The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 04, 1892, Image 5

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jjirrhcst of all In Leavening Power.
T,-re .1' th" I'"''P III liloininbuiK, i'n
I xnlrlntHinnniT. jiure.i i,
YM. K. Kiit in shingling a new
l',ie rear roois 01 i;ui uum.n,.
t A. Hess has enlarged lib store
'. 1 :i 1 1. lit..
lyy illiiillltiy an itj.iiwii
v W Turv has the contract for
.. C 111 ...'.. t-..iFA lu
,.i 'n" ITOI. uutun 11u14.1v. .11111 in it forward rapidly.
n V Weiss is buildmc a fine resi
T.' .1. t
,'c-ce on tne corner vi rt'uiui aim
Uc'ist streets
t.i.V- Murphy's store at Centralia
! ...... ..1 K fir 1-ict lr.t-iv mnm
w ,15 (.arn.i;-.i:ii -. ......j
n Ii f mi n'l lulrri'l in
it II In l .1 n'. .... v.. v...
:!if cdar.
Hidlav and Girton will soon move
their livciy up town to a lot liacK ot
Fhrrkeiistines hotel, where tlicy are
building a stable.
Hiram Reec of Rnckhorn died at
kk home last week Wednesijay, age.!
(it years. Paralys.s was tac cause of
ii.'U.i. lie was a dac.iciik.
. . . 1 . .1. .1.,-
lT,e ladies of the l.ighlstrcet M. K
ch irdi '..".V. serve a turkey ('.inner
helL-lilstrect school house on Tiianks
A democratic meeting will be heh
rn Latawissa ims (.rruny) i:vi-iiin
.... . t v- I . v
idd'esscd by Hon
C. R. Bv:ekalew
;nd others.
Alfred C. Jrinker died at his horn
n Scranton on Tl.ursday
Pe was a brother cf our townsmen
E. R. Drinker and V. V. Drinker.
The Normal boys and the !'
Academy team of Lewisburg iJaved
Same of f Jit ball at Athletic Par last
Saturday, resu tirir in a scor.: of 10 to
Car.; .N: Son s windows are a. ways
attractive. Just r.ow their Lrg. wi.(
i'i.w icuitr.ii'.:; a stuffed sto;!:, clo '.ks.
f;i.i'.-, : ::':, ciiUhent i;arnie:.t.:, ar.-.i;- ctl'.ev attractive ;.,oodj.
We been, and are no v, too
la:y v.i'.h politics an 1 t-le:tioa piirt
to -ive much tinv: to general or
l .;.l n;ivs. yVftcr no"t week, we shall
try to r.-.akc Ihu paper newiier and
better than ever.
Paul E. Wilt I'.stp, received an elk
head by express from Montana last
Friday. The head is taidermiz::d.
and the horns are perfect, and spread
fully five feet. Me has placed it in his
Dii:o. In the city of consumption.
A familiar headline isn't it ? It's
pretty risky to neglect a cold or cough.
One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant
safe and sure. W. S. Rishton Drug
gist. 10-14-iyr
Port Hart, a well known and some
what notorious man in these parts
years ago, died at the home of his
sister in Wilkesbarre on Monday.
He was 65 years old and bad been
s:ck about a year.
The Louisa Gross property on
Third street was sold at public sale on
Saturday last. James Knorr was the
purchaser, and the price paid was
iobo.oo. T. S. Wuiiams was the
There is much sickness in town at
present, but no diseases of a contag
ious character. Among the sufferers
are I. S. Ruhn, Mrs. V C Fortune,
V. U. Mover., Daniel Laycock, Sam-
"el Shaffer and wife, Chief of Police
Uiromis, Mrs. Philip Unangst.
A gentleman of this county who
has excellent judgment remarked to
us the other day that he knew of no
pill so good for constipation,,
ilyspepsist and liver complaint as
Ie Witt's Little Early Risers. W. S
Msnton, Druggist. io i-piyr
Hain is badly needed. Through
me country in many places the stream
:'ve dry and the farmers arc hauling
water for their stock. If the drought
continues until winter sets in and the
pound freezes up, there may be much
ouuering aeforc spun":, tor water. A.
S!ii.'!ip r 1 .1-... 1,1
rtui lur several os 11 iiti.""
What shall it profit a man if he
Gain the whole world and then has the
dyspepsia so bad that he can't enjoy
ay of the good thing? it contains ?
He wont have dyspepsia if he takes
e Witt's Little Early Risers. W. S.
Rishton, Druggist. 10-14 iyr.
Happy nd content 1 a home with " The Ko
thesterj a lamp with tha li-M of the mornia,:.
Cit4lofue$,writenochc5tcr LainpCo.,:ewYcti.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I M 'V7 ...
3 i
j liy
1). A. r.ycklw ar.d ?anucl It. liar-
man nunle si';:c( In s r.t the Uewibii
can Club nieelin?: on Tuesday niht.
It was the first effort of the '.alter.
There will be communion services
1 the Evangelical church next Sab
bath ivkh nitv'. I':cacJiiirr both morn-
I its
in 3 and evening by R.ev. A. A. Irvine
K. of Milton.
The IV
tlo .Hotir.: Wator Company .
ed its oilics from Dent'.er's j
,as niov
Iniildiiw to tlie rooms over II
J; I
Chid; ' Son's store, recently occupied
by Dr. Arment.
Tames II. Ingold was married to
Klla Heller at Danville on October
15th. He shows his martiage certifi
cate with much pleas.ire, and declares
that he :s going to keep his hnue ".ike
a laily should be kepi.
Hon. T. II. Dalzeil of Pittsburg ad
dressed a republican meeting at the
Oi.era House last Friday night. There
wnc 1 trvri-l linl-f- lt-.r.1:l. lil' tllp
Rloomand Catawbs.i clubs early in '
lilt. V. .
Have' tried alnio':t every known
emedy for Itching Tiles without six-
cess, '.many U'ugnt a uox 01 1 s w 11: s
Witrh H.izel Salve, and it has cured
me. C. D. Haskins, J'eoria, II!.
V. S. I-'.itihton, Druggist, ie-14 iyr.
Ijrr3, Crover CloTtlauJ
Is a beautil'id woman, and the finest
protrait that has been done of her
since she has added to her cliaims
that of motherhood, is offered with
Demoresi's Family Magazine for
Novenibi.'i. The portrait is exquisitely
executed in soft color tints, and
what greatly adds to its value is tlie
fact that it is personally authorized by
Mrs. C'cveland. This honor was
reserved for Demorest Family
Magazine alone with the November
number of which this superb picture
(Jv X nj inches, and worth at least
$ 2) is presented free. Don't fail to
secure a copy; and when you see the
ber.utv of the elegant work of art.
Voit will fr-i
,ive .t
place of honor in your home that
Mrs. Clcveiand's portrait deserves.
The .November number of De:.u';c::t's
: .'.:a.
'v M:--m 'itif! i:" a reiii.f. Kalil J one
r" i.vjr :-: iliitstr.aion-.i. and
.;; to ever meuiLer cf the
f v ;.!). Price so cents. Take it
home. ivervbo:l' will Le delighted
ivith it. For sale
all lyjiikselk
i;end eu ce:
ami iw'.vs.;ea:er?.
to the p'.'blishor.
uiorest, 15 M.i-t
V. Jcnuinjs De
14th Street, Ne.v
A Turo Lktk-.rg Powder
A b.ikiivi po-.vder can be de
pended upon to be free from lime and
alum is a desideratum in these days of
adulterated food. So tar as can be
judged from the official reports, the
'Royal seeins to be tlie only one yet
found by chemical analysis to be en
tirely without one or the other of these
substances, and absolutely pure. This,
it is shown, results from the exclusive
use by its manufacturers of cream of
tartar specially refined and prepared
by patent processes which totally re
move all impurities. The cost of this
chemically pure cream of tartar is
much greati r than any other, anil it is
used in no baking powder except
the "Royal," the manufacturers of
which control the patents under wrncn
it is refined.
Dr. Edward G. Love, formerly an
alytical chemist for the U. S. Govern
ment, who made the analyses for the
New York State Hoard of Health in
their investigation of baking powders,
and whose intimate knowledge of the
ingredients of a.l those sold in tins
market enables him to speak authori
tatively, says of the purity, wholesome
ness and superior quality of the "Roy
'I fi nl the Royal Hakim: Powder
composed of pure and wholesome in
gredients. It is a cream of tartar
powder, and does not contain either
alum or phosphates, or other injurious
P.-vf Love s te.-.ts, and tne recent
official tests bv both the United
States and Canadian Governments,
show the Royal Biking Powder to b
superior to all others in strength and
leavening power. It lr. not only tn
most economical in use, but makes the
mir,":t- fin"!' ft-i wi'i-il rind who'.e-
some food.
SuckWa Arnica Galvj.
Tub Best Salvk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sore.". Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It u guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by C. A. Kleim.
The premium list of the Columbia
Coa;.ty Fair is sent out with this is
sue, in a svur.ilenicri , which is en
close:! in all papers 1 hat go to subs
et ibcis in tli j county. It is longer
than ever before.
It's not v.'iy pleasant to otiii ami
hack. To su:l".'r pain in chest and
Many pi.M-;ile could stop it. for sure.
simplv usav; One Minute Cough
v.uro. v. Kisitioii, 1 iriirjv-iiii.
Wa?!i:n;t.)M, Oct. 31, iS-ja
The republican party is always
loudest in its claims of confidence
when it is most fii-htened and when
leaders at
taking the raol nesperat chances,
news was brought htri by a
mpinbi-r of the leoubhcan i.a.ional
commiUcc, List week, that the fight
was ,iracl:cai;y over unless soiiicllung
new could be started to l.e:; the n-
imhlicans in New York. It was that
news which carried Secretaries Kikins
and Tracy to New York to confer
with Senator Quay, instead of accom
panying the rest cf the Cabinet to
Iniiinnaiiolis to attend M.S. Harrisons
funeral and the assumption of lepub
lican confidence which is no.v going
on is the drrect result of that confer
ence and indicates to a certainty that
something tricky is about to bo sprung
bv the reiiiiolican managers.
Mr. Harrison has so tar refused to
leath t Mrs.
P"c " 1
arrisilll. but I lVi! it I
on good auth
.viM.the same that informed me of
Ouav's last visit twenty four hours be
fore it was known in any Washington
newspaper olike ll'.at Senator t'uny
will come here tins week; tor tne pur
pose of laying tlie situation before Mr,
Harrison an 1 Hying to get mm 10 a;re;
to certain desperate meagre i which i
is proposed to resort to m tne attemp
to cairv New York. Private Sec
Ilaiford says Mr. Harrison will tak-J
nn nnrt- ivliat--vcr in the remainder ot
the campaign, but all the same I pre
diet that he will see Quay wiien h
Not for years have the prominent
democrats who come to wasnmgio:
luen so thoroughly imbued with con
fidnci that the nartv is on the eve of
.,-., .f the- treitest victories of its
- o
history as they are now.
Senator Carlisle lost hn vote by
failing to remember the d.Uo of the
incr t. ""i .-rr;,tion da 111 Kentucky. J l
- .
regrets it of couise, not because 11
vote is necessary the wil iest republi
can rainbow chaser has iul even
his most enthusiastic prediction:,
classed Kentucky as a doubtftd state '
but because he wanted t'.i; honor ui
voting for the ne;:t d.'inoc.T.tic Presi
dent." However, the Senator should
not worry as his Fpetchea in otner
states, particularly in New York, have
made Cleveland ;-.:id Stevenson votci
wheie they will d." more rood than
his coald possibly have done in Ken
tucky. W. II. Mielucl, a prote.-e of Sena
tor Manderhon, ol" Nebraska, has dis
raced himself in the eves cf i.ll hon
orable Union Veterans and has been
promptly called down by tne com
mander of the National Union Vet
erans Union. Michael is a cleric to
the Senate Committee on printing, and
he was a short time ago elected Com
mander of the Department of the
Potomac District of Columbia, V ir-
L-inia and Marland Union Veterans'
v. . . , ... 1 i.:'.. .1...
Union. A lew tiays UIJU, nunc uic
national commander of the organiza
tion was awav. Michael sent broad-
cast an otncial order directing an
members of the Union to work and
vet for Harrison. The order creat
ed a rumpus in the organization,
which has many democratic members,
and as soon as Gen. voder, the rua
tional Commander, returned to the
city he issued an order revoking tiiat
of Michael and suspending tha: over
km.-irt individual from office as Com
mander of the Department of the Po
tomac. Gen. Yoder's order, which
was sent to every department, empha
sizes the fact that the organization is
non partisan and must be kept so.
Gen. Yoder is a democrat, but poll
tics have nothing to do with his act.
which is deserving of tlie commenda
tion it is getting from veterans of all
shades of political opinions.
All of the good things said about
Attorm-v General Miller when he an
nounced himself as being opposed to
membeis of the Cabinet making poh
tical stump speeches will have to be
recalled. He has seen what benator
Hill calls "a ne.v light," and he is not
only willing to condone the ollence he
so recently condeine.'.. but lie. has act
inillv "one to West Virginia to meet
Sec' Elkins and helo him make some
Mr. Blaine is very quietly spending
his time at Ins H asliington res.uence,
and if he is doing the slightest thing
towards helping the republican ticket
it is not apparent to ordinary obser
vers. Unless he very suddenly clian
ges his nvnd he will not go home to
If all the democratic roosters are
not loudly crowing for victory on tlie
morning of November 0, the visible
signs of the political firmanent falsify
the situation, lor tiv:y an point 10 me
certain and triumphant election of
Cleveland and Stevenson.
Kidney, Liver and DladderCure.
I,umbnitn. pnln In Jnlntnrbnrk.tirlrk dti"tlt
uriiii', In-qui'tit cmiR, irniiiiinii, inniiiniuiuut
irruvel, uioemnuu or cuiiiri u 01 uiuuuur.
I)5sordcrcd fjivcr,
T.Tinnlroil illr'tlon, (rout, hlllloii-hr-nilnrho.
MV.UI f-UnV run kulni-y ditllciiltlin., iirinsry trouble, KWicuf aimaum.
Bcrofulii, iKiilaria, gi-n' wcnUnrsnorili'blllty.
Oimrnnlrfi iMintnnfti of Onn nottl. If not hIl
lltnl, ImiKKl'f l" rmiiml Uyiu llie ini.-e
At Driia;a:tat, SOc. Slc, $ 1 .00 Mbo.
Inrnllils' Qulila to ll,mlth"fr Conmilutlon freft
It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi
cial to you and your children. Such is Scott's Emulsion
of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the
children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps
them from taking cold and it will do the same for you
Boon's Emulsion euros Coughs,
Colda, Consumption, Scrofula and
aU Anaemic and Waiting DUeaaei.
Freventi wasting-in children. Al
moxt as putntable as milk, iitt only
the Kcnulnr. Trcparod by Scott Sc.
Bowno, Chemists, Now York. Sold by
all Drugulflta.
1 ; ; ,.
I, .HIU.N MUl KM , IIIKU ""ll-l . 'ini.i. 1 .'
c.iiin'y, t imiiii'mwi-iui n in ri-iiir. i.i.i.n, .
i.i- 1.1 ...-. L-ii.iivn mihi l-ivh nu:j.:i. 1.1 tin
fl.rtiirsiitih.M;oii;i'.vitt-iri-aiiKi,tii:it, :i j,-.-nt'itj I
i-l.-.-iloii y.Ul Uo uuUlla iu.;.il.i coiucy ot I -1-
Ullllli.l, ill)
l...i:;ir t'-. Tii-fit:iv l.rt foIUr.vlli'i t'lo 11
tfii:iv r.i'ut iMiiiriViii
Moi.iltty "I
.it: 1 un'i.t'i l 1
ir: .-.(.... .!i -..:... i-fcilil.atuil e..v.or n ir
lvi'i :vjv:i -In.
'1 .1 j i-wiiw fji- Ci!:ii;riT,.iuv;t et law 'or
f u.wv.i::l..
On ; ) --.-.ill ti.r','- nr
Oi-.i- :i lor (.'fusr..s.i
;;)' Cuiirt of
i at C l .!i..Ua
;: :h.
I Jis:'!.-.
'j -. u t 1ft 'l. I'll' !lr.'i-t-'uurii.v.
Tli'i ii'i-.Ui;.- ! v.T.r f
liy .: .i:i 1 -'ri'i
If..,', v. .-Ill s or j ...-.:
1. 1- :. . " ii.---v.-j :
ii.: rui.tcv.:; c
nn ir
i.-n-. !'; -:.-v .1.- ::!o:,;iim:!i i'. .lwti-.-i, '.Vl'tt-ua
,, V. :!-'.i.y :-ay.-i-, .i. l-T.i-i'-M )iiii!.ii.
1. l.:. -- ,., .l-':h. -iiia-ll, "O HI li'iui'-..
!,.. 1,1 l.-r I'i-ow, .It-.. iMii.-s ii .'-'.i..-:-, M.-ixivcll
Cio.. .1 111 an II. irur..iv, ,i-.-iii;i ori ,-;, .;.iiji.s
il. :., J. .'i m. Otis., 10 ii. ... nn. !':',
A 111: tin .!. 1. :ul.'y, .llll.l' A .null-, .linlll.1. 'li I, en' U.i! Lii.u, I'irri-.! A
Uf'otilli:, l.lov.i T.
K.iill :rll. S. S. S.'IH
.1. t-r!i:.ll 'All'ulni,
nulls .1. .'-...iii-.-tT'ir, .iMiin.s ... :..m, 1. jo -ix i 1
,tli laiii.-s a. I.lm.iy, 1 noi.iMs 1,.
.vivi .-i.i-- 1). l'.i-ll, toil ili-'-.v 11. Tuj-lor
I linifiln.
. liiirli-r,
Har.'liir, .l.-ss-; r..
.'iwii.v il- I.iiii.i:. A'olo I.T two)
lain, jM.-inii.i-i .....
.1..I1 11
IL'iiiii: or iSui'UKMK LULH-i, i w wr u.if) :-
.rniin i ii mi ii.
i t)Niiui:.-iH, (voti! tor one): t iLinui-.-n r.vrs.
lli-:i'UE.-iENTTiyK.i, (Vote lur livu;: Ooorso
V,'. .Mt'uv3, Kiauklln Vociun.
Kou Ei.St'TOits :-Vortlini'r F. Klllor,t, John V.
r.ullltt, Tlitunii.s 11. Kt-iiiii-tlv, IHivkl Tlioliip.soil
W tlrtoii, Saimii'l (iustlno I'lioinpson, t li'iuniit
Kfovus NValiitviiv'ln, Atlitni S. Oiiitvuy, Clm II.
l.jlTfity, W in. Ki'tl-.v oo.l Wrltflit, tieji-t;.! K. Ousm,
.lolin o. .laiiit-.. corni'llus v . Hull, w llllum No
lan, .lamt'H Imit'y, thail. Dul'ont llinck, Sum
u.'l Wlii.nni TrliimuT, Wm. . Vui'iirflnii;, sa
ui'l f. Ltitiv, Aziir I.aihi-ot), TrrrniK-o O. Ulpili',
Tlioiim.s 1 liiilntiil, Wlllliiiu David lMumu'lruioh.
I'otrr ilfiiry truuln-,'i!r, llonry II. riifr,.ios,-ph
D.Orr, Llini'li'H A. Kaitli, Andrew A. I'uytoo,
JohuK. Ura.l-Ml, .Mleaifl Lrlbt'l, Tiiiim.i.-i -Mc-Otiwi'U,
.litinui Knox l'olk Hull. Jolin Conivay.
(.'ONiiBKdH at l.AiiiiB, (Voto for two): tieo. A.
Allen, TliomiiH 1'olk .Mfirttu
.HU.IK Of 6UHKKMK CUl'BT, (VotO for OnO)!
Cliristtipher llfydrlok
CuNiiKKss, (Vote lor cno):-Simon 1'. Wolver-
'""'ki'BKskntativks, (Vote for two): E. M.
Tuwkalmry, A. L. i tiU.
l-no u miTioN can ui n at km.
I-'oit Kmx'tokh: .Toun c. Ilateson, William F.
Iloyil, William II. llrl.-ki-ll, Jaim-s Uluok, Ahra
lidiu A. liaiKnr, l-liiwitrtl Ciiiiiiii:.1, 1. -Mo lure
1 air, liiiuisO il. tlot-bfl, KtlH'ln It. tiiiurhurt,
(luor,'i) II. Or.Tss, UiarliM K. Hyat t, Hiiiijuuiln
lliinlin;;, Wlllliiiu W. l!.ii;,ti', W. Hum Hil
ton, . I una II. .lout s, KUmIui Kent Kant', Kll L.
I.owdju, l-'rank s. I.ourluiori', liobtTl 1'. Mc
iluun, Antrim F. .MoiKan, Kuliort L .Montgom
ery, A. Konli'i- .Slitilln, Kr.uikllu O. rorclviil,
Aiiliur J, 1'iiyi-uni, itlllium .1. I'.ulilson, Hurr
iiMt('li'r, Aitlo A. hlfvena, l-raii l:llii II. 'lay lor,
Aliiv.Hi. 'I'lunii.isi.n, Jauii 1'oiH'r Tuomnsou,
WllliitmN. Wallis, Wi.liuiunJ. VNei'kn.
coMiiiKisa at I. uli k. (Voto tor twon Simeon
IS. Oiuso, Jmii-'.s T. .M-.'t'rory.
.Il uun oi' M i-KUMK coear, (Voto tor o:ir):
Aim 4 hrlKH-
.'0.NJiik., i Vote for oni-1: Iaalah ltowor.
KKl'iti-:.iKsrATivK.-, (Vou) tor two): ilyron I.
Lo.v, J. W t'Hh-y John.
Vnu l-'i.nt roils: L. F. Ai.ihrust, .1. W. llo.ik,
Frank IliioL., Kubei t liri'tt, c. A. ilurrov.8, M. U
i iiiil.-y, Ii. oiookcr, a. J. Dlrtz, a, K. l-iwor,
Julia ti. hxli'.v, 0. II. Fl.sher, W. A. lianlniT,
'.'.'in. i.raut, II. V. (iri'i'iuii" ii, J. M. lloiver, Wm.
llt-:l.T, ti. L . I'l-Jkol;, II. lio.-k, A. 11. U-ul, n.
I. jii'Munus, C. .M. . Morse. O. li. Mnoiv, '. A.
(ilin-leail, lijilnal'it riillllps, Clarence I'rtt t-, II.
c. Miu'.i'ly, i . I'. Mia.r, terry Mnlth, J. K.
While, F. ..1. Windsor, o. E. Ward, J. A. Wi lsi h
( DMiliES AT I.AKl.f, (Ntitu tor two): &. l.
tillll'. l. iLlMsoU.
.Ii iiiii; or si ri.Ki.ii Coiut, (Voto lor out'!:
1!. 11. .Mel.'otiilM.
Fun Ei.kctokj : (Jus Aril, E. M. llranut,
r.-i-d llaurr, Cii.i-i. I.iii-kofi'ii. A. lullt'ii, Ji.o.
Hiebo'.d, Julius I-ro.-liil.di, tin;... H.-iiiiUKTimit-l-l'T,
Hi'iny llot'iil, AU'.'UMt I,.iu:.'e, rims. Loeilier
W. II. .ileiioveri), CliriM. .nasi, Joliu l'lvscoit,
lloiny ivti-r, All.Ti I'ard.i-, tuto lioihe, thus,
lileker, Maulioiv Miiltn, Adolf Slurl;i', Jan. !S1
lit. if i, Jiihn Slum, tliurns bi'hl.-t.'iit'r, John
hielu, William .siiu..iifii, Jae. Si-t'.;;i.r.-, b: Ir.jli-otli-,
Win. t-cutr, .lu,.-i:i Tiesi'k, i'. 'io;'.liiiUi'r,
John Vi--.twuli r, l.i-n.y Vi u.i t.
c.iNiiitii-u at l.Aiiiif:, (Vole lor two): J. Mati
lon Miirnoit, Tlioitt.t.t oi-uiiily.
jiiiiim oi- sti'uiiiiK coii.r, (Vo:u ! ir one):
N. 1,. orient.
1 also ht.ivljy mill;;' known ,'id glva noUco
thai t lie iilaet-s et liolulntf Urn al.iri's.itdt'li'ellou
lu tho Kt-veial winds, boruu-jns, illsl.rlel nnd
tovnshtis wuhln the county t-t Columbia tiro
us tullowh, Mi :
li. -aver toiinalilp, at the public house ot c. A.
Demon township, at the public house ot Letu-1
Chas. P. Klwtll, for tlie past three
years a student in ll.istoii, is givinp,
lessoM on jnano and violin. Roth
tauc'.it in the best mclnous, j'-iano in
11 . ... . . ..1. 1
New JMib.H'l U'n;ervaiory memou,
violin according to the German school.
Mr doctor iwyil It r"ntlr on tho titominh,
llv.? and k lil , na.l to ft '""''JO
drink i mio riu'm hprt. uii i piii fgr u
wuillr m t"i. It Inc.iUiil . I
Alldruliiliclllt6t6ilo.niidl.(J)oti;rkiiao. U j
r1nwlMl"tK'Mt.JSl.TollB.lllr('lrfrooH.lIMplJ, I
4t. In ruilKi In iillhy,thl-ii:in;i'rjirjr. AiMijt.
....I n.L-t. it. rh-. tnwii nr Ui.titnn.
Ilerwli.k. liiisr. at tin. carp wit -r simp ot Jim.
: Finis'. In tin' ininiuuii or r.i.ntii K.
; lit i-wi.-k Wi's:, ul tlie Town liall, In tlo llor-
0ui;i (,( HiTWll'k.
Mlnom. i,t 1'ivi-met, at tho Court Itnus-!, In
t1 t.....,r
m,,,,',,, .?a, pri'dii-r. at. St'.iv Hoiho of E.
. .,, '..., ;,, i, aIi 81 s., Illiii.iiisliii!.
. . . ' .. ... ..... .1 . . .. . . . I. . . 'I . .... 1. I...'.- In
im', !'!'"Vi'- '
'lliinmif Vt'lV l-lncr. at 1 he I'kS.Uo Honso at
ill. tilir.'i'. in Uli i!i .r'Hi1
iirLireivoS lon:s!i!;, i:l
iwi. ......
(Mt .v.Ksn tov.-ii.-;!ili), at tl'.i' Blion of
i . I . . . f h i. I ti lii. I . ill" ; t Hi' i ' i.l 'i .v ! . vl.
t ..-'iti-. 'o" iwltiii. at I In' public u.-I'-aiI housr
nt'.tr l.iim.vt-tii' t'rt'.isj '.s.
CfUiiT.n.i, i-.i r.t '''.is jmlilli.
!!or..iO of
' i' . .'ti-i'.l i.'-.'-i-l V.u.. ui. ill? liu'oll? lior.s.! of
i. :.- i -M.-.-t . in r.-:it n.ii:..
' I'UTtrt, lit til.' si '.loi I
l.-i,.. ir i in, "nitii'iT ..' .lu'm A:i.;ri "Hi .'. i n.
ii. - .- .in !t ' - -l-i : .l-i l li" I"
I-..H-, :i-j!i;iih W.-.-.1 1 11,1.1-.:. I.'- '. 11 Wllk-J' liOul
.. .... . ..t I Mrl-i
' i ui:..,.. . -i- ' i.-'il'i. lit !n' ii-vs" of V.
C. l'.-iii..ii-;'i': ... i.t-r's
1- .i ;i..t..i I .. I. . i -1 i . i-o i
il ll.v-.
til. -, uv.-.ri.t '.-i.i.i' ::t, Ui : p i
.-,(-. lo.ii i.i.t'.-i
- ...Lit' l-.'O
of Win.
i'il-.vlilt.'.lil ill':;!.' at ttiv bUf'P of M'.'.nui 1 Mil
Jit, In or. -I'll
Hi-nil. i .'K tuiViiMiljt :.t, t!v ; hov.
i i. ..i.. ... ....... . im i . . . ..v.-. l ii." r.;w 'iliolll.
'.I,u:ksi.i' l.m iMlilli. it', lit.) lioil.-o ol 11. II.
. 1 : 1 1 I. ... In .Im-k'siili.
I i.ii.!usit.!tv!ts-iitu ul Hie piiWte 'i-)iisu of Nathan
Kiinrr. in .Miinmiii.
.'.litill.toii lit tho nubile liuiiso of A.
I I. .i.i.l i I r. .1 Ht't.t T I IV 11
". ,:.,,,, ,ia nt a,!,ii.
.ii:ii:iuhiiiiiii;i,iii .m r .. -
cm 'A' Slililiiiili. Ill ?.llilllVllli
Viniln towiisuli, ui I he pilhlio
r i.i. i IH..1.-..I-. l:i M 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 . .
Ai illvlllt- iiiii-oiiL'h, at the nubile liouso ot J.
11 It...... In Mlllvllli'.
Montour townidilp, ut tho public house of
Klniiniliis I'nuliiJSt ut Rupert.
..a. iMeasani. towuslilii, at tho election
ii.-.iui. i.r iiniit.ii P. iliiiveil
oraiurn Iriwnshll). ut tlm public hOUHO Of
AliU'il lleekumu In orankcevlllii,
i-iior.i notisi'.
uoarinitcroeii township, at tim house oi muu
uel l.elby. ...
Mi'olt East, at tae puuue noiiio ot .sm. ji. n.
l I i . . . , L' . . i.
si'ott, wt-si, at the public uouso ot j. l. craw
ford, in I-hfhU reet. ,
North .siiifanour, in tno puouu iioinf ut u.. i.
touiuni'iuuriuuf,ut'the old s -hooi house at
l-', .1 .. j I - r.... L
I'uiiH Hliall lie onem il at seven o'oloek a. m
nmi Hii.ttt eiuiiliiiiu oneii without Interruption
or Hdjourumi'Ut until itevon o ci jck p. ui., lieu
tho pons win oe tioseu.
That every person, exceptim: .lusileeA ot tho
l'euee and Altlen.n'ii, Notarleit l'ublle and per
Hiumlu tho militia Hervlee of the stale who
xli4.ll hold, or bliall within two moimw nave
1...1.1 iiiiv nilleft or uiiiioliiliueiit of tirollt or trust.
under the I' nlted Slates, or of this state, and
elty or ciirporaied dlstrlet, whether a commis
sioned onieer or otherwise a subordinate ollleer
or ittft'iit who Is or shall be employed under tlie
Legislature, Executive or.iiiilleiary ieiaiuueni,
nf i his state, or of any city or of auy incorporat
ed dlstrlet, mid also, that every member of Con-
L'ress and of the Mate Legislature, aud of tlie
M, nr t'oiiiiiioa t tiuncll ot iiiiv t lt.v. or coin.
mis lonem ot uny Incorporated dlsliiel tiro by
nfcTa nnr.?K- I at Mercer s Drug
.WfrsrJ.SW'-Trrri. riRioHT ANO (T.ark & Hon.
law llienpaoie OI noun n or enri:ini:iH ui. i""!... ..,. , ...
same time the olllee or appointment, of Juil-e, ! at ten A. M., the followlnff described teal
Inspector or cleric ot any election of this com
llltilivveull II. I a nun no lus lenur, .iuu:n i -
. : - t i 1 1 ,i , . rti, ,ri i i., ,
Ullll'l Ullli:-! l'l 31.1 lll-niiill ouii4 , ...""v
bt tht'U VOIt'U Itll.
Tlie liisiieetiui llliil Jmlsre of the election
Khi.ll meet ut the ri.eettve plates appointed
i m i in n a.iiiiin 111 i n i ii' ' ir iii vv i i' i i
ivso. etlveH b-lon-, betiro K.'ve:i ii'i lot k In the
liiornliu;, and eaeU of those Inspectors uhall
appoint ou.'ce k. i-.oi.iiaiio.'u iiu.iiiucu
tor ol such tU.ilr.fl..
Mlicrlff's Ol'ilce, liloeuihbuiv, Oct. lh'Ji.
WUIhim lierr.ln.rer, vs. Wesley C. llartwl.
rims. V. Colo vs. K'.Kli-l Cole's l-.!.r.
John II. Suit's vs. Ira Only, et al.
Johu II. Hull's a, liar. vs. Ira Holy, et ul.
John h. Hun's uiiiiir. vs. lieiibi'ii M.ler, i t al.
John (ieiklu vs. reiiiiu. li. li. t o.
K. 1'. Howie vs. I-'.. 1'. All'i-rtsi-n.
S. I', lioone vs. Lemuel Drake.
Uenl. I-'. Mii.iriileso vs. Mor. Iit-uil & Kline.
KrauUln Vocum Heard vs. Viililuiu J. Zah-
John F. Cimnln vs. Z. A. Hut. et al.
Jl. I1'. Suvph' mtmi-s. vii. Jiiine i ui:.;ep, et ill,
Apt), lluliies.ii Co. vs. Jane s Niattee, el ar
II1II1IU IVI It liOIUIIll A. illKIIll 11. OiiuiTi.
( -lm a l.niit v. it i.i. 11. t hi. i In-'I oil.
11. 1-'. Mivlis' i..liii:i. vs. Juin "ii jlui;ee. et ill.
tied. W. & hterthit AS'l Hi rivhk liter
li'. P. Klefer vs. llenhen Klniln.m.
J. W. Wliitenitflit- v.i chan W lni 'iil:;ht r.ilmt'.
C. l. t levelln.,' VS. hiil'ah A. relllliell.
Jacob (illberl vi l oa lnnerei-k '1 wp.
Jiuiy M. uiii'.ib. li'b vs. 'i In. m is iiilnn.
II. Moyd Cri-iisy v.i. Cutiivs:i Tinrn-lilp.
Lewis A. Ntlli'H v.i. isiiiniii'l lian.beiliii.
Levi N. l.UU vs. ). C, Hood, et 111.
Irene II. Kiilen vs. Towum lUoonisbiirg,
John Kules vs. Town ol lllnonisliurtr,
J, D. Uodlno vs. Columbia County.
I-'c-maJc "Wc-iIiiipnh I'oKitlvr Cure.
ToTim KniTnii r I'lrnF" lufor r.i M vr tiBflrr
tlnil, I liiivo n i"islllvn rrinrdj to r 1 hi- iln.innnd
ami 'inn Uln HlMr h nrlHn Irotn rti ii 1 ;"il fi mulu
(iratiH. I Hlinll lie Klml M'"'1 1'''1h if
my ii niiilv kbbb to imy I nly Kthiy will fu nd
their liiri Hs ami I'. mlili .. ' in n
lii'i'tfiilly. lm. W. U. .MAKUIIMl, ll .isKiifil.
br., tlie a, N. Y.
For J)ros.-! Goods ami Trim
mine.5) no to Clark & Hon.
For all school bocks and reboot
supplies go to Mercer's Drv arid Rook
i or Wall J'aner ana vinuow
..... . .t-.f
Shades go to Mercer's Drug and Rook
Writing paper by the Rox or Quire
and Rook store.
you want go to
Slates. Pencils, Pens, Ink", Tablets,
a t aj S(.l,0Oi books at Mercer's Drug
nd Hook store.
DE,b K A N juO..' OT taO Jji'OUii UA-
SIT, Cured at Homo in Tea Days bj
aJininisterius Dr- Eames' Golden
It can be given in a class of beer, a
.... . r 1 .l.
cup ol conee or lea, or in loon, wiui-
out the knowledge of the patient
It is absolutely harmless, and will ef
fect a permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Il has
been given in thousands of cases, aiid a perieci cu.c ii
followed. It never fails. The sys
tem once impregnated with the spe
cific it becomes an utter impossibility
for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures
uaranteed. 48 page book ot paruc-
uiars free. Ad
I Sti,CtSuio.
Address the Ooixien
Race Street, Cin
10 21-1 yr.
Don't forget that we sell rdl school
books used at the Normal and Public
J. II. Mkkcf.r.
Skirts, new line. New
Glasses fitted free of charge at T. G.
Wells.' All workguaranteed.
We are holtlirijr a rebate sale
QC arfles' am JUlSSCS COatS.
I Tllf rt'blltf WO llllow VOU On
I 1 V. . . UU .
I Ml 1 . ..!
icoaw win uu a sure saving 01
I ,nonc,v. Regular $5.00 FuT
tin. Mart. :Uoc4Trtvmioi1 Cnf't T.fS5l fit. t1 O1?
, . .........
I IV.K.iro wil-'iiT tlinm rrxr
Ao.'.XS and so on all through
the Hue. iVov is your time to
save money.
11. J. Clark cc box.
"Can ns see your coats?"
"Yes, walk up stairs in the
coat room. We read that
vou ciTer all ones at less
than half price!' 1 hat is true.,
and that is the talk every day,
others come to buy a new style
oue at bigger prices. We run
from S1.50 to $'Jo.lX'. When
you are fitted with a coat, dont
rorget to Icok at our new dress
goods and trimmings. Then
pass over to the Visit denart-
i m m
ment, ana see tne xea ana UlU-
t. ,w1 llui
uei ecus iiisi ulicucu uuu ui
I ..'. A
- beautiful chamber seta lrom
s KA t jti .i f,n T tV
jo.ou id pii.uu. i iuuui,e w&ui
for any and all the above.
I . . . r n y
I. W. Hartman & Sons.
Real Estate.
liy order of tho Court of Common Plos tf
Columbia County, Po.
Tho undersigned Commlt.teo of J. E. Snydor
will expose to sale on tho premises lu Berwick,
Columbia Co., Pa., on
I .. . .,- . n . . . .
OA I UKUAV, -MJV tAlLibK 20, gx
- tate, situate In Tterwlot being the nude vidua
i i . ... ...... ,....,. H
n I iiuu i u ui mi uiiiiiut'i uu auiiiit diuu im
I i-,
I ni'iiu niitui, uuiuiat u uii wiu si'i.iu uj L-ti.qup"
I li innii river, on the north hv Front street. KaKt
hv of 08MraUand c. . jaeks(M. on
v i '
tiio west by lot of C. 1). Fowlor, reserTlng the
I rltfht of 1). L. it V H. It. ami Pennsylvania cana
o - cro2S tho same. On said tot there Is erectod
and a dwelling and
with out bulliUnrs.
Thkms ok Sai.k. Ton per cent, of otto fourth
ot purcuaso money to be paid on si rlUnj down
of the property, the one fourth less ten nor
cent, ut couMrm.ulon of sale, and remaining
thre fourths lu one year thereafter w ith Inter
est, from confirmation til si., whende sl will be
pin. Defend payments to bo secured by bona
and mortgage on premium.
Attorney. Com. J. E. Snyder.
Ki'f.t of li. tan J(, (Vtv.mwl.
Notice is hereby tilvcn that lei tern of artmln-
lsir.iliou ou the esu.lool Xebi-i ca May, deceas
ed, have been tram ed lo liie unit "rslnod ad
IiiImIsi ralor to whent nil peismiH to
said eslaii) tile r. ii:esled lo initio- pnvuuiut a,
and t hone havlin; elulius or ileimiuds will muk e
known the shik. v Phoat delay to
1. vv. wj i.i.i r.
10.-ilw. Administrator