The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 25, 1893, Image 5

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Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
- 1 1
entered nt the Post Ofllec nt. HlnoituDUrg, i"a
, ..'cond claas mattor. March 1, ms.
Interesting Items From Various Points
in the County, Reported by Our
Staff of Correspondents
East Benton.
Thursday afternoon of last week, a
thunder storm swept over our locality
accompanied by heavy gales of wind
and hail. A terrib e downpour ol
rain caused great washouts along the
hill sides. Growing crops corn and
buckwheat were badly cut and in some
places nearly ruined by the hail. Hail
fell as large as shucked walnuts. The
hail storm was particularly severe in a
line from Hamiline church to New
Columbus, traveling in a south easterly
direction. During the storm lightning
struck Bowman Crawford's house near
by Hamiline church. The electric cur
rent entered the flue, followed the
stove pipe into the stove, burst out the
isinglass, thence took its course to an
outside door, setting fire to window
curtains draping tiie floor, burning
patches of carpet in its line and char-
ring the cages ot niopDoards. 1 he
top of the window facing was charred
from which the curtains were burned.
No one of the family was at home at
the time of the storm. It was the most
severe storm ot the season for our lo
cality. It can hardly be said that the
drouth has yet been broken. We have
had light showers since and threatens
storm all the while but the ground is
j et dry.
The Republican caucus meeting
Saturday afternoon was quite exciting
The rain on Thursday ndir. in the
afternoon with a heavy shower made
the gardens and buckwheat patches
put on a bttter appearance. Water
has come back in ino:;t all the runs.
Jamison City experienced a sad ac
rident on Thursday afternoon in the
killing almost instantly of one man by
the name of McCabe, and seriously
injuring another. The circumstances
are as near as follows : There was a
large lot of lois called a "rough and
tumble', and it was in this that the
men went to start the logs, when they
came down by the hundreds some
times the men could be seen and then
again they could not.
McCabe leaves a wife and two or
three children. The other man is
single. This makes eight men that
nave been killed since the lumber in
terests were started in this section.
Lera O'Maley in attempting to get
on the renticost engine was thrown
under the cow catcher. The engine
was running very siow and was stopped
just in time, so O'Maley came off with
some sirious bruises.
The sportsmen', have commenced
talking deer again. '
Messrs Yorks and Hummer in com
pany with W. E. Kocher went to one
of the Ponds. They seemed satisfied
wun tneir trip. ,
Fashionable Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf w. A. Hartzell, Proprietor
Little vegetable health producers:
DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure
malarious disorders and regulate the
stomach and bowels, which prevents
headache and dizziness. W. S Rish
ton, Druggist. 10-14-iy
If you want a box of that Splendid Soup you had better call
at once, as it is nearly gone WHAT SOAP ? WHY ?
Rishton's Witchhazel Skin
It is the Purest and Best Soap ever offered and at a very low
price. 10 Cts per CAKE, 35 Cts per BOX.
. Commm,on,.rI.F. F.dgat if .ulfer.
M,b " 111,1; uu ma ink iiuiui.
Tax collector's receipts for sale at
this office.
School Boards should consult our
prices on unruled tablets before plac
ing their order.
The Bloom nine was defeated at
Jeansville last Friday by a score of 13
to 5.
Misss Martha Mover entertained a
number of her young friends on Tues-
lay evening.
Renovo and Bloomsburz will play
base ball at the Park this Frjday after
noon at 3 o'clock.
J. G. W.ells has rented half of Mrs.
Smith's double house on Third street,
and will move in soon.
The contract for plaster and cement
at the new Normal building has been
awarded to Lasey & Dawson.
A boy aged about 1 6 years can find
an opportunity to learn the printing
trade at this office. One who resides
in town preferred. tf.
Peter Mellick whose hearing took
place before Judge Savidge last week
Thursday, was held in $500 bail for
his appearance at court.
builder and nerve helper is Hood's
sarsapanna. insist upon iiooa s Dc
cause Hood's Cures.
A reunion of the Kellar family was
held in Neyhard's hall, Orange ville
last week Thursday. Quite a number
were present.
William C. Shaw is a painter and
paper-hanger of many years experience
and he is prepared to nil all orders
promptly, and guarantees satisfaction.
His card appears in this paper.
A child of John Lewis on Iron
street was so badly scalded on Friday,
by pulling a kettle of hot tea over,
that it died on Sunday. Its age was
one year.
Demorest beat Bloomsburg at
Williamsport on Tuesday by a score
of 6 to 5. Our boys claim that they
ought to have had the game, and say
that the umpire beat them.
All that honesty, experience and
skill can do to produce a perfect pill,
has been employed in making De
Witt's Little Early Risers. The re
sult is a specific for sick headache,
biliousness and constipation. W. S.
Rishton, Druggist. io-i4-iy.
The trial trip of the steamei Colum
bia took place on Tuesday afternoon.
The new machinery worked very satis
tactorily, and the run to Espy took
only twenty minutes. The boat will
run to Rupert to-day, and carry the
M. E. Sunday School.
The new stack at the Water Works
is an immense affair. It is made of
iron plates riveted together. The new
boilers were fired up last week. The
grounds about the residence of Super-
. . l? 1 A. C
lnienueni vveiuver are kcjji in nnc
condition by him.
Work at the Car Shops is slack just
now, and a number of men were laid
off last Saturday. The orders being
filled now are for cars for South Amer
ica and Cuba. They are also building
a hundred portable houses for a Cuba
We could not improve the quality if
paid double the price. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is the best Salve
that experience can produce, or that
money can buy. W. &. Kishton, dru0-
gist. 10 14-iy-
F. A. Dennison, the general agent
for the Smith Premier or Type Writer
who visits all the Business Schools of
the United States, places Wood's Col
lege of Business and Shorthand at the
head of all similar Schools in the
The Grangers' Intel state Picnic will
open at V illiama Grove, Cumberland
county, on Monday, August 18th, and
continue during the week.
For a si 1 ic 'Mh. and inrnid liver.
, co 1 1
nothing can surpass Ayer's Tills. They
contain no calomel, nor any mineral
drug, but are composed of the active
principles ot the Desl vegetable cathar
tics, and their use alwiys results in
marked benefit to the patient.
This is the time of year when every-
body begins to think about cleaning up
and making improvements, and new
wall paper is usually one of the first
things to be done. W. II. Brooke Si
Co. have a very large a d elegant
stock to select from. Oil and see
and get estimates. V3-tf.
About forty Hungarians arrived in
town on Tuesday morning, with their
packs on their backs, and went out to
the new reservoi' to work for the con
tractors. In these hard times when
so many men. are out of work, it is to
be regretted that this labor cannot be
performed by our own residents in
stead of paying money out to foreign
ers who live on ten cents a day, and
send most of it to the old country.
Lehigh Valley and Beading.
On the subject of the restoration of
the Lehigh Valley Railroad to its
original control the Wilkes Bawe
Ilecord has this to say : The annul
ment of the lease between the Lehigh
Valley and the Reading companies
was brought about by the failure of
the latter company to keep its money
engagements, and it is "enerally be
lieved it is for the best. It has been
known for some time that the Reading
could not keep the contract alive and
that the parting of the companies was
only a question of time. This being
recognized, the abrogation of the lease
was an amicable proceeding and there
is no ill feeling on either side. The
selection of John Lowber Welsh to be
a receiver of Reading in place of Mr,
Wilbur is certainly advantageous to
that company. 1 he Reading will en
dea'or to get on its feet financially by
lopping oil expenses and by getting
rid of non-paying properties. The
friends of the Lehigh Valley are con
fident of the future of that company,
but it is well known that a period of
recuperation is before it. i here is a
floating debt of some dimensions to
pay off, and it would not be surprising
if some of the Lehigh Valley Coal
Co.'s assets and credits turned out less
valuable than they look on paper.
Dividends are believed to be out of
the question for a time as the coal
trade must be expected to be bad and
the iron ore and grain traffic on the
lakes will not be as remunerative as
usual in the near future. Gcneral'y
speaking, the company is in good con
dition. There is no car trust anil the
compary has a Urge and profitable
coal, freight and passenger business,
The condition of President Wilbur's
health has led to unco.ifn.ned rumors
that he would resign. Mr. Wilbur has
teen closely identified with the Packer
estate interest, which controls more
than 200,000 shares of the Lehigh
Valley, or 25 per cent, of the out
standing stock. Mr. Wilbur was
Judge Packer's confidential man for
years before the latter's death, and he
is one of the executors of the estate
and a manager of the Lehigh Univer
sity and St. Luke's Hospital, the great
benefactions ot the late judge, lne
only living representative of Judge
Packers family is Mrs. Charles H,
Cummings, whose interest in her
father s property is now $200,000 per
annum, she having signed off her right
to the greater income she was entitled
to under Judge Packer's will when she
married Mr. Cummings. The course
of president Wilbur, whose hold on
the estate is secure, has not been in
accordance with tne wishes of Mrs,
Cummings, and he has alienated a
great many friends of the Packer fam
ily, who are old holders of Lehigh
Valley stock. It has always been
held by these people thak Mr. Wilbur
made a mistake when he made the
lease to the Reading Company. The
management of the estate and the
Lehigh Valley Company may be a
question of interest in the future.
Jf you can afford to be annoyed by
sick headache and constipation, don't
use DeWitt's Little Early Risers for
these little pills will cure them. W.
S. Rishton, Druggist. 10-14-iy.
Queer Facts About Money.
There are 1 19,900,000 old copper
pennies somewhere. Nobody knows
what has become of them, except that
once in a while a single specimen
turns up in change. A few years ago
4,500,000 bronze 2 cent pieces were
set afloat. Three million of thee are
still out standing. Three million 3
cent nickle pieces are scattered over
the United States, but it is very rarely
that one is seen. Of 800,000 half
cents, which corresponds in value to
English farthings, not one has been
returned to the government fm- re
coinage or is held by the Treasiu.
A lot of new notes of" the sharpest
kind have just been printed and are
for sale at this oltice. Also common
receipts, estate receipts, and collec
tors' receipts, neatly bound in books
of 25, 50 and 100. ' tf.
Deeds, mortgages and note books
of all l-inds at the Columbian otiice j
At a meeting of the creditors of E.
J. Gaynor & Company, held at Will
iamsport, it was decided to proceed
legally against the Williamsport and
North Branch railroad for the recovery
of claims under the contract. Gaynor
& Company assigned recently.
Americans in Paris and London say
the weather is worse than the hottest
spells at home, because while the days'
temperature is from 95 and 100 the
nights are almost as bad. The news
papers say that in twenty years Eng
land has not had another such a peri
od of midsummer suffering. Queen
Victoria has been affected by the
weather as in no former year. She
has spent hours trying to find in the
summer house in the Osborne Park
relief from heat. Punkahs and other
tropical appliances for cooling the air
have been in constant use around her.
In the evening she has driven in the
most densely shaded parts of the
A reaction in the business depres
sion, which will soon put at least 1
000 of Allegheny county's citizens to
work, lias surely come. From all quar
ters reports came thick and fast of
plants which are to be started, and
they cr.-ated happiness in thousands of
homes where of late the shadow
caused by the doubt of an indefinite
interruption of employment, with all
f lat it implies when the prospect of a
severe winter is just ahead, his been
deepening and deepening.
Iron and steel plants, several of
them and big ones, which have been
idle will start on Monday, and before
the end of the week, or at most of
two weeks, will be running full. Oth
ers which have been running in part
will increase the number of depart
ments in operation. The outlook is
most encouraging.
The Schuylkill county delegates to
the Republican State Convention were
instructed to vote for Judge Arch bald
for Judge of the Supreme Court says
the bcranton Junes. All the mining
disiricts will certainly vote for Judge
Archbald, but we fear that the ma
chine politicians of the state, with the
wily Quay at their head, will succeed
in keeping him off the ticket. The
machine rules in republican politics. .
A Qlance Ahead.
The Eighty-seventh Volume of
Harper's Magazine will close bril
liantly. In the October number will
begin Mr. Edwin Lord Week's ar
ticles' describing his journey from the
Black Sea to the Persian Gulf by
caravan, during the season of a chol
era epidemic, and the narrative will
be embellished by illustrations from
sketches made by Mr. Weeks along
the way. The October instalment
will treat of the journey through the
country of the Kurds, across the
frontier of Persia. Mr. Richard Hard
ing Davis's studies pf English life will
be continued during the autumn with
a paper on "Undergraduate Life at
Oxford," and two articles on London.
Timely articles will be a feature of the
forthcoming numbers. Following Mr.
Sidney Webster's article on "Isthmian
Diplomacy" in the September Maga
zine, Mr. Carl Shurz will write for the
October Harper's a paper on the
"Manifest Destiny" of the United
States, and in the November number,
Mr. Frederick R. Coudert. who re
cently was so prominent in the Ben
ring's Sea controversy at Paris, will be
represented by an article on "Arbi
tration" as a means of settling inter
national disputes. Short stories by
Brander Matthews, Richard Harding
Davis, Harriet Prescott Spofford,
Charles Egbert Craddock, Owen Wis
ter, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Howard
Pyle, William McLennan, and Wal
ter Pater will appear in early numbers
of the Magazine.
fiuckien s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chanced
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles.
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 2 cents uer box.
For sale by C. A. Kleim.
By J. M. Ammerman, J. P., at
Forks, Aug. 15th, 1801, Mr. George
Gilbert, of Fishingcreek, to Miss Lydia
Mourey, of White Deer, Lycoming
Co., Pa.
Bring the Young Chap in
and have him try one oa
For Boys' Knee Pants Suits that
formerly Hold for 5 and Q dollars-
No wonder they've been
selling fast. You'd buy one too if
you saw them. They're suitable
for Fall wear. Are Stylish, Neat
and Tasty.
For an excellent Boy' Knee Pants
SCHOOL SUIT, competitors ask 3
arid $3.50 for it erior grade,. Odd
Knee J ants to mr.x up with the
Youngster's Coat Excellent ones from
50i cents to SI. OO.
ousts zEexcis
All the talk in the world will not
convince you so quickly as one trial of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for scalds,
burns, bruises, skin affections and
piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. iyr
Window curtains and fixtures in
gaeat variety at W. H. Brooke & Co's.
Estimates furnished for wall paper.
Contract work solicited. Competent
workmen sent anywhere.
W. H. Brooke & Co.
Go to Mercer's Drug and Book
store for Hammocks, prices from 90
cts. to $3. jO.
Wall paper and window shades
at lowest prices.
W. H. Brooke & Co.
Hammocks from 90 cents to $3.50
at Mercer's Drug and Book store.
New edition of Episcopal Hymnals
at W. H. Brooke & Co s.
Call at Mercer's Drug and Book
store for Croquet sets, prices from $1.00
to $3.50.
Are you going to paper your house ?
Give us a call. Get estimates and
prices. W. H. Brooke & Co.
Lake Grove Hotel, located at this
popular resort, has been enlarged, re
modelled and refurnished, ami is now
the largest hotel on the lake. All
modern improvement, (jood fishing
and boating, telephone connection,
high elevation, pure air, no mosquitos.
Steamboats meet all trains. Terms
reasonable. For particulars address
S. Gottfried, Proprietor, Harvey's Lake,
Pa. 623-iot.
Croquet sets $1.00 up to $3.50 aft
Mercer's Drug and Book store.
We are at the top in the list by general commit
And why f Because we strive to please, wa
give honest values, and while our system of
Duylng enables to sell low, we ore content
with lulr protlt, and give ovr patrons a
share In thin advantage.
v mi.' i viiik niitMTi (u lllllliueiueuui uniu ine
Inst, ot August In the wuv of nrieua on nur iina
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry and Silver
to show yrfu that we appreciate, the very liberal
pat lona'tii you have given ustliusfar, to in
duce) 011 to come analn and also to re
duce our stock to make room for our
b all and Holiday goods, dune now
II you aui bargains.
Personal at tout luu given to repairing ol line
Watctic &:., a nd warranted sutktacloiy at
Sign of big watch, Main St.
Bloomsburc, Pa.