The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 26, 1893, Image 2

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    orn i.r.TTKU viioM MAumsiit iti.
What Mm limn linnn In Dm LfRUIntnr
Other Niwa from tlio iiilt:i1.
H.Ki;mni n(i, Miiy 24.
Tliore Is now mime talk of extending
this session nf the logUlntur until June
13. Some of tlie lawmakers nre of the
opinion thiit tills will have to be dona in
onler to clear tho calendars, nltlioiuh nn
effort will le niailo to clear up nil the
ImilneM on or before Juno 1. The time
this week will be devoted principally to
the consideration aud passage of appropria
tion bills.
Mr. flllss, of Delaware, ba offered a
resolution and it has been adopted Inquir
ing of the attorney general what action
can 1 taken by tho suite government to
prevent the construction of a railway ujon
the battlefield of (Jettysburg. The bill
amending tho bank examiner law was
called up, but opposition developed and it ,
was placed on the p.mtpourd calendar. i
The senate bill conferring uH)ii street
passenger railways and traction motor
companies the power to carry tho mails (
has been miiontkil to allow electric com
panies to carry also such merchandise as is
usually carried by express companies.
When the house bill fixing the salaries
nnd compensation of state officers came up
for third reading on a special onler Mr.
Woods succeeded in having the Uutterdeld
bill, with a few changes, adopted as a sub
stitute. The changes from existing salar
ies in tho more important oflices are the
following: Lieutenant governor, $-1,000, an
increase of $1,000; attorney general, $8,000,
increase $4,300; secretary of tho common
wealth $8,000, increase $4,000; auditor
general, $4,000, increase $1,000; secretary
of internal affairs, $4,000, Increase $:!,000;
adjutant general, $H,000, lnoreaso $1,000;
state treasurer, $0,000, increase $1,000; su
perintendent of public instruction, $4,000,
increase $1,300; insnrance commissioner,
$4,000, increase $1,000; factory inspec
tor, $2,000, increase, $300; superintendent
of publlo printing. $2,400, increaso, $400;
private secretary to the governor, $2,000,
increase, $100; deputy secretary of the
commonwealth, $3,000, increase, $500;
deputy attorney genoral, $4,000, increaso,
$1,600; chief clerks of the auditor general's
department, $2,300, Increaso, $700; cor
poration clerk, same department, $2,400,
increase, $u00; chief clerk of treasury de
partment, $2,500, increase, $300; chief
clerk of department of Internal affairs (now
office), $2,000; chief clerk of adjutant gen
eral's department, $2,00i), Increase, $200;
superintendent of public buildings and
grounds, $1,800, increase, $200.
Among the appointments sent in by the
governor were the following: W. Hayes
Urier, superintendent of public printing
and binding for the term of four years to
commence July 1, 1892; John H. Snyder,
Middletown, Dauphin county, to lie justice
of the peace; Kdgar L. King, Harrisburg,
to be notary public. Notaries and justices
were confirmed.
The house bill appropriating $50,000 to
the Wernersville State Asylum for Chronic
Insane has been reported negatively in the
senate. The McCarrell bill increasing the
salary of judges in districts having more
than 60,000 population was defeated yens,
15; nays, 11. The bill authorizing the
courts to extend the amount of property
which may be held by religious, education
or charitable associations has also been de
feated. In tho house, the senate bill providing
tor a lward of seven priHon inspectors was
reported affirmatively. Thebillirlvingtho
University Veterinary hospital $3,000 for
maintenance was reported nfllrmatlvely,
but the bill giving tho same hospital $23,
0C0 for an additional hospital, was reported
The Penrose bill abolishing the publlo
building commission came up on third
reading and was passed by n vota of 120 to
C7, and goes buck to the senate for concur
rence in amendments. A message was re
ceived from tho governor vetoing the bill
allowing aldermen, magistrates und jus
tices of the peuce fees foraflidavitsof claim
tax nnd copies thereof, und also authoriz
ing them to tax certain additional costs.
Appropriation bills passed finally as fol
lows: For current expenses of the state board
of health; for expenses of appropriation
committee; to the .Midnight mission of
Philadelphia; to M organza reform school;
to Pennsylvania institution for deaf and
dumb; for care of indigent insane; Wil
liamsport home for the friendless; Williams
port hospital; to Memorial hospital, Phila
delphia; Philadelphia orthopedio hospital;
State hospital at Mercer; Conemaugh Val
ley memorial hospital; Phlladelphlasociety
for organizing charity; Women's homoso
pathie association of Philadelphia: Wilkes
Barre city hospital; Lebanon Good Samari
tan hospital; Philadelphia-Kensington hos
pital for women; Plttston hospital; Potts
Tille children's home.
Governor Pattlsnn aent in a message ve
toing an act providing for the more effect
ual protection of the public health in cities
and boroughs. The bouse sustained the
governor's veto by 66 to 40.
The bouse has adopted the resolution
providing for a commission to investigate
the various Insane hospitals and peniten
tiaries in this state.
Hahkihduko, May 24. At 4 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, while In the operating
chair at the Albany dental rooms, Mrs.
Surah Rudel suddenly expired. lr. Dash
iell had administered gas, as on previous
occasions when Mrs. Radii was under
treatment, without serious effect. Yester
day afternoon, after he had extracted a
couple of teeth, he observed the patient's
sinking condition and tried to revive her
without success,
Mrs. Radel was about 40 years old. Her
home Is in Powell's Valley, near Halifax.
Her slstur was with her when she died,;and
she said she had never known Mrs. liadel
to have any heart trouble.
HAHHtsnuiio, May 24. The following
charters were issued yesterday: Central
Market Company, of Krie, capital .$100,000;
Craftou Ijiiid Company, of Allegheny
county, capital $30,000; Mt. Pleasant and
Hommomlsville Electric Street Hallway
Company, of Fayette county, capital $18,
000. HAimwiiriui, May 22. Tho Market
street bridgu hero caught fire from some
unknown cause lute yesterday afternoon,
nnd before the firemen miueeeded In getting
tho flames under control the structure was
damaged to the extent of about f 1,000.
II AHKihuriio, May 10. The Thornhurg
Stone Company, of Delaware county, capi
tal, $20,(;00; liig Mvudow National Uus
Company, of Lawrence county, capital,
$10,000, were chartered yesterday.
Michigan Tore! AM.t.c,, Mich., May 22. Terrible for
est fires are raging all around hero. The
saw mill of Edward Margerldgu, four miles
south of here, was burned Sat urday. The
lumber camp of Louis Pit ml near Lake
City was ulso burned and four men were
burned to death. Eight others are miss-'
ing. The horses were all burned and the
camp totally destroyed. A farm house
near Tustin was destroyed and tho fanner,
bis wife and two children lost their lives.
The Wire Rrrvlce Mill Crippled-All the
I.ntrat I'nrtlrnliim. ,,
Pirrsm-nn, May 23. It seems almost
miraculous that a number of live . wert
not lost by the furious hail storm of Sat
urday evening, tt was tho most terrible
stotm this city has ever experienced. Re
ports from many points show that the hnil
did Immense damage. Thn tolephona nnd
telegraph servico of this city is still de
moralized. In the east end of Pittsburg nnd up
wards of Allegheny City, nearly every
window glass on tho poutli sides of the
buildings shattered while nil over both
cities, skylights, green-houses, private nnd
park conservatories were shattered aud
foliage mine 1. In the Phlpps conservatory
in Sehunley Park, over 0,000 lights of glass
were broken.
Tho descending floods of tain did for the
Fifth avenue traction linn what the hail
did for tho Pleasant Valley, flooding its
tracks In places three feet deep In it few
moments, wadilng care off the track en
route, tenrlng up the roadbed, and burying
it several feet under sand ami inild.
Th'.s occurred In the Soho nnd Kast End
districts. The Duciuosne line escaped a
little better. Estimates of the extent of
the louses vary, ninny points not having
been beard from, but some judges place it
as high as $1,000,000.
J. W. C. Dell, of John R. & A. Mur
doek, nuserymen, etc., states thst the loss
to tho Schenley park and Allegheny park
conservatories, together with tiiat to the
rivate greenhouses nnd conservatories
ere, will alone amount to over $800,000.
He says that it will ruin some of tho men
engaged in that business, line such says
that he will be forced to go out of the
business, having lost his plants as well as
Entertainments were In progress at all
theaters. At the opera house nnd llljou
theater serious panics were narrowly
averted and several women fainted from
The stinging pelting of the hail caused a
number of serious accidents by frenr.led
horses that broke nwajr from their drivers.
Twenty head of horses, some of them
valuable animals, are known to have been
killed In Pittsburg, either by collision or
becoming entangled In electric wires. John
Downey, the driver of one team was dragged
several squares aud fatally hurt.
Michael Dunn, aged 14, was almost elec
trocuted by stepping on an electric light
wire on Second avenue.
At Marietta, O., a number of buildings
were destroyed nud crops wero laid to the
ground. Great destruction is reported in
the Belmont, Eureka and Kistervilla oil
The Tall liruke Ilia Neck.
Beading, May 24. Oliver Fuber, aged
40 years, employed on the farm of Jacob
Eitzel, in Uley township, was hauling
wood with a pair of horses, when tho team
shied at a heifer In the road and started off
on a run. Iu endeavoring to atop the
horses Mr. Faber slipped and fell nnd was
instantly killed, his nock having been
broken. Deceased was a bachelor and had
worked for Mr. Eitzel for the past ten
Saginaw's l.OOO, OOO Itlaze.
Saoinaw, Mich., May 22. Fire stnrted
Saturday ufteruoon on the mill property of
Sample & Camp, and, the wind blowing a
gale from the southwest, it swept with
frightful rapidity, destroying several in
dustrial establishments and 200 residences.
The loss will probably exceed $1,000,000.
Tho lire leaves many people absolutely
homeless and in great distress.
Knghicvr .Viiiim Killed.
IlARitisnuno, May 22. Caleb Miyin, a
Pennsylvania cngincey, was fatally scalded
and his fireman, John Mi'l'unu, badly in
jured in u wreck nt Tborndule late Satur
day night. Maun died soon after being
tuki n to the Presbyterian hospital, Phlla
deloliia. His remains were brought here
yesterday nnd taken to his late home on
Kiley street.
Father Corr's Condition Serious.
Jerskt City, N. J., May 24. Rev.
Father Corr, tho rector of St. Bridget's
Catholic church, iu this city, is suffering
from nervous prostration. He is said to be
in a dangerous condition. Father Corr
was accused of inspiring the attack on Sn
tolll. He denied the report emphatically.
For altar Out of I'olitloa.
Cincinnati, May 23. It is announced
that ex-Governor Foraker is out of politics,
so far as any personal ambitions are con
cerned. He will never again seek office,
but his friends will have his aid any time
they desire it. He is rapidly becoming a
rich man.
Dr. T. J. Dunott Dead.
PHiLADKi.rHiA, May 23. Dr. T. J. Du
nott, a promlncut physician and surgeon of
Harrisburg, chief of the city hospital staff
and surgeon for the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, died suddenly at the residence
of Major L. S. Bent, in this city, Saturday.
Kills llard Pardoned.
Lancaster, May 21. President Cleve
land has pardoned Ellis Bard, ex-cashier of
the Lincoln national bank, of this county,
who was serving a sentence of five yt ars in
the Eastern penitentiary for embezzling
$89,000 from bis institution.
They Destroyed the Haloona,
Blwood, I ml., May 24. The temperance
element of Frankton, five miles southwest
of here, banded together and destroyed the
saloons that bad sprung into existence in
the last few months. Three of the leaders
of the mob were arrested.
Disastrous Fire at Wllliam.port.
AVilliamspokt, May 24. The old forge
of the Willinmspoi t Iron and Nail Com
pany, situated on the south n:do of tliu
river, was destroyed by iiro yesterday. Loss
about .M'i.OU'l; insurance, $12,000. The
mill will lie rebuilt.
Vu Ovrrcomo by lliu Heat.
Nkw Voiik, May 24. John Utting, 23
yenrs old, of Westell ester, N. Y, was over
come by the- heat nt Third avenue nnd
Ono Hundred nnd Forty-eighth street yes
terday and was sent to the Harlem hospital.
SiilyuriL Takra tliu Stand.
Caw.isi.k, May 21. Salyards was on tho
M and in his own behalf yesterday und got
badly tangled wnils i;!vhii; his evidence.
The prosecution promises some lit art liny
developments before the. trial is ended.
Cnii(lit on a Trvatlu und Killed.
Richmond, Va., May 24. James Brown
nud Mary Sinoot, while crossing a trestle
on the Clinch Valley extension of tho Nor
folk und Western railroad, were overtaken
and iuHlautly killud by a freight train.
Mrs. llliilno to be Married.
Nkw Youk, May 22. The announce
ment is officially Hindu that Mrs. James G,
Blaine, jr., is to marry Dr. William T.
Bull, who attended her during her illness
at the New York hotel.
News (lathered from all Sections of the
Wst Ciikstkk, May 22. Samuel Worth,
wealthy gentleman, whoso home Is tiprif
this place, suddenly went Insane Saturday.
Ha broke a mirror to pieces, and with a
part of the glass ho slashed his wife terri
bly, Intending to cut her throat. His at
tack was so savage that she was perhaps
fatally wounded before help arrived. Worth
was chloroformed nud then taken to the
Friends' asylum at Frnnkford, Philadel
phia. His brother tnysterlouslydlsappcared
several weeks ago and has not since been
heard from.
Rkaiunii, May 23. Henry Eppihlmer,
of the firm of Kline, Eppihlmer .t Co., his
wife, and Miss Annie Del let wero returning
from a pleasure drive, nnd ns they reac hed
the residence of Mr. Eppihlmer, on South
Fifth street, he jumped out to nssist the
Indies from tho carriage. The horse lx
camo frightened nt some object nnd stin ted
to run nway, turning the carriage com
pletely around nnd throwing both ladies
on the opposite pavement. Mrs. Eppi
hlmer sustained a severe contusion of the
left templo and n number of bruises, while
Miss Del let hnd her left collar-bone frac
tured, nnd It Is liellcved that sho was In
jured internally, ns sho complains of se
vere pains In the chest. The carriage was
completely demolished.
Piiiladki.piiia, May 23. William P.
Buchanan and John H. Scott, alius Dutch
Emerick, who wore arrested on tho chargo
of administering chloral to Henry M. Pye,
in a Race street saloon, for tho purpose of
robbing him, were given a hearing yester
day afternoon liefore Magistrate Pole. The
victim, who had been released from the
Hahnemann hospital, testified that he met
the defendants in the saloon, had a few
drinks, nnd the rest was a blank. Both
prisoners denied that they hnd adminis
tered the drug, but Scott admitted thnt
ho was in the habit et using chloral. He
further admitted that he was just out of
prison. Both were held for trial.
pHii.Anm.piiiA, May 24. Judge Butler, in
the United States district court yesterday,
pronounced sentences as follows: Samuel
Garflukle, who pleaded guilty to manufac
turing and passing counterfeit pennies, $30
fine and three years aud a half in the East
ern penitentiary; Nathan Oarfinkle, Sam
uel's 14-year-old son, found guilty of being
implicated in the crime, $30 fine and three
months in Moyaineusing; John levari, con
victed; in conjunction with the Gartinkles,
of manufacturing and passing counterfeit
pennies, j.")0 fine and three and a half years
in the Eastern penitentiary; Harry Slngler,
convicted of a like offense, $30 and two and
a bait years.
Shrnandoaii, May 22. On the Schuyl
kill Traction Company's electric railway
Saturday, while a new ear, valued ut $:),
000, bound for Shenandoah from Oirard-
vllle, and containing a dozen passengers
was running at lull speed, "a short cir
cuit" set fire to the wood work underneath
the cur. So suddenly did the smoke nnd
flame burst out that the passengers had
Borau difficulty in escaping. Thorc was no
water in the vicinity, and before it was
procured the handsome enr was burned to
the ground.
Fi.kktwood. May 33. Captain Jonas M.
Shallenlierger, ex-rcgister of Berks county,
was killed in a runawuy accident yesterday
near this borough. He lived on a farm
qbout a mile from Fleotwood. In company
with his son Milton he left homo to drive to
Bernville to attend tho grangers' picnic.
He had only gone n short distance when
his horse shied, und Captain Shnllenherger
was thrown out, alighting on his head.
The horses trampled upon him, aud he
died soon thereafter.
Clarion, May 23. Night Operator Craw
ford, of Foxbsirg, has died at his homo
from tho effects of n murderous luwuult
made upon him Saturday night. The mur
derers have confessed and are now In the
Clarion jail. They nre J. K. Mock mid
James MclConna. They were put out of
the depot by Crawford and lay in wait for
him. Grnt excitement prevails in tho
town and there '.a much talk of lynching.
Wilkes-Barhr, May 24. Tho grand
parade of the Knights Templar of Penn
sylvania in connection with their fortieth
annual conclave came off yesterday. About
5,000 weie In lino and tho weather was
fine. Probably 8,000 strangers wera In tho
city to witness tho turnout. A bull was
given at the armory last night. The elec
tion of officers takes place to-day.
Bernville, May 23. A grangers ' mass
meet lug was held yesterday afternoon in a
grove on the outskirts of this borough. All
the grangers hi the county were represented
aud the attendance was large. The speakers
were E. M. Tewkahury, of Columbia coun
ty; F. Leonard Reber, of Berks county,
aud William M. Bennlnger, of Northamp
ton county., May 24. Yesterday was one
of the hottest May days ever experienced
here. Tho temperature at 7 a. tn. was 73
degrees; at 9 a. m., SO degrees; at noon,
88 degrees, and at 1 p. in.. 00 degrees.
The extensive forest fires prevailing in this
section of the state, it is believed, have af
fected the temperature to a considerable
Ahuland, May 22. Michael Moran,
aged 10, and John Silgrath, agod 15, were
badly burned and a machine house totally
demolished by an explosion of gas nt Pres
ton colliery Suturday evening. The gas
bad accumulated in an air shaft, and the
boys ignited it by lowering a lighted min
ers' lamp into the shaft.
Gbttyhbu k(, May 24. Major George R.
Davis, of the judge advocate general's de
partment, United States army, came here
last night on orders from tho secretary of
war to Investigate and report concerning
the desecration of the battlefield by the
building of an electric railroad on it.
Lancaster, May 24. David Deaner, a
prosperous farmer, died yesterday from
smallpox. This is the first death from
that disease in this county this year. There
wero only half a dozen cases of tho disease,
anil all were in the same neighborhood in
tho county, ten miles from this city.
Ai.toona, May 22. Blair county repub
licans held their primary election Satur
day. There were three candidates for
judge, ami Martin Bell secured eighty-two
of the 102 delegates, insuring his nomina
tion. Bi njaniin L. Hewitt received forty
one delegates and Mr. Mervine thirty nine.
Lanca.'.tkr, May 21. HeniT T eonard,
for eighteen years janitor nt Franklin mid
Marshall college, died yesterday, aged 00
years, no was well known and a great
favorite of the hundreds of studunls who
attended this college since 1873.
Chkhtkh, May 23. The gents' furnish
ing goods store of Mr. Lipou at Media was
partially destroyed yesterday by nu incen
diary lire. Loss oil building and contents,
$3,000; partially covered by Insurance.
HAuniMiit'ita, May 23. A portion of the
tents of the Niokel Plate circus wero de
stroyed by fire yesterday. Several persons
were seriously burned. The loss was not
m mm
Are you all run down? Scot? s Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Bcott's Emulsion cores Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaomic and Wasting Diseases.
Prevents wasting: in children. AN
most as palatable as milk. Uctonly
the srenulne. Prepared by Scott A
Bowno, Chemists, New fork. Bold by
all Druggists.
"Well Urctl, Soon Wed," Girls Who Use
m iaYir wv
arc Quickly Married. Try it In Your Next
ISousc-Cl calling.
Cigars, Tobacco. Candies, Fruits and Kuts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
F.F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Soto sjeuts for the following brunds of Cigars-
Hsnry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian rrincass, Sarr.scr., Cilvor Asb
Bloomsburg Pa.
2:.i Poor aoovc Ciuit IIoukc. ,
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
"It fits likv the pnper
on the wnll.
Of course it docs if ita tlm
right kind, nnd it ndds wry.
thing to the cheerful negg of the
Wall Paper
pives your walls any effect nnd
a toucn ot luxury mat money
could not otherwise supply.
To eet the best, that ilm
question ; but that is neither
(linieult or expensive if you go
to the right place to buy it.
Ours U the place, the variety
is iicre. me prices are rignt,
lfvou want, we put it on
your walls and guarantee the
work. Workmen tent any
Window Curtains too, are
here, prices right.
W. II. Brooke JSc Co.
'8 &
SMew Ready Pay Store.
Comer of Main and Iron Streets,
We have just received a new stock of Ladies' Gents'
Mifses', Youths and Childrens' Shoes. Don't fail ' to see our
$2.00 shoe for Ladies. We are losing out our old stoc k of
Boots and Shoes at a Bargain. Our line of Dry Goods, No
tions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Tubs, Buckets, and
Table and Floor Oil Cloths is complete.
Come and see us. NO trouble to show Goods.
You will find our prices as low as in any town in the State.
ELY BllOTHBRS, H Wsrren Bt New Tort Pries Wets.!
f htK,oViJ 111
4-41.1 It.
fowl. No ! rriim ur w.lchmt required of muj kiml ..f f ...j
I,w,.n iUV. p,:i,i., ur.iu.i.i Iniri ioi f id
f ir kind. Unr .id. of the Mat ii nm.l.of . nmt.Tl.1 thoroughly
nr. proof nd th. olh.r iidei. cotfr.d with IwMmariimd, which
ddi iire.tBtrc-niilhtotli.M.t and ou which can bo tmkVd th.
met prrfurt Kridii cak.. Thi. arlii l. ..h.u fur iiwelf iii
tb.. .vin of Kraulle and llnwar.. Million, will .., d
... ..... VH.... , i. .hi ww iu iuar can o. ioki in .wry family
th. nwili that do not at one. take an ncency will mlm, the Vr 'Jt
.I opportunity of their IIh.. A,u . ft CUT . a uvpn
erst from 30 Ut talr a da . AGENTS W ARTEO
Hampl. by mail, poita. paid, on receipt of CKNTtJ.
F0KSHEE McMAKIN, Sol Minufscturtrs, CINCINNATI, 0
K. It M.
Seven Onunin. In Art, Pillion. .iiny nnd Rolonca
Civil, MlutnK, KliM'trli ul EuglDourlu.
uud ClioiiiUlry.
Fsll Torm boirlnii Bout. lath.
' For Catalogue, adrireim
TIIK KKIilHI UAU, Kuatou, 1'eniia.
AND CRKAM '!in tin k.'iit jk i-rcctiv in-nii
mill swirl live io mVii thivn UITUOIIT
MDI.1. . I- ,,. ..... 1.1
Jilu liuu. rllu,
The rreservaline Mfr. Co.,
Bule Mfm, and rtitcnincH, locednrmTKew York d.
CI1A7t?n AXLE"
ttswearlnp Qunlltieaare nnaurpowod. actuall?
cmtlaatlntr two boxea of Hay other bran't. Not
aectd by I .at. I II K til: t
HAI BAISAWI and linuuriiji tliu hair
I'roioiiU'g a lukiiriiiiit irruwtt)
Novur Jail, to It. .tor. ll'iuy
,," Y " louiniul color.
tuna train iliarn.,.. ii hair lulluu:.
v ... i.fuy
The Consumptive and Feeble.,,,!,, i i,o
jn'lh'rlrnnihaii.liii!,a.hoiilil ua. barker'. (Jin i
diKMlu.ii, r'muali. wr.ku,..., l(!uuioli.iuauiIlIiu. 40c. a
b ' " P R CO R N 8 . Th. only lure our. for Ponn
HIMt. a.
Butter per lb $
Kggs per dozen t
Lanl per lb '.
Ham per pound
Pork, whole, per pound 07
Reef, (juancr, per pound . . . c6
neat per bushel
Corn ears ' "
Oats " "
Rye " "
I!iu:kwlieat flour per 100
Wheat flour per bbl
Hay per ton
Potatoes per bushel
Turnips "
Onions " "
Sweet potatoes per peck 25
Cranberries per cjt
Tallow per lb
Shoulder " "
Side meat " "
Vinegar, per qt
Dried apples per lb
Dried cherries, jutted
Cow Hides per lb
Siecr ' "
Calf Skin 40
Sheep pells
Shelled com per bus
Corn meal, cwt
Pran, "
Choi) " "
Chickens per lb
Turkeys " "
Geese " "
Ducks " "
to .08
fo .08
4 5
1 2.00
1. CO
1. 00
to is
, .10
No. 6, delivered
i . ... j 0
4 ""u 5 3 50
" 6 at vard .
" 4 and s at yard 3 25
Improve your stock
by getting a setting
of Barred or White
Plymouth Rocks.
Eggs from fine birds
at $1.50 per 13,
or $2.50 per 26.
Address, W. B. German, '
Millville, 1 1 Pcnna.
inside, outside, and all the way through.
ThlHuront T.mpernnco drink i
U an UuulUilul, u. U U plousuut. Try IU
The UH(lciHl.:iif'(l liraliiK licioit icsKircd 10
lii'itlili by Hlniiki linens, iilicr HiilTi-rliiK for
wvcinl :! in wll Ii a mn'i'in lunif hIIim-IIuii, anii
I lint ilivml (IIsimsk CtmviiiiiiiHon, Is nnxloim l
liitikc kiinwn lo Ills r.-llnw siilTi'i'ciH I Iik iih-hiiS
or cum. 'I n tluii' w ho ilcHlte 11, lift will cliccr
rully KcmUrrcw or cliiiw ii copy ot Urn pres.
cilplluii used, llicy will tliiilu hiiih cute
Idv Cimsiiiiiptluii, AMItmii, Catarrh, Itrwicliitl
liml nil llinuit uiidliinir SlnhnJim lie lmpiM all
KiimncrH will try IiIh a In liivuliiuHii.
'I'hiiHd dfKlrliiK llio prioiorlpUon, which will cunt
llii'iii iioihlinf, und lu-iy pruve u blca.iluif, will
plotiMB uddreiui,
ltT. Euwakd A. Wilson, Biooklyn, Now Vork
Sopu 1, l yr.