The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 22, 1893, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
H. W. Sloan's windows are arranged J
wmi mucn taste. He has a fine dis
play of Rogers' Silverware.
The Christian Endeavor of the Luth
eran Church will hold a watch meeting
in their church on New Year's eve.
Further announcements will be fjiven
in next week's issue.
'Rnterpd Bt the Pout Orflr nt lllnninnburg, a
U iwond clans mutter, March I, Itm.
We wish all our readers a merry
A. G. Briggs has been appointed
collector for the Water Company. "
Toys for girls and boys of all ages
at Gi'more's Toy Bazaar.
Table games from 10c. to $1.50 at
Slate's Book Store, Exchange building.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla braces up the
system ; purifies and invigorates. In
valids need it.
License blanks for hotel, restaurant,
wholesale, bottlers, and clisti lers for
sale at The Columbian office, tf.
Take a look at Phillips' window this
week. You won't see a nicer lot of
fine candies in town.
Notions of all kinds
bogen & Bro.
at M. Ellen-
Invitations are out for the Christmas
Assembly at the Exchange Hotel on
Friday evening, December aoth. It
will be a brilliant affair.
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the king of
medicines, conquers scrofula, catarrh,
rheumatism and a'l other blood dis
eases Hood's and only Hood's.
W. O. Holmes has leased the entire
Opera House building from January
1st. He and his son Fred will man
age the Opera House after that date.
The grip is still raging, and many
people are suffering with it. Every
person in this office had a touch of it
last week.
Joshua W. Comly, Esq., will give
his annual game dinner to a number
of his legal friends at the Montour
House in Danville on Thursday, the
28th inst. .
David Clark, president of the Dan
ville National Bank, died last Sunday.
He was an uncle of Dr. I. W. Willits,
of this town. The remains were bur
ied at Catawissa on Wednesday.
For Xmas you will want some can
dyof course." Phillips' have all kinds
and are making a specialty of Ten
ney's New York candies in sealed
packages. Try a pound for Xmas.
A Christmas service entitled "Her
ald Angels," will be rendered' in the
Evangelical church on Monday even
ing, Dec. 25, at 7:30 o'clock, All arc
cordially invited.
Mr. Geo. A. Herring and family de
sire to express their thanks for the
kindness and sympathy extended to
them, and for the assistance rendered
them during the illness of Mrs. Her
ring. Trade in holiday goods was rather
slow last week, owing in part to the
unpleasant weather. This week it is
much more brisk, and while it may
not exceed former years, it promises to
be very good considering the scarcity
f money.
Tickets for the Charity Ball Tues
day evening, Dec 26th, at the Paik
Hotel, Wi liamsport, for the benefit of
the Williamsport Hospital, have been
placed on sale at Slate's Book and
Stationery Store.
Mrs. Thomas Melherell, Sr., died
on Monday morning after an illness of
a couple of weeks, from dropsy. She
leaves a husband and several children,
mostly grown up. The funeral took
place on Wednesday.;
. Rev. G. Mujray Klepfer will de
liver a lecture entitled "A Family
Quarrel, and what came of it," at the
Methodist Episcopal Church at Buck
Iloin, on Friday evening Dec. 29.
Proceeds for benefit of the Buckhorn
The Cenlralia Journal made its
first aj nearance on Friday of last week.
It is or the same size and shape as the
Columbian, and is neatly printed. It
has a patent inside. The owners are
Herskovits & Co. and the editor is
Henry Herskovits. The paper does
not state who are the other members
of the firm. There is a liberal adver
tising patronage, and among the adver
tisements is Judge C. G. Murphy's
card in which he says that after wait
ing twenty years he is "able to solicit
trade through the medium of our own
town paper." In his salutatory the
editor announces that the naner will
be neutral in politics, and will be con
ducted'on an indenendent nnlirv C.en
tralia is large enough to sustain Incal
paper, and this new enterprise ought
to receive iiDerai support.
Towney's World's Fair chocolates
Tor sale on y at Phillips'.
Don't fail to call at Hess Bros, on
Saturday, December at.
A representative from a large whole
sale jewelry house will be here with
his large stock for the day. This will
offer a rare chance to secure bargains
in diamonds, watches and jewelry of
-tl I..' I. .. It V ' .
an Kinns at 11 ess liros. Sign ot big
waicn. Main street, ttloomsburg, Pa.
The accounting for damages, &c,
ordered by the United States Courts
in the suit of Paul E. Wirt vs. William
S. Hicks et al, for infringement has
been terminated by the defendants
paying Mr. Wirt thirty-five hundred
dollars. This suit was broucht bv Mr.
Wirt in defense of his rights under
patents granted him for a fountain
No better aid to digestion,
No better cure for dyspepsia,
Nothing more reliable for biliousness
and constipation than DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills.
w. Kishton, Druggist.
Every family shou'd have a box of
Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills, the
use of which will cure most of our ail
ments. . at.
And furnished rooms to rent on Main
street. Steam, gas, hot and cold wa
ter and bath. Apply to Mrs. M. M
Phillips, at Phi lips' Cafe. tf
Holiday goods in large variety at
Slate's Book and Stationery Store, Ex
change building.
Paper, linen and silk
at Mercer's.
lamp shades
A great variety of rings at very low
prices at J. O. Wells . tf.
A prominent dry goods merchant
of Bloomsburg was present when Mr.
Gross was selling overcoats his re
mark was, how can you afford to sell
so cheap? Lac'ies and Gents' buying
for cash tells the story.
The finest linet of miscellaneous
books ever shown in B oomsburg at
Slate's Book and Stationery Store, Ex
change building.
Ships, Noah's Arks, wagons, sleds,
and all kinds of wooden toys at Gil
morc's Toy Bazaar. 3L
I f you need Rubber Boots or felt
Boots I c. save you money.
A large assortment of Excelsior
Diaries for 1894 at William H. Slate's
Book Store, Exchange building.
I have a large stock of Men's Kip
Boots of odd sizjs which will sell at
a bargain, J. A. HESS.
Steam engines, fire engines, locomo
tives. hose carriages, railroad trains,
trolley cars, &c. at Gilmore's 'loy
Bazaar. 3t.
J. G. Wells has just received some
mistletoe Christmas spoons, the latest
pattern out. Beautiful for gifts, tf.
Leather Goods,
Derby Silver,
Neck Tie Boxes,
Cut Glass
Shaving Sets,
"plicate Mirrors
French Atomizers
Manicure Sets.
'If you buy that
Xmas Present
without seeing my ussortment
you will regret it. They will
be open for inspection by
Toilet Sets,
5oct. Novelties,
Traveling Cases,
Fancy Perfumes,
Collar & Cuff
Smoking Sets,
Cigars 35 to Box.
Artists' Materials,
Picture Frames.
Saturday Ev'ng,
December oth.
XA7n Tinrtn,iri fef emf tiino Odd.
vvu ttijr Tiiiiuvna 111
RiSHTorrs drug store,
I Opposite Post Office
The Bloomsburg Car Company will
move their store on April 1st into the
store room now occupied by I. Mater,
in J. K. Lockard's building. This
will give them much more com modi
ous quarters, and they will enlarge
their stock and no doubt gre .tly in
crease their bus'ness. Under the ex
cellent management of I. D. White
the store already has a very large trade.
A Thxelt Bit of Advice.
In these times of grip and pneu
monia it is of great importance that
we should know where to look for a
safe and sure remedy. A slight cold
may become a serious one, the scarce
ly noticeable pain in the chest is too
often the forerunner of pneumonia.
The first cough may lead to consump
tion (a cough is nlteayt dangerous).
Never neglect a cold or cough for even
one day, but get at once, as a safe
and sure remedy, Kemp's Balsam, the
best cough cure, which is recommend
ed on all sides. It should be kept in
the house regularly to avoid delay
when needed. It is sold at all the
drug stores. ia-t5 at.
The taxpayers of Bloomsburg are
hereby notified that five per cent will
be added to all taxes unpaid by De
cember 25th. M. C. Woodward,
at Collector,
For all Lamp Globes and Lamp
Fixtures go to Mercer's Druit & Book
Dolls, all kinds, at Gilmore's Toy
It not only lelieves ; it does more
it cures. We refer to One Minute
Cough Cure. Suitable for all ages, all
conditions at all times. W. S. Rish
ton, Druggist.
A train of cars run by steam is a
drawing card in one of J. H. Mercer's
store windows.
A very large line of Ladies' and
Gentlcmens' medium and high price
Shoes wi 1 alwavs be found at a bar
gain. ' J. A. HESS.
The largest line of books of all kinds
in Bloomsburg, at Slate's Book Store,
Exchange building.
Ladies' Aprons at M.
& Bro.
Be sure to call and see the largest
stock of jewelry tn the county at J. O,
Wells. tf.
A very Urge line of card cases,
pocket books and teachers' Bibles at
Mercer's. ' iw.
M. Ellenbogen & Bro. for handker
chiefs, the cheapest and best.
Fountain and gold pens and gold
pencils, and tooth picks at Mercer's
Fine linen and silk handkerchiefs
at I. W. McKelvy's.
For Gloves and Hosiery go to M.
Ellenbogen & Bro.
The largest line of Holiday goods
ever shown in Bloomsburg at Mercer's
Drug & Book store. aw.
Underwear at M. Ellenbogen &
Lamps come and see them. Night
lamps, stand lamps, banquet lamps,
piano lamps, cheap at Mercer's Drug
& Book store. aw.
Chenille curtains and table covers
at I. W. McKelvy's.
Call and see our large Bibles. J.
H. Mercer. aw.
Ladies' coats and
capes at I. W.
For all kinds of holiday goods call
at New York Novelty Store.
With every man's suit and overcoat
we give away free a valuable and use
ful piece of furniture at Gross' N. Y.
My slock of suits and overcoats is
too large ; they must be sold. How ?
Why, by a general reduction in the
price. Come and get a good winter
suit at prices that will astonish you at
Grosses clothing store.
- t
Juvenile books for the boys and
girls ut Mercer's. aw.
Toilet sets, manicure sets, nut nick
sets, smoker's sets, necktie sets, collar
and cuff boxes, nandkercniei ooxes,
whisn holders, work boxes, traveling
l ' rt
cases, ink stands, jewel cases, bon bon
Doxes, snaving sets ana many omer
beautiful presents at Mercer's, aw.
Whto Itebr wm riok, w W OailorU.
Whan th wil Child, th criad (or CMtorU.
Whan (bt beotm Mia, lb clung to OuCorfa.
WfcM A had Gbildna, ah gm Dm Ottfcxte.
Silk and Linen
in Town.
To morrow snd Saturday we intend making our Banner Days of the year.
Too much stock on hand is the cause of our Price cutting. It is our rule nev
er to carry goods over from season to season, and the prices we have made on
our fine clothing has brought them within the reach of the slimmest pocket
book one dollar is doing what was intended for $1.50 or $. What's the
difference to you whether we make profit or not so long as you are the gainers
and our stock is kept fresh.
A lot of Mens' Large Size Suits 39, 40, 42,
what s the odds so long as you get one to fit.
and 1 a dollars, now - -
and 44, broken sizes, but r
They were sold' at 9, to. 1 1 H w f w(
- " "S7.50.
A great many of our Mens fine Suits in Cashmeres, Homespuns and
Cheviots that were 1 8 dollars, are now - - - - "? IP OO
We bough them at our own figures and you are gainers by the transac-
Our Boys' Suits that were 9, 10 and 12 dollars ate now beieff closed at QOQ
Boys' Blue black and Light colored Overcoats that were toi ra,. and' 14 7.C0L
dollars now - - -
09. CO.
Ulsters and Storm Coats $4.50, $6,50, $8.50, $iof
$15. and $20. The most complete line in town.
About one-third off in price.
The largest line of Prayer Books
and Hymnals in Bloomsburg at Mer
cer's Drug & Book store. . aw.
Gilmore's l oy Bazaar is now ready
for the Holidays. Go and see the big
display. jt.
. With every boys' suit or overcoat
we will give free the great "Phisto
Puzzle" at Gross'.
All kinds of games at Gilmore's Toy
Bazaar. 3L
I can give you Ladies' black over
gaiters for 50 cts, Gentlemen the same
price 50 cts. J. A. HESS.
Pocket books, card cases, &c, in all
varieties at Slate's Book Store, Ex
change building.
Just what you want in Slippers for
Christmas gifts, I have no old stock,
but just received a stylish Slipper from
48 cents upwards.
Gross, opposite Central Hotel, tf.
The Shoe Tor the Winter.
$3 00 will buy you a Genuine cork
soles which defy pneumonia and colds
at Gross'. Opp. Central Hotel, tf.
Mens' good Rubber boots only
$2.62 and Mens' combination Wool
boots, and Lumbermen Overs at $3.35.
Take a look at them at Gross', opp.
Central Hoteh tf.
Turkes and chickens at I. W. Mc
Kelvy's. Hand baskets and baskets of all
descriptions at New York Novelty
Holida) goods in a large variety at
Slate's Book and Stationery Store,
Exchange building.
A 1 1 - 09 ' .
a large line 01 books, booklets,
books in sets, juvenile3 etc., etc., at
Mercer's Ttnnk
baskets at New York Novelty Store.
Gloves, all kinds at Gidding &
Our Ftdiii on Id Tine: ml Hnu Goods tli:
The times never were better for persons on SALARY, or for those who
live on their BONDS. "Why ?" because they get many of the goods they
need or desire for nearly half price, only butter, eggs, pork and beef are a.
trifle HIGH. Groceries, fruits, canned goods, spices, chickens, Turkeys, &c,
&c, are VERY CHEAP. See the stock of Christmas presents goodb
other years 35, 50, 75 cents and $1.00 now on the 10 cent counter. Hand
kerchiefs, ties, mufflers, gloves, furs, underwear, COATS, Blankets, linens,
towels, napkins, table covers, counterpanes, curtains, books, tablets, silver
ware, gold pen and holder $1.00, Dress goods, Silks, Velvets, prints, ginghajnv
umbrellas, etc., etc., almost at your own prices. This and next week will be
the selling time. Call and see us before you buy. Table oil cloths 16 cts. this
week yet.
A Genuine heavy Woma'ns glove grain
button Shoe were selling at $1.35 now
98 cents. Gross', opp. Central Hotel.
Watches of all kinds, for ladies and
gentlemen, at very low prices, with
guaranty, at J. CWells'. tf
The largest line of fancy work and
stand baskets at New York Novelty
Table games from 10c. to $1.50 at
Slate's Book Store, Exchange build
A present for both old and young
at Mercer s urug & jjook store, aw.
A fine line ot new
I. W. McKelvy's.
dress goods at
Teacher's Bibles, Revised Prayer and
Hymnals, Methodist Hymnals and
books of worship at William H
Slate's Book Store, Exchange building.
The largest line of books of all
kinds in Bloomsburg, at Slate's Book
btore, Exchange building.
Come before it is too late 1 don't et
. . l
your neignoor get all the bargains that
Mr. Gross is offering in clothing.
Gentlemen's neckwear at I. W. Mo
Best Photographs and
Crayons at M'Killip
All orders finished promptly by
Christmas. 1
It's just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as any thing else. Its easier
t-uic severe coiu or cougn wun u.
Let your next purchase for a couch be
One Minute Cough Cure. Better
medicine ; better result j better trv it.
W. S. Rishton, Druggist.
For Gentlemens' fancy embroidered
Slippers for Holiday gifts call and ex
amine. J. A. HESS.
Best Photographs and
Crayons at M'Killip
All orders finished promptly by
There has lust been received r th;.
office a beautiful line of samples of
loiaing caras, cance lists, menus, wed
dinK invitations, ball cards, and
ty cards of all kinds. tf.
An engraved plate and fifty calling
cards would be an acceptable Christ
mas present for any lady. Order them
of The Columbian. tf.
Early Risers. Early Risers. Early
Risers, the famous little pills for con
stipation, sick headache, dyspepsia
and nervousness. W. S. Rishton,
Druggist. x
We have a fine stock of our New
Feed Cutters and Crushers and Com
Shelter on hand to sell at panic prices.
vaii ana see mem.
White & Conner,
u-34-8r. Orangeville, Pa.
I Can
for the purchase of real estate, the erec
tion of buildings or making of other
improvements on lands or to pay off
an incumberence at a very low rate of
interest and you ctn have from 5 to so
years time to repay loan in easy
monthly installments. Loans are made
on either farm or city property. Build
ing loans are made and the amount of
loan advanced as work progresses. Call
on or address
J. F. Harkins,
Evans Block, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Burns are absolutely painless when
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is prompt,
lv applied. This statement is true.
A perfect remedy for skin diseases,
chapped hands and lips, and nerer
fails to cure piles. W. S. Rishton.
Ovsters hv th murt mH k. .1.-
- - r i - -1--.. .... uj iuE
hundred. Oysters raw. stewed and
fried, at C. B. Chrisroan's. tf.
Not one minute elanses hrtv
the taking of One Minute Cough Com
anu renci. vny Shouldn't people
take One Minute Cough Cure ? They
should. Thev do W. S Bi.t,t'
Children Oryfc?