The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 26, 1893, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
An adjourned court will be held
May 29th, at a p. m.
Read I. Maier's new sdvertisement
this week.
INI Hi l! II
B. W. Jury is building a new house
for G. P. Frymire on East street.
A sewer pipe is being laid on Iron
street above Main.
m Mr ir lvrir znr r tt wr irr? ur
1 1 I) m M IK II I I
tra w m r 1 hi m 1 h m 1 hi th v mm m m i m 1 m 1
'KnlPrcil At th t'nnt Onirp at Hlonninburir, o
I, m-roiul rla mattiT. March 1, Ihwh.
KKHUV, MAY Jf, 1893.
Neighborhood New3.
Interesting Items Prom Various Points
in tbo Oounty, Reported by Our
Staff of Correspondents
The Wilkes-Barre & Western has a
new corps of trainmen. Conductor
Hogue, who has hail charge of the
train every since the road was comple
ted to this place, is now employed on
the extension at Uellcfonte.
The lately mustered Grand Army
Tost at this place is in a flourishing
condition. A Sons of Veterans camp
we understand, is also soon to be orga
nized, notwithstanding, there have
been no arrangements made for the
observance ot Decoration Day.
The Prohibition Club is receiving
new members every meeting night
Its membership is now a6. Next Mon
day evening new officers will be elect
ed, Samuel Sharpies & Son are busy on
their stock of grain cradles for the
coming season. Their cradles are all
made by hand from the best material
and by experienced workmen.
Our postmaster, J. G Knorr, and
Harry Low were oil on a fishing
excursion on Monday. No advices yet
as to the catch. Jerome Megargell
runs the P. O. during the absence of
the regular stamp dispenser.
Mr. Jack Robbins now sounds the
anvil in the blacksmith shop. He
thinks however, that if doesn't agree
with him as well as his former occu
pation, teaching singing.
An unusually large and fine lot of
buggies passed through town on Thurs
day ot last week in charge of parlies
hailing from the bugs)' makers para
dise Mifflinburg We understand
that Benton was their destination.
Rev. Sharratts of the Lutheran
church will be uiv.-.y from home during
the next month and liis congregation
here will have no services until his re
turn. Kspv.
Mrs. F. P, Kistner of Newark, N.
J., has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Frank Hummel of this place
during the past week.
Ed. Barton of Hazleton spent Sun
day with relatives and friends in this
The Lutheran Aid Society enter
tainment which was to be held on
Saturday evening of this week, has
been postponed for one week, and
will take place on Saturday evening,
June 3rd.
Wm. Hicks and wife of Blooms
burg paid Espy a visit on Sunday.
Luther Sechrist of Buckhorn spent
Sunday with Earl Creveling.
A festival will be held in the park
on Saturday even:ng of this week.
A grand time is anticipated ; proceeds
for the purpose of furnishing the new
Town Hall.
Master Harry Deiterich is the
happy owner of a new safety bicycle.
Mrs. J, D. Werkheiser and Miss
Delia Geisinger went to Millville on
Wednesday morning to attend the
Sabbath School convention. They
were elected as delegates from the
Lutheran school of this place.
Miss Joe McCollum and Mrs.
Frank Ringrose returned from Will,
iamsport on Wednesday and report a
pleasant visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz, of Foundry
ville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Olden Stokes last Sunday.
The corn is about all planted in
this section.
Meldon Lemons and wife of Blooms
burg, visited the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Shive last Saturday.
Squire Ammerman says it is poor
trout fishing this season. Too much
The knowing ones say, no whortle
berries this season.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Good of
Jonestown, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Rush Harrison last Sunday.
W, B. Pennington was out on the
W. & W. on business last Saturday.
From present appearances the
cherry crop will be a large one this
Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams of
Orangeville, visited the latter's pa-1
rents at this place last Sunday.
The P. O. S. of A. of Jonestown.
have decided to gratify the request of
the young people and hold one of
their grand festivals in the Jonestown
grove on the evening of July 4th.
This festival will in no way conflict
with the general celebration and pic
nic to be held in the afternoon of the
same day. The festival will not open
up until after the celebration is over.
George Jones of Wilkesbarre spent
last Sunday with his parents in Jones
town. C. H. Shive who seceived the sub
contract for carrying the mail from
Forks to Shickshinny, has sold out to
W. P. Kline, the present carrier.
W. E. Hess of the engineer corps
of the Wilkesban e and Western R.
R. spent 1 few days last week with
his parents.
The anniversary services of the
Fpworth League at Asbury, was held
last Sunday evening with appropriate
The Pealertown people are work
ing hard for the foot bridge across
Fishing creek, near the B. & S. station.
Chas. Richart, who is engaged in
the mine supply business here, and
who is also a candidate for County
Commissioner finds time to call and
see his friends in his section about
the commissionership.
All right, Mr. Argus correspondent:
you see we have taken the alternate
week to vours. Now we will see who
can find the most news.
I ne most intelligent people it our
community recognize in DeWitt's
Little Early Risers pills of unequaled
merit for dyspepsia, headache and
constipation. Very small, perfect in
action. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. lyr.
Teachers' Examinations, 1893.
The examinations of applicants in
Columbia County, will be held as fol
lows :
Centrai.u and Conyngham At
Centralia, Tuesday and Wednesday,
June 6th ami 7th.
Bloom In Hih School Building,
Tuesday, June 13th.
Catawissa, Catawissa Borough
and Frankliv At Catawissa, Wed
nesday, June 14th.
Berwick In High School Build
ing. Thursday, June 15th.
Montour At Rupert, Tuesday,
June 20th.
Hemlock At Buckhorn, Thurs
day, June 22nd.
Scott At Light Street, Monday,
June 26th.
Centre and Briarcreek At
Grange Hall, Tuesday, June 27th.
Mr. Pleasant At Millertown,
Friday, June 30th.
Beaver and Main At Mainville,
Wednesday, July 5th.
Mifflin At Mifflinville, Thursday,
July 6th.
Locust, Cleveland and Roaring
creek At the Lower Slabtown school
house, Friday, July 7th.
Pine At Iola, Wednesday, July
1 ath.
Greenwood and Millville Bor
ough At Millville, Friday, July 14th.
Orange At Orangeville, Tuesday,
July 1 8th.
Benton, Jackson and Sugarloaf
At Benton, Friday, July aist.
Fishingcreek At Forks, Satur
day, July 22nd.
Madison At Jerseytown, Wednes
day, July 26th.
Special examinations will be held
at Bloomsburg, in the High School
Building, Saturday, August 26th, and
Saturday, September 9th, and at
Jerseytown, September 30th:
Applicants should attend the ex
amination in the district in which they
expect to teach.
No special examination will be
granted, except upon a written appli
cation, signed by at least three mem
bers of the Board desiring to employ
said applicant and then only after all
the general and special examinations
as indicated have been held.
Examinations will commence at 9
o'clock a. m.
All directors are respectfully in
vited to be present.
William C. Johnston,
County Superintendent.
A little ill, then a little pill. The
ill is gone the pill has won. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers the little pills that
cure great ills. W. S. Rishton, Drug
gist. 10-14 1 yr.
The Bloom Band made its first ap
pearance on Tuesday morning with
their new uniforms The coats are
red with yellow trimmings, with pants
ot dark blue and stripe down the side.
The caps did not come yet. The
boys look well and play as well as
they look.
After the grip, when you are weak
and "played out," Hood's Sarsapanlla
will restore your health and strength.
W. S. Fleckenstine is preparing to
erect a dwelling on the lot neat the
fair grounds.
There will be a Festival on Satur-
day afternoon and evening of June
the 3, at Asbury.
The Commencemen! exercises of the
Pennsylvania State College will be
held the week beginning June nth.
Ent Post will attend services at the
Reformed church next Sunday morn
ing. The Item says that the little son of
V. II. Rhawn Esq., who disappeared
from Catawissa several weeks aeo, has
been heard from at Wellsville, Ohio.
The game of ball last Saturday
atternoon between Watsontown and
Bloomsburg, resulted in a victory for
the latter by a score of 9 to 8.
A billiard and pool room has been
opened in the basement of the Ex
change Hotel. There are three fine
tables. The room is nicely fitted up.
the toumain nas been regulated ro
that it throws a stream instead of a
spray, and it makes it look more like
a fountain.
Dandruff is due to an enfeebled
state of the skin. Hall's Hair Re
newer quickens the nutritive functions
of the skin, healing and preventing the
formation of dandruff.
It is reported that a new bank is
talked of at Wilkesbarre, and that the
name of A. Bloom has been mention
ed in connection with a position there
in. Some thief broke into Francis La
fountain's cellar on Saturday and stole
some potatoes and cider, and wasted
the vinegar. Frank lives at the ferry
and is captain of the line of boats that
connect with the Penna. railroad.
John Shindy of Miners Mills, Lu
zerne county, bet ten dollars last Sun
day night that he cou'.d drink a quart
of whiskey in 15 minutes. The bet
was taken, and he drank it. The
funeral was held on Wednesday.
To Motels and Ice Cream Dealers.
We have recently put in a new
Steam Engine, and we would respect
fully inform our patrons and ice cream
dealers generally, that we are better
prepared than ever to serve them
with Choice Ice Cream this season.
Can be furnished in any quantity,
either manufactured by steam or hand,
and flavored with the best Mexican
Vanilla Beans, Extracts or Fruits, as
maybe desired. We guaraotee per
fect satisaction, and solicit a fair
trial to convince you of the quality
and price. Picnics, fairs, festivals,
parties, &c, supplied at short notice.
Prices, on application E. Jacobs &
Son, Bloomsburg, Pa. it.
The vast facilities ot the J. C. . Ayer
Co., of Lowell, Mass, enable them to
place The Superior Blood -purifier-AVer's
Sarsapaiilla within easy reach
of the poorest invalid. Don't be in
duced to take a "cheap" substitute.
Always remember that the best is the
A Great Bargain.
One of the very best water power
flour and grist mills on big Fishing
creek with good buildings, rew machin
ery, two dwellings, and other out
buildings all in good order, and nine
acres of land for sale cheap on easy
payments by J. H. Maize,
Insurance and Real Estate Agt.,
3-3 1 tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.
The Pied Piper of Hamlin could
find employment in Bloomsburg. Por
tions of the town are infested with
rats, and the more you kill the more
there seems to be. A systematic ef
fort should be made to exterminate
these pests. It is not right to simply
use means to drive the rats to vour
neighbors but catch them and kill
them. The best traps are the trench
wire traps, in which a dozen can be
caught at one time. Thev ouirnt not
to be poisoned at this season of the
year, as they die somewhere anil cause
unpleasant and unhealthy odors.
Died in Greenwood township on
the 9 inst., Mrs. Mary R, Mather,
age 84 years, 1 month and 1 day.
This is the time of year when every
body begins to think about cleaning up
and making improvements, and new
wall paper is usually one of the first
things to be done. W. H. Brooke &
Co. have a very large a.-d elegant
stock to select from. Cill and see
and get estimates. 3-31-tf.
Fashionable Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf W. A. Hartzell, Proprietor
An ordinance to lay out and open
an alley extending northwardly a dis
tance of forty feet, and beginning in
the northern line of an alley opened
northwardly from First street, adjoin
ing property of Mrs. Newton Walker
and naming the same alley.
Whereas, Honora A. Robbins. and
Wm. Chrisman have by Indenture of
Release, dated the 13th day of April
A. l). 1 893, tor the consideration
tnerein mentioned, released and exon
erated the Town of Bloomsburg from
the payment of all damages, in the
extension of alley, located between
the property of Mrs. Newton Walker
and William Chrisman extending north
from First street in said Town ; there-
fore, be it ordained and enacted bv
the Town Council of the Town of
Bloomsburg, and it is hereby enacted
by authority of the same.
Section 1 That an alley be
opened as and for a public highway
of the width of fifteen feet tnrough
lands of Honora Robbins and William
Chrisman as follows ; Beginning in
the northern line of an alley opened
northwardly from First street adjoin
ing property of I. W. McKelvy ; thence
through land of the said Honora Rob
bins north twenty seven degrees fti.ctn
minutes west at date of official map of
said Town, a distance of forty-eight
feet ; thence eastwardly on a line par
allel with First street, fifteen feet ;
thence southwardly on a line parallel
with the above particularly described
line, and through land of William
Chrisman, forty eight feet; th.-nce
westwardly, fifteen feet, to the place
of beginning.
Section 11. Said alley shall be
called and known by the name of
Chrisman alley, from its intersection
with First to its terminus.
J'ttsoed Jlay 2$nd. 1893.)
Attest :
R. H. Ringler, Francis P. Drinker,
Secretary. Pres't Town Council.
an ordinance to open and lay out
A street or highway from the
northern terminus of chris
A'hereas, Dr. Honora A. Robbins
and William Chrisman have by inden
ture of release, bearing date the 13th
day of April A. D.. 180 1. for the con.
sideration therein mentioned, released
and exonerated the Town of Blooms
burg from the payment of all damages
in the opening and laving out of a
street to begin at the northern termi
nus ot t-hnsman alley, and extending
eastwardly, thirty feet in width, to line
of property of Mrs. A. Z. Schoch
therefore be it ordained and enacted,
by the authority of the Town Council
of the Town of Bloomsburg, and it is
nereDy enacted by authority of the
Section i That a street and
highway be opened as follows : Begin
ning at the northern terminus of Chris
man alley as at present ordained, be
ing two nundred and seventeen min
utes and six seconds from First street ;
thence on a line Darrllel with Firr
street one hundred and hfty-four min
utes ana mree seconds to line of
property of Mrs. A. Z. Schoch ; thence
on said line southwardly, thirty feet s
thence on a line parallel with the
above particularly described line, one
hundred and fifty four minutes and
three seconds to Chrisman Allev;
thence by the san.e southwardly thirty
icei 10 ine-piace 01 Deginning.
Section 11. That said street shall
be called and known by the name of
William street.
J'aiised May 22nd, 1893.
R. H. Ringler, Francis P. Drinker,
Secretary. Pres't Town Council.
A Famous Story. "The Haunted
Ghost." i
"Ue have WORKED on the above quota
tion since we opened our doora, and we can
truthfully say that it is the stepping stone to
our success- We have gained the confidence of
whoever lias bought from U9, by our straight
forward business methods. We are working
hard for your patronage. Let's try and prove to
you that we mean what we say
extra good values in MENS' and YOUNG
MENS' Light and Medium Colored guits well
Made well Trimmed fit like the skin on an
apple. The Price
a very moderate one for such garments as we sell.
Coats or Coats and
Vests suit yourself about that, QQ cts up.
DON'T LET US detract your attention
from our CHILDREN'S SUITS but then!
you've undoubtedly heard some proud mother
praising them No use in saying anything.
Ball and Bat with each Boy's suit, 4 to 14.
Factory 18 N. Third Street, Phila-
Are you going to paper your house ?
Give us a call. Get estimates and
prices. W. H. Brooke & Co.
A lot of new notes of the sharpest
kind have just been printed and are
lor sale at this office. Also common
receipts, estate receipts, and collec
tors1 receipts, neatly bound in books
of 25, 50 and 100. tf.
Flowerings and embroideries in end-
less variety at M. Ellenbogen's.
A large line of window curtains at
Mercer's Drug A Book Store.
New edition of Episcopal Hymnals
at W. H. Brooke & Co s.
Largest line of ladies' waists in town.
White embroidered waists, 50 cts. at
M. EUenbogen s.
Curtains made any width or length
at Mercer's Drug & Book Store.
Best ladies' vests for 15 cts.; ladies'
vests 6 cts. upwards. Fine ladies' un
derwear at M. Ellenbogen's.
Buoklen s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles.
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
l or sale by C A. Kleim.
Children's hats 18 cts. and upwards
at M. Ellenbogen's.
A large line of wall paper: browns,
whites, gilts and felts at Mercer's Drug
& Book Store.
Estimates furnished for wall paper.
Contract work solicited. Competes
vor kmen sent anywhere.
W. H. Brooke & Co.
Deeds, mortgages and note books
of all kinds at the Columbian office,
Window curtains and fixtures ia
gaeat variety at W. H. Brooke 6c Ork.
Wall paper and window ihadM
at lowest prices.
W. H. Brooke & Co.
If you are going to paper akitchea,
d ining room, parlor, bed room or soy
o ther room, call and see Mercer's line
of paper before buying.
Have you seen the new bonnkt?
No, I have had such a bad headache
of late, and been so bilious that I
could not go out remedy Wrighfi
Indian Vegetable Pills. 5-19-U
BIT, Cured at Home in Ten Days by
administering Dr. Haines' Golden
It tan be given in a glass of beer, a cap of
cod e or tea, or in fooil, without the know,
ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harm
less, ard will effect a permanent and speedy
enre, whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or alcoholic wreck. It lias .been
given in thousands of cases, and in every in
stance a re feet cure has followed. It never
fails. The system once impregnated with
the specific it becomes an utter impossibility
for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guar
anteed. 48 page book of particulars free.
Address the (Iolpen Specific Co., 185
Kace Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. IO-2I-I yr.
Paper sold by the roll or bolt, or
contracts made to put it upon the
W3ll. at Mercer's Drug & Book Store.
Do you lack faith and love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeWitt's Sarsapar ilia,
W. S. Rishton, Druggist. 10-14 iy.