The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 09, 1894, Image 4

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    ESTABLISHED 18(10.
She (ToIumNit gcmorrat,
at Blooms'iurg, the County sent of Columbia
County, Pennsylvania.
Tf Inside the county, ti.00 a year In ad
anoe; It not paid in advance Outside
the county, tl.SS a year, strictly In advance.
All communications should be addressed to
Hlooinsburtf, Pa.
Representative-atLarge in-Congress,
James Denton Hancock,
of Venango County.
The right of appeal from the settle
ment of the county auditors is given
by law to any persons who are ag
grieved thereby or think that injustice
has been done, or a fraud committed,
and any lawyer will tell them how to
proceed, or they can ascertain for
themselves by consulting the proper
law books. It has been suggested
that the present board of commission
er should appeal from the recent set
tlement as now published, but as they
have been so freshly inducted inio of
fice, and are asyetnotsure of anyocca
sion for an appeal it has been suggest
ed from another source that the proper
person to appeal is soma expert in fig
ures who has given the statement care
ful stuJy.
The new ballot law of 1893 was in
tended to remedy some of the defects
in the act oj 1891, and in many re
spects it has done so, and as soon as
all its provisions become known by the
people it will work smoothly and satis
factorily. Soir.e defective papers have
been filed in the commissioners' office,
nominating township officers in certain
districts. R. S. Bowman, of Berwick,
filed nomination papers for Justice of
the Peace without naming the party of
which he is a member, as the law re
quires. Nomination papers from Ber
wick, the four Conynghams, Beaver,
Mt. Pleasant, Centre and Hemlock
contain two inspectors on each paper,
which is a mistake, as each voter can
vote for but one inspector, and their
nomination must be made with separ.
ate papers. Absence of instructions
on the blanks on this point led to this.
The people who signed them cannot
be blamed for falling into this error,
but it should be borne in mind here
after. Several papers do not name
the party policy. The commissioners
have power to permit the correction of
errors by the persons filing the papers
any time before the tickets are printed.
There are no serious errors, and all of
the small ones will probably be cor
rected. The report of Dun's Mercantile
Agency for February 3rd, says a fresh
impulse has been given to business
this week bj the success of the Treas
ury in obtaining gold for its reserve,
thus strengthening confidence in its
ability to maintain gold payments.
Revenue had fallen off so much, and
the prospects for the loan looked so
unfavorable, until financial institutions
here decided to carry it through, that
some anxiety about the monetary fu
ture was natural. Investments in the
ordinary sense have been alTected very
little, and while more demand for time
loans has appeared, the money market
cannot be expected to change much
with $245,000,000 cabh in the banks
and more coming from the interior,
while the Treasury also is compelled
to pay out more than it now leceives
in taxes. Gradual improvement h
business explains the appearance of
more commercial paper in the market
this week than has been seen for a
long time, though rs yet the vast ac
cumulation of idle funds is proof
enough that trade has by no means re
gained normal proportions. Industrial
recovery continues, though, it is but
gradual, in response to the demand of
a people whose consumption at its
lowest is greater than that of any other
country, and more mills are now at
A stimulant is often needed to
nourish and strengthen the roos and
to keep the hair a natural color. Hall's
Hair Renewer is the best tonic for the
There seems to be in certain quar
ters a decided opposition to an in
come tax. Why this should be so, I
am at a loss to understand.
those who will be direr! ly affected !y
it, will veiy naturally feci inclined in
demur. Hut trut the pi in should mid
opponents anion,; lliusj who are at
present paying more than their just
share of tax, and would to a greater
or less extent be relieved by an in
come tax, is one of the strange things
in this strange world of ours.
If such tax would work an injustice
to any class of our citizens, all honest
men should and no doubt would op
pose it. 1 he injustice has heretofore
been, that thofe persons having large
incomes have not been taxed propor
tionally as high as their less favored
neighbors whose income has been
much less. I presume it would not
b". difficult to find men with an in
come of five thousand dollars and
over, whose tax bill is not so great as
some others whose income is less than
one-fifth of that amount. It is a fact
beyond controversy, that the poorer
class of people pay more tax in pro
portion to then ability, than the more
wealthy class. This is an injustice,
thit will be only partially overcome
by the proposed income tax. It wil',
however, be a step in the right direc
tion. One oljection raised against the. in
come tax is, that it will be evaded.
False returns will be made as to the
amount of their respective incomes.
If they are put under oath, it will lead
tc perjury.
Well, there is a number of people
in the world, who are of the opinion
that wealthy men are not always hon
est. It wou'd be a little strange if
they were all strictly honest. There
arc some who are not very wealthy,
who need a little watching. There is
a goodly number, perhaps a majority
of people, who regard taxes ot any
kind as a burden that may justly or
properly be evaded. And those peo
pie are not confined to any one class.
If the objection to an income tax
that unscrupulous men are likely to
evade it, is a valid one, why not apply
it to all forms of taxation. Men fre
quently return a less number of acres
of land than they own, and cut down
on the age of their horses and cattle to
avoid paying taxes on them. Money
lenders forget to return their money
at interest. Imporers frequently at
tempt and sometimes succeed in
smuggling to avoid the tariff.
Why not put down all modes of
taxation that designing men can take
advantage of? Let us have a system
of taxation that will hit the rogue as
hard as the honest tran. If such a
system is unattainable, let us have a
system that will divide the burden as
equitably as possib e between honest
men with large incomes and those in
more moderate circumstances
I favor an income tax for two
reasons. One is that it draws upon
those who are most able to pay it. and
have hitherto not had their full shaie
of the burden. The other is purely a
selfish one, viz, I will never be bother
ed with it. The wish is not father to
the thought this time. I sincerely
wish that I had an income sufficient
to place me in that list of taxables.
Mr. c. If. Lauer
"Nerves Shattered
Centrally broken down; at times I would fall
verwltha touch ot the vertigo) was notable
to co any distance from the houso. I was a
uinrrnble win. Q ho fl;'.y I commenced on
bottle ho, 3 ol Hood's Barnapaillla, I began
to I40I bettor and I now teal like a new num.
I am work In j again, and do not have any ot
my bad spoil. I have a perfect cure."
Cuas. M. Laui-.h, G30 W. Market St., York, ta.
K00d'9 Pi!i aro tho bet artcr-dlnnor
j, asslat uiauitloii, euro huadacho. 260.
Kstate of Catharhte HVnivr lulu 0 ISlimnsburg,
Notice Is horoby piven that letters of admin
istration cum u-utumcnto uunuxoon the t-Ntule
or (i:!i;iln(i Weaver, late of HlooinHhiirfr,
Columbia county, I 'a., dcceasril, have been
(fvuniej to tho undersigned aOmlnUirator to
whom all portions li.debud to Kiild estate are
rf)(tienic(l to make payments, and those having
claims or demands will maUo known the same
without delay to
or to (HAS. V, FCNSTON,
U. E. Elwell, Administrator cum tcHtnmen
Atty. to anuexo.
Esttile of Garrt Vanblartyan, tale of Beaver
loumnitip, aeieaera.
Notice in hereby plven that letters testamen
tary on the estate of Garret unlilai lyan, Jute
of Heaver township, deceased, have been grant
ed to John A. Hoffman, resident of Mltlltnvllle,
Columbia county, to whom all persona indebt
ed to said entxte are requested to mnke pay
ment, and those having claims or demands will
mane Known ine aame wiinout aeiay.
1-10-61 Any. Executor.
yp D?iUM d wm
Send for reading matter.
Wo refer by permission to'
J. l). Bodloe.)
J. IL Klnard, Catawlssa.
3-3-0 mo.
I, JOHN movkiiy, High Hherlff of Columbia
county, Commonwealth of I ennsylvanlu. do
hereby malm known and give notice to the
electors of the county arorosuld, that a general
election will be held In the said county of Col
umbia, on
(being the third Tuesday of said month) for tho
purpose or electing ine several persons ntnin
after untiled, to-wlt :
"rone person tor Congrcssman-at-Largo for
Galcbua A. Grow
Jahis Dintom Hancock.
Pennsylvania Democrat.
A. D.
Protective Tariff I'ollcy.
Oalvsiia A. Grow.
People-! Party.
Vtcron A. Lotiih. '
I also hereby make known and give notice
that the places of bidding the aforesaid elect Ion
In the several wards, boroughs, districts and
townsntps wttntn ine county or Columbia are
as follows, viz:
nearer townsnip, at ine duouc bouse of c. A
Benton township, at the public houso of
Kelchner A Hess, (n t he town of Kenton.
Buckingham on east side of fine street, be
Berwick . K.. at tne tin anon of weorcrp a.
tween Mxth and Seventh etreots. In tho tfor-
ougn oi Berwick.
Berwick S. E.. at the easterly side of the milk
He bulldlug on ceoond street, belweeu Market
and Mulberry streets. In the Borough ot Ber
wick. Berwick N. W.. at the hand room of Harrr
Orozler on tho easterly stile of tno alley be
tweeu Third and Jackson treets. In the Bor
ough of Berwick.
Berwick . w., at ine westerly side of the
fnhlic building on Mvonrt street, between Mar
et and Mulberry atroets. In the Bornnirh of
Berwick. 1st rreolnct. at the court House. In
Bloom. Snd Precinct, at Office of
Pemaree Kitchen, corner ot 5th and luilrnad
ats., Bloomsburg.
Bloom, ard Product, at the Town Hall, In
Bloom, ilh Product, at the 1 ubllo House of
Wm. Olgur, In Bloomsburg.
Brlarcreek tuwnsDID. at the Marti school
Catawlssa Borouirh. at the r.hnn of Thomas
Cheriington, In the Hurough of CuIawIhsiu
Catawlssa lowusulp, In the tenement house
ot the heirs of Henry llolllugshead, deceased,
near the grist mill ot shl deceased.
Centre township, at the public school bouse
near Lafayette Creasy's.
luntrulta, 1st Ward, at the public Houso ot
M. w . urennan, In I'entrnlta.
centraua, vud ard, at the public house of
D. P. Curry, In Ccntralla.
( levelaud township, at Keller s school house.
Conyntrham. K. North District, at the school
house near t'uuiralla.
Conyni'hnui. Southeast, at the nubile housi
ot Patrick Alohau.
Couyinrham. Southwest, at the nubile house
of John Monroe.
Conynehaui West District at Mtdvaller School
Conyngham West North, at the nubile houso
ot Daniel Uoacb lu Montana.
ner at Hondcrlown.
K. Islilngcreek, at the :house of John Wen-
w. Klshlngcreek, at the house of A. E. Mc
Henry at Stillwater.
Franklin townshlD. at the Lawrence school
Oreenwood East at the public house of Wm.
Black In Kohrsburg.
Ureenwood West, at the shon of t&miipl Mil
ler, tn Greenwood.
Abljith Swisher, In the town ot Buckhorn.:
Hemlock towushln at the Dublle house of
Jackson township, at the houso of u. II.
Ulrleman, In Jackson.
Locust township at the public houso ot Nathan
Knorr, In Numldia.
Madison township at the public house of
Miles Smith In Jerseytown.
Main township, at the public house of Addi
son W. bhumau. lu Malnvllle.
Mlftlln township, at the publlo house of
Ben). Fennypackur, In MirUlnville.
MUlvllle Borough, at the public house ot C.
R. Cox, In MUlvllle.
Montour township, at the publlo nouse ot
Lloyd KelcUncr, at KupcrU
Mt. Pleasant township, at tho election
houso of Robert C. Howell.
Orange township, at the public house of
Hiram Shaffer, in Orangevllle.
Pine township, at the Centre old school
Koarlngcreek township, at the house of Sam
uel Leiby.
Mcnit East, at Odd Fellows Hull, In Espy.
Scott West, ut the F. o. c ot A. bulldlug In
Light Street.
North Sugarloaf, at the publlo house of Jacob
Steen In Central.
South Suirarloaf. at the old achnnl timnm at.
Coles Creek.
Polls shall be opened at seven o'clock a. m.,
and shall continue open without Interruption
nr adjournment uutll seven o'clock p. m., when
the polls will be closed.
That every person, excepting Justices of the
Peace and Aldermen. Notaries Publlo and n,r.
tons In the mllulu service, of the rtate who
snail noiu, or shall within two months have
held any onice or appointment of nrollt or trust
under the I'nlted Stat oh, or of this stale and
city or corporaled district, whether a commis
sioned onlecr or ot herwise a subordinate oitlcer
or agent, who Is or shall be employed under the
Legislative, Executive or Judiciary Department
of this Mate, or.of any city, or of any Incorpor
ated district, a"d also, that every member of
Congress and of the Mate Legislature and of
t'-io select or common cmiucll of any
city, or commissioners of any Incorporated dis
trict nre by law lucapatdo of holding, or exer
cising at the sumo time, the ofllco or appoint
ment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any cl"i
tlou ot this Commonwealth, und that no In
spector, Judge or other olllcer ot such election
shall bo eligible to bo then voted for except
that ot an election ofilcer.
The Inspectors aim audgo of the election
shall meet ut the respective places appointed
for holding Die election In the district, to niiicti
they respectively belong, before seven o'clock
In the mo'iilng, und each of those Inspectors
shall appoint one clerk, who shall bo a iiunlincd
JOHN MOntEV, Mierlir.
Sheriff 'sofflce, Bloomsburg, Feb. 5, 1891.
In the mutter of tho division of the school
Sropony of Catawlssa Township. No. ", May
ess., iww. r '
The undersigned Commissioner and Exami
ner, appointed by court to take testimony, ad
just tho elultns und report to said court tho
difference of Indebtedness between Tnwnshtn
and Borough, hereby gives notice to all part lei
ttlILt, llH Will tm.r. nt tliu ri..t ... if... n
... ..... " .... ii.w umuu It 111. 11 .
lthawn Esi., ut Catawlssa. Pa., on Thnrwlnv.
the 15th day of February, A. I)., 1HUI, at 10
o'clock lu the forenoon for the purpose of his
appointment, when and where all parties In
terested must appear and all those having
claims must present the same or be forever
thereafter debarred from tho same according to
Bloomsburg, Pa. com. & Ex
tf. Nov. S, 1H93,
JT(nfe of He'iercn 1girrt, Intr f Fighlngcrrrk
i-i ' " - I" I . I'll, , I'll i it T II-1 If I 71 (--,! I, Mil II fl-
O'V on I ,e csiatc if l; I) 'cca Hegert, late of
l-'U'iltiij -if. !; t'i.-imh)i, (I 'ceased, have been
V.t I . ............ . 1. .. . , A.I
gvs'ite.i ''i cms, ., Vriivti'V, lesiitent or sain
I .111 'ut.l . It It. t ..1 I 11 ... . I ...lull, . 1 111 U.ll.l
rs ate i rei'.!i'4ti-d to make payment, and
innse irivinji cninns or (icmanus win maae
L' ikiv. I ! i u nun it'll Iwmt Hiiliii.
fatal of Wertey tlnrkle, Mr of tcolt towiuhtp,
Notice Is hereby given that letters tes'nmen-
mr.vontne es'ate or nesicy kuckic, late or
Scott tow nship, decpnsed. have lieon granted
to George Ruckle of Ksiiy, In said township, to
wniuii an persons inueutea to sata estate are
requested to make payment, and those having
claims or demands will make known the sume
wiinoiir delay.
1-19-6L Atty. Executor.
hftatrof Williams. Mr, lair of Centr tmm.
nip, ni-cenned.
Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin
istration on the estate ot v llliam s Hess, Iste
ot enlre township, deceased, have been grx4)N
ft ivi i hi.- uuueisiKueu auiiiiiist.nitnx to wnona
nil persons Indeined to said estate are request
nd to mske payments, and all n... i,.vim,
claims or demands will make known the same
wiiiioui ieiay 10
1-101' M. AVKKNA IIRS4,
Public notice Is hereby given that, application
by petition of more than residents and tax
payers of t he county of Columbia will be made
to the court of (Jitarror s anions ot Columbia
Couuly, on Ptlday tho Ultii dar of February,
ISttl. at 10 o'clock a. m , setting forth. Inter alia.
"iv uii.mi.1. w.i-i i nn iiuri ii urnncn
SeT,,r -""(uehanna ut the falls of Nesco.
,-t , "'-' ii me iioiougii oi nerwicg, in said
county, on the north side of said tlver, and the
11 II IK fit lit X iiaiiiiuink l at. a - V .
..a.-A ... '"'in:, i mt . uimtr fi LtUcrnPt
on the sou(.h nlilnufwiM river, bolnjy on tim ril-
nla ntid huerue. !y tht corponitlnn, vt7-thn
n brtdyn ovor th river Susqu-Iinniia at the fallA
Pok 1- aliK bridge i 'ompnny. n nocefwary for I he
" 1 " "U'l'lv Unit l HIIU inftt Til
payment (( MIU over Much brtritfn in burrten
Honr' to rhe trHvellhtf publlii, ana pravlnir that.
for the iiopolntment. of person quallfletTby law
...... ., iii nie nnii aswHs me damages,
', which said corporation may sustain by
of their proceeding to the res .ectlve Courts, as
rminriiil hv l.ur lii II.a ..A.. ... .i .
.1 J ."i w iu, ucjwn vuiuis i ni'n'iu,
ltlilillituliimv Ha .
Jan. 17th, Will. FHKD IKKLKk!
l- -'iL Attorney for Petitioners.
Pursuant to a writ of Lev. Fa. Issued out of
ho Court of Common Pleas nf Collimlila nntinl.
Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale, at the Court House, in
Bloomsburg, on
at two o'clock n. m.. all that. nie.t t nn
tract nf land, situate In the village of Mimin.
vine, uiuun lownsnip, Columbia Co., Penna.,
bounded and deserilMd ilo fntlnw . tn w,. .
On the north by lota of Albert Millard and lands
formerly of Samuel Creanv. east hp K.n.o
south by lot of Wm. Eckroth and Samuel Creasy
II". It., Ill- 1 !!.. . t
,.l.ov JJ . UAI DllCTJb, I.JUUUIllUg
upon which Is erected a Two-8tory
barn nnd outbuildings. It being lot No. 4, and
ouiub bui'jo jonn uourey, shenrr, con-
veyed to Dorothy Brown, hv iitwkft dtitiMl Taa.
9, 1H85, and entered In Sherira deed book, In
loiuinnia county, No. 5, pagesss.
Seized, taken In exocutlon, at the suit ot
Creasy A Wells vs D. 8. Brown and Djrothy
Brown, his wife. Inrlchr nf n-ii.t nimith.
the owner, or reputed owner, and the said D. 8-
di own unu lioroiny. Brown, contractors, and to
be sold as tho property of tho said Dorothy
JOHN MOl'RKY, Sheriff.
These instruments have enjoyed a
high reputation for moie than forty
years. Are Brilliant and Musical in
Tone, and afford a most beautiful ac
companiment to vocal music the
tone havirg that rare sympathetic
quality which blends admirably with
the human voice. They are durable,
being constructed of the best Mater.
ial, by the Most Ski Uul Workmen.
They have earned an especial repu
tation for Keeping in Tune, and also
for tetaining in a most remarkable de
gree their original fulness of tone
never growing thin or wiry with age.
The Emerson Upright Pianos es
pecially have obtained a remarkable
success during the past few years, and
have invariably received a high award
wherever exhibited. In all the essen
tial qualities of a First-Class Instru
ment they are second to no pianoi
manufactured in the country. Send
for'illustrated Catalogue to the Emer
On l'iano Company, 1 1 6 Eoylston St
Boston Mass.
A large corporation wants an energetic
man to open a branch office and ap
point and instruct agents to sell their
yoods. They will furnish all necessary
firinted matter and material. $1,200
to 82,000 per year can easily be made,
with a splendid chance for promotion
to hustlers. No canvassing only writ
ing and soliciting agents through the
mans ana instructing them bow to sell.
No experience necessary they teach
you how to conduct the business.
Goods are well known and large sales
guaranteed. Send self-addressed
itamped envelope for full particulars to
The Clipper Mfg. Co. Cincinnati, 0.
1-14 1.
Dry Ci ; !! vio never l.,w r than at the present time. It ecenis
inipoi-sible l'.r them to rcniiiin where they are. Wo recom
mend our customers mid irirnd to supply themselves now,
even for future needs. '
3(i inch eoft finish Selicias 10 cts yd. regular price 15 cts.
l'cst Lining Cambrics 5 cts yard.
Best Light Calico 4 cts yard, Good Dark Calico 5 els yard
30 inch Soft finish Cambrics 10 cts yard,
G8 inch Fine Tub!e Linen oO cts. worth CO.
A good Damask Tablo Linen 25cls yard.
2 Special Towel Bargains at 15 and 10 cts pair.
Best Lancaster Giughams 5 cts yd. usual price 8 cts.
All wool Serges, Special 47 ct3 yard.
Yard wide blenched Hill Muslin 7 cts yard.
20 yards Good Murt'm for $1-00.
Yard wide Blenched' Muslin 5 cts yd.
40 inch Silk Wnrp Bengal ine ft. 15 worth $1.25.
40 inch Black Henriettas special 75 cts. Limited lot.
Mrmibnrg iEmibroMaries.
Night Gowns 59c. Corset Covers 12c. Drawers 25o.
New Dress Trimmings to-day.
Ready made Sheets. Pillow and Bolster Cases.
We begin to-day a Special Linen Sale, to last
lablc Linens was 25c. now l(Jc.
" Hoc. " 20c:
" 05c. " 48c.
" " " $1.25 OSc.
Tab'e Cloths and Napkii i to match, was $2.75 now $2.19. Table
Covers $1.75 now $i.j5, 75c ones now 59c. Napkins 80c. now 6cc,
$1.95 ones now 98c, $1.50 ones now $1.19. Special lot of towels just
in at 16c, 22c, and 29c pair, (only by the pair.)
Stamped Linens, Linen Handkerchiefs, and a variety of other Linen
goods m this sale for CASH ONLY.
ran & mm co. mi
Fourth & Market Streets.
And in these days coal does talk and we n tmnr tr mm
its voice. Wc believe so thoroughly in the fact that the
is the best place for vou to deal in. that w o u.;n;n
do a good deal to get you to come and prove us and see if we
aba ...1 1.1. T T 11 mm ar
s ikji ngui. v e couiu give you a voc. table or a 50c. chair
as at. advertising specialty. But what we always aim to do is
iu give JUU
Tbe Most for
and that which will be of the greatest service. Please remem
ber we d' not advance prices for the nurnosft nf nitt;n
down. Therefore know all men by these presents on Monday
January 22nd, and until April COth, for every twenty five dol
lars worth you purchase we will give you an order for a ton of
no. o coat iree. r or every iorty-Uollars worth you purchase
we will cive vou an 'order for a ton nf Nn r oi k.....i
, , . T.11
to keep in the lead. Just look
high Goods.
Grocery Department.
Corn to, 12 and 15c.
Tomatoes 10 and ujc.
Beans loc.
Peas 1 2 Ac
French peas 18c.
California peaches 16c.
White cherries 30c.
Apricots 18c.
Lobster 23c.
Sardines 8, iij, iSc.
Hapsgood Salmon 20 and 23c.
Lunch tongue 30c.
Mess nork 1 2c.
Sugar 20 lb. $1.00.
uatsup 9 and 25c.
There are a few more blankets.
coats and underwear which we nre selling at cost. It won't
be long before you will do thinking of house cleaning and then
ucw iuiuHuiuuuu earpets. uur
better than vou can pet olsonlm
look through our ware rooms.
Something for the Baby.. In a few days wo will have
111 a large hue of buggies and at prices to suit all pocketbooks.
Snyder & Wm Company, Limited.
Hlal ofoioroe Linn, Oeoeatna.
Ttte underilgned. an auaitor appointed by the
Orpl.Rus; Court of Columbia uounly to make
dlst.rll.ut loo of bslunce lu the hands ot the uil.
mlnlHtraUtr, will git at hla onice lu lllwiui.
burK. on Friday, February , ixiti. t 1J i'cl "-It
a. m., when and where all persous having
clalma against suld estate must appear and
oi said fSndlWe' r 1)9 aebarre1 Irom cwuln In
Your Monev
uic uguuu
over our regular low prices for
Grocery Department.
Olive oil 15 and 25c,
North of England Siuce 8c.
Cross & Blackwell's sauce 25c.
Honey 20.
Pickles 15, 25 and 35c.
Mustard 9c. per mug.
California prunes I2jc.
Dried cherries 10 and 180.
Preserved Strawberries, Fiums, Rasp-
berries, Quinces and Peaches 16c.
Full cream cheese 15c
Lard 13c
Hecker's buckwheat 10 and 15c.
Good rice 6.
Onions 35 c,
stocK is larger, cheaper and
T will fi ..
WOK 1UU uuiinnr 10
Bttatt ofJutm utctml, uni of UWn tow,hU,
iMntul IS,ll,9hrobT.,fhren tUftt le,,,,r ot admln
yiimn 5.2? lw W.UW of M" hael, lute ol
to tim .l''P' 4BUr. ve been (frauUHl
rnfJv ?.2?ltof,,ld e8Ute are nxiueated to
nmud7inwnu&'i.ud tUos6 Uavlu el'u
lay to 00 tUe wmu wllut -
i-swt. sahau michaku