,0ok Mere! Do 'oU want : n I Do you want an ofatf'? Do you want a Ho you want xiuv kind of a MUSICAL IN STRUMENT? Do you want SHEET MUSIC? If so, do not send your mon ey away from home, but deal with a reliable dealer right here, who will make things right, if there is anything wrong. For anything in this line the place to go h to . ( iL Salter's, Ware-rooms, Main Street be low Market. Tha Best Burning Oil That Can be .Made From Petroleum. It gives R brilliant li(jht. It vi ill not smoke the chimneys. It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode, .t Is ore-cminently a family safety on". Challenge Comparison with ant ether illuminating oil made. We stake our Reputation, as Refiners upon the statement that it is The Best (Ml IN THE WORLD. i ASK YOUR DEADER FOR. Crown - Acme The' Atlantic Refining Co., BLOOMSBUR GSTATION, BLOOMSBURG ,PA. DUFFEY'S meet pi mm, W. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Headquarters for fine Photographs and Crayons. Copying and enlarging done in our artistic manner. All ne gatives made fry Roshpn are preserved and duplicates can be had at any time at reduced rates. GALLERY OVER HARTMAN'S STORE. 10-Myr. 1 1 Mi M 1 MM A HUMAN CHRONOMETER. Wonderfnl ItMtln.t of a Man Who Tall Time Without Watch. To measure timo to the second It periods of a minute-that Is, with an accuracy of at least 1M.8 per cent. would rojrarde.l by moRt persons as remarkable, though not perhaps a particularly valuable accomplishment. There Is a man, however, according to a correspondent, who can do better than this. Ho Is a veritable human chronometer. He can time a sprint raco more accurately than most of tho stop watches used for that purpose, and Is a irreat deal more reliable than a majority of the men who officiate as timers at foot races, even when they hold pood watches. Smith which, by the way Isn't his name can "call the turn" of the watch to the fifth part of a second. Smith owns an elaborately eon stmcted split second watch o Swiss manufacture, which was presented to him by the athletic club to which he belongs for winning more prizes In a year than any other athlete In the club. To test the watch ho used to time all sorts of things until timing be came a habit with him. In his leisure moments Smith would tick off the seconds mentally as he watched the long timing hand move over the fifth second divisions on the dial of his watch. In a short time lui found he could count the seconds with out the help of the watch. When Smith competed In a race he could tell the otllclal timers just how fust he had run. Of course his accom plishment was of great service to him both Inr. training and In racing lit en abling him to Judge his pace. It U well known that tho time re corded by the watchers at a foot race as well as the more careful otwerva tlons of astronomers vary usually a fraction of a second. Sometimes this Is due to the construction of tho watch, but orten to the personal equation of the timer or observer, that is tho dif ference between the observed result and the true depending on the personal qualities or peculiarities. Thus tho porsonal equations of well-known as tronomer are matters of record, and timekeepers, too, are "fast" and "slow." When Smith timed a race without a watch, however, this personal equation was eliminated. Timekeepers see the flash of the pistol thut starts the race and the breaking of til.' tape that ends It Instantaneous ly. It Is in transferring these Impres sions from the mind to the watch thron-fb the comparatively bw-- me dium of nerve and muscle that mistakes creep In. Smith didn't need to matce this transfer from tho mind to the watch. He was the watch. The men tal timing hand in his brain moved simultaneous! y with the flash of the pistol, and stopped a9 the runners dashed through the tape. It was only necessary for him to keep cool. Of course If he got excited over a big race the whole mechanism wus thereby dis turbed, and he wus no more trust worthy than tho timekeeper. Smith would start his wateh and holding it in such a position that he was nnable to see the face, could say exactly where the hand was. If an other started the watch on a sign il from Smith, unless Smith heard the snap of the sjiriiij.' that set the mi ehan isui working, he could not tell exactly how much time had elapsed when the watch was stopped. The variation be tween the time ho announced, how ever, tmd the real time indicated by thj wateh would he the personal e (na tion of the timer. N. Y. Mernld. A LIKELY STO:?Y. The Old Hayseed Wus Nut to lie t'ooin1 by t Conductor. On board a Baltimore train pullin;.' Into I'arkersburg was a mun whose de meanor conveyed the Impression that he was matter-of-fact all tho way through. No foolishness, no trifling with or In tho every-duy affairs of this busy old life. "Mr. Conductor, what time do we pet into I'arkersburg?" "Ten-twenty," replied the ofllclal po litely. "Yes. Well; what timo can I yet a train on west?" "Nine-twenty." .aOZM "To-morrow. " ' "To-night." "Conductor, don't take me for a fool, because my "beard grows tho wrong way and my clo'es sugge'st whip-poor-wills and penny-royal. I'm serious." "So am I, my good friend. You con make it all right." "W-a-H, now, how?" r "Just keep your seat" ''''' H "And leave town an hour before I get 'Into it?" ,L "That's the idea, toy pood friend '" "Look h'yer. You may be a pood conductor, an' know all the stations,, an' the spotters, an' how to knock down forty per cent, o' the receipts,' but when you claim to have a reverain" lever on the sun, you're Off, decidedly off." "Hut the time changes an hour at tho ,-lver." "Then, at this rate, if I go on to San Francisco, I'll pet there somo timo last week. I guess I'll pet off and wait till I catch up with myself." Cleveland Plain Dealer. How to Serve Strawberries. Little individual side dishes that have so long accompanied tho usual dinner set, making tweUo of its one i hundred and forty-four more or less pieces, are no longer suitable for use in 1 a really tasteful table service, either I for fruit or vegetables. Vegetables ire to bo cooked sufficiently dry, so thut they can be placed upon the plate, 4ud fruit that is, berries are dished up Into larger saucer-shaped dishes, 1 varying somewhat lu shape and size; jr, still better, they are passed around i the table, each person helping himself ' noon an ordinary dessert plate nrevi-' ously placed before him, eating them with either a fork or a dessert spoon, ' both of whioh have been placed at his lisposal and for his choice, according to whether he prefers his berries with ereuin or without It. If berries are served with thoir hulls on they are aton with the Angers, each one dipped separately into sugar on the side of lie plate. N. Y. Herald. j- , J. R. Smith & Co. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALERS" IX piAftiqs, Br the following welMtttoirn makers i Clilckerlng, Kuubc, Weber, Ilallct & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufact urers' prices. Do not buy a piano before getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. I KEEP COOL - Inside, ouUldet and all the way through, by drinking . HIRES' Kf This great Temperance drink la as healthful, a it Is pleasant. Try 1U O-llMt TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a ssvern ImiR alleetlnn, nnd Hint dread disease Ommmiriun, Is anxious to make known to lus renow sarrerers tmi means or rare. To (hope who desire It, he will eheer- f nil v send (free of ehnrve) a eony of the nrrS' crlpuoa used, which they will llnda sure cure for Cuiiswuiilinn, Attliimi, Cutitrrli, HroMhUt and nil llirniit nml Innsf Miitnihr He Hopes all sufferers will try Ills remedy, ns It Is Invaluable. Those desiring tho prescription, wnlch will cost fhein iiothlnif, ami may prove u blessing, will please address, Hev. Edward A. Wilson. Brooklyn, New York Sep. Hi, 1 year. AXLE BEST IN THE WORLD. ftssirmrloRqualitles.ra unsurpassed, sctnalty cutlatln two boxea of any other brand. Not efleetedb heat. uruETTHUClENUINE. FOR SALE BY DEAXER8 GENERALLY, tW 2-24-lyr. PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD. AFTER MAY !8'J3. Trains leave Bloomsburg as follows ' Monday excepted.) for New York, Philadelphia, Heading Potts vllle, Tumaqua, etc., o.lO, 11.15 a. ra. For Wllllkinsport, f.lft a, in., 8.3s! p. m Sun day, I5i, m., 4.28 p. m. For Danville and Milton, T.1S a. m., 8.33. 11.10 p. m. Sunday, T.57 a. m., 4-S! p. m. For Car.swlsss .10. 7.45, 11.15 a. m., 11 iff, 8.00, 6.30, 11.10 p. m. Sunday, 10,81 a. m. 1.08 p. m. ForKupert . 10. 7.45, u.13 a. m.. 8.15, 8 00, .8, it.10, 11.35 p. ra. Sunday 7.51, lu.ai a. m., 4.s 7.08 p. m. Trains for bloomsburg Leave New York via of Philadelphia 8.00 a m., 4.00 p. m. and via Easton 8.44 a. m., 4..W p. a Have Philadelphia 10.90 a m., 8.00 p. in. Leave Reading 11-M) a. m. 7.S7 p. m. Lave PottsvlTle lt.80 p. m. Leave Tamaqua 1.80 a. m., 9 p. m. Iave willtamstort 35 a. a.. 4.25 o. m. Sun day, 8.00 a m., 4.5 p. m. Leave cstawissa t.iki, o.vu a. m. i.w, ii;, o.iu 11,16 p. ra. Sunday, 7.45 a. m , 4.15. p m. Leave HuDerl 4.21. 7.08. 8.S7. V.-U . D1...1.87. 1.27,8.19, 11.24 p.. m. Sundays, 7.IW, 10.12 a. IT. 4.24 4UaJv For Baltimore. Washington and the West via B. CO, H. K , throutrb trains leave Glrard Ave- sue etaiion, raua. in a n. n. h.) a.nu, s.i. a. a.: l.5. 5.2 7.1 p. m. Sundays 11.28 a, 8.50, 5.42, T.ltl p. m, . 'ATLAKTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave PhiuaeWtiia. Chestnut Street Wha Soutb Street Wart. - FOR ATLANTIC CITT. W eekdnys Ezprers, t 00 a. m., S.C0, 3.0o 4.00 5.(0 p. m, Accommodation. 8.(0 a.m.. Mi p. ra. Sunday KXDrrss. H.OO. 10.00 a. m. Accomoda. tlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City Depot, corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express T.wi, 7.45 . no o. m. ard 8.30 p. ra. Accommodation. 8.15 a. m., 4.80, p in, Sunday Kxpres, 4.00, 8.00 p. in. ACTOiumoda tlon, 7. 15 a, in. and 4.i0 p. in. I. A. HWEfOAIlD, C. G. HANCOCK. Pres. & Oeu'l Superintendent. Geu'l Pass. Apt gLOOMSBUHO& BLXLIVAN U. W Taking effect MONDAy, NOV. 17, lsno. SOUTH. NORTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. lv r. it. r. u. l.y. a.m. r. a. r. u, .... 88 12 10 7 15 8 85 2 II ( 40 ... 6 18 IS 04 7 07 8 42 12 8 47 m. 6 1 8 12 00 T 04 8 45 S 15 6 50 .... 6 08 U 83 6 5 8 63 'i 58 8 C8 .. 8 06 11 42 8 53 8 58 H 68 7 18 ... 6 67 11 88 6 43 06 S 07 7 US ,.. 5 45 11 87 8 83 V 15 8 17 1 20 .... 5 43 11 24 8 30 9 20 8 20 T.24 ... 5 87 11 IB 8 85 9 27 8 25 7 20 .... 5 28 11 09 6 16 9 87 8 S3 T 89 ... 5 88 11 04 6 11 9 41 8 38 7 44 ... 6 80 11 02 6 l'9 9 44 8 48 T 48 ,.., 6 18 11 67 8 03 9 488 46 T 62 ... 8 19 10 54 6 00 9 68 8 80 7 67 .. 6 08 10 48 5 58 10 03 4 00 8 07 ,. B 00 10 40 6 50 10 10 4 05 8 10 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar Ar. STATIONS, Dloomsburu.... Main street... Iroudale Paper Mill Uu'litstrent.... OruogevlUe..., roiKs Zaner's smiwater Bnnton .. Edsons, Coles ('reek... sugarloaf, utuoaooa central Jamison Clt riiMcn GREASE RAILROAD TIME TABLE LLAWARE LACKAWANNA Sc WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOHTH. A. . r. M. A. at. F. at. NORTBtmllBLAKD 20 1 50 V Cameron s 85 5 (iiulasky 6 40 5 m Danville 6 4S 12 10 W 6 68 Catawlssa 7 0S 9 28 10 39 6 05 Rupert . 7 19 9 SI 10 44 6 28 liloomsburg Espy Llaie KMx Willow Grove Ilrlarcreek Berwick Beach Haven Hick's Ferry Shlckshlnuy , Hun look s Nantlcoke Avondele Plymouth Plymouth Junction . 7 20 t US 10 49 6 2tt 7 27 2 43 .... 6 85 7.84 2 60 ...... 6 42 7 38 9 64 ff 46 7 II 6 60 7 4S 1W 11 IJ fl 5H 1M S 10 11 18 7 02 8 00 3 17 ... 7 09 9 10 8 29 U 83 7 82 8 21 8 39 7 82 5 2H 8 46 U 49 7 89 ... . 8 80 3 51 . .. 7 43 . . .. 8 31 8 86 11 56 7 48 , 8 40 4 00 7 52 s.inis',ou 8 4 4 05 12 OS 7 67 Bennett M 8 49 4 08 12 06 8 02 Maltby.. 8 62 4 12 ..... 8 07 8 56 4 17 II 13 12 9 01 4 8 17 Wyoming West I'lttston. Pitts ton , Duryea Lackawasna... Taylorvllle 9 II 4 30 12 22 8 25 9 19 4 81 ...... 8 29 9 16 4 V7 8 8? 9 25 4 45 12 36 8 42 ueuevue... 9 HI 4 50 B 47 SCBAMTON 9 36 4 65 II 46 8 62 a. m. r. m r. m. it STATIONS. SOUTH. A. X. A. M. r. M. If. kt. ScaiNTOM 6 HO 9 80 185 6 07 neiievue o 05 a 59 Taylorvltlo .' 610 19 00 141 817 Lackawanna 6 18 10 C7 1 69 6 24 Duryea 6 2? 1016 155 2H Plttston 618 1014 I0O 6 31 West Plttston 6 84 10 20 I 06 6 .19 Wyoming 6 40 10 16 8 11 6 43 Mait,ny... .... 044 10 at Bennett 6 48 10 82 1 19 190 Kingston 6 84 10 85 9 26 6 55 piymoutn junction 6 59 10,39 1 29 .... Plymouth 7 04 10 44 9 84 7 03 Avondale 709 10 48 983 707 Nantlcoke 714 10 69 9 49 T 12 Uunlnck'6 7 SO 10 69 8 50 T 20 HUlokshlnny 7 81 1109 8 01 7 80 metis Ferry 744 1121 917 7 41 pea. a Haven 7 64 11 82 8 23 7 47 Berwick 8 021140 8 38 7 53 Briar Creek.. 8 09 .... 9 40 willow Grove. Ume Ridge R"P7 Bloomsburg Rnpert Catawtssa 813 11 M 8 44 102 817 11 56 3 5 ) 9 06 8 24 12 04 8 58 8 12 8 31 1219 4 05 818 8 87 19 18 4 19 6 23 6 41 19 23 4 16 8 28 Danville.'. 8 67 1137 4 83 8 43 CbUlaskV 68 4 46 Cameron 9 07 18 48 4 51 8 53 NoaTBoaklRLAKD. 922 100 605 9 07 a. a. r. a. r. m. ra Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia a Reading Railroad for Tamanerd, Tamaqua, W llamsport, Nunbnry, Pottsvllle, etc At NnrthumberlMid with P. E. Dlv. P. R. H. for flsrrlsburg. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, Corry and Erie. W. V. HALLSTEAD, Gen. Man., Scrantnn, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. P. A E. R. R. D1V. AND N. C R'Y In effect May ,21 183. Trains leave Sunbury EASTWARD. 9:48 a. m. Train 14 (Dally except Sunday) for narrlsburgnnd Intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 8:uo p. m. ; New York 5:50 p. m.: Baltlmore, 3:10 p. m. i Washington 4:80 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea 8hor points. Passenger coaches to Pblladelphl Ualtimore. Parlor car to Philadelphia. 1-55 p. m. Train 8, (Dally except Sunday,) for narrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia at 6:50 p. m. ; New York, 9:35 p. m. ; Baltimore 6:45 p. m. ; Washlngto S:16 p. m. Parlor ctrs to Philadelphia and passenger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 8.95 p m. 'mm 12 Dally except Sunday for Harrlsburg and Intermedial points, nrrlvlr.i at Philadelphia 10:55 p. tn. New York 3:50 a, in-, lialthnoro M:40 p. m., Washington 4:10 a. m., Passenger cosch to Phlladel-inln, 8:22 p. m. Train 6, (Dally,) for'Harrls'mrgana nil Intermediate stations, arriving at Phliadei nhln m.: New York 7:lii a. m. Pullman sleeping car rrom Uarrlsburg to Philadelphia and N.-w York. Phlladelphli passeujjerscau re main In s cope- undisturbed until 7 a. rn. 1:60 a. iw 4 (Dally,) for Uarrlsburg and Inter mediate si atlniis, arriving at Philadelphia :50 a ni., New York V-.-iO a. in., Baltimore &.it) a. m. Washington 7::d0 a. m., Pullman ."leeplng cara to Plilladelphla and passenger coaches to Phlla delplila and Ballituore. 4:1ft a. m. Train 16 (Dally,) for Uarrttbr.rg and Intermediate stations arriving at HalU- more s:55 a. m. ana wasuinguin 10:16 a. m and ruiiman sleeping cars to Baltimore, wasnin, ton, and Passenger coaches to Baltimore. WESTWARD. 2:04 ft. m. Train 9 fDallv excent Stindnv for Canaiidalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara rails, witu Pullman sleeping cars to Buffalo and passHDger coaones t,o nocnesier. 6:13 a. m Train 8 (Dally.) for Erie. Canand&l sua and Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buf falo and Niagara Falls, with Pullman palace ..win I.' 1 1I an1 VI 111 I nn.l nnn ..n., to Erie and Rnohflbter. 9:66 Trln 16 (Dally.) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1:35 p. m. Train 11 (Dally except Sunday) for tiane. i anannniirua sua lnicrmeaiaie siauons. Rochester, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls with mrougnpassengor coaones to Kane ana Roches ter and Parlor car to Rochester. 5:34 D. m. Train 1. (Daily exoent Sundavt Renovo, Elmlra and Intermediate stations. 9:25 D. m. Train 18. for WUUamanorr. and Intermediate stations. TUKOUGU TRAINS FOR HUN BURY FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Train IS Leaves New York. 12:16 ntrrht. Phlla. delpnla 4;30 a, in., Baltimore 4:40 a. m., Harris- ourg, 6:io a. in., aany arriving at sunbury 9:56 , in. Train 11 Leaves Philadelphia 8-50 a. m.. (dally except Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, 1:35 with Parlor car from Philadelphia and Daasen. ger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Train i leaves new Torn :uo a. m , rauaaei. phis 11:51 a. m., Washington 10:15 a, m., italtl. more 11:10 a. m.. (dallv exceot Sunday) amvlns at Sunbury 5:29 p. m. with passenger coaches from Philadelphia atid Baltimore. Train is leaves New York 2.00 p. m., Phliadei phia 4,S p. m., Washington 8:15 p. m., Baltimore 4:12 p. m. arriving at Sunbury 9tss p. m. Through coach and Parlor car from Phliadei. phla. Train 9 leaves New York 6:80 p. m., Phliadei. phla 9-20 p. m., Washington 7:40 p. m., BaltU mure b:o p. m., u'auy except, saiuraay,) arnv Ing at sunbury, 9:04 a. m. with Pullman sleeping cars and passenger coaches from Washington and Baltimore. Train 3 leaves New York 8:00 p. tn., Fhtladel. phla 11:20 p. m., Washington 10:40 p. m., Balti more 11:40 p. m., (Dally,) arriving at sunbury 5:08 a. rn., with Pullman sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Balti more, SCNBUBY HAZLKTON, ft WILKESBARBB RAILROAD. AND NOHTH AND WEST BRANCH RAILWAY. (Dally except Sunday) Train 7 leaves sunbury l0:i a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:48 a. ra., Wilkes Barre 12.10 p. m. Elazleton 12:15 p. m., Pottsvllle 1.25 p. ni. Through Coach Wllllanisport to Wllkes-Barre. Train 11 leaveB Sunbury 6:38 p. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 6:26 p. in., Wllkes-Barre 7:60 p. m, Hu.leton 7:56 p. m. Pottsvllle U;06 p. m. Througn Coach Wllllamsport to Wllkes-Barre. Train 8 leaves Mlkes-Barre 7:25 a. m. Potts vllle 6:00 a. m., Ua.leton 7;lrt a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 8:47 a. m., Sunbury 9 i Sa. m. ThroiiKh coach Wllkes-Barre to Wnllamsport- Train 10 leaves Pottsvllle 1:60 p m. Ilazleton 8-nip. m. Wllkes-Barre 3:12 p. ra., arriving at Bloom Ferry 4: i p. ni., Sunbury 5' 5 p. m. Through Coach Wllkes-Barre to Uarrlsburg. SUNDAY TRAINS. Train 7 leaves Sunbury 10.00 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:48 a. tn., Wllkes-Barre 12:10 p. m, Train 'i6 leaves Wllkes-Barre 4:40 p. m., arriv ing at Bloom Ferry 6M p. ui., Sunbury 7:00 p, m, CUA8. R. PDGH, S. M .P11ETOST. J. R. WOOD, Gen, Pass, Agt. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS.K- N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent'i Building, Court House Alley. BLOOMSBURG, fA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Post Office Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wirt's Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, P.. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY-4T-LAW, Office and floor Columbian building BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. THOMAS B. HANLY, ATTOUNF.Y-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ents' Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. V. WHITS. A. K. TOST. WHITE & YOST ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRED IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Moyer Bros. Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, I.ockard's Building, 2nd floor, Corner Main and Centre. n B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Clark's Building, cor. Main and Centre Sta, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. (9TCan be consulted in German. W. H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, earner of Third aad Mam Streets, CATAWISSA, PA. J. B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AMD PHYSIOAH, Office, North side Main, SU, below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dfc J. C RUTTER, rBYSICLAN AND SURGXOK, Ofice, KeU Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. S, GARRISON, M. D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND STfliCXOK, BLOOMSBURG. PA. Office and residence in .Hartman's building. HONORA A. ROBBINS, U. D., Office, West Fint Street, BLOOMSBUBA PA. Sseciii attaatiss cca U Use era aul Uaa Dtoa(ol J.J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. THE EYE SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glasses and Artificial Eyes supplied. ' Hours 10 to 4. Telephone connection. DR. M. J. HESS, Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col- lege. Office 2nd floor front, I.ockard's Build ing, corner of Main and Centre Slreets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Dentistry in all its branches, Work guar anteed as represented. Ether and Gas ad ministered or KLKCTKlc viiirator and Local Ana:sthetics used for the painless extraction of teelh free of charge when artificial teeth are inserted1 Da. W. IL HOUSE, ttmccoN DKNTirr, Oace, Bertoa's Mlaing, MstbakeW Marts. BLOOMSBURG, PA. AH stylesaf wrk done iaaaoperior i aaa an atensaarraatadaai TSXTU EXTIMCTIO WTTHOUT MIa Wae aeavisf Oat, ami frea of t C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman.) Represents twelve of the strongest Cornea les in the world, among which are: cash tot At, srartoa CAPITA!.. A6SXT. OVRR AM Franklin of Phlla.. teo.ooo :i,iwxh $i,xv Petm'a. Phlla 4O0.m() 3.K25.I60 I.419.86 Oueen. of N. Y. NXMKHt 8,611,916 1,091,8B I w esteiiester, N. T. nu,iu i.TM.Hnr m,7W N.Amel tea, Phlla. 8,00 ,i4io 9,7,689 2,364,Tt CiPFICI IM I.' W. MCKll.VV'B Storb. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREAS BHOWH) I INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streeta, Bloomsburg, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as good Compan ies as there are in the World and aul losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN. F. KNAPP, FIRE INSURANCE, ..BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N, Y.j Merchants of Newark. N. J.; Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples'. N. Y.: Read ing, Pa 4 German American Ins. Co.. New York; Greenwich Insurance Co.. New Yorki Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well se sowed by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, ant liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted as4 raid as soon os- determined, by Christian tT. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Blooma burg. Pa. Ihe people of Columbia county shoaU patronize the acency where losses, if anr. are setiieu ana paid by one or their citizens. . CLYDE C. YETTER, FIRE INRURANCK AND REAL ESTATC AGENT. Bloombbcro, Pa. Farm property a specialty. 4-23-ly. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. New York Life Insurance Co. 125,947,290.81 nurpius, IS.14l.oa3.3i Shuman & Edwards, ' Office 1 st National Bank Building, (successor to H. C. chamberlln and I. Edwarfli COMPANIES RXPREBRNTRb. A sens 2,84o,S9.ra tl.Sffl ,275.6s $1,472,081.61 Flremans Fund, of San Francisco, SprlDg arden, of Plilladelphla, American Central, of St. Louis, North British and Mercantile, ft ..wu'.wu aim JLUmuunt, ABK. IJ. S. Branch, New York City, t3,43,S85.n LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID AT THIS AGENCY. 5-18-ly. EXCHANGE HOTEL. James McCloskey Proprietor, Opposite the Court House) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Larve mnd convMiimt m.J - tv rooms, hot and cold water, and all modes ...... ........... Tl WAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Teas, Syraps. Coffees, Sircars. f ilnats Rice, Spices, Bicarb Soda, Etc., N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets . PHILADELPHIA, PA. 8WOrders will receive prompt attertioa. E. A. RAW LINGS. DEALER IN All Kinds of Meat. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton- Pork, Hams, Bacon, Tongue Bclogna, &c. Free Delivery to all parts of the town. CENTRE STREET, C. H. REICE'S OLD STAK0. BLOOMSBURC, PA. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we itate that It payi toearan In a permanent, most healthv and nleaiant oaa- neaa, that return, a profit for every day's work. rnicu 1. win uu.inpmi we oner ine worsina ei We teach them how to make money rapidly. ptmrantee every one who follow our Instruction faithfully the uiakiug of 9J30O.0O a mouth. Kury oue who Uki'j bold now and works will surely and upcedily increase their earning,; thw cun be no question about It; others now at work are doing- it, and you, reader, ean do tha lasts, This U the beat paying Imslutsa that yoa ha ever had the cliauca to secure. You will nude a grave mistake if you fail to give It a trial at oaea. If yougraap the situation, and aot quiokly, yea will directly II ml yburnulf in a moat prosperoae himinesg, at which you can surely make and save large auina of mouey. The reaulu ol only a few lioura' work will often equal a week's wag. W hether you are old or youug, man or wornaa, at inultea 110 dilfercnee, do as wo tell you, and sae cih will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Thoae who work tnr ua are rewarded. Whv not write tn-d&v fat JM particulars, free ? K. C. AI.LKN 4k OO., , pus no. Augraasa, aasa mjtSmcba teaa ax&naaiaaV. f til I - 7 I r 'i 3 "V- f .-rj I t liJ . 1 . Hi mi HI I'M:, I'm : I : 1 Kit, mi if' 1 1 h;'l fi!: H m 1