The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 19, 1894, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
0 1 VI C
f HI DAY, JANUARY 19, 1894.
Entered at I tin l'ost, Ofllce nt IllonmsUurg, i'tt
M seoond claim mill tor. Mnrch 1. Ihhh.
Every subscriber who pays up during
this month, will be presented with a
handsome almanac for 1894 They
are handsomely illustrated, and have
illuminated covers, and they are so
expensive that we cannot afford to
present them to everybody. We offer
them as a special inducement to pay
jioio. After these are gone there will
be no more. Kach person who pays
a year's subscription in January will
get one. Those who pay to January
1895 will also be presented with the
American Farmer or Wo7nancind
for one year free. Don't miss this
chance. tf.
Election notices for sale at this
ficc. tf.
Young woman, do you desire to be
independent, if so a knowledge of
Shorthand and Book keeping will se
cure you a competency. Write Wood's
College of Business ond Shorthand for
John Michael died suddenly at
Mifflinville on Friday, while loading
lumber on the cars. He was appar
ently iu good health, but fell ovc
without a moment's warning and ex
pired. Mis age was about sixty years,
and he leaves a wife and a large fami
ly of children. The funeral was held
on Monday.
The W. C. T. Twill hold a Silver
Medal contest at the "Zion church on
the evening of Saturday the 20th inst.
Should the evening be stormy it will
be held on the fo lowing Monday even
ing. Admission 10 cts., children un
der twelve years free. Owing to the
illness of three of the contestants the
date has been changed to the 20th in
stead of the 13th, as previously an
nounced. 2t.
Six Mo Dths in lltw York City.
rWell, the Magician, in 1892, ap
peared at the Eden Musce, one of the
most refined and fashionable places
of amusement in that great city, for
six consecutive months, to crowded
houses nightly. When it is known
that l'rof. Powell gave each week of
his engagement there nearly a com
p tte change of programme, some
idea may be had of the extensive rep
ertoire of this great wonder worker.
His performances were witnessed by
over 200,000 people in New York
during that period and he was the talk
and amusement craze of the fashion
able amusement circles there. Dur
ing the annual convention of the
Christian Endeavor Society, in New
York, in that year, it is estimated that
over 3000 delegates from that society
alone witnessed his performance. If
you see him once it is dollars to
doughnuts you will go again. There
is a peculiar chaim and fascination
about his entertainment that is irresis
tible. Everything new. At Opera
House, Friday, Jan. 19th. Trices 25,
35, 50 to suit the Mines. Seats on
sale at Slate's book store.
Docs your watch stop ? Take it to
Hess Bros, and have it repaired and
Loudin's Original Fisk Jubilee sing-
gers will give one of their entertain
menis at me normal Auditorium on
February 1st.
The joints and muscles are so lubri
cated by Hood's Sarsapanlla that all
rheumatism and stiffness soon disap
pears. Oct only Hood s.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a social
at the home of Mrs. L. E. Whary,
rnday evening, commencing at 5 o
clock. A free lunch will be served
and all ladies and gentlemen interest
ed in temperance work are invited to
be present.
A meeting of the Stockholders of
the Farmers' Produce exchange, Lim
lted, will be held at their hall Thurs
day, January 25th. at 10. a m., to
elect officers for the coming year. A
fu 1 attendance is desired as business
cf importance may be discussed.
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Bloomsburg Brass & Copper Co.
on Wednesday afternoon, the follow
ing persons were elected directors:
L. E. Waller. J. L. Richardson, M. I
Low, H. A. McKtllip, W. 1). Beckley,
w. 11. Brooke and L. S. N intersteen
l he board will meet for organization
next Monday evening.
inelierwick I'air Association at
their meeting last week elected the
following directors: J. C. Sponen-
t-erg. O t. herns. Daniel Reedy, M
H. Riltenhouse, G. 1. Reagan, John
Pollock, 13. D. Freus, C. W. Hill, A.
D. Seely and J. W. Evans. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Q. F. Ferris Secretary, J. W.
Evans ; Treasurer, B D. Freas.
Ktv. w. i. Leverett made a very
interesting address at the Y. M. L. A.
hall on Sunday afternoon, his subject
oeing'-llie Young Mans Opportu
nity." The s'nging was led by the
male choir of St. Paul's Church and
consisted of familiar hymns in which
all could join. There was an atten
dance of about 175. Next Sundav
afternoon there will be a song
led by A. N. Yost Es. and
dress v. ill be made by one
State secretaries, of Pittsbi.r.-.
an ad
of the
My successors will take possession of
my 6hoe store about the middle of
February. From now on I will sell
my shoe stock at cost, and a great
many shoes less than cost. Call early
and secure bargains.
tf F. D. Dentler.
The World Almanacs
More ne;uly than any other work
answers all cpuestions relating to public
events which come before the average
bisiness man. See our Almarac offer
It's all the same, a slight cold, con
gested lungs or severe cough. One
Minute Cough Cure banishes them.
W. S. Rishton, Druggist.
As I will have to sellj ones & Wal
ter my stock of shoes at cost when
they take possession, I will give my
many friends the benefit of buying
shoes at a bargain from this on.
tf F. D.
fashionable Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tio:i with his boarding stable at th
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He his well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies.
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf W. A. Hartzei.l, Proprietor
The following letters are held at th
Bloomsnurg, Pa., post office and will
be sent to the dead letter office Jan
30, 1894.
Mr. Defkr, W. H. Farley, Josei
Hendler, Nellie Mentzinger, Sidi
Miller, James Reac, Robert Scllinger.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say they were advertised Jan
16, 1893. One cent will be charged
on each letter advertised.
A. B. Cathcam. P.M
I Can Procure You Money
for the purchase of real estate, the erec
lion of buildings or making of other
improvements on lands or to pay off
an incumberence at a very low rate of
interest and you ci.n have from 5 to 20
years time to repay loan in easy
monthly installments. Loans are made
on cither farm or city property. Build
ing loans are made and the amount of
loan advanced as wotk progresses. Call
on or address
J. F. Harkins,
Evans Block, Bloom sburg, Pa,
Mag:o asd Mystery.
l'oweii wilt produce tor the amuse
ment and instruction of the patrons of
Opera House, Friday, Jan. 19th, some
of the most marvelous achievements
known to modern times in the realms
of unique prestidigitation, illusory il
lustrations, and spiiitua istic pheno
mena. By extending Ins researches
far beyond the domain of the ordinary
maguian, Powell has been able to
penetrate the most hidden secrets of
his art, and will illustrate the most
wonucrtul ieals o! the Orientals, ami
the theory of Theosophists of Mahat
ma, so that his performance here will
bt rich in new and wonderful produc
tions. You ha-e never witnessed any-
thin" like the wonderful entertainment
Powell will bring for your amusement
and delectation Everything . new,
Prices 2?, -is and so to Fitit the times
Tickets at S ate's book store.
'Torpid livers, the cause of numer
ous other ailment?, are mule healthy
and vigorous by the use of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills. 2t.
T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of
Promise City, Iowa, says : ' I bought
one bottle of 'Mystic Lure,' for Rheu
autism and two doses ot it did me
more good than any medicine l ever
took." Sold by C. A. Kleim, Drug
gist, Bloomsburg. 11 10-Sm.
The Eky Crows Cray,
liis Thcrmomster
Bro;s Lowsp,
Winter comes on npace, and with it conies the
usual tracked lis, rough hands, coughs, cnltU, nml sore
throats. Nei'lect of su h coinliliuiis means ill t lie course
of a few days a change from a petty annoyance to a pos
itive disfigurement or 3 dangerous illness,
for the hist two,
Rishton's Glycerine Jelly
put up in convenient tides ot 15 cents, is an instant
For the second two
Rishton's Magnetic Cough
Syrup 25 cents,
ml "Frog in the Throaf'Jir. cents, is unsurpassed.
An even half dollar takes them nil and may save a peck of trouble.
Opposite Post Office.
For the intelligent voter the coming
year will be fraught with more interest
than a campaign. By what is done
this winter the fate of parties and the
history of government will be deter
'The most valuable paper that comes
to this ollice is the New oik World.
Tearless and independent, working at
all times for the Lest interests of the
people, and never fur for the sel
fish ends of any ring or individua',
supporting the right ami condemning
the wrong wherever found, it becomes
a great power for good throughout the
land. Its policy is defined by its we 1
known motto : "Equal Rights to All,
Special l-avors to None. Ihc repu
tation 01 1 ne weekly woria as an
incomparable newspaper U fully estab
lished. It reaches for the very best
and fullest rews of the entire country,
and gets it. The celebrated "Tariff
Mine articles are again running in
their weekly and are creating wide
spread attention. Its miscellaneous
pages are replete with articles of valu
able and interesting information to
everyone. It is a large 12 page, 8
column paper for only $1.00 f
year. We have succeeded in making
special arrangements by which we can
furnish The Columrian and The
Weekly World one year both for only
$1.50. Address
The Columbian,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
A Difference in Magicians
People nowadays generally call
every sleight of hand pei former a ma
gician 'This is an erroneous com
parison, as there are but very few ar
lists either in Europe or America just
ly entitled to the title "Magician.
Powell is a typical magician, and well
worthy of being so called. A wonder
worker, an originator, inventor and
designer of magic, oriental occultimn
mental phenomena, sensational myste
ries, and seemingly impossible super
natural illusions. Powell will keep
you thinking for many days over his
inimitable and wondeiful performance
I here is but one Powell, and he will
appear in this city at Opera House,
rnaay, jan. irjt.i. jjo advised in
time and make one of the crowd that
will be attracted to see this great ma
gician. Everything new. Prices 25
35, 50, 10 suit me tunes, seats on
sale at Slate's book store.
When Baby wu Kick, we gave her Castorla.
When she wu a Child, she crltxl for Castorla.
When she became Mum, she clung to Castorla.
When 6h bad Children, sue gave them Castorla.
mikm in
The Queen of Fashion.
Best Fashion Journal published.
Issued monthly, only 50 cents a year,
post-paid worth $4.00. Mail five 2-
cent stamps for a copy and be con-
meed, to J. II. Ringot oc Co., Pub
lishers, Union Square, N. Y.
12-29 4t. d
It not only lelieves; it does more
it cures. We refer to One Minute
Cough Cure. Suitable for all ges, all
conditions, at all times. W. S. Rish
ton, Druggist.
Oysters, by the quart and by the
hundred. Oysters raw, stewed and
fried, at C. B. Chrism an's. tf.
It's just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as any thing else. Its easier
cure a severe cold or cough with it.
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure, Better
medicine ; better result ; better try it.
W. S. Rishton, Druggist.
Early Risers. Early Risers. Early
Risers, th lamous little pills for con-1
stipation, sick headache, dyspepsia
and nervousness. W. S. Rishton, '
It h hoped an J expected by the Community at large and the
Public in general that the present year will bring U3 better
times than the past. Personally speaking we feel highly grati
fied with the year just ended but we're not selfish, that would
be tin American. It'a a duty we owe to ourselves and our pat
rons to help one another. Our Town has seen very little hard
times compared to those of the large cities and we should feel
thankful for it. Many have been supplied with the necessary
Clothing for Winter, sorue have not- To those who hae not
U this letter addressed
Your Own Reasoning
will tell yju that cash k better on hand than Goods. We
don't want to carry any over until next season, and in order
to cle;u them out completely we have inaugurated a special
at which we are cutting off profits completely. Heretofore
every advertisement of ours has been truthful and this ia no
exception to the rule. We want your trade. We'll strain
every nerve to get it by honorable and liberal competition. If
you've not already bought your Winter Suit or Overcoat for
yourself or boys attend this special
You'll beneGt by it. The regular price.? are on the garments
same as usual and the special price in red letters right below.
Storm Coats
$10, $18,
14, 15,
" 10,
" " 1G,
. 12
" " 0,
" 15,
" 11,
Young Men's Suits that retailed at 10,
1 oung Men sbtuts that retailed at 8,
Young Men's Overcoats ret'l'd at 10,
Boys Suits' age 8 to 14 retailed at 0,
Boys' Suits age 8 to 14 retailed at 4,
The prices we now
LOWER than figures can tell,
lor you must remember we
bought at our own Prices
cut down to $12.
" 10.
" " 1250
" " 9-75
" " " 6.50
" " 11.90
" " 8.48
" " " G.98
cut down to 7.50
cut down to G.50
cut down to 7.50
cut down to 4.50
cut down to 3.25
are even
And furnished rooms to
street. Steam, cas, hut
ter and bath. Apply to Mrs,
'hillips, at Philips' Cafe.
rent on Main
and cold wa
M. M.
Dvspkpsia, Indigestion
Stomach Troubles
Without tqual at a itlmulant and tanit
Chtmically Pun and Indormt
ty i hystctan
i all I'r
T Q.W. MEREDITH & CO., Sols Proprietor,
X PlTTHUl'ltUII, FA..a4
We now Begin the Dry Goods Business in Earnest, and will devote all
our time to it. We start Muslins at 20 yards good unbleached for $i.oa
14 yards good bleached for $r.oo Good Ginghams 6 cents, good Calico
S cents. Turkey red Calico 5 cents. Our Dress Goods Patterns much re
duced in price. One fifth off COATS, one fifth off FUKS, one fifth off Plush
Goods, one fifth off JJOOKS AND ALBUMS. We are fitting up a depart
ment for Fine Dishes, Japanese Ware, China Ware &c, for presents. Have
a few articles left for Business Men. Lard Knives, Butter Knives, Molasses
Gates, Meat Saws, Scales, &c. Also a complete Overdraw Hoisting Works
wiih ropesj pullies and frame. All will be sold less than half price.
I. w.
We have a fine stock of our New
Feed Cutters and Crushers and Corn
Sheller on hand to sell at panic prices.
Call and see them.
White & Conner,
1124 8t.
Orangeville, Pa.
Burns are absolutely painless when
De Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve is prompt
ly applied. This statement is true.
A perfect remedy for skin diseases,
chapped hands and lips, and never
fails to cure piles. W. S. Rishton,
ruggist. I