r ivfl I ' O Ctmtnt rnd$ nnuthlnj. bLIlLLl. O Aimtv rtada. hnct 10 ants. Look Mere! Do you want n 18 tfo ? Do oa want an' Miff Do you want a Ho you v:! ;aiv Hi 8 ml of n B2USXCA.T, IN STRUMENT? Do you want SHEET MUSIC? If so, do not send your mon ey away from home, but deal with a reliable dealer right here, who will make things right, if there is anything rron. For anything in this line the place to go is to 3. SSaltzer's. Ware-rooms, Main Street he low Market. rhe Best Burning Oil That Can be Made Fran Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not moke the chimneys. It will not char the wick. J' has a high fire test. It will not explode. t U orc-emiucntly a family safetv oil. Challenge Comparison with am ther illuminating oil made. We stake our Reputation, as Refiners upon the statement that it is flie Best Oil ix tiii: WORLD. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR. Crown - Acme Tbe Atlantic ftsEniiig Co., BLOOMSBUR GSTATION, bloom seukg;,pa. OURW0RL2'3rAIR LETTER. (F rom our Special Correspondent. ) Chicago, May at, 1893. The Imposition grounds are fast be coming a clean and handsomely adorned pleasure grounds The gar deners have done a great deal of night work this week, and the grounds are almost complete. There has been no rain all week and much work has been accomplished all over the grounds. By the first ol the month there will be nothing let t unfinished in the way of building and decorating. This has been an interesting week at the fair. Many notable events have taken place. The women have held their Woman's Congress all the week in the Columbian Art Gallery down on the lake front. Many noted wo men have spoken, and the. attendance has been unusually large. Modjeski and Clara Morris gave some very fine talks on stage life and its representa tives. Never before in the history of woman s progress has there been such perfect harmony in the vast army of spectators as was apparent at the con gresses held m the memorial art pal ace. Kvery space was crowded, but every body expected they woul J be and so they were good natured and stood the crowding. Miss Susan U. Anthony spoke Thurs day on the progress of women in the commercial and professional world since the time when Horace Greeley astouncieu the world ol men by de voting column after column of the New York Tribune, to the first suflra gist meeting held in Boston. Miss Anthony was followed l" Lucv M. Stone, Helen H. Gardener and other noted women, on the suffrage cues tion. To day is the last day of their congress. There were quite a number of dedi cations this week. The Tyrolean booth in the Transportation building was dedicated on Monday. This quaint little booth is an exact repre senution of a Tyrolean home in thi Alps and is formed of great stones and limbs of trees. A fine painting forty feet long stands t the back, and represents a Jyrolean village on a mountain side. It is very prerty. Tuesday the Egyptian temple was dedicated. 1 his is a very solemn af fair, and but very little to it as we could see. There were four Kgyp tian girls dressed in their queer cos tumes sitting on a raised platform at the rear of the long dark hall. They never spoke a word all the time, but once in a while they would twang their instruments in a doleful manner. A number of men were lounging pround on the platform and floor. These tne manager told us were the high priests, and the girls were young priestesses. They were " silently wor shiping their gods. Wednesday the Norwegians dedicated their building. May 17th, is to them what our fourth of July is to us. It was on that day 1814, that they became independent of Denmark, and they chose to dedicate their building on that day although it was not near done. It was a grand sight to watch them marching toward their building. There were Over five thousand Norwegians in the line. l'rof, Julius K. Olson of the Univer sity of Wisconsin delivered the princi pal address. His subject was "Our day of Independence," His eloquent words brought his hearers to their feet in loud applause. The program closed by singing Norwegian hymns. The Illinois State building was dedi cated on Thursday. The Governor of the state, the mayor of Chicago, and the president of the Stale Board of World's Fair Commissioners, with very elaborate ceremonies presented the building to the exposition authori ties. The Illinois State building as every one knows, is the largest state build ing on the grounds It stands facing the lagoon from the north. More than three thousand feet of space is allotted to this state. The building is in the form of a greek cross. The south arm contains the offices, while the north end is called the memorial hall, and contains the relics and battle flags loaned by the State Historical Society. The women of Illinois have done much to make the building beautiful. The Legislature appropriated the sum of $80,000 with which to make a col let tive exhibit of the work of Illinois women. A board of lady managers was organized and they, with their un tiring efforts and ingenuity, have made as hne an exhibit of woman s work as there is on the grounds. The North Dakota building was dedicated yesterday. This is a really beautiful little building. And heie again the women havej come to the front. The neat and tasty narlors show just what dear little house-wives those northern farmers have. Many fine pictures made of the grains and grasses that grow in the state adorn the walls, while specimens of the orr are arranged 111 pretty little cabinets around the room. The building war- crowded yesterday to hear the speeches made by several noted men from North Dakota. The building is all done and ready for inspection. "There is a salve tor every wound." We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, cures burns, bruises, cuts, indo lent sores, as a local application in the nostrils it cures catarrh, and al ways cures piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. 10-14-iyr. good. t bread DiG- and astVj .but rVs tbmeH.Vfas cUI'ieate. to eoor7 but W3k 1lVe.d and sic oftft fete cXhmellcHar. ht bought CotfoUne, (tht hew shortening artfif more than, e.Ver, be cause 5h rn.aei btffer foodjUrtct! he could earfrff y-vfffiout any imjsleajanf after effect. Vov-" ' fiakfnjj found "rfi BE$T iVc( ne5t AeafMfuf short- OTTOLENE Made only t.y N. K. FAIR BANK & CO., CHICAGO and US If. Delaware Ave.,Phlla, Mr. John L. C. Brady, Brookville, Pa., had a stroke of4 Bell's" palsy on one side of his face so badly that he lost the use or that side, not be- X ing able to shut his eye. I He at once used Salva- I tion Oil, and it made a j complete cure. Fcb.8,is,j. " Pl'trvt LANGE'3 PLUGS. Tha Groat Tobcc If lib. Antldoltl Pries 10 Cts. At all dealers. DUFFEY'S mm! mm mm, BLOOMSBURG. PA. Headquarters for fine rhoto"ra;jhs J and Crayons. Copying and enlarging uor.e in our uiumii; manner, .-ui ne gatives made by Roshon are preserved and duplicates can be had at any time at reduced rates. GALLERY OVER , IIARTMAN'S STORE. 10-Myr. PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD. AFTER WAY 13, 183. Trains leave Bloomsbnrg as follows Sundays eioepted For New York, Philadelphia, Reading Pott, villa, Taraaqua, eta, HO, 11.15 a m. For WllUamaport, lis a. m tJ3 p. m Bun s' ar, T 34 a.m., 4.38 p.m. for Danville and Milton. 7.13 a. nu, tSS. 11.10 p. m. Bunday, T.57 a. m., 4.J p. m. For Catawlssi (.10, 7.45, 11.15 a. m., 11 is, BOO, .so, 11.10 p. m. bunda, 10,81 a. m. 7.03 p. m. For Kupert a.10. 7.46, ll.U a. m., is. 15. 1.15, 1 00, iso. tt.10, 11.35 p. m. Sunday 7Ai, 10.11 a. to.. 4,88 7.03 p. m. Trains lor Bloomsborg' Leave New York via of Philadelphia 8.00 a. zd., 4.00 p. m. and Ha Baaton 8.45 a. m., i.sn p. m Leave Philadelphia UXOu a. m., 8.00 p. m. Leave Heading ll. M a. m. 7.51 p. m. laT Poll sille ls.Ho p. m. Leave Tamaqin 1 .SO V m., t K p. m. Leave w lllluuui-orl S3 a. a... I.i3p. m. 6un- aay, a on a. m., 4.w p. m. LeaveCaUwISM 7.00,8.10a. n. 1.30, 318, (.10 ll.lttp.m. tiundav, 7.45 a. m , 4.15. p u. Leave liuport.Sl, 7.0H, 8.7, ll. 4 a. L37, 1.87, s.19, U.S4 p. to. Bundays, 1.5, lais a. w. 4,88 p. nx., 8.(4. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via B. O. K. K. .through trains leave Olrard Ave. nue ovation, Fulla. V. K. K. 10 8.50, e."t. ll.es a. m., s.50, 5.4 t.is p. in. eunaays a.au,s.m 11.26 S, m., 3.56, 5.48, 7.10 p. m, ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wna. South Street Wart. FOR ATLANTIC CITV. WeikrtajE fxptpfp. uoa a tn., Sro. S.on 4.00 5.fOp m, min rrndKilrn. s.w a in., 6.45 p. ni, buuday Kxprra, n.i, m.O'la. in. Accomoda tion. H.UQ a. til. ar il 4. Si) n. m. Iietmnliip leuve AilmiiiP t'Ky repot, ccri.er t Atlantic and Arkansas avenue. Weekd.i)i F.xpri t, 7M .4t 0.00 a. m. nnd 8..'KI p. m. ccoii.iflodailr'li. 8.15 a. in., 4.-0, p in. Ulldliy FxprcrS, 4.lKi, W.U) Jl. Ul. Ai"! illiUl'jdi.- tlon, 7. 13 a. in and i.au p. 111. , I. A. HWEIt)Al(I), f. t). IIANl'Oi'K, i Pres. 4 lieu ! Manatfci. Leu'l I'uss. Att . B LCOVt-SKUKU Sz SULLIVAN R. H Taking eSect yONDAY, NOV. 17, nvo. toL'Til. .NliHT.I. Ar. Ar. Ar, t. H. P. M. A.M. LV. Lv. Lf a.m. r. v. r. m. riTATiONd. Hloonidburj,.... Miln btri-ct .... lrudaie i-aier.MIll 1.1 trlit street Ur.ineUlle.,.. Kcrks Z.tnecs Si!ilator ... 8 '.'6 18 10 7 15 8 35 V 48 8 40 .. 8 18 18 04 7 07 . 8 18 18 U 7 04 ... 8 OB 11 S3 8 S6 .. i 05 11 40 4 51 .. t 3T 11 38 3 43 .. 5 45 11 87 8 S3 ... 5 4'i 11 .'4 8 8') .. 5 87 11 18 8 85 ... 6 8b 11 (HI 18 .. 5 S3 11 04 3 11 .. 8 80 11 08 8 09 ... 5 IS 11 1.7 8 U 8 48 48 8 45 8 45 8 5J 2 53 8 83 9 58 8 05 3 07 15 8 17 9 80 3 80 27 3 85 9 87 3 33 9 41 8 38 9 44 8 48 9 48 8 48 8 47 8 50 IS 7 ! T 08 T 80 t 84 7 89 I 39 7 44 7 48 I 58 T 87 8 07 8 10 b-h.CD Xdsous, t'oies freek,... Hugarioal, Luubitcts Central jumUion Clt , ,. 8 18 10 51 m ,. 8 03 10 43 6 53 .. t 00 10 40 5 50 Lt, Lv. Lv. 9 53 8 60 10 08 4 00 10 10 4 05 At Ar. RAILROAD TIME TABLE D fcLAWARE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD, BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. BTAT10N8. JCOKTH. A. r.u 1 60 A.M. r. si ft 8 M 8 58 8 05 8 83 8 81 8 35 8 44 8 4ft 0 50 8 M 7 08 7 00 7 88 7 34 7 8(1 7 43 7 H 7 58 7 57 8 08 8 07 8 18 8 17 3 5 NORTntTMBSM.AXD 6 'JO I'ainnron 835 Chulaaky. 0 Hi a ih 7 (ij 7 is ti 77 7 m 7 7 41 7 4 1 61 81I 8 10 8 VI 8 2i 8 0 8 31 8 40 8 4'i 8 4! 8 58 8 M 0 01 9 IN nanviue , 8 18 8 ;n t M 8 43 8 W 8 M s'oi 3 10 3 17 8l 8:w 8 41 3 M 8 51 4 im 4 IS 4 tn 4 18 4 17 4 ' 4 W 4 84 4 -rr 4 45 4 50 4 M 10 "M 10.W 10 4 10 4tf Cntawlasa Kupert liioomnQurK P..ipr...... v Ume ltl lo willow Urove Hrlirnreek lwrwlrk barb llavon 11 18 11 18 ii'33 ii 4 II 54 ia'os 18 08 18 13 Hick's Kerry Hlitckntilnuy uuniook s Niiiiil.oke Avoridele Plymouth Plvmouth Junction.. Klnci'ou lKnr,etl M.iiiby Wyoming Went I'ulfton Plttston Duryea . 18 Lackawanna 9 !8 " 37 8 48 8 47 8 18 M Tavlorville. 9 It 85 Uellevue BcaANTON STATIONS. S1 : A. Mi 19 48 r. m. r.u eOUTU. A.. s no 8C5 8 10 f 18 A. M. r. M. 50 1 85 5? .... SCRAKTON Hollnvue Taylorvllle Lnckawanna Purrei - 807 10 CO 10(7 10 in 1014 10 1 10 8.1 10 10 38 10 83 10.30 10 44 10 48 10 58 10 50 11 00 11 83 11 38 11 40 1 45 1 38 1 53 ! 8 08 t 11 8 17 8 84 8 88 8 31 6 48 8 4-3 88 PltMton 813 Went i-litnuh 8 8 Wyoming 8 40 Maltby 44 B'-t.nett 8 48 Kingston 8 (4 8 10 83 189 1 3 8 38 t 48 850 SOI 8 17 8 23 183 8 40 8 41 IM 3 58 40 4 18 4 18 83 4 48 4 51 5 05 8 Ml 855 703 707 7 18 780 730 741 7 47 753 s'6? 808 3 18 8 18 8S 8 88 8 43 8M 07 I'lTmouth Junction. 8' 7 04 7 no 7 14 7 80 7 81 7 44 754 88 808 813 8 17 8 81 8 81 a 87 a 41 8 57 SOS 807 883 rirmourn Avondal Nantlcoke Hunlnrk's Hhlckshlnny Hldl Ferry Beai Haven Kerwlrk Briar Crek Willow (trove Llmeltldge Bpy Hlocmaburg Hupert CRtawiM Dnnvllln. Chnlasky Panienn NoaTHm ssaLAKn. 11 .'0 11 58 18 04 19 18 18 18 Hi3 18 37 li'48 1 00 A. M T. V. r. m. cnnnctlnn at Hiinert. with Phllad'lphia P"adlnir Kallroxd tor Tamanerd, Tamaqua, W llamarort, Funbnry, rottavllle. etc. NnrthtitnherlMid with f. B. Dlv. P. K. K. for IMrrtuhurt;. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. W. F. HALL8TKAD, Gen. Man., Bcrautnn, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. P. & E. It. It. PIV. AND N. C R Y In effect May ,81 ie3. Trains leave Sunbury EASTWAP.D. 9:48 a. m. Train 14 (nnlly excipt Sunday) for narrlHhurg ncd Intermedia' e station arriving at Philadelphia 3:i0 p. m. ; New York 5:50 p. m.j Haltlmnre, 3:iu p. m. ;. Washington 4:30 p. m. connecting at Piitladolphla lor all Hea Mho-u pqlnia. Pasaenirer coaches to I'hlladelphl ilaltimore. 'Parlor car 'o I'hlladPlph'a. I'M p. m. Train , (Dally except Sunday,) for narrlstiurg and Intel mediate fitillnns, arriving at Philadelphia a' 8:M) p. in. ; New York, 9:35 p. m. : Baltimore 1:45 o. rn. ; WaaUlnijto :18 p. tu. 1'arlnr cr to Philadelphia and pawner coaelu'8 to Phiioilulphla and lialtlmoru. S.ss p. in, Train li iD.iliy except Sunday! for nairlhbnrir and Intennedlato point s, arrlvlnj at Phlln-lelpUUi 10:55 p. m. New York 3: .11) a, nr, tlaltlmore inrio p. iii Wnshliiftoii 4:10 a. ui., Piiswriger cOHch to I tuladi-lpMu. ;'.'! p. 111. -Trail , (Dally,) for Unrrlainrg and all intermediate stations, arriving at Phlladr;! ohln 1:80 a. m.; New York 7:t n. rn. Pullman sle.'pi iix Mr from Ilairi-.urK to Plilhulelphla and New York, l li'.lndeiphu passengerauan re main In s coper unaisturbed until 7 a. m. l:'0a m. 1 (Dally,) for HarrWbiirg and Inter medial' Mat Ion i, arriving at I'lillailelplila 0:50 a 111., New York :30 a. m., Ilaltimore b:80 a. m. WaMilnirton ?. m., Pullman sleeping cam to I'lU'.adelphl i nnd pasfien'er coaches to Phila delphia and Daltimore. -M a. rn. Train H (Dally,! for HarrlBburz and Intermediate st;Krns arriving at lial'l more -:55 a. m. and vtaal lngtnn Hi: 16 a. m and Pullman sleeping cars 10 Ilaltimore, Wasutai; ton, and Passenger coaches to ualtlmore. WESTWARD, 8:04 a. m.Tiuln 9 (Dally except Buniiny) for" ouuiiuniijua, tioeneater, nurcmo ana Niagara Falls, with Pullman sleeping cars to Buffalo and ij-M, -nieri.T'ai'iiea to KfK nesrer. . 5:13 a, m Train 8 (Dally,) for Erie, Canandal eua and Intermediate itatlona. Kochewter Hnf, tuio and Niagara Falls, with Pullman palace L-um in r.rie iuju airairu ana paasenger coacues to Erie and Hrmnmter. 9:5 Trnin is (Dally,) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1:35 p. m. Train 11 (Dally except Sunday) for nane, lansnuaiifua ana iDwrmeaiate stations. Hocbeater. Buffalo, and Niagara Falls with through paaenger coaches to Kane and Koehea- ler ana rarior car to uocnester. 5:31 p. m Train 1, (Dally exoept Sunday) Renovo. Elmlra and Intermediate statlona. 9:85 p. m. Train 13, tor WllUanuport and Intermediate stations. TUPOUOH TKAINS FOU Sl'NBCKY FKOM THS EAST AND SOrTn. Train 18 Leaves New York, 18:15 night, Phila delphia 4;80 a. m.. Baltimore 4:40 a. m., Earrla burg, 8:16 a. m., dauy arriving at bunbury 9:58 Train 11 Leaves Philadelphia 8-50 a. m., Waahlngton 7;3 a. m Baltimore 8:45 a. m.. (dally except bunday) arriving at Bunbury, 1:35 wuu rarior car rrom Philadelphia and passen Ker cuueurs irom rnuaaeipuia ana oaiumore. Train 1 Leaves New York 9-flO a. m , Phlladel phla 11:51 a. in.. Washington 10:15 a. m.. Haiti. more ll:io a, m , (dally except Sunday) arriving at Bunbury 5:99 p m. with passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Train 13 leavea New York 00 n. m.. PhtUrto . pliia 4;p. m., Washington 3:15 p. m., Hnltunore t-.'i p. ui. arriving at sunoury 9:85 p. m. hrougb Coach and Parlor car from Pblladil phla. Train 9 leaves New York 8-30 p. m , Philadel phia 9:80 p. m., Washington 7:40 p. m., Balti more 8:48 p. m., (Dally except Baturday,) arrlv. Ing at Bunbury, 8:04 a. m. with HuUmansloeptng cars and passenger coaches from Washington and Baltimore. Train 3 leaves New York 8:00 p. m., Philadel phia ll:o p. m., Washington 10:40 p. m., Haiti uioreimup. 10., (Dally,) arriving at unlury 5:08 a. m.. with Pullman sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and paaaeuger coaches from Philadelphia and UalU more. 8UNBVHY HAZLETON, WILKES ''ARKS KAILBOAD. AND NORTH AND WEST BRANCH RAILWAY. (Dally except Sunday) Train 7 leavea fe-iuibury 10:n)u. 111. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:1 a. m., Wilkes Barre 18.10 p. m. II zh ton 18:15 0. m., pottavllle 1.H5 p. m. 1'iirough coacb Wllllamsport to Ukes Barre. 1:alh ill leives BunbiTty 5:88 p rn. arriving at lllonrii Kerry 8:84 p. ui , Wllkea-lUrre 7:50 p. m llai'leion 7:5ti p. in. I'ottaville 9:05 o. m. lhrcugu Coach W ll'laicspurt to WllkemUurre. r..!i, S leaes Wilkea-Uarre 7:85 a. m. Pons viae t:00a. in., ITnzleton 7.-10 a.m.. arriving ut Bloom Perry 8:4T a. m., huiiburj M : )a. m. Through coach Wilkea-Barre 10 W .llan.KPort- Troiii 10 leaves pottavllle 1:50 p m. Ilaleton .101 p. 111. Wilkes Barre S:pj p. m arrlvlnif at Bloom Kerry 4:31 p. m., Bunbury 5- Mi. m. Throub coach Ukes-Uarrc to arrloburg. SUNDAY TKAINS. Train 7 leaves Sunbury 10.00 n. m., ntrlving nt Bloom terry 10:4s a. m., Wlikes-Harre 18: 10 p. m. Train J6 leaves Wlikea-fano 4:4" p. m.. Arnv. Ing at Bloom rerry os p. rn., sunbury 7:00 p, m. CTIA8. E. PITHIi, B. At .PBETOST. J. R. WOOD, Geu. Pass, Agt GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. .-PROFESSIONAL CARDS,r4- N. FUNK, ATTORNF.Y-AT-l.AW, Mrs. Ent's Building, Court House Alley, BLOOM SBUKG, PA. A. L FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Tost Office Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, TA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wirt' BiiilJing, and floor, BLOOMSBUKO, TA. GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, P.V W. II. SNYDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office 2nd floor Columbian buildinj, BLOOMSBURG, ?A. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORN CY-AT-1. A W, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. THOMAS B. HANLY, ATTORNEY-A T-I. AW, Mrs. Ents' Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. n. V. WHITS. A. K. YOST. WHITE & YOST ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. II. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, FA. FRED IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Moyer Bros. Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, l'A. J. II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, .Locltard's Building, . 2nd floor, Corner Main and Centre. li. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' Clark's Building, cor. Main and Centre Sts., BLOOMSBURG, Pa, CfTCan be consulted in German. W. II. RIIAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third and Mam Streets, CATAWISSA, PA. J. B. McKELVY, M. D.t SURGEON AMD PHYSICIAN, Office, North aide Main SU, below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dfc J. C, R UTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA, J. S. GARRISON, M. BOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BLOOMSBTJRG. PA. Office and residence in Hartman's building. IIONORA A. ROBBINS, M. D., Office, West First Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Scexial atteotiesi rrren to tne ere aod tne &Uio of glssaca. J.J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glassc and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Connection. DR. M. J. HESS, Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col lege. Ottice 2nd floor front, I.ockard's Build ing, corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Dentistry in all its branches. Work mmr. ' antecd as represented. Ether and Ga ad- ' ministered or electric vuirator and Local Anesthetics used for tbe painless extraction ! of teeth free of charge when artificial teeth i are inserted' W anted.-Salesman: salary and ex- I pensea from start: Kicady v,irk: k:oHl ehaiicH for I advancement. BltoW N BROS. CO., Numerr. 1 men, Rochester, N. Y. 5-19-4U d. ' - Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Boildinf, Mai below MarM BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of werk dooe ia a soperior msiis, aod all work warranted, aa reptnmiM. TETTM EXTRACTED WITHOUT FAOT Vf the use-of Gas, and free of dkacgo eshst aiti6dsi teeth are tnaertad. VTobt open all boon during the ias C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. llartman.) Keprevnts twelve of the strongest Compaa 1s In the world, among whleh are: cn total st ri.m CAPITAL. ASKKTX. OVka AM.. Franklin of Phlln.. ieo.r f.",iMK,r.'j9 fi.inn.Mi8 PemiVi. I'lllln 400,10 H.N-r.,1'0 1.119.5M. (leen.ipf N. Y. WWi.KKi 3..Vf,lr. 1,081.W Winic hester, N. Y. Hei .uiO 1 .7.MI..W 4,78t N. Ameili n, Phlla. 3,'K) .'00 Ow.hkm 8,384,7m'. OFKIC8 IN I. W. Ml'Kll.VT'S STOR1. Ci: Losses promptly mljuvtcd nnd paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SITCKSKOHS TO FUEAS BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, Bi.oovsiiuro, Pa. -O Represent Seventeen as good Compan ics as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN. F. KNAPP, FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y. ; Merchants of Newark, N. J.; Clinlon, N. Y.; Peoples', N.Y.; Read ing, Pa ; German American Ins. Co., New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well se sotted by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their nssels are all invested in solid securities, aad liable to the hasnrd of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by Christian F. Knnpp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Bloosaa burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county should patronize ihe ngency where losses, if any. are settled and paid by one of their citizens. CLYDE C. YETTER, FIRE INRURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Bloom 8BCRO, Pa. Farm property a specialty. 4-22-17. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. New York Life Insurance Co. 125,947,290.81 Surplus, 15,141,023.31 Shuman & Edwards, Office 1st National Bank Building, (Huccestor to II. c. Ct rruberlln acd I. Edwarfto Companies Represented, Abuts Flremans Fund, of Pan Frannlwo, f2,B45,flSt.f. t-.iinK Knrui'D, or j-nnaoeipnia, $l,3A1,!r75.8s Amerlrfttl f'entrnt et nt Iahi. , .m, North British and Mercantile, of 1.U11HUU una r.uinouiv. Bng. i'. 8. Branch, New York city, 53,433,585.81 LOS8ES ritOJlFTLY APJUSTED AND PAID AT THIS AGENCY. 5-13-ly. EXCHANGE HOTEL. James McCloskey Proprietor, Opposite the Court House) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water, and all modes conveniences. WAINWRIGHT & CO, wholesale grocers. Teas, Syrups, Co (Tees, Sugars, Molaas Rice, Spice, Bicarb Soda, Etc., N. E. Corner Second and Arch Street, PniLADELPUIA, PA. CiOrdcrs will receive prompt sttcntioa. E. A. RAWLINCS. dealer in All Kinds of Meat. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Bacon, Tongue, Bclogna, &c. Free Delivery to all parts of the town. CENTRE STREET, C. H. REICE'S OLD S7AKS. BLOOMSBURC, PA. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pay, to encage lu a permanent, mom healthy and pleanant buij lu..i, that n liinn a prollt fr every day' work. Such In Hit' hininin.. we olfi r the workinir elau. We ti aoh thum how to make money rapidly, and putiruitve every une who fullnw our in. tractions .uiiiiuiiy mo making of :ioo.imi u inoniii. r.verv one who lake, liuld now und works will surely ami epcetlily increase their earninii; there can he un 'imstioii about it ; others now at work am uoliifr it, and you, reader, can do the same. 1 lii ia Ihu )et paying luiuex that you have ever hud Ihe chaucx lo necure. You will make a crave iiilatnke if u fail to gi It a trial at onoa. lf you grup the situation, aud act quickly, yoa will directly lind yourself in a tnoct properoa hii'.iiie.ii, ut m hich'you can surely make aud save lurt;? Hum ni iitoiit-y. 'I he results of only a few hours' work will often e'uul a week's waxes. Whether you are old or voung, man or woman, tt nukes no'diHercuco, da aa we tell you, and sue ee.s will meet you at thu very start. Neither 1 xwrieuce or capiial ueccssury. 1 hose who wori' for us am rewarded. Why not writu to-day foi full pariiculars, free t K. O. AI.LKN CO., Jlox No. 40, Augasta, H4V. I 1