The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 05, 1894, Image 6

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Ttf Annual Cmp Worth Million of Pol
lm nnd tb Demand IiicrcuMns;.
Tho "goober" Industry Of Norfolk in
nnlqmo. Here a little city In Virginia
baa liocoine tho grentost Olntrlliutlng
ctntrc of pcnnuta In the world. A pwi
But Is a pretty smnll Item, but nil an
nual crop of something like r,X0,0M
trashfls, worth millions of tlollnrs,
nakes a pretty Mg Item. The demand
rr goobers linn doubled within tho Inst
ye years, and the supply does not 11"
the growing demand,
r Few people know the curious uses to
which the goober has beeu put In trade
of late years. No other single plant
raised In this country Is used In so
many different ways. Tho Chinese say
that the coeonuut palm has as many
useful properties as thero nro days In
the year. The goobur Is not so unl
Varsnl as that, but It lias as many
Taltiablc qualities as there are days
tn the week. Tho solid part of the
not Is peculiarly nutritive, and supplies
fruit and food for many a family. Tho
vines make fine fodder, some say as
good as clover hay, while hogs fatten
on what is left In the Holds after the
crop has been gathered.
If you grind the nut yon get a sweet
quality of flour, with which the house
wife makes delicious biscuit. If you
!T.'f It you will obtain a valuable
oil, resembling olive oil, and used for
similar purposes. This oil also enters
largely into the manufacture of the
better grades of soap. The kernels are
toasted for coffee. The roasted kernels
are also used in the manufacture of
some kinds of chocolate. The confec
tioner helps to ruin our digestion In
boyhood days with peanut candy; the
Georgia cook alone knows how to make
rich pastry of pounded pentiuts. The
artist, with paint brush, silks and
iatint, creates novel and beautiful pea
nut ornaments, so that peanut dolls
and other curios may now be seen iu
the shop windows of New Turk, es
pecially around holidays. These arc
some of the ways In which the legumi
nous nut Is useful to us. New York
Judge Gary and the Jurors.
1 Judge Gary has always had an es
pecial dislike for men who try to shirk
jury service on flimsy excuses, and a
number of good stories aro told of ex
periences that veniremen have had
with him. A little German once tried
to- get out of jury service on the plea
that he could not speak good English.
"You'll not have to speak any at all,"
said the Juilge.
"Well, Shudgo, I don't tlnk I make
! good shuror anyhow," persisted tjio
uror. ,
"Why not?"
"Well," with a motion towards tho
attorneys In the case, "I don't under
stand nodings what dose fellers say."
"Neither does any one else. Sit
down!" thundered the Judge.
Another Juror put in a sick excuse.
Have you anything from your doc
tor to that effect?" asked the Judge.
"Yes, sir," was tho reply, and the
doctor's certificate was handed up to
"That's a good doctor," said the
"Ono of tho best In the city," replied
the Juror.
"A very good doctor," went on the
Judge, not noticing what the Juror had
said. "He'll havo you cured by next
term of court beyond question, lie
port to me then without further sum
mons." Chicago Journal.
Bi'b-Knom Beta of Brc.
"When your brass bedstead," said a
maker of those tilings, "begins to show
any signs of tarnishing you cun send
It out to one; of the repair shops and
have It newly lacquered for from ;i
to $5. It will then look as well as a
new one."
Ho said it seriously enough, but there
was something In his eye that Implied
a hidden meaning In tho words. Evi
dently he waited to bo questioned, and
he was gratified.
"What Is the process of lacquering a
brass bedstead?" was the question
"Why should I tell you a trade se
cret?" ho replied. "But I can hardly
call this a trade secret, beoause it be
longs to a dozen trades In common.
The gaslltter puts tho same lacquer on
your brass chandelier that we put on
your bedstead. Your brass picture
frames, if you have any, are treated
in the same way. Nearly all the brass
work, except on shipboard, Is lacquered
to prevent corrosion and save labor in
"The material used Is almply gum
shellac dissolved in alcohol. This
makes a thin varnish, which is applied
with a paint brush. Ten cents worth
will lacquer a brass bedstead, and an
ordinary workman will do tho work
Inside of an hour at a total cost of be
tween 30 and 40 cents. New York
A llevllflxh Ktory.
Monday morning, while Col. Good
year's crew were on the bar and a big
charge of dynamite was being raised
from the briny depths on account of a
faulty cap, which would not explode,
tho workers suddenly experienced a
pulling of tho lines which were attach
ed to It. Almost Instantly a terrible
commotion was heard In the waters
and the spray began to rise above the
little boat in immense waves. Sud
denly the two workmen, who were In
a small boat, were amazed to see the
tentacles of a monster devilfish soar
ing thlrly feet In the nlr.
The foaming sea was about to en
gulf the little craft, when the party In
the large boat observed tho commo
tion. The touch of an electric button
would havo ended the monster, but
tho cap had been tried and tho only
way to save them was to cut the wire
connection and tho ropes, which was
soon done, and tho terror of the seas,
after lashing around a short while,
disappeared, much to tho relief of the
party. The thrilling experience, as re
lated by several gentlemen, who were
in the parly, is Indeed marvellous.
Nothing like It was ever seen by them
before, and they all wonder how the
two men ever escaped from its awful
clutches. ltniiiHwlek (Ga.) Times.
A ( lull With 1.1,000 Memlwrs.
The largest club In the world is the
Villon Club, New York, which numbers
l.VRXl nienilit i i. The club-house cov
ers a quarter of an acre and can ac
commodate r,f)fM members at a tlm .
The building Ii six stories in height
and contains almost every imaginable
convenience for Uio comfort and en
joyment of iu members. The entrance
Is .'J.")i, and the annual subscriptl 'i:
t&Tii) a yenr, -Hweleaf.
Trof. Craig says the best gain, all
things considered, that he has boon
nble to get with sucking lambs was
made with a ration consisting of four
parts of bran, four parts of corn meal
and one part oil meal.
Comfort Is as necessary a condition
for cattle as Is good food. One of tho
ndvnntagts of tho soiling system is
that the stock can bo made so com
fortable In cool, roomy stables. They
often suffer much from heat and llies
In summer pasture.
If the tops of clover are cut off, says
a writer, the roots will Increase iu
bulk much more than if tho tops had
not boon removed. It Is an Immutable,
botanical law that if the parts of a
plant above the ground are severely
pruned It will develop root growth.
In France, where land is valuable,
and n poor man cannot hope to own
many acres, tho soil space Is econo
mized in every way possible. In tho! vineyards currants and other
small fruits nre often planted between
tho grape rows. This is ono way to
make the small farm pay.
Good farming includes many things
Ih'sldcs the raising of large crops and
fine stock. It Includes good fences,
good gates, drained land, clean fields,
buildings adapted to their purpose,
alid some attention to beautifying the
home. Indeed, many of those lay right
at tho foundation of good farming.
Good straw Is always worth taking
care of. Hye straw is the only sort
that we should advise selling off the
farm, and that only because the price
obtainable will usually enable one to
buy some fertilizing material to offset
tho loss occasioned by removing straw.
Hut oat and wheat straw will poy bet
ter to use at home, la feeding or bed
ding, or both,
Cob meal has Uttlo or no value as"
food nud may be said to practically
add no nutriment to corn mcnl, but
corn meal alone is liable to make a
heavy, compact mass In tho stomach,
hard to digest The cob meal mixed
with it helps to keep It loose and more
accessible to the action of tho gastric
Juice, and hence aids in its digestion.
Soil and fertilizer tests with tobacco
wore made In North Carolina last sea
son. Acid phosphate, cotton-seed
meal, kainit, barnyard manure, muri
ato and sulphate of potash were ap
plied to the tobacco land. Potash
gave the highest results of any single
olemout, but the highest returns were
obtained where these elements were
Toultry is nutritious and easily di
gested, and for these reasons the
farmer who grows it should reserve a
good supply for his own table. He
can afford the best as well as any
body. If he gees wholly on tho princi
ple of saving by confining his meat
diet to salt pork, It Is ton to one that
ho loses more through Inactivity of Ills
mind because of Mils Indigestible diet
than he saves by its decreased cost.
Kicking Horse.
We present herewith a method that
will be found available in all cases of
kicking by horses. The beast should
have a good pair of bits In bis mouth,
to wldch should be attached a strap or
ropo sufficiently long to reach bock be
tween and behind the fore legs about
eight Inches, and should pass through
the girt or surcingle. A loop should be
made in this, the back end of the rope
or strap, about two inches or more in
length. Now take a rope about seven
or eight foot long. (Tho length of tho
ropo will depend on tho size of tho
horse; the rope should bo long enough
to nllow of a free use of the horse's
hind legs in traveling.) Toss one end
of tho rope round the leg, upon the In
side, so the fastening shall come upon
tho outside, to prevent interfering,
and bring it round upon the outside
of tho leg, and pass tho end over and
around the middle of the rope nnd
wind It round the rope upon tho out
sldo of the leg, as illustrated. Draw
the noose up round tho pastern 1, e.,
between the fetlock and hoof and
pass the unfastened end of the ropo
through the lxp In the rope or strap
which passes through the surcingle,
and fasten the end round tho other leg,
as was done the first timo In fasten
ing. This mode of fastening Is simple,
is easily done and undone, and will
not work off, provided the noose is
drawn up tightly around the pastern,
if you havo a horse that is addicted
to the unpleasant habit of kicking, try
this experiment, nnd you will find that
it works admirably.
Removing Carbonic Arid.
A correspondent gives an account
of an extemporized apparatus for re
moving carbonic acid gas from wells.
It was simply an onencd-out umbrella
let down and rapidly hauled up a
number of times In succession. Tho
effect was to remove the gas in a few
minutes from a well so foul as to in
stantly extinguish a candlo previous
to the use of the umbrella. Whenever
there is an escape of gas in an apart
ment Uie adoption of this plan will be
found useful.
How's This !
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not DC cured by nan s catarrh Cure.
F. J. C11ENKY & CO., Props., Tole
do. O.
' We the undersigned have known F.
J. Cheney for the last i years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
uy tneir nrm.
West it Traux, Wholesale Druggists,
loledo, Ohio.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo,Ohio.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Price, c;c. par bottle. Sold bv all
Druggists. Testimonials free. im
Tho Columbia Desk Calendar,
which is issued annually by the Tope
Manufacturing Company, of Colum
bia B'cycle fame, is out for 1894,
much improved in appearance. It is
a pad calendar of the same size and
shape as those of previous years, hav
ing a leaf for each day, but its attrac
tiveness has been heightened by the
work of a clever artist, who has scat
tered a series of bright pen drawings
through its pages. It also contains,
as usual, many appropriate and inter
esting contributions lrom people both
bright and wise.
A new hydraulic press exerting a
pressure of 4,000 pounds to the square
inch has been erected at the Philapcl
phia Mint
Hood's and Only Hood's.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is carefully pre
pared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion,
Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Tuniper
berries and other well known reme
dies, bv a peculiar combination, pro
portion and process, giving to Hood's
sarsaparilla curative powers not pos
sessed by other medicines. It effects
remarkable cures when other prepara
tions fail.
Hood's Pills cure billiousness.
A design for a font of phonetic
printing type consisting of forty-two
characters has been patented by Rob
ert S. Aveiy.
The chrysanthemum has been known
to be of every primary and secondary
color but blue.
I am an old man and have been a
constant sufferer with catarrh for the
last ten years. I am entirely cured
by the use of Ely's Cream Balm. It
is strange that so simple a remedy will
cure such a stubborn disease. Henry
Billings, U. S. Pension Att'y, Washing
ton, D. C.
I suffered for more than ten years
with that dreadful disease, catarrh,
and used every available medicine
that was recommended to me. I can
not thank you enough for the relief
which Ely's Cream lialm has afforded
me. Emanuel Meyers, Winfield, L
I., N. Y.
AT IftlTo flvS-ycar-okl boy," who had
boon taught to repeat "Lovo ouo an
other" as a text to spook on his first
appearance at a suburban Sunday
school, mode even tho minister laugh
when, on his namo being called, h'.
shrilly shouted, "Lovo Uttlo girls."
Boston Trnnscript
A letter written with ono's own hand
is considered more respectful and cour
teous than any other. Bishop Barring
ton, whoso handwriting is execrable,
wrote to a correspondent: "Out of re
spect I write to you with my own
hand, but to facilitate the reading 1
send you a copy made by my annum
cubIs." Louisville Western Recorder.
One of tho bureaus of tho Treasury
Department received a document re
cently in which a claimant's name was
spelled in two ways. Tho office sent
word to the claimant that ho must
make au affidavit as to tho correct
spelling. When the affidavit camo the
claimant spoiled his name In one way
in tho body of the paper and signs It
in another. Washington OapltoL
To Kender Wood Cnliifliimniahle.
Prof. Kedzlo, of tho Agricultural
college of Michigan, an expert chem
ist, says that a paint or wash mode -f
skim milk, thoroughly skimmed, nud
water brine, will render wood unin
flammable, and be proved It by experi
ment, lie said this pulnt, or while
wash, is durable, very cheap, imper
vious to water, of agreeable color and,
as it will prevent wood from taking
lire, urged its use, particularly on
roofs, outbuildings, barns, etc.
lack Ann TtLrs Km-
sicr. Kletrunt allk
shoulder nnd slcevs
lining. Fanoy nlnlit
body lining. )oop
vol to t collar. Haw
eilRon. Color nhso
lutoly Rtinrantoud
a twenty-dollnr Coat
any wlioro else.
niaok or Blue, single, or douulo-bronstcd. Largo lotl of other kind.
ti 1 nnrkt a rsfrr f f a A. A. ft.
1:: Bleomshrg Steam Dye Works,
on West St. between 2nd and 3rd, are
now prepared to uo all kinds of
Mens' Suits, Ladies'
Dresses and Coats,
Shawls, untl every description
of wearing apparel. Also, we
do scouring, cleaning and press
ing of goods that do not need
dyeing, and mtiko them clean
and sweet as new.
Goods sent by express should
be addressed
Iloonhrg Steam Ilys Works.
They are as attractive as ever
and we shall be pleased to have
each of our friends call at our
office and secure one.
3D. W.
ISIiOOillSBUKG, - - Pciimi.
The promptness with which Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral stops a hacking cough
and induces refreshing sleep is some
times marvelous. It never fails to
cive instant relief, even in the worst
cases or throat and lung trouble, ana
is the best remedy for whooping
Thor schooner Mharrrid Abbott, Cant.
Mcintosh, laden with logwood, nrrivoxl
hero recently from Tort de Pals. Sha
had not only the elements to flht,
but the members of her crew were
driven from their bunks by hundreds
of tarantulas, which got on board In
tho cargo and mado things lively for
all hands. Cant Mcintosh says that
his vessel Is at this time almost alive
with tarantulas, scorpions nnd other
pestiferous bugs. Philadelphia Tress,
Plans and Estimates on all
kinds of buildings. Repairing
and carpenter work promptly
auenaca 10.
" Ailing Wo)ne:i
" Hear my story and believe,
" I was about dead with
womb trouble when I began to
take Lydia E. P ink ham s Veg
etable Compound.
I did not know what rest
was for months. I was so dizzy
and faint at times I thought I
was dying. Oh! how my back
did ache! and I was so cross
and irritable !
" I am to-day a living witness
of the wonderful and almost
miraculous. effects of that great
remedy. Relief came with it
at once. My appetite returned.
I am now as well as I ever was.
" If you wish for health, ha"',
faith in Mrs. l'inkham's treat-
Fort Scott, Kan., has a new paper
mill which Is making paper from the
refuse enno stalks of tho sorghum
sugar mill.
The most stubborn Skin and Scalp
Diseases, the worst forms of Scrofula
all blood taints and poisons of every
name and nature, are utterly routed
out by Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, lor every disease caused
by a torpid liver or impure blood, it is
the only remedy so certain and ellec-
tive that it can be guaranteed. If it
fails to benefit or cure, you have jour
money back.
Eczema, Tetter, Salt rheum, Er-
sipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged
Glands, Tumors, and Swellings, and
every kindred ailment, are completely
and permanently cured by it.
Fifty thousand men are annually
sacrificed by the shifting of European
soldiers to different c'imates.
1 13
Inside Hrrdwood finishes a
Persons of limited means w o
desire to build can pay part and
secure balance by mortgage.
Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, nnd al
Patent business conducted tor MoDKHATB
EN T OFFICE. We have no suu-agnules, nil
Business uirecr, uenre can transact patent bunt
ness In less lime and at Less Cost than those re
uiuw irom aMiiiiwion.
Send model, drawing or photo, with descrlu
tlou. We advise it patentable or not, free o
oharge. Our fee not. due till patent Is secured
A book. "How to Obtain Patents." wiiii r..r..i..
ences to actual clients In your Btute.County, or
(Opposite U. 8,
, Washington. D. l
. Patent ouico.)
Mrs. J.
Remedy far Ilnrilnck.
It Is sulil that a certain and speedy
remedy for burdocks has been found
In kerosene oil. A small quantity pour
ed Into the heart of a plant, directly
after cutting, leaves no truce of their
existence wive a small hole In tin
earth where they stood, llellued i,y
crude oil will accomplish tho purple
unt as well.
ment and medicine."
Arthur, Taylor,
From the ute
rus and womb
spring nearly all
of woman's trou
bles. All drupcluM noil It.
Amlrcsu in rniitl'letue, Jl 4,
Liver Pills, 23 cents, j
Cleans the
Nasal Tass
Allays Tair
Heals the Sores.
The daisy flower is said to have been
brought to this country by the Hes
sians during the Revolution.
Rheumatism Cured in a "Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia, radically cures in i to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re-1
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cts Sold
by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Blooms
burg. n-io8m.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve clean-
ses, purifies and heals. It was made
for that purpose. Use it for burns,
cuts, b;uises, chapped hands, sores of.
all descriptions and if you have piles
use U for them. V. S. Rishton, Drug
gist !
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
rlinrrurn CY& iu
ft X
Restores the
Sense of Taste
and smell.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is
agreeable. I'iIcu 00 cents at DruwlHlH; bv mall
ri'ijlHtered, 00 cts. KLY UKuTliEUS, to) Wanca
Ht N .V.
J. R. Smith &JCo.
By the following well-known makers :
Ilallct & Davis.
Can also furnish any of tlie
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy a
piano before getting our prices.
Catalogs and Price lists
On application.
cf(owjf d5
Tho Best Burning Oil That Can fce
Macta From Pctroloum.
It gives brilliant light. It will not
smoke the chimneys. It will not char the
wick. Jt has a high fire test. It will no
explode. t Is ore-eminently a family safer
Challenge Comparison with ani
nther illuminating oil made.
Rromiit answer and un liont opinion, write to
II NN & CO., who have buu nuarlvnfty jeniV
ezperiunoe In the patunt bustnutm. Couimuuit'tt
tluru) Btrletly confidential. A llnmltlniiU of In.
formation cuuc. rninn I'nteiite anil bow to ob
tain tuem sent free. A! ho a catalogue, ox nxoohan
leal and lulentttlo book Hunt true.
Patentii takuo tbrouuh Munn & Co. receive
special liutlooin the Hrlentlllc Ainel Icnn, and
tliu are brounht widely beMratlie Public with,
out ooat to the Inventor. 'Mils mjIoihIIiI puiier,
lanueil weekly, eli.utntly llluttrateil. has by fai the
lurieat circulation of any icleutinu work In the
World, v J a year. Baninle conies sent free.
tluildina Edition, monthly, ti'.tju year. Binitla
copies, 1$ cents. Kvury number ooutaiua beau.
tutu plates, lu colors, and PbotOL'tutiba of new
fltjo a year.
nil plans, enublinu builders to show the
iuu aeuure comrauts. Address
, MfW i'OUli, Util BUOAUWAT.
latent deHiaus aud secure contracts. Address
We stake our Rcputatiwn, as Refiners
upon the statement that it is
Tho Best Oil
Crown - Acme
h itliili8liiiiJfllo..