LIZZIE BtRDEN ACQCITTED. Ska tlmrj tayi She It Mot Oallty f tk Crim of Mnrdar. Kkw Bedford, Mum., Jud II. Tin &rf In the Borden murder mm brought In wrdict lata yesterday afternoon, acquit ttng Kim Lizzie Itorden of the charge l wring murdered her father and mother at Ml Hirer in Aug tint 1m.. The jury wai M hit a abort time. The verdict of acquittal was no surprlM to the people here, as it waa fully bettered that the cnmmouweaith had not made out a case aufliciently strong to convict Mlaa Borden. Krcryliody aeeing to be aatiallod with the verdict. tHJVRKD IN A KlNAWAt ACCIDENT. i Paople Thrown from Wagon Near Eattoa. EaaTOif, June 20. A frightful runaway -accident occurred near here. A party mnpamd of Mr. and Mrs. Kane, Kir. and rm. Frank Rapp and two children, and Benjamin Dietrich were returning home torn a vialt in the country, when the torn, ran away and the occupant were larawn out. The accident occurred while descending Morgan' Hill. Mrs. Kae had her left m broken in two places, and wa injured ternally. Mrs. Rapp bad a wrist broken, har daughter an arm broken, and a young b hi teeth knocked out. Mr. Rapp and Hr. Kaac were also injured internally, and Ik Moorery of the former is doubtful Dietrich, the driver, wa run over by the wagon and badly bruised. Maw Lewis Want Damage. West Chebtkr, June 80. Henry Lewi, a prominent stock dealer of Malvern, ha broogh anit against Councilman John S. Cortes, of that place. Lewis went away Iram home to purchase stock, and during ! ce, he alleges that Cortes swore falsely at the bank that he (Lewis) waa a Inandal wreck. Lewi' house, stock and aetiithlag was seized and sold, and, when returned, be bad no home. The parties as all highly veepected. Gettysburg-' Celebration. GrrrvtiauRU, June 20. From July 1 to 1 the state of New York will formally dedi- the monuments she ban erected on this tettleArld. The crowd that will be in at ssndance is expected to be immense. Gen eral Daniel Rutterfield, who was Meade's sftiaf of staff at this battle, baa been select ed as the chief marshal of the procession m July 2d, when the mala dedicatory ex "sacdaes will be held in the National oemo-sarj. . The Grand Army Ilutton, Lancaster, June 20. Tho local Grand Army posts have appointed committees to weartain the namea of parties wearing iraad Army buttons or badges not entitled ?o wear them. . When the list is completed .t will be published, and prosecutions will entered against all who are illegally wearing these emblems of the order. Three Men Badly Burned. ' Pittsburo, June 20. An explosion of tm occurred in Hartly & Marshall's coal -nineaat Banksville yesterday. John Mc .aiu, William Chappel and Jdhn Agenstl vre badly burned. The mine is burning ihriooalj. Another Bill Vetoed. RtftRisBURo, June 21. The bill repeat og the Allegheny Sunday law baa been -cioed by Governor Puttison. The gov mor approved several measures among :iettu tho WertUeimer bill. Had Both Hi Leg Cut OCT. Easton, June 21. Philip Nixon, a 'TakeniKE on the Belvidere Delaware rail toad, fell from a train in Phillipsburg and ad both his legs cut off, resulting in his ieath a few hours later. Stevenson at Louisville. Locirville, June 21. Vice President ".venson has reached Louisville from jloomlugton, 111., to visit bis sister, Mrs. uiUa U. Scott Ha will remain two or line days. . THE MARKET REPORT. Philadelphia Produce Market. PeiniEi.riiiA, June SJO. -Cotton solil in a aaJ) way on a basis of 8v. pur pound lor jiddllu- uplands. Kee1 wia dull, with liberal offerings at for. narrate. Vinlr bran ihiikcU from $14.00 rftlu.u0 per ton. Flour Looul Jobbers operated sparingly and .lore wore free willurs on a bunx of former notations. Minnesota clears anil stmiKlilK ut ,".'.iliia.75: PeuiiKylvsnia roller utraiirbt ut :i.lO:t.:Mi: wmtern winter drain ami stniighta i $J.0u8.5C; winter I'Htentxut $..iKiu4.00j - irtnir do. hi f 4.U(Ju4.'Jj; and tuvorite biundii ;.( higlitr prlruN. Rye Flour was quiet at $1.00u$:t.0.- per arret for choice Pennsylvania. Grain On eaU Wbeiit'liiul tiH4 bid for June: JHti July; 71o. August; TMcSjiU-uilmr. Corn 4H41o bid for June; &Uo July; 60Uo ?l uirunf : A0fae Hetf m her. Out-auf4U. .luut'i :i!iHo July: and 30Ko for HiTU!t:a4Hc Hriteinlfr. Butter Mm-ket quiet but flrui; Ponnsyl aula creamery extra. UOu: do. prints extra, '. holewile, U'Jc; do. Jobbing, M.luMe. , Kggs Market dteady; IVnnsylvunlu firsts, Rbeeee Market stendv; New York fuetory, A.4aDtto: pm-t nlinn, .raUie. (otatoe Market li searcn; unil higher: 'i9 potatoco. 7."K'nf-;..'iU -r urrell. mi .irdlng to quality: Karly Hose, ebolio Hnd i;iney, hOiiN'ic; do. New Vork iH-st, KHiiN.".; liur. unk and WlilLa 8uir clmuw, U.mHUc: do. luir ogood, 7oaS0u. New Vork Produce Market, Saw York, June 20. - Whent Market bill at Ha rl No. 8 red TJ'tfi per bun. In -lore. No. 1 nortbern 7!tfio delivered. lorn Mai kctt qalet at 1h,o rise. No. 2 ,4T bushel, clellvdi tid. Out Market tlrm. No. S mixed. :iNe wuthel In elevator. No.? while, 4(io. Bye-Market dull. No. S, i)7Ka."ib to S-wliel di'liveivd. 610 rxfr per KuHt Liberty Live Htock Market. East LinKitvv. June ao. Cattle Kmwlpts, 'i(0 hnad;itilitnnnt, l.lojhead; bent g, uibn. ,i.40uM.U0; medium and good butcher' giude ,Uu to 30c off from lattt week'a price. Hog Keeelpta, K.7U0 head; thipuieuW, 6,100 lead; medium and light weights Sd.0uati.70; jpavy,$0.2r.Mtl.40. ttlieep Iteoelpts, 9,200 head: shlLineuta, 'aoobead; marki.-t Sao off tj-om lat week's prions; lambs, 96o to Mo off. THK SEWS ft-HOM ALL AKOtlNU, Cendenaed Account of all tho Important Event. Ong Moy Toy, the last of New York's thinewe letter colony, ha died. Supreme Court Justice B latch ford Is ser iuuki mi hi ma Newport cottage. A trial trip of the crulxrr Montgomery, ouin ai itniuniore, win te mode within a fortnight. While walkina in her sleen at Tbannn Mrs. Oeorge H. L'hler fell down stairs and was badly hurt. Sixty million feet of timber have been rafted out of Willlamsport's main loom this summer. Gny Kaiogl Zulu, a nnlive African, Is to teach a summer school of colored children at Lolumbln. HtiKh Rons, the Ilnmextcad strike lender, nas gone to Scotland to claim his mother's inrge lniierttance. So many people tire pnlsoned by cheese in Pittsburg that stores Unci that article a drug on the market. Ex-Governor Powell Cluetoti, of Arkan eas, has been vIMting bis brother, Judge viHj ioD, ai Aieuia. Two Judgments of $27,800 have been ob- tainea against tne Mutual Brewing Corn- pan,, oi etr lorn. Owillir S?fl ai.,1 hmrlna t19.'i IVUt .. seU, the Nashville, Tenn., Savings Com pany hns asalgned. Eev. NehemiAb Tlnvntrm at fIia T-nt.n Congregational church, of Boston, hns de clined a call to St. Louis. Found a defaulter for $!M0 and perhaps more, ex-Treasurer V. g. Smith, of Clark county, ina., is missing. Plying hetween College Point and New I ork. the bur ferrThnnt F P .limjii on the rocks and mink. Bloodhounds are After wnwkm U A railed a fast fruit train neur Carliou, Ala., ana Killed r.nglneer Simmons. An unknown mum mA rnta Pivna son of Hon. Wilfred Prevoet, of Montreal. to snoot nimself. tbrougn the bead. The Lonir Ialand Sound itMmhnut Pttv of Kichmond, is aground and partly sub merged on Port ashington. K. Y. Workmen James Harrow Antnuin Mnu.l and T. K. Owenn wre hnrial mnA urirtiitti injurea Dy a lalllng wall in Pittsburg. The Citizens' bank, of Fairmount, Ind., nas susnennM it. ha aaMHtiM nf eir-tn 000 to $150,000 and asseta of $191,000. ' L. B. Deaton, a Tuccoa (Ga.) farmer. fatnllV DeDDered with hnf farm han named Johnson for assaulting his wife. James Marrlsan and William Henson, snore term coavicta, sealed the walla and escaped from the prison at Jackson. Mich Emma E. Camp, of Wyalnslng, took first honor amonar the rlau of tvni.. graauaiea irom tne State College at Belle fun to. J. F. McLausrhlin. sion merchant of Toronto. Onr. . kna . signed. Hi asseU largely exceed bis lia bilities. It has been decided that tha kautmiarf. era of the National laimo nf Rfnukitnn ciuos snau d atunicago for the ensuing year. After a nrolonired struirirl tha T.a1raaMa tlectric Bailway Company received the privilege of laying tracks from Shenandoah w iHKesiae. The Crouse will darUI does not settle the contest, but relegates to the surrogate the question who is next of kin and heir. No criminal nrAeaaitinM wtll 1m K...I tuted aginat Moody Merrill, tho missing ouainesa man, as taere la no posi tive evidence. For swindling Kansas and Montana min ing investors out of $66,000, missing coc StaU (Senator L. B. Olds, of Helena, Mont., Is much wanted. The James H. Walker Company, of Chi cago, wholesale and retail dry goods deal ers, have obtained an extension on about $500,000 indebtedness. Harry Johnson, colored, started out with a gun at Millen, Ga., to kill Deputy Mar shall E. N. Parnell, but the latter "got the drop" on Johnson. Senator Stanford, of California, will re sign unless the party leaders decide that his preaenoe is necessary. He Is slowly lm- proving in health. George E. Porter, William Davie, Ed. h. Jackson and John Alexander, the three last named colored, escaped from jail at Huntington, W. Va. Convicted of throwing Henry Quell, 15 years old, down an air shaft, George Mo Kenzie, aged 18, of New York, will go to prison for a long term. Mlxs Elsie May Critcbfleld bat been aent from her Somerset home to an insane asy lum because she believes every man she meet wants to marry ber. Bequeathed only $50 of bis father's $40,- 000 estate, J. E. McDonald, of Miller's Falls, Mass., will fight tho will, alleging a step-mother's influence. Pistols have been drawn In the factional contest of the Butler township school board in Schuylkill county, and now the fight Is to be taken into court. The missing grain man, A. Bailey, of Duluth, Minn., owed hia Minneapolis part ners many thousands of dollars. He prob ably committed suicide The executive committee of the National League of republican clubs is in session at Chicago to elect a secretary and fix upon permanent headquarters. A ballistic text nickel steel plate seven teen inches thick and weighing .thirty-five tons, fur the Indiana, wa" shipped from liuthlehem to Indian Head. Congressman Hiues, of Luzerne, an nounces in a card that be is supporting P. M. ConnitT, aud not It. Bruce Licketu, as his choice for internal revunue collector. 1 iTbe 2!)lh anniversary of the sinking of the rebel cruiser Alabama- by the Kear-HHt-gH was celebrated by the Kearsarge Nuval Assoeiakjon, of Portsmouth, N. H. Crossing the railroad track, in a wnifon, near Crawfordsville, Ind., William Hlpcs, a wealthy f armor, was killed by a train, and his wife und daughter were fatally hurt. Freight, and express trains colliding on the Western und Atlantic railroad, near Burlaw, Ua., C. O. Jackson, a train hand, was killed, and several others were biuily hurt. In a quarrel as to the title to a meadow In Upper Holly, Cumberland county, John Harry und John Donnelly fought with pitchforks, and the latter quit with a broken arm. The money stringency has ' caused the temporary suspension of the Lake County bank, of Aarou, Wilcox fc Co., at Paines ville, 0. It owes several hundred thou sand dollars. Charles C, King, a young man promi nent in Masonic circles, died at his home in Paterson, N. J. When a youth Mr. King was struck in the side with a base ball. An abscess formed and it finally re sulted la his death. A Queer Tug. A NKW CRAFT WHICH CAN GO ON LAND OR WATER. From the Boston Transcript. A new Lanailian invention for use in the lumber districts is coming into general use in Northern Ontario. It ;. .n i a vaucu a Mcam warning inc. it nrn pels itself on land as well ks on water. and is used by lumbermen whose operations are carried on among small connected oy streams ot uncer tain navigation, bix of these unique craus nave Deen uuiit by the inventors unng me past season. They are built in scow shane. with steel shod runners for movinir over land i are 17 feet loner, is fort beam deck.-d all over, and having sleeping room ior lour men in the bow : the bottom and UD the bow is envererl with steel boiler plate. An enirine of i . . . -j 2 norse-nower lurnishes steam for tnn hours' work, with three nuartor of a cord of dry wood. in tne water it moves six mi r an hour, forward or backward, as rentitr ed, propelled by side wheels. On land it is propelled by having a cable drum on which is coiled five .eighths of a mile of steel wire cable, which is tastened with pulleys to tree or some object in front, the boat moving as the ire is coiled ud. 1 he boi er is hunor on an axle in the centre and a srrew arranged on the front enables the fire man to un it forward or hark ami keep it level going up or down hill. It win move over an elevation of one foot in three on land and draws about 28 inches in the water. Don't You Know I hat to have pertect health you must nave Dure blood, and the best wav tn have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsapanlla, the best blood purifier ana strength bui der. It exne s al taint of scrofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at the same time builds up the whole system and gives nerve sirengm. Hood's Pills mav be had hv mail for 25c of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, iuass. Curious to tha End. From London Tld-Blts. Mr. Samnson Cnassinn.itfM T love you devotedly, Miss Chumley, Ki.t . .. nr r 1 . uui iiij ptvumaiy uuairs nave prevent ed my makinc a declaration until now. But I have put enough away now to ieci justinea in asking you to become my wife." Miss Chumlev (hesitatinclv. but sweetM. "I confess that I am nnt wholly indifferent to you, but but " .1T1..1 1 1 --uui wnai, aear r "Would vou mind tellino- me how much you have put away ?" w Kept the Cash in the family. From the Atlanta Constitution. "Well, the widow sued the editor." "Get anything?" "One hundred dollars. But she didn't have it long," "Why ?" "Editor married her." I was troubled with catarrh for seven years previous to commencing the use of Ely's Cream Balm. It has done for me what other so called cures have failed to do cured me. The effect of the Balm seemed magical. Clarence L. Huff, Biddleford, Me. After trvimr manv remedies for ra. tarrh during past twelve years, I tried Ely s Cream Balm with complete suc cess. It is over one year since I stopped using it and have had no re turn of catarrh. I recommend it to all my friends. Milton T, Palm, Reading, Pa. Awaiting the Verdict. From the Troy Times. Kindly Visitor. "Are vou mamma's little boy r Willie. ."I dunno. The Court hasn't decided yet." Woman's Danger. No man can ever know thi devoted martyrdom of many women. Unselfishly a woman works and suffers that home and loved ones may be happy. i When it seems as thoutrh her back would break, when she grows irregular, faint, irritable, oses all interest in society, gets the "blues," is crushed with that indescribable feeling of " bearinc-down." she "Hratrs along," day after day, suffering agonies that would appal a man. ine cause ot an her trouble is some derangement of the uterus or womb, nerhaos the development of a tumor, or cancerous humor, anyway, give it instant attention. L,vata i. iUnkhams yece- table Lompound is the sure cure. t is re com. mended bv thou sands of women. ts cures are un parallelled. AM tlrilfrlrUlB Hfll it. A (It Ire it in riinArlnnra LVDlA K. I'lNKHAM MD, CO., I.TNN, Mfl, LivorPillu, so eiot. 6 SUif: For Frty4w Tears, lias tine . , v . .. , ( , - - . ' , D. LOWENBERG CLOTHING STORE existed niii3en jojecl 'l:h9 patronage and con, ldlene i tlh e people tlirongliont ttie Coin, ty. We merited! it because we liave always stood on the roclv m TriiLh, lHoiiesty and TTM -I n - 1 Tin Fair dealing to all Nothing is misrepresented and everyone pleased; We are shoivin $ a Beautiful line of S IP IR, 1 3ST C3- SUITS for MEN, BOYS and-CHILDREN. Also a full line of TOTJRISTHATS in all Colors, and the New Shape AMBER Colored STIFF HAT at thP POPULAR CLOTHING STORE. OF D. LOWENBERG. Victorious at the Start. INITIATION OF THE PEERING PONY BINDER. IN THE EAST A VIATORY. In Contest June 1st, with WALTER A. WOOD, Single Apron Binder, at Hillsboro. N. C, READ THE LATEST SEAT OF WAR. "Wm. Deering & Co., "l""otiU' June 1893- namsburg, Fenna., t . t P,1y iner a decided success. Cut heavy and light griin to day with two mules, after a heavy rain fleet work. Iieht draft nn fhnlrinrr w A .1 u.. .1. ' 1 .. . . ' . ; , ... wu WiI,,,cl,s, uuwii uy uirec muies. ruiN it won tne ngnt. Tes timonials and letters by mail. You can gamble on the PONY. Sicned : Tulian brvan & Tos. Douglas." J O I "Vrn. Deering & Co., uumN' w ' June a' rtamsDurg, Penn., The PONY cleaned them root ind branch at Hillsboro yesterday in very wet grain. Signed : A. E Lloyd & Co., Agts." THE SA VB AT.Tl fiWUT un, , . . o-.T, .r7-7..TrrJTTu r 7 . . J contiuac 10 iock norns witn any DEERING Machine thev wish afterwards they had obeyed the old adage : "Prudence is the better part of Valor." cnine wty , H ij! tH ANOTHER TRIUMPH. I . tee miM JiiED umm em a ma success, i Unstinted praise accorded Wm. Deering & Co., by the thousands of Farmers who hail this new invention as the - vv. iiuij uk.c vi me uecaae. THE BINDER TRUCK riiddi ANrrn With the Jointed. Platform the Farmer can fold tip his Binder in FIVE MINUTES, and drive off without lifting w. uuuiu.iuiig uic norses. M Ml ul IMf GATES m to Terror. D. W. KITCHEN, ACRICiiLLjyRAL implements AND REPAIRS. &C. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Tho FimoMt Battens, Fimmt Material,, The Finest The Finest Trimmod, The finest. mt The &uesi Made, Tiie FINEST FITTINQ 9 and m7 u un raw that can be found in Bloomsburo- is at THE RELIABLE CLOTH I FR You will positively get the most value bv tradino CLOTHING, HATS, .SHIRTS. NECKWfar t.r flothlns mnde to order ul correct Ntylc. ! I. fflAIER, Bloorasbarg, Pa. .