The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 30, 1892, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Ttli; COI.KMIilA.N.
Knterert nt tli" l'ot omen nt Hl'ifmsburg .'a
,s seeond rliiHS mutter. March 1, Iknn.
kkidav, ltx:i-.Miti;k 30, 1S92.
New Leaf.
Make up your tr.irnl t' yuiir lmme shall
be 1i if:tcr anil Ivittr I y luv!:- this paper
a regular visitor i:i it. A j-aper f r everyone
a 1joi:io paper.
The Normal School will open again
on January 2. Also the public schools.
Diaries, Card cases and Pocket
books at Mercer's Drug & Bool; store.
Fine ice is now being stored in
many ice houses.
.J. Wesley Moyer has our thanks for
a handsome calendar for 1S03.
Almanacs for 1893.
V. II. Brooke & Co.
Christmas 1892 was the first the
ground has been mantled with snow
or six years.
The items headed Mainvillo last
week should have been headed Mill
ville. Diaries for 1S93. A large line at
Lowest Prices, at Mercer's Drug &
Hook Store.
(ieoge Kc'ler has purchased the
V. '. Keller farm in Mifflin township
at public, sale for $0,175.
Piles of peop'e have pi!es, but De
Witt's Witch 1 i axel Salvo will curt;
their. W. S. Rishton, Druggist.
10 14-iy
Conductor Keen soys tii;it the ther
mon.eli r stood at 10 ik.;nes below
zcio, nt Jamison City v; Tuesday
mailing at four o'clock.
A Scranlcn party has vented the
first floor of Mis. W 'tils' building, now
occupied by E. A. Rawliugs, and will
open a clothing store on April 1st.
Scrofula, whellier hereditary or ac
quired, is thoroughly expelled from the
blood by Hood's Sarsaparilh. the
great blood purifier.
Twenty-one men and boys rendered
the musical part of the services at St.
Paul's on Christmas morning. Elijah
Shutt and John Savitts are among the
recent additions to the surpliced choir
The venison supper at McIIenry's
Hotel. Benton, last Monday night is
reported as a great success in every
way. Quite a number of Blooms
burgers were there.
The sale of the -'Sankey Farm" by
the Executors of Isaac S. Kuhn, is ad
journed to Saturday, January 14th, '93,
at the Court House in Bloomsburg,
at one o'clock in the afternoon. See
Mr. John R. Townsend, for many
years past the efficient assistant at
Lowenberg's store, has rented the
store room now occupied by G. V.
Bertsch, and on April 1st will open a
store and tailoring establishment.
Headache is the direct resuit of
indigestion and stomach disorders
Remedy theso by using De Witt's
Little Early Risers, and your head
ache disappears, The favorite little
pill everywhere. W. S. Rishton,
Druggist- 10141V
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Sitler and
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Sitler, togeth
er with their children spent a delight
ful two weeks visit with their sister,
Mrs. Henry Hartzel at Briggsville,
Delaware. They returned last week,
and said they found their sister in
good health and enjoying the mild
climate of Delaware.
For instance, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of
Bay City, Mich., accidentally spilled
scalding water over her little boy.
She promptly applied De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve, giving instant re
lief. It's a wonderfully good salve
for burns, bruises, sores, and a sure
cure for piles. W. S. Rishton, Drug
gist. "0-14 !'
Happy and content Is a home with " The Ko
tberter; a lamp with the lifiht of the morninr;.
CaUlogue,wrJt Rochester LampCo.,NewYorL.
Turn Over
E. T. Sharplcss is going out of the
retail grocery business, and will con
fine himself entirely to the wholesale
Pinity and strength considered,
Bull's Head Flavoring Extract.?, which
are highly concentrated and warrant
ed pine, are the best to be obtained.
Sold by grocers nt 10 cts.
The Susquehanna liver at Blooms
hui g was frozen over on Christmas
day, and teams drove across the day
following. This is the first the river
has been closed at this place for four
years, and the first it has been closed
at Christmas time for a do.en or more
F.rst class for cure of bru'ses, sprains
and rheumatism Captain D. II.
Macaulay of No. 9 Engine Company,
Baltimore, Md., says : The mem
bets of our company have thoroughly
tried Salvation Oil for sprains, bruise's
and rheumatism and it has given
satisfaction in every case. We regard
it as a first class liniment."
The children of the Lutheran Sun
day School made tin a christmas box
and forwarded it Monday for the
children of the Tressler Orphans'
Home at Loysvill?. The box con
tained books, dolls, can lies, toys,
clothing, in fact, everything to make
glad Hearts during the holiday season.
Our merchants report that their
s.iies during the Christmas week ex
ceeded that of any previous year.
This speaks volumes for the progress
of Bloomsburg. Our varied indus
tries are all working at full time and
wages promptly paid. With their
earnings in cash the laborers could
visit the stores and make their selec
lions with which to make merry the
hearts ot the household.
Supt. Johnston is to be congratu
lated on the success of the Institute
last week. He secured a very able
corps of instructors, and an excellent
series of evening entertainments. The
attendance was large, and a marked
interest was manifested all through.
The proceedings as fully and ably re
ported by J. Preston Vorks, appear in
tins paper.
Small in siie, creat in results: De
Witt s Little Early Risers Best nils
tor Constipation, best for Sick Head
ache best for Sour Stomach. They
never, gripe. W. S. Rishton Drug
gist. 10-14 1 y
John Creveling of Van Camp, acred
about S4 years, an esteemed and
highly respected citizen, died Friday
evening, Pec. 23, 1892 at his old
home, which is now occupied and in
possession of his son-in-law, David
1 ost, Esq. Several years ago he had
an attack of paralysis, from which he
never fully recovered his former
health. A few days previous to his
decease he was taken with pneumonia
which terminated in speedy death.
His wife preceded him several years
ago. He was the father of four child
ren, Alfred, of Plymouth, Catharine,
wife of David Yost, F'rank who was
wounded in the war of the rebellion,
ami subsequently died, and Drucilla,
wife of Fletcher Bowman, of New
Columbus. The surviving children
are representatives of large and in
teresting families, some of whom are
honored grand parents. The pioneer,
Samuel, who many years ago located
on a farm near Van Camp, part of
which is now owned by Benjamin
Young, who lives 011 the homestead
site, was the father of a large family,
Andrew, Peter, John, Isaiah, Samuel
Russel, Rachel and Sarah, all of whom
are now dead except Sarah, widow of
Jacob. Wenner, late of Bendertown.
The surviving children and grand
children of the above deceased fa
milies constitute a large circle of
friend-", some of whom occupy promi
nent stations in life, and all of whom
are good and exemplary citizens. It
h a. remarkable concidence that in so
large a family connection we cannot
recall a single dissipated one. Thus
verifying the divine injunction, train
up a' child in the way he should go
and when he is old he will not depart
from it. A family history would be
an interesting volume and a rich treas
ure for every household of the family
name, and of all the family connec
tions. Bucklou's Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salve in the woild for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by C. A. Kleim.
The directors' meetinc was called
I to onU-r Wednesday morning Dec. 21,
' at 9:30 o'clock by the president of the
I meeting J no. R. Towsend. Secretary,
j J. K. Bittenbender, read minutes of
j last year, after which Supt. Johnston
I addressed the some very
I practical ideas for the advancement
of our schools. He reported that the
following districts had increased the
j length of their school term from 6 to
I 8 months : Montour, Orange, Scott,
j Benton, Fishingcreek. From 8 to 9
; months: Berwick, Catawissa. From 6
to 7 months: Briarcreek. One dis
trict (Jackson) has adopted free text
b?ks. There are now in the county
2 28 schools.
The subjects for discussion were
then taken up in this order: 1st Is
the county ready for a six months
term? 2nd, Teachers' salaries, bow
graded. 3rd, Free text books. 4th.
School buildings and their surround
ings. The first subject received the
most attention. At the suggestion of
Mr. Little a committee of five was
appointed by the president to draft res
olutions embodying the subjects dis
cussed. The committee consists of
Messrs J. C. Brown, Bloomsburg, (J.
Y. Mowery, Montour, M II. Petty,
Berwick, T. II. Edgar Fishingcreek,
and Jos. Garrison, Bloomsburg.
The following resolutions were pre
sented: fst. Resole ml that the sense of this
convention is that the minimum school
term be seven months.
2d. Jlesotved that the text books
should be furnished by the district.
3rd. Resolved that a compulsory
education law be enacted requiring
the attendance of pupils, who are not
physically incapacitated, six months
each year, between the age of six and
thirteen years.
The first was adopted by a vote of
26 to 15; The second by a vote of
36 to c; while the third was lost bv a
vote of 19 to 18.
A resolution was then adopted that
a committee of directors of Columbia
County endorse the action of the
Trustees of the Bloomsburg Normal
School in their elTort at getting an
extra appropriation for the building of
additional buildings.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: President R. R.
Little, Bloomsburg: Vice President
E. M. Laubach, Fishingcreek;
Secretary, G. Y. Mowery, Montour.
Success in everything depends
largely upon good health. De Witt's
Little Early Riser are little health
producing pills. Sec the point ?
Then take an "Early Riser." W. S
Rishton, Druggist. 10-14 iy
Pastor's Union
Th'j pastors of the several churches
of Bloomsburg have organized a
Pastors Urjon, which meets twice a
month for the discussion of practical
questions bearing upon their work.
At the last meeting the question of
holding a Sunday School convention
was taken up and it was agreed to
arrange for such a convention to be
held here Jan. 14th 93. The follow
ing constitution was adoptea.
Articlk i. This association shall
be known as the Pastors' Union of
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Article a. It shall be made up of
all the ministers in Bloomsburg who
sign the constitution: and the Secretary
ot the V. M. C. A.
Article 3. Its object shall be to
cultivate a closer christain sentiment
between the pastors and churches in
our town, and the discussion of
practical questions bearing upon our
work, and such other matters for the
public good as may arise from time to
Article 4 All denominational or
political discussion shall be avoided.
Essays and abstruse subjects that re
quire much forethought and prepara
tion si all be taken up only when
ordered by the Unio-i.
Article 5. The officers shall be
President, Vice President and
Sccietary, who shall be elected semi
annually by ballot the first Monday of
October and April.
1 Te Tastora' Union shall meet
in the Y. M. C. A. parlor regularly
on the first and third Mondays of
each month, at 10:15 A. M. adjourn-'
ing not latter than 12 M.
2. The Secretary shall notity each
of the pastors on the Saturday pre
3. I hree members shall con
stitute a quorum for transaction of
4. The following shall be the
order of exercises: d.) Devotional
exercises; (2.) Reading of minutes:
(3 ) Roll call; (4 ) Unfinished business!
(5.) New business; (6.) Discussion ot
practical questions; (7.) Adjournment
with prayer.
I he next meeting will te held Jan.
2nd at 10:15 A. M. in Y. M. C. A.
parlors. All ministers of the Gospel
are invited to be present. The sub
ject for consideration will be "methods
and plans for the week ot prayer.
Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet
temper, all result from the use of De
Witt s Little Jiarly Risers, the tamous
little pills. W. S Rishton Druggist
I. K. K. Laubach of Raven Creek
slipped and fell down on Thursday of
last week, and l;roke his right arm at
the wrist. He is improving, and will
soon be out again.
C100 Howard $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn tint there is at least
one dreaded disease that ncience has
been able to cure in all its stage.-.,
and that is Catarrh. Halt's Catarrh
Cine is the only positive cure known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional diseise, re
quires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directlv upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system, j
thereby destroying the foundation of i
the disease, and giving iho patient
strength by building up the constitu-1
lion and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
fjith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials. Address,
V. J. CHENEY, & Co, ToL-do, O
C:-J"So!d by Druggists, 75c.
1 -6-1 mo.
On Dec. 28th, 1892 at residence
of the bride's patents, Mr. and Mrs.
las. M. Shew in Light Street, Pa. by
Rev. W. R. Whitney. Mr. Win. lint
and Miss Irene Siie.v, both of Light
Lost A female bird dog white,
with a brown sp'ot over left eye and a
few spots on the body. Heavy set
long hair. Anyone knowing the
wherebouts of such dog will be re
warded by giving information to ex
Sheriff Samuel Smith, Stillwater.
12 30-21
A Complete Chart for (tailor Caught In n
t.nle of Skirt.
Some naval officers were onco invitod
to a ball, whereupon it wus discovered
that few of thorn knew anything about
dancing. Tho first lieutenant, who was
well versed iu tho art, therefore took
thern iu hand and gave them a series of
lessons. The simple dances were soon
acquired, but when they came to the
figures confusion reigned supreme. At
last tho lieutenant declarod he would
writo out his directions iu langaugo so
plain that the veriest lubber in the lleet
could comprehend them. That very
afternoon ho guve each of his pupils a
a copy of the following directions after
studyiug which not one of them made
the slightest blunder :
Haul up on the starboard taak, lot tho
other craft pass, then got your head ou
the other tack; reguin your own berth
on tho port tuck, buck and till with your
partner, box haul hor, wear round twice
uguiust tho sun iu company with tho
tho opposite craft and your own; ufter
wurd box haul her aguin and bring up.
Shoot ahead about two fathoms till
you nearly eo:ua astern of tho other
craft uuderweigh, then make a stern
board to your berth, side out for a boud
first to starboard und thou to port,
make sail and pass tho other craft; get
your head round ou tho other tack;
another side to starboard and port;
make sail to regain your borth, wear
round, back and fill, and box haul your
Reave ahead and pass your adversary,
yardarm to yardarm, regain your berth
on the other tack in tho same order,
take your station on tho line with your
partner, buck and till, full ou your heel,
and bring up with your partuer. She
tlieu uiunccuvres ahead, harness all
a-back, shoots ahead again, and pay off
alongside. Ion then make sail in com
pany with her, till nearly astern with
the other line, make a steruboard, and
cast her off to shift for herself, regain
your berth by the best means ia your
power, and let go your anchor.
Wear round, as before, against the sun
twice, box haul the lady; range up
alongside her and make sail in her com
pany. When half way across to the
other shore drop astern with the tide,
shoot and cast off the tow; now back
and fill as before and box heel her and
yoursolf into your berth and bring up.
Shoot ahead alongside your partner,
make a stornboard, make all sail over
the other cast, lot go your hawser, and
pay off into your berth and make a turn.
The three crafts opposite range up
abreast toward you twice and back
astern again; now manouvre any rig you
like, only under easy sail, as it is always
light wind (isophyrs as they call it) in
this passage; as soon as you see their
holms down haul round in company
with them ou tho port tuck and make
all sail with your partner into your own
berth and bring up.
Wear round to starboard, sight tho
cathoads of the craft on your starboard
bow, thou make sail into your berth,
your partner passing athwart your bows.
Now prooeed, aeoording to the second
order of sailing, to complete the evolu
tions, shoot ahead and back astern
twieo, in company with the wholosqaad
ron, ia circular order of sailing.
The following tost lor wuuu-ed milk
is simplicity itself : A well polished
knittiug uoedle is dipped into a deep
vessel of milk and immediately with
drawn iu an upright position. If tho
sample is pure some of the fluid will
hang to the needle, but if water has
been added to the milk, even iu mi. all
proportions, tho fluid will uot adhere to
iho needle. Boston Commercial.
Lop Off the Extra Bad Thing3.
Now is the time to reform and be
ready for the new year, determined to
make it the best that you have ever
lived. Pick out all your bad habits ;
if you have none, look around for mi
nor defects in yourself, and then phil
osophically consider how to proceed
against them. Make yourself better
and you will not regret that you turned
over a new life, when you contemplate
the completed record of 1893. A I
toona 'J'iiii'.i.
A Million Priendn.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Constimp
t'.on, Coughs, and Colds. I you
have never used this Great fough
Medicine, one trial will convince you
that it has wonderful curative powers
in all diseases of Throat, Chest and
Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to
do all that is claimed or money will
be refunded. Trial bottles lree at
C. A. Kleim's I)ru store.
, 4r All
It is a wonderful
cial to you and your children. Such is Scott's Emulsion
of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the
children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps
them from taking cold and it will do the same for you
Scott's Emulsion care Coaghi,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting1 Diseases.
Prevents waiting-in children. Al
most as palatable n milk. Cietonly
the genuine, rroparod by Scott A
Bowno, Chomlsta, Now York. Sold by
all Druggists.
Corner of Main and Iron Streets,
For Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ribbons, Underwear, Boots,
bhoes, Rubbers, Groceries, and all other goods
kept in a First Class General Store.
New Stock of COMFORTABLES and
BLANKETS just received, look, out for bar
gains in these goods.
We guarantee all our prices as low as
you will find in any town in the Stat
Fashionablo Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at trie
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers turnished
when desired.
tt W. A. Hartzeu., Proprietor.
Female Wcuknthk I'oitlve Cure.
To Thk Euitok : 1'lPuse Inform your rondcrs
that I have n positive remedy lor the thousand
and one ills which arise from deranged female
organs. 1 glinll be ghul to send two bottles of
my lemedy khkk to any lady If they will send
their Express and 1. o address. Yours res.
peetfully, Dh. W. U. MAKCUlsI, IK) CiKNKSSKK.
ST., L'TICA, N. Y.
Special bargains in ready trimmed
hats and bonnets, felt hats and fancy
feathers at E Barkley's. Main below
Market Street.
Paten1; leather shoes, nne calf skin
shoes, and a complete line of shoes of
all kinds for men, women, and child
ren, at F. D. Dentler's.
Glasses fitted free of charge at J. G.
Wells.' All work guaranteed.
F. I). Dentler has a fine line of
slippers for ladies and gentlemen for
the holiday trade.
Fur trimmed hoods for ladies and
children ready made or to order at E.
Berkley's also stamping and pinking
done to order.
F. D. Dentler's stock of rubber
goods is immense. It includes all
kinds of overshoes and rubber boots.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
01ntiif ami hi-tiiitifitif Die hair.
Prunmtef luxuriunt (rruwth.
Never FaiU to Restore Gry
Hair to its Youthful Color,
Curwi (sip diMM A hulr falling,
av'.anri $Umat Irtifrpist
The Consumptive and Feeble trxi n wh
infier troin ex)iauiUif Uiii-mm'i Hhuiild uttr Vftrltcr'a Ginger
J'onlu. Iti'iirL-aihttwunitCiiiiKri, Weak l.unui. Debility, In.
iftvrtiuu, Fviualti Wtmiut, Ktu-iUHftUm tudl'tiu. ic 4 1 U
HINDERCQRNS. Theory uroeiirofbCwni.
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Curt.
I,umlRiro, pain In Joints or bnck, brick diiHtta
urine, I reorient CHlls, Irritation, IntlHirmttoOb
(rravel, ulceration or cuturrti ot bladder.
Disordered Liver,
I.-npnlmd dlirntlnn, (font,, bllllnus-hiwtncha.
SU A .I P-IIOOT curi'R kidney ililliuultM,
tiaUTijqie. .lrlnary truulilu, brlglit's diauum
Eiirm'e lilood,
Scrofula, mi-.l&ria, (ren'l weukncM or debility.
Oi.nrB.itro-l'ftpront'.TitiinrOnn PmNIiv irnntto.
efluxl, OniKtfiuU u HI rt'l mill to you U.u iiiit-e pJd.
AtDrucKlntM, 50-. Sire, $1.00 StaO.
"Inrnlldi' Qiilrto to Health Tn-a-CuiuulUtUfla (rtfc
M 'MUi.
remedy, which is alike benefi
Butter per lb $ .30
Eggs per dozen .30
Lard per lb , .ia
Ham per pound .15
Pork, whole, per pound 05 to .06
Beef, quarter, per pound . . 06 to .08
Wheat per bushel 1.00
Corn ears " .60
Oats " " 40
Rye " " 80
Buckwheat flour per 100 2.40
Wheat floit." per bbl 5.00
Hay per ton. 13.00
Potatoes per bushel .90
Turnips " ' .25
Onions " " 1.00
Sweet potatoes per peck 25 to .35
Cranberries per qt .11
Tallow per lb .04
Shoulder " u 13
Side meat " " .09
Vinegar, per qt .08
Dried apples per lb .05
Dried cherries, pitted .18
Raspberries .18
Cow Hides per lb .03
Steer " 05
Calf Skin .40 to .50
Sheep pelts .90
Shelled corn per bus .70
Corn meal, cwt 2.00
Bran, " 1,25
Chop " 1.25
Middlings " 1.25
Chickens per lb .10
Turkeys " " 14
Geese " " .10
Ducks " " 10
No. 6, delivered 2.50
" 4 and 5 3 50 .
" 6 at yard 2.25
" 4 and 5 at yard 3.25
All First-Class Druggists
From present date will keep on sale tlie Im
ported l-.ast India llemu Remedies. Ur. 11.
James' preparation of this herb on its own
soil (Calcuita), will positively cure Cormump-
linn, Jlivhchilin, AMhma, nnd Naval (Jol'inh,
and hreik up n fresh cold 11 24 hours. SJ.CO
per bottle, or 3 bottles $6,50. Try it.
1033 Race Street. Philadelphia.
12-lO-4t. d.