The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 22, 1893, Image 6

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The Dpillrntlnn of The Hale Statue
Work of the Sons of The KeYolntlnn
A Cable Car MfO Simr. The Stilling
of the Ve'lant.
Bpcclal New York Letter.
The dwlU'ntlon of the stnttio to Cnpt.
Kathnn link, lu the City llnll Pork,
on Kvncuntlon Day, wis iin event of
no menn Iniimrtnnce. Thousand jrnth
jrod to wlluess the crrpmonlt, which
,vcn im.lcr tho nulces of tits eons
of tho Kovolutlon, mul tho statue hns
tincc liccn the of a constant
group of lulmlri.iig citizens.
. Tlii'iv la Vrolmlily no better tent of
the culture of a city thnn Is hlfonled
? t public stntuea. No nmtter how
rcnt niity he the other evidences of
esthetic tiiste, n city thnt tolernten poor
tatunry must be rntotl low In nn nrt
enoe. New York seem to have
readied the point when It's civic au
thorities strive to welcome pod works
of nrt. The Halo stntno seems to meet
Tory requirement It Is In bronze, of
heroic size. The sculptor's conception
Itallrntlnff the Halo Statue,
of the patriot spy is a good one. It
tiffonls the strongest possible lesson
In patriotism. Every line of the figure
speii ks of heroic sacritlce and defiance,
line cord hound ankles, ihe pinioned
nmis, the fearless countenance, anil
tho defiant pulse of the head, all tell
tho tale of devoted patriotism.
A promient local politician. In com
menting on the public Interest In this
Bew statue, said: "One of the most
significant signs of the times Is the
patriotism of the people of this city.
Of course, New York was always patri
otic, but the tendency towards a pub
lic manifestation of this sentiment was
never greater than now. It seems to
bo a sort of reaction from the sectional
patriotism of the civil war. Just now
the people are deeply Interested In
everything relating to the revolutionary
Tho Society of the Sons of the Revo
lution may bo congratulated on their
effort to arouse nn Interest. In old
fashioned patriotism. Tho Hale statue
Is not their only contribution to n re
vival of Interest In local historic events.
Memorial tablets have been placed In
various parts of the city, commemorat
ing colonial and revolutionary events.
'Among the spots already thus desig
nated are the old Washington headquar
ters In Bowling (ireen, the spot where
tho lend statue of King George was
pulled down by colonial patriots; the
corner of John and M'tllluru streets,
whore the first; blood of the revolu
tion was shed June '8, 1770, In a con
flict between Sons of Liberty nnd Brit
tsh regulars; the corner of Washington
and I.alght streets, where Washington
landed in the city in 177.". Tablets
have also been dedicated uptown com
memorating the battle of Harlem nnd
other Interesting events.
The opening of tho Third avenue
cnble rond Is an Important, event lu
tho history of New York. This Is the
v main artery of travel In tho city, nnd
has been for the past thirty years. It
is pleasant to note the success which
has attended tho Introduction of cable
. cars In this city. The local press hns
had much to say of accidents on the
Broadway line, but It must be remem
bered that the cable cars relieved that
thoroughfare of tho terrible Jam that
was so dangerous In the past. While
there have been quite a number of
accidents by tho cnblo cars, the deaths
of persons In attempting to cross
Broadway have been greatly dimin
ished. It Is not so long since that it
"was nhnoHt a daily occurrence to see
life crushed out under the wheels of
vehicles on Broadway.
The cable company, however, claims
that It has at last seeured a device that
will practically do away with accidents.
It consists of an iron frame bolted to
Cableo&lfe Saver,
the under sldo of the car body, nnd
extending In front of the car three feet
and six "Inches. Tho frame can be
folded whrn necessary. Wire netting
covers the bottom of the frame and
extends upward nt a right angle nnd
In front of tho car platform, being six
Inehes from the dashboard, tho horl
aoutul portion of tho netting and frame
being six inehes from the roadway.
The wire netting Is attached to tho
frame by springs, so that a person
caught up by the fender will not bo
unduly shocked. Across tho front end
of the fender there is an elastic steel
frame covered with a rubber tube llvo
inches In diameter. This frame and
tube is connected with the end of the
fender fraino by two short springs,
making nn elastic buffer, so thnt the
blow struck Is a cushioned one. There
Is a second rubber guard to keep a
peivon lu the fender after ho Is ph k
ed up.
Experiments har been made with
this fender. One gentleman was pu'.
ively (blighted with It. He seems to
regret, in fact, thnt tho pleasuro he ex
perienced did not Inst longer, for he
writes: "I will stnto thnt I was struck
by tho fender about ten or twelve
times, the car running nt speeds of
from four to fifteen miles nn hour, nnd
In every ense I was picked up without
the slightest Injury nnd with very llttlo
shock. In fact, I was picked up so
quickly that 1 did not have time to
realize exactly what mv feelings were."
Tho snlling of Mr. W. K. Vnndcrbilt
on his steam yacht Valiant for a ten
months' cruise la Eastern waters was
The Valiant,
nn event of great local social Interest.
Tho itinerary of the Valiant will prob
ably be to Gibraltar, to Malta, to Alex
andria, to Sue, to Aden, to Bombny,
to Knndy, and to Calcutta. The trip
may be extended to China nnd Jnpnn,
but it Is said that no definite plan has
been arranged. The party Includes
Mr. W. K. Vnndcrbilt, Mrs. Vnndcr
bilt, Miss Oonstielo Vnndcrbilt, Master
Harold Vauderbilt, Mr. Wlnthrop
Butherfurd and Mrs. Uuthorrurd, Mr.
Oliver 11. I. Belmont, Mr. Frederick
O. Bench, Mr. J. Iouls Webb nnd Dr.
E. I Keyes. Besides the regular ship's
company, Mr. Vnnderbllt has taken
Ills valet nnd Mrs. Vauderbilt nnd Miss
Vnnderbllt have each a maid. Tho
crew of the Valiant numbered seventy-
two men. This departure means that
society will lose one of its most promi
nent representatives duriug the com
ing social season.
Tho new anti-Tammany Democratic
organization has launched itself under
the leadership of ex-Soorotary Fair
child. It has chosen the name of
"iState Democracy," but local politi
cians are inclined to believe that it will
confine its efforts to nn attempt to
overthrow Tnnnnany Hall In conjunc
tion with the local Republican organi
sation In the Mayoralty contest neUt
fall. Ex-Mayor Grace will undoubted
ly be the actual leader of the new or
ganization, nnd his skill In locnl poll
tics is well known. The question of
greatest moment in connection with
the new organization is whether it wtH
receive, the support of the Federal Ad
ministration. If it does, there is n
promise of very lively politics in both
city nnd State next year. It Is not to
Ihj assumed that Tammany will fall
In tho effort to crush the new organi
zation nt its birth, if possible. The old
organization wns never In the hands
of more skilful or determined men,
and It will undoubtedly exert Its fullest
strength In Its first struggle with this
new competitor for local power.
What Denomination?
Jay Cooke, In 18(16, told tho follow
ing: "One day, when I was putting
Government bonds upon the market,
I wns greatly annoyed by the clerks
telling me that there was an old man
in the oftlce who would do no business
with them nnd must see me. To get
rid of him I went out Said he:
"'Mr. Cooke, I have got $.'1,000 In
gold in tills bag. I can't do anything
with it in the town where I live; they
nro circulating grocers checks and
everything else but money, nnd I am
frightened because I think I will lie
cheated if I dispose of It Will you
tell me on your word of honor If these
bonds are sound nnd right?'
"I replied: 'If they are not right,
nothing Is right. I nm putting all I
have lu tho world into them.'
"After further conversation the man
concluded to take them.
" 'What denomination will you have
them In?' I asked.
"This was too much for the man.
He had never heard that word used
lu connection with business. He
scratched his head, and said:
"You may give me five hundred In
Old School rresbytorlnn, to please tho
old woman; but 1 will take the heft of
it in Baptist"
The American Way.
Several men In nn uptown hotel re
cently were telling of duelling exper
iences they hnd had, when it came
William II. Scovlll's turn. He Is a
lino-looking, modest man, with mild
gray eyes, and resides in Hudson, X.
Y. Ho spends much of his time here
nnd Is quite popular. His duel was
thrust on him. Travelling from Tails
to Nice, France, In a cur, an insolent
young fellow mado himself objection
able to a lady. Col. Scovlll told the
young mnn that liVtoad to stop it or
be ejected from the car on the end of
a boot. He then sat near the lady
and saw that she was not molested.
At Nice he was waited upon by tho
seconds of the young man. He inti
mated he did not care to fight, but re
marked that If he saw the young man
insulting nny lady he would kick him.
The next day tho seconds called again
and said their principal wanted satis
faction nnd gore. The Colonel hnd
them bring him around. "Now, young
fellow, put up your hands, for I am
going to thrash you, if I can," said tho
Colonel. The young fellow was knock
td out nnd the Colonel remarked: "That
will teach you not to be insolent to
Indies." New York Commercial Ad
vertiser. Friday Is Good Enough for Him.
Col. Joe Dowllng, who was ex-Governor
Campbell's Oil Inspector, has se
cured the Cincinnati Collectorshlp. In
a conversation he reviewed his career
In politics, nnd, as It occurred to him
for tho first time, ho marvelled nt the
number of times Friday came to figure
in it. Said he:
"I was married on Friday. My first
appointment, Deputy Sheriff of Mont
gomery County, was on Friday, nnd on
that day Governor Campbell mado me
oil Inspector. 1 came years ago to
work for tho appointment of n friend
to the Collectorshlp, which wns an
nounced on Friday, nnd I was made
his deputy on Frldny. I became an
applicant and was appointed Collector
on Friday. 1 will assumo the duties
of my ofiice on Frldny, and at the 1st
of December falls on Friday 1 will
draw my first pay on thnt day. Next
Friday I will leave for homo; and, well,
I expect to die on Friday. Who says
Friday Is an unlucky day? No, 1
wasn't born on Friday, but I believe
that Is the only tuisiAng link lu tho
r-uilro eombIuftUon."--Indlana polls Sen
tinel. ,
Love bents tho reveille on youns
hearts nnd the tattoo on old ones.
Fashion Notes for Holiday ToiletkSi
Elegant tailor made garments or
I those for the promenade arc of plain
( cloth. They are often beautifully
' braided or trimmed with a soutache
j of another shade. A novel way of
I using fur is in perpendicular bands on
, the seams, starting from a fur head at
about the height of the knee. Odd
combinations are encouraged, and
black and white, though not new. anil
continue in high favor, 7ne mingling
of lace, embroidery and fur form the
rich fashions of the present moment.
The Eton Jacket, the Figaro and
Zouave seem likely to remain fashion
able for some time to come. A feat
ure of this season's fashions is the
richness of the materials used in
gowns. The new dahlia tint, myrtle
and brown are much seen in woolen
goods combined with moire silk
These items of interest give only a
faint idea of the many instructive
points contained in the McDowell Il
lustrated Magazines from which they
have been selected. These journals
are the standard authorities in cither
Paris, London or America on every
thing pertaining to fashion. Besides
their useful information they give val
uable lessons to dressmakers and of
fer unusual inducements in the form
of Patterns and Coupons. "La Mode
de Paris" and "Album of Fashion"
cost only $3.50 a year each, or 35
cents a copy. "The French Dress
maker," an exceedingly practical mag
azine, is $3.00 per annum. "La
Mode," a family journal, which is in
tended to enter into every home,costs
only $1.50 a year, or 15 cents a copy.
If you are unable to procure any of
these magazines at your newsdealers,
do not accept any substitute from
him, but apply by mail to Messrs A.
McDowell & Co., 4 West 14th Street
New York.
In Glass.
That s the way Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets come, Aud it's a more
important point than ou think. It
keeps them always fresh and reliable,
unlike the ordinary pills in cheap
wooden or pasteboard boxes.
They're put up in a belter way
than the huge, old fashioned pills. No
griping, no violence, no reaction after
ward that sometimes leaves you worse
off than before. In that way, they cure
permanently. Sick Headache, Bilious
Headache, Constipation, Indigestion,
Bilious Attacks, and all derangements
of the liver, stomach and bowels, are
prevented, relieved and cured.
They re tiny, sugar coated granules,
a compound of refined and concen
trated vegetable extracts the small
est in size, the easiest to take, and the
cheapest pill you can buy, for they're
guaranteed to give sa'isfaction, or
your money is returned. You pay
only for the good you get.
I here s nothing likely to be "just
as good,"
If the present is to be a book the
Christmas Hook Ntics (Philadelphia)
is full of present hints for you. A
carefully classified list of the titles of
over five hundred books published
within the past six weeks is but one
of the many helpful features of this
useful magazine. The few words de
scriptive of each book leaves little
question in your mind as to whether
that book is just the one wanted or
not. Book News is but five cents a
single copy. Sample pictures from
the illustrated holiday books fill more
than a third of its hundred and thirty
six pages.
A petition has been prepared by the
citizens of Danville and Riverside,
that will be presented in the courts of
Northumberland county, asking that
the bridge across the North Branch of
the Susquehanna be made a free
Care in all the details is reouired in
handling stock in order to ntake a
profit on them.
"My Sick Sisters,
" Let me tell you something,
" I have no motive other
than to do you good.
" For years I have been al
most a constant sufferer from
female trouble in all its dreadful
forms: shoot
ing pains all
body, s
spinal weak
ness, faint
ness, dizzi-
MHS.HARWE! w ampler ness, depres
sion, and everything that was
horrid. I tried many doctors
in different parts of the U. S.,
but Lydin E. Pinkiam's Vere-
Jable Compound has done more
for-me than all the doctors
I feel it my duty to tell you
these facts that you also may
be cured. My heart is full of
tratitude to Mrs. Pinkham.
Airs, Harriet Wampler, 507 Ka-
sola hlock, Minneapolis, Minn,
All UiugirUu it. AdclrcM In cnnfitlrnce,
Ues. Piukham'a Liver Fills, 85 eeaU.
They are as attractive as ever
and we shall be pleased to have
each of our friends call at our
office and secure one.
KLOOUBSlfiUKG, - - fi una.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo)
Lucas County, J"8'
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co , doing business
in the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh ure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D., 1886,
seal Notary Public.
Ha'l's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
BSTSold by Druggists, 75c.
16 World's Fair Photos for One Dime.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway has made an arrangement
wun a nrst-ciass publishing house to
furnish a series of beautiful World's
Fair pictures, of a lanre size, at the
nominal cost to the purchaser of only
ten cents for a portfolio of sixteen il
lustrations. Nothing so handsome in
reference to the World's Fair has be
fore been published. The series
would be worth at least twelve dollars
if the pictures were not published in
such laree Quantities, and we are
therefore able to furnish these woiks
of art for only ten cents.
lemit your mondr to Georce II.
Heafford. General Passenger Ao-ent.
Chicago, III., and the pictures will be
sent promptly to any specified address.
They will make a handsome holiday
gift. I2 8 3t.
I feel it mv dutv to Kav a few wnrHa
in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I
do so entirely without solicitation. I
have used it more or less half a year,
ana nave louna it to be most admir
able. I have suffered from catarrh of
the worst kind ever since I was a little
boy and I never hoped for cure, but
Cream Balm seems to do even
that. Many of my acquaintances
have used it with excellent results..
Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave., Chi
cage, 111.
Corn can be led cattle without
Custom is ofien only the antiquity
of etror.
Accuracy of statement is one of the
first elements of truth.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cts. Sold
by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Blooms
burg. 11-10 8m.
There is not one wise man in twenty
that will praise himself.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve ck-an-ses,
purifies and heats. It was made
for that purpose. Use it for linrne
cuts, bruises, chapped hands, sores of
an oescripuons ana if vou have pilei
use it for them. W. S! Rishton. Dnit;
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Til Blcomsburg Stsam Ej: Works,
on West St. between 2nd and 3rd, are
now prepared to do all kinds of
Mens' Suits, Ladies'
Dresses and Coats,
Shawls, and every description
of wearing apparel. Also, we
do scouring, cleaning and press
ing 01 goods that do not need
dyeitig, and make them clean
and sweet as new.
Goods sent by express should
be addressed
Ek::;b: Steam Eye Works.
Plans and Estimates on all
kinds of buildings. Repairing
and carpenter work promptly
attended lo.
; in
Inside Hr.rdwood finishes a
Persons of limited means w' o
desire to build can pay pan and
secure balance by mortgage.
Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, nnd M
Patent Lmaluuus conducted lor MODKKATB
KNT OKKICK. We nave no Bub-oxpncles, all
business direct, heneo can trausuot patent butil
ness In lews time nnd at Less Cost than those re
mote from Wuslilnirton.
Send model, drawing or photo, with descrin
tlon. We advise If patentable or not, free o
charge. Our lee not due till patent Is secured
A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer,
enees to actual clients in your SUtc.C'ounly. 01
town, sent free. Address "
C. A. PNOW A CO,, Washington, V. V
(Opposite U. 8. Patent OUloe.)
!.. Catarrh
uiuiAM ml:.:
Cleans the
Nasal Passages,
Allays Pain and
Heals the Sores.
Uestores the
Sense of Taste
and smell.
teytse ouheH AY-KEVE R
A particle Is applied Into oueit nostril and la
aifreeable. Price 60 cents at Ini''L'lslH: nv mall
registered, uo cts. ELY BKOT1U2US, 5(1 Warren
KT'IPLVJ""' "'1 "n honest opinion, wrtu to
11 1 INN iV CO., who have bud ueorly nlty jbiuV
experience In the natunt bmnicaji. Coiummiluav.
tluiw atnutly onnnrltumul. A llunilliui.k of In.
toruintion eonoenimu Pnttnim una bow to ob.
tain Idem tent tree. Aluo a oatnluuue ot taechou.
leal and Klentltlo hooka aent freu.
Patiinti taken tlirouitli Munn ft Co. leceive
ypeuml notloulntbe rtetviitillo Aoiei ienu. una
Uiua are bronidit wlilelj bumretlie public with,
out rout to tho Inventor. This auletiUid pam-r.
jamtod woeklr, elegantly llluatrated. kim liy fm tho
lariieat circulation ot any aulvntiUu work lu tUu
w,l'Li",,Jy,,,r- "ntl'lle onnlea tent free.
Iliilldliut K.lltiou. monthly, !loa year, blmjlo
enplea, -JS cuiita. fcyory nuuiler contains beau
tiful plalea, lu colors, and lihntOKraiilis of new
bourn, wilb plana, enabling builders to nhow tus
J. R. Smith & Co.
By the following well-known makers :
Hnllet & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy a
piano before getting our prices.
Catalogue and Fricc Lists
On application.
The Best Burning Oil That Can be
Mads From Petroleum.
It gives brilliant light. It will not
smoke the chimneys. It will not chnr the
wick. Ir has a high fire test. It will no
explore. t is ore-emiuently a family safety
Challenge Comparison with am
ther illuminating oil made.
We stake our Reputation, as Refiners
upon the statement that it is
The Best OH
Crown - Acme
JtawearlDBqunlitleai.reBnsu'P:;? ,.
-"Ay tv.Ai:;:.3. " i"'r)-,.-.V..'V.' Tm
4. VJ -O ti Bit V-