THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. - FOB BALE. Desirable vacant lots and 1 number of good ) and lots 10 Bloonwbnrg, Pa The bout tanlnem stand In Itloomsburg. A very ileslra. Die property containing iHncrcsand llrst clnss Wlldlnirs with good wl" In ft business worth toVrw per year at Willow urovo. Dwellings In Espy, Orangevllle and Beach Haven. A large number of farms In Columbia Oonniy, one In Luzerne County, one In Virginia. Two vii'ml ry Htore Htands In Columbia Couuty and one In Luzerne County. A water power planing mill, dry dock and lumber yard and Sbrrfa In Beach Haven, Pa. Also 10 acres of amort farm land at same place, by M. P. LUTZ 1 wN, Insurance and Koal Estate Agents, BLOOM8UUHU, PA. tf. BALEKEGISTER, A free notice is given under this head, of all sales for which bills are printed at this office. A date can be fixed now, and bills printed later, and the notice will stand until the day of Hie. May as- Mrs M. M. Phillips, exe cutrix of H. G. Phillips deceased, will ell four lots of land situate in Blooms burg, on the premises at 10 o'clock .m. June io. The executors of Mrs. Hannah Armstrong, deceased will sell a lot of ground on Main street, Bloomsburg, on the premises at 10 o'clock a. m. SPECIAL NOTICES. WAHTKn.-A SALESMAN TO HKLL TEAS, Coffees and Kptces on commission. In this place and vicinity, on a route already worked np. Addres, joy aylS-lt Wo. 8. Main U, Wllkes-Barre fORPOKATE DISSOLTJTION.-Notlce Is here l by given that the North Mountain Lumber do. will apply by petition, to ihe court of com moo Mean of Columbia county, on the Wth day of May, 1MM, at lt o'clock a. m., tor a decree of Uasolutlon of the said corporation, pursuant to the Acts of Assembly In such case made and provided, when all persons Interested In such corporation as stockholders, creditors, or other wise may appeal and be heard. bAMUJiL W1UKALL, Secretary. llDPTUKK POSITIVELY CUKEI). FOR IN MX formation address D. E. WniTBNiOHT, Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co., Pa. 6-5-ly. 1TOR SALE, A SECOND T1AND HANOE, IN J good condition, with water back, ready for use A rare chance. Inquire of W. 11. Brooke. Bloomsburg. 8-81-tf. R 4JO.VSFOK YOUNO MEN. M. M. rHILLIP8 i has very deslraoie rurwsneo. rooms ior wnnua nun. Hath room arilolnlnf. for Use of occupants of the rooms. Call and examine. fr-19-tf. WANTED. A SOBEK AND INDU8THIOU8 man to take care of two horses and a , and make himself generally useful. In Blre of Da. B. F. Uabunib, Bloomsburg, Pa. 5-ltt.W. TM)B SALE. THE C. M. HESS FARM FORM. F erly owned by Grler yulck at Kupert, for lie by Ju. MAIZE, Agent. R SALE. A SQUARE BEAVER STOVE, aouoie neater, witn pipe sc. cuoipietc. on lor HPlllnif. owner has nut In a hot air tarnaoe. Inquire of Da. 8. B. Akmimt, Blooms- IX KINDS OF BLANKS FOR JUSTICES and constables at the Columbian oi- tf. D KKDM, MORTGAGES AND NOTE BOOKS oi all nnas at tne colon sian orace. ii. WUS1C LESSONS CIIA8. P. ELWELL FOR Jjl the past S years a student In Boston, la fivlnf lessons on piano and violin. Both taught E the best methods, piano In New England ceaaervatory method, violin according to the Wanrinn school. SALE. THE REAL ESTATE OF THE late Peter Gross, deceased. In Blooins- '. ennslstlnir of a dwelling house and Bot- Works. Inquire of David Gross, Lock ivtn, or Guy Jacoby, Bloomsburg, 4-14-tf, tJKW. SALE THK RUPERT HOTEL, FOR X merly owned by W. R. Tubbs, deceased, far terms call on or write to J. H. Maize, Agt. HooanBPurg, Pa. m-itt-tt. o OOD FARM OF 74 ACKBS. GOOD BUILD tags. Between buck Horn ana jersey In Hemlock township. For sale by J. u. town, u JaaUl, Real Estate and Insurance Ag inu lS-tt JfOl IB SALE. A GOOD WOODEN FENCE, OR- namantal. inquire at tms omce. -si-u ANTED.-8BlMmani salary and ex issi n from start: steady work; good chance for advancement. BRO WN BRo CO., Nursery- , Rochester, N. i. o-i-4t. a. CHICAGO RENTING AGENCY 1 MASONIC j Temple, Chicago, provides quarters for vbttors to the World's Fair In Hotels and priv ate residences In any part of the city. Accom Baodallons and rates to suit any one. No ad vance charges. Alexandria Hotel one of the Bast equipped and permanent In the World's Fair district, European plan, hates tl.Oo to taOOaday. write for particulars with stamp CD John W Kramer, agent, Bloomsburg, Pa- 5-19-4 mos. ZBEHOH COACH STALLION, SENLIS. ' The French Coach Stallion SENLIS iD stand during the season of 1893 at the following places on the several days of each week as follows : Tuesday at Arthur Creasy's Stables, Centre Twp. Wednesday and Thurs day at Drake's Hotel Stables, Orange - wile j Friday and Saturday at Central Stables, Bloomsburg. Senlia is a rich seal brown in color. 16 hands high, weight 1400 lbs., with fine stvle and action, fo?led June 1st, 1888.' Pedigree Bred by M. Auguste Simon of Greville Hague, France ; got by the government Stallion Alsacien, dam Finette, by Quinte-Curce out of a daughter of Volant. Registered in the French Coach Horse Stud Book of America, No. Term $20 to insure a living foal. Evan Buckalew, Manager, 4 ii-4t. Bloomsburg, Pa. A Great Bargain. One of the very best water power flour and grist mills on big Fishing creek with good buildings, new machin ery, two dwellings, and other out buildings all in good order, an nine acres of land for sale cheap on easy payments by T. 11. Maize, Insurance and Real Estate Agt., 3-31 tL Bloomsburg, Pa. "There is a salve tor every wound." We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, cures burns, bruises, cuts, indo lent sores, as a local application in the nostrils it cures catarrh, and al ways cures piles. W, S. Rishton, Druggist io-14-iyr. DR. KILMER'S xMM ....... in TH6ePCAT KIDNEY.LIVER122 BtI.R La Griiic9 Cures the bad after effects of this trylnir epi demic and restores lost vigor and vitality. Diabetes, Excessive quantity and high colored urine. Impure lUood, Eczema, scrofula, tnnlnrio, pimples, blotches. General Weakness, Constitution nil run down, lorn of ambition, and a disinclination to all sorts of lulxir. (Jaarantrr-Vw content of One BoUlo, If Dot benefit, DruirKtta wm refund to yen the price paid. At Druggist, 60c. Slate, 1.00 Size. "InTRUds Outde to nUUT a-ce- Couulutlon free. DM. KlLURIl & CO., BlNOBAMTOK, N. NW YORK FASHIONS. STYLES OF MARKING, TRAVELING DRESS ES, SILK WAISTS, SHOES, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS. Ruffles are carried to such an ex treme on wool costumes, that cotton dresses are usually very simple made ; insertion, white braid, lace and ribbon, or embroidered edging, so far fulfilling all requirements, as to trim mings. A blue and white striped gingham, made with one deep flounce, reaching above the knee (merely the increased width of the skirt) headed by two rows of narrow white braid with three at the bottom, and Eton jacket trimmed with similar braid ; serves to illustrate a popular style of making ordinary cotton goods. A dark blue percale with white dots, has a perfectly plain skirt ; seams corded in white and Eton jacket with light blue satin revers and white China silk btouse. It should not be inferred however that no ruffles are seen on cotton fabrics, as white or colored dotted Swiss muslins may have a muslin ruffle or several of lace ; when lined throughout with silk and trimmed with lace and ribbon make very hand some costumes. Duck sails are again fashionable, pearl buttons on the vest being the only trimming, with per haps the addition of one or two rows of braid. TRAVELLING DRESSES' assume this year an unusual import ance, and serges, small checks or Che viot challies are most in demand, made with plain skirts, short jackets with silk blouse and belt. A full shir ring is a newer blouse front than a wide, plaited frill, the latter however is still fashionable. Plaided, striped, dotted or plain silk are all appropriate for this purpose, great liberty existing as regards color. Challi dresses ad mit of very elaborate trimmings of colored silk ruffles, lace and ribbon, when however the material shows a conspicuous figure, skirts are often entirely plain, or large knobs of four inch wide ribbon are regularly spaced around the front and sides.. SILK WAISTS are more varied than ever and in ad dition to a general revival of last sea son's styles, surplice fronts carried under the arm to form a belt fastened at the back, is the latest idea. Plain and changeable silks in brilliant hues are somewhat toned down by white or black lace bretelles, and wide lace is often draped over a full sleeve ; that of the bretelle forming a second row, Quite a change is noticeable in belts, J. R. Smith & Co. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALERS IN Br tne following well-known makers i Cliickerinjf, Knabc, Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufact urer8' prices. Do not buy a piano before getting our prices Catalogue and Price Lists On application. SAW MILLS, E1IG12IES, ImproyeJ Variable i'rlotioo Feed ffSrS A. B. FARQUHAS CO. and while pointed ones still in favor, "wrinkled" belts both wide and nar row are most stylish, ordinarily oi some material used in trimming the costume. VERY LARGE 11UTTONS are seen on new fox patent boots with cloth or kid tops for ladies wear, and patent leather slippers with Rhine stone buckles remain very fashionable. Tan, gray or black Oxford ties are so much cooler for summer wear than high boots, that this fact ensures their popularity j and as handsome shoes are one of the first essentials of good dressing, the next best thing is to make the partly-worn look like new, and this is readily accomplished by using the ever popular renovator, Rav en Gloss for ordinary purposes, but for renewing the brilliancy of dull patent, calf skin or enameled leather, nothing is so efficacious as ratentene or the Club Polish for new patent leather. Tan or russet shoes are among the season's leading styles, and when somewhat rubbed are no longer thrown away, as Tanshine removes all soil from whatever cause, rendering them soft and fresh. White Clover powder sifted into the stocking pre vents undue prespiration and affords comfort for those with tender feet. GREEN AND PURPLE are leading colors in fashionable gloves, but when the glove does not match the costume, it should be in contrast. Large buttons are still worn and heavy black stitching is ?ga:n in favor. Jet or colored passementerie, white or black lace, satin or velvet are in ex treme favor as trimmings, and lace bretelles confined at the waist under a belt, and caught on the shoulder by satin ribbon bows, are worn over any plain waist with excellent effect. .Verona Clarke. Bad complexion indicates and un healty state of the system. De Witt's Little Early Risers are pills that will correct this condition. They act on the liver, they act on the stomach, they act on the bowels. W. S. Rish on Druggist, 10-14-iy. Married, Eves Sands. At the residence of the pastor at White Hall, May 13th. by Rev. J. G. Meredith, Mr. J. A, Eves of Millville and Miss Margaret Sands of Mordanville, Col. county, Pa. MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT LIST OF DEALERS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Thcfollowluir Is a llRt of dealers of Columbia County as taken, returned and classified by me for 1KV3. BIATIR. Same and Buttnri. Clan. LUtme. 700 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 SO 00 7 00 in 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 00 7 60 IS AO 7 00 700 7 00 7 0 7 00 G. P. Drlesbach, store 14 (t. F. Bhuman, store 14 T. J. Bhuman, (apt.) store 14 ituey & uwens, nour ana ieea j M. D. Mastellar, store 14 Levi Michael, store 14 BINT0N. B. G. Kellar, Stoves and tinware 14 C. D. Carpenter, 1 pool table 8 C. L. Belles, store 14 J. J. HcUenry, store 13 Holland Mc Henry, store 14 O. K. Coz, farm tools 14 lllllhlme a Kiaaejr store Alfred Mcllenry, store 19 Ira Mcllenry, furniture 14 G. L. C. B. Mcllenry, store ii II. F. Everttt, coal , 14 . K. Knouse, coal 14 0. K. Edsnn, store 14 C. M. 8mltn, store 14 1. M. Kline, musical Instruments 14 IBWICI. j. saiuer, organs and sewing ma- cmnes 14 Rteck & Co., drugs 14 F. L. DlBtlenuntt, furniture 14 O. L. Keagan, drugs 14 II. c. Laubacn, hardware and 7 00 7 00 700 700 700 7 00 7 eo 7 00 stoves 14 Henry Drelfus, clothlne 14 M. A. Markle, furniture 14 Joseph bcnain, store 14 Bwayze A Co., store 18 -W. T- Snyder, walUpaper 14 Garrison a Bros, store u B. F. Drelsbauta, organs and sew ing machines I4 M. oTsmlth. confectionery 14 T. H. Doan, hardware 18 M. Levy, clothing 18 L. J. Townsend, Jewelry 14 Bredbenner & Utiles, groceries 14 W. V. Oswald, boots and shoes 14 Hmltb Bros , store 18 Kllnetob Bros., furniture 14 ' B. F. fiponenberg, 1 billiard and? pool tables 6 C. N KlHuer, drugs 14 Isaiah Bower, store 14 A. J. Butler, stoves and tinware 14 Berwick Htore Co., (Llm.) store 8 J. M. Lilly, agt. cool 14 BLOOMSBDBO. 10 00 7 00 10 00 700 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 B0 00 7 00 70 7 1 100 00 7 0B Harmon ft Hassert coal ' .14 7 00 BlooinHburg Car Co., coal - 14 7 00 N. W. Barton, groceries 14 7 00 E. E KalHton groceries 14 7 00 V. V. Uartman. stoves and tin ware 14 7 00 J. D. Armstrong, groceries 14 7 00 Bloomsburif Car Co., store 11 15 00 J. W. Mnsteller, notions 14 7 00 M. EllenbOL'en A Bra, notions, ,14 T 00 W. 11, (illiuorn, 8 pool tables 8 60 O. A. MeKelvv. druiis 14 7 II. W. 81oan, Htore 13 10 00 L. T. Hhuriiless, wUolesalo grocer ies 12 IS 60 C. II. Kharpless Co.' groceries Vi 10 00 Louis UroHB, clot hing" IS 10 00 Moyer Bro , wholesale drugs 7 40 00 W. II. Hrower, carpets 14 7 00 11. V. White & Co , grain 12 IS 60 Alexander Bros. iL Co.. wholesale tobacco 9 S 00 W. S. Hlahtoo, drugs 14 7 Oo I. W. McKelvy, store 7 40 (HI G. W. Keller, carpets 14 7 00 C. A. Klelm, drugs 14 7 00 1. W. Uartman & son. store 00 C. H. Kurmau, harness 14 7 Oil J. II. Btooker, groeerli 14 7 00 w. j. i'orreii x io, lurnuure iu J. W. Kyer, store 18 10 00 Illdlay Bros , groceries 14 7 00 Thomas UK' key, grocerlos 14 7 00 J. K. l'ensyl, store 18 10 00 P. P. Barter, Furniture" 14 7 00 L. E. wimry. stoves and tinware 14 7 oo J.T. Davis, notions 14 7 00 J. Haltxcr. organs and sewing ma chines 14 7 00 8. F, Peaeock & Co., hardware 18 10 00 James McClOHkey, 8 pool tables 0 60 00 J, It. Towtisund, gent s furnishing goods 14 7 00 0. K. Huvago. Jewelry 14 7 00 F. 1). Iieiuk-r, boots and shoes 18 10 0-i .1, G. Wells, Jewelry 14 7 00 W. II. lirooko Co., books and sta tionery 18 10 00 fumuilngs k Verdy, confectionery 18 10 00 . W. Kitchen, grain Vi U 60 1. Mater, clothing 18 10 00 W. o. Holmes, stoves 1 7 00 J. Garrison, Hour and foed 14 7 00 Kshleuian & Wolfe, stoves 14 7 00 11. J. t lark & Hon, store 11 1.1 00 M. M. Phillips Hon, confectionery 11 7 oo I). I.owciiIr-rif Est , clothing 18 10 On J. H. HclniTlur, Hardware 13 10 0 chsrles w. Kunynn, hardware 18 10 00 Hem Bros., Jewelry 14 7 00 Jacob!Keller wholesale notions 26 00 W. 11. Moore, Store 12 18 60 Evans & Kyer, clothing 14 1 00 J. 11. Mereer, drugB 11 7 00 D. A. Creasy, store 14 7 00 J. A, Hebs, boots and shoes 14 7 00 7 (w 7 00 7 mi 7 no 7 00 1.1 00 7 00 18 50 is on 7 no 7 00 10M 7 ou 18 fit 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 (i 7 oo 7 00 7 (O i co 7 on 7 00 13 50 7 on ir, on 7 on 7 on 7 on 7 7 on 7 00 7 oo m oo 80 0.1 7 on 7 on 18 60 7 00 10 to 81 no 10 00 7 on 7 on 700 SO on 7 00 7 00 7 on 10 00 18 Ml 10 (K) 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 00 so on 80 00 7 00 7 on 7 00 18 60 80 00 7 00 30 00 7 0 160 00 . P. Klngler, drugs 14 r. K. vannaua, wan paper Win. Webb, tobacco 14 w. c. Klchart, feed and groceries 14 Farmers Produce Kx c h a n g 9 (Mm.) storo 1 1 14 18 11 14 W. Korher Co., store W. It. Korher Co.. coal Creasy Wells lumber r. i. Miner coai K. Venrs eroeerles 14 W. Gnrretson. Jr. books and irroc- ertes J8 .Ionian HalMnn tobacco 14 Atlantic Heflnlng Co., wholesale on m W. c McKlnney boots ami shoes 14 Glddlng Halsburg clothing 11 BK1ARCKKSK. D. F. Fowler store H CATAWI88A. C. fi. Clewell groceries ' 14 8. 1). Hlnard store 14 J. F. Fisher drugs 14 i . nuts unigs 1 1 K. Cleaver stoves nnfl tinware J I Monroe Neltzlnirer 1 pool table H 11. W. Fox boot and shoes 14 M. A. Swank mnrw 14 I. It. Neeshollz store nd ronl 18 S. B. Khawn & Hon stoves and hnrnwnre II II. It. Baldy store 11 11. r. wpnmrler clothing 14 David Pcrr boots and shoes I I J. 1). Hodlne bootsand shoes 14 c. w. wan stationery 14 Nlmon Bnupcoal 14 navia wnen coal J I Lloyd Berger clothing 14 John H. Delmer store 13 Hharplrss Hms, store 10 . Bern nirers win furniture n K. M. Tewksbiiry fertilizers 14 .1. A. Gulterman store 18 A.JH. Truckenmlller organs and sewing machines 14 T. K. Harder furniture 13 Wallace neltzlntrer 1 pool table 8 C. s. sehmlck k son hardwnre 13 h.dwara ard boots and shoes 14 C. W. Harder lumber 14 lohn L. VI alter tobacco 14 A. Truckenmlller 1 pool tflblo 8 A. Truckenmlller tobaccos 14 P. B. Ervin confectioner andgro- CBNTRALIA. L. Fettermnn irrocorles 14 C. II. Getchey storo 13 C. G. Murphy store 18 Thos. Irvln store 13 A. Hall confectionery 14 Henry Gillespie confectionery 14 Thomas deary groceries 14 11. U. Michael furniture 14 1). C. Black groceries 14 iiarry i.eviu clothing 14 Andrew Lcnehnn irroceties 14 O. Kettennan I pool Uble 8 r.u mcraancn i pool luuie n L. K. Davis drum 1 1 A. K. Fettennan groceries 14 A. B. Fortner stoves and tlnwaro 14 G.B.Millard store 18 M. nouns l pool table 8 G. W. Davis drugs 14 J. W. Goldsworthy 1 pool table 8 nuiios i Ke aressea meat )4 L. A. Itllcy & Co, store 8 CBNTRB. Low Bros. & Co., store. 18 G. K. Kponsler store 14 Brobst ft Hon groceries 14 Z. T. Fowler coal and grain 18 11. F. Bower store 14 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 40 00 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 COKTNOHASf. G. W. Wi Her groceries 14 Dan. Goodman store 14 Mid Valley Supply Co. 7 PI8B1MGCRBB K. M. Mcllenry a Bon store 14 A. R. Mnllnrv afsira 14 Geo. M. Howell store 14 J. w. i.anieo store i4 Jones ft Walter store 13 Marv Iwli mam i . J . M. Ammerman store 14 FRANKLIN. Alfred Artley store 14 Geo. M. Bucber store 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 On 7 00 OBBBNWOOD J. K. Welllver store 14 w. M Eves ft Hon store 14 L. Brenner (agt.) clothing 14 E. E. Parker store 14 Jacob Kantz store 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 lila-.k ft Co.. store 14 A. s. Kramer, grain and coal 14 A. J. Derr store 14 BBMXOCK. Chas. rJa-rts store 14 18 7 00 10 00 u. . c j. K. White store JACISON. H. n. nurleman store 14 7 00 LOCCST. Vm. Adams store 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Wm. H. Bllllir store Adam Karlg farm tools w. u. rinau, store L. II. Daniels store E. II. Whltner store Thomas Heaborn farm tools K. C. Yeager store J. W. Snyder store C E. Yeager store MADISON. Dan. Laldocker store J. II. JJenrle store 14 14 7 00 7 00 MAIN Allison Derr store 14 14 14 14 7 00 7 00 w. r. zaner store W, M. Longenberger store U. i, Campbell store T 00 7 00 A. Holleder. leather and shoe finder 14 look: this O . CI a I 0 O 0 ; ( A " f i of o 7 13 8ay itbaW.e frex.6tlU ,raaQufactMring and dealing in Agricultural implements at Oraugevjlle, Pa., and certainly from long experience wo should Low the wants of the Farm ers and public m general. An, in this connection we wish to say that all machinery we manufacture or handle is equal to any on the market, and sold at lowest prices. . Af . eraake a good cast head Land Holler, which every Farmer should have. Also Plows, f?SW,?5 f0 rn S6. Feed Cutters, and a specialty of JZ Ju1"' We handle tho 'Empire" Fertilizer, Grain1 Drill and Hay Rake "Hench's" Walking and Riding wheel Cultivators "Woods" Harvest machinery winch needs no commendation , single and double Corn Cultivators, Eng nes and Saw Silfs etc. Lastly Ave wash to show uP the New Deerf leld Lever Harrow the only one that has a separate adiustment for each tooth independent of the levers. 'l4 only four ?ever Harrow on tho market whereby the two centre sections can be let down in a dead furrow, or any one or more of the four sections can be raised and the balance of the teeth kept at workframe at all times being level. It has a self coupling hinge, no bolts or pieces to W, with ciixular steel evener to equalize dralt while turning corners. This Harrow is no experiment with usand will be put out on their merits same as any other goods ' line of dressed building lumber. . We m, eciatc the pnt?ona of the nubile in . . ""i1 "l'8 mai;h.",ery ett-, W ls0 car7 ful1 and Wi be 6..d ,o have any on, caH d U us, or Jltr S tf rie S WHITE & CONNER. SP The new things in color and shape are ready ior your lnspeo tion at W. C. MCKINNEY'S NEW SHOE'. -STOKE. in H. J. Clark's Building, Main, street. J, C. WELLS lias iust received a large line of STERLING SILVER STRAWBERRY FORKS, BON . , ntimTPti TT"tr J5UISI blUUiNO, DUiiiiK riv-io, ALMOND SPOONS, &c. Also a beautiful line of the FINEST CUT GLASS, ICE CREAM SETS, VASES, BON BON DISHES, &c. All persons riding bicycles andJEVVbLKi atj.Lr. UIFFMN, B. Sohweppenhelsor store 14 J. W. 1'reusy store 14 It. J. Bernlnger furnlturo I I 1). A. Hews coal 14 A. W. Hnvder store 14 Aaron W. Hess coal 14 II. W. Hess w holesale Oil 1 1). C. Bond storo 14 Mll.LVILLB. J. C. Christian clothing 14 V. P. Kves ft Henry furniture 14 ,1. B. Eves, Implements, ft rtllUers 11 Byron S. Keller, stoves and tln waro 14 Masters ft Co., store 11 Kills Kves ft liro., store 11 C. 8. Ely drug 11 MONTOCR. 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 (l 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 IS 00 15 00 7 00 n. ft. Grimes store Arthur Huberts store Yost and Ylnger siore 11. 1. yulck coal II 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 MT. rtBASANT. nenrr Kindt store II L. 8. Wlnterstccn store 14 ORANOB. White ft Conner, agricultural Im plement 14 n. B. Low, coal, grain 14 A. M. Hewitt store 18 Amos Neybard furniture 14 A. B. Stewart st ore 18 Fleckenstlne ft Bra, store 18 , riNB. It. W. Lyons Btore 14 KOAR1NOCBBBK. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 0U 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 W. B. Houck store 11 SCOTT. Iusaac Kelchart store 14 Silas toung store 18 A. B. White store 14 A. P. Ilowell store 14 James ltelchard grain 14 W. K. Bletterlch 14 N. ltlchart groceries 1 4 William Bogart store 18 W. B. Freas (Trustee) store 14 J. Workhelser store 14 Silver Spring Quarry Co., store 13 BUGARL0AP. 7 00 10 00 700 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 on Andrew Laubach store A. B. Berrlng store Jacob Lorah (agt.) store B. 1). Cole store Thomas K. Proctor store It. J. Force drugs John P. Kennedy 1 pool table Elijah Hens store M 14 14 14 10 14 8 14 7 K 7 00 7 00 7 00 80 00 7 00 80 00 7 00 Appeals will be held at the Commissioners office in Bloomsburg, on Hatnrday the Srd day of June A. D. 1HV3, between the hours of V a. m and 4 p. m. where you can attend If you think proper. WM. T. CR?A8Y, H.y3.-4w. Ule Appraiser. 0,11 is .1 : 1 or driving, should get the YVATrHFQ n nrvQ wiii-i-a jewelry More EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on ttlo eatate of Cath. arlne Coleman, deceased, late of the Borouitu of Ashland, Hehuylklll Co., Pa., having been Issued to the undorslgned all person Indebted to the said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having legal clalmsordemandi will make known the samo wit hout delay, 8. BRUCK COLEMAN, Kxecutor. Huntington Mills, Pa, SIKS. AtiNKS KESTKIt, Executrix. Ashland, Pa., April 1H, 1H:J. tw-flt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Butatt of DatlA FMUlpt, leue of Madison lotrs ihtp, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admlnls tratlon on the estate of David Phillips, 1st of Madison township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned administrators to whom all persons Indebted to said eatito are requested to m ake payments, and those having claims or de mands will make known the same without de lay to OEO. F. WATSON, BFCKlNOnAM, B. F. PHU1T, 4-7-au Atty. Administrator!. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Georgt Mourey, tat of Pint Imnuhip deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admln ls tratlon on the estate of Ueorge Mourey, late of line twp., col. Co., Pa., deceased, have bees granted to the undersigned administrator to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known the same Without delay to JACOB B. U A HD.NKR, 4-14-61, Administrator, Unltyvllle, Lycoming Co., Pa, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Bstat of Hannah U. Armstrong, deoraard. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamen taryonthe estate of Hannah II. Armstrong, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned executors, to whom all persous Indebted to said ' estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. llBRKINn, AMELIA A BMSTtlONO, Atty. UKUKCCA AllMSTBONU, 4-88-tu Executors. RUPTURE'; Paa - . Pnre wnraot l. rtf I R Maf ut i .ak ci iil,!tB Pft. Kane ft wnC49. Ko oncwion r anDisi Am w . m " . a a Hotel Peun, Krndinff. I'a,, ocod' Seturdty 4 "VT - ATzri TO Farmers and the PUBLIC -in-General.