The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 06, 1893, Image 3

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    The Government Oats.
Three Inimlred and odd cats are
maintained by the United States Gov
eminent, the cost of their support be
ing carried as a regular item on the
accounts of the Ofticc Depart
ment. They are distributed among
about fifty post offices, and their duty
is to keep rats and mice from eating
postal matter and mail sacks. There
work is of the utmost importance
wherever large quantities of mail are
collected as, for example, at the
New York 1'ost Office, where from
2,000 to 3.000 bags of such material
are commonly stowed away in the
Formerly great damage was often
done bv n.ischievous rodents, which
chewed holes in the sacks and thought
nothing of boring clear through bags
of letters in a night. Troubles of this
sort no longei occur, now that the of
ficial pussies Keep watch, hacli city
postmaster is allowed from $8 to $40
a year fur the keep of his feline staff,
sending his estimate for "cat meat" to
Washington at the beginning of each
quarter. Care is taken not to feed
the animals too "high," in order that
their appetite for live game may be
keen. It is laid down as a rule that
no meat shall be given when there is
a mouse or a rat to be caught.
Cats are kept in all the Government
buildings at Washington. In that of
the State, War and N'avy Departments
ihey are employed not only to protect
the priceless papers stored there, but
to guard against fire. Twice the War
liepr.rltneiit has been set afire by rats
gnawing matches on one of these oc
casioi.s in the office of the Secretary
t war m tne middle of the night.
year ago the treasury had nine cats,
but tiiey made themselves obnoxious,
and all were given away but two.
1 nese are as wild as jxjssiljle, getting
a living uy loraging for themselves,
.wice are notoriously lond ot chewmg
up money, Lut they have no chan'x- to
get at Lncle Sam s paper cash, which
is kept in rooms with iron walls that
defy their teeth. Rats occupied the
Tension Ollicc in great numbers while
it was in process of building, taking
up their residence in the walls and
floors as fast as they were put up,
Two years ago four cats were intro
duced there to guard the records of
the old soldiers and they nave driven
most ot the vermin away. I he best
rat killer of the quartette not long ago,
being frightened, at something, fell
from the second gallery, fifty feet, to
the tiled floor, was killed. The White
House has two cats, one a black and
white female, kept in the kitchen, and
the odier a black Tom, kept in the
stable. Mrs. Harrison had four hand
some Maltese cats but they disappear
But the Capitol is the greatest place
in Washington for cats. The huge
windings swarms with them and at
night they scamper about in troois
MV. .1.1. 1 r .
.-uuuiy Knows now many 01 tnem
there arc, but the watchmen reckon
them by scores. They are all vagrants
and wild as hawks. In summer they
are scattered about the neighborhood
to some extent, but in winter they
gamer within the building. At about
o uc-iock every nignt tney Degin a
mad racing throuch the emotv corri
dors, which are made to resound with
their cries. The acoustic effects pro
duced ara astonishing. Let a single
grimalkin lift up his voice in Statuary
Hall, famous for its echos, and the
silence of the night is broken by a yell
as loud as a locomotive whistle. ' A
fovorite place for cat-concerts is the
whispering gallery down below, known
as the '-crypt," where the feeblest
sound is magnified into a roar.
How's This I
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligations
made by their firm.
West & Tkalx, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, t)., Rinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c.
per uoitle. Sold by all Druggists.
jo 6-1 mo.
Crime and Criminals.
Socrates was tried and put to death
for disbclif in the national religion.
The average cost of criminal prose
cutions in England at present is 3 3
, The Romans had a jury system, the
jury being drawn from the roll of citi
zens. There are over 5,000 assassinations
o attempts at murder every year in
Italy. '
C)ver 68 per cent, of the whole num.
Der of English criminals are unable to
. Capital punishment was abolished
n Switzerland in 1874 and restored in
Says Ha Will Oomi B ic'i 8o:no Day.
William Livsey, who was state treas
urer and afterward cashier in the same
office, has been heard from. Livscy
disappeared mysteriously from Harris
burg early in July, 1891, about the
time the llardsley peculations were
being investigated, and has since been
in hiding. During his absence he has
been reported in all parts of the eaith.
At one time he was in South America,
another time in Canada, then in the
Northwest and again in Europe. In
all this time his whereabouts have
only been known to his family and his
personal friends who have been in
constant communication with him and
are familiar with his movements.
I he gentleman who has resurrected
Livscy is Insurance Commissioner
Lupcr. Mr. Lupet had not seen the
absconding state official since the
bright July day, when, while cashier of
the state treasury, he packed his valise
and bidding good-bye to his friends in
Harrisburg left for parts unknown. The
insurance commissioner returned on
Tuesday from Hie World's Fair and
says that while strolling through one
of the buildings he met Livscy, shook
h inds with him and conversed with
him a few minutes'
The runaway official did not volun
teer any information concerning hiai
self nor the business he is pursuing,
but remarked that he was more sinned
against than sinning and that some
day he would teturn to Harrisburg
and make a clean breast of every
thing he knows in connection with the
liardsley scandal. Livscy has kept
himself informed on matters and
things here ami was familiar with what
had been said about him. He was
well dressed and wore a full beard.
When Uvsey disappeared his only
facial ornament was a moustache.
During the many years Mr. Livscy
was connected with the state treasury
he was known as an indefatigable
worker and as a man who cared noth
ing for vacations. In July, 189 1,
"Honest John Bardsley was under ar
rest for appropriating several million
dollars from the Philadelphia city
treasury and his private papers fell in.
to the hands ot die authorities. About
this time Mr. Livsey took a heavy
cold and left Harrisburg one day very
suddenly for Pittsburg for the benefit
of his health. He had been out of
the city a few days when Mayor
Stuart, of Philadelphia, published the
report of the experts who had been
examining Bardsley's books On
the stub of the ex-treasurer's personal
check book was found the entry. "To
William Livsey, for his kindness to
me during the year, $500."
RISULRG. About this time a married daughter
of Mr, Livsey, living in Milwaukee,
Wis., was seized with a serious illness ;
so serious, indeed, that there was
some danger ot her death. Mr. Liv
sey at once started for her bedside
and has never been seen in this locali
ty since. He owned a handsome resi
dence in the East End, the fashion
able residence quarter of Pittsburg,
and this property he sold some time
during the last week in August, iSot.
The sale of his Pittsburg real estate
was promptly followed by the removal
of Mr. Livsey's personal effects from
his apartments, at the home of Adam
McAfee, No. 424 Market street, by
an attachee of the treasury depart
ment. Mr. Livsey is credited with posses
sing a valuable fund of information
about the Bardsley scandal and could
tell an interesting story about the
doings of certain Republican officials
and politicians if he wanted to break
the silence which he has maintained
for so many years. He entered the
stale treasury in 1880 as cashier under
Silas M. Bailey and held this position
until 1883, when he was elected state
treasurer. He was succeeded bv
Senator Quay in 1885 and was again
appointed state treasurer when the
latter resigned to enter the United
States senate. Treasurer Boyer ap
pointed him cashier again, which po
sition he held until he disappeared.
Aycr's Sarsaparilla, sending the
brain pure blood, makes sound both
mind and body.
A World's Fair Flier.
Mr. Hardy Times (on his way to
the fair.) Porter, why do they call this
train the limited ?"
Porter 'Cause, sah, you ain't 'lowed
to gib de portah more'n fo' dollars at
any one time, sah. Puck.
With Ely's Cream Balm a child can
be treated without pain and with per
fect safety. It cures catarrh.hay fever
and colds in the head. It is easily ap
plied into the nostrils and gives im
mediate relief. Price 50 cents.
My catarrh was very bad. For
thirty years I have been troubled with
it have tried a number of remedies
without relief. A druggest advised
Ely's Cream Balm. I have used only
one bottle and I can say I feel like a
new man. I make this voluntary
statement that others may know of
the Balm J. W. Mathewson, (Lawyer)
Pawtucket, R. I.
Tiif. duke of Ctinibrldgo takes the
keenest Interest, In the welfare of pri
V11 te Milliters 11 rid In very popular iinv 1:1
the men of the ranks.
TllK dulie of Westminster has s: ent
overl.(HKi,(r,!iiiM rebuilding .ritni hail,
which Is now cu'isidored to iiv,l Ciats
worth us Knglaiid's 11 nest house.
Tin; duchess do Muillo Is always
recognized In the Itoin do 1! miotic by
her immense couch. It date: from the
Inst century nnd Is equipped with pos
tilions and outriders in livery.
Nkhviii;nnkha never troubles Mine.
Melba, the prent singer, even on n "first
night." "The greater and the more
distinguished the. imdionee," she Rays,
"the more stimulated and braced I feel.
Thero Is something' that responds to
the exigency of tho occasion."
I'uop. Max Mri.r.i".n hns enjoyed
unique , distinction. On December
1S7. nt tho Invitation of Denn Stan
ley hp delivered a lecture In Westinin
ster nbliev on tne "ITeiiglonH of the
World." tho onlv nddress ever dell
ered bv 11 liivumn within tho snored
It is not often that a roynl jvtmv co.iilesceinls to net tin judge In a
bicycle eontct. Tho kin'' of tho Ilel
Brians recently did tins, however, 11
l.mssols. Since then ho lias neooini
infatuated with bievolinir, mid hti
offered a modal to he competed for 1
niniiteurs ihivraeo from l'arist i lirus
Tiik young emperor of China fins ns
keen 11 relish for the pleasures of th
laiile as 11 11 v epicure m lits nonunions,
F.ight plates form tho staple of hi
dinner menu. Tho emperor Insists 1
having bears' paws, nntclopo tails,
ducks" tong'trs, torpedo eels' ea
el's lump, nior.key,' lip-.. i! -p' tail
nnd marrow bones served at Id:, tabl
every day in tho year.
Paihsia.V thieves have been detect
stoalin;' loots from a hoot shop by
means of a lUhmg-rod und line.
At St. Malo then? is an omnibus con
duetor who is a ma run is, a count h
cams his living by making mousetraps
nnd 11 bathing mnn whf) rejoices in
double title Count Sautl do la Jli
fface, Marquis de Chuiiibcrv.
Amonc tho latest enthusiasts for b
cycle riiiing in l'.nissols i, Mine. I.iu.
bcrt do liothsehiid. who goes regularly
to the Iis do la ambro to practice,
Kieyclc riding lias created juiUi a
furoro in the city anions tiio geuUe
A FUlKxn of the labor movement lui
taken to tho house of commons and
left in tho hands of the attendants a
black leather bug, engraved with ai
inscription to John Hums in gold let
ters: "To John Hums, in memory o
tho great (look strike, lss'J.'
Tub teapot which tho princess of
Uiilos invnriahly uses every day nt
Sandrmgham is exceedingly curious,
and is said to be of priceless value It
is very old, in the shape of a stou
Dutchman sitting astride a bitrrel o
wine. Tho old man's cap serves for a
lid and a gold tap hi tho barrel lets
.out tho favorite five o clock beverage.
New churches built in America last
year numbered nearly 10,000.
Tub lYesbytoriaiis have sixty-eight
missionaries and thirty-eight churches
in Japan.
Ki-.v. V. I. Ciia.iiif.hi.a!.v lias been
appointed superintendent of the Chris
tian I'.ndeavor movement m India.
I:," tho United States and Dritish
America thero are lao.l!)7 Sunday
schools. These aru attended by over
10,000,000 pupils.
At tho last meeting of the Provincial
synod of Canada lit. Hev. John Travers
Lewis, LL. D., lord bishop of Outario,
was elected metropolitan.
Tub last census returns present in
tcresting stalistios showing that there
aru in sw.w j.ugiana y;io,ooo mora
Uoman Catholics than Protectants.
Tiik Reorganized Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints claims a
membership of people. Most of
Its churches aro in tho I nited States.
The Presbyterian Woman's Foreign
Missionary boeiety of New York has
twenty-live women missionaries in, Chili and Colombia 'stationed
in half a dozen different places and
doing effective work in all.
A Bi'iUBH's eyes aro not in his head
but in the upper part of tho thorax.
Tiik longest animal known to exist is
the rorqual, which averages 100 feet in
I s proportion to its hize, the horse
has a uiiallcr btoiuuch than any other
Itusn.MKN' and negroes possess a more
prominent and narrow chest than tho
white races, whoso chest is broader
and flatter.
Tiik flea is covered with . armored
plates, very hard, and overlapping
i nch other. I'ach is set with spikes and
bends in conformity with tho move
ment of tho body.
Di;w is the greatest respecter of
colors. To prove this take pieces of
glass or boards and paint them red,
yellow, green and black. Kxposo them
at night, and you will find that tho
yellow will bo covered with moisture,
that tho green will bo damp, but that
the rod and black will bo left perfectl'
Cows enoui.D bo kept off low, woody
UoTTKil that is it long time coming is
aid to be of inferior quality.
Cows snour.D bo milked daily at tho
Mine time and by the same person.
It Is said that when cows are fed on
bran the cream rises slowly and is hard
to churn.
The average yield of milk per cow in
Great' Britain is said to be four hun
dred pounds a year.
AirtiNQ the milk thoroughly before
setting will help greatly in preventing
bad flavor In milk and butter.
910 and
Tli 0 Lowest Eato r.f the Year to Chicago
via Pcnusvlvauia Ra;lro.til.
a h;rtiii.r kkducimx in fare for
coach fxclrmons.
'1 he rapidly' approaching termina
tion of the Columbian Kxposition and
the enormous travel now directing it
self to Chicago prompt the I'ennsyl
v.ini.a Railroad Company to still furth
er reduoc its round-trip rate on the
popular world's Fair Coach Excur
sions The ra'e from Philadelphia
will lie $17 : Lancaster, $10.85 llar"
risburg, $15.75 ; Altoona, $14.50, and
a proportionate reduction from other
points along tiie main line and branch
es. These rates apply only to special
trains leaving on September 2Sth,
October 2d and an additional one
list arranged for October f".th. The
ickets will, as before, ! good for rc-
urn DassaL'e within ten das on trims
, t-, -v
eaviiii; Chicago at 3. 15 and n. to P.
The rate has now reached the low
est possible point, ami is within the
means of almost every one, which end
the railroad company has bng been en
deavoring to attain. Early applica
tion for tickets is urge.!, in view of the
increased demand which will undoubt
edly follow this liberal announcement.
The service for this travel will be
maintained at the same standard for
which the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company is justly world-wide famous.
What Do You Take
Medicine for? IJticnus vnu are sirV .
and want to get well, or because you
wisn to prevent niness. men reinem -
.u i r i' c :ii-
iiiai i iuuu a ouiaapui ilia cuKc.a
all diseases caused by impure blood
and debility of the system. It is not
what its proprietors say but what
Mood's Sarsaparilla ixies, that tells
the story of its merit. Be sure to get
Hood's, and only Hood's.
Purely vegetable floods Pills -25c.
Bright Anticipations.
Four-Year-Old Tommv Are thcr
any telegraft wires in Heaven ?
Sunday bchooi 1 eacher No, Tom
my. Ihey are not needed there.
Tommy (his face lighting up)
Then if 1 qo there I can 11 v a kite all
day, can't I ? Chicago 'i'ribune.
One word describes it-"perfection.
We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve, cures oostinate sores, burns.
skin diseases and is a well known cure
for piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist.
10-14 iyr.
France has more persons over sixtv
years of age than any other country.
Ireland comes next.
If vou can afford to hi annoved bv
sick headache and constipation, don't
use DeWitt's Little Earlv Risers for
these little pills will cure them. W.
S. Rishton. Drusmst. 1 0-14-1 v.
On Inu'fr Tirnadwnv in Kew Vork
in corner plats land is worm irom $15,
000 10 5120,000 per iront 100c.
Bogus !
BoirJ9 white lead
would have no
fial dlH it nnt
afford makers a Iartrcr orofit than
Strictly Pure White Lead.
The wish mnn is nwiir nrciialnr1 ti
buy paint that is said to be "just as
goou or - oeiier nna
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The market is flooded with spurious
wiikc icaus. 1 ne louowing analyses,
made by eminent chemists, of two of
these misleading brands show the
exact proportion of genuine white lead
they contain :
Misleading Brand
"Standard Lead Co. Strictly Pur Whit
Lead. Bt. I.nm. "
MuturluU lTonortlona AnttWrpA h
Bnrytcs 69.30 nor cent. Reuis C'huuvunot
OxidaofZinc IM.IK por cent. & Uro.,
W'Uitu Luud tj.W uur Cuut. HI, I.ouin.
Less than 7 per cent, white lead.
Misleading Brand
Pacific Warranted Pura A White Lead."
Muleriala 1'ronnninna AhaIw.i i,
fliilphutHof Lead 4.1H per cent. Ledoux Co..
Oxido of Ziue 45.04 pur cent. New York.
Vurylea B0.BH per coui.
No white lead in it.
You can avoid hno-na UnH K .
chasiog the
John T. Lewis & Bros.
brand. It is manufactured by the " Old
Dutch" process, and is the standard.
For Bala hu th mnat
paint (verywher.
If you ar (oinf to paint, It will pay you
to end to ua Tor book containing Informa
tion that may av you many a dollar; it will
only coat you poatal card to do ao.
Summer Men
nrc now looking for
Fal! Overcoats
OUnSrre equal 1 1 cu.'.o'.r.
made. The fashionable
sorts are Vicuna.s,Vors
teds, Cheviots end Homespuns.
Prices. $25, S20, $15
and downwards to
for an excellent one.
912 Chestnut St. Philada.
Opposite Tontoni ?
McKillip Bros.,
The best are
the cheapest.
A urtil Only Cittrilni A
rc, aiwuvit r"tlitd. iadic. uk
1 mnrni HtytTfi la !! immI tiui.t nu-tnlKo yV1
ti.rt.m .it,. I itmf i'liiHii At I r nit nr ,1
lii tinp fur i'rti mint j, l 1iuiod1 u i
"lt'llrf for . l ((, in lrtt?r, hr w tnru
Mull. 10.0O T. iiiinmu. A im i-.t,,'r.
I inriiriiri uuoili'iu V-Ji 11" !" ij nr
rvlift iin-1 fs tin iiihtUihlo
urpfor Pllen. i'rici'fl. H
TirwiritfiHorrmiTl. HiinipW
free. AMriHw"A NAK tMS,"
Ijox ll;t New York City.
liUL, 1
to the
Just look at tile bottom of this,
Erath's Patent
1 a
Hitching Post.
iBonnd to star whero It's planed'
!'' Ut Like to know more, 7 name enpapest
tlinre In. Write to
C. W, ERATH 03 S. Main.
W ILo.... nX
FLYS Catarrh
Cleans the
Nasal Passages,
Allays Tain and
Heals the Sores.
Restores the
Sense of Taste
ami smell.
iir rbihrf
A pnr'li le Is applied Into ear.'i, nosrnl and la
a,..-.... l..,a n j n t I . .... ..... .. ,.
resist ered, B0 els. ELV BKoTllKliS, 5i Wunen
St., N
JrS;.'?lT9rin",",n na Handhoolt wrltftto
MLNN A lOy Ikil Bhuauivat, W Viibit.
Oliient bnrenn for Maarlna ptom In Amerli-.
J.very patont Uken out by ua 1 brought beforo
the pulilio by a notice glveu t rm ot cbarge la tho
I,rmjt drmlatlnn of any nlontlflo paper In the
wiirld. tfpluiulidly llltintrated. No ln;ililirput
Hhout it. Weekly ;j.M,
Jesrt 1.6U aiz m-
us. ninrew All .N A ('0
'Iroadnay, N'uw Vor City.
Plans and Estimates on all
kinds of buildino-s. ReDairinr
and carpenter work orompdv
attended to.
Inside Hrrdwood finishes a
Persons of limited means who
desire to build can pay pan and
secure balance by mortgage.
The most healthful aud Donular drlnlt nr rim
age. '
Wie proper drink for both table and flrwitdo
now wllliln the reneh of all. Kvery tliriny
housewife can provide for her home, irnipe, or.
an, penr, cherry, iippliybanuna and pineapple
elders at the aiiuill expense of rtfteen cents rinr
trillion. Keep your husbands and wons at home
by preparing for them those delightful and
thatmlirht rwsslbly rind lis wav inirTti... L,.3.
loo n a.
It only takes ten minutes to miike any
hese di.l Urlitriil tli'tnL-u
one of these
for one, or so eeuTs for seven of t lie'.'riiit. ci.i..
Hcolnea". Addresx tnue unur,
S4M Uallmot Ave., CUXfi, 7lIT "fc ' 1 VU
j& Solentiflo American
(Inn l ,Miln from KoukIi l.umhrr, th
Othrr from llurrt-L
T'ljf. 1 shown a cheap coop, made frotn
ruffh Inrnhcr. It is R feet Inmr, 14
Inches wide nnd R0 Inches hiph. To
lmild thn coop, nail tho end boards to
fcthor nt tho top; this will make an A
hhiipcil frame. Then null thn bottom
htiurd at ouch of ihe cnis. and the t t
t )tn arid ends aro complete. Side up
the backs till but 12 inches of the lower
part and then cut a board the desired
no. 1.
width ami length and fasten it by
hlnifoa to tho portion above. This pives
a door the whole length of tho coop,
n-ul is useful for cleaning the coop ttnil
cu'chlng the ehiclts.
The front is hoar lcd down to within
1'J inches of thu bottom, nnd the n in covered with lath, and pro
vides for the chickH a space to run out
and in tho coop. Thero should be one
luth rimdn to slide up and down U
!'ow the hon to pas in nnd out w hen
For ventilation there are four one
inch holes on each side just below the
peak. To close the chicks in the coop,
stand a l"-ineh board on its edpe and
place a stick against it. This will also
keep out tho ruts.
1'ijr. 0 show s a coop made out of a
suit barrel. To build this, just nail all
the hoops tifrht to the staves, then cut
out about one-third of tho head nnd
staves. This pves a flat-bottomed coop
with a circular roof. For tho front,
nail on laths about ljf inches apor,
but have the eenter one slide, so as to
uliow the hen to pabs through. Tho
hlide on both coops can be made by
n;iilir.(r a lath over the eenter one nt
the top and bottom, to allow it to slide
bi:tween the coop and other laths.
These coops should be whitewashed
at least once every three weeks and
cleaned every week. I have been using
the barrel coop for three years and find"
no. 2.
It a cheap and serviceable one, but If
the ground is damp a board should be
placed beneath It to keep the chicks
dry. To close the coop, do as in No. 1.
I'laco the coops so as to face the south,
and when the breeding season is over
:lean them thoroughly and white wash
and store them In a building so as to
have them ready for next Reason.
There are numerous inquiries for 8
sure for young chicks when they ap
pear (lumpish and will not eat I will
venture to sav that one-half of Ihncn
eases are caused by lice. If Instead of
writing lor a cure they would examine
their chicks tho trouble would
likely bo found in a multitude of lice
playing on the poor chick, sadly to iU
detriment. Use insect nowder frenl
all over the chicks and on tho motheS
hen; also use carbolic acid and vaseline
to grease their heads; then clean and
whitewash the icood. Thesn mmvllM
will prove fatal to lice and improve the
juichs. umo t anner.
When bees are trorirod with
they never volunteer an attack.
t-N'.rssbecs aro out into a nrfn.ftc
frost-proof place they had better be left;
in the open air all winter.
Hers, when frightened bv
drumming on the hive, till themselves
with honey and will rarely fight. '
1 us formation of new colonies alioulrl
icnerally be confined to the season
when tho bees are accumulating honey.!
Do not spoil nice white honey by
storing it away in dirtv-looklnff no
especially if it is to be sent to market;
1 r is best to begin In good season so
us to be ready to winter tho bees in as
good condition as possible,
Commence in good season to gather
up and store away in as good condition
us possible all surplus combs and boxes. ,
If a colony becomes queenless and it
is not desired to uuito it with another,
give it a frame of brood from another
colony containing brood in its first
Tub double hive is now used to mass
tho bees for work and profit, and thero.
is no reason why the double hive should,
not be doubled again, securing in thisi
way a greater economy of labor on tha
part of tho bees and tho beekeeper. t
All tho boxes or frames containing"
honey should bo removed from tho hlvoi
as soon as convicted. In this way the,
boxes will not be soiled and the beau-
tiful whiteness of the eomba will Vw
preserved from the bees passing over lu,
Each hive should have its own bot
tom board, and this. board shonM i,. n
tho same dimensions as the bottom c ,
tne hive, except that it should proje ;
two inches on the entrance nd. n,n .
that way servo as a kind of porch or
alighting place for tho bees.
In using the smoker the Judgment of
the operator must determine tho quan
tity of smoko, as in some eases more
will be needed thau in others. tk
only rule is to, use enough to keep tne
beos under control from tho start, ut
tho same time taking care not to uiu..;
so dense a smoke as to kill t.h tw.AU
St. Louis Republic.