured her dis charge and placed her in charge of a laundry w hich he had started for just such ixKir creatures as she. She lias led a good life ever since and owns that laundry now herself, but she lias never worn any t lung except black since Jim Meadows died, and she says she never will. "Once he was told of a poor but proud family, who were living in a somewhat fashionable locality. They had sullered severe reverses ana, al- f lwimrli )tiitir lit nn In 1 1 1 v n l i w i u urmf i u ui vuuu uf in UiiiAUin'un "Hji were now living on almost bread alone. The head of tho house was dead; the eldest son had been the sole support of his mother and three sis ters since their loss of property, but for the past six weeks he also had been incapacitated for work by illness. Though desperately poor and on the verge of starvation, these people, it was known, were too dignitied and proud to accept charity, so what does Jim do but take a few directories to the house and beg the three young la dies to copy the names and addresses for him at 10 a week each. He claimed that he was in a hurry for the work, but he kept them at it nearly six weeks, and" it is said that when their labors were completed Jim just piled the manuscripts away in an old tool chest, where they were found years afterwards all mildewed and useless. Thai s tne sort oi man Jini Meadows was. "How did he die? Well now, it does seem a shame that a fellow like Jim ever uliould die, but the fact is his big fortuno dwindled away uy reason oi Ills prodigal generosity, and in eight years every cent was gone. Jim was no business man. Jio naa Deen so much occupied in providing for others that ho had forgotten to provide for himself. Ho never looked after his financial affairs, but just kept draw ing money out as ho needed it and giv ing it away right and left. So in the end of course tho crash came, and Jim was as poor as ever. He went to work at his old trade, but the thought that he could no longer beneiit ins ieuow man as ho used to, preyed uKn his mind. Ho could not bear to look up on suffering and bo unable to relieve It, and so, in the courso or a very iew months, tno worry uroho uowu ins Poult h. and after a brief siiell he died, and his last act was to will all his lit tle personal effects to tno poor cooDier who had attended ou him in ids tlual "A funeral! Oosh, such none as that was! There wero more real mourners followed Jim to the grave, more tear stained faces and sorrowing hearts in that sad procession than ever attend ed any funeral of king, statesman or philosopher. There wasn't a spark of selllshness in Jim's whole nature. All ho thought about was helping others, and tho grief-stricken crowds that stood around in that cemetery and sobbed aloud in their anguish when that coitln was lowered into the grave, had experienced his generosity themselves. Tho city put a monu ment over his head, but bah! what s a piece of cold marble amount to? Ills name is engraved indelibly in the hearts of thousands, and they will hardly ever tire of telling their chil dren and grandchildren in coming years tho sort of man Jim Meadows wllq J. S. i. was.' Quite True. "Don't you think that liberated convict is like a period?" "In what way?" "He's at the end of a sentence." Anecdotes of Actors WRITETlHaysthat no vocation in lire is so susceptible to the influence of wit and humor as that of the actor. Tho stage Is practically the distributor of amusement, so it i but natural that its votaries should excel in the production of entertaining stories nnd anecdotes. Many volumes nave been published which wero de voted to the bright Hayings and witty repartee of famous actors, but a few nitiierto unpublished anecdotes living Thespians may prove both new ana interesting. In Nat Goodwin's early days in th proicssion no had tho tnislort une t work under a manager who was muc addicted to drink, and w ho. In sue cases, becamo very irritable and quar lelsome. When laboring under tin Influence, it was not unusual for him to dischargo tho whole staff, from st a down to property man, but of course tno company tooK littlo notice ol theso spasmodic ebullitions fif temper, as tney were pretty well used to him uno nignt tins manager, while, mo rosely nursing one of ids period i "Jags" came across Goodwin in tin green room. "Seo here. Goodwin." said he. trv Ing to steady himself, and closing oik eyo ho as to get tho right focus on t he comedian. "I've a d d good notion to discharge you on tho siot. "No doubt." replied Nat cal ml v. "and perhaps you would if vou were sooer enougn to uud the spot. ' lioland Head Ixiasts of a nasal organ which is certainly not obscure. He has been frequently twitted altout his prominent leature, hut never more rudely than fine winter's day when an acquaintance accosted mm on iiroad way with, "Hallo, Keed, I met your noso on tne other block: and it looked awfully cold." "Can't hem it, my boy." replied tho comedian without stopping, "I scratched it as far as I could reach!" Walter Q. Seabrooke was formerl v a bariK cierK in Mt. Vernon, JN. Y. The lirst position lie secured on tho stage was at a very lenient salary and he sometimes found it difilcult to make ends meet. A Wall Street broker owed him a littlo money, and onoday Seabrooko went to seo him with the intention or collecting. While pa- iieniiy waning in an ante-room loran Interview, another gentleman, evi oeniiy a stranger, came lit in some what of a hurry and asked, "Kxeuse me, are you the broker?" "No," re plied Seabrooke doggedly, "but I'm the fellow that m broke!" When Henry K Dixey was playing nt the Gaiety Theatre in London he gave a very successful nnd artistic lm personation or llenry Irving, thepo- ir jMignsn tragedian. A certain section of tho Lockncy plav-iroers re sented Dixey's burlesque, clever as it was. Uomakolun of Henry Irv nir seemed almost sacrilegious. Maid one bitter critic to Jlixey, sarcastically. nt.... t- , . . . -r jiuu oi course you are uouno to intro duce that part, as your caricature of Irving is the only 'meat' you have in the play." "Yes, that's so," replied Adonis sadly, "audi m bound to make aume or him, you sec!" ne woir Hopper, of "Wane" and 'Tanjandum" fame, as those who nave seen him will remember, pos sesses a pair or wonderrully long legs, wiucii lie uses to good purpose in his grotesque and amusing dances. (In one occasion the comedian had to travel from tho depot Ur liis hotel in tho regular stage, which was nearly crowded. The man opposite to Hop per complained loudly aixiut the hit ter's knees and rather rudely e claimed, "Your darned legs till the whole car." "That's nothing." re plied Hopper cheerfully, "they fre quently nil the whole house!" JOU.N lvlUSTO?i, Iterlprot'lly. We were f rhuids of lontf years standing, Jliyuiv Jones ti lid I. perforce, With u frleiidshh) still exnaudlnit lly continued Intercourse. Tllf wo met a lovely creature l.iku an anuci from above. Beautiful in every feature wnti tier we uoiii leu in lore. Jimmy won her won hor fairly. Though 1 Mtrove to (ruin her hand With such loving wordu ua rarely I was able to command. Jimmy married her, and placed her i n a mansion ncai. Him iriiu, When her bridal costuiuo graced hor lleavuim how 1 envied Jim! Years have passed, and I'm still hIukIu, Kancv free, euloviinr life. With my friends 1 dully mlnde All un moved uy worldly sirnu. Immy's iirown quite thin and weary, Oulte a saddened man to see Married life to ti 1 tit Is dreary .uercy, now ue euvloa me: - KllANK I'KRBBTT. Some Notes on Etiquette. Don't walk in a stooping posture in public places. It shows bad form. in ever pass baa money in a street car. it is not jure to tne connuctor. Don't pick your teeth before com any. Go pick them by yourself and pick the best you can get for the money. it is bad taste to eat peas witn a knife, but tho peas will taste Just as tfotKl. IX) not try to kiss si range nicnes on the street or you might get a return smack. Don't write letters to any girl but your own. courting is an rignt, out not breacu-or-proniise courting. Do not sneale insolently to a Digger man than yourself or the result may be striking. Never eat or drlnK more man you can carry, t ou are name to give yourself a-welgh. lm not mi opposite a luuy in a puo- lic conveyance. She is likely to look cross at you. It is not correct to swear oerore la dies. If they want to swear lirst, let them do it. Don't trv to have the last word, es pecially with your wife. That is her prerogative. in ever SiriKO a IUIIU wucu ue 10 mmn. When lie gets up again lie might knock the stuffing out of you. Don't say "JNo, thank you," wnen a fellow offers you a 25-cent cigar. It is rude, besides being untruthful. C. S. Both Alike. .TunsEY. What becamo of the ras cal who bit a piece out of Chumley's arm? ... Meadows. lie was nouno over 10 keep the .peace. u And wnai am tney uu wi buuiuic; arm? . ... That was bound over to Keep me piece tool I tiiWi J .III, I .i .il-a Nut Oood Knorigh. "Keep your own counsel;" the word area wnrnltiff To all who are apt to bo free with the uuiKiie, Do not, such wine admonition bo scorning l'oudor It deeply, life's duties amoiiK. "Keep Tour own counsel;" the motto Is cniciiy Meant for tho people who chatter too loud, To sneak not too much imi. oi novice noil is iriven outto nrieity or yourself In a crowd "Koep your own counsel;" 'tis wiser and hotter Not to talk much of your private affairs, Oossli) Is certain to he I he heiretter Of doubts and misgivings, of troubles and 'Keep your own counsel;"- -that Is, if yim'rt Anne chnrites verv oxtravsitant fees. unr. And I doubt If he'd salislled feel nt my table. Ur whether my bank-book his wants could appeasu. .Tour II. TliUB, What She Says When Kissed. Iloston girl Mr. liunkerhill, your coiKiuci shocks me bevond utterance. New York girl Thanks awfully, uon u you Know. Providence girl Oh. mamma! Philadelphia girl Are you sure no- oonysawus;' Haltimore girl Dear George! Washington (iirl Well, I suppose I'll have to pardon you. Pittsburg girl Oh Harry! Cincinnat i girl What had form! Indianapolis girl Ah. there! Chicago girl Morel More! Det roit girl Well, I declare! Louisville girl Yum. yum! St. Louis girl How shocking! Nashville girl Oo! Oo! Atlanta girl Golly! New Orleans girl Oh, my! Kan. City girl Ilreakaway, there! Denver girl Gosh t San Francisco girl Rats! Texas girl Whoop la! .Every girl Oil, don't! Had Thing to Walk On. .Tok. Talk about fastim?! Whv Tilkins walked 27 miles tho other dav on an empty stomach! Jim. Why didn't ho uso his feet instead of his stomach? Sized Her I'p. "Do vol 1 t.lilnlr T nm a nli.o erlriu" asked Edith of her lover, as she leaned her KiO jxiunds on him while they sat in the armchair. "Nice? llless you, dear, I think vou are tmnioi.se!" replied tho youth fer vently. Smiling Itooin Needed. The fellow who laughs In his sleeve Should have, we must presume, If we the statement would believe, A lot of "elbow room." It Is Given Him. The Judge may bo in greatest haste, The Jury be quite hurried, aiiu uouunt'i n.ivc no iimu uo waste nd the witnesses be Hurried. The ushers and spectators, too, way mime aeiay a crime, Put the convict one thing has to do And that is, "take his time." A Pressing I'.nuuceineiit. Maud Just look at Arthur kissintr inn nugging ins cousin ,iuua: i i , . , . .... Mamie ies. I knew thev were un friendly. "Unfriendly? What do you mean?" tase or 'xtrumca rttntumif, isn t it?" A I nlque Firm. Jacksox lam dealing exclusively n ieveroiow s now. it is the most reliable house in the country to-day. iiiomi'son now do you make that ippear? I hey don't cla m to have crot a prize medal at the World's Fair.'' In the Cireen Itoom. Leading Gent The staue manag er has cast that new fellow for Ham let. Low Comedian What on earth for? 'He said he was hungry for bread. so they gave him a heavy role." HAVE YOU USED f Biusn V 33 ...OF... 4J Roses? TRY A BOTTLE and YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED with the Result. Beautiful Women All over the world wiy that Miss Flora B. ones' Famous 'HLL'SII OK KOSKS" Is the nest toilet article made fni n.tm.viittr Pim ples, Black-heads, Freckles and Tan. For wlilleiilnir the skill. It tukes t in. nlnen nf powder, and once used tho powder box will he punished forever. It is 1'osiTiVKi.Y free from all poisonous In Rredients, and will not harm the. most deli cate skin. As a complexion heautlfler It Is without a rival. Theliuest toilet, article In the world. Price 75 cts. For Sale by all Druggists. NO POH CIROULAR TO MISS FLORA B. JOES, South Ccnd.lnd. If muttering from Head ache or Aeuraluia take Jr. Mile a' -T O w - ... cm re auicklu, taste pteamantlu, and coat only X5 rent. Bicycles NO A0ENT3. Wo sell f rorrt l.ulnlninia Hi. nuoiesuia prices, piup lor examination before sale. Ours at Wl.71 same as airouts sell for 175; ours nt,vt.; game as uueutH sell at liuOi ours at i?7.tK), Wood Kims, 2Tlhs., same as any llil wheel. U stylus, 115.62 to 177.60. Cat alogue free. Af.TIK CYCLIC CO., IClkbart, lad. WRITE for Dr. Mile' Jloofc on AVnxiu nnd Heart I )ieaM entitled "hew and Startling t'aetH." Kvtryimt nhauUl have and read U AiUtreu the I'mdent uf Hit DR. niLBS rtEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Fads About the Heart Surprising as It may seem, diseases of two of tho most vital portions of the human body have received but littlo attention from medical writers and investigators. They aro those o tho heart and nervous system. The former is tho hardest worked organ o tho body, whose duty it is to keep every pari, or tne nunian rranio con stantly supplied with the vital fluid called the blood, and tho moment thi ItniHirtanfc organ ceases to beat death ensues, while in the nervous system resldo not only the mind but Hie seat of life, and upon its condition depend the health and activity of tho whole or a part, er tno txidy. ,so delicate i tho nervous system and so intimately' Is It connected with the heart, that the prick of a needle, in theuppt jiortion of the spinal cord, where the roots of the nerve which controls the actum of tho heart are located, will eiiiinu insiariu cicatn. Weaknesses and diseases of this or gan aro thereforo exceedingly impor tant., us wen as common, ingnau t horlties state that one person in four has a defective heart, v hilo 1 hose of a whole ramily are often imperfect, and what is more surprising is t hat. two- thirds of tho persons thus affected are not aware of tho fact, but in their iir norance. attribute t he svmtitonis of n diseased heart, such ns shortness of breath, palpitation, nam in the chest etc., to other causes. And what is more stranire still, nhvsicians corn monly make the same mistake. In the lirst stages of heart disease thev utmost, universally tail into this fatal error, oecause too lit tie is taught con cerning this all important organ in our medical colleges. Tho symptoms oi iiciirouiseaso are given below, and snouia oecareiuny read by everyone. Scarcely a daily paper can bo found that does not contain a notlco nf tin. sudden death, from heart disease, of some prominent person who was smcKen down without warning while apparently m m0 best or health and bodily vigor. Hut this condition was only apparent; premonitory symptoms had long existed but wero not recog nized, or wero attributed to wmm ot her affection, as wero thoso of Gen eral Nieridan in liis lirst attack, when pnysicians treated him for derange inent or tho stomach, but which siilv senuently proved to be organic disease of the heart. Few rhvsici:in nro iware of the fact that hi art riisoiiso i I frequent cause of fund ioniil nnd or. ganic disorders of tho stomach, lungs aim Kiuneys. ew persons die of chronic disease ar tho heart whose stomachs, n examined, would not be round to bo affected. Tho frequent nun iaiai error is in mistaking tho ef fect for the cause. The heart is a hollow musclo situ ated between tho lungs, a little to the left of the centre of the chest. In the adult it is about five inches long, three and a half wide and two and a half thick. Tho average weight in man is three-fourths of a pound, w hile in wo man it is two-thirds. It is divided in to halves, the right and tho left. Each side is sub-divided into two cav ities. The right side of the heart receives tho dark blood from the veins of the body, and forces it into the lungs to become purified by coining in contact with the air. While in the lungs the blood throws off carbonic acid gas and absorbs oxygen. This process changes the dark red blood to a bright red. It then returns to theheart,cntering the left side; from thence it is forced through t he arteries to all parts of the body. Tho heart contains four sets of valves. Two of these separate t he up per and lower cavities of each side. These, like the valve, or sucker in a pump, perform an important duty. From t liis necessarily brief descrip HEART DISEASE is incurable according to most doctors, but recent discoveries have proved that the contrary is true. In medical knowledge there has been rapid progress, the acme of success was reached in the discovery of DR. MILES' NEW HEART CURE, which not only relieves heart troubles of every kind promptly, but in almost every case effects a per manent cure. Letters are being daily received tes tifying to the marvelous cures that it has made in cases where the sufferers had been given up to die. No matter how bad or chronic the case may be, "where there is Dr. Miles' Heart Cure there is hope." For sale by all druggists at $1 per bottle, or will bo sent on receipt of price, prepaid, by the DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Indiana. ELKHART CARRIAGE and IfllTQ Bold to MRinnari faw 91 v..i $ILM bhvIiih them the dealer profit. W are the OldmtaDil Lurieit mnnuiaianreri in Amer ica Bullllltf Vehlitli'll and llarm,HM Lliiu ...-ahln with prlvUpjte to examine before aiif money la paid. We pay 1 relnlit both wayaKnot ailKlac lory. Warrant for 3 yearn. Why pay anavenlllO tofMto ordcrfor you? noiina-iree. wo lane Dipping. WHOLESALE Spring Wagons, $31 to S50. Guaranteed ama aaaell forajotoim,. Surreys, S63 to SIOO am aa Mil fur ioo to ai.K). fop Buggies, S37.SO, aa fine aiold fur 5. Phatons,$66 to SIOO. Farm Wagons, Wagonettes, Milk Wagons, Delivery Wagons and Road Carts. niniLts ton nth, wuanit a tuiLuui. No. 87. Borrar Uaraew. ... rm"J No.ilb, Top Buggy. $43.00 No. 1, Karm miriw.ir- i m zrtrj i a , u a l H11HNU aADULEH aa4 KLV NETS, a vepeenU off flip eab with order. wnd a aUuapa to pay portaae oa No. Si Farm Wagon. Addraa. W. B. PRATT. Sec'y, ELKHART, IND. All iUustnUiorui and siytxed artickt in tion It will be seen that this Impor tant organ Is quite, a complicated ma chine, and like all ot her complicated apparat us may readily get out of or der, which, experience shows, it often does. Yes, a great deal oftener than people usually Imagine. A little in vestigation will convince anyone that there is ample reason why it should, when It Is remembered that the heart Is but a hollow muscle, and by far the most wonderful and lniKrtant in the Ixidy, and that it works incessantly from the beginning to the end of life. Day and night It labors without rest, performing such an eimrniini amount, of work as to be almost In-yond Ix-lief. Physiologists inform us that with each pulsation, or contraction, of the heart, it exerts 50 jiounds of force, which amounts to 3,i(XI a minute, iilii.OiM) an hour, and tho inconceivable number of 5,184.000 in a single day I Now, it is necessary that all this vast amount of labor should be done, and well done, every day. If not, tho health will surely suffer in consequence of the least failure on t he part of the heart to perform its duties. When it is rcniem1)ered that the lungs are often weak, as are tho eyes, stomach, liver, kidneys, and in fact every organ, Is it at all surprising that such a hard worked organ as this one should also become weak or diseased? Again, is it astonishing t hat when in jured by overwork, when exhausted by ino use or coiicc, tohacco and other heart stimulants, or by tight clothing. which interferes wit h lis expansion, rendering its labors more dillicult, or by many other causes t hat might be given, would space permit, that the heart becomes weak or diseased? Nor Is it strange that, when thus weakened and exhausted it should suddenly give out in consequence of any undue men tal or physical strain, anil tho posses sor drop dead. This can perhaps be intelligently explained by coiunaring it with the eye. contrary to the general sunnos it on. heart disease is as readily benefitted bv Judicious treatment as disease of any other organ. When people learn to rec ognize the symptoms of this dread de stroyer, they will then readily discover that there are as many defective hearts as there are eyes, Jungs, stom- achs, kidneys and wombs. It there fore behooves everybody to carefully investigate this interesting and im portant subject. '1 here aro two classes of heart dis ease: b irst, the nervous or functional. Second, the organic, those in which the lonn orsul)stanceof t he heart Is changed. Theso two classes aro not, as the majority of physicians suppose, distinctly separated from each other. i no nervous class is, according to Dr. Miles' extensive experience intreatintr heart disease, often only the first stage of the organic class. Or, at least, ner vous heart troubles, are so frequently followed, in tho courso of time, by tho worst and most fatal forms of disease as to show that nervous affections strongly predispose to form tho first stage of the disease. Dr. Miles lias kept for years careful record of the cases treated by him, It includes in herited tendencies and the verv first symptoms of weakness of the heart observed by tho patients. Of thous ands of cases thus recorded by the Doctor, most of the worst ones began with tho nervous symptoms, which physicians decided were merely due to tno siomacn ornver. All who experience any of the fol lowing symptoms should promptly se cure relief. Shortness of Breath. Fluttering or Falpitntion, Tains in Left Breast, Side, Shoulder or Arm, Neuralgia or Intermittent Pains, Oppressed Feel ing in Chest, Choking Sensation in Throat, Weak or Hungry Spells, Dreaming or Nightmare. Smothering Spells. Difficult or Asthmatic Breath- ng, .swelling of the Feet or Ankles, tc, etc. HARNESS MFG. CO. Write your own order. an riat PRICES. finale, Mtoauo No. 727, Boad Wagon. $55 Harueaa. Rlkhart Bicycle, Mln.wheela, pneumatic tlrea, weldleaa I IV-paao eataiuaae. aieui iuoina, tirop lorginaa. tftis cover urt Vupyrighted. J894. No. 781, Surrey. SB.bC .';IIvi- V'Vly