The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 29, 1893, Image 6

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Do not brjrtn to feed your new corn
ontil the stock of old corn Is exhaust
ed. It It dry.
Tho small, unwilnblo potatoes may ho
boiled and fxl to calves, or they uiny
bo utilized for poultry.
A fnrmer who bns tried It speaks In
the highest terms of gns tor for paint
ing wagon wheels, stating that It
tightens tires and spokes better than
anything that can be tried.
Adil a llttlo glycerine to the grease
applied to harness, and it will be kept
In a soft and pliable state, In spite of
the amnionlacal exhalations of the sta
ble, which tend to make It brittle,
' Let there be some evidence of tnsto
In tho grounds about your home. A
neat lawn, with shrubbery, fruits and
flowers, not only make It a plensanter
plueo to live, but add to Its money
Rata nhd mice will go Into n trap
much more readily If a piece of look
ingglass Is put In any part of the
trap where they can seo themselves.
They are social little creatures, and
whoro they can seo any of their tribe,
there they will go.
Heaves in horses is caused generally
fcy dusty hay. As a precaution the
nay may ix well shaken and moluten
d before It Is placed In the rack, and
the rack should be on the floor rather
than above tho head of the horse.
Somebody had to plant trees forth
present generation, and it must be
done for the next. If the prospect of
a crop is remote, there is at least
something gained at present in the in
creased valuo of the farm that con
tains a young and growing orchard.
It Is bad policy to wash harness
with soap, ns the potash injures the
leather. If the harness becomes msty
rub off the dirt as well as possible
with ii soft brush, and apply a dress
ing of grain black, followed with oil
or tallow which will fasten the color
and make the leather soft and pliable.
It is stated by those who have had
the advautago of experience, tliat If
apples which have loeu frozen are
thawed in the dark they are uulnjurcd;
but If In tho light, they very soon be
come unfit for use. We should sup
pose the same result would most like
ly appear if the experiment were tried
with potatoes.
To get rid of mold in cellars, put
some roll brimstone into a pan and
set lire to it; close the doors, making
the cellar as nearly air-tight as possi
ble, when the fungi will be destroyed
and the mold dried up. Repeat this
simple and Inexpensive operation every
two or three mouths for two or three
hours at a time.
For keeping fruit to the best advant
age In winter, the following require
ments should be observed: (1.) Keep
the temperature wltlilu a few degrees
of the freezing point. (2.) Let it be as
uniform ns possible, as an occasional
warm draught Is not required to main
tain ventilation and uniform cold. (4)
Keep all odors away from the fruit
The first beglnnli:,' in teaching tho
boy to prefer farmli r Is to get him in
terested. (Jive him a few bantam
fowls, and allow him to manage the
flock and have the proceeds. He will
. be pleased with them as pets, and as
be becomes larger he will gradually
take an interest hi other stock, espe
cially if ho is permitted to grow tho
food for his pets on a small plot of
A Farm Tool House.
One of the most useful and money
saving buildings that a farmer ci
place on his premises Is a spacious and
convenient tool house. It is generally
the case that there is room enough in
the various outbuildings to house tho
farm implements If It is economized;
but it is a corner here and a few feet
of- barn or shed floor there; sometimes
In a cellar and sometimes in a loft,,
possibly easy of access, but probably
difficult, and In nil such Instances It
Is space originally intended and need
ed for some other purpose. Tho main
reason why so many farmers neglect
protecting their implements from the
weather when not in use, is the lack of
convonlent and roomy storage. We
lay great stress on its being spacious
and handy; for If it is thus, James will
always drive the lumber wagon inside
to take the hay raek off, nnd ho will
draw hi the stone boat with tho plow
and harrow and cultivator on it, and
they will escape the next rain or dew
and tho consequent coat of rust A
farmer ileitis a tool house ns much
as a horse-barn or a woodshed. Our
illustration is suggestive. It Is ndapt
ed to a Wnllty alnmnding with stone.
The walls of the building are made of
that material, laid without mortar.
The foundation is placed below the
frost, and tho earth is banked on the
outside to further protect them and to
throw off water. The top of the wall
!s leveled with mortar, and a two-inch
;iluuk laid on, to which tho rafters are
.iptkcd. The latter are braced on tho
Inslilo by nailing on cross strips. The
roof may be made of the cheapest ma
terial, which varies with localities.
There Is one window In the end oppo
lte tho door. The doorway should bo
twelve feet wide, to admit n reaper,
md if the location is not too much ex
oseil there is little need of doors.
I'hit ground is the floor. The walls
tro but six feet higli, nnd the struc
iire should bo twenty wide by thlrtv
r forty long. Such a building will
ost but. little where stones are in the
vny. The farmer can build It, nnd
rill save many dollars In twenty years
md many steps each year otherwise
taken after mislaid Implements.
I'lnn for Keeping 11 mm.
A very gH)d way of keeping hams
.a to wrap them In strong brown paper
iJ that tho ashes cannot come In con
tact with them. Then pack thein l:i
lean, hard wood ashes, in dry boxes
r barrels. This will keep well cured
i:;ms quite sweet, as the ashes Bern
's n. protection against Insects. The
"xrs hhould bo set In a cool, ('.it
X ralnute Iixllnn who I a Good Dent of
It MVrll.
Residing at ft place on the Snnke
River known ns Fishhook Rend lives
the wealthiest Indian of his tribe,
Wolf, chief of the Pa louse Indians.
He owns 100 acres Of land, all under
cultivation, with good house nud baru
nnd well stocked. He raises horses
principally, being the possessor of over
two thousand bend at the present time.
He has shipped several thousand head,
at one time shipping 3.MX) head and at
another l.r00. lie Is forty-nine years
or age, but looks much younger, nnd
has a physique thnt many a weakly
paleface might envy. Withal, he Is a
widower, having already lost two
Wolf dresses Id Indian costume, with
red blanket thrown nrtlstienlly over
oue shoulder and a calico or white
blouse shirt, quite decollete, to display
a necklace composed of many-colored
beads, bears' teeth, shells, etc. Rlmo
adoru ids lingers, upbu the third (lngvr
of the left hand being a handsome seal
ring. Moccasins, elaborately tvadL
inclose his feet, and his hair I cu:
with a M.M.h; King and cvmtwl pom
padour, while his long. Mack hix t
divided Into niauy strand. eob. bound
with colored silk thread. He ir a
hat. but adorns hi head with turfc-y
feathers, the end of which arv tvuad
with red silk.
Another favorite headgear with htiu
Is simply the rim of a hat decorated
all around with coyote talis. This he
wears upon state occasions. Upon bis
wrists he wears ten or twelve bra
wire bracelets. He is snld to possess
a most amiable disposition, being at
ways pleasaut and agreeable to his
tlllicunis. He keeps a double corervj
carriage nnd a fine sinn of horses, and
drives into Pasco In state, putting up
bis team at the livery stable with In
st ructions that he wants his horses
taken care of "same ns white man."
He buries his money and is fond of
unearthing nnd counting it over before
his close tlllicunis. At one time he was
known to count out $8.(K0 in $20 gold
pieces. Shortly afterwards he sent his
wm to bring mm S31H). ana. unon lnvet
tlgntion, ' lo and behold the gold was
missing. They say the chief is much
worried over his loss nnd has a detec
tive employed to try and trace up the
thief, and believes he has some hopes
of recovering It When he conies to
Walla Walla he ferries across Snake
River nnd drives over In bis carriage
or rides one of his horses, the latter
being his favorite way of travelling.
true Indian style. With aU his wealth
and good, comfortable house, he has
his tepee and prefers living in It
Walla Wulla Statesman.
Their Kezt Effort.
Lord Not-Dunrnven Say, me boy,
what shall we do now to get up a
boat to wrest tho Queen's cup from
those blawrsted Yankees?
English Yneht Designer I don't quite
know, me hid; but I will make a new
study of the model of 5sonh's ark, and
perhaps we can hit upon something
that will do the trick.
A Story of Napoleon.
Sir William Fraser, whose mnmolrs
are Just published, writes as follows
about Napoleon: "When Napoleon was
at school at Brienno, the son of an
English peer, who himself became
Iaii-A Wenlock, was his school-fellow.
One day the little Oorslenn came to
young Lnwley and said, 'Look at this.'
He showed him a letter written in re
markably good English. It was ad
dressed to the British admiralty, and
requested permission to enter our
navy. The young Bonaparte said, "The
difficulty, I am afraid, will be my re
llglou.' Lawlev said. 'You young ras
cal, 1 don't believe that you have any
religion at all.' Napoleon replied, 'But
my family have; my mother's race, the
Ramolinl, are very rigid; I should be
disinherited if I showed any signs of
becoming a heretic.' These facts I
had from one who had Very good
means of knowing. He told me that
nonapnrte's letter was sent, nud that
It still exists In the archives of the
The HnrglHr Came.
It was an agent for a big manufac
turing concern who was talking.
"I once got out a poster," he said,
"which started in: 'Keep your eye on
this; a burglar is coming. This I dis
tributed broadcast In the towns In the
northern part of the State. Amopg
ither places, it was hung conspicuous
ly In a small grocery nud dry goods
storo in one of tho towns in that sec
tion. ,
"Ono morning the proprietor, when
he opened up shop, found that my no
tice had been amended to read: 'Keep
your eye on this; the burglar hns come.'
The correction was made In pencil
"And sure enough the burglar had
come. And he had carried off about
$100 In money and goods." New York
Too Cruel.
"I can't be your sister, because I an:
a sister to so mnny brothers now, but
I can be your nunty," she snld, as she
gently dropped him.
"Make it n grandmother," he nn
uwentl, grimly, and she spurned him
from her forever. Detroit Free Press.
Lavish Gentleman.
"Bnseom Is one man who Is never
stingy of his praise."
"What has he been saying?"
"He told his wife this morning thai
her biscuits wore as heavy again ns
::a mother's." Chicago Iutor-Oeean.
; A Mew Theory.
"My man Pat Is a most amiable man
except when he sees a Chinaman, and
iheii he always wants to fight."
"No doubt. He probably thinks,
'nun his color, John Chlnuman Is tin
Jiangeman." Harper's Bazar.
What II.ippous to a Country Newspaper
The man who wants to tell you how to run
the paper, he
Is in the ollice every other ilny t
'Twixt the clicking of the gjissors, still his
suit-lug I .ice we tee,
And he overtakes the measles on the way
He is hero,
I le is there J
You will find him everywhere j
lie can tell you more about it
Than you'll find out in a year !
The man who wants to tell vmi how to run
the paper j well,
You rccoenize his footsteps on the stair i
When he takes the elevator at the tapping of
tne ecu,
You know that he is coming, or is here 1
For he lands
With both hands.
And the office understands,
lie is coining, coming, coining,
And it's under his commands I
Tli mn !u watts tj tell vu how to run
b kjit cvxne xi? !o the scratch,
;.. i aaYcr ': hre the names
Ai C-a t n n, ih !
Ai hi" "1 TVL"tk,
A-d 5kV ei-n.
Vfr ;Vf ir, ;,, A.i;v rd.--a,
A -id ttt r . he Hvif.
Aad kt Jrvi. i.-ni ht tM-.rr.;
The ifKk-a 3 fr.-.jorr.'.'.y Ael,
'Yhr is Aj' Chrrrr rvKVAl"f much
mote e::rvt:i s.its .vVrt ..m-.-S rr.r-M.
cine?' Tfcf JLrije rr aa-'.y Ivcausc
it U the EO: -"..1 vi--.rr,-ni;i.-iTi
iueu;cxi sctwi.
The savoJI toe ci rv.--.i.
bcr WorlJ Fiir Cu a.-.-Lua hrircs
.t . . . i " -
of 4C0.CCO cor:. a trrrrvit?cJ
resu.t n te t.r.ory c ciiju;e$.
Four hundred thounnl come 20
tons ninety-four tci'.Lkxt r-tes
enough to fid 20-0 wagons wi'h jmo
pounds each in a single line, in close
order, this would be a Is e of wagons
more than a mile and a half long.
This means not loss than 2,000,000
readers, scattered throughout every
town and village in the United States.
The course of The Cosmopolitan for
the past twelve months mav be com
pared to that of a rolling snowball j
more suosenners mean more money
spent in buvinsr the best articles and
best illustiations in the world : better
illustrations and better articles mean
more subscribers, and so the two
thincs are actincr and rcactintr nnon
each other until it seems probable
mat tne day is not tar distant when
the macazine miblisher will be nld tn
cive so excellent an article that it will
claim the attention of every intelligent
reauer m me country.
A tired woman, just as much as a
sick and ailing one, needs Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrintion. That hnilda
strengthens, and invigorates the entire
iemaie system, it regulates and pro
motes all the nroner functions of wnm.
anhood, improves digestion, enriches
the blood, dispels aches and pains,
melancholv and nervousness hrinrrc
refreshincr sleeo. and restores health
and strength.
Its a powerful restorative tonir; and
soothine nervine, made esneci.illu fnr
woman's needs, and the onlv
teed remedy for woman's weakness
and ailments. In all "female com-
plaints" and irregularities, if it ever
fails to benefit or cure, vnn h.ive vnnr
money back.
'A great manv meilirinpQ "rpliov."
Catarrh in the Head. That means
that it's'driven from the head into the
throat and luncs. Tint hu its mi1,l
1 3 ,
soothing, ceansing and healing prop
erties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
penccuy anu permanently cures.
Envy is fixed onlv on merit, and.
like a sore eye, is offended with every
thing that is bright.
One may be a lamb in private
wrongs, but in bearing ceneral affronts
to goodness they are assts who are
not Hons.
A Healthy Woman
Never has the blues.
Nor that "don't-care" 6r
want-to-be-left-alone" feeling.
She is always happy.
No painful female com
plaints crush out her life. No
ovarian troubles, inflammation
or ulceration, no sninal weak
ness, no fainting, no bloating.
She is never melancholv. irri
table, excitable, nervous, dizzy,
or troubled with sleeplessness
and fainting spells.
Have vou anv of the svmn-
toms named ? Beware of the
beginnincj of evil.
Lvdia E. PinkhairisVerdabh
Compound is the sure cure of
the cause. It mav be the uterus
or womb; what
ever thfi rmisr i
t ll V-rrr.t-!l1 I'
Compound ex-
nels th(. manner
, -
and stops pain. vV
All rim r .kl. .,.11
AflilrrHK 1:1 ci-iiiiiili-tifi.
. '., I. VNN, M ASK.
Liver nils, 5 eeuts.
' tArs AKDllt.rK Km
I RET. KiPRnnt silk
'shoulder find slrvo
llninir. Fancy ninlu
body lining. Poop
velvet collar. Itaw
Bdaot. Color nt)o.
lutoly (ftiBrnntewd
a twenty-dollar Coat
anywhere die.
ninck or Blue, tingle or doublo-brcastcd. Largo lots of other kinds,
warren A. reed, mn.on Chestnut St.. Ph llada.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo)
Lucas County, y"
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm of
J. Cheney & Co , doing business
in the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh u re.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D., 1886,
-a-, A. W. GLEASON,
seal Notary Public.
Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. ?Send
for testimonials, free.
F. T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
JSTSold by Druggists, 75c.
Let us not with rash iudgine; ' thrust
all into the pit of hell whom we find
walking near the brink.
I am an old man and have been a
constant sufferer with catarrh for the
last ten years. I ixn entirely cured
by the use of Ely's Cream Balm. Il
is strange that so simple a remedy will
cure such a stubborn disease Henry
Billings, U. S. Pension Att'y, Wash
ington D. C.
I suffered for more than ten years
with that dreadful disease, catarrh,
and used every available medicine
that was recommended to me. I can
not thank yon enough for the relief
which Ely's Cream Balm has afforded
me. Emanuel Mevers. Winfield, L.
I..N. Y.
The gloomy or the resentful ure al
ways found among those who have
noihing to do or do nothing.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the systeiw is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and tle di
sease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cts Sold
by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Blooms
burg. 1 1-1 08m.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve clean
ses, pol ities and heals. It was made
for that purpose. Use it for burns,
cuts, bi rises, chapped hands, sores of
all desciiptions and if you have piles
use it for them. W. s! Rishton, Drug
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
They are as attractive as ever
and we shall be pleased to have
each of our friends call at our
office and secure one.
Plans and Estimates on all
kinds of buildings. Repairing
and carpenter work promptly
attended lo.
h in Builder's Supplies.
Inside Hc.rdwo'od finishes a
Persons of limited means w! o
desire to build can pay part and
secure balance by mortgage.
Caveala tma Trade Marks obtained, and at
Patent business conducted tor MODERATE
OUU OFFICE is opposite tub v. b. tit.
RNT OKFH'E. Wo have no sub-nimncios.' all
bUHlnesn direct, henco can transmit patent bust
licss In less ttiuo and at Less Cost than those ra
tnntefrom Wimlilnirton.
fund model, drawing or photo, with desertu
tlon. e advlsu If patentable or not, free o
churRO. Our foe not due till patent In secured
A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refo
ences to actual clients In your 8tat,l'ounty. 01
town, sunt freo. Address "
S;,A- 8. $ c." Washtntrton, IJ. (1
(Opposite U. 8. Patent onice.)
flnn. 1 1...
Nasal rassaces. t J fcCURreCOVVl
Allays Tain and iJkpOy, CAD
inflammation, HAYFtVER 1712
Heals the Sores,
Restores the
Sense of Taste
and smell.
t iMimciu is uppiiBii inro eaon nostril and ts
BKieealile, prfoe 611 cents at liruwlsts; by mall
registered, 60 cts. ELY 11HOTUBKS, 50 Warren
ot.( N .V
If ITOt, nwer and an honest opinion, wriie to
nil ISN tV I'll., who have bnd newly llfty years'
experience In the patent tueimnn. Coiuruunica
turns strlutlr oonllilentlal. A lluiidliiioli of in.
Jo iiiatlou uonm-iiiinji I'ntenla and how to oh.
tain them sent tri e. Also a catalogue ot mechan
ic!) anil ncl.mtuio liook. .out freo.
Paii;nt tukou thnnmh klmin ft Co. recetTS
ytmcial notice In the Meleiitlile merien iiTaii
oui'JfS &"lYh wldu"' "cliiraiim puhllu with
out ooat to the Inventor. This spIhihIuI ninwr.
8uel weekly. tU.eamiyinurateU.hal,vuriho
lariioM eireulatloa of any cieutiflo work In the
world. S.I a year. Bainplo copies iut troo.
il'JJ'? Kll'tlu'i,n'nt'ly.i.a)ayer. Binijle
?.!!!?' :' '"V1' Kve'y number contain huiu.
jiful plaies. In oolors, and uliotomaphs of new
P-Wit w!,h plan.''' """ oulldur. to show the
taau!i?!l,llllV?uCwourJwu,nt,. Address
Sim hi fc'ii
w ; iiviNfj
on West St. between and ami Vt ..,
now prepared to do all kinds of
Mens Suits, Ladies'
. Dresses and Coats,
Shawls, ami every tIeHcrintiou
of wearing apparel. AIho, we
do scourinp;, cleaning and piCS3.
ing of goods that do not mid
dyeing, and m ike them clean
and sweet as new.
Goods sent by express should
bo addressed
tahrg Stein k Mi.
J. R. Smith 8(Co.
Br the following woll-known makers :
Hallct & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy a
piano before getting our prices.
Catalogs and Pries Lists
On application.
rho Best Buraicg Oil That Can fce
Mado FroTi Potrjlcuir..
It gives brilliant light. It w" not
imoke the chimneys. It will not ch:,r the
wick. V has a high fire test. It will no'
explode, -t is ure-eraipently a family .ifeij
oiK -
Challenge Comparison with ani
niner illuminating on
We stake our Reputation, as Refiners
upon the statement that it is
TliD Best
Crown - Ac.un
Th 3 AtUstie asaifig6o.f