THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ' FOB SALE. DMlrable vacant lots and number of good taan and lot In Hloomsburg, Pa The bent, tartness stand in Bloomsburg. A very doslni. ! property eontalnlng 1H acre and first class Cfatngswllh good will In a business worth tin to turn per year at Willow "rove. . Dwellings In Kpy. oranjrevllle and Bearn vn. A large number of farms In nlumbla County, one In Luzerne County, one In irglnla. Two Count ryHt ore Stands in Columbia county ud one In Luzerne County, A water power u.ntnu r,,ui. iirv rtnrlc and lumber yard mid Sheds In Beach Haven, I'a. Also 10 acres of imal farm Infill at same place, by M. 1 I.UTZ HON, insuranre aua BLOOMSHL ltd, l'A, Heal Estate Agents, tf. SALE KEGI3TER, A free notice is given under this head, of all sales for which bills are printed at this office. A date can be fixed now, and bills printed later, and the notice will stand until the day of sale. June io. The executors of Mrs. Hannah Armstrong, deceased will sell a. lot of ground on Main street, Bloomsburg, on the premises at 10 o'clock a. m. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTKO. A SALESMAN TO HELL T HAS, Coffees and Spices on commission, n this place and vicinity, ou a route already worked up. Arsn rN()N TKA ca, Stay 12-41" No. ti B. Main St., Wllkes-llurre. TU1TIKK POSITIVELY C't'HKD. KOH IN K formation address 1. K. Wuitbmout, Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co., Pa. 5--iy. TIOR SAI.K, A SECOND 1IAM 1IANOE, IN JC good condition witu water duck, rtoij for use. A run. c inuce. luiiuire in v. n. Brooko. Hloomsburg. Mi-tf. ROOMS FOH YOl Ntl M EN. M. M. PHILLIPS bas very desirable furnished rooms for six young men. Hut h room adjoining, for use of occupants of the rooms. Cull aud cxumlue. WANTKI):-COKHESPONI)INH AUKNT IN every town, to report on parties In tending opening or refitting Suloons, the lur gwAhuloou Manufactures in the world. IJnoU man can make V. HOTIISCHILU'8 SONS JU7iN Broadway, New York. FOH SALE. TH E C. M. HESSFAKM FOKM erly owned by Orler yulck at llupcrt, for gate by J. llTMAlZE, Agent. -fX)R HALE. A HU.UAKE BEAVEK STOVE, X double heater, with pipe Ac. complete. Besaon tor selling, owner has put, In a hot air furnace. Inquire of Da. 8. B. Arhint, Blooms burg. S-l(l-tf. IX KINDS OF BLANKS FOH JUSTICES aud constables at me Columbian oi- tL D RKrm. MORTGAGES AND NOTE BOOKS of all kinds at the Columbian omce. tf. MUblO LESSONS C II AS. P. KL W ELL FOH the past 8 years a student In Boston, Is Svlng lessons on piano and violin. Both taught i the best methods, piano In New England Conservatory method, violin according to the Acrman school. WR8ALK. THE REAL ESTATE OF THE ' late Petor Gross, deceased. In Bloorns rr, consisting of a dwelling house and Bot tling Works. Inquire of David Gross, Lock Bavco, or Uuy Jacoby, Bloomsburg, 4-14-tf. GOOD FARM OF 74 ACI.ES, GOOD BUILD lngs. Between Buck Horn and Jersey biwn, In Hemlock township. For sale by J. U. HAIZE. Heal Estate and luaurance A genu 1-18-tf. TMK SALE. A GOOD WOODEN FENCE, OK- JC namental. Inquire at this omce. 4-M-tr SUCAGO RENTING AGENCY : MASONIC Temple, Chicago, provides quarters for tars to the World's Fair In Hotels and. priv ate residences In any part of the city. Accom DWdatlons and rates to suit any one. No ad vance charges. Alexandria Hotel one of the test equipped and permanent In the World's Pair district, European plan. Hates $1.0.1 to SLOOaday. Write for particulars with stamp to John W- Kramer, agent, Bloomsburg, Pa' 5-w-f mos. Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. New York Markets, Reported by Palmer, Hlvenburg Oo., Whole sale commission Merchants In Fruits and Pro duce, lijli licade Street. New York. May 22nd, 1893. Apples, Baldwins, $2.50 $3-25. Spies, $2.50 $3.75. Russets, $2.50 $3.00, Potatoes, Burbank, $2.75 $2.87, Rose, $2.75 $2-87. Onions, white, $2.00 $3.50 red & yellow, $1.50 $3.00, Butter cream ery, 20 21c, Dairy extras, 19 . aoc, Eggs, isic, Legorn. 17 ( 18c, Poultry alive, spring chickens, 25 30c, fowls, 13 14c, ducks per pair, 75c. $1.00, Poultry dressed, Tur keys, 11 $ 13c, Phila. chickens, large, - 45 50C fowls 11 1 2C sPnntr ducks, 32 35c, calves live, 5 () 7c, ilrcssed choice, 9 r)ic, prime, 8 9c, spring lambs, dressed, $4.00 & $4.50, Pork, 9 lie, apples evap., 8 & ioc, Raspberries, 23 (ffi 24c, Beans marrow, $2.40 $2.45, me dium, $1.90 $1.95, white kidney, $2.10 $2.20, red, $2.60 $2.75, Hay No. 1, 95c. $1.00, No. 2, 85 90c, Straw, 50 65c, maple sugar, 6 8c, Syrup, 60 ($ 75 c. Marriages. On the 7th inst at the Reformed parsonage m Orangeville by Rev. A. Houtz, Mr. V. H. Chrisman of Ber wick and Miss Clara Burket of Fow Iersville. Married at Roaringcreek M. K. parsonage, May' 1 8, by Rev. W. S. Hamlin, Henry Rarig and Miss Em ma Cherrington, both of Mill Grove. Married at Roaringcreek M. E. parsonage, May 20, by Rev. W. S. Hamlin, Stephen L. Litwhiler and Miss Leda M. Rumble, both of New-In. DaKILMCrTO Kidney, Liver and BladderCure. Rheumatism, Lumbago, pnln In Joints or bark, hrlek dust In urine, Ireqiirnt calls. Irritation, liitlamntion, (Travel, ulceration or catarrh of bladder. Disordered Liver, Toipnircd dlirctlon, gout, hllllotis-headaehe. SWA n l-IIOOT cures kidney dilllcultlos, LaUrtiiic. urinary trouble, brlght's disuoao. lnajmre Itlood, Scrofula, malaria, ge n'l weakness or debility. fJuarnntM.-t'w.fnntpnti, of One Pottlp, tf not hen flUHl, UruteuhtM will refund tn yuu Uio price pnid. At DriiKslsfs, 50c. Sire, (11.00 Size. "iDT.IIdt' Guide to lleolth 'froe-4annilUitloa free. Da. Kiutca & Co.. Dj.noii auton, N. Y. Legislativo Toingp. Last Thursday was a busy day in the Legislature. Early in the even ing the House received from the Governor two veto messages. The first vetoes the bill repealing so much of the act placing a premium on the destruction of wolves and wildcats as applies to Washington County be cause it is special legislation and, thc-efore, unconstitutional. The second applies to the bill al lowing Aldermen, Magistrates and Justices of the peace fees for affidavits of claim tax and copies thereof, and also authorizing them to tax certain additional costs. The Governor says: "This bill gives to Aldermen, Magis trates and justices, in addition to what is now allowed by law, a fee of 25 cents tor each affidavit filed and 25 cents for each copy thereof made by them. Such a charge may not be ex travagant or out of the way for the work performed. But the act further adds the authority- to tax such other costs as are now by law taxed upon the lecovery of judgments in several courts of Common Pleas.' These costs would include the $3 attorney fees, and in the event of an appeal the judgment recovered in the court would include in the costs therein tax ed an additional attorney fee of $3, or a cost of $6 for attorney's fee on judgment. Most of the claims upon which these costs would be taxed are small and the costs in many cases would be out of all proportion with the amount involved. Such an in crease would be manifestly burden some to the unfortunate. There is no demand for thse increased costs upon debtors, and I am unwilling to approve this measure at a time when the better policy is in the direction of decreasing rather than increasing fees." In the House Senator McCarrell's bill to provide for the payment of jurors compensation by the State was reported negatively from committee. Senator Ross' bill providing for the government and regulation of county prisons by a board of seven inspectors was reported affirmatively. The Appropriations Committee sent in bills as follows: State College, $68,000; Children's Hospital, Pitts burg, $40001 Home for the Friend less, Pittsburg, $4000; experimental station in Lancaster County for tobac co culture, $4000. The bill appro priating $5000 to the Veterinary Hos pital of the University of Pennsylva nia for maintenance was reported fa vorably, but the proposition to give the same hospital $25,000 for an ad ditional building was negatived. The Senate bills amending the surety law so as to authorize certain corporations to become sole surety upon bonds, re cognizances and obligations, stipula tions and undertakings and author izing certain officers to approve the same and relating to leases of lands and tenements, establishing the length of notice to surrender the possession of the leased property, which shall be required when the parties have not agreed upon the same and providing a remedy for the recovery of the posses sion thereof in such cases and also m cases in which the parties have agreed upon the length of notice were de feated. The following Senate bills passed finally : Changing the salaries of certain officials in Schuylkill and Luzerne Counties j amending the act to settle title to real estate by designating the matter in which notices may be seived; designating general election days, i. e., the third Tuesday of February and the first Tuesday alter the first Mon day of November of each year, as le gal half holidays, from 12 o'clock noon, until midnight of such davs, and pro viding for the payment, acceptance and protesting of bills, notes, dr'fts, checks and other negotiable pipers on such days ; regulating the fee to be charged for filing petitions for the adoption of minors and entering order of court thereon j authorizing cities to enter upon, take, use and appropriate private property for the construction of piers, abutments, hill, slopes and approaches for bridges crossing rivers within the corporate limits thereof, and providing the manner in which compensation shall be made ; to en able tax collectors to collect taxes for the payment of which they have be come personally liable without having collected the same 1 to enable bor oughs riot divided into wards for school purposes, to establish public high schools; extending the limits of resi dence and power of notaries public 1 extending the limitations of actions to a right to mine iron ore in lands where the same has not been exercised for a period of twenty one years. The bill to prevent the pollution of inland waters and sources of domestic water supply came up as a special order on final passage at noon. Ob jection was made that the effect of the bill would be to place the sewage systems of every city, borough and town in the Commonwealth in the ab solute control of the State Board of Health. The bill authorizing cities to purchase bridges already erected, or to ciect and maintain bridges over streams and rivers which may separ ate portions of such cities, and pro viding for the condemnation of such land as may be necessary for piers, abutments, fills, slopes and approaches thereto, was amended on third reading so as to include boroughs. At the afternoon session Mr. Bliss, of Delaware, introduced a bill appro priating $50,000 to enable the Gover nor to acquire and equip a State quar antine station for the port of Philadel phia. The following Senate bills passed finally : Authorizing the election of chief burgess of boroughs for the term of three years, providing that such officer shall be a member of Town Council, giving him the power to veto ordin ances and resolutions ; providing for the election of a presiding officer of Council, and abolishing the office of assistant burgess : eiviniz the State Board of Agriculture power to enforce the antioleomargarine law by the ap pointment of an agent of the board to be known as the Dairy and Food Commissioner. Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch Ilasel Salve will cure them. W. S. Rishton, Drug gist. 10-14-iyr. The following letters are held at the Bloomsburg, Pa., post office and will be sent to the dead letter office Tune 6, 1893. Mr. Geo. H. Bell, Miss Rachael Dawson, Mary Hetler, Miss Kate Hower, Miss Irene Patterson, Mr. John Sober. Persons calling for these letters will please say they were advertised May 3i l893- One cent will be charged on each letter advertised. A. B. Cathcari, P.M. Old IDEAS Exploded. It is a time honored Idea with certain people that they must pay way-up ' prices in order to get good Watches, Clock. Jewelry d BU. verware. These Ideas we are exploding every day. We will convince you of the eirorif you will drop into our store. Articles bought of us will be engraved without extra charge. Walclies, Clocks, Jewelry, and Optical re pairing neatly and promptly done and guar antee satisfactory. We are closing out our line of Fishing tackle, Base bulls and bats at very low pi-lees. A rare chance to secure Iturgulns. A full line of staple and fancy Stationery on nana at HESS BROS. Slan of blewatch. Main St. Bloomsimjkg, Pa THOMAS GORRBY If Plans and Estimates on all kinds of buildings. Repairing and carpenter vyork promptly attended to. klsrin Misr's Supplies. Inside Hardwood finishes i specialty. Persons of limited means w' o desire to build can pay pari and secure balance by mortgage. SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Improved Variable friction feed SaM'SSSS A.B. F AROUHAR CO, YORK, PA. 5.5-nt, "Only the Scare Remain' Bays IIenry Hudson, of tho James NUitll v OOlfll Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Ta., who certi fies as follows: "Among tho many testimoni als which I oee in rcgnrd to cer tain medicines p c r I o t m 1 11 g cures, clennsltiB tho blood, etc., nono impress mo moro tlinn my own case. Twenty years ago, at the ago of 18 years, Iliad swellings como on m y legs, which broke and became run- 1 gnlntt sores. f Jj Our family pliy- sieiuu could do mo no good, and it was feared thnt tho boucs would bo affected. At last, my gnud old Mother Urged Me to try Aycr's Surauparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and T have not boen troubled since. Only the senrs remain, imtl tho memory of the pitst, to remind me of the good Aycr's Snrsnpurllln bus done me. I now weigh two hundred nnd twenty pounds, and nin in tho best of health. I bavo been on tho road for tho past twelve years, bavo noticed Ayer's Bnpnrilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in tellinjr what good it did for me." Aye:'s Sarsaparllla Trcparcd by Dr.J.C. Ayer 8t Co., Lowell, Mm Curesothers,willcureyou J. R. Smith & Co. LIM1TEP. MILTON, Pa., DEALERS IN PIANOS, By the following well-known makers ; Chickeringf, Knabe, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufact urers' prices. Do not buy a piano before getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. IS m LOOK THIS WAT! P1" 77' I TO i f 0 -dim V Farmers & $1 & a kK $i and the I F W PUBLIC ' -in- 1 . 1 We wish to say that we at Orangeville, Pa., aud certainly from long experience we should know the wants of the Farm- i 1 Al.1 .. . ers ana puune in general, jnu, in 11118 connection we wish manufacture or handle is equal to any on the market, and sold AVe make a good cast Scotch Harrows, Cultivators, W ood haws, Corn bhellers, and Feed Cutters, and a specialt Horse Power Threshing Machinery. Then we handle the 'Empire" Fertilizer. Grain Drill' it T).i iiti iir..u.: 1 m i 1 t . ... nay xviiKt-, m-nun a w itiMug mm lvnung wneei cultivators, "Woods" Harvesting machinery (which needs no recommendation), single and double Corn Cultivators. Eno-inpa nd Raw Mills etc. Lastly we wish to show up the New Deertield Lever Harrow the only one that has a separate adjustment for each tooth independent of the levers. The only four lever Harrow on the market whereby the two centre sections can be let down in a dead furrow, or any one or more of tho four sections can be raised and the balance of the teeth kept at work, frame at all times being level. It has a self coupling hinge, no bolts or pieces to lose, with circular steel evener to equalize dralt whilo turning corners. This Harrow is no experiment with us, and will be put out on their merits same as any other goods. We also make and carry a large stock of Plow repairs, also an cmllcs, variety of other implement repairs. Y are also prepared to do almost any kind of .aw or grist null repnmng (having recently put in new Iron Lall.e and boring machinery etc We also carry tt full line of dressed Inulding lumber V. PIct the patronage of the public in the rast ami covet a continuance of the same in the future and will be glad to have any one call to see us, or answer their inquinci (or anything in our line and will quote lowest prices. WHITE & CONNER. A 1 tie new uuugb m uiur ana j.! i- 11UI1 ell W. C. MCKINNEY'S NEW mm SfOBE in H. J. Clark's Building, Main street. Jt C WELLS lias just received a large line of STERLING SILVER STRAWBERRY FORKS, RON DON SPOON'S, BUTTER PICKS, ALMOND SPOONS, &c. Also a beautiful line of the FINEST CUP GLASS, ICE CREAM SETS, VASES, BON BOX DISHES, Ac. All persons riding bicycles or driving, should get the X-ILdCIB lE-SriE SHIELD. Special attention paid to repairing WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY at J. G. WELLS' Jewelry Store- ,B. F. Sharpi.esr, Pres. I N. U. Fi nk, Sec, C. H. Cami'DEix Treas BLCOMSBUEQ LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Capital Stock, $30,0O0. Plotted property is in the coming businesa centre of the town. It includes also part of the factory district, and has no equal in desirability for residence purposes. CHOICE LOTS are offered at values that will be doubled iu a short time. No such opportnnitv can be had elsewhere to make money. Lots secured on SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS- Maps of the town and of plotted property furnished on ap plication. Call upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. Woods, Kales Agent, or any member of the Board of Directors. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. B. F. Sharpless; J. L. Dillon. C. W. Neal A. G. Brioos, Dr. I. W. Willits, Dr. H. W. McReyxolds, N. Ij. FUNK. S-ia-6 mos. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Ettate of Hannah U. Armttrotig, aeeta$eU NoMrp la hnrebjr giver, that lcttera text amen taryonthe emate ot Hannah II. Armstrong. JceaaPd, have be-n trrautttl lothe unili-rHlKUfil MHCMorH, to whom all perKoua lortchU'd to suld fstato aru requeued to mako payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the name without delay. UlHKINO, AMKI.1A AKMKTKONO, Atty. KEHECL'A AKMKTKONO, 4-s-t. Kxecuiors. are still manufacturing and dealing in Ao-rimltiiml imnlements head Land Holler, which every Farmer should have. Also Plow?, FA' , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Cnth arlne Coleman, deceased, late of the llorougli of Ashland, Hchiiylklll Co., I'a., having been Issued to the undersigned all person Indebted to the said estate are requested to make poy nent, and those having legal alaluis or demands will make known the same without delay. . BKL'CK COLEMAN, Kxerutor. Huntington Mills, I'a. MHS. AONES REHTKK, Executrix. Ashland, Pa., April 18, 6-6-OU General. to say that all machinery we at lowest prices. y of and