The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 23, 1893, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening Tower.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report
"rniprort at. tun Post omc-e at Hlnnmiiburir, ia
.. wcond class matter, March 1, inn.
FRIDAY, JUNK 23, 1893.
neighborhood Hows.
Interesting Items From Various Points
in the Oounty, Reported by Our
Staff of Correspondents
Light Street.
The children's day services held at
the Evangelical church on Sunday"
evening last were well attended.
R. V. Ent and wife returned from
their wedding trip on Thursday las
Mrs Kramer of Jerseytown visited
Mrs. Geo. VV. Wertman the past week.
Miss Anna McKamey of Espy spent
a few days in town.
Mrs. J. J. Keller returned last week
from her visit at Pottsville and Hazle
ton. Rev. J. W. hunlap of Nescopeck,
paid a visit to this place recently.
Mark Creasy is now at home, his
school having closed lately.
Jerry says we have a new way of
sprinkling our streets and that the
people of iJloomsburg will have to
come up and take lessons.
Mrs. Silas Young took a trip to
Danville last week as delegate of the
Epworth League of the M. E. Church.
The dry weather has caused the
farmers to commence making hay.
Ex-Supt. Grimes is now at home
after a sojourn of nine months teach
ing at Shamokin. '
Tro f?mfiv(r irwi cn'n nr
visiting at Wesley Kelchner's of
G. M. 'Ikeler of Mt. Pleasant spent
part of Tuesday in town looking up
the voters.
The sudden appearance of the
storm Wednesday morning called a
number of people of town out of bod
on account of its severity.
, ' Esiv.
Children's l)ry was observe 1 in the
Lutheran church on last Sunday even
ing. The services were .very inter
estinj-and were very creditable render
ed. The M. E. services were held
un the preceding Sunday.
Messrs. J. II. Miller and William
Milhes spent Sunday visiting friends
and relatives in Kingston.
The Evangelical church Children's
Day services will be held on Sunday
Edwin Hummel visittd friends and
relatives in Nantirokc recently.
Bert Miller now his his carpet loom
in motion, and with an experienced
weaver is prepared to take orders.
Sammie is in it these days. Will
iam has purchased a new buggy, and
in consequence Sammie is happy.
. Mart Savage and family, former
residents "of this place, weie visiting
among relatives in town this week.
Post Mas(er McKamey is spending
a short tine visiting in Philadelphia.
Hiram A. Shaefter is the proprietor
of the Heckroan House. Mr. Shaeffer
seems to be a pleasant and accommo
dating land lord and runs an excellent
house which is. appreciated by the
J. T. Evans of Berwick has been
'making quite a visit at Orangeville
with his uncle Jno. Vance.
Parties from Wilkesbarre have been
here trouting with success.
Glad to note thac Wm. Unangst
after 10 years endeavor is drawing a
pension under the new law.
L. Drake proprietor ol the Orange
ville hotel at Oruigeville, is an oblig
1 ing and efficient landlord i sets an
excellent table and runs a fine house
with good patronage.
Wesly Bowman and his son Henry
near Orangeville are running a fine
milling business'; have all they can do
with their first class water power.
They have recently introdnced new
and very fine machinery.
We advise people when they want
to meet an obliging landlord and stop
at a first class house when they go to
Benton to stop at the McHenry house.
We ate as fine a dinner there the
other day as can be found in any hotel
in the county. McHenry and house
are No. 1.
The McHenry Bros, are running a
fine mercantile business with a large
stock of goods. They are fine relialHe
business young men.
Rhor McHenry & Son are doing a
large distillery business, supplying the
markets of New York and Philadel
phia. They have enlarged their build
lugs but have n.ct with serious loss
with their live pork.
Dr. Patterson is very busy with his
large meilical practice.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McHenry were
the guest of R. Harrison's last Sunday.
Mrs. G. B. Appleman of Rhorsbure
visited her sister Mrs. D. D. Eveland
last Sunday.
Miss. Lizzie Jones who has been at
tending a music school at Wilkesbarre
returned home last wtek.
C. B. Ent of Lightstreet was calling
on friends in these parts last week.
Mrs. Tames Harrison visited her
daughter, Mrs. F. Fahringer in Nanti-
coke last week.
The Children'! Day exercises at
Asbury tast Sunday were well attended,
the church being filled and a large
number were unable to gain entrance;
the P. O. S. of A. of Jonestown, by
special invitation turned out in full
uniform 43 strong. The exercises
were in keeping with the Columbus
Annivcsary and were superbly render
The next preaching services will be
held at Jonestown at 3 p. M. and As
bury in the morning.
The P. 0. S. of A. at Jonestown
initiated 12 new members last Satur
day night.
Festival in Laubach's grove July
1st, for benefit of Zion Sunday school.
II. O. Kelchner and wife of Still
water, spent Sunday with the former's
The carpenters have Jes Runyan's
barn about. ready to raise.
Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Black of Light
street were entertained by Mrs. Wm.
Kelchner last Saturday.
The Children's Day services at the
Zion church last Sunday evening were
wrll attended and the exercises sur
p.i: s:! any former effort. The church
was profusely decorated with flowers
ami evergreens.
It is rumored that Prof. W. W.
Pealer, of Asbury, will be the orator
of the day on July 4th, 1893.
Capt. Gara is busily engaged draft
ing a bridge of wire across the l'ish
ingcreek to be erected leading directly
to the depot 150 yards above merchant
We find things over here nice and
green, but rain is badly needed. If
we dont get a baptism soon the crops
will be short. The corn looks very
Wm. Lewis has left Forks and has
gone into a bakery at Wilkesbarre.
Merchant Ammerman's sons are
employed in the car shops at Berwick
doing well
Wm. Creasy and Miss Miriam Mc
Henry were married June 5th, by Rev.
Iloutz. This announcement is a little
stale but many friends have not heard
They are making large preparations
at Jonestown for the "4th!' About 30
Sudnay schools are expected to be
present and form procession with ban
ners with lodges of. P. O. S. of A.
Essays and declamations will be made
with addresses from oldeij people. A
festival at night
Fashionable Livery. -
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf W. A. II artzell, Proprietor
Something New for Children's Day.
A Children's Day service, entitled
"Christian Soldier" consisting of Rec
itations, Dialogues, Tableaux, and
other exercises, will be rendered in
the Evangelical church, next Sabbath
evening, at 7:30. All are cordially in
vited. Benton would be a good field for a
bicycle agent. The Argut says there
is not one wheel owned or used in the
place. '
One word describes it-"perfection."
We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve, cures obstinate sores, burns,
skin diseases and is a well known cure
for piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist.
See White Si Conner's new adver
tisement this week.
The Doty farm inFishing creek twp.
was sold at public sale on Tuesday to
J. H. Minier for4$f,8as.
J. B. Robison Esq. delivered an
address to the Grangers in Town Line,
Luzerne Co. recently.
Joseph Ratti's six .new houses on
Sixth street are completed, and are for
rent. They are very comfortable
Every family should have a box of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, ,the
use of which will cure most of our ail
ments, at.
The Silk Mill is now provided with
fans, which are attached to the shaft,
ing by belts. They make a very per.
ceptible difference in the temperature.
- Rev. E. H. Yocum has been ap
pointed Presiding Elder to fill the va
cancy caused by the death of th; late
Rev. John Donahue.
The work ot excavation is about
completed for the store room of James
iViagee at corner of Fourth and Mar
ket streets.
Do you read the testimonials pub
lished in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla?
Thev are thoroughly reliable and
worthy yourjeonfidence.
Now the sweet girl graduates are
agitated over their Commencement
dresses. No costly silks or satins will
be permitted this year at the Normal.
The painters hav completed their
work on the residence of J. K. Bitten
bender . It has made a great im
provement in the appearance of his
The frame stable belonging to
Frank Pursel and mother has been
removed to th j.roperly of Mr. Fer
guson. The foundation for a house
has been laid on the site of the stable.
Mrs. George Hartzell of Hemlock
township, near the Wanick bridge,
committed suicide on Wednesday by
drowning herself in the creek. She
was undoubtedly insane.
Isaiah Bower of Berwick has be
come the owner of a valuable thor
oughbred mare, four years old. She
is black in color, and of Hamble
tonian stock. He bought of J. G.
Swank of Mifflin, who has three more
of the same kind.
The annual picnic of the Pen-ia.
Reserves will be held on the Island at
Shickshinny on Thursday, June 29.
Refreshments will be served by the
ladies of Shickshinny on the grounds.
Soldiers and others will be cordially
The commissioners' appointed by
the Court of Columbia and Luzerne
Counties to report on the petition for
the enlargement of the Borough of
Berwick, will meet July 7th to hear
The little son of W. II. Rhawn
Esq., has returned home. He had
been working on a farm near Erie,
and was getting good wages. He
worked his way out there on freight
There is likely to. be an exhibition
of fireworks here on the 4th of July.
A paper is in circulation asking for
subscriptions with which to purchase
the necessary material.
The Pennsylvania Editorial Assoc!,
ation is in session this week at Read
ing, their headquarters at Neversink
Hotel, one of the mountain resorts
near the city. On Friday there is an
excursion to Atlantic City.
This is the time of year when every,
body begins to think about cleaning up
and making improvements, and new
wall paper is usually one of the first
things to be done. W. H. Brooke &
Co. have a very large a d elegant
stock to select from. CH and see
and get estimates. 3-31-tf.
J. G. Swan is waking a personal
canvas for the office of county com
missioner. His claim that Mifflin
township has not had a county officer
since Samuel Snyder was sheriff thirty
years ago, has weight, which with his
personal fitness for the place, is
making him a strong candidate.
Howard R. Snyder of Philadelphia
has purchased the Pursel lot corner of
Market and. Fourth streets, and has
excavated a cellar for a large building.
It will be of stone, two stories high,
and will be used for a general store. Mr.
Snyder has also purchased two acres
of land of the McKelvy & Neal farm,
near the Carpet Mill, and will erect
some houses thereon.
Lake Grove Hotel, located at this
popular resort, has been enlarged, re
modelled and refurnished, and is now
the largest hotel on the lake. All
modern improvements, good fishing
and boating, telephone connection,
high elevation, pure air, no mosquitos.
Steamboats meet all trains. , Terms
reasonable. For particulars address
S, Gottfried, Proprietor, Harvey's Lake,
Pa. 6-33-io-t.
A man who will invest $700 and
services in the phonograph business.
Territory. Columbia County no op
position. Business lucrative. Ad
dress or call on Edward Gunster,
Jr.. 52-53-56 Coal Exchange Build
ing, winces-liarre, i-z. 0-941.
Gidding & Saliburg have a new
and. useful advertising medium in the
shape of large thermometers, which
they have placed at the post office,
hotels, and other places.
Mr. Julius Lindegren the piano
tuner, has left town but will return
again the latter part of July. He is
agent for the celebrated Everett pi
ano, which he sells on easy monthly
payments, and will take old pianos in
exchange. 623-21,
All that honesty, experience and
skill can do to produce a perfect pill,
has been emp'oyed in making De
Witt's Little Early Risers. The re
sult is a specific for sick headache,
biliousness and constipation. W. S.
Rishton, Druggist. 10-14 iy. .
Rev. P. A. Heilman, Pastor, of the
Lutheran church, will return Friday
evening after spending a month in
Canton, Ohio, and Chicago, and will
preach Sunday morning and evening.
At the evening service he will recount
the experiences of the past month.
The following letters are held at the
Bloomsburg, Pa., post office and will
be sent to the dead letter office July
4, 1893.
Mr. Henry Adams, Jacob S. Lape,
Mrs. Susie Leiby, Miss Maggie Stan
der, Mrs. Rebecca Summers.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say they were advertised June
20, 1S93. One cent will be charged
on each letter advertised.
A. B. Cathcapt, P. M.
We could not improve the quality if
paid double the price. DeWitt's
Witch I Ia.el Salve is the best Salve
that experience can 'produce, or that
money can buy. W. S. Rishton, drug
gist. io-i4-iy.
Mow to Acquire anil Itrtu'n a Ouiid Vocab-
. ul.iry.
Nottiiwr is mure fascinating than the
study of words; nothing more clearly
indicates the scholar us opposed to the
mere tyro thun the nice and fastidious
use of these. In words we clothe our
thoughts. Eloquent, subtle, poetical,
tr thrill inff as thesu may be, they are
Intangible and invisible until arrayad
In language. Unspoken thoughts are
like "unborn children. thety cannot
come into the world or on the scene of
human action till they are born of the
spoken or tho written word.
One way of acquiring a good vocabu
lary is, of course, by habitually asso
ciating with people who speak cor
rectly, and whose choice of words is
careful and elegant. To live With highly
educated awl congenial people is in
itself a liberal education in this regard.
One sometimes wonders at the singu
lar lapses into slovenly and illiterate
blunders conspicuous in men and wo
men who "should know better." True,
they should, and probably do know
better, but in daily praotlce few people
rise very much above the ordinary level
of those with whom they always ooo
verse.N A city-bred girl went to live tn
a part of tho country where provincial
isms are the current coin ot dally talk.
Returning a few years later to her
home, no one would have supposed her
to be the same person, so many queer
little phrases and downright forms of
speech, Inelegant and lacking in good
form, had she, a very susceptible person,
picked up and adopted.
'If we wish our daughter to be pro
ficient in music we take her to hear the
most renowned artists. Technique
may be acquired by constant practice
under the best Instructors, but she can
gain fueling, appreciation of color and
phrasing, sincere and genuine culture
In music only by hearing it rendered
well; and this Is truo of both vocal and
instrumental performance. Ho it is
true that a good vocabulary Is greatly
augmented by habitually listening to
eloquent and beautiful speech, to the
polis)ed diction of the pulpit, to the
rounded and rhythmic sentences of
prayer and praise. The young person
who always govs to church will gain
something uot included in our usual
thought of church-going a larger and
more facile vocabulary.
"Kor two years," said a student ot
French, "I heard no English that I
could help. I attended a Trench
church; I went wherever French was
spoken, in public undin private; 1 lived
in a French atmosphere,"
This Is equally true of English. A
vocabulary is not gained In a day or a
week. It Is tho slow accretion of
many days, the development of many
weeks. lLrpr' Bssar. . .
How about that heavy suit ? Are you still wearing it?
Seems funny for us to make suggestions to you, but we're tat
for business.
cent off.
Well now, we've went so far we might as well tell you the
rest. The fact of the matter is that we don't expect to carry
but very few light colored goods over the 4th of July, and in
order to make them go more rapidly, we are making a general
cut on all our IiIO-ZE3CT G"OOIDS. The re
ductions are any where from 50 cents to $3.00 on a Suit. De
pends on the price. If you have'nt bought all your Summer
goods yet suppose you
l give us a
is beyond question, and when
we can back it up every time.
Sole agents for SWEET, ORR & CO'S Working Clothes.
Are you going to paper your house ?
Give us a call. Get estimates and
prices. W. II. Brooke & Co.
A lot of new notes of the sharpest
kind have just been printed and are
for sale at this office. Also common
receipts, estate receipts, and collec
tors' receipts, neatly bound in books
of as, 50 and 100. . tf.
All the talk in the world will not
convince you so quickly as one trial of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for scalds,
burns, bruises, skin affections and
piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist lyr.
Croquet sets $1.00 up to $3.50 at
Mercer's Drug and Book store.
Flowerings and embroideries in end
less variety at M. Ellenbogen's.
New edition of Episcopal Hymnals
at W. H. Brooke & Co s.
Best ladies' vests for 15 cts.; ladies'
vests 6 cts. upwards. Fine ladies' un
derwear at M. Ellenbogen's.
Hammocks from 90 cents to $3.50
at Mercer's Drug and Book store.
Bucklens .arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no payrequired. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by C. A. Kleim.
Little vegetable health producers:
DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure
malarious disorders and regulate the
stomach and bowels, which prevents
headache and dizziness. W. S Rish
ton, Druggist. 10-14 1 y
is a moderate price for a very fine Man's
Suit isn't it, but supposing you can boy
that $12.00 Suit for $9.98, a saving of
over two dollars or in other words 20 per
trial. Oi
)ur reputation for
we tell you about reduced prices
Largest line of ladies' waists in town.
White embroidered waists, 50 cts. at
M. Ellenbogen's.
Call at Mercer's Drug and Book
store for Croquetjsets, prices from $1.00
to $3.50.
Children's hats 18 cts. and upwards
at M. Ellenbogen's.
Estimates furnished for wall paper.
Contract work solicited. Competent
workmen sent anywhere.
W. H. Brooke & Co. '
Deeds, mortgages and note books
of all kinds at the Columbian office,
Window curtains and fixtures m
gaeat variety at W. H. Brooke & Co's.
Go to Mercer's Drug and Book
store for Hammocks, prices from 90
cts. to $3.50.
Wall paper and window shades
at lowest prices.
W. H. Brooke & Co.
BIT, Cured at Home in Ten Days by
administering Dr. Haines' Golden
It can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of
coffee or tea, or in food, without the know
ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harm
less, and will Meet a permanent and speedy
enre, whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or alcoholic wreck. It has been
given in thousands of cases, and in every in
stance a perfect cure has followed. It never
fails. The system once impregnated with
the specific it becomes an utter impossibility
for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guar
anteed 48 page book of particular free.
Address the Uoi.den Specific Co., 185
Kace Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. IO-2I-1 yr.
i. f 1
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