The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 02, 1892, Image 3

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A MI''K"" Vlw of Whnt It Mann to
Tim ttctmblican national platform, In
jftnSin(fo very mild and guarded, bnt in
langwitf0 plain enongnro re unaerstooa
.cnnliiiH to tlio real moaning of it. de
mantis that "such laws shnll bo enacted
and enforced as win secure to very cm
fpn, bo lie rich or poor, native or foreign
born, whit or black, the sovereign right
fto vote! guaranteed ny the conntita
ion." Laying aside tho fact that the
constitution does not guarantee to any
of the classes mentioned nor to any other
iOhrxis the right to vote, the real mean
big of this plank is the doctrine that the
arrathern states of this Union shall go
back to the days or reconstruction, when
the negro took possession of our southern
empire Just ns the barbarians took pos
session of the Roman empire. When
the war closed a "force bill" was passed
br virtue of which the federal govern
roont guaranteed that "every citizen of
the United States," to quo to thelangungo
of the latest Republican platform, "shall
be allowed to cast one free and unre
stricted ballot in all publio elections."
This language is as innocent in form an
would be a section from the sermon on
the mount, bnt it means much mischief
It means that the negro shall again be
given the domination of the south as he
had it during the reconstruction period.
Tbe younger generation, whieh was in
its infancy during that period of tho
white man's woe, will scarcely be able
to realize what the south Buffered when
all legislatures were black, and when
tho laws were mode by ignoranco too
dense even to Btoal intelligently. Dur
ing that period the southern states were
saddled with debts aggregating fSD,
828,584. Annual taxes increased ?5,
000,000. And then $.100,000,000 were
stolen, and not a negro in tho south to
day can show in thrift and wealth the
evidence of his crimes. Tho New Or
leans Times-Democrat well says that "it
was the greatest steal of modern times;"
but why it should not have called it the
greatest steal of all times it is difficult
tr explain. It is this regime to which
tho Republican platform demands a re
turn. Republican orators nre trying to
ignore tnis demand or their platform.
hot platforms are things mnde at mid
Presidcut Harrison is fully committed
to the force bill doctrine, and must
stand of fall upon the issuo. The At
lanta Constitution well expresses the
prevalent memory of the south concern
ing a past which will never be restored
with the consent of tho intelligent por
tion of the American pooule, thus:
Nor was this immense debt the only
evil under the federal force bill and
negro rule policy. There was no secur
ity for life, liberty and property. Tbe
two races were always in collision
Commerco and industry lagged; capital
tied from the south; mob opposed mob,
r.rA lawless Judge Lynch became the
only safeguard of law and order. De
troit iews.
H Furnishes Campaign Literature.
Joeiah Quincy, chairman of the na
tional Democratic committee on cam
paign literature, ably sustains the pres
tige of his honored name. He was born
in 1859, was graduated from Harvard in
1880 and was admitted to the Suffolk
bar in 1888. He was a member of the
legislature of 1887, 1888, 1800 and 1831.
He became secretary of the Civil Serv
ice Reform league in 1881, of tbe Tariff
Reform league in 1883 and of the
Democratic state executive committee
in 1890. In 1881 he was made chairman
of the executive committee He was
instrumental in forming the Young
Hen's Democratic club in 1888 and be
came its first president.
Let's Be Consistent.
If the usual taxes, above necessary
protection and higher than war taxes,
are advisablo in forming tariff laws.why
not make them positively prohibitory?
Why not shut up the United States as
China was formerly closed in? What
was the object of the marked increases
of taxes in the McKinley bill? Was it to
reduce prices or to drive out foreign
trade? If it reduced prices, what have
"ur manufacturers gained? Hartford
Times. .
A ritlful, Halting Step.
The McKinley scheme was not de
signed to put tho taxes into the public
treasury, but into the pockets of tlia
trust, by meuns of price raising duties
on a multitude of necessaries. - The
most that can be said for Republican
reciprocity is that it is u halting stop in
the right direction. San Francisco Ex
aminer. A Well Applied Term.
The Republican purpose, accerding
to a Washington paper, to make an "on
slaught" upon the south, aiming par
ticularly at the Virginias, Alabama and
the Carolinas. The word "onslaught"
is well usod, considering what they de
sire as the result of a visitation. Win
ston (N. C.) Sentinel.
The importance of an intelligent and
eonscientious exercise of the privilege of
'esignating those who are to bo intrust
I with high office cannot be overstated.
-Adjaili Stevenson,
The Boys Think Go
F "lM1illnd,ip,,7.,,n,
rrl i iT yT& h 1,(-"s wh have se
cure, fellows!,,, at Yalj might be
called Yale fellows well met
Si ate ok Ohio, Cn v ok Toledo,
i. .. . . , . '
f KAK I. I IIL V1V mil. . 7 1. .
he is the senior partner of the firm of
in.V U";NKVCo., doing business
in the City of Toledo, County and
btate aforesaid, and that said firm will
iwV Vrl'i", of ONE HUNDRED
IJOLLARS for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use o; Hall's Catarrh Cure.
FRANK T l'm,-vi,-v
Sworn to before me and subscribed
"i my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D. t886.
Jr?l A. W. GI.F.AROV
(v-j Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh C.u
nally and acts directly on the blood
mucous sunaces ot the system.
Send for testimonials, frep.
wSold by Druggists, 75c. 8-26-41.
Stories That Never Grow State-
From t lie Washington star.
Man never outgrows fairy stories,
hen he reaches maturity, however
ne wants the man u-hn fp hm i
be called "professor" and have access
to a telescope.
Impressive stillness-
From the Philadelphia Times.
The Republican candidate for Vice
resiocnt naa quite a welcome in
Illinois, and although every native
tin factory blew its steam whistles, it
was so quiet wages could be heard
dropping all over the country.
u e re not watting for the bats and
moles but lor men and women who
have eyes and use them, Who have
brains and reason ! There's a new
world for them sufl'ering and sickly
as they are a new world created
from the brain of a skillful physician
a discovery the "Golden Medical
Years ago Dr. i'ierce found out that
the secret of all scrofula, bronchial.
and lung trouble lay in the beginning
at least in impure blood and the
wea tone of the system ; that the
way to cure mese etiects was to re
move the cause, that human nature
being the same, the same results
might be looked for in nearly all
cases. So confident was he that the
exceptions were uncommon that he
took the risk of giving the medicine
to those it didn't benefit for nothing,
and the results have proved that he
was right.
And "Golden Medical Discovery"
is the remedy for the million! The
o.ily guaranteed Liver, Blood and
Lung retndy. Your money back if it
doesn t help you.
What Shortened the Trip.
Korm the Indianapolis Journal.
"Why, hallo, old man! I thought
you intended to make your' European
trip last year?"
"I did but my wife found a new
fashion in gowns in Paris and hurried
home to be the first to wear it.
Forced to be-
From the VonWers Statesman.
Mrs. Yeast Is your husband
early riser?
Mrs. Lrimsonbeak An early riser?
Well, I should say sol Why, my
husband's got four grown up daughtets
and only one pair of suspenders!
Every Testimonial.
In behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla is
strictly true and will bear the closest
investigation. No matter where it
may be from, it is as reliable and
worthy your confidence as if it came
from your most respected neighbor.
Have you ever tried this excellent
For a general family cathartic we
confidently recommend Hood's Pills.
1 hey should be in every home med
icine chest,
Euckaa's Aiuicj, Calve
The Ecst Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, thillilains, corns, nnd all
skin eruptions, ami positively cures piles,
or 110 pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect ' satisfaction, or money refunded,
trice 25 cents per box. For Sale by C A.
T-nmrvchimnevs cost so little
that ve let them go on break.
trig. We go on ouymg ana
What should we do ?
Get Macbeth's " Tearl-top "
and "Pearl-glass;" they are
-1 C r. . , . .1-. rvlnoc 4 M 1 . i-1 1
UWIUO Jl lUliyil K'"'l K-.wjj.i
against heat ; they do not break
in use : they do trom acciuent.
Thev are fine, well made.
exact ; they fit the lamps they
are made lor; stand uprignt;
the shade is right; they make
ntrht draught tor licrnt; tney
are uniform. Both bear a label
for your protection. Look for it.
Be willing to pay a nicm
more and stop tins constant
expense and annoyance.
Flttshurgn, Fa. uro A. AIacbcth to.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Taper flower pot are a sn cess. "
Wooden heel uiannfaeture is i.icrra.
England has 1,803,400 domestic servants.
K annas has an orchard containing
i,uh acre.
New York city hae $10,000,000 in
vonted in clubs.
The world's railways are worth 830,
000,000,000. Electrical machines for wearing silk
are ia ns in Germany.
Germany sells 810,000,000 worth of
toy la tncland annually.
Tho Boll Company controls flfty-thrco
Miepnone companies.
Pennsylvania Las the preatest anthra-
eiie deposit in tbe world.
There were twenty-three theatres open
ia Philadelphia last season.
Ia Honthern Europe 88,000 oranges
nave neen picked irorn one tree.
Soiled clothe are done up in the
!auadries of Philadelphia at 4 cents a
The Bank of England requires sixty
folio ledgers for ita daily account.
The diving apparatus is one of the
latest object to which the telephone
ha beea applied.
Philadelphia ia the only eity ia Tenn.
ylvania ia which a retail liquor license
cost 81,000.
The amount ef whalebone taken an
naally does not now much exceed 200,.
000 ponnds.
A patent fishing rod handle is made
to contain a half pint of whisky to bo
used in case of sickness.
The newest fuel consists of solidified
petroleum, which is claimed to surpass
both petroleum and coal.
In some of the brickyards at Spring
wells, Mich., scores of women, it is said,
dig ia pit and carry the molds.
Cuban barbers lather thnir patrons
with their hands from a bowl mado to
fit under the chin. No brash is used.
The yearly consumption of milk at
the Hotel Metropole, Loudon, is 76,000
quarts, and of water '20,000,000 gallons.
Pineapple culture is rapidly extend
ing in the southern parts of Florida and
upon the islands off tho southwest coawt.
All of the mills in Taunton, Mass.,
will pay their help at the rato of sixty
hours for fifty-eight hours' work per
Out of thirty-two cities with popula
tions ranging from 200,000 to 60,000 all
but one aro using the electric railway
It is calculated that within ninety
yean, at the present rate of increase,
Australia will contain about forty mil.
lion citizens.
Telephones in service in the United
State number nearly 812,600, and the
total length of line is over a quarter of
a million miles.
One man in Middletown, Del.
shipped to New York 1,000 bushel of
corncob to be used in the manufacture
of pipes.
The capitalists of New York live ea
and between Madison and Fifth aveuues,
above Washington Square and below
Central Park.
One million three hundred thousand
pounds' worth of pickles and sauce are
exported from England to other coun
trie yearly.
A good many farmers in Eansa will
buy easned fruit this year whose hogs
feasted on peaohes and apples last sea
eon. Kansas City Star.
The exports of groin since January 1,
1809, are nearly 23,000,000 bushels, a
gain ever the same time last year of over
21,000,000 bushel.
Of the thirty stores in Mechias, Maine,
six are owned and conducted by women,
and are the most successful business es
tablishments in the town.
Six successful hospitals have beea
founded for women by women phy
iciana in Philadelphia, New York, Bo,
toa, Chicago, San Francisco and Min
neapolis. Fifty Silesian miners have started for
China, where by contract they are to get
83.76 per day for working six hour.
That ie not " Chinese cheap labor."
The bank clerks of Denver jointly own
a cottage in the Rockies, fifty mile
away, where they all pass their vacations,
occupying it in detachments during the
In this conutry 83,000,000 acres of
land are being farmed by irrigation.
France owes its wonderful success in
gardening to this system, and in late
years Italy has spent over 8200,000,000
for this purpose.
Of the 11,000,000 women in Italy
nearly 2,000,000 are employed in indus
trial labor and over 3,000,000 in agricul
ture. They are in the majority in the
cotton, linen and jute industries, and in
the silk trade there are 117,000 women
employed and but 17,700 men.
Tho best isinglass comes from Russia,
where it is obtained from the giant
sturgeon which inhabits the Caspian
Sea and the rivers which run into it.
This fish often grows to the length of
twenty-five fret, and from its air blad
der the iMiuglass ia prepared.
A foreien paper states that the Cat
aract Construction Company, which is '
engaged in the construct ion of machinery
for the utilization of Niagara Falls for
power purposes, has ordered two 6,000- '
horsepower turbine water wheels from '
a Geneva, Switzerland, firm.
Several weeks before the fruit on the
berry farms of New Jersey begins to
ripen the grower are visited by an
agent, who finds out how many pickers
will be needed and agrees to furnish
these by a specified time. This agent,
generally an Italian, goes back to the
Italian colony in Philadelphia, arranges
with his people for the work to bejdone,
goes to the farms with them arid re
mains until everything has been suttled
with the farmer. They earn from 80
oents to 81.60 per day. Thoy work
about fifteen hours each day, breakfast
ing at 4 o'clock, lunching at 9, 12 and
3.30, sad having a substantial meal at
twilight, after the day' work ia done. t
0 7vficfn1'r. ToavoidCliCitnutStrcc!
ip Cl IVilOtcUvL to get low prices for Cloth-
prices" for our goods. We
lower prices than is asked in the
Vou need rtot take our word for it.
co;; you that we arc right
Leading American Clothiers,
910 and 912 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
;i:.v A. Hut-
B!cfc nradaeheand relieve all the troubles rncV
dent to a bilious atAte of the njtem, utioh a
ZMzztnoin, Kausea, Drownlnoe. IXntroMe alter
o&tlng, I'Hln in the 81 do, ho. Wbilo their most
in-uiiable success has been aliuwu iueiuliuj ,
Hesrtache, yet Carter tlttlo Utrv MM RW
equally T.i'.uablo la Constipation, curing and F-
venting IhlnannoylnKConiplatntwhtio thoynhu
J.vor nud regulato Uie bowels, Evan i tLtouly
Ctu to
' Aeb they would bo almost prlceWn to H nn vf 0
eii.'kr from thin rtintrosBingcomjiliiUit: bntf-irtl-fiatcly
t'aelrRoodncM dos notond hnrvn't ' '"wa
vrliouncetry them will find trjesoliLtiiit.ililiv.ilu
r.ljle In eoruanywavs that thoy will n.: h ' tri!
liag to do without them. But attor ailsica UJ
lothe bane of so many Uvea that hers lumbers
woraako our great boast. Our pills euro it wlilia
ithoM do not.
Carter's Little Liver Tills aro vevy small r.r l
vrry easy to take. One or two rlHs niakoa rlnra.
'Xhcy are striotly vogetablo and do not gripe c
pnren, but by their gentle action please all ho
nsothem. In vi ale at 2 cents; uvefortl. Soul
by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail.
"A5AKES1S ' (rive Instant
rent' 1 aim is an miumiiio
Care for files. Priced. By
i)nifiritor mini, wimpim
free. Adlrxss'A AKtSIS.'
Box 2416, Now York City.
M'Killip Bros.
Only the best
work done. Fin
est effects in
light, and shade;
negatives re
touched dnd
modeled for sup
erior finish.
Copying view
ing and life size
Over H . . Clark &
Son'8 store.
And Blood Purifier
I'lOvos Its worth Willi tlw flmt Iwllln. It. Is
I'opuliir us 11 Tonle, Popular us h HIoikI riu-ltlir
l'opiilur to take us It is iiirreeiiblit to nil : honu.
liir for L'lillilrci:, us It urtg reuillly and leiives
no bad ivsulls; I'oimlar In pi-lues, 113 it is with
in the rcueli of nil. Manners lioulil.- Kx truce
Sarsaparilla Is tor sale by all DriiKglsts. mil)'
uuu 11 uuui
o other WoHool can do av
. Uiut'ti fur Youiiff Moo
17 1 1700 f :hstnut 8trAr.
jTr I'lillaUclphla. .
"V I You pay us 130. We edute
J ami Hhh!l j'ou to a .
'u;j yf'ii ui,k mori'T rirt'iiliirhfreq
.tr.i imalt' till:-. p:iK-r,
1 la) I?
I ami n ouitiu u
rrr: ing. Wc do not ask
"Chestnut Street high
you better clothes and
stores on other streets.
A ten minute look will
Kins; & Co.
Opposite Post Office.
We usefllnnhnl
pure alcohol to make Wolff's Acme
Blackiko. Alcohol is good for leather;
it is gxxl for the skin. Alcohol is the chief
niRrudient of Cologne, Florid Water, and
I -a? Bum the well known face washes.
'Ve think there Is nothing too costly to nso
in a good leather preservative.
Acme Blacking; retails at 20c.
and at that price sells readily. Many
people are so accustomed to buying a dress
tng or blacking at 5c. and 10c. a bottle
that they cannot understand that a black
ing can be cheap at 20c. We want to meet
t!icm with cheapness If we can, and to ac
c.jmi!Lh this we offer a reward of f
for a recipe which will enable us to make
YVci.Ft-'s Acmb Blacking at such a price
that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c si
bottle. . o hold this oiler one a until
Jun. 1st, 1S93.
V70LFF E23JDOLPH, Philadelphia,
The Chat not evidence
Is now complete that
CREAM is the only
crorjaratlnn that Dosf-
' tiv-flv does ell that Is
claimed for It. It removes
Freckles. Liver-moles. Black
heads. Plmnles. T in. and nil
Imnerfections of the skin, without Inturv.
A few applications will render a rough or '
rea SKinwm, smoom una wnire. 11 is not
a cosmetic to cover defects, but a en re, and
Kuaranteed tOKtvexatlffactlon. Frlcedoc.
AtdruKglsts; or sent by mall. Bend for
3M UMi82 a Vif&
.-- A3RMJnjZ
When you want a suit
of clothes, a new hat,
gloves, neckwear and
gents' furrjishing goods.
you should look for the
rtlarp inhere ami onn (fPl
VLllLL IV litre TJOU Call Qei
TUSt What VOU Wailt. m
tllC latest Styles, at Teas-
onablepricei. Afewdol-
lars off is always an ob-
l feet, and lam now malt
ing up spring and sum
mer suits from a, large
assortment op goods, to
suit all customers, at
prices as low as are coil'
sistent with good work.
Good pits guaranteed.
The latest thing in straw
hats are now here. Light
as a feather. A beauti
ful line of neckwear,
and summer shirts. Ac
curate measures taken
for silk hats.
Next door to First Na
tional Bank. Bert sell,
The Tailor, Bloomsburg,
r "By a tuorouKh knowledge of the natural laws
Which iruvern tlio oneriilloiiH nf digestion knrl
nutrition, nnd by a careful application of the
line properties or wcll-scleoteilt'ocoa.
M r. Kpna
has provided our bivakfast tables with a
eawiy navoitsi oeverutfe Wlilcli may save us
many heavy uoctors- inns, it is bv the. lnlli lous
uso of such articles of diet thai, a constitution
may bo Krnduully built up until stronif enough
to resist every tendency to dlsense. IlundrerU
of siibi le maladies are tlont ling- around us ready
iu auucK w uerover lucre is a weaK txunr. ve
may escape many a fatal shaft by kemitnir our.
selves well fortified with pure blood nnd a nron-
erly nourished frame." doll suruhn (liuflle.
Made BlniDlv with bolllnir water or milk. Koiii
only Id hit It pound tins, by grocers, labellel
UlUB i
lUCUilslS. i.OUUOU, HUkTlUIia. I
Onr Government ut frmeut tse Its
fewer to Dnrreano Mm freedom of the
Fit to Italians the t'nfit Capitalists
AMeil. TVnrklnirmen Injnrerl.
"Fitncssi Hhould be tle sole test," nald
Mr. Cleveland, in shaking of public
office. And where freedom is to exist,
fitness mast be the teot in everything,
and the use of government must be only
to allow the test to be made.
A government plainly commits grosH
wrong when it Interferes against fitness
and in behalf of unfitness. Unless this
is true and nnless its truth is self evi
dont, nothing can be established as tru-
In political economy and in the scienc i
of political government.
In the affairs of a free people the
question of fitness is raised and deter
mined incessantly. Every transaction
of business, every exchange of any kind,
whether of labor or its product, involves
it. And before any such exchange i
possible it must be determined in some
way, either by free bargain or by com
pulsion nsod against one of the parties
to the bargain.
"IIow much of my kind of work ought
I to give you for a certain amount of
your kind of workr is the bottom ques
tion with a free people, and it is only
the question of fitness. Stated in an
other way it is, "How much of my time
ought I to sJve you in exchange for a
certain amount of your time?"
And thus stated it carries its own an
swer with it in another question, "What
have yon done heretofore to fit yourself
to make my use of your time so valua
ble to me that I should give you thin
quantity of the products of my time?"
In trade the answer is: "Here is what
have produced or earned. I offer it in
exchange for so much of what you have
produced or earned." In co-operation
in production the question is, "What
are you fit to do in return for such 11
share of onr joint product, or for so
much money a day in wages as ifc
Wherever thera is free bargain and
unless bargain is free there is no freo
dom everything raises and turns on the
question of fitness. Justice demands
that the highest fitness shunld receive
the highest return, and this is only pos
sible under freedom.
Let us imagine a system nnder which
a confession of unfitness would be suffi
cient to secure for the confessedly unfit
privileges and advantages superior to
the rest and at the expense of the rest!
Could we imagine a government more
unjust in theory or more opposed in
practice to all the laws of nature and
In such a government the unfit would
apply to the lawmakers, saying: " We are
not fit to secure the advantages we wish
unless you compel others to help us.
But with such compulsion in our favoi
ana against those who are more fit than
we for independence we solemnly nrom-
ise that we will help those who are
even less fit than we are."
Such a government must use its force
to decrease the freedom and to lessen
the independence of the fit for the bene
fit of the confessedly unfit. And such a
government we have now in America.
Every claim made for help under the
compulsion of law, forcing others to
give it, is based on confessed unfitness,
and it is a plea that superior fltnes?
ehould by ,orce of law aubjected to
this eonfess.i nnfitniwa "Wo 4
to survive on an independent basis," says
a combination of capitalists. "We can
not get along at all unless those Ameri
cans who are more fit for independence
than we are by law compelled to aid us.
If we do not have the privilege of this
compulsion over others through laws
passed for our benefit we will have to
close up and quit."
lliis is the argument, and the answei
is: "Close up and quit if you are not fit
to keep open and going. The quicker ;
the better. And if you are so unfit thai
1 e , """. y. 8 to the
poorhonse, which is the only privilege a
Jut government can concede to unfit-
e it the expense of fitness."
1.1'. J .1 1 . ... .
uinpas is iuq soie tesi as rar as orov-
ernment is concerned in any and all its
relations with the individual. The gov
ernment owes no help to the unfit, bo
cause government is compulsion, and ta
restrict the liberties of those who are fit
for freedom and independence to civa
privileges to those who are not fit is to
create anarchy; to destroy the only
foundation on which government cari
securely rest the foundation of fitness
the maintenance of the test of fitness
in all the relations between man and
The unfit should bo helped by the freo
action of the fit. To deprive them of
free action, to maka the contribution foi
unfitness compulsory, is destroy free
dom and to make justice impossible.
No government can long endrtro on
such a basis. St. Louis Republic.
No Dodg-lnc II ere.
It is foolish to pretend that the De
mocracy is trying to dodgo the taiifl
issue or to refrain from availing itself
of tho advantages that have accrued
and must still accrue from the unpopu
larity of the McKinley law. The Demo
cratic position on the tariff is the Do
mocracy's strongest point, and it will
cling to that position and denounce the
force bill at the same time. There is no
conflict between these issues. Bing
ham ton (N. V.) Leader.
Ilvvolts Atfulnat the Ropuhllraua.
From every part of Iowa comes news
of revolts and revolutions against the
Republican party. Voters are becoming
tired of years of robbery and pi nude?
under the guise of taxation, and hu;
dreds will vote tho Democratic tick :
in order that another party may ha '
an administration just to see if relief
can bo obtained. Burlington (In.) fix-zotte.