OI K 1.KTTMI I RIIM IIAItr.TSIH UO. What 1(i Hern lnn In the Legislature ' Other News from the Cupltal. Hakrikrvho, May 81. The legislature adjourned portion, of tho day yesterday in observance of Decora tlon Day, but this, however, did not inter fen to any considerable extent with con siderable effective work being done in both branches, although what was accomplish ed was rather uninteresting ns the import ant work of this session has been cleared up. There are only about 125 more bill to be disposed of before Anal Adjournment and as they are all unimportant monsurut they will be put through with a ruh. The conglomerate road bill otherwise the measure framed by the special sctmte committee from the other pending bills . was discussed an hour and then pussvd the vote being 82 yeas mid 10 u iys. The senate turnod down the uovernor't veto of the bill appropriating VK) foe the purchase of Giles J). Price's index to local legislation from 1700 to and passed the bill notwithstanding by a vote of 87 to 3. Ten democrats voted with the republicans. Among the bills passed finally are the following: Extending the limits of residence and powers of notaries public; to prohibit ped aling, selling or hawking of merchandise, wares or other goods without a license; to make the National Guard formations con form to those of the United States army; authorising the reteution of the two ad ditional clerks in the adjutant general's department to prepare muster rolls for preservation; Children's Industrial home, of Harrisburg, $9,000. The joint resolution of Heaator Murkier providing for a legislative Investigation of the state hospitals, reformatories, asylums and penitentiaries has been vetoed by the governor. The following senators were chosen to represent the senate on the board to com pute the vote for state officers at the next general election: Woods, Mifllin;Mitohell, Jefferson; Laubach, Northampton, and Logan, Crawford. In the house the general appropriation bill was reported. It carries $14,300,000, including a grant of 9&00.000 a year for free teat books. The bill appropriating $83,851 for expenses of the elections com mittee and several other appropriation Mils passed finally. The contested vase of Franklin vs. Forrest, from Lancaster county, was called up, and the majority re port seating Franklin, republican, was adopted by a vote of 111 to 07. Tim Mo Carrell bill, permitting street railway, traction and electric companies to consoli date, passed by a vote of 148 to 30. The governor has approved the bill pro viding for the erection of the Penusylvuuiu soldiers' orphans' industrial school. The Mil carries with it au appropriation of $190,000 for the erection, furnishing and fitting lip of the building, together with $10,000 for the education and maintenance of the children admitted to the school for the fur ending May 81st, 1894, and $31), 000 for the year ending May 31st, 1895. Thegovernor, notified the house that he had approved the following bills: Relative to the appointing of special dep uties, policemen and marshals, otherwise known as the Kearns antl-Plukerton bill; providing for the insurance of the cnpitol and other public buildings; repealing a special tax law in the borough of VelUtvue, Allegheny county; repealing the nut en larging the jurisdiction of justices of the peace in Erie county; making nn appropri ation for the Norristown Insane hospital; making an appropriation for a shad hatch ery in the Delaware river; making an ap propriation to the State Lunatic hospital at Harrisburg. The house refused to concur in the senate amendment to the bill providing for the placing of a copy of Smull's Hand Hook in each public school. The act to provide for the support of the indigent Insane, which watt re-callud from the governor and amended so as todivide the cost of maintenance between county and stnto passed Dually. The house elected six members of the commission to compute the vote to be cast for supreme judge and state treasurer next November. The successful members were Messrs. Abrams, Kennedy and Patterson, republicans, and Messrs. Fritz, Follweiler and Kane, democrats. Hariuhburo,- May 81. The supreme court did not observe Decoration Day, but continued right along. Its most import ant action was assuming jurisdiction in the matter of the petition of David W. Sellers, eounssl for the publio buildings commis sion for an lnjuactioa to restrain the city of Philadelphia and its director of publio works from interfering with the control and erection of the buildings. Leave was anted to file the bill, but no time was ed for argument. Eleven cases were argued yesterday, but BO opinions were handed down. The case ofD. D.Elder vs. Lykens Valley Coal Compaay occupied meat of the session. Hamimum, May 30. The breaking of the front axle of a car on a west-bound freight train, east of Oonewago, about 8:80 o'clock yesterday mpruing, caused the wrecking of at least 80 cars. The mail-express due in this city at 8 a. m., failed to reach here until 13:80 p. m. All trains were delayed for four to five hours. The lilddletown and Lancaster wrecking crews Were called out to clear the tracks. Harrihburo, May 29. A Harrisburg resident visited Salyards at the Carlisle jail and the prisoner became incensed at some question asked him and seized a pail of water left in his cell, dashed its contents over his visitor, giving him a good drench ing. Harmbburg, May 81. In fit of jeal ous rage Battle Sephus last night shot Kate Williams in the left shoulder with a shotgun, inflicting an ugly wound. It is thouxht she will recover. Both parties are colored. V Camming Short In His Accounts. Chester, May 29. George J. Cura miugs, an agent for the Baltimore Mutual Aid society, has left Chester. He is short in his accounts for a large sum. liefore leaving he walked in Volhardt's store and purchased a revolver and a box of car . tridges. He loaded the weapon in the presence of Chief of Police Bujjsbuw and thon wrote a letter toCharlos Pierce, of HO'i Mary street, saying he would muke away with himself, as he was tired of living. Tho Moravians in Conference, Bethlehem, May 35. The cjuln-qnen-nial Synod of the Northern Province of the Moravian church in America convened huru yesterday. Three hundred delegates - aro present, representing most every state in the union. The Synod elected lit. Kev. H T. Bacbmun, of this place, president. The conference will lost ten days. Hull Knocks Maviu Out. London, May 80. In the prize fight last night between Frank P. Sluvln and Jim Hall, the latter won in the seventh round, knocking blavin out with a right hander on too jaw. THOl-ANI tVKJTT TO TltK KAITt. the Oates of the (trent Imposition Were 4lwi Yesterday. - ..CmeAoo, '.Hay 20. -t in spite of 4he fact that District Attorney Mi lob riot filed his bill for -an injunction to prevent .the Qwning of the World's Fair on . Sunduy, tho gates Were open io the publio yester day and over 1 23,000 people paid the neces sary twenty-live cents admission to see the big show. A numlior of the buildings were closed, among them the United Mtates govern ment buildings, bitt notwithstanding this there was plenty of things to see and enough to satisfy the majority that the show was a big one for the money. There was no great amount of interference with the opening on the part of the authorities. The music during the day was all of a sacred natsre. Thousands of dollars dally have been stolen by the gatemen or ticket takers at the Exposition, and until the turnstiles are ready for business Fair officials don't know how to check the theft or catch the thieves. It Is estimated that from H.000 to 10,000 souviiilr tickets are handed in at the gates dally. The ofllcial returns show less than half that number. These are the tickets sold at the downtown stores, hotels and ticket oflicus of the corporation. POSTICUS AFFAtltSi IN HAD 8IIAPK. The vx-Hecretnrr's Liabilities Will Heaeh Nearly W 1,000,000. Fobtoria, O., May 29. It Is Impossible to learn with absolute correctness the as sets and liabilities of any of the concerns with which ex-Secretary Foster was con nected and which were dragged down by his assignment last Friday. The assignees, however, state that the liabilities of the embarrassed Arms are larger to a consider able extent and the assets smaller then at first reported. It was stated this morning by one of the assignees that the Indebted ness of the several concerns, the bunk, gloss company and iron works, will foot up nearer $1,000,000 than $(100,000 as at first stated. The assets, it is believed, will not pay more than fifty cents on the dollar. Over 400 men are idle to-day and will continue to be Idle as a result of the dos ing down of tho window glass factory Sat urday. Among these people who are thus thrown out of employment there will be considerable distress, as only a few of them had any money saved up, and what they did save was deposited in the defunct bank. Others had homes partly paid for aud are now left without any means of meeting their obligations. There is no hope of the glass factory resuming business as the affairs of the concern are ia a terri ble shape. Halyards Taken III. Carlisle, May 81. Charles Salyards. ' the convicted murderer, was taken sud i senly ill yesterday in his cell and a phy I lician was hastily summoned. He diag j nosed the cause of illness, pronouncing it I iiarrhtpa. Salyards has dropped his vio I lent exhibitions of temper and now prom- lues some sutrtuug ueveiopraonia auooung bis side of tho oase very soon. What they will be he refuses to state. Two Workmen Fatally Injured. Ciikster, May 29. Two workmen at the Dear Creek Oil works lost their lives by making a mistake. Daniel Flynn, of Bay oune, N. J., und Parker Marshall, of Lin wood, undertook to remove the head of still No. 8, but in mistake took oil N. 7, which had n fire burning under it. Instantly there was a loud explosion, and Flynn was thrown about fifty feet. Both died from their injuries. Wood Died of Ills Injuries. Philadelphia, May 29, Benjamin Wood, the 13-old-boy of 700 North Forty fourth street, who was run over by a car ia Thirty-ninth street and (Jiraid avenue on Friday, died at the Presbyterian hos pital Saturday. William McKibben, tho conductor of the car, aud Harry Johnson, the driver, were held ou their own recog nizance to answer before the coroner. . The Court Dismissed the Ulll. Bostox, May 29. Justice Holmes in the supreme court has dismissed the bill in equity brought by the Hudson National bunk to have vacated an order of the Suf folk insolvency court confirming a com position offer of 70 cents on (he dollar made by the firm of Henry Poor & Son to its creditors. The obligations of the Arm amount to $213,000. Observed Decoration Day. Nrw York. Mar 31. Particulars from all sections of tho country aro to tho effect that Memorial Day was generally ob served, especially in the large cities. Bud- is throughout the country was practi cally auspended and the day was recognised as a general holiday. Parades of war veterans, memorial services and the deco ration of soldier's graves was the order of exercise. Seised for Smuggling. Skattli, Wash., May 81. The steam ship Haytian Republic wu seized here by customs officials. She was searched and anly five pounds of opium found. The cus toms ofHoers say they did not expeot to find more, but the seizure was for past offences, and that a libel will lie filed against her in a few days. To be Made a Stock Company, Montreal, Que.. May 31. The Allen steamship line is to be converted into a stock company. Hugh'atid Montagu Allan are in London arranging for this step. The Allans will retain a controlling interest in the property, embracing nearly 100 steam ships. Crooked liens Is fhurfrod. Chicago, May 31. There are charges that crookedness was indulged in at the World's Fair Sunday, in that not one-hulf of the admissions were accounted for. The matter is to be investigated. The Mlelilfran Legislature Adjourns. Lanhinu, Mich., May 81. The closing scenes of the legislature of 1803 were en acted yesterday by a proclamation of the presiding ollicers of botU houses that it was adjourned sine die. Fell Overboard and AY us Drowned. New Youk, May 81. Captain John North, 78 years old, of tbo steam lighter Confidence, lying lit the foot of Jersey ave nue, in Jersey City, fell overboard and was drowned. Ilurned by a Gus Explosion. Shamokin, May 81. Samuel F.ngle, Peter Wolf, and John Maha were fright fully burned by a gas explosion at the Burnside mine yesterday. Wolf cannot re cover. Memorial Day at (iettysburg. Okttybbuho, May 81. Memorial Day was observed on this battlefield with Im pressive ceremonies. There was an tm weaM crowd pioaent. DR. RRIOOS AND THE FHOSECUTIOW. The Argument Closed In the Celebrated '.. ,J3erer One". . . -i,.( WashkotOx, May o4Both Dr. Bi-iggs and Vha (prosecution .'finished their nrgti ntenU lit thehresy citm before the Presby tartan .General Asseiribly yesterday after noon. V v v - The evening session was given over to the members of the New York Presbytery and a vote on sustaining tho appeal will doubtless be taken at to-day's session. Besides the Brlggs case there were two incidents of note in the days' proceedings. The com ni It tee on bills and overtures re ported a form of deliverance in explanation of the deliverance of the Portland assembly ou the inspiration of tho Bible ns a substi tute for the one submitted last -Saturday. It was clearer and more condenced than the former document and nftlrmed the declara tion of the assembly of 1892. Upon the introduction of a resolution by Rev. Loyal Y. Graham, of Philadelphia, of loyalty and honor to the memory of the soldier dead, Elder Spencer, of St. Louis, raised a point of order that it was nut war ranted by tiie authority under which the assembly sat and could not, therefore, be entertained. Moderator Craig, overruled tho point and Mr. Sncer endeavored to appeal, but could not find a single second, aud the resolution was adopted. T1IK HAWAIIAN Mi l ATIOX. Cleveland Said to be Strongly III Favor of a Protectorate. Washington, May 80. In regard to the sltnation at Hawaii, it Is stated here in of ficial circles that the president desires to let things there remain unchanged so far as any active interference by tills govern ment is concerned. The provisional government will remain o long as it Is able to maintain itself, and Queen Liliuokalanl will continue to draw her revenues from the crown lands. If the people become dissatisfied with tht provisional government and remove It by quiet and legal means, nothing will be said or done upoli this edge of the Pacific. Mr. Blount Is on the ground acting as a sort of spy. Nothing in the nature of an nexation is contemplated by the adminis tration, aud the question of assuming a protectorate remains in alwyaace until the next meeting of coutress. In his tnr.ssnge to that body Mr. Cleveland will take strong protectorate grounds. Wahhikotoh, May 29. Probably the most important pension decision ever sunt from the office of the secretary of the in terior to the commissioner of pensions was filed Saturday. It is believed by those high in authority lu the pension bureau that it will reduce the pensions under the act of June 27, 1890, between $15,000,000 and $20,000,000. It involves the repeal of an order passed by Ueueral P.auin, and approved by As sistant Secretary Busscy, and a return to the language of the statute requiring the disability not of service origin to be such as to prevent the applicant from earning a support by manual labor. The case which called forth this decision is one of a man granted a pension for "slight deafness." whom, it was shown, was never sick during the time he was in the war; that his deafness was not of ser vice origin; that at present he is well and hearty, and that his ailment does not pre vent him from performing manual labor and thus earning a livelihood. Under the decision," this aud like cases are to be re rated. Washington, May 27. United States Treasurer Nelwkor yesterday paid into the United States Treasury $1,055, that amount having been stolen or lost from the treas ury cash. The money was all lost iu the redemption division of tho treasurer's of fice at three different times and all since the 4th of lust March. Washington, May 80. The National Bank of North Dakota, at Furgo, N. D., and the First National bank, of Lakota, N. D., have been closed by the United States comptroller of the currency. Washington, May 30. Secretary Orcs ham absolutely denies that he has been notified that the Chinese government will retaliate if the Geary law is enforced. Washington, May 80. John A. Flan ncry, of Douglasvillo, Pa., has filed an ap plication in the treasury for appointment as special agent of the treasury. THOUSANDS OF l'KOFLK SWINDLED, The Deceiver of the Order of the Itoyal Ark Files His Baport. Boston, May 29. The receiver of the Order of the Royal Ark, the first of the en dowmout orders that was floated and wreck ed in the financial deluge, has filed his re port in the superior court. The order one boasted of 16,000 mem bers, 8,500 of whom received in cash $142 eaoh for $43 to $73 paid in by each; 7,000 lapsed and received nothing, and now the 8,013 matured or in good standing are to reoeire S 1-2 per cent, of tho amount they paid In. They will receive all the way from 33 cents to $3.85 eaoh. To Investigate Katie Zelsert's Death. Lancaster May 37. Deputy Coroner Dugan and Dr. William K. Mattern, of Philadelphia, came to Lancaster to iuqulre Into the death of - Katie Heicert, who was said to have died in Philadelphia of typhoid fever. They exhumed the body and a post mortem was made. Enough was lound to show that ah died from criminal malprac tice. Charged With Stealing Sheep. Mkchakicmbvho, May 29. Iu default of bail, George Duulap and Frank Bruuner were taken to the Carlisle jail. They are charged with stealing sheep ljm A. J. Zlegler, of Middlesex township. OlTlners Egall, of Carlisle, and Cbiuf of 'Police Trego made the arrest. Professor Farmer Dead. Cimcago. May 20. Professor Moes Q. Farmer, of Boston, the widely known elec trician, died here yesterday. He Invented the Boston fire alarm and was for many years professor at the United States torpedo station, Newport, K. I. The burial will bo at Eliot, Mo. A Queer Cause for Suicide. Lancaktkh, May 29, Because Lis wife neglected to call him In time for dinner yesterday, Henry Kuiius, 03 years old, cut his throat and took laudanum, dying Inst evening from the effects of his injuries. Ilroke Three Illeyclu Uncord. Detroit, Mich., May 29. The five, ten, fifteen and twenty mile bloycle road records were broken by F. II. Herrlck in the annual road race of the Detroit wheol meu's club Saturday afternoon. Literally Turn to I'leees. Prrrsiiuno, May 25. Lawrence Dlvin ney, 35 years of age, an oiler, employed at OU Wells Supply Company's rolling mill, was yesterday literally torn limb from limb and Instantly killed. ' Mast One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Ture Nor-' wcgian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is( "Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best. reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces nesn ana Duuas up me cihhb oyaicm. Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs. Colds. Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemlo and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting In children. Almost as palatable as milk. Set only the genuine. Pre pared by Scott Bowne, Chemists, Mew York. Hold by all Druggists. "Well Krcd, Soon Wed," Girls Who Use SAP0LI0 arc Quickly Married. Try It in Your Next House-Cleaning. ALEXANDER DEALERS IN Cigars, Totecco. Candies, Fruits and ITuts SOLK AGENTS FOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. l)i,t72S7"2: Gooes a. Specialty, SOI-B AGENTS FOR F.F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobucco 8olc ag-ents tor the following brunds of Cigars- H3sr Clay, Lo.id.-es, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Acb Bloomsburg, Pa. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, IflATTlIVCJ, or OIL. C&,TII, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT 2d J Door aotvc Court House. A targe lot of Window Curtains in stock. CAIX f . tt M001E :New Ready Corner of Main BLOOMSBURG, PA., r 0 . We have just received a new stock of Ladies' Gents: Misses', Youths and Childrens' Shoes. Don't fail to see our $2.00 shoe for Ladies. We are losing out our old stoc k of Boots and Shoes at a bargain. Our line of Dry Goods, No tions. Gents' Furnishinff Goods. GrnrerW ThKo iwiot j Table and J? loor Oil Cloths is Come and see us. NO trouble to show Goods. You will find our prices as low as in any town in the State. tec THE POSITIVE CURE. J ELY UiiOTHRRS, M Wmsn Bt, New York. Price so rtJ (kjax;; n reran u. ... i. F.tM LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. CA8TON, PENNA. Seven Conmnn Is Art, Phllowiih? nm! Science. Civil, llinlUK, Klix'trli ul Euglnvurlug aud OutiiuLtry. SNNUSL COMMCNCIMCNT, JUNC (1ST, Fall Torm IhikIih Sept. lata. For OstsluKUu. AtlilreMa THE KF.IUMTUAIt, F.uaton, Peuna. SAW Mill ENGINES, Improved Variable I'riction leod a5'Iet4"Tri" A, B. FARQUHAR CO.. " X.OBK.M. 4-Jl-llt. Emulsion BROTHERS & CO. AT pay Store. and Iron Streets.i complete. fAliMTrT 1 rFW IMPROVED II MT COOKING JmU AND GRIDDLE COMBINED. -tPsUsst applied tmr.y. i ii ' n n n l -.., VUI. ..nuisciurert, CINCINNATI, 0 CRATED axle GREASE TtFlil W tmwmmm mT.T.rl? " Wtt'KlMire nnsunaaaed. actually F0n BALE BY DKALERB GENERALLY. w 2-24-iyr. , HAIR BALSAM alfl J. ? Bctoro Om M9-4t. fl. A new run nary article to ba uhm! tn nMR.. tl . ' the utviBir of (ir.llile .nd tla.kn unii ,or '" In o. n, t. ""'I "HI ml" the r.Y froa. SO ls IRFMTf WlHTCn "It fits like the paper on the Wall." Of course it docs if its the right kind, and it adds every thing to the cheerfulness of the room. Wall Paper gives your walls any effect and a touch of luxury that money could not otherwise supply. To get the best, that is the question ; but that is neither difficult or expensive if vou go to the right place to buy it. Ours is the place, the variety is here, the prices are right, If you want, we put it on your walls and guarantee the work. Workmen sent where. any- Window Curtains too, are here, prices right. W. II. Brooke & Co. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. cohrxctid wimr, MITAII. rRICtl. Butter per lb $ t24 Eggs per dozen Lard per lb ,,5 Ham per pound .18 Porlc, whole, per pound 07 to !o8 Beef, quarter, per pound 06 to .08 Wheat per bushel roo Corn ears " " g0 Oats " " ",0 Rye " " '.80 Buckwheat flour per 100.. ... 2.40 Wheat flour per bbl 4.50 Hay per ton 1J-00 Potatoes per bushel 1 xo Turnips " 2. Onions " " ', jQl Sweet potatoes per peck 25 to .35 Cranberries per qt u Tallow per lb ,08 Shoulder " " '.,s Side meat"" , Vinegar, per qt 08 Dried apples per lb 03 Dried cherries, pitted 18 Raspberries tl8 Cow Hides per lb 0: Steer " " 0j CalfSkin 40 to .50 Sheep pelts 90 Shelled corn per, bus .65 Corn meal, cwt 2Co Rran, t25 Chon n. Middlings " j.3S Chickens per lb ,,2 Tuikeys " " M Geese " " xo Ducks " " !io Coal. No. 6, delivered 2.50 " 4 and 5 " 3 50 " 6 at yard 2.25 " 4 and s at yard 3.25 Improve )our stock by getting a setting of Barred or White Plymouth Rocks. Eggs from fine birds at $1.50 per 13, or $2.50 per 26. Address, W. B. German,;' Allllvillc, 1 t Penna. I KEEP COOL 1 outside, and all the way through. HIRES' S Thli great Temeranoe drink tm m unuiuiiui, u 11 u pieaettnb xrjr TO CONSUMPTIVES. The unilerMlKiied hiivlni heen ntfton-d to lioultli by ttluiiilu lui'utiH, nfmr siilTerliig HeverulyeiirHwllhBHbveruluiiii nllocllon. 'ia tllut, Umuil (llHiaMH Ctmnum lit Ion, 1.4 uuxloiw W rimkH kufiwn to IiIh fellow HUlTcrcrs the liii'tt" Weiire. To tlnwe who d.-slre It, he will ilii',,r rmiy smuKrive of eliHi tfti) u copy ot the jiri' crlptlou iihixl. whhili thoy will llnda euro oure lor CuiiHHiuimoit, AHllnnti, Catairli, Broiu M'" ! all throat and lum? lUalailiei He lior' NUirerera will try hU niuicUy.aa It Is lnviiluall. 1 hone de.liliiK nxe prew:i ltlou, whlnh will eoM thoiu nothliitf, uud may prove u ulimslnif. wu please address, Hiv. Edwabd a. Wilson. Biooklyn, New Yorlc Sept. lt, 1 yr. i