The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 04, 1893, Image 3

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    Gulteau'i Plttol.
The whereabouts of the pi stol wiih
which Guiteau shot President Gar
field, which has disappeared, is under
discussion. Mr. Donavan, who was
property cleric of the police depart
ment at Washington at tho time of the
tragedy, has made a statement of his
efforts to recover the weapon from
Colonel George B. Corkhill, the dis
trict attorney, who carried it -ft way
from the station house after Guiteau's
arrest, in which he says j
"I cal ed on Colonel Corkhill the
following day and several times after
ward, requeting and demanding that
the revolver be placed in my charge,
but the colonel stated that it would
remain in his safe until after the trial,
and that then it would be returned to
the police department. After the trial
and conviction of the assassin I re
sumed my efforts to have the revolver
placed where it should be, but with
out success. Colonel Corkhill stating
that for the present it would remain
in his office. Finding that the district
attorney would not return the revolver,
I made a statement of all the facts
and submitted it to Commissioner
Thomas P. Morgan, that gentleman
being then in charge of the police de
partment, with the request that such
action be taken as would compel com
pliance with law. I understand that
my communication was referred to
the chief justice of the district supreme
"About a week after I received au
order of the court to turn over the re
volver to Colonel Corkhill, and on the
back of the order was Colonel Cork
hill's receipt for the same. I respect
fully returned the order to the court,
not complied with, for the reason that
I was unable to do so, as the property
mentioned was not then, nor ever had
been, in my custody I also notified
Colonel Corkhill that I had returned
his receipt to the court, as I could not
accept a receipt for property never in
my custody, as to do so I would have
to make false statements on the prop
erty books. That closed my efforts to
get charge of the revolver."
The police department officials are
making an effort to secure the weapon
and add it to the museum of such
articles already collected and on ex
hibition. How's This t
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Traux, Wholesale Druggist?,
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan &
Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
The Andaman Dwarf.
From Harper's Young People.
There probably never was a boy or
girl who did not dream of possessing
for his or her own pleasure a band of
pygmies who should do what they were
bidden like so many animated dolls.
Dwarfs have been found in Africa, but
the natives of th.a Andaman Islands,
in the Bay of Bengal, are the smallest
race of people in the world. The
average height of a full grown Anda
man is four feet five inches, and a few
weigh over seventy-six pounds. They are
marvellously swift of foot, and as they
smear themselves over with a mixtuie
of oil and red ochre, present a : very
strange appearance. i- Few travellers
care to encounter any of the warlike
little people, for their skill in throwing
the spear and in using the bow is only
equalled by their readiness to attack
Altogether their traits are not such
as to make thera desirable additions
to the play-rooms of children, since
they have been said to eat men alive.
They are as black as coals, and seem
to find . it desirable to tattoo them
selves. This artistic venture they usually
begin when they are eight years of
age, using bottle glass for the purpose
of getting their flesh into a condition
to receive the color and retain it.
They eat fish, turtles, and wild honey,
and are rarely satisfied with a luncheon
that does not provide them with six
pounds of eatables. They live in huts
made of leaves, and in spite of their
freedom, which amounts to wildness,
are exceedingly irritable.
Don't fou Know
That to have peifect health you must
have pure blood, and the best way to
have pure blood is to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier
and strength builder. It expels all
taint of scrofula, salt rheum and all
other humors, and at the same time
builds up the whole system and gives
nerve strength.
Hood's Pills may be had by mail
for asc. of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,
TVir Lst Chance.
dksperate trroRT or two oamblers
In an up-town New York cafe a
well-known gambler was relating inci
dents of the strength with which the
faming passion controlled some men.
aro, he contended, dominated gam
blers more. than any other game, and,
though poker ws equally fascinating,
the 'chances of winning largely in a
short time were too small at poker.
"I have known men to go hungry a
whole day rather than leave the faro
table," he said, "and I have known
men to pawn the last thing they had
to procure enough to tempt fortune at
faro. But the worst case, perhaps, I
ever knew happened in Chicago. Two
young fellows who had given up earn
ing a living to become gamblers room
ed together on La Salle street. Both
had gone broke and had hung around
the various houses, piking, raking off
sleepers and begging for stakes until
the dealers and regular players were
thoroughly disgusted. The fellows
were all right so far as food went, be
cause the gambling houses set out
sumptuous feeds. Mike McDonald
provided a regular Delmonico dinner
in the early afternoon, and after that
Hankins, Sam Dahl and the rest put
out spreads that would tempt an epi
cure. "The fellows could sleep until Mc
Donald's free table d'hote was open
and breakfast like lords. At eleven
o'clock at night any of the other big
gambling houses furnished them with
dinner and supper combined. So you
see there was no fear ol starvation.
They had to hustle though to pay
room rent. They were generous to
the landlay when they made a winning
and therefore she didn't trouble them
very much when the cards failed to
come their way. Well, as I was say
ing, the fellows were broke flat broke.
They had pawned their overcoats,
their shirts and everything that would
bring enough to buy a white chip. All
they had left was what they had on
their backs.
"One afternoon they were talking
about their hard luck and wondering
whom in all of Chicago they could
touch for a stake. They had just
risen and were dressing to go to Mike's
three o'clock p. m. breakfast. One of
them wore a suit of clothes that was
nearly new and very natty. 'I say,
Joe,' he said, 'let's toss up to see who
hocks his suit and pays the price.' No
sooner said than done. Neither had
so much as a penny to buy a paper,
but one produced an old coin he car
ried for luck.
"Joe won the toss and the other fel
low stripped. As he crawled back to
bed (it was January, and Chicago is
as cold as the inside of an iceberg)
Joe bundled up the clothes and left
them with an uncle of his on South
Clark street. He secured $4 on the
layout and went straight to Pat Sheedy's
place on Adams street. It was the
whole hog or none, and he bought two
stacks of whites.
"He lost I"
The listeners thought hard for a
minute or two and looked at the story
What did the other fellow do?" ask-
ed some one.
"He stayed in bed for three weeks."
I have been a great sufferer from
catarrh for over ten years ; had it very
bad, could hardly breathe. Some
nights I could not sleep and had to
walk the floor. I purchased Ely's
Cream Balm and am using it freely,
it is working a cure surely. I have
advised several friends to use 1 it, and
with happy results in every case. It
is the medicine above all others for
catarrh, and it is worth its weight in
gold. I thank God I have found a
remedy I can use with safety and that
does all that is claimed for it. It is
curing my deafness. B. W. Sperry,
Hartford, Conn. -
A 8tern Financier.
. Cuciniello, the director of the Ro
man branch of the Bank of Naples,
will pass the next ten years of his life
in prison, as the result of his convict
ion of having embezzled two mllion
five hundred thousand lire of the bank's
funds. Cuciniello was famous through
out the financial world of Europe for
the severity of his administration. He
would refuse assistance to merchants
of proved solvency, for he guarded the
money in his bank as something sa
cred. His conduct of the institution
was impressive in its perfection; of se
curity, and financiers from all over the
world did business with Cuciniello,
though they railed at his frosty, frigid
manner, which was, possibly, only the
consequence of a cold, bloodless na
ture. In winter he wore red woolen
wristlets and kept near him a common
chafing dish, which he would place on
his knee, warming his hands on its
handle. He wore an old embroidered
cap and kept his eyes half closed.
During a conversation he would listen
to his interrogator without allowing an
expression of disapproval or approba
tion to escape from his lips or be
shown in his wrinkled face. Then,
before replying, he would make a truly
Neapolitan grimace, which expressed
at once complacency, good humor,
irony and contempt. It was his habit
to say "no" to everything, with a kind
of cold anger that froze argument and
entreaty to the murrow.JUustrated
SON. How gad Is my heart as th evening !mn on.
And t think nf tn hitalniii1i..K,.i .! - - -
Around my raMmrl's ciiil i.-n I sef.
on, wnat win Imvoiiic or my cltfii.i'nnDlmv
To me he was always ao low. and kind,
And a butter provider you" hardly would find
Ilia love for tils children coiUd fiavo scarcely
own rrioro,(ni, -And
tbny In return did their (athor adore.
He always waa kind to the needy and poor,
The hungry wero never turned out ot lila
Ills frlondi were mmy as cvury nm knows,
It la equally true that, he had many foes .
That ho had hla faults cannot be denied.
And If unrnpentcd Ood must decide.
But few Individuals can truthfully say,
1 never have gone from the right pathaxtray
But, I who have known hlin or all others beat,
And been with bla love and companionship
Although I express It alone with a tear,
wnetner living or dead to me he Is dear.
Oh, whnt a pleasure the thought, would no w
ir I could have been there as he camo to his
And dropped In his cur some parting love word a,
orrrom ms own lips the same could have
But It was not to be and I bow to his will.
And say to my heart In Its sorrow, bu still
For has he not promised to be In his word,
To the children and widow a rather and Ood-
JtdV II, 1HII3.
During the dog day season, the
drain of nervous and vital energy may
be counteracted by the use of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. In purifying the blood,
it acts as a suberb corrective and tonic
and enables the system to defy malar
ial and other climatic influences.
Dogs and Politics,
Among the guests at a Chicago ho
tel during the last week was an old
grizzly Tennessecan who was nightly
the central figure of a circle of story
tellers and the following is one of the
lot. It seems that a short time after
the war there was an attempt to di
vide the county in which Memphis is
situated -Shelby and the attempt to
create a substantial majority was so
desperate that it became necessary to
send to Memphis for a few thousands
of dollars for judicious distribution.
"This cold-storage fund was put in my
charge," said the old fellow, "and it
was not long before I had engaged
suitable quarters at the Maxwell house
and had stocked a smoking-room with
some good cigars and a barrel of Rob
ertson county whiskev. I had at that
time one of the prettiest and cunning
est Scotch terriers that had ever been
brought to this country, for which I
had paid $200. Pretty soon after I
opened up, an honorable legislator
from West Tennessee strolled into my
sitting room, took a drink and lighted
a cigar: and then remarked t'uat while
it did not make much difference to
him, still he had about made up his
mind to vote for the division of Shel
by county. At this I began to size
him up, when the terrier jumped into
a chair close by the legislator and held
out his paw. The honorable mem
ber at once saw the nice points in the
animal, and said he would give or do
anything for such a dog. I just said
to him quietly to vote against the di
vision of Shelby county and he should
have that dog or one just like it. The
bargain was closed in a minute. The
transaction gave me an idea : I could
promise dogs for votes and carry back
the money. -Well, to make a long
story short, I had thirty odd callers
who were a little dubious as to how
they should vote on the Shelby county
division bill, and as they all fancied
my terrier I promised the dog, or one
like it, to each who should 'vote right'
on said bill, taking care to explain
pleasantly which was the right side.
Well, the bill came up for final action
in due time and the division party was
beaten by a very large majority. I re
turned at once to Memphis with near
ly as much money as I had taken
away, to the great surprise of those
who had collected it and explained
matters by stating that I had paid out
no money for votes, but that I owed
thirty-four dogs."
. Troubles of the Night.
From Life's Calendar.
Mistress "Well, Bridget, and how
is your husband ?"
Washerwoman "Shure, an' he's all
used up, mum."
Mistress "Why, what ails hiin ?"
Washerwoman "Indade, thin,
mum, last night he had sich bad dreams
that he couldn't slape a wink all night,
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
upon this condition. If you are afflic
ted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung,
Throat or Chest trouble, and will use
this remedy as directed, giving it a
fair trial, and experience no benefit,
you may return the bottle and have
your money refunded. We could not
make this offer did we not know that
Dr. King's New Discovery could be
relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at C. A. Kleim's
Drug Store. Large size 50c. and
$20, $15 and
HiNew York clothing maker was hard up for cash.
We bought all his Men's Suits (made to sell
for $20, $15 and $12) at a price that enables us
to offer them at $8.50 per Suit.
We are selling Boys' $5.00 Knee Pant
Suits for $2.50. Hundreds to pick from. This
was another clean-out
910-912 Chestnut Street
WARREN A. REED. OpMritt foet Office, Philadelphia
lvi i'lTLi
. aw t a j
r"i a
"V TrM iche rd i 1'ore H tbo trouble incfr
r.ii 11 . I ni . till'1 ' tho syfltntn, such a
111 t'"", ivl'JMA, DK'V.'sIHU, DjuII'OHS sfte
vutlM . ) : lu ;i: ttJo. Willie tuulrmooO
lvit ill, i.uooj lid bu f hawu la eudsg ,
7T' - Vh?, T' Crrtr' Mti'o river Vtftt are)
C'f'f.'.r.'v'.iiiu'l-iiu CuTifltiji'.t'.on, c.irlnt; n nd pro
i:it;M! ili'uniiHt.vlriBCOiup!iMt,wUi:o ttii-yuma
fi-vo 'ti.ll ilwwl' mot iL'OSUiiu bvitlmulutotbo
iv t .utwi,uU.uilii5bcv:.'. Iu.itf Uieyoulj
A'bitvy w'.ildiosiwostprioeicii.tnihflsewba
t .ii...c f '.iiriibii ''!.-! .vk.' It ,j coiuf ilnts bntforta
j:a.' i'':uV iT(.' '.V.K'J-i'U" nol.fliKl'! those
y .10 ,,iu ir ui'-r.. rill ti' 1 tlioso !lttloptllvIn
r ':iim.-!iu.4Vw.vxtUi4hcy sX bawl!
E to t. J n ithbtt Hjoej. Hut st tor eUeick he4
Ji tiio 1ce of t.o til,f' 1"" e1
vooiafcuurgn.MUbt. OiU'rUlEcureltwhlle
.her do not.
CrU r Little Urct Pllle ere rtrr nH 1 n4
T' tf ttry to ti.fce. One or tto r!ll inl oos.
They ni eMrictlr TeRoUble end do not grip or
l r.i. bnt I y (-entloiuiUoa ploe nil wM
ujothem. Inl!tScfMet flrofprlt. Sola
tj C.-uyt-iiU cTMjwLace, or acbt by mail.
CARTER Wi-OlClUE CO., New York.
Would Make a Sphinx Talk.
He Miss Hastings is the only so
ciety girl I know who can draw out
literary men to talk about their own
work in a drawing-room.
She She isn't literary herself either.
He No. She does it by attribu
ting misquotations from their books to
classic authors. fudge.
For curative effects, one bottle
Ayer's Saisaparilla is worth three of
any other name.
A Sight o' Comfort.
Ragged Robert -"What fur are yeh
carryin' that scrap o' paper around ?"
Mouldy Mike "It's a sight o' com
fort, that paper is. I got it out of a
Ragged Robert "What's it about?"
Mouldy Mike "Its an article tell
in' of th' millions o' disease breedin'
bacteria that's been found in a bank
Fully Illustrated.
From the Yankee Blade.
Her Father (coming suddenly into
the room) "Eh, what is this ?"
Her Lover "I was telling Miss
Budd a story.
Her Father "With your arm
around her waist ?"
Her Lover "Er yes, sir. It was
a love story.
Who will longer contend that civil-,
ization is not striding forward in Rus-'
sia, since smoking compartments for la
dies have been provided on passenger
trains on the Russian railways ? With
all the advanced ideas of railway man
agers in the United States, they have
not reached this altitude.
In -Paint
White Lead is best: properly applied
It will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off; it firmly adhere to the wood and
forms a permanent base for repainting.
Taints which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burning before
satisfactory repainting can be done.
When buying it is important to obtain
Strictly Pure
White Lead
properly made. Time has proven that
white lead made by the "Old Dutch"
process of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be obtained by
any other method of manufacture. This
process consumes four to six months
time, and produces the brand that has
given White Lead its character as the
standard paint.
John T. Lewis 8c Bros.
Is the standard brand of strictly pure
Lead made by the "Old Dutch" pre
cess. You get the best In buying it.
You can produce any desired color by
tinting this brand of white lead with
National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
For by the mott reliable dtalen in Paints
If you are f oinf to paint, It will pay you to
lead to ua for a book containing information
that may eave you many a dollar ; it will
only coat you a peatal card to do ao.
fS Ml kW
'S12 Suits
McKillip Bros.,
r-rre e
i ne Dest are
the cheapest.
nhtxtMator FfiflUb IMaa4 Bread.
Orlerinsil uiOnOfi
arc. iwnya rvitttit. iaoies, ut
nss tvr i mtSMieri himim mm
khoiM. awsUcM) with MfM Trthheo. Tall
LhasN ftft4 dan circus mhtiuw
Ureal J In ttmA euid f.'n J mlnlll
Notu and imitation. At UraftxIffU, or tn4 4
la Meunp lor psu-tletjlars), aUuwQitU sol
" KUf fWr l-B4lea, fcitor. by rra
MsUL lO.OOO TfUmoatiii. Jfmms Aaoar.
tttM tf all Utai bnutat ifcli4 fa.
eTrrtil.l.aLM im.ailaal IW.MaHa M.-
"AiUKESIS " prfvre Inotent
relief anH le an infnllllile
Core for PIIm. Prii$l. Ily
liruirKlKtuor mmi. Mininice
fire. A(Mrcw"AN A K En(h.'
Box HIjo, newborn uty.
B It Doesn't Budge
No matter how herd you pull on It,
ur nuw iuui:u ine irogo inre wj
loown It. Imk at the "AUCHCI'
at the bottom. IKm't you tlilnk
It would bp a gonl plan to bare
one or two of
Erath's Patent
Bitching Posts?
Cheaper than tbe old kind.
vfii.V- ATH 3 S. Main,
WilkesBarre, PA., la maker.'
Cleans the
Nasal Passages,
Allays Pain and
Heals the Sores.
Restores the
Sense of Taste
and smell.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is
agreeable. Price SO cents at Drujnrlsta; by mall
registered, 60 eta. SLY BHUTUERS, 56 Warren
8U, N .V.
OOtVRIQHTa. ato.
tar tnfnrmetloa end trim TTmlhAnk mrttM to
Oldeet bereea for eeonrlne patente In Ajnet4e
Brery patent taken out by na la brought befor
tea puiue by amoUoe atrea free at charge la tbe
largest etrenlatlea of any erientlfle paper In tbe
man noma Dm
yeari SUOlta n
Pununmas, J
unii, Binwiuiuir luwinu
Plans and Estimates on- all
kinds of buildings. Repairing
and carpenter work promptly
attended to.
. Dealer in Builder's Supplies.
Inside Hrrdwood finishes a
Persons of limited means w' o
desire to build can pay pari and
secure balance by mortgage.
TUe most healthful and popular drluk of tbe
The proper drink for bnth table and fireside
now within the reach of all. jivery thnrty
housewlre can provide for her home, Knipe, or
anife, pear, cherry, aipe,:buuuna aud pineapple
cldi-m at the aiuull expeuHM of llfteen cents per
Kiiilon. Keep your liUHbHiids and Hons at home
y preparing for them thoae delightful and
hartulHSH drinks s thereby aavlng the money
that mlL'ht possibly find lte way luto tho sa
loons, itouly takes ten minutes to tuuko any
one of tlic'He Ji'llk'htful drinks. Enclose 10 cents
fur one, or 60 cents for seven of the "Krnlt Cider
Heclp's". Address NIMS NOVELTY CO
SIM Callmot Ave., tTiWo, TUT VW-
eaaV mr
T Solintlflo Amsricaa
Ke Plane of KMrgauilutlon Have fleea
Forntnliited a Tel.
New York, July 27. It Is stated at
the Erie office that Receiver King baa
lift for Saratoga and Receiver McCullough
for the White Mountains. It w asmrted
jiimltlvelT that the Executive Committee
f onxlutlng of Messrs King, Walsh, McCul
lough and Cook did not decide to put the
ronri Into the hand of a receiver until a
late hour Tuesday, when It wae found
that In order to prevent the sacrificing of
securities In loans the company had to seek
tbe protection ot tbe Court.
This explanation la given because of a
rttmor to the effect that the directors had
fully dertermlued on the receivership in
the last week.
Tho company's floating debt is about
Jfl,000,000. Considerable of It is held
abroad, but the holders are well secured.
Tbe opinion was generally expressed sfais
morning that it was better for all inter
ested in the Erie that the company should
go into the hands of friendly receivers
rather than have hostile ones forced upon
It. It Is said that the application for re
ceivers was made also because of the fear
that if some of tbe directors of tbe com
pany took the matter Into their own bsnda
great inconvenience might result from the
appointment of various receivers in differ
ent States.
It is too early to speak of the reorganiza
tion, although It is hinted that the con
trolling Interest will cut down charges to
a lower figure, and perhaps the second
mortgages will not be a direct charge on
the company. It remains to be se;n
whether the bondholders will assent to
this proposition.
Americans Attacked and Robbed by
The I'reib.vterlan Itnard of Foreign Mis
sion Ask the Government to Take De
risive Artion.
Nkw York, July 30. The Presbyterian
Board of Foreign Missions have sent a let
ter to Secreteary of State Gresham request
ing that Immediate and decisive action be
taken by the Government in regard to the
outrage on Miss Anna Melton, the mis
sionary of tbe Board who was assaulted by
unknown persons on June 14, while tem
porarily staying in the Nestorian village of
Duree, in the heart of the Koordlsh moun
tains in Asiatic Turkey.
In their memorial to the State Depart
ment, the members ot the board urge tar
the strongest manner that no stone shall
be left unturned to compel the Turkish
government to punish the offenders and to
make ample address for the outrage. The
letter cites many instances in which
Americans have been attacked and robbed
by the inhabitants of Turkey without vig
orous protest on tbe part of tbe United.
States. It is urged that nnless some de
cided action is taken forthwith the life of
no American missionary will be safe within
the domains ot the Sultan.
From advices just received from the
Rev. E. W. McDowell, in charge of the
party to which Misa Melton belonged, It
would appear that the attack upon the
woman was not made by a wandering
band ot robbers, is was at first believed,
but by soldiers who were instigated to the
deed by the authorities of Amadia, a city -a
few miles distant from the scene of the
assault. There is evidenoe, according to
Mr. McDowell, that the brother of the
Governor of Amadia, was implicated in
the matter. Miss Melton is reported a
having practically recovered from tbe
effect of the beating which came near
being a murder.
Dull Tim st Himntud.
Pittbburo, July SO. The trouble
among the Iron mills resulting from the
unsettled trade conditions has at last oome
to effect th steel works of th Caraeri
company at Homestead. Commencing to
night, th ntght turn will not run In th
plate mill. This is rated as especially sig
nificant because this particular department
has never been slack in orders before. It
has been running three turns, aad under
the new arrangement, the men in aah
turn will work every third week. Th
announcement cause general comment
and speculation.
Seaator Erwln Withdraws.
Watirtow.t. N. Y.. July 87. An au
thoritative announcement is made her to-
day of the withdrawal of Senator Georg
Z. Erwin, of Potsdam, as a candidate for
the Republican nomination for the Sena
torshlp in the new 22d district, which com-'
prises Jefferaon, St. Lawrence and Os
wego counties. This practically leaves a
clear field for Senator Joseph Mullln, of
this city. Senator Erwin's decision is '
rendered necessary on account of con
tinued ill health.
Cutting Dowa th Force,
Dunkirk, N. Y., July 87. Durlnst tlie
past ten days a number ot employes of th
Brooks Locomotive Works have bean laid '
off because of a lack ot work and matters
are now assuming serious proportions.
During the present week, it is said, be
tween thirty and forty more will be laid
off in the blacksmith shops and a propor
tionate number in other department.
Bteh Gold Strike.
Colorado SpaiNaa, Col., July 27. The
best strike ever made in Cripple Creek ia
reported, by tbe gold mining company
which owns the Rhinoceros and Nil Des
perandum mines. A vein 22 inches thick
s been uncovered 23 feet beneath the
surface, from which a sample mill ran
gave 22,700 ounces gold to the ton.
Buffalo Hotel Closed.
Bcftai.o, July 27. The Hotel Carlton
has been closed, as a result of a judgment
for $8,000 obtained in the Municipal Couit
by Landlord James Cairns against Craw
ford & Piatt, tbe lessees. The hotel's
patronage la largely from the theatrical
Securities Missing.
Concord, N. H., July 81. It is under
stood thatsecuritiea for a large amount are
missing from the asaeta ot the People's
Fire Insurance Company, of Manchester.
of which Merrill, tbe absconding bauk
cashier, was treasurer.
Russia Will Hot Take Par.
Paris, July 27. The Russian Embass
in thia city deuiea the report that Rnsaia
Intends to despatch cruisers to Toulon to
take part in the French naval evolutions
that will be held there shortly.
To Resume Business.
BaaaiSBURa, Pa., July 31. It Is learne l
from a semi-official source that the Ameri
ca Tub and Iron Works at Middletown
iaJMae peraUoM ;Jto w,eek..