CCMMAKY OF THE NEWS. ri of Important Erentt During th Put WhL r THtMDAT, Aro. . Ito First National tank of Nsrop, Bioko, hs failed; no statement. . Too Bryant Electric Co., Bridgn-ort, Cm., and employing 00 kaoda, abut down jada. ' Tko aorlogs bank of Lowraoeo, Vasa.f koT decided to rtqulro SO daft notic oa aO withdrawals of $.50 or mora. Tno work of tht Amrrlran Rubber Co., a Cambridowport, Ma., bar eloaod down ftt two week. This action throws l,?i.X) strati out of employment. Bight Rev. BUbop Mullio. of the diocme f Erie. Pa., celebrated yewterdar the twenty-fifth nunirerwtry of his elevation to the Episcopacy ot the Catholic Church. If. Caro, ex -Custom Inspector at Port Ibh1. Oregon, ha been arrested In San Ytanoiaco on a charge ot complicity in the ataamar Hayticn Republic smuggling ensoa ha Portland. The Pierpoot Manufacturing Company at Kew Bedford. Maas., manufacturers of m silver plate ware, employing 850 peo pta. ka reduced the running time to eight ktaara a day and four days a week. Buaaall & Company's agricultural and engine work, at MaasiUon. O., employing 800 man. will close for an indefinite period aboot Aag. 15, on account of to uncer tainty of the business future. FRIDAY. A tO. 4. The bullion in the bank of England de mand 2.054, 400 during the pat wevk. The avibe- tank of Anthony. Kan., tailed yesterday. The county treasurer has 114,875 on deposit. Milton Wall, a ntrro, has tn arrKpl a Taouma f r rbbini? rifitered letter Miches of Ui sum of money. There i a j.r'j'e-1 on foot in Mexico to jB5te all Latin-American natton in a aaooetary league, to resist the depredation at aUver. In a jealoua rae yesterday afternoon, DOucrla La.'j, i Greenville, 111., tabbed hi wife and cut his own throat, tying Inxtantly. Henry Clay D;tma. the well-known ttrf correspondent, was fouiid dead in hi aoom at hi home in Graresend, L. I. yes terday. Heart disease the cause. Lieutenant Colonel Clobridge. who waa mated a day or two ago, chaiyed with complicity in the tax-rebate frauds in Brooklyn, ha been released on $3,000 John D. Bond is nnder arrest at St. Looia on the charge of selling to J. Claude, railroad ticket broker, a forged New York, Ontario & Westren ticket from New York Chicago. The old DuifiUle Building, at Lowell, Vaaa., a three-story granite structure, oc cupied by the Standard Worsted Company, Baaufacturers of worsted yarns, was gntard by fire yesterday. RATVRDAT, AVG. 5. The Baraboo Saving bank at Baraboo, Wia, made an assignment yesterday. A royal decree was read in the Spanish Obttes yesterday adjourning the session. The People's Savings bank, one of the small concerns of St. Paul, Minn., closed ita doors yesterday. Texas fever ha appeared in Chase county, Kan., and many cattle attacked with the disease hare died. United States steamship Monongahela tailed yesterday from Portsmouth, N. H., tor Queenstown. She will be absent about tour months. The Oaage Indiana have refused to treat with the government commission for the araaoo of their reservation of nearly two nTlllon acre. P. J. Moss, one ot the largest railway Detractors in the United State, died at t Loui, yesterday, aged S3. H waa worth over two millions. Severe bush fire on the bill back of Du feta, Minn., so seriously threatened the anil ring suburbs of the Highland that en giaaa have been sent there. The Canadian Pacific railroad baa made ahr eut In paasengar rata to the East. Th charge for first ciaas passage from San f ran cuco to Chicago la $47. . Patrick Egan, formerly Minister of the Toiled State to Chill, 1 a paaaengev n h tteamer Colombia, which tailed for 5jr York from Panama on Wendeaday. Nicholas W. Hershmann, cashier for the Consolidated Steel and iron Company, at St Looia, i under arrest charged with ambetalemeut. He' .- acknowledged hi guUt. He U nearly f 10.000 short. , SCX DAT. ACQ. . i. ' Phelps, one of the American before the Bearing Sea Tribunal f Arbitration, accompanied by Mrs. .Iielpa, sailed Saturday from Southarap est for Kew York on the American Lin steamer Paris. The large barn filled with bay on a Sana owned by C. J. Hamlin at Eaat Aurora, V. Y., were entirely destroyed by Ire Saturday. It is reported that three joratat and a colt perished.- The farm where' the fire occurred is aeperato from xlamlin't stock farm at the same place. During the last few week the Lake Shore A Michigan Southern Railroad com any has laid off about 1,000 men in the vicinity of Toledo, O. Owing to the lark of work nearly every Zlaveland, O., iron mill has been posted 1tb ten per ceut. notices of reduction in avgea. Ratifications of the Franco-Siamese agreement were exchanged on Friday. Saturday wa the semi-monthly pay hay at the Pennsylvania Steel Works, rfarruburg, and 40T,3o0 were distributed mong the employes. Of this amount $o0, ."00 wa in gold and silver. MONDAY, AtO. 7, Eight miles north of the city of Green All. O., John Neff touud a can :on captured from St. Clair's soldiers by .ndians during the retreat from Fort Re covery to Greenville in 17U1. A derrick vas UHd to extricate it from a hole It feet Mp. It is a bran six-pounder, six feet sutii;. About 200 of Denver' unemployed stmg Uil through Kansas City, Mo., yesterday, coming in on the $5 ticket offored by the railroads and continuing East on freight train u a rule. Many of tbein all pltful stories ot hardships andof fum liurs left behind. Seven hundred men registered Friday and Saturday at the Denver City Hall, ap plying for employment under the new street improvtmeut ordinances. Probably not oue-half of that number will bt given work.... The Arkanaat gaaelta at LeadvUle. Col, has bees closed, down for an indefinite time. Thia ia partly (fee reeuU of the recent strike among he employe and alan the low price of silver. The smelter wlil not resume until atlveer it high enough to warrant a reopening. The Michigan Stove company at Dc Mlch., has cloaed Ha shop and about 1.100 men are thrown ont of employment. The titter ImposaiWty ot aecurlng currency to pay the men was the cause. The com pany ha no Idea when it will be able to res am. TtKSDAT. A CO. H. Chancel lor MeOill. of New Jersey, announced yesterday that he had decided to give the receivers of the National Cor dage Trust until September 3 to make their report. Mr Sawn is, who with her two daugh ters and on arrived at Cranton-on-Hud-son, N. Y., Saturday evening and joined Mr. Grant, remained at the hotel all day Sunday. Yesterday Mrs. Satoria drove over to West Point. Colonel Fred Grant will be her some time this week and the entire party will remain until Sep tember The condition of Professor Emerson, J. A. Hamilton, and Porter Pelham, who were li.Jured in the Lindsay, O., wreck of Saturday night, is some what improved and they are now in a fair way to recovery. Prof Emerson will be U.en to Cleveland, while Perhatn may be removed. Ha mil too is (till too weak and will be left at Lindsay for a few days From San Francisco Director Hol den, of the Lick University telegraph that photographs were taken about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon (bowing object like a crime t on the sun's face. George Thompson was yesterday held at Boston for the Grand Jury charged with the murder of Mary P. Thompson, hi wife, on August 1 last, by beating and kicking tut. The Earl of Kiraberly has sent a circular to the Uheral members of the House of Lit Is calling their attention to the fact t iat the Home Rule bill will he laid be fore the House of Ixjnls towards the end of August, and urging their attendance. IKON HALL. Several Changes for the Menaflt of the Order. IxDiANArnu. Ind., Aug. 4. The su preme sitting of the Onler of the Iron Hall bns acted on the report of the com mittee on law. Several changes were made in the constitution of the onler. The section governing the meeting of the su preme sitting waa changed so as to make it imperative that the sitting meet once every two years. Under the old rule the sitting did not meet unless the supreme justice called it together. The supreme justice still has power to call a special meeting at any time. A change wa also made in the section governing the deposit of funds of the order. By the change each district is to have a depository. The constitution waa further changed so aa to place women on an equal footing with men in the order. A resolution expressing confidence in the present supreme officers of the order waa passed. A Girl'i Quiet Pleasure. Some of the most delightful pleas- ores m mil worki are me quiet ones, I think you will find that the lone dreamy days need something in them beside the outdoor pleasures, writes Ruth Ash more in a pleasant article on "A Oirls Summer Enjoyments" in tne August isCHtis Home Journal. Get a lot of comfortable chairs around in a shady corner of the piazza, hunt up a clever short story and let first one and then another take their turns in reading, or else let somebody who is a morougniy good reader devote his or her time to it. Then talk about it Sometimes the simplest story will bring up the most curious questions. and bring forth the greatest amount of knowledge. I heard a Southern story read the other day, and the people who had Deen listening to it began to talk about the curious customs of the negroes, of the voodoo charms to be bought at the French market in New Orleans : then they drifted around to the magic ot India, and a man who had been there went and got bis curios tor us an to look at ; suddenly the dinner-bell ranz, and it was discovered that that story had kept an entire party of twenty one out of mischief, away from go&sip, made them travel pretty much over the world, and had used up very successfully a summer morning that began at half -past eight and ended at quarter of two. You see girls and boys only want to be given the cue in the right direction and they will do what is right, but starting wrong, starting out with the idea that they don't care for anybody, that what they do is right and it is no bady's business, fcimply results in heartaches, in bitterness, and too often in very deep sorrow. As a hair dressing and for the pre vention of baldt.ess, Ayer's Hair Vig or has no equal in merit and efficien cy. It eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp moist, clean, and healthy, and gives vitality and color to weak, faded, and gTay hair. The most popular of toilet articles. Allison's Opinion. Chicago, Aug. ".Senator W. B. Allison, ot Iowa, does not believe in free coinage of silver and favor the suspen sion of the purchase clause of the Sherman Act. "I do not approve ' he said, "of the repeal ot the entire Act tor it leaves the Government in possession of a vast quan tity of silver bullion with no method ot disposing of it. I believe the people de sire only the stoppage of the purchase of more silver, and not the disuse of that al ready purchased. 1 The Missionary Oatragea. Nxw Yoa, Aug. 8. The Presbyterian Boa id of Foreign Missions in thia city yes terday received a personal letter from the Hon. Walter Q. Greaham, Secretary ot State, in which be pledged the Government to do all that was possible to compel the Porte to punish the perpetrators of to latest outrage upon an American mission ary in Turkey. The communication re ferred to the attack which wa made upon Mia Anna Melton, a missionary of the board in a village in the Koordiah moon tain. hhort ot Water. Mahaxot Citt. Pa., Aug. 8. Owing to the continued drought the Mabaaoy City Water Coin puny very unexpectedly on Sat urday niifht (hut off the supply heretofore furnished the Reading Coal and Iron Com pany, and in contequenc all th collieries iu tlii district abut down. Arrangement are being made to us mine water at some ot these place, but operation of the col lieries will be unsatisfactory and far from general. Fort Johnson I Agaia Ahln. Amsterdam, N. Y., Aug. 8. Th nam of Fort Johnson poetoffiee waa yesterday changed to Akin by the Poatoffio Depart ment. Two years ago some of the citizens of the place retitiooed Congress to change the nam from Akla to Fort Johnson, which waa done. Thia waa objectionable to the Akin family and they have had the name changed back to Akin, which ia also the name of the Central Hudson railroad station. Bad Business Mothers, Niw York. Aug. 8. Th Fourth Na tional Eank yesfjnlay threw out the ac count of Ziumenuaun A Forsbay, on ac count, as stated, of their business methods, including the offerings of a premium for current fund and exacting of a (till higher premium when th funds were resold. Zimmerman & Forshay are large bullion dealers. Loehed Ont. Harkirbvro, Pa., Aug. 8. Owing to a movement of some SOU employe of the Lalance Grosjean Agate works to form a branch of the Amalgamated Association, the concern locked out its workmen. This action of the company will probably nip the proposed organization in the bud and the plant it expected to resume operations. , Judge U art oil Insane. New York, Aug. 4 Judge William M. Barton of Peeksklll has been taken to the insane asylum at Poughkeepsie suffer ing from paresis. For some time past he ha bean in very poor health and at preaeut hia condition ia very precarious. IXsiiu Knocks Out Pisree In Three Ex citing Hound. Kew York, Aug. 8. The fight between Dixon and Piurce at Coney Island last night waa short and exciting, Dixon win ning in three round. , Mcllrld Wins. Nxw York, Aug. 8. In the fight be tween McBrid and Murphy at Couey Isl and last night,, Mc Bri lc wou in seven rounds. An Unreasonable Complaint From the Sew York Weekly. Young husband. "I'm just about dead, putting down this carpet." Wife. "Th; carpet is not heavy." "No, but I have to work in such a cramped position." "Nonsence. Just immagine you are on your bicycle." Summer Weakness And that tired feeling, loss of appe tite and nervous prostration are driven awiy by food's Sarsaparilla, like mist before the morninz sun. To realize the benefit of this great medicine, give it a trial and you will join the army of enthusiastic admirers of Hood's Sar saparilla. Sure, efficient, easy Hood's Pills. They should be in every traveller's grip and every family medicine chest. 3$c. a box. "The duke of Veragua a few days ago," says a widely traveled American, "was regarded as rich. He had a com fortable income and a large estate. It is not true that he gambled his money away at cards or other games ot chance. He lost his fortune at the Paris expo sition of 1889. He opened an arena near the exposition grounds and made preparations to give real Spanish bull fights on an elaborate scale. At first it drew fairly well, but after the first week he did not take in enough to pay half his expenses. The result was when the exposition closed the duke found himself practically a bankrupt Having lost his fortune at one exposi tion I suppose it is only natural that hp should endeavor to recoup himself at another." The horse neighs in a descent oa the chromatic scale without omitting a semitone, being one of the most musically voiced of animals. Mrs. S. jr. White Tells of a family blessing. Thus she writes to Mrs. Pinkham : " I suffered for 10 Years with female complaints 01 the worst form, accompa nied by severe spinal trouble, causing inces sant backache, weakness of the stomach, and nervousness. " I gave up all hooe of ever being well again. Just then I began to take : " Lydia E. Pinklam's Vege table Compound. I followed your directions and treatment until I am now a perfectly well woman. " I gave it to my two daugh ters, aged 14 and 16 years, and they are fine, healthy girls. " It is surely a blessing to our family." 816 Holly St West Philadelphia, Pa. All !ruglts sell it. Address in ennfiritne. Lvdis E. 1'iMKiisH Mid Co., Limn, Mass, Mm. PiukhuttiLtvrPiUs. 30 cent. -w-lV.Wnltt LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! A GREAT CLEARING SALE. Our immense Stock of s . . - .' t, ' must be reduced. PRICES are way down on MENS' BOYS' and CHILDRENS' Clothing. We are offering big BARGAINS in all SUMMER Goods. Call and examine at "the (Diofltlsg Otee of 0. LOWEMBERG a mi DEERIHG sem mum BINDERS. sjis-SpJ- aVria4iii ML Sr' L-aV- 0MVIBSV m i is r A S r Mlf l'l I m- X " E & -iW When our omptitors pitch into the DEERIN'G BINDER with FOLDING PLATFORM, the intelligent farmer at once concludes that if they arc so afraid of this particular machine, there must be some virtue in the DEERIN'G; else why should they fear the Dtering as a Competitor. Remember, we have two sizes of MACHINES : THE DEERING IMPROVED STEEL BINDER and THE DEERING PONY BENDER. lo see them is to appreciate their value. . We are offering a few SECOND HAND BINDERS t a SPECIAL BARGAIN. If you ar going to buy a Binder this year, come and eee us. V e GUARANTEE to give you FULL VALIJE and can SAVE MONEY FOR YOU. D. W KITCHEN acrcultural implements VV. IXI I VMLM, AND REPAIRS. Ar. BLOOMSBURG. PA. TM Finest Pattern Finest Material, The Finest The Finest Wrimmud, The finest Qntt The finest Madef and The FINEST FXTTXKG that can be found in Bloomsburg is at THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER. You will positively get the most value by trading witn l. Maier lor vour CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, &C. Clothing made to order oil correct styles, ncnl Satisfaction guaranteed. I. MAIER, Bloomsburg, Pa,