t v ! GAME OF FOOTBALL 18 THE POPULAR SPORT ON THE DECLINE! The Slrnnflnn M Viewed n Yale Kx-glpM-atlon of the RnnijtinrM of the , OamuTlie Football l'layer In the Field and In Society. Biwlnl New Haven l,cttor. With tho vit0 of Uie fmitlmll npflsoti, which ltMives Ynlu In Its old champion position, stmlonts nre bojdiiiilns; to auk whether nil the tnlk that Is tfolntr on In tho public press nlumt the brutality Mid dantror of footlmll Is going to hurt the popularity of tlio gani, Tho Hint tnr is liclng sorlously (llseiuwil lnw, Of courso, football was never nioro popular at Yalo than now. Tho at tempt to discredit the game, owing to the death of two or three players In minor teams. Is not likely to euooeed. An Inquiry Into the deaths that have oecnrred this season does not show that the ncnicldonU were tho logical leault of playing footba.lL In one case i Dlseusaiiifr tho Matter. player sllppd In running, falling on his head and breaking bis nwk. Evi dently tills was an accident that might have occurred In sprinting, baseball, cricket, or any other game that calls for running. In another case the play er met his death from peretouitls, caused by falling on a Jagged stone. Accidents of this kind are character istic of any kind of outdoor sport. That they should be seized upon by the sensational press Is not surprising, but they do not really affect the stand ing of football. It can be fairly said that not a single player of a iirst-class football team has been seriously Injured this year In any of the hard fought contests. To at tempt to interdict the game on account of an occasional sprained foot or wrist, or a few bruises, is really nonsensical. No such attempt will be made. Foot ball Is more highly esteemed by college officers than any game In which stu dents have ever Indulged. It Is a game that does not lead to "profession alism," which is the vice of popular sports. It calls for the very best physi cal training and discipline, mid requires that strenuous effort for success which develops the highest qualities of mau hood. The record, at least In Yale, hows that the football players stand quite as well In studies ns any oilier class of students. This is also true of the other principal colleges. A piece of news that greatly Inter ests students is the formal sanction of football at West Point by the War Department Tho objection was raised that football tended to cripple the cadets nnd render them unfit for after service in the army. The army au thorities thoroughly Investigated the matter and decided that tho objections raised could not be sustained. Tho Navy Department has come to a simi lar conclusion. This ought to settle the objections to football. What Is quite os much to point, foot ball is very popular with the ladles. The favorite beau in tills college town Is the stalwart nnd broad-shouldered type of young man, who is equally at homo in football uniform or In dress suit, nnd who is not likely to flunk in after years when ho comes to face tho struggles of practical life. The pessi mists to the contrary, the rising gener- The Modern Beau. atlon of young college men is the best that has ever been produced, both physically and mentally. If there la any moral deterioration It is not due to football especially. Perhaps some thing may be done- to lessen the temp tations surrounding college sports. This, if done, will bo with the entire concurrence of all lovers of the manly sport Tho Idea that athletics Is being over done at our colleges nnd schools Is scouted by Intelligent educators. The fact is. as shown by recent investiga tions of Prof. Hall, Trof. Itowditch, Dr. reekham, Dr. Rons, Dr. 11. I,. Taylor, ami others, tho crying evil of our American schools Is a lack of physi cal culture nnd particularly of outdoor sport As Prof. Hall puts It: "Knowl edge bought at tho expense of health, which 1.4 wholeness or hoUuess limit' Li its higher aspect, is not worth what It costs. Health conditions all the high wtt Joys of life, means full maturity, national prosperity. May we not rev erently ask. What shall it profit a child If he g-iiu the whole world of knowl edge anil lose his health, or what h!i lii ho give l.i cxchuiigQ fur his health? ' It. L. SIMMS. Death casts no shadow until it i n-ar. If ' " ' ' JIM 8HELD0N'S GREAT SHOT. Iti ItemilU wet. to Extraordinary That Ho win Nntlsflerl trt Minn limiting. "My friend, Jim Sheldon, of Cooper ( Ity, on the l'ecos Klver, New Mexico." said a former rnnchmau of that re gion, "never went hunting but once in bis life, but he had a great day of It the time lie did go. There were a num ber of elk banging around In that vicinity, and Jim got It In his head that he wanted some elk inent. don't know whether he wanted elk meat because a cheeky she grizzly bear, with three cubs, had been playing hob with his stock of beef rattle for a couple of weeks and he felt ns if ho couldn't n fiord to eat beef, or whether he wanted elk meat Just for the fun of getting it. Anyhow, he mounted a burro one day nnd started out after an elk. He got on the track of one. and, thinking he could sneak up on it a nil get a shot at it surer by going on foot than ue could by riding, he dis mounted and let the burro take earn of itself. The contrary little cuss went right on ahead of Jim, and wouldn t cotue back. In less than five minutes he was out of sight. "If you never saw a burro when he's seared you've missed a sight. It Isn't so much the sight of him, either, that's so runny, although that s funny enough to get hlni seven curtain calls, It's the hearing of him that's the side splitting part of a scared burro. IHit it isn't often that a burro Is scared. When he Is, up goes his tail, his ears and his bristly mane. His eyes bulge, nnd ho tries to run in every direction at once. Ills utterances nre what knock you, though. They are not loud, but mournful, nnd come In sudden spurts, for all the world like the queer noises a couple of deaf mutes mnkt when in earnest conversation, only of more volume and of a wider range of tone. "Jim's contrary burro had been out of sight perhaps ten minutes when Jim saw him coming back. He was scared, and no mistake. His ears were way up, and so were his mane and his tail. Ills eyes were bulging, nnd the way lie ran the mournful gamut of his terror-stricken voice when he came up to Jim was better than a nigger min strel llrst part. But he wouldn't let Jim catch him. He circled round nnd round, now nnd then stopping nnd gazing back in tho direction from which he had come, nnd talking fonrfully about what ho had seen. " 'I wonder If It's Iujins?' said Jim. "Jim got it in his hend at first that it was Indians, but then it struck him that it must have been that tho burro had run ncross the elk nnd that the elk had made a charge on him, so Jim concluded to go on and see. The burro didn't go with him, but struck a bee line for home, and that was five miles away. Jim sneaked along down the river for a quarter of a mile or more, and then rounded a shnrp bend. The Instant he got around that bend he squatted, for not more than 100 yards ahead of him stood a griszly bear, and tumbling in the gross near her were three cubs. " "Hie blasted brute that's been slaughtering my cattle I' said Jim, and he pulled up to give her the slugs. But ns he pulled up nnd ran his eye over the gun barrel, he almost fell over, for Just hej'ond tho big grizzly stood the elk, feeding away ns peaceful as a cow. At first Jim didn't know what to do. He wanted elk meat, nnd he knew that If he fired nt the bear awny would go the tlk, nnd never stop In side of twenty miles. If he shot the elk the chances were that it would rob him of his revenge on the bear. Re venge enme out on top, nnd Jim pulled up and blazed away at the grizzly. When the smoke cleared away Jim looked to see what had occurred. Tho grizzly lay on the ground giving her last kick. The elk had droppwd In his tracks and lay there as stiff and mo tionless ns if he hnd been a stone elk. The three cubs were sniffing and whin lug around their mother. " 'Plzeu Juniper!' said Jim, 'What in thunder have I done?' "He walked up kind o' slow and with his eye peeled, but there wasn't any need of his doing it Ho had aimed for the bear's heart as ho thought, but his bullet hnd severed the spine at tho neck, and tht-n kept right on until It was stopped by the elk's heart, which happened to be Just In range. The bear nnd the elk were dend before they heard the report of Jim's gun. Jim tied the three cubs so they couldn't get away, and started for home after help. He hadn't gone half way, though, before he met plenty of help coming. His burro reaching the ranch without him had alarmed his folks, and a party had started to look for him. They took In the dead bear and elk and the three live cubs, nnd Jim would scarcely talk to common folks for a month. But he never went hunt ing ngaln. He didn't want to spoil his record." The Mean Thing. He After all, there la ouo consola tion In being rejected. She (curiously) What Is it? He To know that I shall nlwnys bo an object of envy to your future hus band. (Makes hasty exit.) Value of Itepuintlon. The value of reputation is almost cynically set forth by the case of a young literary mnn whose rejected story came back to him from a great publishing house with n few words of praise, qualified by the declaration that it showed traces of the amateur. En couraged by this, he set to work and produced n novel. Tills he sent to tho same house, and it was accepted. It succeeded, and the young author soon afterwards sold to the same publisher the rejected story nt double the "price ho had originally asked. hlia lie. "Poor Miss Grabb Is a confirmed kleptomaniac," Aunt. Tlllli-Denr me, why don't sho t:i!.u something for it? Chicago Inter-Ocean. How's This I . We oTcr One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNKY & CO., Props., Tole do, U. We the undersigned have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe htm perfectly honorable in nil business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Traux, Wholesale Pruggists, loieoo, unto. Walding, Rinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo.Ohio. nans Catarrh Lure is laken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price, 75c. ptr bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. im. Columbian Postage Stumps, A dispatch from Washington says : " e have at lart, said a clerk in the division of the Third Assistant Post master General's office to day, "rid ourselves of the Columbian postage stamps. There were originally four hundred million of them. On the day betore Christmas we disposed of a si. 768,100 Columbian stamps, valued at $57o,9i- To day we have sent out to the Postmasters of the country 165,- 530.525. valued at $2,056,320. The people do not like these stamps, and but for the precautions taken by the I hird Assistant Postmaster General the postmasters throughout the coun try would have the Columbian stamps on their hands as dead stock. But an order has been issued by the Third Assistant Postmaster General inform ing the postmasters that 'the depart ment will expect that these Columbian stamps shall be exhausted by post masters bclorc any orders are ser.t by them for additional supplies.' There fore we arc forcing them upon the people in order to get rid of them. 1 he stamps sent out today will end the business so far as the General Post Office Department is concerned. The people must use the stamps now in gtock before they can get any other. ' The Advertising Of Hood's SarsapariHa is always with in the bounds of reason because it is true ; it Always appeals to the sober, common sense oi thinkinp- people be cause it is true ; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements winch in the financial world would be accep ted without a moment's hesitation. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, consti pation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. According to a German authority it has been found that zinc will rapidly corrode when in contact with brick work. To prevent this, roofing-felt is placed between the zinc and the brick work. INKHAM'S Vecetabiempound Is a positive euro for all those painful Ailments of Women. It will entirolv euro the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian troubles, inflammation ana Ulceration, railing ana jmpiacemonts, or tue Womb, ami consequent iSpinal Weak ness, and is peculiarly adapted to the t'iaiije qfUfe. Evory time it will cure Backache. It lias cured more cases of Leucor rhma than any remedy the world has ever known. It Is almost Infallible in Rtich cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors from tho Uterus in an early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. That Bearing-down Feeling causing pain, weldit, nnd backache, li instantly relieved and permanently; cured by Its ime. Under nil cireuni-: stances it acts in harmony with the laws : that govern tho feinalo system, nnd; is as harmless as water. It removes : Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruations,: WeukiiOHS of the istonmch, Indigestion,: liloating, Hooding, Nervous I'rostnv1 tion, lloadacLo, General Debility. Also Dizziness. Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, "don't caro" and "want to bo left alone" feeling, exci tability, irritability, nervousness, sleep lessnesi ilatuleney, melancholy, or the "blues," und backache. Tlieso are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterus, or Womb Troubles. The whole story, however, is told In an illustrated book entitled "Guide to Health," by Mrs. Pinkham. It con tains over IK) panes of most important information, which every woman, mar ried or fsiiiKle, should know about her self, bend 'i two-cunt stamps for it. For Kidney Complaints and Ilnckac.hu of tlthcr srx tho Vege table CoiniwHind is iinenu'iled. . .7 ,"7, . . . "" uruppni" Mil i.uia r.. riuii:mr Mrrr mil, Ur., t nrf HillouNiH'is.Cniifttl Iiotlon, unit Turpi. I I, Iter the 'cgetiil)lr Coin pound, or sent ny ih.iil, in form of 1'lilH or I.r.tllt'CH, rn rccitfl I Oik. C't'tt t anttnicttvm frt-fly ttttwrrtd ll iiuiil. or tit di nri:iii Yon can ml'lrt hh la mricietit conlulomo. I.YHU i:. riNKiUH )li:t). CO., I.jrnu, Must. D 8 Men's lack ajit I?i.m Kits- our. Klrirnnt ailk honldrr mid sleuva lining. Fanov nlnld body lining. Ienp Velvet collar, ltaw edtro. Color nbio. lately Rtinmiitood ft twency-uonnr coat anywhere else. $10 MEN'S THIBET SUITS ttlaok or Blue, tingle or double-breasted! Large lott of other kinds. BROWNING, J WARREN A. REED We have just received an invoice of new sleighs. Stylish PORTLAND CUTTERS, Comfortables Swell Bodies, Light and Heavy Bob Sleds. The material and workmanship are the best, and the prices as low as the lowest. Don't wait to buy a sleigh until the good sleighing comes, for the supply is limited. 3D. W. SZITGHCEISr, ISLOOMSIIITItG. Sir Andrew Clarke always main tained that Londoners eat too much, eat too often and too quickly. He found indigestion the crying evil of the day, and in battling with it led a crusade against tea. Provide yourself with a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Tectoral, and so have the means at hand for contending suc cessfully with a sudden cold. As an emergency medicine, it has no equal, and leading physicians everywhere recommend it. Eclipses for 1394. In he year 1894 there will be four eclipses, two of the sun and two of the moon. An annual eclipse of the sun will occur April 5th, and a total eclipse of the sun will occur April 5th, and a total eclipse September 28th, but both will be invisible in any part ol Ameri ca. A partial eclipse ot tne moon will occur March 21st, but will not be generally visible in the United States. Another partial eclipse of the moon will take place on September 14th and 15th and wiil be visible in all parts of America. The Puzzle Solved. Perhaps no local disease has puzzled and baffled the medical profession more than catarrh. While not im mediately fatal it is among the most nauseous and disgusting 11 s the tlcsh is heir to, and th; recoids show very few or no cases of radical cure of chronic catarrh by any of the many modes of treatment until the intro duction of Ely's Cream Balm a few years ago. The success of this prep aration has been most gratifying and surprising. No dtuggist is without it. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in i to ' days. Its action upon the system is I remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cts Sold by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Blooms burg. 1 1-10 8m. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve clean ses, purifies and heals. It was made for that purpose. Use it for burns, cuts, bn ises, chapped hands, sores of all descnptions and if you have piles use it for them. V. S. Rishton, Drug gist. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Bang up i STYLES IN j 15 Overcoats, KING & CO. 910-912 Chestnut St., Philada. ilefff&s ! - THOMAS GORREY Plans and Estimates on all kinds of buildings. Repairing and carpenter work promptly attended lo. y er is Suir's Supplies. Inside Hrrdwood finishes a specialty. Persons of limited means w' o desire to build can pay part and secure balance by mortgage. PATENTS. Caveata and Trndo Marks obtained, and M Patent business conducted lor MODKUATK FEES. OUKOKFICKIR OPPOSITE TUB IT. 8. PAT ENT Ob'FK.'K. We have no sub-aKencU8, all bUHlnpHH dlreot, hvacv can tranMaet uuu-ut busl noas in less time and at, Less Cost tuun those re mule Iroin Waslilnmou. Btind model, ilruwlnu or photo, with descrlu tlon. Wo advise If patentable or not, five o cliarife. Our foe not due till patent Is secured A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with rotor, ences to actual clients In your State,Couxity, ot town, aont free. Address C. A. SNOW CO,, Washington, 1). (1 (Opposite U. 8. Patent ouice.) ELY'S Catarrh CREAM BALM tor dmu Cleans the Nasal Passages, Allays Tain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. Restores the . Sense of Taste and smell. vi wrwj.rJ TRY THE OUEE-HAY-EEVEft A panicle Is applied Into oaeli nostril and Is OKieeuhle. Price 50 cents at llriiL'trlsts; bv mull re;flsiered, 00 cts. ELY HKOT11 EltH, M Warren bt., N Y. COPYRIGHTS. fc I IIIIWM mill II W M kT I CAIV I OltTAIN A PATENT For a rr""J.'i answer and an honest opinion, write to WI NN rO.,wbo have had nuarly tlfty ewV experumw, In the patent buiine. ronimiumvw tliiim strictly oontMeiithil. A IIuikIIiuiiU of In. loniiatlen ooncmimiK I'menm una ho, to ab. tuln tliein aent tree. Alsoa catalogue of median leal und Bcientltlo lOdk eut tree. Patent! takou throuKh Munn & Co. receive ypeuiul notice Inthe Melentlile Anit-rlenii, and tuu are brounht widely bulore. the puhllc with, put oont to the inventor. Thla tulcmlid 'kit. JiwuMi weekly, eleKatitly Illustrated, haa by far the larniiat elreulatii.u of any ncieutitlo work lu thtf WurllL.''.?.yu,ir' 8nlle cepiei lent free. Bunding Kdltion, monthly, f.'.Soa year. Klnitle fopif". i t cent,. Kvery number oontaiui beau, tiful plates. In oolurn, and pliototiraphi of new pousoa. wiih plain, enabling hullilur! to bIiow Ilia ta',iii?ii'",V! ttUUBC"f M'litraeta. Andrea MUNN & CO, Mw Kotitt, atil UuoAUWAT. 1h hrhi St!i!J Dye Worki on West St. between ami and 3rd, are now prepared to do all kinds of Mens' Suits, Ladies' Dresses and Coats, Shawls, and every dcscrijitiou of wearing apparel. Also, wo do scouring, cleaning and press ing of goods that do not need dyeing, and make them clean and sweet as new. Goods sent by express should be addressed llmh'i Stein Ij5 Works. Pen 11 a. J. R. Smith &Xxx LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., PIANO Br the following well-known makers i Cliickerinjr, Knabc. Weber, Hallct &. Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufact urers' prices. Do not buy a piano before getting our prices. Catalogue and Frice Lists On application. rho Bost Burning Oil That Can to Mado Froiri Petroleum. It gives a brilliant lijjht. It will not smoke the chimneys. It will not ch:r the wick. I has a high fire test. It will no explode, .t is ure-eminently a family sufciv oiK dmllcr.ge Comparison with am ntlier illuminating oil maile. We stake our Reputation, as Refiners upon the statement that it is The Best Oil IN TlltS WOIU.K. ASK YOUR DEADER l'OU. Crown - Acme BLOOMSBURG STATION', I.OO.MSUURO.rA. J V, 1