The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 16, 1894, Image 6

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    home-mad fertilizers.
-arc n1 Foresight Will Hart Mncli Need.
1pm i.
Ttm fnllnwlnir In from tho Ohio Fnr-
mer: Lot us look nt mi nvcniKo burn- ty of nnturo renlinnlilo to rrcry one.
yartl nn tlmt amy be mot with most If we hop n negro in tho street of
anywhere. Here we see a large pile of Iondon we Immediately recognize the
horse ninnure steaming nwny na though broad differeuce that marks lilm "it
on lire. Here n jitlo of cow manure from tho common mass of white men
all frozen so It cannot rot Its own lit- by whom be Is surrounded. But that,
tr before summer. There a pile of of course, Is only because wo take nu
dry corn slnlks, ns they have been Individual Instance. We say quite dog
thrown out of the feeding-room. In matlcally: "Tills man Is black, thick
one part of the yard stands n straw Upped, tint-nosed; 1 call hi in a negro,
stack Unit the cattle run n round nnd These other men are white, thin-lipped,
pnll down, but tho scatterings are left sharp-nosed; 1 call them Europeans."
close around the stack, nnd nre tramp- Quite so; that is true, relatively, to
1 two feet deep, while n, few feet the small nrea and restricted number
from the stack the ground may be of cases you have then and there ex
seen. The corner of the yard where a mined. But now suppose you go on
the outdoor feeding Is tlont If the only .to the Scudan n rather dillicult thing
portion that Is In any order for manure, to manage just at present, Mr. Cook's
Now I will leave It to my readers If through Ixmklius to Khartoum being
I have not described nn nvernge bnrn- temporarily suspended nnd start from
yard. This is where farmers nre to thence down the Nile through Nubia
blame. It is but little trouble to keep to Alexandria. At first on your way
onr barnyards In proper shape if we you would see few but thoroughly
only will. Let us ask the proprietor of negroid faces black skins, thick lips,
onr sample lmrnynrd If he has so much tint noses, etc., according to sample,
work during winter that he cannot nt- As you moved northward Into Egypt,
rend to his yard. His answer will be: however, you would soon begin to And
"No, but I thought the bamynrd could that, while the skin remained as black
take care of Itself." With most of far- or I. early as black as ever, tho rea
mers there is a great deal of spare time tures were tending slowly, ou the aver
during tho winter. Their work, aside age, to Europennlze.
from stock feeding, is not very push- Yet there would be nowhere a spot
Ing, nnd a day's time now nnd then where you could say definitely: "Here
would not be missed. Let us have that I leave behind me the Nubian type
day once In a while to straighten up nnd arrive at the Egyptian." Never
that yard, nnd 1 will see to It that you even could you pick out three or four
are paid for It next fall. Let us take nien quite certainly from a group on
a fork every few days and go around some riverside wharf, overshadowed
thnt straw stack, taking the loose straw by douni palms, and say on. the evl
that Is under foot nnd cover up thnt donee of skin and features alone;
bare spot of ground. Throw It wher- "These men are Soudanese, nnd the
ever the manure Is thin, and the cattle remainder nre Nubians."
will train!) It more, making better man- Then, tf von went on still thrnmrh
ure or the straw, wnue it neips mo siniil nnd rnlostlne the regular Eust
iunlity of what Is nlrendy there. Take 0rn tour you would find nt each step 1
a horse nnd sled every week or so, nnd
move that pile of horse manure nnd
thnt pile of corn-stalks. But them
around In thin spots In your yard, like
you did that straw, and then see what
a difference It makes In your yard,
Above that cow manure pile just have
a few stock hogs where they enn get
at It. and I dnro sny It will be tnken
care of. Two or three hogs nre the
best aids you enn find to nsslst about
the ynrds but In justice to the hogs I
will say that it not tho best thing
stock n tint h r m
thoroughly scatter the uiauurc pile to
secure the corn. ;
But now let us look a little to the
bedding of our cows nnd horses. You
reau oi v or !;... ui '";
. liquid manure by troughs and pits, but
yon say you caunot do that way. 1
wflL tell you what you enn do. Go to
uf a nice bed to sleep on. and they
come out of the stable looking clean,
fnstenl of reminding you of a walk
ing manure pile, ns we often see cattle
that nre poorly bedded. There nre
,me who have not got this extra
amount of straw to lavish on their
stock. To all iuch I say, go to your
nearest saw-mill nnd geVs'awdust, and
.... .. .
ise freely ror bedding, ns tins is as
m-nrly as good an absorbent ns straw,
and makes gocw bedding.
your own home-made fertilizers, and
-e bow' much you can Increase them,
mr ey
it every opportunity turn a band to-
rmndle what we have already saved,
as to Improve the quality, and re-
Inee the quantity, thus lessening the
expense of removing to the field. .1
Ouiintitv f Seed to an Acre,
Tr&att r rro vfc unr
. i t .,,., surface, which gives a grip on tho
n;i t in hi ii-iiiuitt, ii j vui vtiiiic ui u , , . ... . -
i i., ,i. .i.i l,.. ,m snow wnen going up niu. it is ias-
llll tvriu ill tiivj nuiiiv., iiutn TV 111
flint otfo xt dinid; ntwl tnL-a l'lfffulv nf
" ' . ' , " r ' "1 u .ii i,"i Kunnlng, or rather skat ng, on snow
STrln nt 'I Lt nL heir he 1 Opi Nlly COlintiy,
be afraid of It, tat mnkp tMr ld- wUh ht 1Rt on u J ,
,UK . l'lv.n in tMmnn of th0 m08t exhilarating forms of ex-
Sin in cleaning v r htedS Thp 8," ls not '
"he'strawloo dos" bu'VhwwouJ TX'XZVj
all that. Is dirty nnd till up ngniu with f,t four or flvJ verlts an hour is 1
clean wtraw. The result will be that .J1?1:. ,5. f Tf8!8 .aa, aour,.
von are savinir neurlv ' all the linuld lo,1K',1(,rl'11 KolKI B'""B Ior " ms-
uTantrea "woU n sAXovn& an'eon a ""t eonsldably
It. nnd tou have not had any of the more can bo done. 1 he double shutflo
tumble you xcJre so afraid of. More- liMi ol.l eodor used to develop on
' " . ..... . oeeislon tllun lis with enw nnrl no-
over, your cows nave nau tne uencnt
IVnw niv hmth..r f minora Blleh of """" tv" i-iw-iuuciiimig
vo ns'w 1 n ot iSh hed o the subiect v,'U,clty- nn(1 " lll11"tful fuelln ot th
yon ns wm not . mc uetii to tiie absence of all effort, till your momen-
fflrS Zd rSKr -wvon the plain
TUe following should be kept for length of beard seems to Weigh with
reference: "Barley, broodcast, two to them more than the stock of brains.
hree bushels; bean, pole, In Mils, ten , Admiral Keppel was sent to Algiers
jo twelve quarts; beets, In drills, live to demand satisfaction for tho injuries
:x six pounds; broom corn, In hills, done to his Britannic Majesty's sub
lgbt to ten quarts; buckwheat, one jects by their corsairs. The Dey, en
mshel; cabbage, iu beds, to transplant, raged at the boldness of the nmbas
lnlf pound; carrots, In drills, three to sador, exclaimed that he wondered at
xmr pounds; Chinese sugar cane, Vlie Insolence of the English monarch
.welve quarts; clover, nil, alone, lif- Iu sending him a message by a beard
rven to iweiity pounds; clover, alslke, less boy.
ibme, eight to ten pounds; clover, lu- The Admiral, somewhat nettled, re
ivnu' or alfalfa, twenty pounds; corn, plied that If bis master had supposed
:a hill, eight to ten quarts; corn, for wisdom was to bo measured by the
willing, three bushels; cucumber, in leugth of the beard, be would doubt
ails, two iioiiiids; flax, broadcast, one less have sent the Dey a he-goat. This
md one-bait' bushels; grass, Kentucky answer so enraged the Dey that ho
:lue, time bushels; grass, orchard, ordered bis mutes to attend with the
three bushels; grass, English rye, two bow-strings, saying the Admiral should
.iushel.; grass, red top, three bushels; pax for his boldness with bis life,
-.ti-s, timothy, one-half bushel; grass, Nothing daunted by this threat tho
Eiungarlau. one bushel; grass, mixed ambassador took the Dey to the wln
'.i.wn, four bushels; hemp, one and one- dow, nnd showing lilni the English
alf bushels; mustard, brondcast, half fleet, said if it was bis plensure to put
.iishel; melon, musk, In hills, two to him to death, there were Englishmen
,ii'ce pound.; melon, wnter, In hills, , enough In that fleet to niaku him a
mr to Ave pounds; millet, common, ' glorious funeral pile. The Dey, who
iroridct'Ht, one bushel; oats, broadcast, I wore a long beard, took tho bint from
wo to three bushels; onion, In drills, ' the man who had none.
ive to kIx pounds; onion for sets. In
lrill:J, thirty pounds; onion, sets, In
'rill. :U to twelve bushels; parsnips,
dr il:-, four to six pounds; peas, tn
:r!Ib', one and one-half bushels; pens,
mad'-HM', three bushels; potatoes (cut
aberst. t. n bushels; pumpkin, In hills,
'i.uv i six pounds; radish, In drills,
Iglit to tou pounds; rye, broadcast,
".( tiiid one-half to two bushels; snl
Ify, I i drills, eight to ten pounds;
ofiiMci', in drills, twelve to fifteen
liiuu.N; sge, In drills, eight to ten
mun is; Mu i;:h, bush varieties, In h!l'
'.,cr t i!x iKunds; squash, running
niU !'u .', hills, three to four pounds;
oui.;tot , to transplant,, quarter pound;
uru'p. in drills, one pound; turnip,
road'-est, half pound; vetches, broad
ast, iv..t to three bushels; and wheat,
).id "ast, oue and ono-half to two';ol.i."
How Ilie Iliimnn Itnoo Oriultmtos from
lllm-k to Whlto.
A fninlltnr human cxiunplc will ninkrt
IhN Ki'iirrnl linnUlllncHU anil uiuvrtriln-
the tints getting lighter nnd the fares J
more Semitic. I'nsslng further through
Constantinople, Athens, South Italy, !
you would ulwcrve nt each change a
lighter complexion nnd more European j
stylo, till nt last, ns you crossed Brov- I
,.uce anj approached central Franco, !
you would nrrlve pretty well nt tho
fmnlllar Encllsh irne of fneo nnd fen.. 1
ture. The Coruhlll Magazine.
The Kow-si,e.
Rnss,nu moyvM ,8 , tMn
S,r,n of "ell-seasoued birch wood.
ieuB" ,u l,J ' "
Pfr;1" r.t:ti,,?t,t:.,lnil .ll'cIl .V"
tUe olonctz ponsnnt nlmo(it uvea dur
ing the winter shooting down tho
steepest bills, scaling the most dilll
,',. ' A thint.
cult slopes, nnd traversing the thick
est nnd most broken forest with an
ease that seems well-nigh miraculous.
miration. Snow-shoeing down bill, !
however, is the "cream" of the sport. I
A few quick steps launch you into ,
space, nnd, bringing your shoes pnrnl- j
lei, leaning slightly forward, swaying '
your to nuut the inequnllties of
the ground, nnd guiding yourself with
a long stick provided with a knob at
oao vu& Atol against tho
nnw nun n Vinolt nf the otlier enn with
snow, and a hook at the other end with
which you may "hang on ' to any ,
handy tree when ascending a hill
going back again
is a different matter, and on a -slip-
'"".Li' t, T" ' ";J "
bottom of the hU1' :
i10 loors t neir oeams
weight, to their oath, which after this
formality they rarely violate. Tho
An Klcctrlcal Typewriter.
An electrically operated typewriter
has been for some time lu use In Bos
ton, which Is so arranged that It may
not only be used lu the ordinary man
lier for ofllee correspondence and copy
lug, but may be electrically connected
with a similar instrument at u dls
t.tnee, so that a copy of the work may
be automatically reproduced thereon,
even In the absence of nn nttendaut
Such a machine apparently possessor
great possibilities of futuro uscfuhicsn
Forewt IteMiurcea.
The value of tho product derived
from our forest resources n mounts to
more than $1,ju0,0m) annually, nnd Is
: unmnHHod In the value of annual nrod-
,., iv no other single Industry except-
I jng agriculture.
frnnf nnd with n uilirht lntirH Mtrt In nl I
UeiUW. IUl UOII1K OltCH. UKtUU UU, lllitfc
Things Worth Knowing.
To clean the dingy rattan chair that
has never been painted wash it in hot
milk in which a little salt is dissolved.
Steel knives or other articles which
have become rusty should be rubbed
with a little sweet oil, then left for a
day or two in a dry place, and then
rubbed with fintly powdered, unslack
ed lime until every vestige of the rust
has disappeared, and kept in a dry
place wrapped up in a bit of flannel.
There is false economy, which costs
more than it returns; such as saving
old medicine bottles, partially used pre
scriptions, the tacks taken from the
carpet, or working days to save or make
that which can be bought for a few
In packing bottles or canned fruit
for moving slip a rubber band over the
body of them.
The introduction of grated
apples into cake is voted a
great A neat laundry bag can be made of
white Java canvas worked in block
pattern with red embroidery cotton.
How to Keep Ice in a Sick Room.
A very simple but little known
method of keeping ice i to draw s
piece ot thick flannel tightly over
some deep vessel, like a bowl, for
instance, and fasten it there. The ice
is placed on top of this drumhead and
covered loosely by another piece of
fljnnel. In this condition the ice
keeps cold and even freezes to the
flannel. Thus a small piece of ice can
be kept near the patient all night, so
as to avert many weary marches up
and down stairs to the refrigerator.
To break the ice a sharp needle or
hat pin is the best thing Force it in
and you will be astonished to see how
easily it will divide the ice Youth's
The amount of cold coin in actual
circulation in the world is estimated
by the Bank of England officials to be
about S65 tons.
Thousands of Women Suffer Dally for
Years without t'oinpluinlng.
Men cannot know tho sensibilities hid
den in the delicate organisms of women.
I liousands suffer without
knowing why, and die the
death daily for want of
knowledge that relief Is bo
close at hand.
Lydia E. Pivikham
will forever stand
highest In the love of
suffering women.
Because she discov
ered the cause of
woman's weakness
and suffering, and
found the means to
remove It.
Diseases of the
Uterus and ovarian
troubles are most uni
versal; you can see
their ravages in palo
faces; it is inicated
by halting steps, diz
ziness, faintness, Irri
tability, melancholy,
extreme lassitude,
nervousness, sleep
lessness, and disturb
ances of the stomach.
You will hear your friends speak of the
'readful "backache," the crushing sense
of " bearing down."
Lydia E. PlnkhauCs Vegetable Com
pound for twenty years has saved women
from all this. Hear tills woman speak:
" No man ever suffered a single pang
like unto wtmian.
"Women, therefore, gladly turn to a
woman for sympathy, counsel, and help
In their peculiar troubles.
" Lydia E. BinkUam deserves the con
fidences show
ered uponherhy
thousands. Her
Vegetable Com
pound has done
than any other
" Tho great
cause of wo
man's misery Is
In her womb.
Lydia E. Bink
batn's Vege
table Compouud gopsdirect to the source of
trouble, drives out disease, and cures back
ache, fainting, despondency, bloatlug,
ovarian troubles, and leucorrhoja.
" I would have been In my grave If I had
not taken Mrs. Binkham's medicines."
Mits. Hannaii Hyde, Bethel, Ind.
If you want work (hat U pleasant niH jirodtf 'ilo,
feiuf ua our miiht' itmnt'ditili h . v it ik It iiicii
tool Himen innv lu t'Ut ti liuui fe-5.(Ki yni tluv lo
H. pfr 'iir without hi.n.;; tiuu irt Ifiit
i'XK'iit'tico,:iUu (iiruili Iil iinpl'i im ul at wiiuli
ItiL-y can iiiaUe tlml umount. iSotttlnt: liilhcuti In
iiiii n nr lliat rtMiuitoi iniieli time J lit- wotk in
any, lifHUliy.umi honorabk', iiiul can Iikkihc dur
I ! i , tlitytiuif or cvei iii'n, rif:'lit iu onrimi li-nil
itv, wiiiTPv-r ymt llv. I'lio ri-ult of n f-iv
IiotirH work oflen chjiuiU n wiM-k wnfft i".
v luivc laiiL'lit iltuiu inulf of bntli hi vt tintl fill
njrc, nnd many liavo laid fmiudutioi. li.Kt will
Hiirnly bvtif litem rlclioa . homr ol the BiMinlct
pu n In ihii cuii r.t ry owe t!u ii nrrccKM in life to
tlin start kIvimi liicni whllu iu our employ y mi
nao, Vou, r'ndtr, mnv 1( n try it, Vou
cfiunnt fHil. No capital nco Bsnrv. Vi'lir ynuout
with nontflliliiK I It ii I in nt'M , Molid, ami hi ire. A
hook brimful of ndvire U f n to till, llflpynur
iiclt by w i it I n p for it to-Uiiy not to morrow,
Delnyt are costly.
E. C. ALLC?J & CO.,
Box 420,
Warren A. Reed.
lows f
Harrows I
convince the
skentic and txint the
way which if followed leads to
ITm bon nnt nn In
And hi.a hAAn it.Afl
... . ' ' ' ..w I . "I .WW u uiiuini AiiiBtruui, u,
doubtful reputation, but a genuine peclllo fur
a Terr prevulent dlseaae. Thousand of men, ol
all tie, bnve at auuie time In life brought oq
nervum dubllltr and exbitustlon, wllh orminlo
weHkuesn, br over brain work, ezeoBHea.too fro.
quont lnrtuluonce or Indiscretion and Tlclon
bubiM.and It Is to tbese that we offer a remedy
th:i twill, br Its direct action upon the seat of tba
dlnense, stop the druln and restore the patient to
Vigorous health and strenvlh. .
Our method of lutrodniHng ' '
Prof. Harris' Pastille
treatment Is one which commends Itself to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply it
noon their Judgment of Its ralue. Weaikof our
pntrons nothlns In the way ' erpense beyond a
ptjctalcnrd and a two cent postage stamp. Tba
poHtul enrd to be usod In sending us their full ad
dreaa nnd the postage stamp for the letter return
Ing the statement of their cose for which ws
supply them with a question blank, to be tilled
out, and an envelope addressed to ourselves fur
use In returning It when oiled.
In prlTRto practice.
".l wnen we receive the state.
1 14 ment on blank we prepare
1 asLfaas eightduys' treutment and for.
kj" ward It by mall and prepay
Tfjfrirxrv with theelglit days' treatment
i ii. nfthf,. we send full directions for
using. '1 be treatment In no way Interferes with
m person's attentlun to bu.lneHS. and causes no,
pain or Inconvenience In any way.
We are to positive tlint It will
plve perfect tutliiracllon that
we leave the mutter of scndlntr
orders entirely with thoso
using the free Irlnl treatment.
llavlng satisfied those sending for trial pankngea
of our ability to benefit their sexual eondltlon wo
feel that ther are more largely Interested than
ourselves In continuing the use of the I'astllles.
Kven then we do not attempt to rob them by do
xnandlng hltib prices. On the contrary, we make
the prives an low as possible, nnd the sume to all.
They are as follows : $3.00 for one
month; 5.0O for two month ;
8T.OO for three months.
These prices leenra
the delivery of the)
I'astllles by mail. If
desired by express wo
leave the patient to
pny the charges. For
tTuViucssuiouthls plan with satlHfnutory results.
wensaau .eraons nceuuig ireuuuunc lor any
Of the Hocrut Ills which come to mankind through,
a violation of nature's luws to send us their ud
dress on jKmtnl curd or by letter and allow tiR to
convince llmin thnt IMtOF. II A It It I -4' ttofi.
MKlllliATKIt l'.lXllli:i)) tmvo
juei ltniid Mre what they need.
All GoinmunlcaUonit eonlldenUal and should be
addressed to i
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
eOBefknmn Bt., KEW YORK CITY, N. Y.
1-lS-lyr. N. C. b Co.
wefk. Kialuilv territory. Tk
Hspld W uhr. Wubei kll tb
dithoa fur ft fkiuilj lagu tulout.
Wuhn, rime auil drla ttiem
vklbogt wlllu th bftiidi. Van
iuib tlit button, tlm iiiacbtrjcdMi
thf) rit. Hritht. polUhed dWhei,
ftu4 ebsrful tvt. No tatldcd
No broken diabM. do man, Cheu.
durabl,wftrrQt4. Clreulr(r.
W. P. UABK1HON A CO., Cltrfc Mo. IV, Culumbut, O,
1 PRETTY 111
The mild winter and hard times
have left us with sn enormous stock
W havs marked everything sway
down. Ono dollar now counts two at
our store in the purchase of clothes.
5is Mantes f "
Plans and Estimates on all
kinds of buildings. Repairing
and carpenter work promptly
attended lo.
h!:: in Builder's Supplies.
Inside Herd wood finishes a
Persons of limited means w! o
desire to build can pay part and
secure balance by mortgage.
Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, nnd al'
Patent business couduoteil lor MuDKKATB
t vrr turi. e nave no suo-agenclcs, all
business direct, hence can transact tiatent bust
ness In less time and at Less Cost than those re
Diote from WoHhlnifton.
Send model, drawing or photo, with descrip
tion. We advlae If patentable or not, tree o
charRO. Our fee not, due till patent Is secured
A book, "How to Obtain l'aU'iits," with reter
enceB to actual clients In your 8tiite,County. or
town, sent true. Address
C. A. 8NOW ft CO,, Washington, U. 0
(Opposite U. 8. Patent onice.)
ELYS catawrH
Kl passages, WfeURESjH
Allays Tain and mSfBla, W HfAD.
hayfeverII 8 A
& AM
Intlammation, r!
... . hrt
lleals the buics. k-
Restores the fL rftf'
Sense of Taste fi
ana smell. LTJCV
A paitlclo Is applied Into each nostril nnd Is
agreeable. Price 5il cents at Hi ukkI.sIh; bv mull
resist ered, BO cts. ELY UltOTilJiHS, 5il Wai leu
KU, N .V.
Rrnmnt answer and an hnnost opinion, writo to
I UN N V' Vtt., who have bsd nuurly dftr rears'
experience In the patun'. buaincBu. Couiruuima.
t luns strictly eontldontlal. A llonilbouk uf lu.
toriuutlon eonoerniUK I'ntenls and bow to ob.
tain ihum sent free. Also a catalogue of Dievhou.
leal and scluntino books sent free.
1'steuts takun through Munn ft Co. reoelTS
iwoial notice In the hrlcntlllc Anierirnn, and
Hi us are brouifht widely belorethe publlowlth.
put oewt to the Inventor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, eleitantly Illustrated, baa by fiu tho
lu-Kest circulation of any sclenttUo work lu the
"J!'I'?:J.;' J! yur. 8a'l'le copies sent free.
Oulldlug Killtloo, monthly, ti.bu a your. Hingis
Copies, 'J.I cents. Evory number contains beau,
tlful plates. In colors, and photouraphs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builder to show the
V.''!K..V,'lni,1! and secure on tracts. Address
MUNN CO, NtW VoiiK, U01 IluoAbWAT.
in j t j x Q" ua a i
lYiihif ur
fie Blcomsburg Steam Dys Worh .
on West St. between and and 3rd, are
now prepared to do all kinds of
Mens' Suits, Ladies'
Dresses and Coats,
Shawls, ami every description
of wearing apnurel. Also, we
do scouring, cleaning and press
ing of goods that do not need
dyeing, and make them clean
and sweet as new.
Goods sentby express should
be addressed
llcraikg lim Eye Works.
Pen 11 a.
J. R. Smith & Co.
Br the following well-known makers :
Hallet & Davis.
Can also furnish any of th
clieaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy
piano oeiore getting our prices.
1 ' 0 "
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
rho Best Burning Oil That Can It
Made From Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light. It will not
smoke the chimneys. It will not char the
wick. II has a high fire test It will ni'
explode. A Is ore-eminently a family safat
Challenge Comparison with am
ither illuminating oil made.
We stake our Reputation, as Rt.iers
upon the statement that it is
TIid Best Oi
Crown - Acme
The Atlantic ReFniog 8ff.(