CimrARY OF THE NEWS. of Important Event During ths Past Week. f THURSDAY, JCLY ST. Secretary Carlisle I salTs ring from an fedptent attack of rheumatism. The lucrea tu national bank circulation taring July so far ban been 5,8.3,7,V, of which $505,000 was taken out yesterday. The year and a naif old child of Qoorgs Smith, of King's Bridge, L. I., died yea ttrday from drinking a plate of water ia which was placed a sheet of fly-paper. The Government SurTejlng ourps has came Into Ou'lirie, O. T., frotn the (.'hero ftae. strip, baring located and staked off the Blue sites for county seats and also located two land ofticea. Commandant Rice, Adjutant Smith and the company captains of the Columbian Quants insist that there is no foundation for the supposition that five guards lost their Uvea In the cold storage fire. Qot. Flower has appointed Charles D. BbMnson and Edward Kuttenhar, of New bwvb, X. Y., trustees of Washington's Hsadquartrrs in the places of A. SSuiith King and Major Edward C. Bo) nton, de ceased. A telegram has beeu received at the In terior lepartmtnt, Washington, from In spector Kalson, announcing that the exe cution of the nine coudemned Choctaw, had been postponed from Aug. 4 to Sept. , by order of the Choctaw Court. John Snioue, a PilUburg lalwrer, yes tenlay killed his mother and two children with a hatchet. He tried to cover up his' crime by hurtling the houw, but the fire men arrived in time to extinguish the Samea and discover the tragedy. FRIDAY. JfLY 8. The Malmnj ih of Kapurthala and his suite are in hoston. Secretary of War Daniel S. Laiuotit ar rived at Sorrento, We., yeetenlay. The anuual reunion of the Nourse Monu ment associatiou was held yesterday at Danvera, Maj-s. Dr. tieorge Fischer, of Rochester. N. Y., ommitted huicido yesterday by drinking an ounce of hydr.ite of chloral. Bev. O. P. Tsylor, manngtr of the Inter state Investment company at The Dalles, Ore., hss been arrested on the charge of ambwsxlemeut. The coroner has decided that Maud Mc Kibben, aged 17, of St. Louii, was respon sible for the death by poL-oning of her father and sister, and she will be arrested. The grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias at yesterday's session In Elmira, N Y., votd to create four new district ha the State making 66 in all with ths same number of deputies. Two more suits were begun yesterday in the United States Circuit Court at New York by the Kditton Electric Illuminating Company, of Xew York, for infringement t the Edison Incandescent lamp patent. SATURDAY, JfLY 29. The paid admissions at the World's Fair Saturday were 9;i,700. Elijah Stantou, proprietor of Hotel Berkeley, Boston, Is dead. He was 73 years old. Father McGlynn, of New York, was the speaker of the day at Asbury Park Audi torium yesterday. The excursion rata lietween Indianapolis aitd Chicago has been reduced to $2 from 4. and the indications are that a 50-cent sate will soon be reached. The 800 machinists of the Westinghouse Air-brake Company at Wilmerding, Pa., have been notified of a reduction of wages of from IS to 20 per cent. The extensive barrel hoop works of the D. J. Brown Manufacturing Company, at Sandusky, O., were destroyed by firs Sat wdax, throwing 100 men out of work General Pedro Oallario, recently Minis ter to Russia and now Governor of the Fed eral district of the City of Mexico, is taking severe measures to compel observance of the Uw prohibiting duelling. 6 UN DAY. jrLY SO. C A. Horr, a grocer of Carthage, N. Y., baa made an assignment. Ths liabili ties are about $3,500 nd assets $2,500. erything at Weir City, Kan., is quiet, and over 100 miners are at work, many f whom bad hitherto refused to enter ths shafts. Jim Courney was hung yesterday at Waycroks, Ga. , for killing his roommate, Jake Smith, last April, over a game of cards. Director Preston of the Mint purchased 100,000 ouncesof silver yesterday at 0.7030 cants per ounce in response to his counter ffer at that figure. The business portion of Fifleld, Wis., team ef 600 inhabitant, has been destroyed by fire. In all 34 buildings were consumed causing a loss of about $200,000. At a meeting of the directors of the Tre asons and Suffolk mills at Lowell, Mass., jsstcrday it was voted to operate the mills an half time, beginning Monday next. United tstates Register Tillman at Wash ington has issued a circular that an assign Stttmt of United State bonds by an execu tor, trustee, guardian, or attorney to him self is not valid in law and that no such' transfer will be made except upon the order of a court of competent jurisdiction. MONDAY, JULY 31. The abstract of the reports of the condi tion of National banks in Snu Fraucisco on the date cf the lsst call show that vbeir reserve held was 28.22 per cent. Several members of the Corn Exchange of Montreal are heavily interested in Chi go wheat, and at its present price stand ui lose an itnmsnse amount of money. The id admissions at the World's Fair jeterlay were T'.tiOd. Thsueaa & Crescent route hss author ised a $28 round trip excursion from New Orleans toC'htcsgo and return. All th Cordite interests of the United States have received a call for a meeting to held in New York city on Aug. 0, at which time reorganisation end other vital subjects will I dweussed. It has been decided by the Supreme Lourt of Tenncsw that firemen and engi neers on colliding trains ui accidents caused by the negligence of tbe conductor lu ch;ge ef tbe train are not fellow-servants, nml are entitled to recover damage from railroad uouipauies. TIKNDAY, Al'G. I. The President hss appoints Charlm B. Morton, of Maine, fourth Auditor of the Treasury, vice John K. Lynch, of Miia ppi, resigned. Geu. George W. Morgan, the last of the generals of the Mexican war, was buried at Mount View. Iud., last evening at 3 clock with siinrde, ceremonies. All the leading in em ben of the Pater ton, N. J., Board ef . Trade and a number of the local clerry met in the Ekings building last night and resolved to go before the Board of Freeholders In a body to protest against the granting of a license to th Clifton race track. There la a leak in the Erie canal at Holly, N. Y.. which It l feared may result In a serious break and consequent injury to commerce. Samuel Spencer, of Washington, D. C. has been made a receiver of the Richmond A Danville railroad in addition to F. W. Uuidekoper and Keuben Foster. The value of the fishery yield of Can ada for the past year was $18,041,171, a decrease of $30-OOV, as compared with the previous year. Postmaster-General Bissell, who had notified the ofllcinls of his department that he expected to arrive in Washington at 4:80 p. in., was about on time. President Cleveland spent yesteday alone with his family at Buzzard's Bay, Mass. This is the llrst day he has had tlAre without a guest. WKDNKSDAY, AUG. t. A Taunton, Mass., special despatch says that the cost of the Bonlen murder case to the county is approximately placed at $14,000, or rather less than wns antici pated. There was a conspicuous diminution In the number of withdrawals of deposit from New York savings banks Jyentenlay, and confidence has been almost completely restored. The Board of Free Holders of Passaic county, N. J., yesterday afternoon granted a license to the Clifton Race Track for three years for $1,000 ier year. The local clergy offered a strong protest. It Is thought the races will begin n week from next Monday. l'he big deal In Chicago in pnrk which has held the price of that commodity at an inordinately high figure for mouths, has collapsed, accompanied by the an nouncement of tbe failure of the three leading houses concerned in it J. G. Stec ver, E. W. Bailey and A. C. Helmhol?.. Near the town of Montgomery, Tex., three burly negroes attacked the house of M. Marsh, killed him, ravished his wife murdered his Infant and cut out the tongue of his seven year old child. His wife Is be lieved to he dying. One negro was caught and lynched. The sheriff and posae are searching for the others. EXPOSITION HALF OVril. It Ha So Far lleen Great Hticresa In l: er) thing Except Monsjr. Chicaoo, Aug. S -With the closing of tbe gate Monday the first half of the Col umbian Exposition passed into history. The number of paid admissions . during the month was 2,759 and the largest number of paid admissions was registered July 4, when 233.373 people deposited the admission fee with the ticket sellers. The smnllest number was last Snnday, when only 18.A37 paid admissions were recorded. 1 he paid attendance for May was 1,850.- 037, while that of June more than doubled this figure, reaching a total of 2,675,113. The officials of the Fair are greatly pleased with the artistic success of the Exposition, but this cannot be said of the financial end of th enterprise. The at tendance baa failed to reach the mark it was expected to attain during the first half of the Fair, and especially during the month of July. For this th railroads are in the main held responsible, and the offi cials do no hesitate to criticize their mean nets and stubbornness in refusing to make a one-fare round-trip at tbe beginning of the Fair. The present hard times have had much to do with th attendance, but the management thiuks the people would have attended largely had the railroad fares been reduced. There must necessarily be a large atten dance during the remaining period of the Fair if tbe management expects to pay its debt and this is all they now hope to do. It is a foregone conclusion that the stock holders of tbe Fair will get nothing on their investment, nor will their subscrip tions be returned, as the money for which tbe Exposition is legally liable amounts to so much that it will take a tremendous daily average of paid admlssious to ease the obligation. Prwiaeut Higinbotham is as hopeful as any of the officials In the matter of finance. He says, "I have only one fault to find with tbe first half of tbe Exposition. The attendance has not been what it ought to have been. In all other respects the Ex position bos been a success, as no one can reasonably deny, but in that respect the first half is by uo means the better half. I believe that the attendance from now on will steadily increase. I believe that the admissions this week will exceed those of last. There have been about 6,-, 500,000 admissions. Certainly mora than that many will be registered during tbe remainder of the Fair and the total attend ance will more than double those figure. The latter half of the Fair will surprise us as much with a larg attendance as the first half ha disappointed us with bad." The retrenchment policy will be renew ed at once with increased vigor. One of the first effects of economy is felt In tbe elimination of one '-special" night per week. Heretofore Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday were designated a "special" nights. Hereafter "special" nights will be confined to Wednesdays and Saturdays. There will be no music at night except upon those days and the hours for the concert have been changed so as to divide the music equally between the morning and afternoon. The free orchestral eon certs will be given as usual, when the orchestra is not engaged in rehearsing for an afternoon programme, at least for the present. Tbe new arrangement will work a saving of a few hundred dollars daily. Edison Mareastlu. Oraxoe, N. J., Aug. 3. The shut down at the Edison phonograph works is only partial. One hundred and fifteen men and girls are still at work. Tbe total number discharged was 240. They were discharged without a moment's notice. Mr. Edison has issued the following statement: "The phonograph works have, been shut down because we have nearly completed all tbe orders on hand and the proprietor tberof, seeing that tbe country had resolved itself into a national lunatic asylum, decided to wait until ths wave subsided." Callesl Him a Thief. Bt-Frau), July 87. Fire Commissioner G. F. Zellor is about to begin proceedings against Henry Breitweiser, a prominent tobacco merchant, for defamation of char acter. Damsges are placed at $100,000. Mr. Zeller alleges that Breitweiser apoka of him a a "thief," and charged that Zeller, while an alderman, had profited by a transaction in connection with a new reservoir. A Ketallatory Tariff. Berlin, July 81. Tbe St. Petersburg correspondent of ths Koelniscbe Zeitung say that Kusaia intends to add on Aug. I 50 per ceu to her tariff on Kussju linrtort. Eii Coachiiig Accident' The Veteran of '.so had inst finish ed relating several exciting stories of coaching in the old days in the west, ami looneri around triumphantly. 'Yaas," approved a youth in white flannels, who sat on the piazza near mm, as ine veteran caught his eye. "Mebbe you know somethin' about it ?" smilinely suggested the old man i pan uniting way. "Yaas," replied the youth, "I do awst yean i nad a very exciting ex newience with a coarh. T.wt veah was leapyeah, ye know, and there was a giti at Newport who waited for an Opportunity to nrnnose. anil shp was so strwong-minded that we fellows nevan gave her a chance, because we knew we'd have to sav vms if she ev.ih awsked us. Well, thev had a coach ing party one day and I was invited, but at the lawst moment 1 fnnnrl I aw had to escort Miss Newton, the stwong minded damsel, and it so af fected me that I had a sunstwole nnd couldn't eo. So thev took Chnllv Bludd in my place, and Cholly came uaca- encaccti. 1 cried lor mv that night over my narrow escape." "Humph!" interrupted the veteran, "there's nothin in that." " aas. there was." continued the youth; "that wide was one of the worst I evah failed to take in my life. It was a wegulah coaching accident, and nearly bwoke mv heart. Chnllv mawied the girl in June, and in July sne naa an old uncle die who left her a million and a half. So. von see. we have just as bad accidents nowadays," nc acidcd, triumphantly, "as they evah had in '49." Harper's Bazar. De Witt's Wilch Hazel Salve cures piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures burns. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures ulcers. W. S. Rishton, Druggist, iy Too Tar Off. From the Detroit Free Tress. He had wandered about into dozens of stores hopelessly trying to match a piece of goods for his wife. At last he quit and leaned up against a post with the sample in his hand. "Whet's the matter ?" asked a pass ing friend. "Sick ?" " i es. I guess 1 11 have to go to heaven, he replied, sticking the sam pie out aimlessly toward the inquirer. "What do you mean ?" "Well, they say matches are made in heaven, and I guess they re right. I'll swear they're not made anywhere around here." A Mean Insinuation, From the Yankee Blade. Husband "I am going to the World's Fair for a dollar." Wife "Can't you get a dollar near er home than that ?" Pv 1 laVTA IN ((HAM'S Vecetablewmtoijnd Is a positive cure for all those painful Ailments of Women. It will entirely cure th worst forma of Female Complaint, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and.DUpracementa, of the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weak cess, and is peculiarly adapted to the Chang qZie. Every time it will curt Backache. It has cured more case of Leuoon rhesa than any remedy the world has ever known.. Is is almost Infallible in uch cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors from the Uterus In an early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. That Dearlng-down Feeling causing pain, weight, and backache. Is instantly relieved and permanently eured by It use. Under all circum stances it act in harmony with the laws that govern the female svstem, and ia as harmless as water, it removes Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruations, Weakness of the Momacli, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostri tion, Headache, General Debility. Also Dizziness. Falntness, F.xtremo Lassitude. " don't care " and "want to be left alone" feeling, exci tability, irritability, nervousness, sleep lessness llatuloncy. melancholy, or the "blues," and backache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement oi the Uterus, or Womb Troubles. The whole story, however, is told in an illustrated hook entitled "(initio to Health," by Mrs. Pinkham. It con tains over 80 papes of most important information, which every woman, mar ried or single, should know about her self, bend 2 two-cent stamp for it For Kidney Complaints and Backache of either $rx the Vege table 'oinnoiind is uneautiled. the VgrtGi- Com pound, ir snt pt troil, in form of Pillft or I-nrenires, rn receiptor jl.OO. Currriontieiem frrriu anBWvrtd, Von can address in strirteit coiihilenue, ITDI t E. rnallil I D. CO., Lree, lui l.;dls K. rinkbta's i ( Lirtr mil, f e.rBlllosfM,fot.( c ratios, ssd Torpid Liter S C It? mall, or of drunsuu. ) LOOK ! LOOK! LOOK! A GREAT (CLEARING SALE. Our immense Stock of , must be reduced. PRICES are way down on MENS' BOYS' and CHILDRENS' Clothino 5' We are offering big BARGAINS in all SUMMER Goods. Call and examine at -the FiuIaE Clothing Ote I Kg 0. LOWEKBERG 6B&Y BEIRIHQ BIHDEElS When our omptttors pitch into the DEERIXG BINDER with FOLDING PLATFORM, the intelligent farmer at once concludes that if they arc so afraid of this particular machine, there must be some virtue in the DEERIXG; else why should they fear the Dtenng as a Competitor. Remember, we have two sizes of MACHINES : THE DEERING IMPROVED STEEL, BINDER and THE DEERING PONY BINDER. 1o see them is to appreciate their value. We are offering a few SECOHD HAND BINDERS at a SPECIAL BARGAIN. If you are going to ouy a jsincier tnis year, come and see us. We GUARANTEE to give you FULL VALUE and can SAVE MONEY FOR YOU. D- W. KITCHEN acrcultural implements i-r if. li V-ri 11-11, AND REPAIRS. AC. BLOOMSBURG. PA. Lis l Tke Fim&t Patterns, Tks Finest Material, me Finest Tke Finest Wrimnwd, Tiie ffnest Gut, The SnestlMade, The FINEST FITTING LG i ' that can be found in Bloomsburg is at THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER. You will positively get the most value by trading 1 1 T r r witn 1. Maier tor your CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, &C. Clothing lata tie to order oi correct styles, :iemI stusisfictiou guaraiiteetl. I. MAIER, Bloomsburg, Pa.