Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ii mm m m AEQUl7ELV PUuD THE COLUMBIAN. Kntiwd st the Font Office at Bloomaburg, Pa .pcond class matter. JUrch l, ltwi. BLOOMSBURG, FA. FKIDAV, AUGUST 11, 1893. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Interesting Itemi From Various Points ia the County, Reported by Oar Staff of Correspondents Espv. A number of cur young ladies have been camping at Mountain Grove for the last two weeks. It need not be asked whether they have enjoyed themselves or not. T. W. Hartman, the newly appoint ed P. M., took possession of the post office on Monday last. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation of Espy, will hold a festival in the Par, this Saturday evening. Mr. J. H. Miller has tecently put in a new pair scales at the tailroad, suit ably adapted for weighing coal, which business he has taken up in connect ion with his duties at the depot. He is prepared to furnish the best of Kingston coal at the lowest prices. Central. Central is about dried up. Water is a scarce article ; the wells are all dry. The west branch is lower than it hr.s been for four years, and all of us go considerable distance for water. We have cool mornings and evenings but in the middle of the day it is very hot. As a rule there has been not a nmit float rf nirlinpss Vint a trond many complain of being tired and are taking a rest. The camp meeting held near Guava was lamely attended on Sunday ana passed off very quietly. Tnc HpWate election held here on D Saturday afternoon was full of interest some got left but say they can stand it. Messrs. l'lynn and Hummer were the victorious delegates to the con vention. There were five in the field and all seemed to have friends. Forbes Bros, lost a valuable horse on Saturday morning. John P. Hill has invested in a fine team of dapple grays. The dam at the big saw mill is about completed. It is said to be a good piece of work. Mr. Dorsey has been improving his property by paint and repairs. , East Benton. The compliments of Benton town ship to the Board of County Commis sioners for the years 1887 1890 in. elusive, ot which one member was now a candidate for renomination in the late delegate election. See Com mis sioners' reply to John C. Wenner, da ted Bloomsburg, Pa., March asth, 1890 in issue of Columbian of that week. The people are always grateful for favors rendered. There is a gloomy outlook for the successful maturity of the growing crops corn and buckwheat Every species of vegetation wilts before the scorching rays of the sun, and the drouth assumes fearful proportions. Bicycling is now the rage. An agency has been formed at Benton and a number has already been sup plied with the new vehicle. We pre sume that the daddies will have a hard time with their boys, as each will want to have a bicycle. The oats harvest is well on the way. The yield may be short but it is of a good quality. The festival at Hamiline last Satur day night was a success. The drought dries up nes as well as vegetation. Cattle cun barely live in the pasture fields Many look like having been burnt over. . Isaac Gibbons had a little experi ence with fire last Saturday, fie set fire on a stump and it broke BOOT 1 GIEItTT .A. PIITT. That's what it costs when made from RISHTON S ROOT BEER EXTRACT. Time required to make it, 10 minutes. A so cent bottle makes 5 GALLONS of DELICIOUS and SPABZLIN& Beer. Try a bottle. W.S. RISHTON, PH.G. DRUGGIST 4 PHARMACIST OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. out and burnt twenty rods or more of fence and went to the woods in the shade. Isaac didn't get to the dele gate election that day. Sammy Gibbons begins to ride his bicycle pretty well. If the drouth continues for some time to come, it will be necessary to raise the farmers' taxes to increase of ficials' salaries. Benton is a progressive town. En terprise "is a go." Centrally located in a large farming community and en joying good railroad facilities the var ious industries and business places cannot otherwise than thrive. The beautiful Fishingcreek attracts both tourists and sporting fisherman all of whom with the traveling public can be accommodated at first class hotels. A first class weekly newspaper keeps the surrounding country informed of the town. Subscribe for the Columbian and get the county seat news. One word describes it-"perfectfon.' We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, cures obstinate sores, bums. skin diseases and is a well known cure for piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. 10-14 iyr. World's Fair Philanthropists. Messrs. Boddie Bros , wealthy Chi cago gentlemen, having the interest of their city at heart, and desiring to disprove the falsity of the statement that only in boarding houses can be louna moderate priced accommoda tions during the World's Fair, remodel ed and furnished at great expense one of their famous absolutely fire-proof business structures, located corner of Franklin and Jackson streets, within short walking distance of the Union Depots, Theatres, Post Office, Board of Trade, Steam, Elevated, Cable Roads and Steamboats to the World's Fair, furnished newly throughout 500 rooms, superb parlors, elevators, elec tric lights, exhaust fans to keep cool entire building, named this property THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, and ln- vite the public to take their choice of rooms for $1.00 per day, children 5 to 1 a fifty cents. Elegant restaurant and dining rooms where fine meals are served at 50 cents, or a la carte, at very moderate prices. There would be less heard or known of extortion and imposition connected with the World's Fair were there more public spirited, fair minded men in Chicago as are the owners and proprie tors Of THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL. Our readers should write as early as possible to secure rooms for they are being taken up rapidly. St. Paul Daily News. 7-14-61. All that honesty, experience and skill can do to produce a perfect pill, has been employed in making De- Witt s Little Early Risers. The re sult is a specific for sick headache, biliousness and constipation. W. S. Rishton, Druggist 10-14-iy. Fashionable Livery. The well known horseman has opened a fashionable livery in connec tion with his boarding stable at the Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine turnouts can be obtained, single or double. He has well broken and safe saddle and driving horses for ladies, ail at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Exchange Hotel will receive prompt attention. Drivers furnished when desired. U W. A. Hartzell, Proprietor A lot of new notes of the sharpest kind have just been printed and are for sale at this office. Also common receipts, estate receipts, and collec tors' receipts, neatly bound in books of as, 50 and 100. tf. This is" the time of year when every body begins to think about cleaning up and making improvements, and new wall paper is usually one ol the first thines to be done. W. H. Brooke & Co. have a very large a d elegant stock to select from. CH and . see and get estimates. V3if- . "E mm TsM3 The Central bus came out on Wed nesday with a new coat of paint Aside from political matters, news is very scarce this week. Manager Dentler has booked some excellent companies for the Opera House during the coming season. Nothing will remove fruit or ink stains from the fingers or textile fab rics, so effectually as hot water. A new dam at the saw mill at Tarn. ison City has just been completed. i nomas Kiley did the work. The Citizens' Drum Corps will hold a dance at Oak Grove on Saturday evening. You don't know how much better you will feel if you take Hood's Sar saparilla. It will drive off that tired feeling and make you strong. A boy aged about 16 years can find an opportunity to learn the printing trade at this office. One who resides in town preferred. tf. Camp meeting at Central was large ly attended on Sundav. and in fact every night during the week. The weatner has been delightful for camp ing. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand is making extensive im provements preparatory to the open ing, August a8. The institution leads in the line of Business Schools. Aluminum is now being used in the manufacture of horseshoes. It is much lighter than any other metal and will stand the wear much better than any wrought iron ; some even preferring the aluminum to steel. At a meeting of the Town Council last Friday evening, the time for the payment of Town taxes was extended 30 days. All taxes musr be paid be fore September 4th, or five per cent will be added. We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best Salve that experience can produce, or that money can buy. W. S. Rishton, drug gist. 10 14-1 y. If the voting last Saturday is any indication there ought to be a demo cratic State Treasurer elected this fall. The colored voters are turning in for democracy. James Sample voted in the I hird District and Sam uel Burnside in the Fourth District. The delegate election was well at tended at Bloomsburg A comparison with the vote of 1893 indicates that only about fifty remained awav from the polls ; unless some republicans helped to swell the number of votes. Little vegetable health producers: DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure malarious disorders and regulate the stomach and bowels, which prevents headache and dizziness. W. S Rish ton, Druggist. 10-14 Iv The following letters are held at the BloomsDurg, Pa., post office and will be sent to the dead letter office Aug ust aa, 1893. Mr. H. E. Adams, Ed. C. BarclirT, Harry L. Evans, Mr. Henry Evers, Mr. William Richard, Mr. Dore Walker. Persons calling for these letters will please say they were advertised August 8, 1803. One cent will be charged on each letter advertised. A. B. Cathcart, P. M. The oration, "Ground Arms," de livered by James M. Beck, Esq , in Independence Square on July 4th last, has been printed in pamphlet form by Allen, Lane & Scott ; and thus a notable contribution to the pa triotic literature of the nation has been rendered easily accessible to the read ing puolic. For pregnant thoughtful ness, broad, philosophical style and Eicturesque diction this address may e justly ranked among the finest liter ary products of the human mind in spired by the genius of liberty. J'hiladelphia Jiecord. Now Try This. It cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and pertcct recovery. 1 ry a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at C. A Kleims Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00. Deaths. In Orangeville on the and ins!, Mrs. Emly Snyder, aged 65 years, 3 months and a 6 days. In Millville on the 4th inst, Mrs. Susan Richendifer, aged 64 years and 15 days. Deeds, mortgages and note books of all kinds at the Columbian office, tf. JOHH B. TOWHSEHD mam msssssssk nsssssskt M nPiW) FsK CVv CORNER OF MARKET AND MAIN STREETS, BLOOMSBTJRO-. The views taken by C. G. DufTey, of the Berwick camp are excellent. He has them for sale at the Market street gallery. Nothing is more destructive of beauty than a bad complexion, and nothing is more certain to secure a good one than the use of Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills. We sometimes look at a pretty boy and think what a pity that he's bound to grow up and become a man and get manned and drunk and wicked and do all sorts of horrible things. And when you look at the blue-eyed, fair-haired little female child and think that some day she is going to be a pretty woman with a tight-laced waist, a tailor made suit, false hair, and a touch of paint on her face ; that she is going to fib and flirt and deceive and marry the wrong man and have lots of trouble well, you can't help asuing. " hat is the use of it all r Beading "Combine" Broken. LEASE OF LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD TO THE PHILADELHHIA AND READING DISSOLVED BY THE DIRECTORS OK THE FORMER CORPORA TION. Philadelphia, Aug. 8 The lease of the Lehigh Valley railroad to the Philadelphia and Reading railroad was this afternoon disolved by the direc tors of the former corporation. The action was taken because the Reading coal and iron company failed to pay $968,768 for coal purchased from the Lehigh Valley coal company prior to the Reading receivership, and which default violated the lease. The Lehigh Valley railroad petition ed the United States court to abrogate the lease and the Reading receivers assenting, Judge Dallas ordered the separation. The latter also appointed John L,ojvber Welsh to succeed E. P. Wilbur as a Reading receiver. Mr, Wilbur will probably soon retire from the Reading board of managers, but will retain the presidency of the Le high Valley. It was provided in the lease that if the agreement between the coal com panies each of which is controlled by its respective road should be terminated for any reason, then the lease of the Lehigh Valley rail road to the Reading should at once be terminated. Like a ship without a rudder is a man or a woman without health and the necessary strength to perform the ordinary duties of life. When the ap petite fails, when debility, and a disor dered condition of stomach, liver, kid ney, and bowels assail you, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Salaries and leer A circular letter from the audi tor general on this matter. The county officials have received a circular letter from Auditor General Gregg directing that hereafter an itemized statement must be made of all fees received each day. Fifty per cent, of all moneys in excess of $, 000 of office expenses must be re mitted to the State. The circular closes as follows: "Commencing with the year iSot. no clerk hire or expenses of office will be allowed in the annual settlement of the accounts of the county officers, ex cept the auditors report be accom panied by itemized and properly re ceipted vouchers accounting for all clerk hire and office expenses to be deducted from the fees received. County officers are instructed to take receipt for all money paid for clerk hire and expenses of office, the origin als of which aie to be forwarded with the auditors' report for the year 1893." Investigation Invited. Of course it is nroner to inauire about what any man says, Is it true ? I he most rigid investigation is in vited into the testimonials published in behalf of , Hood's Sarsaparilla. Special attention is called to the hiirh O character of the persons whose testimo nials are published by the proprietors of this medicine, as evidenced bv their occupations or indorsements. In fact, no matter where a testimonial in be half of Hood's Sarsanarilla mav be from, it is reliable and as worthy of confidence as if it came from your most trusted neighbor. Croquet sets $1.00 ud to $t.eo at Mercer's Drug and Book store. BY REQUEST Of many of our out of town customers we have decided to con tinue our Wear r 1 ID! for ten daya more. You can still find some very choice things in our line. Although the sizes are broken you may find your fit, at least it will pay you to drop in and see. That's the price for our $3.00, 3.50, and $4.00 Pants just now. Want to get them off our hands. You'll be the win ner by buying. Bidding & Sahburg, oustce: peice CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AMD FURNISHERS. BUSINESS LOCALS. All the talk in the world will not convince you so quickly as one trial of DeWitt's Witch Haze Salve for scalds, burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist iyr Window curtains and fixtures in gaeat variety at W. H. Brooke & Co'. Estimates furnished for wall paper. Contract work solicited. Competent workmen sent anywhere. W. H. Brooke St Co. Go to Mercer's Drug and Book store for Hammocks, prices from 90 cts. to I3.50. Wall paper and window shades at lowest prices. W. H. Brooke & Co. Hammocks from 90 cents to $3.50 at Mercer's Drug and Book store. New edition of Episcopal Hymnals at W. H. Brooke Sz Co s. Call at Mercer's Drug and Book store for Croquet sets, prices from $1.00 to $3.50. ' Are you going to paper your house ? Give us a call. Get estimates and prices. W. 11. Brooke & Co. HAEVEY'S LAKE. Lake Grove Hotel, located at this popular resort, has been enlarged, re modelled and refurnished, and is now the largest hotel on the lake. All modem improvements, good fishing and boating, telephone connection, high elevation, pure air, no mosquitos. Steamboats meet all trains. Terms reasonable. For particulars address S. Gottfried, Proprietor, Harvey's Lake, Pa. 6 23-io t. Sale u AT THE TOP We are at the top In the lint by general eoasMt And why T Beca use we strive to please. Wt give honest values, and while our system ot buylngenables to sell low, we are content with (air profit, and give our patrons a, share in this advantage. We are giving spec! al Inducements until Mm mat ot August In the way ol prices on our lima Watches. Clocks, Jewelry and Silver to show you that we appreciate the vt ry liberal patronage you have given us thus far, to In duce you to come again and aluo to re duce our stock to umke room for our ' Kail and Holiday goods. Come now If you want bargains. Personal attention given to repairing of tine W iitcliea.tc, and warranted Satisfactory at HESS BROS, MKWELKKS AND KTATIOXKHN. Sign of big watch, Main St. litU ( MM 1 J C. J'A BEST IW THE WOBLD, lUwMring qualltlaaara itimit MtaalTa ttitlnstlnff two bolH of any othsr brand. Mat FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. 1m I a-J4-iyr. .50