Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report L V f ABSC1UTELY PURE TUB COLUMBIAN. Ki.torcl nl Mm pemt. onirn lit Mncnimtjurj, 1'tt , Vml ohms mutter. Manh I. lww. BLOOMSBURG, FA. I KIDAV, SKl'TKUIiKK J9, 1S93. A GREAT OFFER. IIIK COIXMillAN AND WEKKt.V WORLD ' tor $1.50. For several years past we have been offering Thk Cou;miian anil New York Weekly World for $i.3o a year. A new arrangement has just been affected by which we arc enabled to reduce the price, and for a short time only subscriptions will be received at the remarkably low figure of $1.50 for the two papers. The regluar price tor each paper is $ t 00 a year. 1 )on't let this splendid opportunity pass. Sample copies of either or both papers will be sent to any one free, on re quest. Old subscribers who are in arrears will be expected to pay the amount due to date to avail them selves of this offer. Thk Coi.umhiam. Entrance through Well's Jewelry Store, next to Tost Office. Ladies Oxford ties and house slip peis at co.-t at J. A. Hess'. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Lt-rertinj; Items From Various Points iu the County, Reported by Our Staff of Correspondents Lk;ht Stkkkt. Mrs. Silas Young returned from her v:s t at Numcdia on aumlay. Mr. Leom Melick of Philadelphia is visiting at Ins sisters Mis. D. J Brown. 11. E. Heacock may be seen wend ini; his way to B oomsburg every morn- 11 wiicre he is running, a dyeing and fcouring establishment.' Mr. Michael Getty and Miss Kate Keicliard took a trip to New Jsrsey where they will join themselves in matrimony. Mri. R. W. Ent is among the nuii.ber of those on the sick list. Mr. Duncan of McKwer.sville is en- gaed with B. W. Draite as Buggy trimmer. II. II. Brown is pn the sick list. Boyd Ilenrie is engaged at , Bloom at his trade, plastering. Mrs. Win. Roup is convalescing. J. M. Hulshizer returned from New Jersty last Monday night where he was called to attend the funeral of his brother in-law. Miss Delia Geisinger of Espy visit ed her cousin Miss Nettie llagenbuch. Jacob Gerard is preparing to build a new house on the old foundation where the Bettle store house stood. Forks. C. H. Shive has gone to Blooms burg to work on the new building at the Normal Alfred Ammerman who has been working in Berwick for sometime, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shive enter t ained old acq uaintances from Blooms burg last Friday. Corn cutting is the business of the dajr at present. SVVkr ra &reat many prrsors in this section on the sick list. Sectionmen Payden and Hess at tended the funeah of Zachariah Moore, in Bloomsburg last week. C. R. Buckalew transacted business at this place last Friday. Get a 15c. tie at Lowenberg's. Attention, Jurors and Witnesses. Parties attending court will find it to their advantage to call at the Farm ers' Hotel, Iron street, above Lock ard's store. Rates very reasonable, both per day or by the week. B. Stohner, Proprietor. THE BLOOMSBURG FAIR Will open October loth. You will be there no doubt nml will also visit KISHTON'S DRUG STORE which is the finest in the State. It ii centrally located, opposite the Post Oilice and you are Welcome to uinke it your headquar ters. We will present all viiitors with an allium containing photograps of the World'i Fair build ings. Come early for these book, a the supply "limited. We keep the celebrated Wilkinson Truss. Guaranteed in every way or no pay. Every truss fitted by a physician free of charge. Spader REV. MR MARPLE AS3AULTED. TIIIKVKS 1NVADK THE Kl'ISCOI'AI. RKO TORY AT DRlDGF.l'OKT. A Daring Attempt to Rob, A sensational assault and attemp ted robbery took place Wednesday night of last week, in Upper Merion township, near Norristown, as a result of which Rev. A. A. Marple, rector of Old Swedes' Episcopal Church, is con fined to his bed. Dr. Marple, in com pany with his wife, daughter and niece, Miss Shipman, was sitting in the dining room of his residence, read ing, when, shortly after 9 o'clock, heavy footsteps were heard on the porch, and an instant later the front door was pushed open and two men entered. The face of each intruder was cov ered with an improvised mask formed of a pocket handkerchief, which com pletely covered the features. One man carried a sand bag, with which he made several passes at Mrs. Mar ple, while his companion covered her with a revolver. When the men first entered the room Miss Marple had an idea it was a practical joke of some of the neighbors, but a sight of the revol ver quickly convinced her to the con trary. DR. MARPI.K KNOCKKU DOWN. Dr. Marple picked up his daughter's chair to defend himself with, but be foie he could make use of it was struck a heavy blow between the eyes with the butt of the intruder's revolver, which felled him to the floor and par tially stunned him. Miss Marple in tiie meantime had run. upstairs for a revolver, which she proceeded to fire out of the window, while Mis Ship man helped to arouse the neighbors by sci earning anil ringinz the dinner bell. This had the effect of frightening the robbers, who made good their es cape before ht neighbors airived, one of them first ordering Mrs. Marple to lock the door after him, a request with which she complied. THE COUNTRY SEARCHED. As Soon as the neighbors arrived a search party was organized numbering about fifty, which thoroughly covered the surrounding country in the vain hop.; of apprehending the perpetrators of the outrigo. According to tlto tes timony of both Mrs. and Miss Marple the intruders were well dressed in dark clothes, with cutaway coals and low cut vests, were above the average height and evidently young. The wound on Dr. Mamie's fore head was found to be an ugly but not serious one. l here was no tracture of the bone, but the flesh had been laid bare to the skull for a space of two inches, and the "effects of the shock were necessarily severe. This is the third time that an at tempt has been made to rob the rec tory, and the members of the church are thinking of offering a reward for the capture of the latest noctnrnal visitors. It is supposed that the men are identical with two who came to Swedeland on a Reading Railroad freight tram Wednesday afternoon, and who made some inquiries concern ing the rectory of some of those around the railroad. Mrs. Marple is a sister oi I. W., Chas. W., and J. B. Mckelvy. TICKETS FREE for Blooms burg Fair with each $5.00 worth of Goods or over, bought at am mo at CLARK & SON. Dr. J. J. Brown, of Bloomsburg, lately performed two operations on eyes in Berwick which have proven eminently successful. lie removed a cataract for Wm. Ross and cor rected strabismus of an exaggerated type in one of those members belong ing to Miss Maggie McAffe. Both patients are on the highway to recov ery. Uenoick Indejiendent. Ignorance of the merits of De Witt's Little Early Risers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the iver, cure headache, dyspepsia, bad brelath, constipation and biliousness. v. S, Rishton, Druggist. io-i4-iy. PATENTED fk JUNE 2887, DEaiOj'891. W "LATER ON." "Later On," one of the earliest of farce comedies, was produced by a i company of unusual excellence at Music Hall last evening. Although the attraction was not announced un til yesterday morning, the theatre was filled, and that those present enjoyed the affair was evident from the en cores and laughter. The specialties were all good. "Later On" is the best of the attractions yet given by manager Waite. It will be repeated this afternoon and evening. Wilkes 13arre Jierord Sept. 15. This most excellent company will app;ar in Opera House, Bloomsburg, Saturday, September 30th. , All the new styles Lowenberg's. of fall hats at DM00RATI0 CLUB ROOM. A meeting will be held in Winter steen's Hall Saturday evening, Octob er 7th, to determine the question of securing permanent rooms for a dem ocratic club. There ought to be a cood attendance and a heartv co-od- 1 . . . ' eration m this effort. With the large and increasing democratic vote in this town, there should be a member ship of from three to four hundred. If suitable rooms are selected, and en rolling committee appointed, a large membership could soon be raised, and the success, at least financially, of a permanent club room would be assured. Plow shoes for men, shoes for boys 85 cts buckles at J. A. Hess'. 90 cts. Plow One or two The work of Repairs on the Luth eran church has grown on the hands of the committee and difficulties met with that nave delayed the reopening beyond the time expected, October 1. It may be several weeks before the work is entirely finished and the coun cil have thought best to resume servi ces next Sunday. The weather has become cool and it will be pleasant even in the lecture room. Rev. Heil man is expected to return from Chica go this week and will preach on Sun day morning on "Some Lessons from the Religious Parliament", and in the evening "Impressions, Religious and otherwise, from the two great cities.'' 1 )o not buy your fall boot shoes until you get prtces at Hess'. and A. Much excitement was caused Tuesday morning in front of Flecken stine's hotel Ly a vicious horse. A party is in town with several horses in training for our Fair. They have one that is a great runner, but will not be driven ; this one was hitched in light sulky strapped down behind to avoid kicking and was driven quiet ly up street, with little exertion, but Just opposite the hotel absolutely do dined to go further. He plunged, jumped in the air ; and finally to free himself fell upon the ground breaking off both shafts. The. horse was held down, until all the harness was re moved, when he was allowed to jump up. He did so. apparently as quiet as a lamb j but was led back to the Fair grounds without any attempt to hitch to a wagon. It is reported that ne is a wonacriui horse in a running race, but will not be driven even in light sulky. If you want a reliable dye that will color an even brown or black and will please and satisfy you every time, use Buckingham s Dye for the Whiskers. A Disturbance. Isn't what you want, if your stomach and bowels are irregular. That's about all you get, though, with the ordinary pill. It may relieve you for a moment, but you re usually in worse state afterward than before. This is just where Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant reuets no most good. They act in aa easy and natural way, very diffi cph from the huge, old-fashioned pills Tlieyre not only pleasanter, but there's no reaction afterward, and their helD lasts. One little snr. coated pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective three for a cathartic. Con stipation, Indigestion, Billious Attacks, Dizziness. Sick and Billious Hear!. aches, are promptly re'ieved and cur- ea. They're the smallest, the easiest to take -and the cheapest pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is return ed. You pay only for the good you get.1 Some $3.00 hats for 25c. at Lowen berg's. Fashionable Livery. The well known horseman has opened a fashionable livery in connec tion with his boarding stable at the Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine turnouts can be obtained, sinele or double. He has well broken and safe saddle and driving horses for ladies, all at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Exchange Hotel will receive prompt attention. Drivers furnished when desired. tf W. A. Hartzell, Proprietor Giddine & Salsburc are shnwinir all the newest things in men's, boy's and children's hats. JOHM HER. CORNER OF MARKET AND MAIN STREETS, BLOOMSBURG. Since the death of J. K. Kmmet, many imitators of his method and manner have arisen. One of these is J. R. Cumpson. The play which serves a medium for the display of Mr. Cnmpson's talents is called "The Merry Cobbler.'' The comedy is good. Chicago Tribune. Jvnuary 5. Will appear in Bloomsbvrg Opera House, Wednesday evening Oct. 4th. The foundation is completed for L. Gross' double dwelling, and the carpenters are busily engaged placing the timbers. It will be completed early for April 1st. In an age of fraud and adulteration, it is certainly gratifying to know that such an extensively-used preparation as Ayer's Satsaparilla may be implicit ly relied upon. It never varies either in quality, appearance, or effect, but is always up to the standard. G. A. Herring is making improve ments to his residence near corner of Kr.st and Second streets. The front fence has been removed, the yard fill ed up and all beautifully terraced. The new residence of G. P. Fry. mire at corner of Main and East street is fast nearing completion. The plastering is all completed, the win dows being placed, and all the wood work finished ready for the painters. It will be a beautiful home when com pleted. . A steam heating plant is being furnished by Eshleman & Wolf. To gain strength Hood's Sarsapa rilla. For steady nerves Hood's Sarsapa rilla. For pure blood Hood's Sarsapa rilla. ' The officers are making a special effort to have the exhibition of the Columbia County Agricultural Society at Bloomsburg, exceed any former ex hibition. The premiums have been increased and ample provision made for the accommodation of all exhibi tors. Eusluen b Armoa Salvo. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anJ all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. A. Kleim. M. E. Walker, of Shickshinny is a great poultry fancier. He had some of his choice stock at the Lackawana County Agricultural Exhibition, Scran ton, and received six of the first pre miums and four of the second. His successful efforts, however, were not well rewarded, as the Association was foreclosed by the sheriff the following week. Was the Squire's big chickens too much for the society ? Little vegetable health producers: DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure malarious disorders and regulate the stomach and bowels, which prev-nts headache and dullness. W. S Rish ton, Druggist. 10-14 iy In widening West street Dr. Mc- Reynolds moved his barn baak about thirty ( ; h alto Ux nost tfc ft ilsTVI apple trees, but much or this loss will be compensated by the advantage given him ,ior making a beautiful yard. He will fill in the uneven surfaces, pave along the lot and make one of the most beautiful lawns to be found in the town. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pill Free, as well as copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor. Free. All of which is guaranteed to do good and cost you nothing. C. A. Kleim's Drug Store. Ground is being broken for a dwell ing at corner ot tilth and Locust streets, near the Oak Grove, on one of the lots recently purchased by C. C i'eacock. We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best Salve that experience can produce, or that money can buy. W. S. Rishton, drug gist. ' 1014-iy. B. TOWHSEHDl Busy Keep NO DULL SEASONS WITH US. $6 8 OO or LIEN'S Serviceable Suits in very neat and tasty designs ' Both Double and Single Breasted Sacks. We could asl $8 00 and get it. Enough profit in it for us at $6.00 C Q for all WOOL MENS' Suits, Double and Single Breasted 1 ' well made and trimmed. $10.00 would be nearer the right pr;ce $8.50 from us only. $10 Q 0 for Special Good quality MEN'S Suits, Single and Double 1 ' Breasted in plain Goods, Neat checks and designs madt to sell at $12.00 our price $to.oo. 12.00 $15. OO for MKN"S F'xtra f'ne Black Cutaway and Sack Suits. Imported Clay Worsted Silk Mixtures and Sawyers' cash meres. Made to sell at $18.00, as Leaders we offer their, at $15.00 OO for In,Portel CIav Diagonals, Niger Head Cheviots anc" - Silk Mixed cashmeresi MEN'S Suits in Cutaways, Sacki and Square Cuts Sewed, Trimmed and Fit equal to the finest Tailor made garments. 18 OVERCOATS IDDINS & CLOTHIERS, HATTERS & FUEHISHEBS. main Street, I. W. Hartman & Sons. Columbia County Fair will begin October UtfL READ!! READ!! READ!! We expect to give the people from the Country and other Towns the best service in the way of FjtESH GOODS, and low prices for cash ever had in Blooms burg. Our new COATS will then be on exhibition on first floor. (No up stairs room) We will continue the sale of f00 rmh'DllESS CLOTH for 371 c-enteworthla We will have 30 DRESS PATTERNS no twraKke for 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12 dollars, with Silks, Gimns, Braida. Cords, etc., for Trimmings to match. We will have all the lower prices in Dress Goods in black and colore. Don't miss looking through our fine DISHES etc., one fourth on price I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. BUSINESS LOCALS. Estimates furnished for wall paper. Contract work solicited. Competent workmen sent anywhere. W. H.Lh-ooke & Co. DRUNKENNESS, or the LIQUOR HA BIT, Cured at Homa in Ten Days by administering Dr. Hahies' Golden Specific. It can be niven in a ulass of beer, a cup of coftce or tea, or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harm less, and will ellei t a ;eruianeni ana speedy tiire, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck. It hag been given in thousands of eases, and in every in stance a perfect cure has touowed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific it becomes an utter impossibility for the liijuor appetite to exist. Cures guar, nteed. 48 pace book of particulars free. Address the (Jolukn Si'ltcmc Co.. 18? Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, lo-ai-l yr. ing Prices for extra Fine All WOOL MENS' Suits in Cashmeres Trecots, Cheviots, and Home Spuns. $15.00 would be nearer the full value. In Light and Heavy Weights. Cashmeres, Meltons' Ker seys, Irish Frieze and unfinished Worsteds. It would in deed be very hard to name prices as we have such a very large variety. W A1SBQBB, Bloomsburg, Pa. Are you going to paper your house t Give us a call. Get estimates and prices. W. II. Brooke & Co. New edition of Episcopal Hymnals at W. H. Brooke & Co s. A lot of new notes of the sharpest kind have just been printed and are for sale at this office. Also common receipts, estate receipts, and collec tors' receipts, neatly bound in books of 25, 50 and 100. tf. All the talk in , the world will not convince you so quickly as one trial of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist, xyr Window curtains and fixtures in great variety at W. II. Brooke & Co'a. Wall paper and window shades at lowest prices. W. H. Brooke & Co. if if : t, 5'