1 ...... . . .. t.hAT. W'tn n , "ii; yfv t!-.r.tv;Ij Um wheal 11 t.i ! ti : t :i M l.i t fori. An. I nwoa ml r,.v oi ma tweet Ami lilrx'.a aui I'beerr; The honey bee were aummlnt low Uoltl spec on mm hi te snow, Swki roses not so itwd I know. At she ws Mnryl Iter footstep germed to wake ft sound lf tlnkUnc music from tht round Thftt thrilled lbs winds that walsUed routy Wits sweet caresses, And on her forehead, white and sleek. The rarest blossoms Ml to wreak Their lore, ft ml plsred st hid and seek 1ft her cold trosara, Pows Ml the scjrth noon the enwm. And: "Mary. Mary, will you na'' You'r In my way," she said. "AAaa! 1 Bust b coin:" 1 Not till yoo pay th forfeit iimi Of romlnf this way throuf h the wheat Ast Mary lips were made tonNl A kiss you're owlns!" Vp went the dainty flneer tips. Tw shield im rtah and rosy Up. And nil thefr red wa la eclipse sly luck Krmrt mtsstn. A moment only I then, at sh Fled like ft shaft of light from me She cried: "I paid no forfeit sect Ton did the klsMnrr" Prank L. Stanton, la Washington Home Xkf axis. LEXCITIXG EXPERIOCE. iwayintT In a Bucket Four Hun dred Feet Above the Berth. Is IVnrer it tm rxvenCv reported ia the Stnupffler mints of Tellurite. oL, would close down, owinp to the low riee of silwer. This beinff one of the .rffest producing mines of the state. be natural Inference was that manv the men employed therein would ts the country. In ivhalf of my kmpany (the book Island) I starW lr Tellurids, on the Rio Grande South hi railway, and arriT-ed at my destina- pn Wednesday eTeninf. Mr. S. T. an afield, muanr of the Smuier, hia cosy little office that nkrht, told a the company had decided upon a re action of wacea instead of cloning swn, and that word had been !ent to ,e nine that day, but the men's answer Vd not yet been receiTol He further ud me that at this season of the rear waa but one way to get to the line, and that waa by taking the buck- tramway, aa the trail was covered th anow and ice and practically Im- taaihlo. The rtnrtra tram h aa itself far from a desirable method transportation and liable to trr a kaa nerve pretty well, but if I would Ldertake the trip he would acoompacy .VThat could a man aav to proposition that kind but -Year Aooordingly, nt and early the next morning. ktea was one of the fairest and beauti- I have ever seen In the mountains. rsss were In readiness and. accompa m by Mr. W. C Green, who is oon- fcted with the Sn Miguel Miring papacy of Telluride, we started out. ride cf two miles to r&nd.ira was kt enjoyable, by reason of the ford- ox innumerable streams which weed the road. Our horses displayed pderful sagacity in picking their wav Kwgh many a treacherous spot rnrtng at the foot of the tram and Itinjr a faint idea of what was ahead pe, seeicg the buckets coming imu pdreds of foet abi-re us and discharge their carp-s of ore into the im- hise shute, bit courage almost failed but it required more nerre than I d must-T to back out. I tried to Jear aa little disconcerted as possible. ;e Mr. MiisiMj, who was to start , curled up in hia little bucket. M wa only large enough to hold radaraarf-ized man in a most uncom- SJlao and onuned poAtioo, The Ass caVie was then mH in morion awung the manager on hs per- Jaaircey. I cannot help thinking sack more nerve he disnlatad h either Mr. Green or L but he had f ever it heforn, and knew what wa M f him. Three hundred feet be- Mr. alaasfV'.d's bucket caae aa , and into this climbed Mr. Green. M backet started up that incline I Uaa I had lost my last friend, aa ( waa abaolntely nothing left then reea me and comfort but disgraca. u ataaadaace I aaw were Aiaf tsa, aa I waa the first "tender- who had ever- aadertakea the 0 aw aaeagiiua- eocraje I ac4 I awaited say backet anuiisff- , aea n oaiae aaamar I waa abliMd my evereoat la order ta m pMaeaiaf down fat a aTtttcg poa- taiaar taahicav there waa Juat ta stay as and that waa an. and a pat-Oaf lajuactioa to "Weep By J the aaaa U charfe switched me the aaaia Ua a4 1 nnur oat of borway fifty feet above the ground. t rasa m speed wma about two and f aaUaa par hoar, aad the total a of the tram are thousand four red fvea a Uuie over a In kdla, bewever, we had to rise one eight hundred aad twentr - littie more than one foot ta The eadlaaa cable to which the ta are attached psiiset orer turner- )aQ wooden tresUea, varrina? in from fifty feet to one hundred rty, aad placed at Irregular in- wiereveT the formations of the aia wili permit The height of tJe a bore the groend increased rery turn of the wheel, and aa I re with eyes glued tTv.n u two -ng buckets and not particularlv m the rt few micu'.es to look tt ar.-nun.l or anywhere eW -jc- ore tne, 1 tegwn to realise xi,ur .sety mjButes nocesstrr for the y were going to be mighty l.ic; hd on we went and cp and up usiil ame in ngut yaTr-ng unoer me ble gvirge, crossed by a sinfle f the cable out 1 t.Hr (m ;r aad feel aifcre the his would not be to tiad were it kt the nest tower in front of me k feet higher than the spot fna -m KT-nmg' my Lrvt new. pe ahead of me vm t m-. containing Mansfield and aad as I palled myself together. ro xaa-e every advantage of """"" up, the thought rarnti) to me that never had 1 been in a position of such utter helplessness and dependence. Let the figures given above should fail to convey the exact idea let me suggest a comparison which occurred to me while crossing this span. The PuliUcr building In Xew York is ust about one mile from the flattery, and the height from the ground to the foot of the flag-starT Is, if my memory serves, MO feet Now piU sis Pulltaer buildings one atop the other and start' from the battery in a little bucket, smaller than an ordinary clothes hamper, and go to the top of that mass suspended on a single rope, and if you a a roan will not recognise your insig nificance nothing will ever bring yon to that realising sense. lly this time I had entered Into the' hill grandeur of the scene and all our rousncss disappeared, strange to say, right at the most dangerous part of the (onrney. Four hundred feet below me I could see a train of those most abused tnd yot invaluable little burros slow, '.y and painfully climbing the nar v: trail laden with supplies and tim bers for a neighboring mine. Two miles iown the valley lay Telluride, looking ike a child's plaything, and still fur ther away miles and miles of dazallng mountain peaks against the blue sky f Colorado bluer than Italy ever i rvamed of, and about me the most unique and picturesque colorings poep ng out from the uncovered patches of the mountain. The ily was absolutely perfect, the un warm, and, despite th constant ianger of loaded buckets bresking way and dashing all of us to the abyss hclow and heedless of the possibility of many things which might happen, I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful' riew. I am free to confess, however, to a feeling as though sn intense strain nad been removed when I finally rossed that gigantic tower and found' myself only a hundred feet or so from terra Crmv and only then did I discov er that my hands had been clutched on that bucket with a deathlike grip and err re wet with perspiration, while with my feet I had been exerting a tremen dous pressure against the front end. We soon came in sight of the upper terminal, and upon arrival there I found the men had decided to remain. accepting the slight reduction, and. there would be no party to reward me for my tripif indeed acy reward other than the trip itself were necessary. Let me add. howevvr, tiat the mouth )f the mine was still a mile and a half further up the mountain, and that ths :re is brought from the mine to the top .if the tram by burros, each carrying two sacks weighing one hundred aad twenti-flve pounds eaoh. Well, my mission being fruitless, ve reentered our buckets on the down trip. I feel perfectly sure that had the order beea reversed and the down trip come first I sro'iid have backed out at acy cost, but my up-journey gave me confidence, and it was with considerable equanimity that I gared down to the tiny terminal two thousand feet below. As Mr. Grot n entered his bucket I re marked to the man who fastened it in place: "Get that good and tight, my tvr." He answered: "I am a thousand times more anxious about this thiiig than yon, and will not brethe freeiy till you're down. I then learned from him that since he opened the tram twenty-fire thou sand buckets had patted a given point, with only three runaways. I did ot then go into the detail of the damage done, but climbed into my bucket once more, figuring the number of times three goes into twenty-fire thousand. Arriving at the high tower again, aad fxtering upon the fourteen-hundred-f.iot sp&c, a ivrrible swaying ft the bucket eotnmeepej. and finally it aeca? to dead stop right at the worst place cs the line. The stoppage was bet nv mectary, aod was dne pterpoaely to 1 give me the full benefit. There, on the same spaa, were the tiny buoketa, with two other boys, and the thought case to me of the hor rfb result of a rcaaway at that par ticular time, far, while the first bucket ooatainicg Mansfiold was bat six hun dred feet ahead, it was at the same time over twa hundred feet beloav Da, and I could jaat aea hiss -waving his hand te ate by peering over the troat sad of my cab. Well, we raachsa the groaad agaia aafaly, aad then ioakiaf, back oaoe sacra I rally understood where we had beea aad woadered at the toolhardiaeas of k all, but I sroaldat take a graat deal tor the ex perience, jaat the aaasa. U X Flraa, a X. Y. Sailroad Men. THI MOON'S FAULT. Be Wa Owltto hy kytksWi la a small Vermont towa. the street lampa, which are few aad far . be tween, are under ths charge of oae of the oldest residents of the plaea. "Why in the world wereat the lamps lighted to-night, Mr. Jacobs" tstfaired a sthbv mer reaidenV who had staiabled dosva so the post office one July evening ia the pitch darkaeas of a heavy rain storm. "They aint ever lighted on moonlight nights," responded the old map calmly. "That's the rule, aad the moon fulled last night, aa' this is one of the best nights m the hall month." "Best tighter echoed the other, In eonaidrrabie irritation. "What good does the moon do ia a pouring rain like thi?" "1 cant help that." said Mr. Jaooba. "Accordin' to the almanac this is a ai.X'i.hine night an' the lamps have no ciill to be lit. I rec'on the almtinac'a a good thing to go by. "Why," continued the old lamplight er. Slurrying his or.tie with sudden a ek3ted surpruir and disg-us-t, "where dvoo sVtmsc 1 sh d feuh up ef I was t go ly the w eaUit-r stid o' the kh.tui? 1 perume t say likely I myrht hev fgo n.y round ev'ry night for a nx.nth in dog days, 1 ooat ex. 'late to hev no sech works at that: Ef the moon doat do her duty it's anJorfnit, but it aiat eny o' my haVtcsouv" The by-staaders mnrmnred assent, aad the summer resident was alleaced, Y oath's Oampaaiom. A acALrawi ecatana. ew Ms Maalsa1at4 World's rate Belt way Tlokslft. Ktw York, Aug. 1. Ths origta of ths reports that bars been In circulation for several days that the Lackawanna was selling cut rata tickets to Chicago for $10 was explained yesterday. It appears that a certain F roadway "scalper" baa beea selling Lackawanna special excursion tick eta to the Fair for $10, arranging with ths purchasers for ths surrender of lbs return coupons to his agent la Chicago. In order to protect himself tht "scalper" expected to send a representative on the train with his customers to collect the coupons at ths end of the journey. This msa was not allowed by ths railroad offi cials to go with ths party, but the tickets looked all right and wars accepted as far aa Scranton. There, on closer Inspection, it ass sveo that tht return rupous from Chicago to Buffalo had beea cut off and the rest of tht ticket pasted together aain. The "scalper" evidently was afraid to trust hit customers and bad taken this meant to make sure of getting tht cost pries of the tickets bark by tbe salt of th coupou extracted, even it the rest wert cot return! to him according to agreement. Tbe passengers who held these mutila ted tickets ware put off the train at Scran too and are now demanding satisfaction from the road. At they are lelieved to be Innocent hoMert tbey will probably not be allowed to tuffer from tht "scalper's" trick. A Lyerhlag la Paavar. Pxtvi:, July 27. A mob last night broke in the jail, took the Italian murder er of a Grand Army man out and lynched hira and ridiied bis body with bullcta A STRING OF FAILURES. Several Banks la ths West Forced to Suspend Yesterday. Mtsr Other ladltatUns Ge Dowa A Summary of Bank Failures Shows that SOI SatpeaHled Krwm May 1 to Jaly tt. BAtrreoas, July 83. A summary of the bank failures from May 1 to July 22 inclusive, shows that 301 banking institu tions with a capital of !!i,Sljl,043 sus pended. Th Manufacturers" Keoord publishes a complete list of tbe dosed hacks by States, also a tablt which shows that firt-sixtht of tht failure and four fifths of tht oapaai involved were in tht Wsstt-n sod Tecinc States, whils 10 par cent, of tht failures and 11 per cent of the capital involved were ia the South. Ia Colorado aloo the capital involved was anarly $2.O00.fO0 greater than ths aggregrate capital of all tbe banks that failed in tht South. Tb nam her of failures in tbt Southern State was 87, Involving $4.Si2.ik)0. ia th estrn and Pacific States tbt number was S51, involving ?1.25?.S3. and in the Eastern and Northern State IS, with $li,&XUnj capital. Tab CSBaa apaa. HasjesBraa. Pa.. Jaly 8$. Th Amer ican Tube and Iron Company, located at aliddletown. has gone into the hands of a receiver. The Con. pan y ha aa mortgage, judgments or bonded indebtedness, air t it. but could not raise funds owing to tbt stringency cd th money market. It is 1 the cjaotry. j Cotton Mill. Sht now. Cixctcsati. July ? The Peer Creek I cotton mills on Yii-Jh st;wt aad Els;on ; avenue, and a belting fAtiorr at Plum and Canal streets, controlled by the Feziry i Fearce Scms' Compaay. have sttt dviwn ; indefinitely, throw-xg SX hands out c4 j tmplcyment Iull trade is tht cause ) given. I Rerelrcr fnr a rental rBpaay. I "V"iunNGT05, tel., July 2s A rocejreT has been appoitted for tbe Wilmington ! IVntal Manufacturing Company of tcts j aty. The company is perfectly solvent lis liabilities are about (2M,tJ0 and iu J-wec?; afjliOfsl railaelhaa I aioliw Aasanaia, FmajiirBta. Jaly 38.-6. H. M-sv nson. an extensive lumber merchant, has s-uspeaded business and eked for an ex texsion of t:mc from his creditors. His liabilities are said to bt IX'.wkIO. stomas XiUa Shat HAJfWoxa. lad., July S3. The East Chicago Roiling xmU hat ekat down, aad ia oonseqaeaot of this a lsrgt force of men and boys art throws eat of emaloymeat. Beports of tailors eaanot be verified. ' Loalio A Oav, ef CtaeiaawM rail. GbrenraaTV Jaly St. Bobsrt Lsalis A Oa real satakt esalera. asaigaed yeater oay. The assMa ara U,OwO; Kabiiitass PSS.00Q. Lack of ready oapital at the Poaraos, -jrav, Jaly 3 Tbo C5ty IWxk rlraaad its aoart festerday. Th sos due t the ooaditioa ef the The new Farmers' baak of Moaat Star n(, y, closed it doors yesterday. Tw banks failed yesterday ia Tt' y Moat., tw ia Saokaaa, Waaa., aad tws ia Portland, Ore. The Amorioaa Waltham AH'atck com pan, ef w'eltham. Mass., will start us Ant 7, with but half of iu usual tores. Sim aa Daaaac M Stanford. HiSTToaa. Coaa., July 27. The violent wind and rain storm yesterdsy dam olisbed a frame dwelling house on Spring street ia g-ooeas of srectwaa. Several hwrna in West artiord were blows down aixl a eow t longing to W. L. Andrews of Elm wood was killed by a stroke of lightning 7rm were uprooted in all parts of tht city aad vicinity but no one wa injured. W am to Lose Their Moaey. Paais. July SI It it reported that iterob da KoUtkuJ aiid J r Ij. .nu r . I a miliiiinir sugar refiner, w;j sturt "uoivy ooe-ceui sjioruLg aa;:y j "Th Jotkty Claa." j : Birytlt Maaafortaron Mai. Caicaao, July 81 Th mumtat -turers l of birycisai.bounae tijtl ttiey w..lw.iiniraw I tboir ethiti.: fruai nn.K-t.iim.g:r:us" as a reasoa tm.t irciu M:.ier, w-fao was ap pointed as juror of awards, is ecJoytsJ by a r.val ounoxm. Cholora Cxtlart at AloaanSrla. Atxiaxpioa. July 27. Th cholera is extinct at the Ekr guars a tins ateaoa. sai oe ths beuirvarda aad which iiijiitenni That 'say Scott's cod liver oil avl sWI aaCLTsfs. and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption ? Make no delay but take Scott's Emulsion euraa Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemlo and Wasting Dlsaasss. FVavsnts wasting in Children. Alseest as patatasX as saint. 3et oaty the a-eaatee. rre pared by Scott a Bowne, Chemists, h'tw Tork. Sold by ail Druggists. ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IX Cigars, Tobacco. Candies, Fruits and Huts SOLI ACLVTS TOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. .2' GCC23 PSClA.r,TY, SOLI AGENTS FOR F ,F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Sole SfetU tor the wyoo J ao j a sra tit aaat a. Bloomsburg Pa. IF YOU ARE IX NEED OF' CARPET, ITlATTIIYCir, or OIL CLOTM, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. H. EEOWEl'S 2id Docr aoore Court Hoobc A lanje lot of Window Curtains in stock. In orJer to clo-e out our cuiomers neca tcm, we nave prices. N. Whip Conls and Henriettas are now t. 75c. ;-V. Gol now '2"c. 30c. " " y.k: 15c. and 18c ' Kc. l.c .nd 12 Ic " c. Sc. Dress Gingbams " 5c. 7c and 8c Prints and Zephyrs oc Come soon as these barsrains will not last lonz. W. TRADE3iAN: Vt nrwain atfc IWl UnWLHLLJ if i rF- nnni p. -acrKnir tub, i. ui .j-iuru KIND 0r-Q00Dl YOJ Wt MAVb TO 5ELL . ... IHVITl: THEM TO YOURTORE (cm THE POSITIVE CURE mjj, R3ILK AMDCRCAM ca.n t kept iwi-t!t rr,h kii--iii. t t u arvn dvs WITHOUT USIMC ICC ;n.;ni, clifj.). tuluu.t. ru jut Xrnt- w ni4. The rTessrvaline JCfg. C finle alrrs aud fait-uttwa. i!idrta Nre Vort SUplOM dreaded and "dreadful disease I rhat shall stay its ravages? TJiousands Emulsion of pure Norwegian and hypophosphites of lime Emmilsion toUowtt; branls of Clg-ars- "".iep Ofp. '' -r I eV stock of summer goods -while onr made sweeping reductions in H, MOORE. M tvi thb wniinel! lit 1 1 IL 1 1UTIL 1 LSI uuiuw iru-nf Q srma pieaTerk. mr TO CONSUMPTIVES. The nnaersipiea ti.v.uj Wl it b.ah by aio.pie iu,,k. anr sulrii Tor Utki dread diaeaar fiaaiivn,. u armSii. "2 rui.v send, tree ol cUark-,.) a er.pr nt ihe ni ai.il all U rZZrA T.ZT.'". ""' aaasa. oTWHUHV lf BiUst'Bt fall it, npuun, -nica anil t. Wsara A. Wtisfta. BMokij-a, S a York. eep. la, 1 rear, , Scott's y . aV "It tits like the paper on the wall." Of course it doea if it the right kind, and it adds every thing to the cheerfulness of the room. Wall Paper givea rour walls any effect and a toucn of luxury that tnouey could not otherwise supply. To get the best, that is the auestion ; but that is neither iflicult or expensive if you go to the right place to buy it. Ours is the place, the variety is here, the prices are right, If you want, we put it on your walls and guarantee the work. Workmen sent anywhere. Window Curtains too, here, prices right. are W. II. Brooke & Co. THE MARKETS. ELOOMSBL'KG MARKETS. CORSICTtD WEIILT. KITAIL rilCIS. Butter per lb $ ,22 Eggs per dozen 16 Lard per lb , .16 Ham per pound .18 Pork, whole, per pound 07 to .08 Beef, quarter, per pound .... 06 to .o3 Wheat per bushel .s3 Oats " ;0 Rye " " '. .So Buckwheat flour per 100 1.40 Wheat flour per bbl 4.15 Hay per ton u.oo Potatoes per bushel 1 00 Turnips Onions 44 " t'.o3 Sweet potatoes per peck 15 to .35 Cranberries per qt , Tallow per lb 3 Shoulder - . Side meat" , Vinegar, per qt s Dried apples per lb 05 Dried cherries, pitted 18 Rtspberries .18 Cow Hides per lb .Ct Steer " ,'cj Calf Skin 40 to .50 Sheep pehs 90 SheUed corn per bus .65 Corn meat, ca t j an' " 1.1s Chor Middlings - Chicktr.s per lb , 2 Turkeys " - t. Geese Ducks " I0 So. 6, delivered , , u 4 and 5 " " 6 at vard s.5o 3 50 "5 4 and 5 at yard. 3.15 Improve our stock by getting a setting of Barred or White Plymouth Rocks. Eggs from fine birds at 41.50 per i or $2.50 per 26. VJ Address. W. B. German, aiillTille, 1 1 Penna. 1 M BALSAM vj. i w a. fcj, rrw. nhMiM oam. , , raraooVaelr T-JMt. WE TELL YOU aotnlnc new when we state that tt paes as earare ia a pereaaBeat, smm tM-aUST aad pieaaaat aa cn th rturn a r"t far ererr dafs srors. .ue H tl (..sjtiM. are r tb wortir uaas w tears thMa anar to make mnoev raruilT aai f IfT!",'.' TV7 ou m bo " oar insTra'cuaas faithfallT the mskitirol SNXt nOa monta awy one wu taara hold an aad wort, ariB are.y and fpily may aar Uh a eanunt, . ibere cm t . at.t tt : otaer. now wwi ar. uof n and yoa, rr.Vr. oaa so tao saw lm 1. tW bnt t. int ta.ia.-a, that To hire er h.S tbe ehane t t-oora ToiTrf I art oniesr.. son T. lk Bl rmdl in a aWrirons u,e. , ytirh vo ran snre!. inakiaBVasee 1 1 ," The reaa-ru of oaiy a few hour.' work wiU artra oqaal a weeS's watoa. JlTfi? t'T"- - a. we sail rs, andVn. ee ai meet ena at ia verr staru Kottaar kT"w t capital nooewiary. ThZtwhtwoT Mr a. sr. eraaMM. M7ao wiSJaT, J laruoalars. tree . C ti! assa Ma asa, aacassa, at.