tt olumMatt. ESTABLISHED ISM. Site (Columbia Scmorrat, STABLtSIIKD 18.17. CONSOLIDATED 1889. -Pl'BLlgnKD BY GEO. E.ELWELL EVKKY FH1DAY MORNING at Bloomsburg, the County neat of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Tkrxh: Inside the county, ll.oo a year In ad vance; fl.BO It not paid In advanco Outside tbe county, $1.85 a year, strictly In advance. All communications should be addressed to TUB COLUMBIAN, Bloomsburg, Ta. FRIDAY, APK1I. 14, 1893. The Legislature has agreed upon May 11, as the day for final adjour nient. A bill has passed the Senate finally rendering women eligible to the office 01 notary moiic. The publication of the mercantile appraiser s list win soon be abolished, The bill has passed the Senate finally. Now is time for farmers to plant trees. An Act of the Legislature pro vides that for every four trees planted alone the roadside the farmer shall be allowed a rebate of one dollar on his road tax. The rebate will be suffi cient to pay the expense of the tree planting, and the farmer will have the entire profit arising from the growth of the trees. At Trenton, N. J. a novel plan is to be used to settle the question of who shall be named as postmaster. There are two factions of democrats in the city, and the Congressman being a re publican the settlement of the contest was given into the hands of Senator McPnerson (dem.) The Senator was thrown into a great quandary by this. Although he is serving his third term in the Senate he wants another, and is anxious to make as few enemies as possible to throw obstacles in his way. So after thinking the matter over he concluded to let the people decide it, and said that he would submit the question to the Democratic voters of the city, and abide by their decision. Judge Porter, of Pittsburg, has de cided that free lunches, when furnished in liquor saloons, are illegal, basing his view upon the fact that numbers of wives of mill workers have com plained to him "that their husbands did not come home regulirly to their meals, and that one of the reasons why they did not was because of the attractions held out to them by saloon keepers in the form of free lunches. If thtse inducements keep husbands from home, the inducement must be abolished." If this be law what is to become of the fn e lunch fiends, so many of whom have been enjoying the luxuries provided by saloon keepers ? Their occupation will be gone. Ex. A vessel has just arrived from Hani burg, with nearly 500 immigrants. It will be remembered that Hamburg was the centre of the cholera plague last summer. Prolessor Virchon, an able authoritity on the subject of cholera says that America may be able to repel the germs of cholera this year, but that it will return in Europe with greater severity. The people over the water fearing the disease are hastily departing for this country, and we can expect many cases during the summer, although it may not this year reach a very severe epidemic, the germs will be sown for another season. It is nere.,- ij sary that every precaution should be ' taken before the disease fastens it- 1 1 self upon us. Cleanliness is the great- I I est harrier to its nrnirrM. ... r'b"--"- Amending the Baker Ballot. ! Ex-Speaker Cessna, of Bedford, re j ported favorably to the house from the seneral iudiciarv committee hill H amending the Baker ballot law. It I gives regular parties or bodies of citi- f .u:u 1 i...u ugcua m.ii nave iiciu state COn Yen s' m t1An frw trj . U n v. ,.U . .n OZ ' 1 ( ballots, although they may poll less than three per cent, of the highest vote k at the last election. Certificates of J nominations for state offices shall be filed with the secretary of the Com ' monwealth forty-five days before the election, and nomination papers must 9 be filed thirty eisht davs before the Lf election. All other certificates and 1 1 papers must be filed with county com . .missioned forty-five or thirtv-eieht Jdays before the election. All object , ions to the validity of certificates or papers except those for legislature and congress must be filed in the court of common pleas of Dauphin county. ' 1 wiusj uiay uc mien in accoruance (tfwith sections two and three of the ueguiar act. I he secretary of the (Commonwealth shall transmit to the jcounty commissioners the official lists sixteen days instead of ten days be- r .tore election. 1 he sheriff is exempt jjfrom givirg notice of city elections, f (The ballots shall no longer contain vhe residence of the candidates. One tet of ballots only are to be furnished voters. All ballots and cards of in vtruction must be sent to the voting daces on the Saturday before the Elections. c There will be serious trouble if you Uon't overcome those dyspeptic symp. oms. Hood'i Sarsaparilla is the nedicine you need. WASHINGTON LETTEB Washington, April to, 1893. President Cleveland has a remarka ble capacity for standing long hours of hard work, and it has been put to a severe test since his inauguration, as it has been the exception rather than the rule when he has been able to re tire before 2 o'clock in the morning, and he is always at his desk again be fore 8 o'clock. Feeling the need of a little undisturbed rest, he, in company with Secretary Gresham, left Washing ton Saturday afternoon and they will not return until to morrow. Ilia des tination was not made public for fear mat ne might be followed by some of the importunate office seekers, anxious to personally present their claims. They went to see Ambassador Bayard at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. The investigation of the Weather Bureau, now being publicly conducted after office hours at the Department of Agriculture, is a vcrv nastv mess as far as it has gone, and it promises to grow even nastier. The property of me Dureau nas, according to the testi mony, been stolen and sold to junk dealers whenever certain of the minor officials needed a little extra w'uiskey money, and the stealing was done in broad daylight, the employees of the bureau being used to load it upon wagons. About everything seems to have been included in the thefts, up on one occasion a stone step being taken from the building itself. The principal men implicated thus far are the foreman of the press room and the Captain of the watch, but others higher up are said to have received a portion of the money, and it is expect ed that the avidence will nrnve it Secretary Morton is determined to get 10 me Dottom 01 tne nun ana to see that every uuiltv man is nunishert. re gardless of who he may be or who may oe bis mends. Major General Schofield and Major General Miles have had a squabble at long range over the trouble in Indian Territory. The quarrel is understood to have occurred over the can-vino- out of an order for the detail of an army omcer to investigate the trouble. No United States troops will be sent there unless the Secretary of the Interior re quests it. President Cleveland said he intend. ed to get the very best man in the country, wno was available, to be Commissioner of Pensions, and the general approbation of the nomination 01 juage vm. Lochren, of Minnesota to the position indicates that he sue ceeded. Judge Lochren was not an applicant tor tne position, indeed, he at first declined to accept it, but with drew his objections when his nartv du ty and loyalty were appealed to by the rresiuent. 1 lis war record is of the bravest, and although he is nnt .1 member of the G. A. R., no member of that organization has so far as known had a Aord to sav acainst his special fitness for the position. He was born in V ermont, but has resided in Minnesota since 187. with the ex- J rtption of the time he served in the army, ne win take charge ot the Pension Bureau about May first. Secretary Morton found not onlv individuals employed by the Agricul Hood's Cures Jfrs. Jtmry Speakmtm Of Phlladalphla, A Week jrf Writing Would Not Tell the Story Borefulm for Seven Tears Cured by Hood' Sartaparllla. "A week devoted to writing would not be iuf Solent to tell ol the good Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me. Seven years ago a running sore ap peared on my ankle, which grew worse until it entirely covered my foot and the bones came out ui my ions, men ine sores appeared on my other foot, rlKht arm and hand. Holes were eaten In my lower limbs, my linn was one great sore from the shoulder dowu, and the bones camo out of two of my fingers. Words Cannot Tell My Sufferings. I could not sleep and bad no appetite. About three years alter the first appearance of the dis ease my husband read of what Hood's Sarsapa rilla had done for others, and urged me to try It. I was confined to the bed ut Uie time, bad given up all hope. However, I oommenced taking the medicine, and beforo I had finished the bottle, could sleep, and not only eat, but enjoy my food. Mow thu Sores are All Healed Up with the exception of one spot on my limb. I thank God for having directed my husband's at tention to Hood's Hanaparllla, otherwise I should hare been In my grave. I can now move about with the aid of crutches, and will always need their assistance, but anyone who bad seen my ooudiUou when I commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla would marvel that I ara now alive to move at all." Mns. Haut Bj-kaumak, 8730 Latona Street, Philadelphia. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, blUeusuMS, Jauudlee, sluk headache, Indigestion tural department who were not rend ering services in anything like a fair proportion to the salaries they receive, but a whole division of employes who have been practically paid for doing nothing for more than a year. This was the quarantine division of the Bureau of Animal Industry, which Secretary Morton has just abolished. Quite a howl has been raised by the republi cans because tr.e chief ol the abolished division happened to be the late Mr. Blaine's brother, although it is difficult to understand why that should have made the slightest difference. Surely tney did not expect that a democratic administration would feel called unon to take care of the poor members of me waine lamiiy. Secretary Lamont hasn't been doing much talking he never doesbut that he has been doing some investi gating and thinking is shown by his statement mat no more army officers win be detailed for ornamental pur poses. This may be a little rough on the army officers who have been cal culating to spend the summer at the World's Fair and the various summer resorts, but no one can deny that it is just to the people who pay these men their salaries, and doubly just to the officers without "pull" who have to perform, in addition to their own, the duties ot the butterflies of the piofes sion. Postmaster General Bissell has de cided that no fourth class postmasters shall be removed, except for cause, until iney snail have served all or nearly all of a four year term. This is a new rule, as these omciais Lave never been considered to have a fixed term, but were removable at the pleas ure of the department. The change is understood to have been made by the direction of the President, and after all it will make no difference in the end, because there are so manv who have served four veara or more that by the time they are removed ...-.I.. .11 - -I . I litany ul nc rcSi win nave occomc removable under the new rule. Pennsylvania People Benefitted. MRS. CARRIE BOUTON GAINED IN FLESH 68 LBS. TO III 1-3 LBS. BY THE USE OF A SIMPLE REMEDV. MEN AND WOMEN INTERESTED. "It is astonishing," said one of our physicians the other evening, "how many of the ordinary diseases people suffer from come from the one cause excess of uric acid in the blood. To discover a medicine that would dissolve this acid has puzzled thous ands of the best men of the medical profession, until Dr. David Kennedy, of Rondout, N. Y., produced what is known the world over as Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. The great value we place in Favorite Remedy comes from the fact that it is the only medi cine that will effectually dissolve this acid thus curing rheumatism, dyspep sia, kidney, livei and urinary troubles and the sicknesses women suffer from These and many moie troubles a!l come from the one cause, as I said before, this death dealing uric acid." Perhaps there has been no one per son in Wyoming Co., Pa., that lias suffered more than Mrs. Carrie Bott ton, formerly of Schottville, but now of Harvey's Lake, Luzerne Co. Mrs. Bouton, in relating her restoration to health, said : "From a growing girl I suffered from female trouble or weak ness peculiar to my sex. Several phy sicians prescribed for me but I found no relief. I was reduced in flesh down to 68 pounds. By accident I heard of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and determined to try it, and to my great joy I began to realize that I had found a medicine that was doing me good. I think I had used five bottles when I found that. I weighed iaij pounds and was better in health than I ever was before. Inquiry among Mrs. Bouton's neigh bors shows that she states nothing but the facts in regard to her case. Many other instances of the kind are widely talked of in Scottsville, Tunkhannock, Wilkesbarre and other places where Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy has effected many cures after physicians had given up hope. "But," says one of our prominent druggists, Favorite Remedy is equally efficacious in other diseases, as talks with people I have sold Favorite Re medy to affirm. To my knowledge right in our town Favorite Remedy has cured people suffering from rheu matism, dyspepsia, kidney, liver and urinary troubles." Since the publication in one of the New York medical journals of the case of Mr, E. P. Tayer, of East Nas sau, N. Y., Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy has been increasing in sale. Mr. Tayer had suffered for fifteen years with inflammatory rheumatism. His case was practically abandoned by his physicians. Favorite Remedy was brought to his notice and in less than three months after its use he was a well man. In commenting on this case Dr. V. II. Morse, of New York City, says : The great good in Favorite Remedy lies in its power to dissolve this dead ly uric acid. In cases of dyspepsia, eczema, scrofula or any urinary di seases I have never known it to fail, when taken according to directions. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is not only used by physicians now but can be found on sale by every medicine dealer. WWcea-Jiarre (Ja.) Times. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Town of Bloomsburg, For the year 1892. TAX KOI.L Poll 193. nunt up Hubiirban .... Farm IVmiiniil Occupations . ADD T1IK FOLLOWING EXONERATIONS. Hchool Furnishing Company, $lP,ono on Hllk Mill company in,' fit on Htoam lli'Rtliitf Company.... (i.nno on Carpet, Mill Company, H.niK) On Furniture Company, H,?.v) Ilriuw copper Compan e.nnn on .1. W. Mpiih Company .... S,ml no HIonmHburg Ice Company, Sl.HTT.S'a 00 per cent of above valuation Is.. Funded Indebtedness FUNDED DEBT 1HM 1WM IMS 1H90 197 Ishiio Aug. s, inni $ ano ano ton twine Aur. 9, inn iho snn uuo Issue June H, 1KK4 Kin r) wo IsHiin Oct, 10, 1KM7 ano l10 IWO Issue ont. 4, 1WH ino tv liv) ISHUe Hept. 13, 1HN9....M Mill M (V.V) Issue Nov. 17, 1M0 10 IBS 17! Iwiiie Jan 17, 19,1 tno ism no Itutue Jan. 9A, 18M stoo u suo tan ano ano 930 B7 ISO no sno 940 930 800 940 970 ann 190 o uuo Total - StOO 99) Ml Xm 1M0 J. II. MAIZK, Treasurer, In account with tbe Town of llloomsburg. DIt. To monies received as follows: Kroin hobert Buckingham late Treasurer I 37 99 Prom Town order discounted at bank 1968 6 Prom H. 8. llannnn for sewer permlta t 00 Prom M. u. Woodward Col. on Duplicate of 191 .. 1W4 89 Prom M. c. Wooodward Col. onlK Duplicate ot 1M ISUOSOO Prom Francis P. Drinker, I re. from sain of Hoads 9000 OS Prom Francis 1. Drinker, Pre. sewer permits, costs, etc.... 9TS 88 Prom Tax roll for 199 1049 M From Legcy of David 8 1 roup for benefit of poor. 1909 00 Prom Legacy of Esther Stroup for benefit of poor 1900 00 Prom Legacy of David 8 1 roup tor water supply. ..- 1900 00 Prom Hloomsburg Water Co., for work done 41 00 Prom Bond holders for Htale tax on bond.. 198 51 S937M 85 CR. By amount of orders 191 pald...$tt04 09 Uy 1 - ...14IPI8 41 " coupons 1890 " ... 10 80 " " 191 - ... 91 tiO " " " 19 " ... 910 79 " " " 1898 " ... 940 II " llonds " ... 1885 00 " ' paid for hllk Mill bonds for benefit of poor 9000 00 " amount paid for Carpet Mill bonds for benefit of poor. . . . 1000 00 " amount puld for Brass Cop per bond for benefit of poor 800 oil ' Treasurer's commission i7 98 " Amu In Treasurer's bund.. 79 91 $1794 85 M. V. WOODWAKD, Collector. DK. To balance due on Duplicate of 1111 1(188 Nil To amount of Duplicate of W.H.. A!t M SU913 97 Cli. By amount paid Treasurer on duplli'ateor lH'.il KWtl 89 By auiiiuut paid Treasurer on duplicate IK'.ii 1800 00 By balance due on duplicate of i. :i7'.'ii w IW 13 97 ItECEIPTS. From liobt. Buckingham, late Treasurer 37 99 Frcm.M.c. Woodward, balaneo oiiiupuraie ht'.u iiis 8'.i From M. o Woodward on dupli cate. IS'.i-j ism on From Kxccutors of David Stroup dee d. 300 00 From Executors of Esther htroui). dec d 19 JO 00 From bunas issued and nego tiated 9iwii no From Town order discounted.... l'.lil UU nuu K. I. Drinker, fres. sewer Hermits, licenses, etc 989 HA From I". s. Uunuun, sewer per mits 09 oo From Bloomsburg Water Co. for work done 41 00 From Bondholders for State tax on bonds 130 51 From Tax roll of 1893 10439 63 (33794 85 DISBURSEMENTS. UIUHWAVS. Paid William Perguson, Com missioner of lllirhwavs 89 00 Paid Cbas. H. Ilousel, com. of Highways 49198 Paid lubor and hauling on high ways.. 9094 97 Paid Wm. B. Taylor, contract irradtnir Penn HlreeL 880 00 Paid Hllver Hprlng Ouarry Co. for spalls 181 IB Paid Low Bros, a Co. for spalls. 179 04 Paid Charles Krug for hauling snails 184 99 Paid I). J. Waller for sand. 8 00 Paid ltosemont Cemetery Co., for cobble stone 9 00 Paid P. 0. Miller for crossing stones 88 88 Paid 8. P. Peacock a Co. for sand 9 rn Paid I). L. A W. Railroad Co.. freight on spalls 383 SO $3691 94 MARK8T BTRXBT, Paid D. L. a W. Railroad Co., freight on spalls S3 78 Paid D. C. Pursel for stone. .... s& Paid Thomas Barton tor stone.. 1 75 Paid John Waller for stone 8 57 Paid J nines Kinsley for stone... 4 18 Paid Kiniuor bummers for stona 8 m Paid Hllver Spring yuarry Co., iur apuiiH ll 71 Paid Low Bros. K Co . for snails. 19 75 Paid D. L. a W. Railroad Co., freight on spalls. 1181 $ 907 93 CONHTABI.K & POI.ICI. Paid M. C. Woodward, Town Constable 50 00 Puld M. v. Woodward, arrests, serv. sub 38 90 Paid Nathan Chrotnls, Chief of rouce 89 50 Paid Wesley Knorr, Culel of po lice 11 80 Paid Assistant Policemen with 1'ald Win. Thomas, 1'ollcciuau.. 4.18 U7 $ 003 93 WRKAOI. Paid J. A. Hutchlus a Co., tor pipe 36 (15 I'aia ti. v. wmte a co. tor pipe. 7 79 Puld Si, a. Finney for suwer on rd Htreet Paid A. L. llyssoug tor pipe Paid I). L. a W. Itullroud Co., freight on pipe Paid W. o. llolmea for sewer 17 00 UU 00 31 85 contracts 458 10 Paid 1). J. Waller ou auct. 6th Htr-et culvert 139 00 Paid Lock lluveu Cluy Works for pipe , 69 40 Paid Jackson a Woodln tor Iron fle 57 58 Eahleman a Wolf, sewer contract 90 30 S 901 S FYirunffon. natf, Atnt.vfTiiZ. . M'JMvm on 9 law w f.l.M) no H liW w ,. I44,m on 4 mii H7 . 'jfl.ino no a il 7i 1D.HOO 0.1 9 !, SO S l,IU,irs 00 "$ l.IM8 no Exonerated P ember a, lrcw for 10 yenm. June S, lHWt, May fl, Ifwo Oct 14, iml May H, IH9( May 8, 1H9J May, INTO 5 yearn. ....C,M4 Ml S.J,1.H) 00 DfB AS FOLLOWS i TIABS WHIN DV. IK IBM 1900 1901 1904 1903 1901 1905 1908 1947 1904 140 940 400 SU) 990 e 90 9110 I0 240 MM 22 soo AM 910 900 0 990 M 700 -0 am san a) 740 9W X90 77.1 XrO 810 run 900 8V) on S.V) 875 MO 441 440 410 HT3 W) 9J1 m an ano S10 S7!N 31 Si) mo o 9H4& 93A0 KM5 1990 ISM 1708 1700 1HTS M0 1600 979 FIRI DirilTMINT. Paid Wm. A. iiartzell rent for hose carriage 95 00 " Win. Webb for coal oil for engine 90 American Fire Engine Co., for coupling I 67 " Friendship Fire Co. appro priation 119 50 14 Heecu Hook t Ladder Co., appropnatlon 99 99 " Siephen Ballard Kubber Co tor bona S 44 D. L. W. Railroad Co., freight on hose 1 88 S 4.UC4 wana DiraaTMiNT. Paid Bloomsburg Water Co., tor water supply 1019 17 M Bloomsburg Water Co., S new hydrants 130 84 ' Bloomsburg Water Co., for plugs, teea, etc T 46 14 Bloomsburg Water Co., for wator at Oak Urovo S 93 I una 99 M0BT8. Paid Bloomsburg Electric Light Co. for street light. 1999 00 TOWN HAM. Paid Bloomsburg Water Co., for water 18 35 " Bloomsburg Water Co , for water meter 13 50 " Bloomsburg Steam Co., for beat .. 155 18 " Bloomsburg Oas Co., for light. 14 45 " C. M. Drinker for locks, keys, etc 6 90 W. J. Corcll & Co. for onice Chair 5 50 " John W. Masteller for broom, paper and envelopes. 95 S 811 18 11.10 FOUNTAIN AND WATiK T110UO1I. PCI Paid J. L. Molt Iron Works for fountain nod trough 1515 03 ' Win. Ferguson for brick, sand ami work at basin Sttt 11 ' W. o. Holmes for ple, II; tlnsrs and work 114 Oil " s. F. l'cncwk & Co., for ce ment, etc S-5 .V) ' D. L. K V. It. H. Co. freight 19 ill $ ii!3ll 80 MISCn.l.ANK0tS. "aid Wm. B. dimming, nec'y. fur .March end making an nual slulemeiit 40 O) " E. It. Drinker, Sec'y. for April ami May 30 w " It. II. Klngler, Sec'y. for 9 months services 1.15 00 " F. M. F.vei ltt, .1. M. Stayer and A. L. Fritz, auditors . 19 00 " Uuy .luooby, swearing. Councilman 3 00 " A. 11. corell for rubber stumps 1 00 " Col. co. Uepublloun for an nual statement, c 43 50 " Democratic Sentinel for annual statement, Ao 3.) gj " columblanforanuualstatr ment, c 86 95 " J. c. Brown, Town Engin eer. 75 15 " B. U. Frcas, for hand cuffs, 4e 8 00 " B. F. Hbarpless, plow, plow bandies, o 17 13 11. J. Clark & Sod tor bunt ing 15 98 " kllenbogen Bro., for bunting SIB " L. E Waller, Prof, services for 1891 90S 00 Wm. 8. Moyer and other costs 5th Htreet view 98 00 " John M. Clark, swearing viewers 1 75 " L. B. Waller, serving no tices tor view 4 70 U. M. (julck, clerk Q. 8. costs 5th ut, view 4 50 Wesley Knorr, serving tax notices 10 00 W. 11. Brooke a Co., for stationery 5 00 creasy a Wells for lumber and wood 99 13 " Louis Uroas, clothing tor policeman 41 95 " Farmers' National Bank for safe deposit box.. 8 00 7 81 18 90 19 AO 1 10 " Bloomsburg Car Co., smith ing, Ac, " C. If, Klcbart, Agt. smith- lng.. " Kesty a Hoffman, smithing " C. W, Rlchart, brooms, 4o. C. W. Miller for Catharine St. bridge 550 00 ' Barton Bhaffor, overpaid taxes 19 94 " "rands P. Drinker, for tele grams, envelopes, stone, 1)1 r ectory ot BliKimsburg 38 48 " Ilurman a Uassert, smltli lng 5 9 " Band on ColumbUB Day .... 17 00 " Thomas Vanuatta, repair ing pump 8 30 " J. it. Schuyler, Manager, hardware 19 67 Peter Jones, damages to horse and harness 6 00 Paid W. 0. Holmes tor work and fittings. 89 93 " J. A. Hess for gum boots... 3 90 " Eshlemau It Wolf pipe and fittings 8 47 " Moyer Bros, tor glass aud cement 13 91 " s. F. Peacock & Co., hard waro 4 90 " llloomsburg Water Co., freight on pipe .. 1 00 " Win. Thomas food tor pris oners 95 " John W. Mnriisou, State Treoa. tax ou bonds 133 00 $ 1717 40 Paid Farmers' National Bank for orders discounted ... 9000 00 RECAPITULATION. Amount of Receipts $33794 89 Payment for llluhwavs SWtU 31 " " Market Street 3U5 93 " " Cons, and Police.., mi3 93 " " Sewerage WM 87 " " Fire Do'p't 4H3 04 " Water De'p't 1UW 99 " Street Light 1399 00 " Town Hull 311 18 " " Public Fountain and Water Trough 8336 80 Puymeuts for miscellaneous purposes 1717 40 Tny mcnis for onif rs of iwit. ..... 4 ( " Discounted Order., vnon to " Bonils 18 ii " ' coumiiis 1 iK.i vni Invested for benefit 01 I lie nr. wm i Tn-nsiiri'r's I rtumlKslon m Kill mice In Tri iisuiei 's hunils... 73 31 $.'IMI 41 Deduct outstanding otders 817 r.9 Leaving balance equnll.lng rerelpis... ur, r, ASSETS. Balance on Duplicate of iros. . . . $',758 n Bui. In hands of Trco 73 31 Dun from county Treas. on acct, Of licenses, about 13(0 00 Due fn iu sundry persons ben ellls asst'ssed on opening of west Street. Mtl $ 5511 00 LIABILITIES. Funded nebf $33180 00 Outstanding order 1 w " 19 1 no " ' ll 10 ? lv 517 K9 " coupon 1W3 40 II " " 193 M.. 18 Ait Due I.nnd Improvement to MO no Duo Electric Light Co., about... 00 Due sundry ix-rsons, dumagea oiienlng West Stn-et 8385 71 Due l). J. waller 011 contract for 9th street culvert , 400 00 . . , w $wwn no Deduct assets as above rvii 00 Leaving net liabilities, I'UTmTm PHANC1SP. DRINKER, President of the Town as Trustee of Stroup Legacy. DR. To Interest received on bonds.. $09 00 $9 00 cu. By amt's. disbursed to sundry persons as per vouchers on tile 88 N9 By suit. In his hands 11 $ 6900 Excepting the Item $,'00.00 set down as due "Land Improvement Company" which Item I deem Illegal, holding that the lowo bad no lawful right to buy '-oak Orove Park." PKANCIHP DRINKER, President of Town Council. ATTRST ! 11. U.KINOLER, Secretary. BLOOMsscRfl, Pinna., April 3, 19t We, the undersigned auditor for the Town of Bloomsburg, met at the council Room for the Fur pose of performing our duties and do certify hat we have examined tbe foregoing account and statements, and find them correct and here by approve the same. P. M. HVHRITT.) J. M.MTAVBR, J. Auditor. A. L PKIT2. i April T, 1893, 4U ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KftatfqTGtorg KWf,iatsqf Pin kxcfuhlp. desriued. Notice Is hereby give that letters ot admin istration on the estate of George Mourey, late ot I Ine twp., CoL Co., Pa., decea-ed, have been granted to the undersigned administrator to whom all person Indebted to said estate am requested to make payments, and those having claims or demand will make known the unt Without delay to JACOB B. UAHDNKR, 4-14-4U Administrator, Cnltyvlllo, Lycoming Ca, Pa. JNCORPORATION NOTICE. Columbia county, as ; Notice Is hereby given that un application will be made to the fourt of ommon pleas of Columbia county, ou tbe sec ond Monday of May next, at three o'clock p. m. under the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Kegulatlon of certain corporations, approved April 39, 174, aud the supplements thereto, by Pmncls Smith, Jacob Hess, John Bray. RobU sterner and W. W. Lewis, for the charter of an Intended Cor poration to be called the First Baptist Church of cent rails. The character and object whereof Is for the purpose ot the worship of Almighty Hod according to the fallh,;dctnncs, discipline, and usages of the Baptist Church of the United suites, ami for tills purpose to have, pussewtand eujoy all the rights, benefits and p.lvlleges of the said Act ot Assembly and lis supplements. ORA.NT UERKINH, 4-lI4-4t. Solicitor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ."! r Daeta Phillips, U.te of VndUwn totrn th ll), deceawd. Notice Is hereby given thit letters of adminis tration on the cstme o! David Phillips, late of Madison township, deceased, have been granted M the uiiderslgni il administrators to whom ull persons Ihiictjtvdtosalil est ite are ,viiii-stid 10 liuiKe payments, and those having claims or de mands will make known the Slime lie. lay to GEO. F. WATSUN, IHH'KlNUUAM, U. F. FKI IT, l-7-t. Atty. Adniliilstrnlnrs. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. fuliite QfJet Knint ntnl Jamra Kwne, dcmiwd. Notice Is hereby given that U10 undersigned Auditor appointed by the orphans' Court of Columbia County, to distribute the fund paid Into Court In the estates of Jesse Evans and James Evans deceased, to and among the par ties entitled thereto, will sit to perform the du ties of hla appointment at the oltlce of W. II. Ithawn Esq., In the Borough of Catawlssa 011 Friday the 3Hth day of April A. D. 1893, at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of said duy, when and where oil parties Interested may appear and firesent their claims or be forever excluded roin sharing In said fund. 4-7-4U FRED IKEI.KK, Auditor AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KMlatt of John OraniM, deoeoard. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to distri bute the funds raised by the sale of the real es tate In tbe bands of O. W. Knouse, Executor of John Oranlz, deceased, as appears on bis final account, to and among tne parties entitled thereto will attend to tbe duties of bis appnlut nient at the office of A. L. Frit, In the town of Bloomsbuiy, on the lath day of April, 1893, at ten o'clock In tbe forenoon, when aud whe.-e all f artles Interested are requested to preseut heir claims before the undersigned, or lie for ever debarred trout coming In upon said fund. J. P. UAHKINH, 8-84-4t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Oeo. Wmiwr, deceased, The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia County to make dlstilbutlonof fund In the bands of the exe cutors of said estate, arising from the Invest ment of the Elmlra Blocker legacy, will sit at bis office In Bloomsburg, on Friday, April u. 1893, at 10 o'clock a. 111., when aud where all persons having claims against said estate must appearand prove the same, or be debarred from coming in onsuld fund. tiUV JACOHY, 4-7-1U Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. nutate of Catharins Winer, aectatrd. The underslKiied Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county to make distribution of the balance lu the bands of t lio Administrators of suld estate, to and among the purtles entitled thereto, will sit lit bis office In Bloomsburg, ou Tuesday, April 88th, 193, at, 10 o'clock lu the forenoon, when and where all persons must uppcur and prove their claims or be debarred from any share ot said tund. 8-31-41, A. N. YOST, Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. KelaUiufB, F. llartman, deivanetl, Notice Is hereby given that letters testamen tary on thu estate ot B. F. llartman late of Bloomsburg, dee'd , have been grunted to Frank II. Wllsou and Isaac I). White to whom ull claims against the estate must be presented, aud all puymeuts made. FRANK II. WILSON, John O. Friizr, ISAAC I), white, Attorney, Executors, 8-31-et, Bloomsburg, Pa.