The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 19, 1894, Image 8

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IH1rWo viionnt lots and t number of gnod
ftounea and lui s ti HlominUiirtf, l'n Til'! uiMt
lralnoitnlancl In Itlnomslv.uir. A very leslii
fclBPropvrly mnt-ululnif iw ii T'-anti.t llr.U l;m
tuu'llngs wlili (foo'l will In a business wjilu
tuuu to 1N)0 por yar at, Willow uroro.
IHreUlnirs in K.spy, oranircvlllo and llpaili
Baven. A liirife number of mrms In olombla
County, one In Luwnw County, one In Virginia.
Two Country more Htands In Columbia County
nd one In Luzerne County, A water power
pUuitng mill, dry dock and lumber yard and
Sheds In Beach llavnn, Pa. Also 10 acros at
rid farm land at same plnro, by M. 1". LUT
HON, Insurance and Heal Estate Agents,
BliOOMSlUiltit, PA. tf.
dai Ions for boarders at 417 Iron Rtreet,
omnburt( Uentlemun preferred. Mrs. K.
Jacoby. ln-iHMl"
JV formation address 1). E. Wuitrnkiut,
Tsmaqua, Kcliuylklll Co., Pa. ft-O-ly.
has very desirable furnished rooms for
six young men. llutli room adjoining, for use
Moccupants of the rooms. Call and examine,
and constablks at tbo colvmbian or-
place. A bright Intelligent, energeilo
young man can make from $15 to fioo per
month. Address Ooi.din Eha, 7 West 6oth
street. New York City.
samples of metal, celluloid, woven and
rt boon bac les for all kinds of orders and so
cieties, and can .iave them nuido to order on
abort notice. Sec samples and get prices.
Address Tub Columbian, liloomsburg, Pa.
Jan. ji. Mrs. Sarah Deitterich
will sell horses, cows, wagons, house
hold furniture ami many other articles
at the Buck Horn hotel, at ten o'clock
av m.
Interesting Items From Various Points
in the County, Reported by Our
Star! of Correspondents
East Benton.
Stanley McHenry of Cambra, the
accomplished musician has composed
a piece of music (Waltz) entitled
"Blanche and Eva" sisters of the
author cf the above music in whose
honor the title is given. Ray, a
brother, p.; a skillful violinist, and the
two instruments piano anil violin
make exquisite music at the hands of
Stanley and Ray.
Hon. James McHenry, of Can.bra,
has had a seige of the grippe. He is
better now.
John Wenner of Van Camp, spent
a few days in our home last week.
He is not far from 78 years old. The
old stock of people are getting pretty
well thinned out. We are loth to
part with our old friends.
Very little snow in our locality and
not much prospects for much sledding.
Politically "the last leaves on the
tree" are beginning to fall. New ap
pointments are now rapidly being
There has been an unusual amount
of sickness of various types in the
community this winter thus far.
The flitting season and blue birds
will soon glide along.
A 9 letter puzzle:
9, 5 and 1 is a kind of grease.
6, 5 and 4 is a kind of vermin.
2, 7 and 1 is no miss.
8, 3, 5 and 6 is an apprehension.
The whole is a bone of contention
in our country cf long standing. How
many will tell what it is in the next
issue of The Columbian ?
"If at first you don't succeed, try,
try again," is the motto of the Benton
citizens in their efforts to secure the
incorporation of the town into bor
ough. Rev. Runyan, of the M. E. Church
is in store for you
when you buy Doctor
Pierces Pleasant Pel
lets. If you ever took
the ordinary liver pill,
big and bulky, nasty
II J a good thing, espe-
coated, tiny as a mus
tard seed but very
effective. Other
things being equal,
the smallest is the
best in liver pills
hence, "Pleasant
If you are troubled
with Indigestion, Constipation,
Biliousness, Bilious Headaches,
and a hundred and one ills
which depend upon an inactive
liver, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
With these pills you get not
only temporary relief but a
positive aire; they're guaran
teed to give satisfaction in
every case, or your money
is returned.
For . fat people who suffer
from indigestion, for hearty
eaters and high livers those
whose livers are sluggish, this
pill is what is most needed.
Take a Pellet after dinner.
of the Benton charge, having been
deposed from preaching on the charge,
with his family took his departure
week ego last Monday morning. This
is a very unfortunate aflaii, not only
for the cause in which he labored, but
for the minister himself. We pity
from our inmost soul the poor victim
who fell a slave to a habit that has led
to such a step. It is hard to under
stand how people who contract bad
habits are not lowered in the estima
tion of the public generally, but when
a minister of the gospel falls in the
same habits, everybody it seems wants
to jump on him with both feet. A
minister, after all is nothing more nor
less than a tart of human nature with
all the rest of mankind. '-Charity
covereth a multitude of sins."
Harrison Wilkinson, formerly of
Town Line, met with an accident last
Thursday near Register that will most
likely prove fatal. While operating a
portable saw mill he attempted to ad
just some ringging with the "cant
hook" when the saw caught the handle
and threw it across his forehead,
crushing the skulL Inflammation has
set in and at this writing he is uncons
cious. Miner Wood worth, of Town Line,
committed suicide last Friday. Hav
ing been afflicted with grippe, insanity
is thought to have caused the rash act.
Having been well blessed with this
world's goods, financial circumstances
played no part in the sad deed. It is
said that he stabbed himself in the
chest several limes, and at length cut
his throat, severing the jugular veins
with a jack knife.
The following is the answer to puz
zle contained under this head in issue
of Jan. 5th:
2. 3. 7. 15 Hell.
16, 8, 1 sit.
1 a, 14, 15, 10, 3 house.
1 1 5. 4 cup.
14 O.
The answer to the whole being The
rurtLic Schools.
Dear Editor: There was a lot of
bounty jumpers, who by sharp and
constant vigilance, were kept in the
army until they were captured and
rent to Andersonville, that notorious
place of starvation of the soldiers of
the Union 60,000 perished there.
And our pension bureaus got into very
bad shape before the advent of the
present administration. Bounty jump
ers, deserters and hospital bummers
were politely introduced into the Pen
sion Office : they were handsomely en
tertained then and walked out richer
and better with the promise and pros
pects of large installments of pension
money that amply repaid them for
their integrity to the Union, the Re
public their loyalty and bravery. The
Pension office to day is busily engaged
ascertaining these many and stupen
dous frauds, separating the chaff from
the wheat, the sheep from the goats,
and every soldier who came out with
an honorable discharge is in favor of
this thorough crucible of separatirg
the gold from the dross. The veterans
of this country ought to be justified.
It is impossible to come to this as long 1
as bounty jumpers, deserters and hos
pital bummers are faring and ranking
along with the honest soldier, who
perhaps entered the army a robust
man, and came out an invalid, or left
an arm or leg on the battle field as
trophies of their valor and victory.
A little similar to the foregoing is a
case in point. E. M. Laubach, one
of the most prominent citizens and
business men of this part of the coun
try has established a fine reputation
as pump maker ; has been turning out
fine work for years so that orders for
pumps come in from a distance, from
all points of the compass, and give
universal satisfaction. lie is the only
person by that name engaged in the
business, and has no partner. Any
one representing himself as a member
of the firm is an impostor. K.
Mrs. Sarah Parker of Williamsportj
is spending a few weeks with relatives
at this place.
LaGrippe is still very prevalent in
this part ot the county, but nearly all
are convaleceing and some are well
again. There is hardly a family but
wnat are or were sick.
miss Garonne Hirieman has gone
to Millville, where she expects to stay
during the winter.
Protracted meeting is being con
tinued at Sylvan Chapel with several
converts and some accession to the
church. May the cause of the truth
and right prosper to the overthrow of
all evil and everything that maketh a
lie is the wish of all good citizns.
Mr. Eves, who is teaching a singing
class here, came around again on Tues
day evening after quite a long absence
which was caused by the grip, and
then some say he has a small clas in
Philadelphia, at any rate he spent a
week or two in the city of brotherly
love. He intends to have school
every Thursday evening in the future.
Mr. II. J. Hitlemun expects to quit
farming and move to Benton in the
spring. He u engaged in the lumber
Jackson township is going to have
a new school house next summer, for
which sealed bid will be received at
the post office, where specifications
I may be seen up to 3 p. m. of the first
K'n .nil.! TV" ,)illl
clear) Q (long
it Us
S. P. Smith, of Towanda, Ta.,
whose constitution was completely
broken down, is cured by Ayer'a
Sarsaparilla. He writes:
" For eight yenrs, I was, most of the
tluio, a preat sufferer from constipa
tion, kidney trouble, nnd Indiges
tion, so tlint my constitution scorned
to 1)0 completely broken down. I was
induced to try Ayer's Snrsnpnrilln, and
took liearly seven hottlcn, with such
excellent results tlint my stomach,
bowel, and kidneys nro In perfect con
dition, and, In nil their functions, a
reRiilHr as clock-work. At tho timo
I bepan taking Ayer'a Snnmparllla, my
weight was only 129 pounds; I now can
brag of 150 pounds, nnd was novor In so
(rood health. If you could see roe be
ioro nnd after using, you would want
1110 for ft traveling advertisement.
I believe thin preparation of Sarsaparilla
to bo tho best in the market to-day."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rropnrcd by Dr. J. C. A yor & Co., Lowell, Uon.
Cures others.will cure you
Saturday in February. The house is
to be built near Black's saw mill and
will constitute a new school district.
That we are not coiner to have much
sleighing this winter seems to be gen
erally uncierstooa as tne nays are go
ing by with but an occasional flake of
snow and plenty of rain and mud.
Lime Ridge.
Miss Nora Dresher from Chicago
is visiting Mrs. J. E. Shuman.
The M. E. Church held a missionary
entertainment on Sunday evening
which proved a success. Mr. J. D.
White and family visited Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Hartman on Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Presler has been on
the sick list for the past few weeks.
Protracted meeting commenced in
the E. V. church on Monday evening.
A large revival is looked for.
Mts. J. H. Hughes returned home
on Saturday after a few days' visit with
her daughter, Mrs. L. G. Hagenbuch
in Berwick.
Mr. William Presler met with a
painful accident at the Bloomsburg
lube Works on I hursday of last week,
mashing three fingers on his right
Miss Martha A. Hughes and Miss
Catharine Hartman, enjoyed a pleas
ant drive to Berwick last week. They
report a good time.
Some of our Lime Ridge dudes
were over the river skating on the
pond on Sun Jay. Can't tell whether
it was the ice they were after or the
Mr. Albert Gensel and wife attend
ed the funeral of her brother at Al
media on Sunday.
Miss Jessie May Hartman and Miss
Bessie M. Hess had an enjoyable
skate to Bloomsburg last Saturday.
Light Street.
Mrs. Agnes ' Mathers of Benton
spent a few days the past week visit
ing Mrs. G. P. Reighard.
Mrs. M. Millard, wife of Tudee
Millard is a victim of La Grippe at
John li oil mans.
La-Grippe victims for the past week:
J. H. Townsend, Samp. Townsend,
Jacob Terwilliger. Win. Raup and
family, Leonard Buck, Geo Hawk and
A. F. Terwilliger and family.
Mrs. Boyd Henrie had a severe at
tack of heart disease on Thursday
night, but is now convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Henry of Jer
seytown visited the tatter's father last
Cabin Run Mail carrier has more
time given him by the change in time
on B. & S. R. R giving him an hour.
Miss Emma Beers spent Sunday at
Bloom with her parents
C. M. Terwilliger paid a flying
visit to town Saturday attcrnoon.
Henry Getty of Elk Grove spent
Tuesday with his parents of this place.
No better aid to digestion,
No better cure for dyspepsia,
Nothincr more reliable for biliousness
and constipation than DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills.
W. S. Rishton, Druggist.
Children Cryfor
Pitcher's Castorla.
The following is the Chief Burgess
net passed by the Legislature on May
93rd, 1893 :
Sec. 1. The qualified voters of
every voter in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania shall, on the third Tues
day of February, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and ninety
four, and triennially thereafter, vote
for and elect a qualified person for
Chief Burgess in each of said bor
oughs, who will serve for the term of
three years and shall be ineligible to
the office for the next succeeding
Skc. a. Such Chief Burgess shall
not hold any other borough office or
appointment during the term for which
he is elected, nor be a member of nor
preside at the meetings of the Town
Council of said borough. But said
meetings shall be presided over by a
president of Council to be at the an
nual organization thereof elected by
such Council from among their num
ber, and in the absence of such presi
dent shall be presided over by a presi
dent pro tern.
Sec. 3. Every ordinance and reso
lution which shall be passed by said
Council shall be presented to the Chief
Burgess of said borough; if he approve
he shall sign it, but if he shall not ap
prove he shall return it with his objec
tions to said Council at the next regu
lar meeting when said objections shall
be entered at large on the minute
book and said Council shall proceed
to a consideration of such ordinance
or resolution. If after such consider
ation two thirds of all the members
elected to said Council shall vote to
pass such ordinance or resolution, it
shall become and be of as full force
and effect as if said Chief Burgess had
signed it, but in such cases the votes
of the members of Council shall be
determined by the yeas and nays, and
the names of the members voting shall
be entered on the minutes of said
Council : Provided, That when the
nhmber of Councilmen is less than
nine a majority of Council and one
vote more shall be required to pass an
ordinance over the veto. If such or
dinance or resolution shall not be re
turned by the Chief Burgess at the
next regular meeting of said Council
after the same shall have been present
ed to him, the same shall likewise be
come and be in as full force and effect
as if he had signed it : Provided, That
before any ordinance shall come into
force and effect as aforesaid the same
shall be recorded in the bor
ough ordinance book with the certifi
cate of the secretary and be advertised
as heretofore required by law.
Sec. 4. That from and after the
passage of this act the office of assis
tant burgess in all the boroughs of this
Commonwealth shall be and the same
is hereby abolished.
Sec. 5. All acts or parts ol acts in
consistent herewith are hereby re
Not one minute elapses between
the taking of One Minute Cough Cure
and relief. Why shouldn't people
take One Minute Cough Cure ? They
should. They do. W. S. Rishton,
A lot of new notes of the sharpest
kind have just been printed and are
for sale at this office. Also common
receipts, estate receipts, and collec
tors' receipts, neatly bound in books
of 25, 50 and 100. tf.
Couldn't Eat or Sleep
Dr. Kilmer & Co: "I bad been troubled for
lght years with itomacb and heart dlffloultioa.
1 uveu mostly on miiK,
as every-tbiDg I ate hurt
me to. My kldncyi and
liver wore la a terrible
state. Could neither sleep
or eat. I bad been treated
by the best Chicago doctors
without any benefit what
ever. As a but resort I
tried vour SWAMP-
t'jrJL vhF HOOT, and now I can eat
-' anything, no manor what.
Nothing hurt me, and can go to bed and get
good ulfflit'a sleep. SWAMP-BOOX
cured mo.
Any one doubting tills statement can write.
I will gladly answer." Mrs. Ucrman MlUer,
Dee. iMth, 1SU2. Springport, Mich.
Had Torpid Liver For 14 Years.
BHIous all the Time.
T)gab Bins: "I hnvo boon troubled with
Torpid Liver for 14 ) cam aod goue turotiuh
vouriwe ui ouious iuvcr;
munv tliru It hin been im
possible for mo to do any
kind of lulior. Dr. Kilmer's
tiVAlIF-UOT was
flrHt rei-'omuujiKlod to mo
by Holthnufin, lllutkburn &
Co., (Dmntfhts) Docutur,
Ind. Alter taking one
Ixittlo I was uncertain
whether I was really do-
bottlo, however, I found 'ViSf;
tlint uiv hciilth was improv
ing and I continued until 1 bad taken 6 bottles.
1 can now cheerfully rcmminrnil N W A Jl p.
Kill I 10 every one wno luis torpid liver, ior
It lias completely curtu uie."
Jan. lth. 1WI3. P. W. CnniHTiANEn,
The Great Blood Purifier.
At DrucRlt, SOe.dc $1.00
Uultto to Health" Frco. Consul-
tatton Free. Dr. Kilmer &Co.,
IIinomauton, N. Y.
js 1 11 1.; nr
w: Jl.i Dr. Klimcr-s
RcYT l'tirllla Liver Pllla
r AllB TnK 15I.S--1 12 PUU, 88 ceuU.
r aM JU-
D 1
for Infants and Children.
1 u a m
- Cantorla liso well adapted toebildron that
I recommend It a. miperlnrtoany prescription
known to mo." It A. Aannna, M. P.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The nas of 'Cantor la U so universal nnd
ita mortis so well known that it seems a work
cf supererogation to endorse It, Tow are tho
Intelligent families who do not koep Castorla
within eaay roaoh."
Cablo. Mabttx, n. D.,
l.'cw York City.
Cant or la cures Colic, Constipation,
Kour t.;tntr.tfc'h, Dlarrhaa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, give, sleep, and promote, dl
gent Ion,
Without injurious medication.
"For several yearn I hnvo reoommende
your 'Castorla,' and shall always continue t.
do so as It baa invariably produced beneficial
Enwrn F. TAnriKS, M. D.,
ISStb Street and 7th Ave., New York City,
Tna CsnTArn Coitpaht, 77 MronAY Strict, New York City.
J". C3-. WELLS.
Eyes examined free of charge.
scription to "THE COLUMBIAN" together with ten cents extra, we will
send free a copy of The World Almvnac, for 1894. Single copies may be
ordered at "THE COLUMBIAN" oTice for 45 cents.
The Best Reference Book Printed.
Everything up to Date and Complete.
Has Reached Such a State of Perfec
tion That It Is a Veritable Encyclo
paedia of Facts and Events,
Brought Down to January
First, 1894.
THE Edition of 1894 has been prepared
with an extra force of editors. It will
have a novel and attractive cover, wide mar
Jgins, new and improved binding; is printed
on good paper, and contains more and better
information than any book of a similar nature published. It is
PRICE,' postpaid by mail, . 25 CENTS.
Address THE lVOItLn,' JTeu York City.
Dtn't Get Yourself in a Box
It's a risk VOti rnn'fc nffnni rn run rnn't
0 fiord any way llcu we can supply you with
an article that is beyond quest ion.
"We handle the best makes of
Shoes for Children- BOYS need
no longer wear girls' shoes a.s we
have a line made especially for
the small Boys. Ladies who
wear Spring Heeled Shoes will
find a good assortment at the
store of W, C. MINNEY.
H. J. Clark's Building, Main street.
Going to
MAKE it a pleasure trip by travelling
on the Elegant Passenger Steamships
of the Ocoan Steamship Company,
ni y rt f from JNew t orn or r ruin p.
lfliS VYlnier (J Greater Comfort at 35 to 50 less expense than bj rail.
Asik your nearest Tiokot A gout or write to -RICHA3DS0N
t: BARNARD, Ag'ts, W. t, JAMES, Ag't, R, I, WALKER, Ag't, W. E. ARNOLD, G. T. P.
Lowij V:.;rf, CotUn, Maai. 1 3 3. 3J St., Phlla.. Pa. Novr!or35,N.(H.Y. NcwPior35,N.R.,N.''
i. M. uo:;ituL, jii,ii,iacr.