The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 23, 1893, Image 2

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Newt Onthrred from all tftlmi of the
Common trout th,
Eastok. June 81. Yesterday wnsalumnl
day at Lafayette college and they iiihJh
the moat of it. The literary societies held
unlons at 9 o'clock. J. S. HcManter, of
ersey City, was the orator twfore Frank
ib ball, and Ker. Kord Oilman, of New
.rk, in Washington hall. Professor W.
V. Keen, M. I)., L. L. D., of Philadel
hla, delivered the oration before the trus
tees, faculty and students aid alumni.
His subject was "The Claims of Medicine
as a Career for Eduoated Men." Class re
unions were held at noon and athletic
sports In the afternoon.
Washington, June 17. Fourth-class
postmasters were appointed In Pennsyl
vania yesterday as follows:
Beavtrtown, Snyder oounty, W. M. Kel
ler, vice A. H. Dowersox, resigned; Prad
envllle, Westmoreland county, William B.
Smyths, vice I. P. McCartney, resinned;
Chatham Run, Clinton county, O. J. F.
Bamm, vice Franklin KuliiiK, resinned;
Chllltsqitaque, Xorthumlwrlnnd county, C.
F. Walter, vice J. E. K. Schwenk, re
signed; Cochran's Mills, Armstrong coun
ty, H. S. Myers, vice Mrs. A. McKee, re
signed; Eliervale, Luzerne county, Mattie
Nesbltt, vice Getrge Nesbitt, dead; Le
maaUrs, Franklin county, K. B. Piehl,
vice T. M. Smith, removed; Lovelton,
Wyoming county, Mrs. H. C. Vaughn,
vice H. B. Miller, resigned; Middleburgh,
Snyder county, J. W. Kunkle, vice J. W.
Swarts, removed; New Albany, Bradford
oounty, J. M. Wilcox, vice S. S. Ornisby,
removed; Port Treverton, Snyder county,
C. W. Knights, vica J. F. Hoffman, re
moved; Sinking Springs, Berks county, H.
B. Hull, vice PI. Y. Brescler, removed;
Windham Centre, Bradford oounty, F.' O.
MoHher, vioe J. H. Ureeue, resigned.
Washihotow, June 21. Fourth-class
postmasters were appointed in Pennsylva
nia yesterday as follows: Aaronsburg,
Centre county, H. H. Weaver, vica M. , M.
Musser, removed; Bart, Lancaster oounty,
F. E. Brown, vice B. B. Altken, removed;
Callensburg, Clarion couuty, C. S. Shaw,
vice H. C. Wilson, removed; Casaville,
Huntingdon county, A. J. Henderson, vice
A. H. J-van, removed; Duffryn Haur,
Chester county, Clara L. Shields, vice
Benjamin Fulton, resigned; East Brady,
Clarion county, J. W. Bennett, vice A. W.
Bell, removed: Uwi, Lebanon county,
Loganton, Clinton county, W. A. MorrisAI
ice. . John Berry, removed; Morrisdale
Mines, Clearfield county, George K.
Hummel, vice Harry Washburn, removed;
Neffs Mills, Huntingdon couuty, O. W.
Lupfer, vioe Henry Neff, removed;
North Bangor, Northampton county, Levi
Wledman, vice Christian Speer, resigned;
Palmer, Crawford county, Thomas Hau
ratty, vice A. C. Pet tit, resigned; Pen Held,
Clearfield county, Hiram Woodward, vice
F. R. Scofield, removed; Port Royal, Juni
ata, county, B. F. Hlmmel, vioe Eftie J.
Cooper, removed; Rockville, Chester county,
William Andrew, vice J. N. Beiler, re
signed; Utah, Indiana county, T. O. Alli
son, vica W. S. Denison, resigned; Volant,
Lawrence county, William Qrahatu, vice
F. B. Morehead, removed; Walnut, Juni
ata county, B. F. Crozler, Jr., vice J. W.
Hostetter, removed; Wampum, Lnwraticw
county, W. H. Braby, vice J. C Cunning
ham, removed; Yellow House, Beiks
county, J. R. Ottldin, vice D. L. F.hoads,
IIu.ntisgdon, June 19. J. W. EUwood,
the notorious post office burglar, who bus
been routined iu jail here uwiiiting the
pleasure of the government authorities at
Pittsburg to remove him, walked out of
the open front door of the jail and his
' whereubftuts Is unknown.
United .States Marshal liar rub, of .Pitts
burg, came here for EUwood uud had a
blacksmith file off Ellwcod's hobbles, leav
ing the latter free in the jail corridor un
attended. While the turnkey was eujoyiug his lule
looming .sleep EUwood opened the front
jail door a;id wr.lkxl Into liberty. Mur
' shal Harrah returned to Pittsburg without
Ms prisoner. This makes the fifth success
ful escape from the couuty jail under the
present sheriff in five month.
PirrtiBi Ra, June 19. Mrs. Rachel Tar-
fcuck, eof Elizabeth, in the Mononghela
Valley, has just come into possession of
almost $18,000. About a year ago. her
oncla, a bachelor, died at Plainfleld, N. J.
Ea was about to will bis large fortune to
a public library and to bis brothers and
sisters, but died before he could sign the
will, which bad been preparedly the law
yers, then at his bedside. Under the laws
ef lew Jersey, it baa just been decided
that the fortune must be divided between
the nieces and nephews, and Mrs. Tar
buck's share is (17,91)0. The lady has gone
to Plainfleld to receive ber money.
Alijchtow!!, Jans 19. The' 100th an
niversary of the Independence of the Re
formed Church - hrAme ria was to have
been celebrated in this city yesterday by all
the Reformed churches in the Leblgh Val
ley. Extensive preparations bad been
made and some of the most prominent men
in the thumb. wei to -participate. The
weather, however, was unfavorable aud
the general committee at a meeting In
Ziou's church Saturday deolded to postpone
the celebration until Thursday, June 34.
The postponement was announced from all
the Reformed Church pulpits in the Le
high Valley yesterday.
Johnsonville, Jims 19. The annual
Meeting of the democrats of Northampton
county was held here Saturday afterpoo'i
and waa largely attended. It ratified thi
proceedings of the county committee and
sleeted Monday, July 81, as the time for
noising the county convention, and Eaaton
as the place. Tbe proposed amendments
to the party rules were also adopted. The
most important of these changes U the
abandonment of separate nominating con
ventions. Hereafter tbe democrats will
bold one convention to nominate all couuty
and legislative candidates.
Potts villk, Juue 19. New cases of
smallpox in tbe southern part of Schuyl
kill couuty are announced almost dully.
Tbe shoe manufacturing town of Onvlgs
burg has ctillcd upou the county poor di
rectors fcr a m stance In nursins and Quar
antining the family of baniel Smith, the
father, mother und daughter belnir alllicted
with the disease. Luuilingville and Schuyl
kill Mouutaib, nearby, each have stverr.l
casea and tbe residcuts of the surrounding
farming country are becoming alarmed.
Strict measures have been taken against
the spread of tbe dl-ue., June 19. A pair of cliildUh
hore thieves are in jail here. Tbey are
Herbert and Harry Snyder. One U 7 and
the other 9 years old. They were before a
magistrate Saturday afternoon aud charged
with stealing a horse and wagon owned by
John Smith. Tbe boys were endeavoring
to sell the nrtlcles In tbe wagon. On
Wednesday the same children were iu
uourt nuti were accused of having stolen a
horse and carriage, liecuuse of their tin
ier years they were set free.
Coatkhviu.k, Juue 19. The soutbuni
Ind of Chester oounty has for several
rabid dogs. Saturday a mad dog passed
through the villages of to Run, Laurel
and Mortonville doing wholesale damage.
A little child named DeHaven, while
playing in Its parents' yard. Was Its vie
tim. Over a dozen dogs, fifteen cows, ami;
ove horses were bitten, before it was kil)d'
All of the stock; bitten will be UHed, ;
1 . HARlsBURr.'Jun'20. Tb follcvltm
were chartered yesterday: JUnilugton &
Hhersnan Company, safe manufacturing
Philadelphia capitnL IMO.OOO. S Jvinl
Tube .Company, of Philadelphia; capital,
(30,000. Tomhlcken Water Company, of
Drifton; capital, $10,000. Prifton Water
Company, ot Hazel 'township, Luzerne
county; capital, $30,000. The Coxa Iron
Manufacturing Company, ot Drifton; capi
tal, $W0,0O0. Coxe Brothers & Co., in
corporated for mining coal, of Drifton;
capital, $250,000. One Idea Water Com
pany, of East Union township, Schuylkill
county; capital, $10,000. The Beaver
Meadow Water Company, of Banks town
ship, Carbon county; capital, $10,0iX).
Lebasox, June 30. Peter Dixon, color
ed, is lying in a critical condition In tbe
Good Samaritan hospital, in this city, with
poor hopes of recovery. He was brought
to the hospital with wounds in his breast
and side, which wen- Inflicted with n knife,
It is charged, by Dudley Prophet, also col
ored. The knife penetrated the liver and
lungs, and blood poisoning has set in. The
stabbing took place at the Coleman fur
nace at Cornwall, Prophot having waited
some time for his vlotlm. Dixon was
stabbed fire times. ' Prophet escaped to
this city, and was arrested in the Cornwall
and Lebanon passenger depot.
Hari.issiru, June SO. On bis way to
work yesterday Frank Swangsr, aged 17,
stopped at Mebriug'a stable on Cameron
street. While talking with Josh Miller, a
colored boy, the latter picked up a gun,
which was loaded for rats, and began fool
ing with it. Suddenly tbe piece was dis
charged, and ths ballet struck Swangnr in
tbe face, ranging upward between tbe eyes
and lodging in the forehead. The colored
boy was arrested, but subsequently re
leased. He says the shooting was acci
dental. Swanger was unconscious nearly
ten hours, and it is believed cannot re
cover. Natrona, June 21. W. P. Dysert, a
Philadelphia burglar, held 100 armed men
at bay all night at Cheswick, oud only sur
rendered when fifty determined men burst
open the door of tbe - building he was in
and overpowered bira. For ten hours a
steady fight was kept up on both sides,
and when captured one of the robber's eyes
bad been shot out and bis left arm dis
abled by a bullet. Dysert is supposed to
have been implicated in fifty robberies in
Western Pennsylvania durinj the past two
Rkadinq, June 21. While sitting under
a large sbadn tree in front of bis home at
South Birdsboro, David McCalllcker, aged
74 years, who had been blind for over tour
years, suddenly recovered bis eyesight.
There appears to bave been no special
cause for this occurrence, but the fact re
mains that while for several years he could
not see with or without spectacles, now be
i:an easily read fins print with the natural
ay. ,
Lancaster, June 20. Ex-Protboatary
John W. Mentxer, convicted of embezzle
meut, was yesterday sentenced to pay a
flue at 11.292.84, the amount embezzled,
and to undergo an imprisonment of two
years in tbe county prison. As soon as
sentence was pronounced Mentzer's counsel
presented a special allocatur, granted by
Judge Green, and Menter was released
from custody on entering $1,300 for his ap
pearance. KnERDAi.E, June 17. This city was the
scetiu of a fight over a guiue of craps which
may rosult in another murder. It seems
John Mntgotnery, in a quarrel with
Thomas Morton, cut Morton's throat from
car to car. The muu is still alive, though
:n a critical condition. Believing he had
killed bis muu, Montgomery Hod to the
Waynesboro, Juno 17. Vildle riding on
a Philadelphia and Rending railroad train
J. F. Oiler, a leading business man of this
place, bad a satchel stolen whleb contained
ft, COO In money aud papers belonging to
the Oelss manufacturing company of
Waynesboro, with which corporation he is
Shaefkerstown, June 17. While Mi
chael Umberger and John Groh, young
men of this place, were handling a revol
ver the weapon was accidentally discharged.
The bail entered Utnberger's left lung,
making a dangerous wound. He is lying
at the point of death.
' Lancaster, June 16. Horace L. Halde
man, of the firm ol Haldeman, Grubb A
Co., owners ef ths Chick les furnace, Lan
caster county, sustained Injuries in a run
away accident which may prove fatal. His
daughter was also dragged over sixty feet
ana Is seriously injured.
Cbxhtsr, June lfl. The thirty-first an
nual commencement of tbe Pennsylvania
Military College was held at that institu
tion yesterday. At m meeting of tbe board
of trustees Governor R. E. Paulson was
elected president and Hon. John Wana
maker, vica president.
Shartlis villi, June 17. Tbs large
Swiss barn on the farm of William Sohlap
ptg, near this village, was detttroyed by
fire. The. live stock was saved. The ori
gin of tbe firs is unknown. Ths loss is
$3,500, whlah is fully covered by insurance.
Harrisburo, June 17. Wilson's dis
tillery at Hlghspire, six miles below this
city, was burned last night. The loss, it
is estimated, will be in the neighborhood
of $200,000, on which there is some in
surance. Wiluamsport, June 17. The P. E. con
vention of the Central diocese of Pennsyl
vania, which met here, adjourned to meet
next year at St. James' church, Lancaster,
which will be tbe occasion of its 150th an
niversary. Susqckuansa, June 20. Fred. D. Van
Horan, agent for tbe Anglo-American Sav
ings and Loan Association of New York
city, was found yesterday dying in a barn
at Steven's Polut, a village five miles from
here. It is supposed that he is the victim
of foul pluy.
HARKisnrp.u, June 20. The members of
the Pennsylvania Editorial Association ar
rived at the Lochie.1 lunt evening. They
left for neiKling this morning as the guests
of the Readiug road. A largo number ot
journalists joined forces hero.
New Mine Innpnotpra Appointed.
HAnnisiiCRfi, June 21. Governor Pat
Mson bas appointed Bernard Callaghan, of
West Lelsenrlng, Westmorelnud couuty,
Roger liuuip-sou, of Harrold, Elk county,
mine isi-eetors for tbe Ninth and Tenth
Bituminous districts, respectively, in con
formity with the recent act Increasing the
number of Inspectors.
DeiuocruU Will Meet In Phlladolpblu.
Hahhimhvko, Juue 10. The executive
committee of the democratic state commit
tee will meet Iu Philadelphia on the 2uth
iitkt., for the purpose of fixing tbe time
and place for holding tbe state oeavenston.
John Wonder Arrested for Cruelty to II ll
9-Year-Old Son.
Philadklphia, June 21. John Wonder,
a letter carrier who resides at No. 83S
C'barlotta street, was arrested by Lteuten
ant HeaUm, of ,h Seven tl district, on a
warrant cliftrglng: him with' cruelty to bit
B-year-old os). (."', v T. !
A week or so ago neighbors who wen
ware ol ths harsh treatment the boy was
receiving notified the Society to Protect
Children from Cruelty of the ease. An In
vestigation was made and a warrant issued
for Wonder's arrest.
: As the accused seemed to have stopped
the brutalities he was in the habit of In
flicting on his son, the warrant was held
without being served. Last evening the
neighbors were startled by the Agoniz
ing shrieks of the lad, and, knowing full
well the reason of the outcry, notified Lieu
tenant Heaton, who went to the house.
The heartless parent, It was found, had
stripped off the buy's clothing and bound
bis bands with a rope. Tbe Ind was then
tiended so that his feet barely touched
the floor. With a "piece of heavy rubber
hose Wonder lashed the boy. Each blow
laft a livid mark upon the boy's body,
many ot the cruel lashes drawing blood.
Lieutenant Heaton states that he found
the boy to be a mascot bleeding sores from
his heels to his head, and that he could
banlly have survived any additional blows.
Wonder was given a hearing before Mag
istrate Clement and held in bail for court.
Tbe boy was turned over to the soctoty.
four Persons Lose Their Lives and Many
Others Are Injured,
Nkw York, June 21. A train on the
Ing Island railroad, upon which were
abgut 1,000 persons returning from the
Sbeepshead Bay races, was derailed lust
evening in a tunnel a short distance from
Parkvllle, L. I. Two persons wers killed
outright, two died soon after being ro
moved to the hospital aud about 100 were
injured, many so seriously that they will
not recover.
Those killed were Patrick Dally, H. S.
Pringle, Henry Spink and Robert Cuttln.
Was Disappointed In Love Too.
Philadelphia, June 21. The motive
for the weird suicide ot Watchman Elmer
Hammond, which ocourred at Atlantic
City, is believed to bavo been despondency
over his discharge a week ago from Shell
enberger's hide aud tallow work, at Ox
ford and Mascber streets. It is also hinted
that unrequited love bad something to do
with the case, as he had been paying at
tention to a young woman here, who was
seen in his uompany on Sunday and to
whom he is said to have been engaged.
Somerset County Democrats Meet.
Somehmkt, June 21. The Democratic
oounty convention here was presided over
by Hon. A. H. Coffrotb. John H. Ubl
und J. M. Oats were elected delegates to
the state convention. Strong resolutions
were adopted indorsing tbe national and
state administrations, Secretary Harrity
and Chairman Wright. A resolution was
passed demanding the repoBl of the Sher
man eHver bullion purchase law.
Three Criminals Sentenced.
Philadelphia, June 21. Harry Mills,
Charles Griffith, and J. D. Lenoir yester
day pleaded guilty before Judge Bregy, ia
court of quarter scsaious No. 2, to con
spiracy to assault and rob George Bond,
the receiver of the Philadelphia Traction
Company, at the depot and Seventeenth
und Berks streets. The defendants were
given the full extent ot the law, . two years
each In the county prison.
Hit Ove; the Kye With a Sledge.
ITAnn.iKUi'.o, Juno 21. Wm. 11. Max
well, of 1127 Paxtou p'ret't, narrowly es
caped losing nn eye while at wcrk in the
frujr, shep at the rVnusrlvnnin steel works,
Stcelton. The accident occurred through
his helper driving a Ley info a froK, when
through somo ruisLfip the sledge hit MP.
Maxwell over the left eye. He was brought
to his home in this city immediately. ' His
condition is serious.
Four English Ladles Rnhbod,
Gexkva, June 10. A considerable sen
sation bas been caused in the Cbamounix
district by the robbery of four English
ladies, who wero accompanied by guides,
While crossing Mt. Boubeinmo the party
was stopped by two masked men and com
pel led to band over their money and valu
ables. Tbe police are searching for the
Will Study Americau Railways.
Berlin, June 2!. A colonel and ten
other officers from a railway regiment of
the German army have started for the
United States where they will study th
American system of railways. Each of
fleer will travel through an exclusive dls
trict. to which be will be assigned by tb
The Oldest Oravestoae.
WHrritfARdH, ' June 17. Tbe oldest
gravestone In tbe cemetery ot the Episcopal
church here is to tbs memory ot William
Allison, burled la 1727. Tbe stone was
broken la two by a cannon ball during tbe
skirmish when Washington was encamped
on Fort Hill. It bears an impression ot a
skull and cross bones.
Went 100 Miles Without Knowing It.
Bdrlinotox, N. J., June 31. James A.
Lewis, of Columbus, N. J., got drunk hers
last Friday. He was put in bis wagon aud
his horse started for home. Word bas
' 1 . m Fi j ,nn ti
ueeu receiveu irom v luemnu, iov uiuoa
away, that Lewis and bis horse bad turned
up there. Of bis trip Lewis has no recol
lection. Nost Tear They Meet In Cleveland.
Pitthburu, June 17. At yesterday's ses
sion of the Amalgamated Association con
vention it was decided to bold tbe next an
nual meeting in Cleveland, O., on the
third Tuesday of May, 1HU1. The confer
ence committee was appointed in the after,
A Hank Teller riuleides.
Carlisle, June 17. John A. H. Bar
nlttt. teller of the Farmers' bank here, com
mitted Hiiicide yesterduy in Texas, where.
be bad gone for toe benefit of his health.
A Large Hreuker ISurnt'd.
" POTT3VILLB, June 17. Tbe $100,000
breaker of the Mid valley Coal Company,
lotuited near Mount Carmtl, was destroyed
by fire last evening, together with tbe
superintendent's ofllce.
Large Atteiiilaiirn h the F'ntr,
Chicauo, June f. l'ald admission to
the World's Fair yesterday were 8,7.4;,
total attendance, ll!i,073.
Another Vlotlm ot the Tlirutre 111. alitor.
Vasiiinoto!, Juue 17. A. L. Ames,
who was Injured iu the Ford's theatre dis
aster last Friday, died at the Emergency
hospital last night.
W "eV "V AVT . -
,n 1 l ; sm
1 a
I wjrilC (V.VHI All IU1I UUHlvkfHf' Majwrwww.
n'YH Xf Mitrri MrktrvjiMVTinri Cnfi TAvet OH
and Hypopliosphites of Lime and Soda
will' build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Beott'a Emulsion euros Oonfhs,
Colds, OoRiunviion, Scrofula and
all Aaaomie and Wasting- Diseases.
Prevents wastinr In r.budroa. Al
tost as palatable as salik. Cot amy
tbe genuine, prepared by Bcott
Bowne, Chemists, Mew Xork. Sold by
all Druggists,
Cigars, Totacco, Candies, Fruits and Huts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every "Week.
JPztxiz-z Goods j"2'.
F.F. Adams & Co's Fine
Bole agents for the
Henry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princess, -Samson, Silver Acb
Bloomsburg, Pa.
2nd Door aoove Cou$ House."
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
A Wmmf Saved
The way to save your pennies ' is to buy your Dress Goods,
Trimmings, Corsets, Cents' Furnishing Goods-, .
Shoes, 6cc, at
A9 ",T TTTr 7 TlfT
n w a "Hi. m
Ready Pay Store.
Our Goods are all new, nothing lasts long enough to get
old, our prices move them. Remember we are headquarters
for SHOES of all kinds. .
I ELY BROTHERS, es Wtrren Bb, New Tork. Price &0 ctsl.
nro sroof.
4-81-llt. F. M.
id inns' 1 la-uyyi-TMr urv
r s 1 jM it a 1 i
aw 1 1 jii 11 i 1 1
kji rLurLL,
Kind orooDiUiw 3
nr. riTB.
nil II BT r m al Vj ar sa Ta1 "
Cut Chewing Tobacco
following brands pf Cigars-
T -r Tn Tr-a -1 y-m cn
u 'u; mi ' s $
cnnixinn iiiiucomdined.
-(Fatsat atwllei !.)-
ssd th otktr eide ! fovvrMl with hMMmr hmi .kii
a nsw esiinsrr eriicii in M mm tor ensertn lbs matt rrir
food. Ho ! rrinif wr watthiDS rwinlrad of tat kled ot im4
ookodoe thiiraai. A poaltivo mtrantM asslnal barnlst food
adds irnl Innsth 10 th !, aad ob whit h a bo bkd lb
mortserfMt srlddlMks. TbUsrtlcl ioiid omjr for iuielf In
Ik UTlas of snalM aad tiswsr. HilliB of tliA will b told
h wwm tiws m w lomr cob do sola la ovory romilr.
lb ueiU thol do bo! l obc Mk n gacr will mlii th orraY
l opoortBBlif of Ihttr Htm. iinbi ttUY9 WIBTrs
Bsasl kr ssbII. BMesBld,earelslof MCMTa.
FQRtHCE a NcMAKIN, Ms Mssslsetsrari, CINCINNATI,
ra v aa w w .ao.aamA
m 1 n r nriimiv i'A
uuiiis nil- m
- C ll
T -tv m m mm a BV ST T V sr w M
"It fits like the paper
on the Wall."
Of course it does if its tVio
ribt kind, and it adds every
thing to the cheerfulness of the
! Wall Paper
gives your walls any effect and
a touch of luxury that money
could not otherwise supply.
To get the best, that is the
question ; but that is neither
difficult or expensive if you go
to the right place to buy it.
Ours is tho place, the variety
is here, the prices are right,
If you want, we put it on
your walls and guarantee the
work. Workmen sent any
where. Window' Curtains too, are
here, prices right.
W U. Brooke A Co.
Butter per lb.... ,
Eggs per dozen . ij
Lard per lb , .16
Ham per pound .18
Pork, whole, per pound 07 to .08
Beef, quarter, per pound .... 06 to .08
Wheat per bushel 80
Corn ears " 60
Oats " ' .co
Rye " " 80
Buckwheat flour per too 1.40
Wheat flour per bbl 4.50
Hay per ton " 12.00
Potatoes per bushej 1 .00
Turnips " ,2j
Onions " " 1.00
Sweet potatoes per peck 25 to .35
Cranberries per qt it
Tallow per lb 08
Shoulder " " 15
Side meat"" .14
Vinegar, per qt .08
Dried apples per lb .05
Dried cherries, pitted .18
Raspberries .18
Cow Hides per lb .03
Steer " ." " l0S
Calf Skin 40 to .50
Sheep pelts .go
Shelled corn per bus .65
Corn meal, cwt.. 2.00
Bran, " ,.25
Chop " . . r 1.25
Middlings " ,. 1.25
Chickens per lb .12
Turkeys " " 4
Geese " " .10
Ducks " " ,0
No. 6, delivered , . . . . 2. so
" 4 and s 3 50
" 6 at yard 2.23
" 4 and 5 at yard ,.. 3.25
Improve your stock
by getting a setting
of Barred or White
Plymouth Rocks.
Eggs from fine birds
at $1.50 per 13,
or $2.50 per 26.
Address, W. B. German,
Millvllle, 1 t Penan
CtMDM BoJ UoutlflM h Ml.
Prooma. . luiuruuil frowtk.
rail, to BMtar. OfBf
HklP ta itm fmtkK.I Pain..
Cum o.l. diMOT a hair UUu,
Ths Consumptive and Feebla aad tii wha
jun.r hum ah.unl ilwu, ,ml4 na rukrri OlBCOT
Tonlo. Itnmth.aoraUooiiU, WniUiui. lAiln7ln.
difMliua. r amala wakiiH, uLaoiuaUau anJraia. . I (.
HINQERCORNS. Th.oalT KnranfWOoraa.
ml all yaw. IUXm taijr. Ucta, al UriuigilU.
Improved Variable frlotien Teed
MUknic'n, . Dalrymi'D aim ('reamerymon tan
Ktifp .Milk and C'R'uia Hwcct and rivHii a woclc
u wurnifHt went In r WITHOUT ICE Tas!
It'HD, Muiplt', ivllabUi i tbrui). Kiiini)i free to
any iiiIiuhh. I'mi'iiti-cs una Holu JUru., TliB
rioi!rvulliinMf(. Co., loueUur t., Now Voik.
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lnv ; TIlAO. IS. KOWMNn,nil
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