The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 26, 1893, Image 6

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    am the tmAiJitsT ts return.
Ntlntti TI1 of tfc Horror !
tfc British FiIhu
Jfrw Tom, Vsy 23. Jams MeKeritt,
an Irish prison, told o( th horror ol Frit
Wa pnv-nr but creoin?. H pnt elrea
yran snd nins months in Portland (Eng
Usdi pnsoo, and cam to thl country on Fri
day. He pok at the meeting of th dele
gates of the Irish National leaa-vi. Ancient
Order of Hibernians. St. Patrick Alliance.
Grrropoint Literary soeirtr and Ir!h fn
arpc.lent party, who ja:br weekly at
Ortd Fellows' hall. Second ftrwt and the
Bowery, to prepare for the demonstration
Jo! j .
He strl that the treataier. given to
Iri h poetical pr.vocer waa temple. The
a me, ran citiecs who are c cfiied felt
rather sore that no effort hvi fer m1e
ia the Cnitel State for tr.eir liberation.
Dr. tialiapr. raner and FIaqjwui
kern dnren and for br-aiir the
e while tnane were cnmlantlr k;t in
pnLhment cell, on one meal of bread
aod water a dar. John lulr wa. ir,;i at
death door from t-icg ar. l i rii
wrt an.i Eryce were nearly a. bail.
Mr. J. J. Murphy Mid they would do
with to t home rale little locg-r to get
these uen out.
Haider of I'abl.e Gplsloa ia Cuafaresca
at the f ir.
Clnc.iV). May 2-i. The second cf the
aeries of World's Fair conrsses cpeced
yesterday in the art palace on the 1a
front. U is that cf the press an. I for the
awrt six days repreeEU;iT raoMer of
public opinion from all parts cf the earth
will meet together in exchange of views
aod enlighten each other regarding the pe
culiar characteristic of cwrMrriom in
their rssptc.tiTS countries.
There will be four separate congresses
taring the week, one cf the daily press,
another of the newspaper women, another
f the religion press and a fourth of the
trades press.
An informal reception was held in the
afternoon. Lasi erening the formal open
ing of the coniTs5 took place at the hall
of Coi.irubus. There were fle speeches of
fTeetir ? and responses made by tne pni
senu bi a numner of national and press
organiuuo&s and by newspaper men trona
foreign Unds.
Interesting Emu at the National
Wsshixotos. May 82. Secretary Smitk
has receired from the secretary of war a
communication erring the necessity cf re
moving the troops now atationed at the
San Carlos Indian agency in the Indian
Territory, on the groond that "there is not
aad never has been any occasion for the
ttrawty f ,r th location of troops at San
Carlo. '' He also says that "titer is prob
ably nowhere in the United States another
place so bad for the location of the Indiacj
r the t roups.
Acting Commisainntr Armstrong in
traneroi-.tin the letter of the secretary of
war strongly protests against the proposed
asawrai and this new is concurred in by
tto secretary.
Washlicttos, Hay 22. Secretary Car
Cals in an interview said that he would
certainly enforce the law as ta deporting
Ckisese as far as the means at his disposal
spaakl permit. He intended to begin with
that class of Chinese who are in this coun
try illegally, baring corns on in contra ren
boa f the law of 14. Having sent this
eiaas out of the country, he would then
tarn his attention to the other aad larger
class thos who hare failed to eamply
vita the Geary law as t registration.
WasajxGTOX, May 22. The total num
ber o! fourth-class postmasters appointed
Saturday was 105, of which eighty were to
BU vacancies caused by resignstions and
death. Among the appointments were th
following in Pennsylvania; J. P. Reese,
Alrertoui Hnry Meyer, Azemana; O. W.
Bell, BeiTs Landing: John Blinkey, Rotta
U!e; Ivmpster Nolen. Cataract; Mrs. B.
J. Metlhenry, Cooeord; L. P. Hay. Done
gal; J. M. Wearer, FieUHer; J. P. Dough
erty. Fisher: Raymond Dita. Fryburg: C.
E. Knizht, Glen Hazen; George F. Hoy,
Hubtrrsbunr: J. W. Keller, Lindenball; A.
Dnutckir, Lnthersburg; C. S. Shaffer,
atadisrnburg; Mrs. Kate Edred, MahaSey:
K. E. Shaw, Munsoo Statioa: Mrs. T. II.
2ldman, New Waahiagtoa; C, I). Miller,
Baths Spring; William Pealer, Spring Mill;
T. W. Space. Toby; O. W. Paaros, Ctah
flls; W. H. Brady, Ventland.
ITashixotow, May 23. Johm Willis
Bear, ei Boetoo. secretary of the United
Sacarty of Cliriotiaa Endeavor, bad long
hsarrview with Attorney Gaaaral Olney re
garding the Sunday Qustion and the
World a Fair.
The attorney general stated that all gev
nmesl apprepriationa wr made on the
sasxlition that the exposition should not be
pen upon the first day of the week "com
natty called Suaday." Th government,
he said, would see to it that th law was
WasHixoTox, May 23. Tha total nam
fear of fourth-claas poaUnaMers appointed
ysatirday was eighty-three, of which -fifty-twm
were to fill vacancies cau&ed by resig
aations and death. Among the appoint
aaetits are the following for Pennsylvania:
Collins Lan, Annville; a. C. Ciugston,
Wasin.vciTOS, May 14. Awerthe cabinet
metiog yesterday Secretary Carlisle re
eoaaidertd his intention announced in the
moriiir.3 to issue a circular letter of in
structions to government uncials regard
mg the depcrtatton of Chinese in accord
ance with tha Geary law as interpreted by
tha Uiitcd states supreme court. The
letter w.ll not be UuJ, at least for the
WaK!XiTo. May 24. Thcdinner girea
teat ni'ht by the pivniJent and Mr. Cleve
land to the Infanta Eula'.irf was made an
occasion of much disn.ty. The large state
dinine room wiw used, and it never looked
so brilliant or so tastefully arr.mgcd. The
rati re lower of tiie enst rxen, bine
room, red room and srn-n rofun and pri
vate corridors were decrjrated profusely.
Th New Tork Hreak the Record.
Bowtox, May 23. With forward torpedo
tubes buried deep in the tea and the wre
pushed almost as high as her forecastle,
the armored eruUer Xew York steamed
across the line yesterday, hreaking toe
world's recorl and winning 'or her bu.lders
the lart premium ever paid In any
When twenty-one knots was predicted as
the speed of the new cruiser many hoped,
but few Wlieved that ber engines would
aver be able to drive such an Immense nia-j
of steel thrsngh the water at 'his rate.
When she croed the line, however, with
speed of 21.00 knots through the water
and some corrections to be added, lbs u
laoaiasm on bourd was intense.
CoiMlea Acenvsrt af all tike fsasvrtaae
Htspnhifi. ,
A New Tor mewrr-r boy go 105 r
warl for ?.nling a $.,) check.
Th ctt o i.-.rsr.tiu In Northwe; Ter
ritory, Canada, has wanlel oft d -ee.
Srn. r,Lne'i frim beirg In a bras
kett. kiilnl i iruue Constable Scfalieseer,
of Iust Isian I :ty.
The little s'esruer Xaaia. from Brn.
Norray. 1-vt.i-d with fh. has reacted
Chicaco by way of the la'es.
Oiviu his i. k wife a strychnine tt a
morphm pn vder. Pjjbert Pnnett, of F.oek
L.Q!. Hi.. caaed her death.
A ci.r.piracy V:-v??:i firte-a cor.T;ct. tl
es.-ape fr,m t!; rer.;-e.-.':.ary. at Frar.iford.
., ta '.i" l t.:;.p;'d ia La 1.
J-im- Pwiht. tne Yale stolen: chan?il
with ste tiintf hi ciamste'j prir"T. w.v
held nnd-r il.'V lu-'. at N'ew Havea.
Alaon.-ua dera--r.i:s ""ill inert at Eir
m:r.4hjiu. Juu J. sad di 'ip the pp p--sit.or.s
r a coaiitioa of all win of tue
A coroner's jury at Scranto decide
that ireorsje Van Fleet ha.l been m ir-'iere-I
tef;re h.s wus thrast into Mad
A i ce ro'('r hell up a Teiv sr. 1 Pi
c.i". t. i..ii at Kcxp. Tei.,an4 n:!ed U.a ex
jr"' ir. it is uot known how much i.e
imx i r 1 .
The 6 '"'; tr.iser err.piojl ia the s'raf'j
'..e (.heri'xee coal rleils. I.-tbri.
K.-.n . str.kj over the new alac-ii. c oai
m.;;. law.
H. r,.-v II. Pa!-jr. a wealthy citl.tea cf
New rr!;r.-wick. N. J., w.l adjudged in
sar.e ia that city, bat hi coassel gs,ve r.o
uce of apfeai.
F"r fa.'ia. n we-1 her on the appointed
driT. M.s hizz e Ijtubach wsnts John La i
rfa of near rluieaeai. to soothe
her with J '..').
Pa.-t Sorior Vice ler-irtaieat C'oraruaa-d-r
A. J. ScII t. of Meade I'ot. No 1.
Fhiladeiphia. wiil deliver the DecorAt.oa
I'ay orat.on a: -ritticgtoa.
I'L-iip CI. i pel. of Sar.ta Fe. has beea
11' n ulj'.ta'or to ArcUtis'-Cp Saip-inte.
of tnat diocese, this makin; fifteen ar'.h
bishops in the C'a.tei States.
N"ra SotLa's bii.-e-t recorded tr.ortz.s.
?.'). was given the New England
Trust Company by the Dc minion Ccal
Company, to secure a bond issua.
Th Presbyterian general asssmUy is In
esaion in Was hiegton. Nearly 60O dele
Kates are present. Amoig the matters to
be considered is the Dr. bhayn case.
The West Orange. N. J., board of health
has dtsiiued to burn the Laverty house on
the aide of Oranve mountain, th entire having died from scarlet fever.
Breaking jail at EKensborg. Wash.,
Georij- McCarthy sad Eas Lewis, despe
rulws. had a CTt fight with citizens and
were driven into a house and caught.
Anton Werner, a murderer who escaped
from the Matteawan, N. Y.. asylum on
April 10. was remandeu la Jersey City to
await the arrival of requisition papers.
The president has appointed ex Governor
John D. Long, of Mavwtchusetta. a mem
ber of the board of visitor to tha naval
academy in place of Governor William Me
ilinler, of Ohio, who was nnabla to serve.
Hu Ling, one of th Chinese Six Com
panies, has notified the health officers of
Nan Fnmcvsco that they will disinter COO of Chinese and send th remains to
Samnel Wilson, of Newark, J., who
ran into Mrs. William Bigg with his bi
cycle and knocked her down. Inflicting se
ver injuries, last Saturday, was held ia
ouu bail tor examination.
The body of a man about 43 rears old
was found floating at the foot of Hender
son street, Jerey City. Several policy
slips, lottery tickets sad saloonkeepers'
cards were found in the dead man's pockets.
A movement has been started In Atlan
tic City, N. J., to secure the pardoa cf
John Somen, once a well-to-do citizen, who
is serving a life sentence for th m order ef
Samnel Murrin. Somen has been in state
prison for ten year.
George Deilm. residing at Pond Eddy,
X. Y., committed suicide by shooting him
self through th head with a shotgun. He
put the muzzle of tha gun in his mocth
and pulled tha tricger with his toe. He
had been drinking heavily.
The State la General.
Tha missionary society of th West Branch
Valley, which adjoornad at Saamocin, wil
meet next year at Mentoortrilla, Lycoming
Th body of a man supposed to be Jbhn
Hackett, of Pen Held, Clearfield count,
was found la tha log; boom near WUliama
porV Aileotowa' board of health will prose
cute the physieiana who fail to report
deaths within thirty-six hours of their ac-
Fourteen steel plates eaah weighing fifty
five uxm and mad for la battle ship
Texas, wars shipped from tha Bethlehem
Iron works Saturday.
"I bar entirely recovered from th ef
fects of my woond," said H: C. Frick, the
Hon.estead magnate, aa he landed ia New
York Saturday fresh from Europe.
Drafted by his runaway team for a long
distance. Superintendent Henry Fahrman,
of the Kaier Brewing Company, Mahanoy
City, was so badly hurt he may not recover.
New York. May 18. In the United
States circuit court yesterday Judge La
CKtiil jrrud dercree fur II. oil, 519. 7
in ravor of the Central Trut Company, of
l"tw York aair.t the City Lawuy Ian
t roTcment Company.
General fort-t-a New.
The Ilusoian cruir Vitiask hs.s betn
wre'-ked otT tae coast of Corea. All on
1,-yiiril were saved.
ilic Icy V in of Servia is to have his
like-new in a gine.-nl's uniform on Senia's
i.ev Mitai;e statnp.
V.. Ievclle, mii:iter oj foreign affaire a banquet In Pans to Hie erlitrMtijrs
and (.oui.wl of ILe IVhriu Sea tr.bunal.
The tnir.ers' congress will
o;n iu Iirumcls ue.vt we-k. Htt-t,ded by
lirlentes from all the European mining
Ge!ierl Ilu'terfu ld gave a luncheon In
I'ii'ina ij ln'iior o( the C'omte de Paris.
The gutsts iu"ludeil tLe luc d'Orleivus,
the l'nc d'Cl;trtre and Ird (ionlon.
Andricux, the ex-Prefuct of Paris po
lice is collecting fresh documents in order
to ii.iplicat certain members of the cham
bei ol deputies iii the Panama frauds.
The German emperor has Invited the
crown prince of Italy to visit Potsdam
previous to the military maneuvers. It is
expected that tha betrothal of Princess
I'rodiira of Schlcwig Holstein will then be
A gilter Qiartr.
STit liTefj. with jour aUres?, to
Go. H. Heaiorrf. Crerwrai PaSKnref
Agent Chicago. Mitsnrjke S:. Pia!
Ry.. Ci:ca'. IU- ria fe:ch tj rou by
by mill, without delay, a portfo'-.o con
taining h:h?y eoloreJ. correct I.;h
world's FAIR osocxm
and Bnil-iinge mt by the f am 323 ar
tist Charles Graham-. t;; w::h
numeroos other bea it.ful lu.lographic
an J hall tone view? cf urmrpasei
like an1 river scenery ia Wisconsin.
Iowa, Minnesota aa.i' M:ch:';A.-. The
'Quarter" other;s twenty cent?
in Sii-. er or V. S. postage stamp's just
cover :!-,e cost of I'm por.folio. We
pay for s;nJ.r; it to oa.
The supply ii limited: therefore, a.i'.rssi at ence, or r.x lite- than
July i:. i3)j.
ith E!y s Cream Eilm a chil ! can
be treated without pain ani with rer
feet safety. It cures catarrh, hay fever
and coiis in the head. I: is eai'y ap
phed into the nov.r.'.s and :v tmrn--dute
relief. Trice 50 cents.
My catarrh was very bid Frthi-tv
years I hive bee.i trouble i with it
have tried a number o: remedies -itv-out
relief. A dru:is; advised Elys
Crcarn Bilm. I hive onlv t.
bcttle and I can say I fee! liie a new
man. I mile ti is vo'antary statement
that others may know of the Balm. J.
W. Machewson. iLasrveri, Eawtucet.
R. I.
Physicians who have made an exam
ination of the mental cond:t.on of
William Tcs nsend . who is su-pectH
of having had designs on the i.fe cf
Nrr. Giads'cr.e. cert.fy that he is l lun
. A wholesale expulsion of He';:
; from Poland has ben ordered by
Russian Government.
Geo. Andrews, of Lowell, w-lth ul
1 cers over half his bodv, cured br
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
j A girl seventeen years old. has been
( rescued at Bo-gorodska. near Mosco.
Kussia, alter bein tuned m tne snow
fifty-one days. She subsisted on snow
and a few crusts of bread.
Breeding pug clogs is one of the of Osace City, Kan.
A rich gold strike has been made
within a mile of Central Point, Ore
gon, and the greatest excitement pre
vails. As is known to some no boy can b
admitted to Girard College unless the
mother ( Pennsylvania Courts have de
cided that a child who has lost its
father is an orphan) cr nearest friend
produces the marriage certificate of
the parents. This has kept many a
boy out, and more than one case has
occurred to il ate what injury par
ents do their children in their careless
ness in not preserving their marriage
Gocd Locci.
Goods looks are more than skin
deep, depending cpoa a healthy con
dition of ail the vital organs. If the
Liver be inactive, vom have a Billious
Look, if your rtoscach be disordered
you have a DyTptic Look, and if
your Kidneys be a5ecied you have
Pinched Look. Secure good health
and you sriTJ ha-re goci locks.
Electric Bitten is tie great al
terative and Tonic acts lirectly on
these vital organs. Cures Pimples
Blotches, Boils and gives a good com
plexion. Sold at C A. Kleun'i Drug
store, 50c. per bottle.
A new kind of wire for telephone
use, having tn lluminum-bronze core
with a copper bronze envelope, is be
ing experimented wijh in Germany.
It is said to have a low resistance and
great tensile strength.
A Woman s Back.
The mainspring of her life.
What can she do, where can
she go, so long as that deadly
backache saps both strength and
ambition ?
She cannot walk, she cannot
stand ; her duties are burden
some ; she is miserable.
The cause is some derange
ment of the uterus or womb.
Backache is the sure symptom.
The one unfailing remedy is
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound. A woman discov
ered it and gave it to woman,
Mrs. T. Jr. Lane, of Ilolyoke,
Mass., tells what a comfort it is
to write to a woman about her
peculiar troubles, and, have a
woman read her letters and rive
a woman s sym
pathy and help.
Thousands send
Mrs. Pinkham
letters, grateful
for renewed life.f
AH !r.itjit ell it.
AiliitcM in ecr.fultnrc.
lADIA t. riKnAW Mao. . . .
Co.. i. jv, mv. near.
Ljrdu Z. Pwkhxm'M . C ss
IFor Torty4-yyo Years
existed and enjojed liepatroHaseaBd con,
fidence of llie people throiigliou t the Conn,
ty. T7e merited it because yve liaye ahvajs
stood 011 the rock of Trntl, JEIonesty and
lair dealing to all,
Xcih'if is m;rrpr.:-eiifi d ani everyone pleaaea. He are showing a
Ecautif:i! :;'
sinsrcj- SUITS
for V,V. BOYS and CHILDREX., Also a full line of
in all Cdors. hi .ew Shtpc .LMliEll Colored STIFF JUT at the
Fhs Finest Material, The
The Finest Trimmed,
The finest Cut, The finest Made,
that can be
You will positively get the most vaiue by trading
with I. Maier for your
('lotliing made to order of correct .styles, sum!
.Satisfaction suarantced.
I. MAIER, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Cuts Harvest Expenses
The New Deering
The Finest Pattern
found in Bloomsburg is at
has Ore
in Two.
Mower. -
You know what it has been ;
This year it is without doubt
Don't buy a Binder or Mower
until you see the DEERING.
Send for our Beautiful New Cata
logue, "Triumphs of the 19th