The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 23, 1892, Image 5

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    Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Knterort nt the I'nst omen nt Hlonmsburg, ia
M second clnss mutter. March I, 1HH8.
KKIDAV, DhChMllKK 2j, 1892.
There will be no services at St.
Paul's church on Sunday evening.
L. T. Sharpless has painted his store
front. I'. K. Vannalta did the work.
Dairies for 1893. prices greatly re
duced. W. II. Brooke & Co.
A large and handsome line of stand
lamps at Mercer's Drug & Book store
William B. Taylor distributed some
very nice venison steaks amongst his
friends last Saturday.
A tine line of Books and Booklets
at Mercer's Drug and Bookstore.
Almanacs for 189.
W. 11. Brooke & Co.
A stuffed pheasant and three quail
are exhibited in J. A. Hess' store win
dow. Diaries for 1893. A large line at
Lowest Prices, at Mercer's Drug &
Book store.
Booklets and cards, special prices
to Su.ulay schools.
W. II. Brooke & Co.
F. B. Hartman's new house on
WcsJ street is completed, and he has
moved into it.
Biles of people have pi'?s, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure
them. W. S. Rish'.on, Druggist.
10-14- ly
E. A. Rawlings has made an assign
ment for the benefit of creditors. My.
ron I Low is the Assignee. The meat
market is open as usual.
Diaries, Card cases and Bucket
books at Mercer's Drug & Book, store.
C. W. Erath of" Wilkes Bure has
been granted a patent on -x hitching
post. Mr.
J-.iaih is a
Mrs. Geo
1 1 assert, of 1
The brm lire of Albums in Col
umbia oimty. rris fiiir.i 75c. to
$6.50 at Meiccr's Drug !v' Book store.
We have on hand a lew S day half
hour ftrike v;d:iut clocks. To doe
them out will sell them at $3.00 each
All first class goods, at I,. Bombard's
jeweliy More, opposite Central Hotel.
J. H. Maue, agent for a number of
the leading lire iasurance coirp.iiiies,
and also life and accident insurance
companies, has presented us with two
handsome calendars lor 1S9, for
which he has our thanks.
Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet
temper, all result from the use of De
Witt's Little Karly Risers, the famous
little pills. W. S Rishton 1 ruggist
Framed pictures, colored photo
graphs, etchings, water colors, piioto
graveurs and pastels, white or dark
frames. A genuine wat;r color in
white frame, at astonishingly low
prices. See them at
W. H. Brooke & Co.
Again the season of the year has
come when people generally are cast
ing about to see what they want for
Christmas for the children, and as us
ual their steps are turned towards Gil
more's Toy Bazaar where all sorts of
tilings can be fuind to please the
children. The show windows are full,
the store room is full, upstairs the hall
and four rooms are full of goods so
arranged that one can see everything.
There are vases, images, plates,
cups, and saucers, pitchers, toy dishes,
wagons of all kinds, wheelbarrows,
iron toys, couches, fire engines, hose
carriages, hook and ladder trucks, lo
comotives, and trains of cars in iron,
tin and wood, all sizes and prices,
steam enrines. animals on wheels, of
tin. wood and iron, mechanical toys,
safes, pianos, magic lanterns, hundreds
ot games, ten pins, kiicnens, ranges,
side boards, wash stands, sinks, desks,
trunks, dolls, magnetic toys, albums,
Christmas tree decorations, false faces,
baby wagons, doll furniture, drums,
black-boards, velocipedes, Noah's
Arks, wash sets, blocks, rocking horses,
and thousands of other things that will
please the little folks. Don't wait un
til the last day before Christmas, but
call early and thus avoid the rush that
comes the last few days. i2-i6-2t
A fine selection of finger rings of
the best quality, solid gold from 50c.
up. AH articles bought engraved
free of charge at L. Bernhardt jew
elry store, opposite Central Hotel
Bargains On Town Proporty.
I have several desirable residences.
centrally located in Bloomsburg, that
will be sold at a bargain. Call early
ami get terms. Easy payments.
Dec. i6-'92 Bloomsburg, Pa
Charley Skeer handles pigeons, tn'
is prepared to fill orders, either for
breeding purposes or for table use.
Books in sets at lowest prices
Mercer's Drug & Book store.
If you want a Christmas present be
sure to see the large stock at Mer
cer s 1 ;rug iV JSook store belore you
The display of Christmas goods at
I. vv. Hartman & Sons, is gre'tcr
than ever before. Tables full of
beautiful articles occupy the dry goods
side. rictures, bronzes, plush boxes
books, toilet sets, and a thousand
other things attract the eye. On the
grocery side are lamps, a very large
assortment of dishes, in china, Japanese
ware, &c. cut glass, pressed glass
jardinieres, umbrella stands, dinner
and tea sets, after dinner coffee, and
chocolate pots. Go and see them
A kitchen without flavoring extract
is like a ship without a sail. It isn t
"in it.'' The best that can be procur
ed arc Bull's Head Flavoring Extracts,
Price 10 cts.
A Kisiaid Watch.
Quite a breezy incident occured
few days since in Browning King
Co's clothing store in Philadelphia
when a uurchaser from out of town
after trying on a suit of clothes accus
ed the occupant of the next "trying on
compartment with stealing his watch
The watch was certainly missing ; the
man declared he had had it on enter
ing the store anil fisticuffs, if not poice
men seemed imminent, when the
countiy visitor suddenly recollect'.-
that to insure the wathe's safety he
had placed it in the pocket of his ok:
overcoat before trying on the new sir.
"ableau a confused visitor tncrrv
salesmen loiiowed.
Photograph album -1 and photo
frames at W. II. Brooke & Lo
Electric Bittera.
Phis remedy i:; becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing the same son.; of
pratse. A purer medicine does not
tv;ist and it is guaranteed to do all
that is claimed. Electric Bitters will
cure all diseases ot the Lavcr and
Kidneys, will remove Pinnies. Bo
Salt Rheum and other affections
uised bv impure blood. Will drive
Malaria from the system ad prevent
as well as cure all Malarial fevers
For cure of Headache, Constipation
ann Indigestion try Electric Bitters
Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price so cts. an
$1.00 per bottle at C. A.'Kleim's Dru
A very large line of Juveniles
10c to 1.25 at Mercer's Drug &
The Columbia Daily Calendar
remains the only valuable daily pad
calendar. T he calendar for 93 is
the same genera! design as that
previous years, consisting of 366 leaves,
one for every day in the year, and a
calender for the entire year. The day
of the week, of the month, and of the
year are given, and on each leaf is a
short sermon on the "Gospel of Out
doors. Health and Happiness," with
valuable hints on practical road mak
ing. The leaves are so arranged that
there will be no stub left, and each
one can be referred to at any time
during the year. The pad is upon a
metallic stand of ivory black, arranged
so as to rest upon the desk at a con
venient angle. The pad matter, which
in the aggregate is enough to make a
book, is all fresh and new, and is of
more pertinent value than that of any
previous calendar.. The calendar is
issued by the Pope Mfg. Co., of Bos
ton, New York, and Chicago.
Headache is the direct result o
indigestion anil stomach disorders
Remedy theso by using De Witt's
Little Early Risers, and your head
ache disappears, The favorite little
pill everywhere. W. S. Rishton,
Druggist- 10 '4 iy
J. II. Mercer's holiday stock is
great, as it always is. There is no
use of our trying to till what all he has.
The only satisfactory way is to go and
tee it, and choose for yourself. He
can suit everybody with something
nice for a Cirisnus gift.
The Reformer! people of the
Orangeville charge were surprised at the
announcement made by Rev. Houtz
week ago last Sunday that he had re
ceived a call in another field of labor,
and he called a meeting of the Joint
Consistory at Orangeville on Friday,
December 16, for the purpose ot
tendering his resignation to take effect
April i, i8oj. Having served the
Orangeville charge lor twenty three
years, the supposition began to assert
itself that he had been here a long
time and that the peop e desired
change. lhis supposition was
strengthened by a seemingly crowing
apathy, or indifference among a part of
the membership. Therefore having
an acceptable field open to him, in
view of the supposed condition of the
desired change, he took the prelimin
ary steps to sever his connection with
the people of the Orangeville charge
But this wakened up his flock and
strenuous efforts were made to find
how many and who would oppose
Ins retentional as pastor of the Orange
ville charge before the meeting of the
Joint Consistory, in order that they
might deliberate wisely, and decide for
the good of all. Not a person was
found that desired a change of Pastor
and all things considered the Joint
Consistory unanimously declined to
accept his resignation It would be
well for the people of the charge to
take warning from the lesson her
taught, and cive more tokens of
appreciation of his valuable service
for he may not sacrifice another good
opportunity for their benefit.
There is every prospect of a mild
and open winter.
The boys are anxiously waiting for
ice to fish for stickers. About the 4tl
of March lots of suckers will be
migrating and emigrating at Washing
ton. We advise the boys to fish at
Washington about that time. The ice
however will be broken up. Ihey
had better set nets.
G. .V Howell, of Van Camp is not
subject to the changes incident to hi
class on account of political changes
He is Post Master no matter who is
President Stick to it George.
The Republican newspapers harp
about foreign pauper emigration and
how it should be stopped. Why didn'
they stop it when they had the power,
and thereby secure the confidence of
the American people.
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
Nothing so foolish as to
suffer from it. Nothing so dangerou
if allowed to continue, One Minute
Cough Cure gives immediate relief
W. S. Rishton, Druggist. 10-14-iy
Mr, Editor :
In your last paper is an article un
der the caption "The Spring Election."
In that article you give some informa
tion, but more light seems to be need
ed. A part of the closing paragraph
of your article is as follows : "The
new law only requiring that for town
ship and borough offices the certificate
be tiled with the township ami borough
auditors ten days before the election."
Now will you please give us the rnaner
of this filing, where and how ? And
the duties of the auditors after the fil
ing in regard to tickets, paying bills
&c. Are the auditors required to
meet as a board to attend to these new
duties ? Yours truly,
A. V. Voixu.
The duties of township and borough
auditors are as follows :
1. To receiv? and keep all nomina
tion certificates and papers for town
ship and borough officers (including
election officers and school directors),
and all withdrawals from nominations
made there by, and to receive, con
sider and decide all formal objections
to such certificates and papers.
2. To print (iu the form prescribed
in sees. 13-16) for township and bor
ough elections, seventy five bal ots for
each fifty and fraction of fifty voters on
the assessors' list, and an equal num
ber of specimen ballots, to obtain from
the county commissioners the requisite
cards of instruction, and to deliver
such ballots and cards to the judges of
election the day before the election.
Sees. 13, 17.
3. To certify to the county commis
sioners the cost of printing the 1 ailots.
Sec. 13.
No special manner of filing is pres
cribed by the law. The auditors
should fix a time and place where they
will sit, at least ten days before the
election, and receive the nomination
certificates and papers. All papers
should be marked "Filed February
8lh 1 S9.5," or whatever the date may
be, and signed by one or more of the
auditors. If there be objections filed
to the certilicates and papers they
should be marked in the same way.
After disposing of all formal objections
the auditors must procure the printing
of tickets. The county commissioners
should provide blanks on which the
auditors can certify the printing bills
Small in size, great in results: De
Witt's Little Early Risers Best pills
for Con .tipation, best for Sick Head
ache, best for Sour Stomach. They
never gripe. W. S. Rishton Drug
gist. io-i4-iy
Fine gift bojks and calenders.
W. II. Brooke & Co.
The dehorning of cattle has be
come an insatiable fad amomi
Chester County farmers and long
horned cows are crowing rare. Over
oo cattle were dehorned last week
in two townships. Two men cut off
the horns of 171 cows in one day.
It is profitable business for the men
who perforin the operations, and this
fact has led to what may terminate in
a big grist ot interesting lawsuits Dr.
I.J. libson, a veterinary surgeon, of
Cochranvillc, claims that none but a
man of his profession can lawfully de-
rorn cattle, although scores of cows
are robbed of their horns by men who
never saw a medical colleee. A
number of animals have been killed by
blundering operations, and the sur
geons, whose field has been invaded,
contemplate a wholesale prosecution.
I hat is the only section of the State
where dehorning is carried on to any
great extent, Farmers say their cows
yeild more milk when hornless.
Dyspepsia's victims find
and permanent J relief in
Sarsaparilla, whichj'tones the
and creates an appetite.
success in everything depends
largely upon good health. De Witt's
Little Early Riser are little health
producing pills. See the point ?
Then take an "Early Riser." W. S
Rishton, Druggist. 10-14-iy
lashionablo Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle anil driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired
tf W. A. Hartzell, Proprietor.
Bucklun's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by C. A. Kleim.
Happy and content is a homo with "Tfie R
Chester; a lamp with the 1: ht of the mornir.;.
Ieiun1e WrahncNK roMtlvet'urc
ToTiik Eihtoh : l'loaae Inform your render
that 1 li.ivi- a lmsttlve n inrdy tortile tliiiiitatKl
uiul one Ills tt lili'ii arlsi' trom dcritiiK"! f'-mali!
"Wans. 1 Hlmll bi- iflu.l to scuiil two bottli s of
my ii'iiifdy i'hkk 10 any lady irthey will hciiU
thi'lr l.xiiri'MS iiml 1". o nudtvss. Yiitirs p's.
pivllillly, liu. V. il. MAKCUiM, UD Ounkkk.
T., LTICA, A. 1 .
' Paten, leather shoes, fine calf sk
shoes, and. a complete line of shoes of
all kinds for men, women, and child
ren, at F. D. Dentler's.
AVe now have
clerks, boine sellin
tic civ c
some tieiiiir tin
are delivering goods,
them with the mush jrootls etc-
T. W. IIabtmax tt So.vs.
Glasses fitted free of charge at J. G.
Wells.' All work guaranteed.
F. D. Dentler has
slippers for ladies and
the holiday trade.
a fine line of
gentlemen for
Don't forget when you come
to .Bloomsburg to buy pres
ents that we are selling all
coats at 'JO per cent discount
$o.00 cue lor $4.00 and so ou
in the same rate.
I. W. Habtman- & Sons.
All kinds of blanks for Justices and
Constables, at The Columbian office,
We have lively times these
days at our double stores, peo
ple looking at the Christ
mas GOOSJifi, all go away
with a desire to return Friday
and Saturday
I. W. Hautmax Soxs.
Deeds, mortna
es and note
of all kinds at the
F. D. Dentler's stock of rubber
goods is immense. It includes all
kinds of overshoes and rubber bonis.
Have you gone through our
Dish Department when
looking for a present don't miss
seeing the fine Dishes, Glass
ware etc., as we aro ahead of
any other place in town or
I. W, IL'iiTWAX & Sons.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Mr. E. I). Keltner and Miss Mary
E. Edwards, both of Berwick were
united in marriage. P 8th 1892 at
the home of t ...ue by Rev. W. H.
Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on
earth for pain, as an anodyne has no
equal in the market. It is without
doubt the best liniment. 25 cts.
License blanks tor hotel, restaurant,
bottlers, wholesalers and distillers for
sale at this office The last day for
filing applications is December 26th. tf
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure.
Lumhairn.paln In Joint or bnck.hrlrk dnotln
urine, Irvqiipnt culls. Irritation, Intlnmotloa,
vravel, ulceration or cuturrh of bladder.
Disordered Liver,
Imrmlrwl rttcrtlon. Rout, hlllloiiR-hrailarhe.
WW A .! l-tnoT tMirwt klilncy ilimeultlea,
LaOf'.;, uriuary trouble, bright'! diauast).
Impure Rlood,
Scrofula, mulurtn.pcn'l weakness onloblllty.
flvAmntrr-C'..1 ront.nt of Onu rinttl. If nt hl
filed, brugtflstii ivlll refund to you Ilia prlr siL.
At DriiKKlntft, 50c. Size, 1.00
"InTalldB Qultle to Hualth 'rtM-CannuluUoiiJr
jWhat shall stay
say bcotts
cod liver oil
and soda has cured us of consumption in its first
stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading
to consumption? Make no delay but take
Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemio and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
Children. Almost an palatable as
milk. Get only the genuine. Pro
pared by Soott 4 Bowno, Chemists, New
York. Bold by all Druggists.
U rn nil Holiday Opening
New York
TWO ROOMS FULL OF GOODS, such as Dolls and Children's Christ
inas Trinkets, F.xpress Wagons, Wheelbarrows. Rocking Horses, Children's
Rocking Chairs, Sec.
QUE EX-WARE, Chin.nvare, Tinware, and Household Goods of all kinds.
JEWELRY of every description very cheap.
NOTIONS and HARDWARE of all kinds at low prices.
TOWELS, Table Linen and Counterpanes at prices that can't be beat.
OVERALLS and Suits for men and boys, at bottom prices. White laundried
and tin laundried Shirts from 2scts. to $1.00. St spenders and Neckwear
for Gents a full line. Ladies' and Gent's Ties cheaper than any other
place in the County.
UNDERWEAR and Wool Shirts for men and boys at prices that will astonish
you. It will pay any one to call and examine these goods.
For Ladies and Misses, one cent up. The biggest stock ever brought to
Dolls from one cent to
VALISES, all sizes and prices, and thousands of other articles, such as ladiea.
and gents Ttirses from -;octs. to $1.00
KNIVES, FORKS and SFOONS. In this line we surras, all
prices. Now is the time to call and examine good?.
5 mid 10 Cent Counters
Have been extended and restocked with an endless variety of novelties
the biggest stock in the County.
WOOLEN HOSE for ladies, 1 8 to 50 cents ; heavy Knit and Merino Under-
vests for 2octs. up.
LAMl'S by the hundreds at low prices.
AlMms Albums, Albums
of every description, at bottom
CUPS and SAUCERS, such as Mustache Cups and Tea Sets. A e;ai ';
bargain will be given in this line.
lect from.
y Remember this is the largest
ever brought to this section.
to be closed out
Now is the time to
presents while the stock
New York Novelty Store, I
Wanted: The Large Saloon
Fixture Factory in the world want a
man to inform us of parties intending
opening, also refitting saloon ;
liberal pay.
1 he Rothschild s Sons Co.,
739 & 74 1 Broadway, New York.
Real Estate.
The unrlerslifnert, Sheriff ns Tnwte appoint
ed by the Orphftns' Court of the county of Col
umbia, Btnte, of I'enn'a,. will expono to public
sale, tiion the premised, on
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, In pursuonoo of KB
order of the mild orphans' Court, a certatt
house und lot of Innd, lute of the estate of Job
WhltenlKht, of the town of ltloonisburi;, saM
county deceased, situate In the town of Hloomf
burg afi r.'sald bouuded uuddi scrlbed as follows
to wit: On the north Iby Third street, on tne
east by lot of Sarah A. Wilson, on the south hT
an Alley, on the west, by lot of the estate C
Peter Unifier decased, belnu In wldtb, fronting
on said Third street, fifty seven feet more or
less, mid In depth two hundred and fourteea
feet, more or leas, with thu appurtenances.
The said lot Is In a pleusant location and oea
trul.ln the town ot nioomsbiirg j bus upon It
stable and other out-bulldliiKS ; with fruit tree
Trrms op Sai.k: Ten per centum of one-
fourtn or t he purchase mony shall be paid at the
striking down of the property; the one-fourth
less the ten per cent, nt the conllrmutlon ahao
lufo ; the one-twelfth, after deducting ull cOHta
ntid expenses shall reuiuln for the use of Mm.
Klvlna WhltenlKht during life; a like one-fourth
sliull ronialu fur the use of Mahlon lliuiilin du.
lutfllfe; the remainder shall be paid In one
year after confirmation nisi., with Interest from
the date of condonation nisi. The terms win
be more partlculuily announced nt sain.
Conditions of sale belli); compiled with, and
deferred payments satisfactorily secured, pas
sion will be given April 1st 1H:i.. I'uroliuser to
pay for drawing of papers In conveyance ana
securing money. JOHN -MOUUEV MiRKirr,
Cbas. . Kahkikv. Trusted.
Attorney. lil-W-ltt.
That dreaded and dreadful disease!
its ravages? TJwusands
Jimulsion of pure Norwegian
and hvpophosohites of lime
Novelty Store.
S3. 2 5
stock in the County.
The largest stock in the county to se- '
' tt
and best selected stock of novelties
An endless number of Comforts i1
within thirty days.
sclent umn ra.;.ml
is comvtcte. f