TUB COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. TOR SALE. DenlrnMo vacant lots ftrtil t numlior of g-m Houhpb iiml lot 8 In HIiMimslmrtf, I 'a Tim n.-Ht, fcunlnciM staiut In HIiKim-oimx. A wry dcsl ru th prop. rl v I'lmtHlnliiK 111 nciv nnd lint elm tnllilliKtn Willi K'"d will In n Im .ln '.i worm 1M to ti rin. per yc ir at Willow ttruw. Dwellings In Kmiv, Oriiixcvlllo and llcnuli Hftven. A lai'K" number of tunni In Columbia Counly, one In Luwrnn County, one In Virginia. Two Connlry Nlnre MlandH In Columbia Couuiy and onu In I.nzerno County, A water power planing mill, dry dock and lumber yard and tarda In lleae.li Haven, l'a. Also ID nuriM of good farm land at siime il:iee, by M. 1". l.l'T5 2 HON, InMUianee and Ileal lialalo Atfi-nta, BLOOM Sill HO, 1'A. tf. SPECIAL NOTICES. nCPlTHK POHlTIVKt.Y CUitKI) KOlt IN JV formal Inn nddreHS t). K. Wiutknkiht, Tamaiiua, tulmylklH Co., l'a. G-d-iy. ROOMS KOU YOl'NU MEN. M. M. PHILLIPS lias wry denlriililo furntslied rooms for Ix youiiK men. Hut It room adjoining, for use OIoooupaulB of the. rooms, ( all and examine. Mfl-I t. ALL KIWOH OF I1LANKS KOH .H'STICEH and constam.ks at tlio Columbian of. niws t. WE WANT A COHKESPON'DKNT IN THIS, pl ieo. A brllit InlelllKent, eneretle young man can iiuiko from .r, to imki per moDlli. Address Ooi.DKN Kiu, 7'i West GOltt trcct, Now York Lily, WANTKD ('OKKKXPONDIXU AOKNT IN every town, to leport on parlies re garding opening or refitting Saloons, by tlio larKcst fculoon innnufiieturers In tlio world. Uood man can muke (Mum. ItOTIKJI.IUVS SONS CO, MJ Broadway, J. V. T ATKH POWEH MILL 01' TIt. .VM'N P. VV ell APIN nt Henlon, Col. Co., Pa., Is for nnt. Apply to l uaiu.ks u. uahki.kv, inoums- burg, I'll. J--Mt. B A DUES. WE AHE PHKPAIiEI) TO SHOW samples of mel al, celluloid, woven and ribbon budges for nil kinds of orders and so cieties, and can nivo them made to order on tnort nnl eo. see samples and get pili'es. Address TnH Columbian, filoouisuurg, Pa. SALES. Fed. 23. George Ruckle, executor of Wesley Ruckle, will sell valuable personal property on the premises in Espy, consisting of horse, wagonr, and general farm implements. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. Feb. 28 Sinister & Hawk will sell a lot of lUinois horses at Wright's liv ery stable in Berwick, at one o'clock p. m. Feb. 28 Geo. Ruckle, administra tor of Simon Lowry, deceased, will sell valuable real estate in Orange township, on the premises at one o'clock p. m. See advertisement. Mar. 13 Jacob Andes will sell horses, cows, wagons, farm machinery, harness, and many other articles at 10 o'clock a. m. Tuesday, Mar. 20. At nine o'clock a. m., on the premises in Scott town ship, valuable personal property, con sisting of horses, cattle, farm imple ments, grain, hay &c, by Funk & Petriken. See bills. Forks. The T. O. S. of A., Jonestown had a gala time on last Sabbath a. m. When we arrived there from Forks teams filled the bridge and surrounded the church, and we knew there was a large congregation in attendance. The occasion was the delivery of a sermon under the auspices of the P. O. S of A- of Johnstown, who were there in full regalia. The patriotic hymns sung by some of the musical talent of this section and by a full choir was excel lent. The rags of stars along with the banner of the Order were nicely arranged around the pulpit and the chandeliers. Rev. Mr. Rupley, pastor of Lutheran Church, Catawissa, preached the sermon that a nation without God and without the recog nition of God cannot survive a ser mon that held the large audience at tentively to the close. It was an able vindication of our country's rights, pointing out graphically the dangers The Change from Girlhood to "Wo manhood 13 fraught with dangers. At this period tho yung woman is especially sensitive, and many nervous troub les, which continue through life, have their onuin at tins time. If there bo pain, headache, and nervous disturb ances, or tlio general health not good, the ju dicious use of medicine should bo employed. Dr. Pierce's Favoiito Prescription is the best tonic and nervine at this time. Tho best bodily condition results from its uso. It's a remedy specially indicated for those delieato weaknesses and de rangements that rilllict woiiieiikind , at one period or another. For all women, at all times of life, in all cases of peculiar nature, tho "Prescription" is tho safe agent that builds up, strengthens, and cures. In catarrhal inflammation, in chronio disorders and displacements common to women, it is tuaranteed to benelit or cure, or tlio money is refunded. A great many medicines "relievo" Catarrh in the Hv.kI. That nicann that it's driven from tho head into tho throat and lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. guge'o Catarrh Rem edy perfect! and permanently cures. 1 111 I M I I that threaten it, and the necessity of our vigilance and apprehension in re gard to them. It was an elaborate, able, eloquent sermon that made a fine irnpiession upon his auditors, leading them to reflection and serious thought on the matter. No better patriotism could be uttered from the pulpit. The Rev. reflected a great deal of credit upon the intelligence, patriotism and piety of Catawissa a sermon long to bo remembered lie is a P. O. S. of A. and a Veteran of the armies of the Union. Rising vote of thanks was given him. Our suspension bridge is suspend ing like a rainbow upside down. The iron twine will stand a cood deal of j tauting before the bridge will assume a bridge like appearance. Some one has taken us to task about the old wooden bridge below because wc erroneously held our super visors responsible for negligence in keeping it in repair. Well, perhaps the bridye is a concomitant part of the county and the supervisors have but little to do with its lamentable condition, with the holes in the sides of it large enough to run through. Van Amburgh's menagerie or a cir cus, tent, clown and ringmaster Mr. Columbia County, my dear sir, see to it that this old frail elephantine struct ure is somewhat repaired for the pub lic weal. Our boys and girls have been doing some tail skating durina ti e past week, but at present writing the signs are ominous for a departure of ice and snow. Miss Grace Ammerman has gained the reputation of being a proficient skater of the Fishingcrcek. She glides as a sylph upon the congealed covering. There was an interesting time at Asbury last Sabbath evening, a large attendance. Rev. Mr. Rupley, deliv ered an interesting address before Fnworth League. The revival ser vices there, Rev. Mr. Straub pastor, is putting in some efficient work. There was a fine social party at Mr. Richies, last week. All came with contributions in the way of eatibles, and there was a good time. Our young people had a fine sled-load time to Uenton on Thursday last. B. F. Fdgar &Smith will open up their distiller in the early dawn of spring. E. M. Laubach has been selling off a large quanity of chester whites dur ing the season. K. J. Bowman reports a fine time at Bloomsburg in Opera House on De fenders' day. We see by the papers that he acquitted himself handsomely in his speech upon that evening. He has been there before. He is no no vice at speech making we suppose. Lippincott's Magazine for March, 1894. The complete novel in the March number of fjppincott's is "A Desert Claim," by Mary E. Stickney. It is a charming tale of ranch life in North ern Colorado. Gilbert Parker's serial, "The Tres passer," reaches its ninth chapter. "The inmate of the Dungeon," by W, C. Morrow, is a story of uncommon power. Joel Chandler Harris, in "The Late Mr. Watkins of Georgia ; His Relation to Oriental Folk-Lore," compares a curious legend of his own Stf.te with one of India. In "A Prophet of the New Woman hood," Annie Nathan Meyer considers Hennk Ibsen from an unfamiliar point of view. Emma Henry Fergu son tells "More about Captain Reid," the Confederate blockade runner. John Gilmer Speed describes "The Training of the Saddle-Horse." Dr. Charles C. Abbott writes of "Bees and Buckwheat," and Charles Mcllvaine of "The Evolution of Public Roads." In "Talks with the Trade," the sub ject of "Literary Mendicancy" is pre sented. The poetry of the number js by Anna Robeson Brown and John James Median. Cannibalism in India. GRIM FACTS ABOUT DEVOURERS OF HUMAN FLESH. The fact that there are cannibals by race, tradition and profession at the present day in India is established be yond a doubt. It seems incredible that in a large community like that of Nassick or lienares the presence would be tolerated of abandoned crea'ures who haunt the burning-grounds with the avowed purpose of snatching and eating the half consumed fleh of th dead if they be refused the alms they impudently demand with threats of vengeance. Even more extraordinary is it to know that one of them having seizei one of three boys at play near one of the temples of Nassick, lipped him open and proceeded to eat him while still living, was sentenced bv the Dis tnct Court to only transportation lor life. The Aghoris are undoubtedly canni bals. and a'lhouch they prefer carrion and as a rule wait for its putrefaction before attacking a body with their teeth they unquestionably, when op portunily oilers, slay tne young or weak to make a horrible feast.' -J loin bay Gazette. : -.4 1 m 317' IS tT Tho Best Medicine J. (). Wilon Contractor and Builder, r.'iilpliur Springs, Texas, thus Rpnakg of Ayer' Tills : " Ayci-'a Tills aro tlio best meilieino I ever trloj; nixl, In my judgment, no Letter general remedy could lio devised. I liavo used thorn In my family niul recommended them to my friend nnd rmiiloyes for more thnn twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many mhos of tho following complaints liavo boon completely niut Permanently Cured ly the o.ao of Ayer's Tills nlono: Third day chills, dumb npun, bilious fever, sielc hcridnche, rhcuimUl.sm, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, nnd hard colds. I hnow that a moderate uso of Ayer's Till, continued for a few days or Weeks, ns tho naturo of tho complaint required, would ho found nn absolute euro for tho disorders I havu named above." "I havo been selling medicine for clsht years, nnd I can safely say Hint Ayer's Tills pivo better satisfaction than any other Till I ever sold." J. J. Terry, Spottsylvanln C. If., Va. AYER'S PILLS rrepnrcd hy Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Man. Every Dose Effective DErENDEES' MY. EXTRACTS FROM THE SPEECH OF E. BOWMAN AT THE OPERA HOUSE. God raised up but one Christopher Columbus to discover this land and but one Washington to redeem it from thralldom. We came in late to rank among the nations of the earth. Nine vah, Babylon and Jerusalem had long since crumbled away. The temples, colonnades and archways of Rome and the sculptured monuments, mauso leums and cenotaphs of Greece had almost crumbled into dust. Spain, Germany, Prance, Italy and England were hoary with age when God stretch ed out his hand and led Columbus across the world of waters to these emerald shores. Dut God is always on time j never behind time, and we came when we were needed. He had raised up great nations which vanish ed into night like phantoms across our pathway of life only to give room for America that emerged out of the darkness of ages holding in her hands the torch of liberty and wearing upon her brow a crown of blessings. We pass the sufferings of our Pil grim Fathers, Colonies were formed and they became a Confederation, and tlien came the war ot the Revolution when our liberties were obtained and established. The Continental Con gress was the greatest body of sages that ever assembled, chief among whom were Washington, Franklin and efferson. Their names are wntten upon tne hearts ot their posterity. Brass and marble will crumble and corrode, nationalities will rise and sink like bubbles upon the ocean wave, but these names will endure till the st3rs grow grey with ase. The war with Mexico came after the war of 181 2 in which we gained the empire of 'lexas. We come now to the gigantic war of the Rebellion What was the sacrifice to preserve the Union and the Republic? Heroes everywhere, crippled and grey, and tottering with infirmity and age in the prime of life 1 They left homes wives and children, and property, every hallowed association and sallied forth to danger and death that their country might live. The nobility of Europe arc proud of their ancestry and their escutcheons, but, comrades, the scars you wear upon your bodies received upon the field of carnage, are far brighter than the escutcheons of kings and princes. Your limbs lost on the field of strife are trophies of your valor and victory brighter than those that adorned the triumphal marches of a Cresar, a Scipio, or a Marius. We speak of heroes dead as well as living. They lie buried upon many a battle field, in many a hospital grave yard. Their skeleton forms seem to startle into Iue around the mouuierin stockades of Andetsonville gimpioring us to be true to the Union and to the principles for which they endured the agonies of starvation. Voices come from Lil'by, Belle Ile, Macon, Florence and Saulsbury, telling us to be true to them, to ourselves-and to posterity. A half million heroes lie buried in the land of the South. There are dark spots on the sun and bright spots on our earth An tietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellor ville, Chattanooga, Gettysburg and a host of other battle fields. The word veteran has now a peculiar significance. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castorla. There 13 more glory and prestige around the name. In the darkened ages many a poet strung his lyre and sang of liberty, end it never came. The tread of our armies was like the smoking footprints of the Son of God on the mountains of Judea. If there is anything that will rise tindimmed upon the ocean of time it will not be some mound of crumbling brickwork, some monument or mausoleum dedi cated to the memory of an Alexander, a Crcsar, or a Napoleon, but it will be a cenotaph, or shaft, consecrated to a Washington, to him who seeks the elevation of his race and the aggran dizement of humanity. Hut we are facing dangers that are militating ser iously against us. This is the dump ing ground for the criminals and paup crs of Europe. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." This should be written upon our hearts, upon our flag, upon the walls of our school houses and upon the rocks of our mountains. And ''by the virtue and intelligence of the people we arc sustained," and when wc lose sight of this we are no longer a Republic. Comrades, there was a time when we were of some importance. It was when we went to defend the wives families and property of those who staid at home, as far from danger .as they were from Heaven, and who couldn't to day tell a bombshell from a pumpkin, Think of it, we are ask ing for pensions 1 What a crime 1 t will not be long till we will not have standing room in the middle of a full sized river, or could warm our feet at the mouth of a volcano. The "foxes have holes, the birds of the air have rests," but veterans have not where to lay their heads. Comrades, save the old canteen, the old haversack, the old musket, place them away in safety and when you come to die hand them to your child ren as mementoes of your service for your country's welfare. Soon the last comrade will stand alone upon the earth amidst the graveyards and ceme teries of his comrades. Soon he Will take the last look upon the blushing battle fields of Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Gettysburg, then pass away forever. Sons of v eterans, remember your fathers who served and perished for Liberty, Heaven's choicest gift to man and for the Union of these States, Heaven's choicest gift to man as its treasure house. The school children of Greece were taught to name over for 300 years daily the names of the valiant 300 that perished in the defiles of Thermo pylae. Would we could mention those who climbed the heights of Fea Ridge, Ft. I isher, Lookout Mountain and never came back. The mum mies of Egypt were preserved m the sunless pyramids along the Nile for resurrection morn. But our heroes are embalmed in the throbbing, loving hearts of the present generation and will be 111 the generations yet to come. How precious our flag having pass ed through the sulphur and smoke of a thousand battles 1 What brave men carried it through the storms of iron hail I Its stars are from Heaven ; its stripes from the golden sunrise of morning. It docs not resemble any thing on earth. It has no earthly model. Its model is the cerulean skies, gemmed with the stars that sang in harmony at creations birth. It is like that great mantle of stars that hangs from the Throne of the Eternal. Forty-four unsullied stars, the reflec tion of the planets that gleam around the midnight Throne. Stars of our flag shine on through ages yet to come ; shine on to light the pathway of liberty, shine on till you reach the darkened labyrinths of every human heart. Our country j still may her flowers un- tiampled spring, Her harvests wave, her cities rise 5 And yet till time shall fold her wing, Remain earth's loveliest paradise." Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve clcaen ses, purifies and heals. It was mad for that purpose. Use it for burns, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, sores of all descriptions and if you have piles use it for them. W. S. Rishton, Drug; gist. "6ncAT KIDNK LIVER tfs BLC. IHssoIves S ravel, Gull ptoiic, lirick dust inudno, ouln in urethra, Btraiiiiau uftcr urination, lmtniti tliu back ana ni"?, Buclik'ii stoj';m(,'o of wutor witli prcssuro. ESrlKEal's Iliscase, Tulio cu.9 uiino, rounty urine. iromj-(oot cures urlimiv trouble ana kidney iliillcultioa. Torpid orenlar-ed liver, foul lireuth, bilious ness, bilious ue!:Uaebe, poor dilution, trout. Csilsu'i-hoftlieBSjulder, Inllamuiution, irritut Ion, ulceration, dribLllujr, frequent culK piim blood, munis or inn. Guurimtee-I'M' t'cuteiits uf int Cottle. U Uut U.'Befltd. DnuKlti will refmut to u tlu ixlt 0 At I.M imi..ik!, JiOe. Slxe, 1.00 Kite, "luviilUU' Umdo to i:.iU;l," free- L'oiifcUlllltiuu t reo. DlU KlLUKH & CO., IllXUllAUTON, N. Y. DR.KILMER'S 1 for Infants " Cnntorl Is so well mliipted tocliflilron Hint I recommend It nn mipcrlur tonny prmcrliitlon known to mo," II. A. Anciticn, M. P., Ill So. Oxford BU, UrooUyn, N. Y. "Tho wo of 'Cn.itorla Is so universal and Ha merit so well known that It seems a work of piipereropntlon to endonie It. Few nre the Intelligent families who do Dot keep Costorlit within coxy reach." Cjuiuia ILutTTM, D. I)., New York City. Tint OwTArn B. F. Shaupless, Trcs. aw BLOOMSBUR LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Capital Stock, $30,0O0. Plotted property is in the coming business centre of the town. It incluJc3 also part of equal in desirability for residence CliUlUJU LUIS aro ollercd in a short time. No such opportnnitv can be had elsewhere to make money. Lots secured on SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Maji3 of the town and of plotted property furnished on np plication. Call upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. Woods, Sales Agent, or any member of the Hoard of Directors. BOARD OF DirvECTORS. B. T. SlIARPLKgS; J. L. DlLLOX. C. W. Neal A. G. Briggs, Dr. I. W. Willits, Dr. II. W. McTIeynolds, N. L). Funk. i 1-19-tf GIVEN WATCHES. CLOCKS. JIWIBY, AT J". OK WELLS. Eyes examined free of charge. J. G. WELLS. an article that is beyond question. We handle the best makes ot Shoes for Children- BOYS need no longer wear girls' shoes have a line made especially for the small Boys. Ladies who' wear Spring Heeled Shoes will rind a good assortment at the siore of W. C. McKINNEY. H. J. Clark's Building, Main street. Hftinn Irt MAKE It n pleasure trip bytravelUna UUilJU 10 $3lTl on the Elegant Passenger Steamships XjM ot the Ocean Steamship Company, Florida f camado T, . . .A From New York or From Boston. imS Winter U Greater Comfort at 35 to 60 less expenso than by rail. Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or nrite to BICHA3D50N & EARNARD, Afj'ts, W. t, JAMES, Ag't, R. I. WALKER, Atf't, W. E. ARNOLD, Q.T. P. lewij Wharf, Buston, Mass. 13S.3dSt.,Phi!a.,Pa. NewPior35,N.R.,N.Y. Now Pier35,N.R., (i. M. 8;kiu:l, iuiiiiu- r. l-ifl-lt. d I AM NOW A RIB AN! CMiirniio.net. 6, rwt. I vrr. trouhh i( wit It em iridium flrt'l vii ri cue flu, itiul iu l U u :'xuiiliy vpuk for Miven yenr. l'uritiu thn lut four years I irifuiovf-ry ronuMly tlmt viinUi ami f i,. i r..iM fur nuy f my t!l.lllHVH UT.til tlnA CA LYkiO S U cured nnd H i ururi lutiu ut. or IhiuiiKl i f Utt rt'fTuriMi inv mm ttiu uuu u in rwefflrrj Ij III.) it wrt . KiAliikiri territory. Tk. Uii1 IMhtobr. WwhuilUIn Wuhn, r !., ud drivi tbtm nikiuut welling tlio hftuda. Yuil 1 puib i bo button, uikcbintdtMt i tbtt ml, Itrlrfbi, piitklird dUbM, ftiid cbM-rTul wlvti. No tcBldei , Lflt!gers,uuiolledbautorclolhtiif . , durftbk,urkDWd.Ctrcu)ua(re. II'. r. IIAKItlsON 4 CO., Utrk Kv. Ii, Culumbua. O. I) and Children. CiMtorin cures Oolle, Constipation, Sour l',(oniae!i, l)iarrhoa, Iruetntlon, Kills Worms, glvoe sleep, and promotes dj. Rest Ion, Without Injurious me1 lent Ion. "For sereml yenrs I hnro recommend, your 'CnsUirln,' niul shall nln-nys continue t do so ns It baa invariably produced boneOcW results." Fnwjw F. pAnnnit, Jt. T)., 125th Btrect and 7th Ave, Now York City Cootast, 77 MrrnuT Btrkbt, Nirw Yon Crrr. N. U. Funk, Sec, C. H. Cami-iifll, Treas. the factory district, and has no purposes. at values that will bo doubled TO- Din t Get Yonr&elf iq a Box i BY BUYING SHOES OF AN UNCERTAIN QUALITY. It's a risk you can't afford to run can't afford any way when we can supply you with we We will urnrt yon tlie rmr- I V-; a veiou8 1-rem i pn.pi"'"'.' . CALTH03 frc; byv.ina mail, and n Kjjal guarantee that Caltuuh will TfiB All JHharc " wiur tiuu.un, C I ! 9 C fpri-mulorrhco, Vrl UUU1. I'tict'it'. uuu ai hc it. RESTORE to.tv.,or. Use it ft penif 'satisfied 1 GET YOUR 1 TOTl PRTMTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE i 1