Highest of all In Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder ABSOLUfEW PURE THE COLUMBIAN. rrT'L.i ..t i tin iifNen nt, Hlrntrisl)tiriX. .'a .jcnii1 cIiim milt nr. Marrli 1. lww. BLOOMSBURG, FA. FKIDAV, OCTOHI.K ao, 1893. A GREAT OFFER. THE COI UMHIAN AND WKKKLY WORLD for $1.50. Vnr several years past we have been offering The Coixmhian and New Vork Weekly World for $1.80 a vcar. A new arrangement has just jven affected by which we are enabled to ictluce the price, and for a short lime only subscriptions will dc received atllic remarkably low figure of $1.50 for the two papers. The rcgluar price ' l. I & A A n . .1 1 lnMfl lor caul piipci in .pi.uu n '-ii . let this splendid opportunity pass, jimnle ronies of either or both tuners will be sent to any one free, on re quest. Old subscribers who are i.i arrears will be expected to pay the amount due to date to avail them selves 01 tins oner. The Coi.umiuan. Entrance through Well's Jewelry Store, next to Tost Office. We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. I )c Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best Salve that experience can produce, or that money can buy. W. S. Rishton, drug- jist. 10 14-iy. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Interesting Items From Various Points" in the County, Reported by Our Staff of Correspondents East Bknton. One ot the ereaiest "blows'" within the recollection of any person in the community passed over this place last Friday nipht ami Satunlav. t ui5 a regular "North Easter", whirling in all directions. The night was extremely dark and stormv, and trie rattle and clatter and cracking and rocking and shaking of buildings sent consternation to almost every heart which was sheltered from the threatening and turbulent elements that roared and tore t'.umiltuoiisly without. Few, if any slept any at all before midnight, and many were up a'l night in con slant expectation of meeting total wrecked habitations before morning. Ornamental and fri.it trees were brok en and blown down in large numbers hile a complete wreck marked the course of the storm among the fences. Many small buildings and sheds were complete wrecks, while many larger buildings bams in particular, were either wholly or partially unroofed. Some few old people were terribly frightened ; their nervous system giv ing way. Upon the whole I rather enjoyed the great tumult, notwith standing the fact the banging of doors and other objects at and about the outbuildings warned me of the fact all was not well without. But in the intense darkness it was impossible to look after anything as a light or lan tern could not live to give light to make secure or fasten anything that might be saved from wreck. But it as also possible that a person might w picked up and carried by the force of the storm or struck by flyirg ob jects and killed, or injured for life, if he ventured out While it was terri ble and a terror to those experiencing the power and effects of the storm, it as no circumstance to the awful and majestic solemnity in the brief space of time intervening the suspense from the approach of the eye'one a few years ago and the ravages and de struction that followed in its track. It was Rev. Hontz and not Rev. A Houtz that met with an accident near Central, resulting in the loss of his horse. Little vegetable health producers: DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure malarious disorders and regulate the stomach and bowels, which prevents headache and dizziness. W. S Rish ton, Druggist. 10-14 iy During the late storm a telephone pole located in Jefferson alley near Main street, was thrown over against the buildings. We beuin this week the tinliliratinn . . 0 ,. ot a series of interesting letteisfrom Dr. james if. weal, describing his return trip to China. J. M. Gidding went to Philadelphia on Monday to buy new goods for the clothing store of (lidding Salsburg. He will bring back some fine lines of fall and winter clothing. Mr. and Mrs. 1 . W. Campbell have been greatly bereaved by the losi of tncir daughter r lorence, aged eleven years, from scarlet fever. Her death occurred on Tuesday evening, after an illness of two weeks. There is sonic talk now that the Irondale furnace property is to be purchased by the Tease Mfg. Co. If this is clone, the new tool works and the elevator factory will be located there. If you wish to secure a certain and speedy resu't, when using Ayer s Sar sapaiilla. be careful in observing the rules of health, or the benefit may be retarded. A fair and persistent trial ot this medicine nevgr fails, when the directions are followed. The Grand Commandery of the Knights of Malta convened in Ber wick this week. On Tuesday after noon there was an imposing parade which was participated in by La Val- lette Commandery of this town. If it has no other effect, the closing of cigar stands on Sunday will be likely to increase the cigar trade The man who has been buying and smok iftg one or two cigars on Sunday will now buy a half dozen on Saturday night and smoke them all on Sunday, Judge Savidge, of Sunbury, was swindled by a sharper whose base of operations is in Chicago. 1 he sharp. cr sent a bogus package C. O. D. to 1 member of the Judge's family and the amount demanded was paid. Afte. wards it was discovered that the pack, age contained a halt a dozen of bo. ties of patent medicine. l; H. L. Smith of Danville is canvass ing this town for the sale of a com bined roaster, steamer and baker. He is supplied wi:h excellent testi monials, and the article he sells is u doubtedly one of merit. When' he calls on you, let him tell you all about it, and you will be convinced that you need one. Burglars broke into Masters & Co's store last Wednesday night by prying open the front door. They then p o- ceeded to blow open the vault, in which they succeeded, but the small safe inside the vault withstood their attack. A lot of jewelry was ta'.;e. and some money but the exact amount is not known. I here is no clue to the robbers. Tablet. The I-dian and the Indian's land are subjects of permanent interest, and iust now that interest is quicken ed by the opening of the Cherokee Str-D. In Harper's Masrazine for No vember Mr. Rezin W. McAdam, a newspaper editor who resides in the Indian Territory, will adocate divid ing up the reservations among the red men and placing Indians on the same footing as whites and negroes. Citizens, Take Notice. In order to avoid confusion in the future by reason of blowing the whistle at Electric Light Station, it has been mntnallw acreed between the town authorities and Supt. of the Light Co., that one long blow and two short ones will be the call fot the electrician, and th rail for fire will be continuous short sharp toots of the whistle. Oysters, by the quart and by the hundred. Oysters raw, stewed and fried, at C. B. Chrisman's. tf. 25 cents. 25 10 " 15 " THIS WEEK WE OFFER A Solid back bristle hair brush 'guaranteed tooth brush A pint bottle 'of strong Ammonia A pound of coal tar camphor This ia just a few, but our other prices are just aa low. As to the quality, our guarantee is good and everything is 'eturnable if not as represented. Prescriptions carefully compounded by a GRADUATED PHARMACIST. RISHTON'S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office. Beautiful scenery, elaborate me chanical effects, sparkling music, ar tistic dancers at the fairies Well. Opera House next Monday night. The great value of Hood's Sarsap- arilla as a remedy for catarrh is vouch- ed for by thousands of psople whom it has cured. Thomas Dean of Catawissa died at Iiia home Friday of last week, aged 75 years. He was a brother-in-law of Jonathan and William Traub, Mrs. Mary Snyder and Mrs. Henry Kesly. Charles Rcice and John who were cousins attended the funeral Monday. The play ol the Fairies' Well will be given at the Opera House, on next Monday evening. The charming young Irish singer and harpist, Geo. H. Timmons, is with the company. The play is a spectacular Irish come dv drama and i hiphlv snoki'n of bv .-7 r-- y 1 j the leading city dailies. Secure seats at Dentler"!". Communion services will be held as follows : Briarcreek Oct. 22, at 2:30 p. m Zion October 29 at 10:30 a. m.j Orangeville, November 5, at 10:30 a. m.t St. James, November 12, at 10:15 a- rn ' ancl Hidlay November 19, at 10530 a. m. Preparatory ser vices on the preceding Saturday at 2:30 p. m, During the fair there were 13 ar rests made in the town and 10 arrests made upon the fair grounds. Of the arrests made upon the grounds two were for gambling, and the eight for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, Two were placed in jail one on the charge of gambling and the other for selling whiskey. 1 hcie was less drunk enness in the town than there has been for many years upon such an oc casion. Ignorance of the merits of De Witt's Little Early Risers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the iver, cure headache, dyspepsia, bad brelath, constipation and biliousness. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. 10-14 iy. On Monday morning James Mc Closkey, proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, and W. S. Rishton, druggist, were arrested on a charge of violating the Sunday laws under the act of 1794, and went before Guy Jacoby Esq, where the penalty of four dollars and costs was imposed. The offense was selling cigars on Sunday. The information was laid by Rev. F. A. Dony of Scranton, agent of the Ameri can Sabbath Union, and Jair.es S. Wilson, of Bloomsburg. Edward M. Kester appeared as a witness. The fine goes to the sinking fund of the state treasury. hen the accident occurred to White Rose at the Fair Grounds last week, by which she lost her life, Mrs. B. F. Dreish.ich who was sitting in the grand stand hastened to her assistance. She was the fust woman to reach her side and gave her all the assis tance that lay in her power. For this kindness before their departure for the south her Indian acquaintances presented Mrs. Dreisbach with a piece of bead work White Rose was engaged upon at the time of her death, a heart tastily worked in various colored beads ; a fining emblem of the love and gratitude these people will ever entertain for one who was kind to a daughter of their race. Berwick Independent. Marion Crawford opens up a new line of thought in his article, entitled 'Rome, the Capital of a New Repub lic," appearing in the October Cos mopolitan. It is not likely that the October number will hare the success which attended that for September. The extraordinary spectacle was pre sented of a is) cent magazine selling 'or 50 and 75 cents, and many hun dreds were even sold at $1.00 each. Probably the record remains without a parallel, in periodical sales, of a number proving so interesting that, after 211,000 copies had been sold, the News Company had orders for 50,000 more than they could supply, while dealers in various parts of the country, discovering the esteem in which the magazine was held, imme diately raised their prices to double, treble, quadruple and in many cases to eight times the regular price. The publishers do not yet know what their real circulation is, owing to the limited capacity of their presses; but ma chinery is being put in place which will supply an edition for December exceeding 300,000, and during-that month it will be possible to determine just how many Cosmopolitans the public will buy. The Early Morning Traiu. On and after the 23rd inst. the train on the P. & R. railroad leaving here at 6.10 in the morning and the one arriving at 11.25 at night will be discontinued. The lack of patronage does not warrant its continuance. Quarterly Meeting. Quarterly meeting services will hi held in the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday, Sunday School 9 a. in., public services with sacrament of Lord's Supper at 10:30 a. m. Love Feast, 6 p. m., preaching 7 p. m. Men.s fine lace shoes for 05 cents. Call and see them. J. A. Hess. JOHN B. TOWHSIMD, CORNER OF MARKET AND MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG-. WRECK OF TENTS. The storm of last Friday evening made havoc with the tents upon the Fair Ground at Bloomsburg. One of the large show tents was the first to fall it went down about half past four in the afternoon ; the managers went to the next tent, which was their boarding place, and while at sup per, it also collapsed, and a heavy center pole striking the snake charmer, she became unconscious and remained in that condition until Saturday morning. Upon seveial oc casions through the evening she was thought to be dead, but she al ways rallied again, and entirely re covered from the shock. Two other show tents were felled to the ground as if mere. toys. The candy stands with canvas coverings were all total wrecks. The large exhibition build ing would bend and creak with every force of the wind and even the night watchmen were forced to remain in it. When morning dawned there seemed but little prospect for a fair but as the sun appeared all went to work and by the middle of the lorenoon nearly all the tents were rebuilt and made to offer their inducements to the numer ous customers. The storm certainly kept away thousands of people, but yet there were fully six thousand peo ple upon the ground. BNYDER & MAQEE CO. LIMITED. The store building of the Snyder & Magee Co. on the corner of Market and Fourth streets is completid. It is a three story building, the first two floors being of limesione,cut irregular ly and pointed, and the third floor being cemented on the outside. The interior is of hard wood throughout, oiled- and varnished. - It is a very roomy structure, and is one of the finest store buildings in the state. It was the expectation to have every thing in readiness for the opening on the 1 1 th inst. but there were many unforeseen and unavoidable delays, so that while the store is open, the goods are nut yet all arranged, but are being opened and classified as rapidly as possible. On the IV at lloor, the .dry goods, groceries, shoes and notions departments are ready for customers, and upstairs a large stock of furniture has been placed. In a few days more everything will be in complete readi ness for business in every department, and meanwhile they will be glad to serve all customers in such lines as are now ready. A more complete oescupiion 01 me store win appear hereafter, ment in this issue. Read their new advertise- Invitations to Olmrch Weddings. On receipt of an invitation to a church wedding it is proper to mail, at any time before the ceremony, visiting-cards, representing the persons invited, to the persons issuing the invitation, whether or not y6u attend the ceremony, writes Mrs. Hamilton Mott in an exhaustive article on "The Etiquette of invitations" in the October Ladies' Home Journal. If a reception card is enclosed, a written acceptance is enclosed or declination of both invitations should be sent at least a week before the wedding. "At Home" cards should be left as for "Teas," though for evening recep tions it is not usual to leave cards a card-case not forming a necessary part of any evening costume. And finally it may be that some prompt acknowledgement should be made to every form of social invitations, or the recipient will be guilty of a breach of etiquette. Fashionable Livery. The well known horseman has opened a fashionable livery in connec tion with his boarding stable at the Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine turnouts can be obtained, single or double. He has well broken and safe saddle and driving horses for ladies, all at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Exchange Hotel will receive prompt attention. Drivers furnished when desired. tf W. A. Hartzei.i,, Proprietor BUSINESS LOCALS. All that honesty, experience and skill can do to produce a perfect pill, has been employed in making De Witt's Little Early Risers. The re sult is a specific for sick headache, biliousness and constipation. W. S. Rishton, Druggist 10-14-iy. WE FIT Till ALL. Misrepresenta tions. Every article Marked in Plain Figures. The Largest, Newest, Most Complete and Most Stylish Assortment in this vicinity. Gidding & Salsburg, the Banner Clothiers of Columbia and Montour Counties. OVERCOATS for Big Men. OVERCOATS for Little Men. OVERCOATS for Boys. OVERCOATS for Children, in Light Shades, Dark Shades, Single and Double Breasted SUITS FOR BIG MEN. SUITS FOR LITTLE MEN. SUITS SUITS FOR BOYS. FOR CHILDREN. JUST RECEIVED, A NEW LINE OF GLOVES, UNDER WEAR and HATS. You know our Prices are alwajs rock bottom. IDDIHG & SsiAlSBUHB, ozestie: peice Clothiers, Hatters & Furnishcn. BLOOMSBURG, - PA. I. W. Hiii'liiiiiii & Sons. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE SELLING LOTS OF GOODS ON THE CASH DA 81 8? People rather enjoy it, as the prices are lower on many articles. Our COATS are all NEW Styles, our DllESS GOODS and TRIMMINQ& ate the latest. Read a short list and compare with your credit store account. Dark Calico 5 cents, Light Calico 5 cents, Turkey red 5 cents. Red Table Linens as cents yard, 18 yards f-ood Muslin for $1.00, Table Oil Cloths yard wide 19 cents, 1 J yard wide 26 cents, Mens' Rubbers 44 cents, Boys 36 cents. Misses' as cents. Childrens' iq cents. Many other articles couM named equally as cheap. We prefer to have the people call and see far themselves. I. W. HARTM AN & SONS. Still a few more Mens' Plow shoes left. One Buckle 90 cents, two Buck le $1.00. J. A, Hess. ' Estimates furnished for wall paper. Contract work solicited. Competent workmen sent anywhere. W. H. Brooke & Co. DRUNKENNESS, or the L1QU0B HA BIT, Oured at Home in Ten Days by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific It can be given in a glass of beer, a cap of coffee or tea, or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harm less, and will effect a permanent and speedy enre, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every in stance a perfect cure hps followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guar anteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the Golden Specific Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. io-ai-l yr. Ladies' extra fine f .ondola Shops with patent Tip, Lace and Buttons 91.35. j. a ti ess. Are you going to paper your house f Give us a call. Get estimate1 and prices. W. H. Brooke & Co. New edition of Episcopal Hymnals at W. H. Brooke & Co s. A lot of new notes of the sharpest kind have just been printed and are for sale at this office. Also common receipts, estate receipts, and collec tors' receipts, neatly bound in books of 2S 5 an(l oo. tf. All the talk in the world will not convince you so quickly as ohe trial of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve f- anltc bums, bruises, skin affections and piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist iyr Window curtains an1 C.h.. v. 411 great variety at W. H. Brooke & Co's. Wall naner and windnw cim. at lowest prices. W. H. Brooke & Co. .W. H. Brooke & Co, have some very pretty pictures in their show win-dows.