fllumltiait. ESTABLISHED I860. Zbt (Columbia gfmofrat, ESTABLISHED 1837. CONSOLIDATED 1869. rCBLISBKD BY GEO. E. EL WELL EVEKY FRIDAY MOKNINO lit Bloomsrmrg, the County seat of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Tmk : Inside the county, 11.00 a year Id ad anoe; $l.M if not paid In advance Outsldo the eounty, $1.96 a year, strictly in advance. Ail communications should be addressed to THE COLUMBIAN, Bloomsburg, Pa. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1894. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Congress-at-Large. James Denton Hancock, of Venango County. JAMES DENTON HANCOCK. Headquarters Democratio State Central Oommittee, 143a SOUTH PENN SQUARE, PHILADEL PHIA. Philadelphia, January 31, 1891 To the Electors of Pennsylvakia The Democratic State Convention, held in Harrisburtr. Tanuarv 10. iSnj nominated its candidate and adopted its piattorm with unanimity and with a ocgree 01 entnusiasm mat has not been t A .. surpasseu. a representative conven tion of nearly five hundred deWsi.. assembled from every Representative district in the State, without contested and without a dissenting voice, ranged itseii in solid support of the national organization of the party and of the Democratic Administration of the Federal and State Governments It nominated a representative Demo crat as the candidate for Represent! tive-at-Large in Congress upon a plat form in accordance with the last auth orued deliverance of the Mtimi Democracy, and with its exposition by a Democratic President. It rWiir ed their sympathy with and support of me euorts 01 a democratic Congre-s to relieve the country from business oeprcssion and lrom all the bad effects of Republican misrule. It declared for a true American svstem which would bring relief for languishing com mercial interests, better wages to American labor, and which will restore American commerce. Hon. James Denton Hancock, of xranKiin, venango Uounty, the can didate for Representative at Large in Congress, is a man of high and pure character, of large attainments and ex perience, with the intelligence to have convictions and the courage and hon esty to avow them. He is the candi date of the whole party, and is entitled to its unanimous support Gratified by these conditions, the organization of the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania, feels encouraged to call upon the electors of the State, without regard to party affiliations, t rally to his support. We believe that the principle of tariff reform has per meated the minds of the people of Pennsylvania, and that, in the language of the Harrisburg platform, they are ready to "record the vote of their State in Congress for an enlightened, liberal and progressive system, that must quicken the prosperity of our Commonwealth and promote the gen eral welfare of the country." We have everything to gain and nothing to lose by discussion and ag' tation. I therefore appeal to and call upon the organization of the party in every election district to disseminai. the principles of the party as declared in its platform and in the deliverances of its candidate, and to promote, full, fair and free discussion of the issues of the campaign. To the end that the-t may be efficient and Vl'trornra nr,nri zation, I call upon the Democracy of the State to perfect their organizations by counties, election districts and by school districts. Above all, let there be a spirit of unity and harmony througout the organization and iu every district, so that a singleness tf purpose may pervade the efforts of the party toward the election of its candidate, and unity of counsel may be joined with efficiency of organiza tion and aggression in action. If the half million Democratic voters of Pennsylvania will record their votes for the nominee ot their party, Penn sylvaniaawill take its right place in the Democratic line. J. Marshall Wright, Chairman of the Democratic State Committee. GENERAL NEWS. Gold, silver and lead have been dis covered in Spruce Hill, near Bourne ville, Ross county, Ohio, by A. W. Stretchier, ot Xenia, who became wealthy by similar discoveries in California forty years ago. Springfield capitalists are associated with him. They have been pros pecting over six months and will be gin digging in two weeks. W. F. Mitchell and Miss Sallie Mitchell own the hill in which they have found the valuable metal. Eddie Brotherston a ten-year old boy disappeared from his home in Ashley about two weeks ago. Every stream and pond has been dragged, but no trace of him. It is supposed he has been kidnapped. Geo. W. ChiUls, proprietor of the Philadelphia ledger, is lying in a critical condition, the result of paraly sis which followed his attack of verti go of the i8;h inst. February "Cosmopolitan". The Secret of the great success of The Cosmopolitan is not so hard to find, if one looks carefully over the number for February. A story by Vaides, fie f.imons Spanish novelist, the first from his pen to appear in any American magazine, is begun in this number. Arthur Sherburne H?r dy's story, "A Rejected Manusurit" is charmingly illustrate I by I. MarolJ, who we believe makes his first appear ance in the magazines on this side of the water. A j.roluscly illustrated re ticle on the designing and bui ding of a war-ship appeals to the in crest tak en by all in the new navy, and a thrill in? description of a naval combat un der the significant title : " The Melo bin and the Pentheroy'' describes af ter the manner of the Bartle of Djrk ing. a possible sea fight, the outcome of which is watched by the entire na val world. ''Gliding Flight" is an in teresting contiibutto:i to the problem of aerial navigation by one who has studied the flight of soaring birds in the East for twenty years. B'air.e Goodale, who married a member of the Sioux nation of Indian Wars and Warriors. T. C. Crawford, the Wash ington correspondent, gives the first half of a startling stoiy, under the title of 'The Disappearance Syndicate". The poetry in this number by Sii E I win Arnold, Graham R. Tomson and William Young, is unusually good. The Departments, ' In thi World of Art and Letters" and the " progress of Science" continue to have a contribu tors men famous in both continents. The Cosmopolitan for February in troduces a famous Europe in author to its readers Vaides of Madiid, and the artist Marold of i'aris, well knawn as a French i!!ii3'.ra(or lira. Theresa Hartson 'For fourteen Tears I hava auffnrnd with vm. ney troubles ; my back so la mo that sometimes I Could Not r:a!so Myself 1D eut Of Tnv ch.llr. linr turn mv.nl f In fi.d V could not Bleep, and suf fer?4 great diilNw wltit icy food. I have Ukjn (our bottles of Hood s!? Cures Hood'3 Sar;nnarllla. I fiel l'ka RAW rtArnAn. nd my terrible sufferings have oil gone, life is conuort compared to tho misery it used to be." lias. T heuksa Hartsox, Albion, Ps. H ftfijS o Cilia mra f'mi--.tt?,ilinn hv miIa.. lag the peristaltic action, of Uio alUucnUry caoai. TOWN TOPICS, The Journal ot Society. (83 PAGES.) (THURSDAY.) HEW IVKH, , , ; V . 'h i. ir-7.i mm vum most eoniDivts weekly Journal In tba world. " Hi Sauntering." oolumns are Inimitable. Its society Di, esuocUlly of the dolnirs or tha Ann f hew York, Boston, Philadelphia. Culcimo. and ml r th world, Is not equalled by aur newspaper. Financial Department U authority with all altera and broker. It "Literary Show" notes current literature la by the cleverest of re. Wers. It "Afield and Afloat" make. It th. most tntereotlnft paper for all lorer of sport yachting, footbal, rowing, shootlua:, fishing: eto. Its "on the Turf" excels all other racing note. It ourirsqiiH. poem and Joke are the cleverest. It stories are by the beet writers among them Amflle Klves, V. Marlon Crawford, Jullau Hawthorne, Edgar f awcett, Gilbert I'arker, Wary J. Hawker ("Lanoa falconer"). Barry fain, Paul Bourget, Rudyard Kipling, Ambrose Illeroe, etc., etc., and are, even If a trifle risque, yet always clever, brtuht and pretty, without coarseness or anything to otlend the most refined and moral woman. In addition to all this mere Is each week a supplement, portrait. In colors, of some man eminent In hi walk of life. Tales From Town Topics Quarterly, first day of March, June, September, December! 256 page) Kino. Contains In each numlmr, In addltlou to short stories, poems, bur. Icsiiues, etc., from the old Issues of Town Tories. complete, original prize story of I'M to 160 pages. No one who enjoys the highest class of Action, and would be au onuranr with all that pertains to good society, can afford to be without Tows Topic every week. There I o maob Interesting reading In it and In the "Tales," that a club subscription to both will supply any family with abundant reading ot the most entertaining character all the year. RATESi Town" Topic per annum, 4 00. A trial lubsorip. lor, th.e months, t) 1 ,00, and a specimen copy of " Tale " Free. Tales From Town Topic, per Bomber. 60 cents. Per annum, S3 00. Both Clubbed, par annnm, fll.OO, and any two previous Number of "Tale" you may specify rase. faTSnd 10 cent for sample oopy lows Tories. mffiSSSStf AMtLlB B,Vltr UUtt Tanis, The Sang -Digger? rjtmo, sloth, (lit, onent front and foot, 1.H post- tEiutior- -ooM7 9MM - TOWS TOPIC. II Wael Sl (reel. Raw Verk. -THE- (eeley Jhstitote -llll FOR THE CURE OF THE I HI I HABITS. Ill THE ONLY SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Send for reading matter. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, 78 MADISON AVE.. S0RA.NT0N, PA. we refer by permission to1 J. I), ltodtne.t J. B. HlnardJ Catawlssa. M A mo. Administrator's Sals of valuable Real Estate. The undoralgncd Administrator of fclmon Lowry, late of omntre township, Columbia county, dcccawd, will sell at public venduo on tho promises ou WEDNESAY, FEBRUARY a8, 1894 at ono o'clock p. m , the following tto sctlbcd real estate, to--.vlt: All that certain tract of lnnd sltunte In Orange township, Co lumbia county, l'a., bounded and described as follows : B 'glnnlnjf at tho northeast corner of A. L. Dtottj-rleh's l:ind, thenco by lnnd of Clareneo Hitler n irth eight degrees nnd fifteen minutes west Hlxty-nve nnd two-tenths pcivhes to a stone In public rond, thence along centre of s Id public road and land of Maria Lowry and Justm? dltlcr south clgbty-three and oue-hulf degrees west one hundred and three and one-tenth perches to a point In middle of another public road leading from ;illdlay's church to Orange vlllo, thonce along centre of said road nnd land ot said Justice Sltler south forty-seven degrees west eighteen and nine-tenths perches, thence by the same south thirty-eight degrees and forty.dvo minutes west fire end six-tenths perches, south twenty-two and one-halt degrees west seven and one-tenth perches, thence leav ing suld road an 1 by land of the said Justus Slt ler south seventy-scveu and one-iinK begrees west six and seventy-two one-hundredths perches, north nine degrees forty-live minutes wc3t nineteen and six-truth perches to point in line of land of James B. Montgomery, thence by same south seventy-nine degrees west forty-six and flvo-tenths peiches, thence by land of Jacob Classen south ton and one-halt degrees east seventeen and throe-tenths perches south seventy-nine and one-half degrees west eighteen and two-tenths porches south ten degrees ea&t flfty-two and nine-tenth perches to point In centre ot public road leading to Stony isrot It' thence along centre of said road aud land cf said Clossen and A. L. Dlettei lch's north eighty and three-fourth degrees east one hundred and ninety-five perches to tho place ot beginning, 0 mtulnlng 82 ACRES and 51 PERCHES on which Is erected a DWELLING HOUSF, BANK BARN and out buildings. The land Is all cleared and In a high state of cultivation, well supplied with fruit trees and running water at the house. Being formerly described In six separate deeds nil of which are recoraed in the onice for the recording of deeds In Columbia county. Tbrms made known on day of salo. '31. II. t-NTDKR, GBOKGE HITKLB, Atty. Administrator SHERIFF'S SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, rursuant to a writ of X.ev. Fa, Issued out of tho Court of common Pleas of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale, at the Court House. In Hsomsbiirg, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1894, at two O'clock P. m.. all th nlccp. nnreel. nnd tract of land, situate In the village of Sliraiu. vine, wimin townsnip, Columbia Co., l'ennn., bounded and described as follows . to wit . On the north by lots of Albert Millard and lands iormeny 01 Bumuei croasy, east by Hace street' south by lot of Wm. Eckrot h and Samuel Creasy west by Fair street, containing ' FOUR ACRES OF LAND, upon which Is erected a Two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, barn nnd outbuildings. It being lot No. 4, and the same which John Mouroy, Shertff, con veyed to Dorothy Brown, by deed dated Deo 9, 1885, and entered in Sheriff's deed book-, m Columbia county, No. 5, page 388. Seized, taken In exnetitton nt t',o c.it Creasy Wells vs D. K. Brown and DorotlivJ tiie owner, or reputed owner, and tho said D. Brown and Dorothv. 11 num. be sold as the property of the suld Dorothy nruwu. JOHN MOI KEV, 8heiltl. ORPHANS' COURT SALE rursuant to an order of the Orphnnv court ot Columbia County, fa , the undorslgncd will sell at public sale on the premises of Jesse Johnson, late of Beaver twp., Col. Co , dee'd on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY a, 1894, at 13, o'clock noon, the following described piece or parcel of land bounded and described as follows : On the south by a public road lead ing from Shumantown to Ml. Grove, on the not th by lands of Miles Kellly and others, on tho eist by land of Allon Maun, on the west by lands of Samuel Johnson and rt'm. Smith, con taining 249 ACRES of luud, more or less, on which are erected a LOG DWELLING, Bank Burn, Shed, Cider Press, Water rower, a good Orchnrd. ISO acres, more or less, ore cleared, the balnnco about us or 120 being FINE OAK AND WHITE PINE TIMBER LAND. Tbrms or 8AL:-One-thIrd of the purchase money to be paid at the st riking down of the property, one-third In six months nftcf confir mation nisi, and the balance In six months tuerenftor with Interest on deferred payments from confirmation nisi and the same to be se cured In the property s no timber to be removed rom the premise until the purchaser shall first have given Independent security for nv. ment of unpaid purchase money, to be approv- cu uy lie) i ouru tsAtlontlon of lumberman Is hereby called to the fact that the Umber tract mentioned above Is most desirable one, lying as It does within about tvr) miles of the 8. U. w. rail- rO&1. J II T fnvn n G. H. ThODTMAM.I , TriiHtM O. B. Jackson, Attorneys. trustee. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. AntVtfr QfOeorgr lAnn, invaffit. The undersigned, on nurtltor appointed by the Oiphans' Court of 1'nlunihln county to make distribution of balance in the hands of the ad ministrator, will sit. at. his nnico In Blooms burg, on rrlrfny, Kehrunry , IWI, at 10 o'clock n. in , when and where all persons having claims against sh Id estate must appenr Btm prove the siiine, or be debarred from coming In on snld fund. l-'JiHt. FltRD 1KKI.EH. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kstate rf Cathartne Weamr tale Of Blootnttntrg, deomurd. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin istration cum testnmento annexnon the estate of Catharine Weaver, lalo of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, l'a., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned administrator to whom all persons Indebted to said esttxte are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to or to CHA8. W. JTNBTON, G. K. Klwell, Administrator cum test amen Atty. to annexo. l-Mlt. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Kxtate 0 Jlrvm nyrrt, hue nf Pluhhignvrk (utcnrltli), drontwrt. Notice Is herebv irlven that letters testnmein- nry on the estate of Kt heeca Itogert, late of Klslilngcreek township, deceased, have been granted to Atones Xclleniy, teslilent of said township, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate nro requested to make payment, nnd those having claims or demands will nmke Known 1 lie same without delay. JIOSKS McIIENKY. l-6ti;. Kxecutnr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate 0 Wesley Ittu-l ie, tale tf Scott fotiMj, df-iVffjted. i"m n r 11. uriru; ini-ii iiiiii ivnrin i 'n-n tiiiii- tnryonlho twain of Wesley Kuekle, late of Scot t township, deceased, have been granted tn lliinrirn li,,..L.n L-op I . m.,tit Imi'ii jl.l it t whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those linvlng eliilins or 1I1 maiidi will m ke known the siiine without delay. Wm. II. MNYnKK, OKOHGK UVCK1.K, l-H'-flt. Ally. Executor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE KXate of Carre: Vntiblartgnn, ltit qfEeaver iipiiiji, viinimi. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamen tary on the estato of Garret Vunolsrigan, lute of Heaver township, decensed, have been grunt ed to John A. liorrmuti, resident of Mlnllnvllle, Columbia county, to whom till persons Indebt ed to suld estate ar requested to innka pay ment, and those having elnlms or demands will make known theaauie wllliout delay. V M. II. fNVDKK, JOHN A. HOFFMAN, 1-39-av Atiy. Kxecutor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. kMatt of William S. UeM, We of Centre (otm Mp, aecetned. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of nullum H Hess, lute of Centre township, deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned administratrix to whora all persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to nmke payments, and Ml these having claim? or demands will make known the same Without delay to l-1'.S-flf if. AVERNA riES, Administratrix. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Relate of Rebecca May. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by lhte Orphans' Court of Columbia county to make distribution of said estate, will sit at his offiic in liloomsburj;, Pa., on Friday, February 2, 1894, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where nil persons having claims Against said estate must appear and prove the same, or be debarred from coming in on said fund. II, A. M'KII IJP -a-4t. Auditor. NOTICE. Jn the matter of the division of the school PPerfyot catawlssa Township. No. , Way Tho undersigned Commissioner nnd Examl- vouri, ioiuko testimony, ad just the claims and report to said court the difference of Indebtedness between Townshlo and llorough, hereby gives notice to all part lei that he will meet at, the office ot Wm. H. lthawp Esq., at Catawlssa, l'a., on Thursday, tho loth day of February, A. I)., ism, at 10 0 clock In the forenoon for the purpose of his appointment, when atid where a:l parties In terested must appear and nil thoso having claims must, present the same or be forever thereafter deburred from tho same aeeordlug to the Act of Assembly, of Juno lath, 1-T8. B tm- u WM. H. 8NYUKH, Cloomsburg. Ta. com. 4 Ex. tf- Nov. 5, 1883. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following nc count has been tiled In the Court of Common Mens 01 Columbia county nnd will be presented to the said court on the first Monday of Kebru ary A. D 1894, and confirmed blsl, and unless exceptions ate filed within four days thereafter will be conilrmed absolute: "cumr The account of o. M. Tustln Assignee of the "Culuwlssa Deposit Dank" appointed for the purpose or winding up the affuirs of the suld Hank. (4, m Ql'lCK I'rothonotar'y Office.) I'rotuonotary. Bloomsburg, fa., V ' January I, 18lJ FOE OVER FORTY YEARS have enjoyed a high reputation. Bril liant and musical ; tone of rare sym pathetic quality: beautiful for vocal accompaniment. Durably constructed of finest materials by most skillful workmen. Exceptional in retainirtr original richness and fullness of tone. Require tuning less often than anv y other piano. Pricks Moderate. REASONABLE TERMS. SEND FOR CATALOCUE" MADE AND IN USE. T, 116 Boylston St., BOSTON MASS. branch i 92 'M.Ave. New York. Stores 218 Wabash Ave., Chicago iiiRsgi Why not Visit the City now? Extraordinary opportunities to buy Clothing on your purchase and Rail road Car-fare paid on the purchase of a reasonable amount $10.00 4o $40.00, according to distance. Waiiamaker & Brown Sixth and flarket Streets Oak Hall Philadelphia I. W. HARTMAN & SON. MARKET SQUARE, 7 hi Gosan,ers and Coitt ice offered last w,'.ek ot a special run, have gone fast, but we still have too many, and continue our offer at reduced prices, not forgetting the ao yds. good unbleached muslin at i oo, also 14 yards bleached for $r.oo. Nobody thinks of paying 85c yard for oil cloth when they can buy of us for 16c 85 pieces of goal Gingham 6c yard, 3,000 yards of dark and light calico 5 and 6c. Red table Linen 25c, 2 yd wide Sheetings 19c yd., 1 J yd. pil'ow case muslin 1 jc OUR CORNER is a busy one up stairs and down. ' The new Grocery, the Photograph Gallery, the Dentist Room, the Lawyer's Office and the Tailor shop all add to the trade, whilst we in return add to each and all. Dress Goods and Trimmings are selling icith us. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. mu & mm co. 111. Fourth & Market Streets. COAL And jn these days coal docs talk and wo are gointf to voice. We believe eo thoroughly in the fact that the its GREAT STONE STORE 13 the best place for you to deal in, that e are willing to do a good deal to get you to come and prove 113 and see i? we are not right. We could give you a 75c. table or a 50c. chair as an advertising specialty. But what we always aim to do is to give you T&e Most for Your Money and that which will be of tha rririitoQr ciniino Tlnn.-.. , - OmwivH JUI llHi, X IKUfU J UM1CUI- ber we do not advance prices for the purpose of cutting them down. Therefore know all men by these presents on Monday January 22ud, and until April COth, for every twenty-five dot . r u""' a to keep in the lead. J ust look I112I1 Goods Grocery Department. Corn 10, 12J and 15c. Tomatoes 10 and 12JC Beans 10c. Peas 1 2 Ac. French neas 18c. California peaches 16c. White cherries 30c. Apricots 18c. Lobater 2?c. Sardines 8, n , iSc. napsgooil balmon 20 and 23c Lunch tonnuc ?oc. Mess pork 12c. Sugar 20 lb. $1.00. Catsup 9 and 25c. There are a few mnrfi LI coats and underwear which we are selling at cost. It won't be long before you will De thinking of house cleaning and then new furniture and carpets. Our stock is larger, cheaper and better than you can get else here. It will cost you nothing to look through our ware rooms. Something for the Baby.. In a few "days we will have in a Jarere line nt hnrrnripa oi,i of i St .1 i. a -ot. m Snyder (6 Jk fOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, BLOOMSBURG, - PA. per cent, discount BLOOMSBURC. talk: use iu ui i.u. o coai, we arc oounu over our regular low prices for 0 1 r Grocery Department. Olive oil 15 and 25c, North of England Sauce 8c. Cross & Blackwell's sauce 25c. Honey 20. Tickles 15, 25 and 35c. Mustard 9c. per mug. California prunes 1 2c. Dried cherries 10 aid 18c. Preserved Strawberries, Plums, Rasp- berr'es, Quinces and Teaches 16c. Full cream cheese 15c Lard 13 c. Hecker's buckwheat 10 and 15c. Good rice 6. Onions 25 c. ui juices 10 BUlt ail pOCKeiOOONSS. tomnanv. Limn I af i t-96-9 In.