liOoK Dllcrc ! 0o you want a n. vnt Vfltlt nn I iJr . 9 Do you want a 1 W'iWZ4rtiF&W I ( ( Do you want any kind of a MUSICAL IN STRUMENT? Do you want SHEET MUSIC? IT If so, do not send your mon ey away from home, but deal with a reliable dealer right here, who will make things right, if there is anything wrong. For anything in this line the place to go is to J, Saltz-er's. Ware-rooms, Main Street, be low Market. Tho Best Burateg Oil That Can be Made From Petroleum. It gives a irilliant light. It will not moke the chimneys. It will not char the wick. V lus high lire test. It will not explode, -t is ore-eminently a family safetv oH. Challenge Comparison with am 'ther illuminating oil made. We stake our Reputation, as Refiners upon the statement that it Is '. the Best -Oil IIBC THE WORLD. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR. Crown - Acme The illiatitEssaiijC:,, BLOOMSBURG STATION, BLOOMSBURG ,PA. DUFFEY'S BL00MSBURO, PA. V" , Headquarters for fine Photographs and Crayons. Copying and enlarging done in our artistic manner. All ne gatives made by Roshon are preserved and duplicates can be had at any time at reduced rates. GALLERY OVER HARTMAN'S STORE. r.lO-7-lyr. CHOLERA SURE ENODGH Dr. Jenkins Issues an Official Bulletin. NO DANGER, PAST OR PR2SENT Only On ralleat and II U llecoveilnz. Kvary I'rceantlnn Taken to fliinrd Against ill ftlseas Hegulitr llull.tln In II Issued Hereafter. Nf.w York, An. 9. Health Officer Jenkins Issued the following bulletin yes terday t "QrARA!TM, Aug. 8. Thebaoterlnlogi Ml examination of Loreuxo Moraclo, pas senger on the ateamer Karamanla, who hna been Uolated on Swinburne Ialand, shows the presence of cholera bucell'.l. The patient la recovering and la now able to be up nnd nlxmt. Tha other passengers of the Karamanla, who are on Hoffman Isl and, are In good health. "The ateamer Maaallla, which arrived from Marseilles and Naplea to-day, 1? days out, reports one caw of measlea aboard. With thla exception, all are well. "YV. T. Jmkish, Health Officer. " There la uo danger of any further out break, aud, consequently, no necessity for alnrm. Krory precaution haa been and will tie taken to guard against tha introduction of the disease by the passengers luto thla country. The passengers will be detained until every danger from cholera Infection has passed away. Krom now until all danger of cholera has passed Health OlUcer Jenkins wlU is sue dally bulletins giving the exact physi cal condition of all the paasengera ou ves sel!, from infected porta, or ports supposed to be InCected. Cholera la Enrp. Bucharest, Aug. 9. Fifteen cases of cholera and four deatha were reported In Brabilov yesterday. In Suollua 30 case and five deatha were reported. THE WOIU.1V8 JTAIB. Shall It b Continued IMirlnej th Com log Year. Wasiiixoton, Aug. 8. Tha proposition to keep open tha Columbian World's Expo sition throughout the summer of 1891 found its way to Washington previous to the opeuiug of Congress, but it had not been suggested to any members of the 1111- nois delegation. Senator Palmar said ha could not talk Intelligently upon a proposi tlon concerning which he knew absolutely nothing. Senator Cullom aald he had heard auch a auKRestion made in Chicago, but bad nothing to say beyond the fact that he would support any measure, within reason, which the various boards of tha Fair and tha people of Chicago might want. General John C. Black, Represontatlve-at-I-arge, said that If the people of Chiongo, especlully those chnrifed with the manage ment of the Fair, believed It could be made a legal and financial success he would be in favor 'of continuing its existence for another year. But only, of course, upon tho reiiuest of the people of Chicago. Representative rrauk J. Aldrich, In whose district the Fair Ground is located suid it was for the local directors and the commissioners to determine that they want the r air kept open. Upon the expression of that request, he had no doubt ConureNS would act favorably, and the Chicago rep resentatives would do all they could. Wa all feel, ho added, that too innch money has been expended on the buildings, that they are too beautiful in detail nnd mag nificent as a whole to be destroyed fr S months. November is not a bad uionCu In Chicago, and iwlepeiideent of the question of continuing the Fair next year, I thftfc it would be u good thing to keep it ofiMi until Dec. 1. Representative Durborrow thought the extension of the Fair would be a gnud thing. It would help out floauctaBy auk allow a greater number of persons to visit It. biuoa bia arrival lu Washingtuo number of members hod told him that owing to the financial condition ot the country, persons in their district! who wished to visit the exposition bad beeci prevented from doing so. Kepreseutativa Hitt, ml tha distrkit ad joining Chicago ou tha west, said enthus iastically that whatever tha people of Chicago desired to have dons, aft full study of tha situation, ought to b dona, ana be would aid in acoompliaaloc It. "Tha matter, however," he saM, "should not be hastily determined. Phil adelphla discussed a ooutinuauo of tha Contennlal, but finally eanciudea not to attempt it. ' But I hav. coufldeuc an. tha managers ot th Columbian Exposition and know that If the- beliv th opening next year can oa succesiui tay wiu bsm I. .A ii TffESTTTWO DBOvTNBO. Bad Aceldaat ta ma Kioarato Far; 44f th Coast of Wales. . t v . i London, Aafcrdfam. cY aad acei dant to a party ol; Mimienlala was re ceived last evening front fart Talbot, a town In Glamorganshire, Wales.., Twenty-eight pleasure seekers from Ystrad took a boat at Port Talbot and, In spit of repeated warnings of danger, th boat being over loaded, put out luto Swansea Bay. Tha rowers being inexperienced, toe beat ha came unmanageable and waa carried luto the breaker. A heavy aea Anally struck th boat, causing th occupants to rush to tha side, when ahe capsized and all were thrown Into tha water. Twenty-two, in cluding several women aud oblldien, were drowned. Others were picked up by a pilot boat. The man who had charge of the boat and two assistants swam ashore. The aocideut was witnessed by hundreds of persons on shore, who were powerless to render any assist rued. A Horrible Accident. Cmsvkland, 0., Aug. 0. There was an accident in the converting department of the Bessemer Steel Works here yesterday and live men were terribly burned and cooked by molten metal. The workmen were about to make a cast and the apara tus became uumanugeable. With a bis the hot metal flowed into th pit under tha converter and as It struck tha water there waa terrible explosion. Foreman John Tilly, Robert McCloud-and Jessa Suell are all terribly burned. Two laborers, name unknown, also received injures that may prove fatal. Reduced to Klght Hours. - Fokt Waynk, Ind.. Aug. 8. A notioa waa posted In the Wabash machine shops in this city yesterday, notifying the em ployes, several hundred In numbar that until further advised tha working hour would .ba reduced from ton to eight per iy. ' 7 ... . I J. R. Smith &Co. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALERS PIAWOS, By the following well-known makers i Chickeriitsi, a Knabe, Weber, Hal let & Davis. Can also famish any of the cheaper makes at manufact urers prices. Do not buy a piano before getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. IV. L. DOUGLAS 03 GHOE noTVip. Da yen was thm7 Wties asxt I ated try a pair. t In th world. 00 2.50 2.00 f ON LAOlU 42.00 1.75 rod oyi 1.75 If yea want a (nt 0RES3 SHOE, mad In ttia latMl ityltt, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 01 $5 Shoe. They fit equal to euitom made and look and wtar at wait. If you with to economize In your footwear, do to by purchatlng W. I. Douglas Shoet. Name lad prtc tumped en the bottom, look for it when you Duy. 7. 1 DOTJOLAS. Brockton, Mass. Sold by F. I. Dentler, Bloomsbunr, Wm. Bogert, Espy, u. s. o4 c. vt uue, uueKuorn, A. M. UeWltt. OranKevlllo, 7-7-5 months. THE STANDARD HIGH CRADE MAJESTIC BICYCLE, s f!U?M(in. ITieumaflc rediicpd from $115.00 to $85.00. w, h. brooke & co., B10Qi?BTO3, PA. Send for Catalogue. PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD. AFTER WAY 13, 1893. Trains leave Bloomsburg as follows Sunday a V-aawvlF-lrTJU I For New York, Philadelphia, Heading Fotta an. an al 1A 11 U a m T 1 1 in, i Biuauiia, vw.t . .mu For WUUsmsport, 1.1& a. m 8.82 p. tn Sun. tftT. I Dn a. (U.t . uii For Danville and Milton, 7.15 a. nsu, 8.S9. 11.10 " Tn, r..wirM. "J 4.v 11.15 a. m.. IS 15. S.00. 11.10 p. m. Sunday, laa a. m. t.08 p. m. For Rupert .10. 7.45, 11.18- a. m., 11.15. 8.15, ina m Bit a 1 1ft II tIKn m KlinHflT T.KH. IlLSI a. V VU) o.arr( 1 1 IU mw f. a w i - - a9flLlr."- ATSlUa) iur Oivuiiuvuii Leave New York via ot Philadelphia 8.00 a. ta., p. m. and via Baston 8.43 a. m., 4.!W p. m - .Wn...i-hiiAnA. n i . nn n m Leave Reading 11.80 a. m. 7.5T p. m. Leave Pottavlll p. m. LeT wtuumtoort 9 S5 a. m., 4.25 p. m. Sua. qbj. B.UU Ul9' K Leave s.oa.m. 1.M, 8.19, .io 1L18 p. ra. Sunday, 7.45 a. m., 4.15. p m. f Leave Rupert ,1, 7.08. 8.S7. H.4 a. m., 1.87, a a m n ia aa m filinlavl 7 M 1ft 14 aV m . Iffl . IV, ai.S'V V Ha HiuraHa "f - tSp.B.vailfi 'W Baltimore, Washington and th West via a Wit R.i through trains li'ave Olrard Ave fW dtalloa. Phil. (P. K. K. R.) 8.50, 8.01. 11.88 a. 5.4s 7.10 p. m. Sundays 8.50,8.04 U.M a. nru, 8.56, 5.4i, p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leav Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf and goals Street Wart. toa ATLANTIC CITT. Weekdays Kxpress, 8 Oft. 9.00. 10.4s a. m (Sat urdays, 1,80) 12 00, 8.00, 4.90, 6.15 p. m. Excursion 7.00 a.m. Accommodation, 8.03 a. m., 4.80, 4.48 p. m. HundAja Kxnress, 7.80,,, o.oo, laoo a. m 4.80 p.m. Accomodation, 8.00 a. m., and 4.45 1 . ni. Ketsjrnlng leave Atlantio City Depot, corner Atlaoflo and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays. ExuresH, ( N ondays only, s.45.) 7.00, l.'li, W a. m., and 8.1 4.00. 5.80, 7.80, v.80 p. in. Accom moautlon, 8.50, a. m . and 4.80 p. in. Excur sion, from foot oi Mississippi Avenue only, 8.1)0 D, ni. Sundays. Express, 3.30, 4.(io. 5.0, s.80, 7.on, 7.o, k.ik), n.30, p. m. AocommodatloD, 7.80 a. m., and 5.05 p. id. I. A. BWEIOAHD, C. O. HANCOCK, Pres. & tien'l superintendent, (ien l Pass. Agt pLOOMBBURO& SULLIVAN It. H Taking effect MONDAY, NOV. 17, lsw). SOUTH. NORTH. 4.00 fll'v aTSAl V':;'.;rfl Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv STAT:onu. r. m. r. m. a.m. a.m. r. m. r. u. Bloomsburg 8 8 18 10 7 15 8 88 f Hi ( 40 Main Street ( 18 11 04 7 07 8 42 I ii 8 47 Irondale a 18 18 OH 7 04 8 46 IS 8 50 Paper Mill 8 08 U 68 8 68 8 68 2 58 8 68 Llgntatreet 8 05 11 49 8 58 8 66 8 58 7 18 Oraugevllle 8 67 11 88 6 48 t 06 8 07 T 08 Forks, 6 45 11 87 6 83 9 16 8 17 7 80 laner's m... 6 48 It 24 6 80 V 80 8 80 T 84 Stillwater.......... 5 87 II 18 8 85 8 87 8 86 T 80 Benton 6 88 11 08 6 16 87 8 38 7 88 Edsons. 5 88 II 04 8 11 8 41 8 38 T 44 Uoles Creek 6 80 11 08 8 08 44 8 48 T 48 Sug-arloaf,..., 8 15 11 67 8 08 48 8 48 1 68 Laubaoha,. 8 18 10 54800 8 63 8 60 T67 Central. 6 08 10 48 6 68 10 03 4 00 8 07 Jamison Clt ... 6 00 10 40 8 60 10 10 4 06 8 10 Lt. Lt. Lv. at Ar. RAILROAD HUB TABLE T EL AW A RE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH. A.M. 6 JO 6 85 6 40 648 7 0S 7 18 7tn 787 7 81 7 8X 7 41 748 161 800 8 10 61 88H 880 8 31 140 8 4 6 48 a M 8 56 8 01 IW 818 V 18 885 8 31 NORTBUMSIBLAND Cameron Chulasky Danville Catawlsaa Rupert Bloomsburg Bspy Lime HI U Willow Grove Brlaroreek Berwick Beach Haven lilck's Ferry Shlcksulnuy Huniock's Nantlcoke Avondale.. Plymouth Plymouth Junction Kingston Hennel4.. Maltby Wyoming West Plttston Plttston Duryea Lackawanna Taylorviiie 1 60 a a a S 6 53 8 58 1 18 SiW f 81 86 8 43 8 50 8 54 M 10 817 8 W 838 8 46 3 51 8 56 4 00 4 06 4 m 4 14 4 17 4 88 4 30 4 84 4 37 10W 10 88 10 44 10 49 05 83 8 88 85 48 6 46 50 6 54 II 18 11 18 7 08 7 00 11 89 7 8 T 811 1149 ii'M 1803 18 06 is'ia 1988 it'ss 7 89 7 43 7 48 7 58 T 57 8 08 8 07 8 18 17 8 85 8 99 45 4 50 4 65 8 49 neuevue.. SoaaNTOM. 8 47 8 35 19 49 r.u. 8 89 a. u. r. M If STATIONS. SOUTH. A.V. A. M. T. M. P N, SCRIHTOM Bellevue 00 6 03 950 185 607 955 looo 1007 io lo 1014 10 90 10 V, 10 10 89 10 33 10 39 10 44 10 48 10 59 10 50 1109 11 98 1189 1140 Taylorviiie 6 10 Lackawanna 619 Duryea. 6 99 Plttston S8 West Plttston 6 86 Wyoming.. 6 40 Maltby 6 44 Bennett 6 48 Kingston 6 64 Plymouth J una tlon 6 59 1 41 I 59 1 55 too 906 811 . 8 19 995 999 9 84 838 9 49 950 801 117 8 95 8 33 840 944 850 8 58 4P5 419 4 19 4 38 4 46 4 51 61 6 94 898 681 638 6 43 6TO 66 703 707 Plymouth 7 04 Avondale. 709 Nantlcoke Dunlock'a . ..... Rhlcksblnny.... Hlom Ferry.... Beaiv Haven... 714 7 90 7 81 7 44 754 718 190 T80 7 41 7 47 Berwick. ... 809 753 t'ob Brlftr Creek 8 09 Willow Grove.. 618 11 Tub 11 66 Lime Ridge.. Kw Blonmshurg Rupert Catawlsaa... 817 8 84 8 81 8 87 9 49 8 67 806 18 04 1819 19 18 19 83 IS 37 619 818 693 8 93 8 13 Danviim,;,,. Rhulaakv 9 08 Cameron 9 07 18 46 4 51 8 53 NORTamsiBLAxn 9 99 1 00 5 08 9 07 ..m. r. m. r. it. ra Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia Rftsiitnir Uaiirn.ii for T.maneDd. Tamaaa. W llamsrort. Sunbury, Pottsvllle, etc. At Northumberland with P. A K. Dlv. P. R. K. for narrtsnunr. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, Corry nod Erie. W. F. HALLSTEAD, Gen. Van;, scranton. Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. P. E. R. R. DIV. A3D N. C RT In effect May ,91 1893. ' Trains leave Sunbury EASTWARD. 9:48 a. m. Train 14 (Dally except Sunday) for narrisDurg req wtermeuia'e etauona arriving at Philadelphia 8:00 p. m. ; New York 5:50 p. m.; Baltimore, 3:10 p. m. ; Washington 4:30 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Hho points, fossenger concnes io rmiaueipma KnltlmnrB. Purlor car to I'blladftlDhla. 1-6S p. m. TrHln 8, (Dally except Sunday,) for Harrlsbur; and intermediate sta t Ions, arriving at t'tiiuuieipnia at :iu p. m. ; new lorx, k p. m. : Baltimore 6:45 p. in. : Washington .:! p. m. Parlor crs tn Philadelphia and passenger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 5.9 p. ni. Train 19 Dally except Sunday for liarrisnurg ana intermeaiaie points, arriving at Philadelphia 10:55 p. m. New York 8:50 a, v, Baltimore 10:40 p. ni., Washington 4:10 a. m., Pa9senger couch to t-Mladelphlo. :M o. m. Train 6. (Dally.) for Harrisnrir and oil lute.rmcrtlate stations, arriving at Phlladel uhU J::w a. m.; New York 7:33 a. m. Pullman slecnlne car from Harr!nurg to Phlladelnhi nnd New York. Philadelphia passengersoan re main in a'eeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. 1:50 a . 4(Da'ly,) 'or llarrrsburg and Inter mediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia B:50 a m., New York :30 a. m., Bnitlmore :s!0 a. m. Washington 7:30 a. m., Pullman sleeping cars to Pblla'lelphla and pa&suot'or coaches to i'nlla- aeipuiaana liniriBiore.. . . 4::i a. m. Train 16 (Dally.l for nnrrlsburg and intermediate stations arriving at Balti more -M a. m. and Washington 10.16 a. in aud Pullman sleeping care to nauimore, waaninc ton, and Passenger coachas to Baltimore. ' WB8TWAKQ.. - r.V' 8:04 a. m. Train 9 (rfally except .Sunday) for Canaudalgua, Hochestr, Budalo and Niagara Falls, with Pullman slepplngcarstoBufIakand passncger coacues to nocnmier. 6:13 a. m Train 8 (Dally.) for Erie. Canandal sua and Intermediate stations. Rochester, Buf falo and Niagara Falls, with Pullman palace ears to une ana aunira ana passenger coacues to Krle and Honhwter. 9:56 Trin is (Daiiyj for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. . 1:85 p. m. Train 11 (Dally except Sunday) for Kane, Canandslgua and Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane apd Roches ter ana rarior car to nucuesror. 5:31 p. m. Train 1, (Dally except Sunday) for Renovo, Elmlra and Intermediate stations. 9:25 p. m. -Train 13. dally tor WlWamaport and intermeaiai stations. . , THPOUOH TRAINS FOR SUNBURY FROM TH K BAST AND SOUTH. Train 16 Leaves New York, 115 night, Phlhv delpbla 4;S0 a. m., Baltimore 40 a. m., Harrta burg, 8ilb a. m., daily arrlTlag at Suaonry 9-.5 a. m. Train 11 Leaves Philadelphia 6-60 a. m., wssuingwo a. iu., oii.iiaur uu, (dally except Sunday) arriving; at sunbury, -M wun rarior car rrora rnuaaeipaia ana poois irer coaches from Phlladelnhla and Baltimore. Train 1 Leaven New York 9:00 a. m , PWlaa!. phla 11:51a.m., Washington 10:15 a, m., Bala, more 11:10 a. m , (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury 6:99 p. in. with passenger coachea trotn rnuaaeipnia ana naitunore. Train 18 leaves New York 8.10 P. m.. Phlladel. phla 4;3s p.m., Washington 8:16 p. m., Baltlmort) .:is p. in. arriving ai. ounoury r.o p. m. Through coach and Parlor oar from Philadel phia. Train 9 leaves New York 6:80 p. m., Phlladel phla 0:90 p. m., Washington 7:40 p. m., Balti more 8:4t p. m., (Dally except Saturday,) arriv ing at sunbury. 9:04 a. m. with Pullman sleeping cars and passenger coachea from Washington ana naiiimore. Train 3 leavea New York 8:00 D. m.. Phlladel. phla 11:90 p. m., Washington 10:40 p. m., Baltl. more 11:40 p. m., (Dally,) arriving at Hnnbary 5:08 a. m., with Pullman sleeping ears from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and passenger coachea from Philadelphia and Balti more. SUNBURY HAZLKTON, A WILKEBBARRB HAILKOA 1), AND NORTH AND WEST BRANCH RAILWAY. (Dally except Sunday) Train 7 leaves Sunbury 10:u0 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:48 a. m., Wilkes Barre 19.10 p. m. Ha.leton 12:15 p. m.. Pottsvllle 1.96 p. m. rnrouKii coacn wiiuamsport to wiiues-lfarre. Train 11 leaves Sunbury 5:35 n. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 6:96 p. m., Wllkes-Barr 7: so p. m. Uny.leiou 7:69 p. ni. Pottsvllle 9;05 p. m. Througn Coach Wllllamsport to Wilkes-Barro. Train 8 leaves Wllkes-Barre 7:95 a. m. Potts. vuie 6:00 a, in., Hazleton 7.-I0 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 8:47 a, m., sunbury 9 35 a. m. Through Coach Wllkes-Barre to Wllllro8port iTttin iu leaves rouHvine p rn. Hazieton 3-oi p. m. Wllkes-Barre 8:19 p. m arriving at Bloom Ferry 4:81 p. m., Sunbury o-lB p. m. Through Coach Wllkes-Barre to arrlsburg. SUNDAY TRAINS. T.aln t tfl.vna Dnnhimv Irt m a m .ini.i. n . Bloom Forry 10:48 a. m., Wllkes-Barre 19:10 p. m, Train leaves Wllkes-barre 4:40 p. m., arrlv. Ing at JHoom Ferry 6:0) p. tn., Sunbury 7:00 p, m. S. M. PRBTOHT, J, R. WOOD, Uen'L Manager. oen. Pasa, Agt. . GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS.K. . N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent'a Building, Court House Alley, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. t. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Poet Offica Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, 7A. C. W. MILLER, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wirt' Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA GED. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, P.. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY- VT-LAW, Office 2nd floor Columbian building, BLOOMSBURG, ?A. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG. fA. THOMAS B. HANLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ents' Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. T. WHIT8. A. K. TOST. WHITE & YOST ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRED IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE Of THE PEACE, Mover Bros. Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATB AGENT, Lockard's Building, 2nd floor, Corner Main and Centre. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Clark' Building, cor. Main and Centra Sta., BLOOMSBURG, Pa. aTCan be consul ted in German. . W. H. RHAWN, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, OtSoa, corner ol Third and Main S tracts, CATAWISSA, PA. J. B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON ASS FHYSICIAM, Norta aid Maia St Mow Market, BLOOMSBURG, TA. Da. J. C RUTTER, iytsjcxax amd suxoixm, Oftcsw NU Markat Sxjat, DR. J. R. EVANS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office corner Third and Jefferson streets. BLOOMSBURG, PA. HONORA A. ROBBINS, U. D., Ofios, WM First Stresa; BLOOBtSBUKG, PA. Soocial attsnU arrem ta tha nra aaat tka BUlBf of J.J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested; fitted with glasses and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours IO to 4. Telephone Connection. DR. M. J. HESS, Graduate of the PhiladL-lohia Dental Col. lege. Office 2nd floor front, Lockard's Build ing, corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Dentistry in all Its branches. Work Guar anteed as represented. Ether and Gas ad ministered or electric violator and Local Anaesthetics used for the painless extraction of teeth free of charge when artificial teeth are inserted' Rr. W. H. HOUSE, SVROEON DENTIST, Office, BBrtnn'sBulldirg, Wnln nelcw MartnM Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done In a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIK, by the use of Gnu, and free of charge whet artificial teeth are ii seited. tiTTo be open all hours during the day. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. nartman.) Represents twelve of the strongest Compu tes in the world, among which are: CAin tot At, BrarLOt CAPITAL. ASSSTfl. OVa ALL. Franklin of Plilla.. $:,ihh,vj l,ono,80B I'enn a. Pima 4mi,i o a,n,n Queen, of N. Y. 500,000 8,MH,15 Wesrchoster, N. Y. i,7M,3W N. America, Phlla, 8,Odo,ii( 9,r.K,imv I.4I9.H8 3,021, as 498,780 8,384,781 OrricB in I. w. KcKri.vt's Stobb. WLosscs promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREAS BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. , N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Street Bloomsburg, Pa. O Represent Seventeen as good Compem ies as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN. F. KNAPP, FIRB INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Heme, of N. V.; Merchants of Newark, N. J.; Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples', N.Y.; Read ing, pa i German American Ins. Co., New V'ork; Greenwich Insurance Co., New Yorkj Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations aie well se eoned by age and fire tested, and have never yt had a loss settled by any court of law. TMr rfssets are all invested in solid securities, sal name to the hazard of hie only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted! paid as soon as determined, by Christian F. Knnpp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Blooass burg, Pa. 1 he people of Columbia county ahoaJd patronize the agency where losses, if airy, are settled and paid by one of their ova citizens. CLYDE C YETTER, FIRE 1NRURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Bloomsbcbo, Pa. , Farm property a specialty. 4-22-17. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. New York Life Insurance Co. 125,947,290.81 Surplus, 15,141,023.31 Shuman & Edwards, Office 1st National Bank Building, (surctsror to n. C. Ctt mberlln and I. toward- CCMTANlIfl HKPRIBrNTID. ABBBRS Flremans Fund, of San Francisco, a,84R,R3.69 .ii..ik "aiuT-u, ui i-iiiiHuripiiia, Sl,Snl.r7D.S9 A mertefln r'entral nr tit Lm. North British snd 'Mereantilerrt ' ""I(-uo-" i.oraon una jcainourg, Eng. U. s. IJranch, New York City, 3,433,58M ... LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID At THISAGBNCY. tlt-ly. EXCHANGE HOTEL. James McCloskey Proprietor, Opposite the Court Ilonse) BLOOMSBURG, PA. ' Laree and convenient sanmle mnni M rauiu, on uaa cuia water, ana all coiiveaucnoea. WAINWRIGHT & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Teas, Syrups, Coffees, Sugars, MoUaaoa, Klc. bpices, Bicarb bod a, Etc., N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets ' PHILADELPHIA, PA. "Orderi will receive prompt attention. E. A. RAW LINGS. DEALER IN . All Kinds of Meat. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, ork, Hams, Bacon, Tonguet, Bclogna, &c Free Delivery to all parts of the town. CENTRE STREET, C. H. REICE'S OLD STAND. BLOOMSBURC, PA. PATENTS. Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, mil i Patent business conducted for -MuDKKATB FEES. OUH OFFICE IS OPPOSITE THE U. S. PAT ENT OFFICE. We have no sub-aa-enrieii. nil business direct, hence can transact patent busi ness In less time and at. Less Cost than those re uioietrom Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with descriu. tlon. We advise if imlenl utile or nut. rr n ChuiRfi. Our fee not due till patent Is secured uiiuk, -iiuw in 1 mm m 11 t-Hienis," witn rerer. nces to actual clients lu your Stule.Counlv. or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO,, Washington, D. " (Opposite U. S. Patent Olllce.) LPAVETTE COL.L.EGB. EASTON, PEN N A. 8ovn Onurws Id Art, anil Acleiie) iivii, AiiuiuKi r-iiH'iririii r.uKinuuriug and CliemUtry. ANNUAL COMMCNCIHCNT, 4UMt ai.T. Fall Term ticiflmt Sopt. Utlu For Cntmlotfui'S TIIK UF.UIMTHAU, f.u.ton, Pri,n. tH.iHimiHiniiini M 8- lt-3t .