The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 14, 1893, Image 5

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    ' Highest of all in Leavening Tower Latest U. S. Gov't Report
"entered at the Post office of. lllnnmsburir. ia
jmeennd class matter, Mnrc.h 1, Ihhm.
FRIDAY, Al'kll, 14. 1893.
The Prohibition Club meets every
Tuesday night.
There will be services as usual next
Sunday at St. Paul's church. Some of
the Kaster music will be repeated.
N'anticoke will have an electric rail
way in operation in a short time. The
poles are all set and wires are being
strung upon them.
Thi rasp of Hoffman vs. Hlonnm.
burg St Sullivan R. R. Co., was argued
in the Supreme Court at Philadelphia
on Monday.
Towanda is certainly a fortunate
town. iheir debt is only $3900.
This should be sufficient inducement
for sti angers to move into the town.
Charles H Campbell lias a new fish
rod that is a beauty. It is made of
steel, and is nicely balanced and well
The death rate in New York city
is on the increase. Last week there
were 1,183 deaths, or almost 33 to
every 1000 inhabitants yearly.
Joseph Wertt was injured at Neal St
Sons' furnace on Monday by the break
ing of a partition seperating the ore.
He was caught by the ore falling on
him, tnd somewhat bruised.
It is expected that the National
Guard of Pennsylvania will encamp
this summer' at Chicago. The .State
will probably appropriate $50,000, to
cover the expenses of the encamp
Mis. Wyncoop has had the pave
ments raised in front of her properties
on the North side of lhird street.
They will now be high and dry even
during severe storms.
It is a truth in medicine that the
smallest dose that performs a cure is
the best. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers
are the smallest pills, will perform the
cure, and are the best. V. S. Rish-
ton, druggist. 10-14 ly.
Mrs. Dr. Gardner embroidered a
white siik stole befuie Easter, and
sent it as a gift to Rev. Mr. Pillinger,
rector of the EpiscopaJ church at
Raleigh, Noith Carolina. It was an
exquisite piece of work.
Mrs. Isabella Wolf, widow of James
Wolf, died at her late residence on
Fifth street, after a long illness, Fun
eral services were held Tuesday, con
ducted by Rev. P. A. Heilman pastor
of the Lutheran church.
The famous Passion Play of Ober
Ammcrgau will be presented at the
Opera House on April 21, in an illus
trated lecture by Prof. Beard of Read
ing. It will be given for the benefit
of St. Columbia's R. C. Church. Ad
mission 50, 35 and as cents.
Bad complexion indicates and un
healty state of the system. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are pills that will
correct this condition. They act on
the liver, they act on the stomach,
they act on the bowels. W. S. Rish
on Druggist 10-14-iy.
M. C. McCollum of Espy, Pa., has
a large stock of a8 and 3a extension,
and 1 a and 16 foot single ladders of
his own manufacture which he will
ell during the month of April at one
third less than the usual price. Call
on or address as above. 4-7-31-
The Watsontown Boot & Shoe Com
pany have received a contract for fur
nishing five thousand pair of shoes for
Jhe War Department, Washington.
The work will be completed inside of
a nionth.
Prof. Francis Heck who severed his
connection from the reportorial staff
f the Bloomsburg Daily a few weeks
ago, is now engaged as instructor in
book-keeping and Mechanical draw
ing, in the Sunbury Business College.
The Lewisburg Furniture Company
have failed with liabilities aggregating
nearly $50,000. The largest Creditor
js the Union National Bank of Lewis
burg. Are-organization may be ef
fected and the plant soon commence
operation. It was equipped with the
latest and most improved machinery.
The most intelligent people of our
community recognize in De Witts
Little Early Risers pills of unequaled
merit for dyspepsia, headache and
constipation. Very small, perfect in
action. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. iyr.
A boy 1 6 or 17 years of ace is want
ed in the The Coi.umman office to
learn the printing trade. He must be
a good reader and speller, write a fair
hand, and understand punctuation.
None others need apply. tf.
"There is a salve tor every wound."
We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve, cures burns, bruises, cuts, indo
lent sores, as a local application in
the nostrils :t cures catarrh, and al
ways cures piles. W. S. Rishton,
Druggist. 10-14 iyr.
East and West at the Fair.
Western papers show an intense in
icresr, in me woriu s lair, which is in
marked contrast with the apparent in
difference of the East. We believe
that Eastern indifference is only ap
parent and that when the fair is at
last fully underway there will be no
lack of attention Riven it, but at pre
sent the general feeling in the East
seems to be one of reserve and cau
tious distrust. Jealous New York news
papers have not failed to repeat and
amplify every story of Chicago narrow
ness and thrift until those who con
template a visit to the fair only won
der whether they will get back with
their skins and scalps. Thioughout
the West the newspapers, great and
small, have for weeks been printing
columns of news and gossip about this
colossal exposition, and of course they
would not do this if there was not a
demand for that kind ot reading.
The fact is that the people of the
West travel much more and much fur
ther than the people of the East. The
average Western man or woman thinks
nothing of a thousand mile excursion
The distances between points of inter
est or importance are vast. 1 he aver
age Easterner looks upon a trip to
Chicago as a remarkable journev.
The view of money also has much
to do with it. In the West it is quick
ly made and lost and carelessly spent.
An easy liberality, which with us would
be reckless extravagance, is there the
rule. It is part of the "booming" po
hey of Western life. "If you are not
wealthy have wealthy ways," appeals
to be the motto. In consequence of
this different attitude in the matter of
travel and expense the people of the
West will go to the fair in much
greater numbers and from far greater
distances than the people of the East.
There is a general public interest in
the West because the general public
is going to the fair and the newspapers
can not print enough about it for
them. Lancaster Intelliyencer.
A little ill, then a little pill. The
ill is gone the pill has won. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers the little pills that
cure great ills. W. S. Rishton, Drug
gist. 10-14 t yr.
Be it ordained and enacted by the
Town Council of the Town of Blooms
burg, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by authority of the same :
Section 1. All dogs owned or kept
by any person within the town limits
shall be taxed in the following man
One dollar for the first dog, or spay.
A liitrh anil two dollars for each and
every dog or spayed bitch, above that
number so owned or Kept oy any one
person or by members of his family,
to be assessed and collected in like
manner as taxes are assessed and re
coverable by law for the use of the
Section a. Every bitch owned by
any person shall be taxed two dollars,
and further shall not at any time be
permitted to run at large within the
limits of the town. In case any bitch
is found running at large it shall be
the duty of the constable to kill the
same or have it killed as soon as
practicable, for which service such
constable shall receive a compensa
tion of one dollar from the town for
every such animal so killed.
Section 3. The word "dog" shall
include every dog or pup of any and
every age. The word "bitch" shall
include every bitch of any and every excepting spayed bitches.
Section 4. Ordinances Nos. 45 and
47 and all other ordinances or parts
of ordinances, inconsistent herwith, are
hereby repealed. Passed April 7, 1893.
Attest: Francis P. Drinker,
R. H. Ringler, Pres. of Town
Secretary. Council.
The breaking up of the winter is
the sign for the breaking up of the
system. Nature is opening up the
pores and throwing off refuse. De
Witts'sSarsaparilla is of unquestionable
assistance in this operation. W. S.
Rishton, Druggist. 10-14-iyr.
A little grand child of F. M. Lock-
ard of Plymouth was brought here for
burial on Tuesday.
Good Looks.
Goods looks are more than skin
deep, depending upon a healthy con
dition of all the vital organs. If the
Ltvcr be inactive, you have a Billious
Look, if your stomach be disordered
you have a Dyspeptic Look, and if
your Kidneys be nffected you have
Pinched Look. Secure good health
ir.d you will have good looks.
Electric Bitters is the great al
terative and Tonic acts directly on
these vital organs. Cures Pimples
Blotches, Boils and gives a good com
plexion. Sold at C A. Kleim's Drug
store, 50c. per bottle.
The next meeting of the School
Board will be held Friday evening,
April at st.
A lot of new notes of the sharpest
kind have just been printed and are
for sale at this office. Also common
receipts, estate receipts, and collec
tors' receipts, neatly bound in books
of a 5, 50 and too. tf.
..II in- in
A large line of window curtains at
Mercer s Drug & Book Store.
New edition of Episcopal Hymnals
at W. II. Brooke & Co s.
J'ilcs of people have piles, but
DeWittt Witch Hazel Xatoe will
cure them. W. 8. Jliehton, Drug
gist. 10-14 iyr.
1 I, m
Curtains ma.le any width or length
at Mercer's Drug & Book Store.
Unckusn i Arnica Bah
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles.
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 35 cents per box.
For sale by C. A. Kleim.
Are you going to paper your house ?
Give us a call. Get estimatea and
prices. W. H. Brooke St Co.
Fresh Fish 1 Every day at C. B.
If you are going to paper a kitchen,
sitting room, parlor, bed room or any
other room, call and see Mercer's line
of paper before buying.
A large lot of nickle plated alarm
clocks will be sold at 66 cents each,
at J. G. Wells' jewelry store. A rare
bargain. 3-1 7-tf
This is the time of year when every
body begins to think about cleaning up
and making improvements, and new
wall paper is usually one of the first
things to be done. W. II. Brooke &
Co. have a very large a J elegant
stock to select from. OH and see
and get estimates. 3-3 i-tf.
Paper sold by the roll or bolt, or
contracts made to' put it upon the
wall, at Mercer's Drug & Book Store.
BIT, Cured at Home in Ten Days by
administering Dr. Haines' Golden
It can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of
coffee or tea, or in fooil, without the know
ledge of the patient. It ii absolutely harm
less, and will effect a permanent and speedy
enre, whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or alcoholic wreck. It has been
given in thousands of cases, and in every in
stance a perfect cure has followed. It never
fails. The system once impregnated with
the specific it becomes an utter impossibility
for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guar
anteed. 48 page book of particulars free.
Address the Coldkn SrcciKlC Co., 185
Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. lO-ai-t yr.
A large line of wall paper; browns,
whites, gilts and felts at Mercer's Drug
& Book Store.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Caetorla.
"It fits like the paper
on the wall."
Of course it does if its the
right kind, and it adds every
thing to the cheerfulness of the
Wall Paper
gives your walls any effect and
a touch of luxury that money
could not otherwise supply.
To get the best, that is the
3 u est ion ; but that is neither
iflicult or expensive if you go
to the right place to buy it.
Ours is the place, tho variety
is here, the prices are right,
If you want, we put it on
your walls and guarantee the
work. "Workmen sent any
where. Window Curtains too, are
here, prices right.
V. H. Brooke & Co.
If J 11 I'M Jill 31 J U
Fashionable Livery,
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf W. A. Hartzell, Proprieto
Estimates furnished for wall paper.
Contract work solicited. Competent
workmen sent anywhere.
VV. H. Brooke it Co.
Deeds, mortgages and note books
of all kinds at the Columbian office,
Window curtains and fixtures in
gaeat variety at W. H. Brooke & Co's.
Do you lack faith and love health ?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeWitt's Sarsaparilla.
W. S. Rishton, Druggist. 10 14-iy.
Wall paper and window shades
at lowest prices.
W. H. Brooke & Co.
By virtue or a writ of n. (a. Issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county,
Penniylranla, and to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale at the Court Uouse, Blooms
burg, on
SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1893,
at o'clock p. m., tbe following' :
All that certain messuage, tenements and
tract ot land situate In Locust township, Col
umbia county, Htate of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows : Beginning at a stone
a comer of land ot Levi Kboup and running
thence by land of the said Levi Shoup south
thirty-seven and one-half degrees east one hun
dred and fourteen and eight-tenth perches to a
stone thence by land of Hiunuel Adums sonth
eighty-five degrees west soventy-two and one
tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of the
said May bery Nuydi-r north twenty-three degrees
west seventy-twojperches toa stone thence by
land of I'rluh Hower north tltty-two and a half
deg rees east six and a half degrees east nine
perches to a stone thence by th same north
forty one aud a halt degrees cast tlfteen perches
to a stone tlteneo by land ot the sumo north
forty-six degrees east ten and six-tenth perches
to the place of beginning, containing
of land strict measure, whereon Is erected a
und Outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of
NIcholusEnglehart's use vs. Oeorge Hlshel and
to be sold us the property ot Oeorge Klshel.
Atty. Sheriff.
By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fa. Issued out of
tbe Court of Common l'leas ot Columbia county,
Pa., and to me directed, will be exposed to pub-
110 sale at tbe Court House, ;Bloomsburg, Pa.,
SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1893,
at S,oclock p. m., the following t
Alt that certain messuage and tract of
land situate In Central, augarloaf township,
Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described
as follows, to-wlti Commencing at a post
thence by a public road north ) degrees west0
foot to a post, tbence along land ot Alvln Cole
man north 67 degrees east 130 1-8 feet, tbence by
an alley north 81 degrees west so feet to a post.
thence along land of K. P. Albertson north S.
degrees east 13S 1-8 feet to a post, tbe place of
beginning, containing;
Whereon Is erected a
BAKN, and other ouobulldlngs.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot T.
n. and I. W. Kdgar, tor use ot T. II. Edgar vs.
Elijah P. Albertson, and to bo sold as tho proper
ty ot Elijah P. Albertson.
Prooeedittf SlwUm Sal of FisMngtreek twn.
txr Coinixmy.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by tbe
Court of Common l'leas ot Columbia county, to
distribute the proceeds of the WheillT's sale of
Hie. Klslilngereek Lumber Company to and
turning Hie parlies legally entitled thereto, will
sli In the discharge 01 tho duties of his appoint
ment ut his ollloe lu IlloomNburg, on But unlay,
the sixth day ot May, Ihus, ul ten o'clock In
the foreuoon, where and when all part tea Inter
ested In said fund must appear and present
t heir claims or be forever debarred.
4-14-lt. Auditor.
The following widow's Appraisements will be
presented to I lie orphans Court of Columbia
county on the Ilrst Monday of May, A. O., isu.1
aud continued nisi, and unless exceptions are
riled within four duys thereafter, will bo con
tinued absolute.
Michael Keller Est., Mifflin, personalty $800.00
Nelson Johusou Kut,, Flnhlngcruek, personal
ty il.V
Clerk's omce, O. M. QUICK,
Bloomsburg, April 10, im- Clerk O. C.
7 W II
hard work
We threw our
Doors open to
the people of Blooms
burg and vicinity last
Wednesday evening, April
12th. No doubt you've heard
of our opening, or probably you
may have been there. Well there's
no use of us going into detail about it
We're not accustomed to giving receptions.
Ladies are better qualified for that
kind of work. But we did our work as best
we could and we feel as the bashful School Boy
(after giving his maiden recitation in School)
Well pleased with ourselves and we have nothing
but pleasant words to the Ladies who attended and aid
ed materially by their presence in making it a success.
We have the GOODSTall NEW direct from our Work
rooms. We give you prices which we guarantee to be the
very lowest, We give you Style, the very latest; We give
you Superior Goods and Trimmings, charging you no more
than what you pay other Houses for inferior articles. We
guarantee everything we sell, and if not as represented you
are requested to exchange goods or get your money and last
of all, We have but OZSTIB PEICE for alL
We'd like to have you Call on us before purchasing your
Summer Clothing. We sell everything in the Clothing Line
for Man, Boy or Child, and you will indeed think that you
are on bad terms with yourself if you cannot get suited from
our truly excellent assortment of Modern Ready Made Clothing.
G. & S.
Jt -'
TTffiTni) TPWITTS! ;: , "