TH GIFT. I,; .3 c.v.ui.' to ui a;i1 erukf : "V x'a f -r thw I Live btii!t W'utiTI I ' take tlir pleaeures I li ii'lcJ It with prtrelM treMure; Seven U r'.ialt I boil dwell therein, lbr Joy n'liall be keener than tin, Witlinjt tli etuln of miilt . Enter tuc door of oak!" . I enter tbf neken door: Wliuiu. DO rax of lU'at. I aw un g i ilcD tnre. My heart tiood still wlttt flight: ' To cu hit was I fain: Theu out uueeen bffor La4 iu ni) owa her band. Asa (aid: "Oeroe thoa ad knorf Thie la tl.e Uouoa of Woe 1 aw Li.V aiattr, Pain. " Tbrooa'u many a breathless way l i ilarii, b i.mjiut helgkt, She Ifd lie tUmugk tha dar AM nto the dreadful nlfhtj ' Mr toul as sore dletreeaed A ad aildljr I lou fad far rait Till a chamber Bet 17 elsht, I nr o-'. and bid. aad iillU With d.ainond all bedliat AbJ Tery preclan thloai Not eren a od lotsht will Mora beauty thara tobriuf. N Then otvke Life- aiatar. Pain: Hera then aa kins (bait relga: Far !i.t tboa take thy pleaear, Tbl Nihe rrli'elesa treeure. The chain ler nf tkr delight Through endleee day and i.lg'at; Feice. tuttlttheead: Thoo Lul foand tbe heart nf a friend. -II. W. Glider. la'Tw W pride. SHIRLEY'S VACATION. " MWlat amuses yon, BhhlfT?" asked llie araU bcokkeepcr, as be looked up from his big ledger And saw sniila oa the bor'i fa opposite, "I I jut laadd a fiTe-ponnd ban," 'aid SliirleT, laughing and blushing ft little. Urn ah 1 Did it pull rery hard f Fearfal !" auid Shirler. All tUrough the Yar Shirley Holmes Lad beeu Tiug the money for hi trip. He wan ahtast bookkeeper for Brown Uroa. k Bridges' wholesale house, on West Pearl street, wher ha had bea sine graduating from the commercial eollege, two years before. Shirley was an orphan. The small means left him by his parents had been exhausted before his education had bees completed, so that his first year's tar ing had Ken used to repay money ad vanced him by an uncle to complete hia course. His savings this year ha was investing in building-stock with the exception of SI weekly which he put asida for bo other purpesa than a trip to the baas streams of the Allegha&iea. He was very fond of fishing, and had been reck oned an expert as a boy. He had not taken a day off ?inio he left school, asd ho felt that a holiday was his due. j All through tha dark winter days, as he pondered over tha long rows of fig ures, he paused now aad then to bum for a moment of green mountains, bin .-kiea, clear, rushing water, and to fesl ia imagination the tug and swish of tha trout line and the rapid click of the ran nisg reel Then hia eyaa would sparkla for a moment and ha was no longer ia tha dim and dusty little office. But only for a moment, for tha long ; iolmnms of figures were waiting, and j . Hurley had a feeling of friendliness for j them, knowing that it was tareng b their ! mute assistance that hit dream would b realized. j All through the Spring and early ! Summer he pondered over the big book j and thought of tha cool mountains. Ha j had asked for his vacation in August, j and hia request had been granted. He j had calculated that tha 152 would pay j hia expenses. He had figured it oat over and over, and he knew the items by heart. j There were excursion rates to tha mountains, and hit round-trip ticket womld cost him SIX Then there was hit board at a farmhouse, which he cal culated at f 20. He could get a good j rod, reel and line for $10, and for gen eral items ha allowed aa much mora " I think that will cover everything " he said to himself. ' I shall begin to ;et my things together to-morrow, and a week I will be oa tha way." That night, at they closed tha books ha head bookkeeper said t aim: " Shirlev, have vou been to see Ever tt Harris" lately r "No," said Shirlev, guiltily. "Bat I will go to-night How ia ha f "Not very well, poor fellow. Ha doeaa't improve vary much, Taa afraid. The city now is to h ;t, yon know, aad the doctor aeys the dust aad smoke are bad for aim, Ha coughs a good deal, and yon know what that leads to." "Yes," said Shirley, feeling as if a pressure was on aia lungs. I should think so." Everett Harris hal been their ship ping clerk. He was a tender hearted, good natured fellow, whom Shirley had always liked for bis outspoken, friendly way. He was not Tory strong, however, and one day during tha winter had con tracted a severs cold, terminating in pneumonia. This attack ho had over come, but it had left hist vary weak, and with a disagreeable cough Hi mother, a widow with a small pension, had found it a hard matter to live without her son's assistance, although Everett's employers had gea erously assumed his drug and doctor bills, while employees, from time to time, ffut or c.vriel such books and V.K.ieies as he could eajoy. Shii-'.ey had visited Everett Tery reg t.!w1v nail the latt few weeks, during " Lich time the prospects and prepara for LIj oatiag had occupied his a'-noit to tha exclusion of vcriius- el-o, and what with reading oa the dilforent streams and fishing i ""pai-itus ho had forjrotten poor Ev ';t;:t fc!riot entirely. Yea, be would w 12 s0 u to-ciLt without faL Alter sapj -r KLiriey wnt to tue mar !. aa.l Hilod a L-wtet with fresh, ripe .It; t'-v.aho hurried off to atone for . ;h r.Jj'.evt. Tor Everett," ha thought, "sick cooned up in tha city, while I am .n; a for a taonta in the mountains, .. hero I forest all about him. How v.iSih pepla are, anywayl Y-y and by, he rlimbed three flights rf stairs to a clo.o little flat where Mrs, li.-.viis and her son livfld. Yes, it was l"nl there for a sick man, Shirley thought bad enough for a well one this hot weather, there was no doubt of it nnd on po More he thought of the cool mountains and the dashing river where he was going. Everett was overjoyed to see him, aud the tender-hearted follow choked a lit tlo as he thanked him for the fruit M.irley sat down by him and felt re inorieful. Thev talked of matters at ttia htore, and the spirits of both rose as Shirley told some amusing things that had happened latoly. "Youkuow young Bridges is doing -oar work," he aid, laughing. Yes, you told rce," replied Everett, T.itlt a little figh. Well, he doesn't like it very well, but hia fit her wouldn't get anybody in yonr plane. He said Charlie could just as woll do it till yon came back. He had lot of trouble at first, but gets sloir pn-tty wil now. He's not a bad f 'liow, either, but an awfnl dandy venr a silk ha and patent leathers " "Ye, I kn w ; and I recollect ne !-e fell down in the mud and came into thu oSice nearly crying." Ym we'.l and y oa know big Roger, th dray ut a ?" h, y ; F. ,r has been to see mo t'. i.n. The lait time he brought mo a aanaars over a foot long. His wife mad it, aud thought it would do me good." b.iirley laughe.t t' t":e idea or sau'a'!! f it a si -a di tt till tiia Uai-a oauie. " I suppose yoa tlie sar.aages ?" Ls paid at la"t. Xo, I'm keejia2 it for next winter." " tout I was goiu to tell you about Ciarlie Bridges," said Shirley. "The other evening lloer was waiting for him to make out some shipping re etU, and went over in the corner where it's rather dark, you know, to sit dow on the stool there. Well, just as lie plumped himself down, he felt some thing pop up and squash under him, uud jumped up like he was shot It was Charlie's silk hat Everybody 1 visaed except Eogtr and Charlie, llojnr was awfully sorry and offered to pay for it while Charlie shed tears but refused the money. The beys liked hiai the better for that and he and Koger are as good friends as ever. Everett lau;,hed so heartily that he began coughing in a way that cut Shir ley to the heart Hia mother brought him some water, aad, when his cough was quieted, Shirley had gTown grave and silent -What is the doctor doing for yonT" he aiked, after a long pause. " Not much, now," said Everett a lit tle sadly. -He aays I need freaa air moat, and that if I could get streigta my cough would stop. " Shirley eoatinued to look grave, and ofiered no reply. "I must try and get back to work by September," continued Everett "Just think I kava lost eight whole months. It ia terrible r And tears stood in the poor fellow's eyes. Where would you go for an outing, old man V asked Shirley after a pause. " Oa, I don't know! I haven't consid ered it Almost any place ia the country where I could get away from this amoke and have freak air. Yes, there is a place," he added. "It's where we used to live before we cams to the city," nnd h glanced quickly at bis mother, who bent low over her sewing and did not seem to be listening. ' I should like to go there," he continued. " It is about fifty miles north of here, and there are nice woods aad a little stream where I used to catch perch and chub. I should like to go there again and fish. I know people there, too, and dont believe it would cost mors than SIS a month for board." And the sick man's eyes shone at the thought of Lis old village and the stream with its perch aad chub. An hour before SI irley weald have laughed scornfully at such sport, but he did not laugh aow. Pretty soon he said good-night to Everett and his mother aad walked home under the street lamps, thinking. That night when he got to his room Le made a new calculation. It ran as follows: ?hre rwaad trip ticket to PakevUle - S SO B rd fee larae aa aaaik . 41 St tl a Uaa aad hook for srcb aad dab 1 00 Total ....... el a Then ho wrote a little note which he sealed, stamped aad dropped into the mail box oa the corner. It aaid: Dr-A Evskbtt: I ara coins te take a vaca ti -a la Anui, aad. a. I alii arasl cenpaar, i iail ro t go l a no - a'ao your Bother. take ran ( u. I he boaa anil lae oioar far a year, ai.d have eaoogh lar a luuaia't trie far ua aJI. Tea caa prepare t .trt ant ak. I wiii Mai oa to-alaal aad we caa talk It er. Urtur. S tiauT. Shirley Holmes never spent a hap pior month in hia life than that which he spent with Everett aad hia mother at Pokeville. Everett seemed to get bet ter from tha first day, and before the niAnta was over was thoroughly himself again. Mra. Harris visited with her old frioada, while the young men spent vhols days in the woods, sometimes rMang, sometimes just tying beneath the big trees. When they returned to the city the lint, dusty weather waa over, and they a ;?nt back to work bronzed and strong, iud such fast friends that they are cilled now the inseparable." Xext y .:ur they are going to the mountains together. Albert ie!ow Paine in ooldca Days. Pa the iBetalaaeait FLao. "His largest coin I find in ths collec tion baket this morning," said ths Rev. Vr. Wiiiius, "is a tou-cent piece. If tiiM meuibers of this congregation are i;-o:in to pay their way into a better I n I oa the iufUlmect plan, it seems to 1. 1 -.hat thev urn calculating on a much i ri ;er ruunilaae life than has been al ... ,.! to uaa since ths days of Methuse- Vo c.Vn a black silk dress use a ..'.j iLytd in strong black tea AX EARTHLY PARADISE. THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS A PERPET UAL GARDEN OF EDEN. Sir F.rtivln Arnold ao D'trrlbra the KlHBilnm of t.tlluokalnnl-llravitjr l.avUhly ItraintTxt ty Nature Trnfi. Iral ScriiMr oh lelniiii of I he I'aclfle Orteii. It Ik kk(1 to be ntilo to data a letter from rr.idisel Would you like to know its exuet locality ? You must sail south of west for 2,100 miles from Snu Fran rieo, or soutli of esut 3.400 miles from Yokolmmi!, iitnl then you will arrive at tlie beautiful Hawaiian Wands, where we are anchored at present, bound to Yokolinnia. We are to-dity safely ar rived uuder the green nnd golden hills of Oiilm, tlie northernmost i'f the Sand wich group. Ereti from tlie sea tho vIoa it clinrmiiiR nnd full of promise of thee deliglitful ialaiids; none tbe less so if, us U my on cise, tlie voyager liss recently traversed hy mil the S.900 miles of mainly unlovely scenery between Newr Y'ork ami Sun rranrlsco, coming by tli. f dreary, ir.ib iMertiesitesof Tela, Atiioim and New Mexico, aud list then steamed for a week without auything to look at except rolling seas and driviug ili.uls. Of cotitw. therefore, we have pw-wd every nvntlnble luiirof our deten tion here ashore, an. I seen enough to Mn.!nr ulir Koile ilwell in the bitter Utitmlus of Lotiilon and New Y'ork, I In n t y tniiht breathe the heavenly ! nir of t!.e. min jwrndiaes, and live in the etp-itial n.ird.'U of Hen which na ture liu 1 nil out for her happiest chil dren ia their hollows and uplanda 1 iui I iiiinim d the Hawniiau cluster to be comptw-d uf ih uwly wtxijed islets and Uh-s, with dark foliage spread all over the plains aud climbing to rounded hills. Itut I s0 a I Token laud much more oii and varied than my antici pation; the loluuiI rather bare of lre and tej;eiitiiiti, die up'au.U nsi-end-it'it flop, a ;iul d n It i tue leiiilrr r f.'l of coining fi-',-t to a volcanic i.-rra, veiy rue.1, nhk.Mi h.i I majitoii' in outline. ihiiii J ah. I li-Moed with iinuinierallj Kei . each nur-iiig a gr.toual!y diinin ihiu, iib'xiii of verilaut emhroid-ry. At one exriuity of the Ion.; crejeeut in which Honolulu nestles timid her groves of cocoanut palms aud banana, riaes precipitously the yellow and rd steep of Diamond Head, and on the other ranges into far distance a lofty line of xak, lifted from the bottom of the sea by somo ancient and stupendous telltirio spasm. The golden Siei ra fades n way into a ri.lgo of rose aud violet auitM the horizon, where the sapphire of the Pacific bleuJs with the tu:quoie of the sky. The uortheust tra.le wind which was Mowing in a lively way outni le i quite shut off from our ni:cluRige by tin se lofty moun tains, rising to 4,0ot feet of elevation and upward, mo tltat the good ship Belyic rides quietly outside the reef to a single cnhle. The rhnnnel is narrow by which the quiet inner liarlior ia reached and we bIimII uot enter, but there ia pleuty of water there, as is evidenced by the United States steamer Charleston, an iron-clad of the second-class, which is moored itbiti uuder the very plumes of the cocoanut grove. Honolulu, from the sea, looks like a smaller town than she really is, being so much buried in swvrs and gardens; nor, indeed, st biggest does she number mors than 33,000 citizens, the entire Und con taining no more than 81, 1M inhabitants and the w hole group about 89.000. Of tlies about 33.000 are natives. 15,000 Chinese, 13,000 Japauese and 8,670 Portu gese; the American residents' totaling 1,938 and the English l,84t There are, betide, over 1,000 Germans scattered a'xjut the group, and 600 other foreign eis, more or less, includiug 70 Freuch men a mixed population, amid which Uie indigenous Kauaka race, which welt deserved to be )ieretuted, is, alas! sadly and steadily decreasing. That this paradise of the Pacific) is not with- j out its drawback the voyager is griev- i ously reminded as he approaches Dia- ; moud Head round into the auchorage of Honolulu. Broad on the port siJe of j the ship, about thirty miles from ths lit tle city, Molokai riaes fair and fertile from tlie ocean the Island of Lepers; beautiful enough to be a fitting "purga tory to the "Paradise" beyond. Lon don Telegraph. Sat Kaillik. Said an Englishman, "I will give a price of one hundred dollars to any one w ho can prove that tlie expression 'don't you know or, ss it is often rendered, doncherknnw,' was ever used in Eng land by an Englishman ; the phrase had ita origin in Philadelphia, where it is much hi vogue, because certain dudes there believe it ia English. No English man ever says 'Don't you know.' The expression he does use is 'You know,' such sj 'I'm going up to London, you know, to get me new trousers, you know.' This may l a startler for certain young men w ho, by dint of great practice, are able to interject 'doncherknow at about every ten words in their conversation, I'm very sorry to hurt their feelings. " Utm Raeaa. Green rose have been known in tha vicinity of Philadelphia for probably a century. There is no difference theoret ically la tweeu the petals of a rose and a rose I ht, aud the transformation of one to the other is very easily accomplished. A green rose, therefore, is nothing more than a rose iu which, in forming the flou er, the roae has persistently r fused ti ullow ita leaves to be transformed to petal. they still continue a leaves. Tlie petals of the gTeen rose sre, therefore, more than green leave. O tit aide of its interest assUowingthe relation between leaves und flowers, there is no inteie-t in the greeu roe. Certainly tt has no beauty. Aa Udd Slotlve. Sue How did you and Torn Hillow happen to tet married, BUuche? liiiiiiclie We were both single, yon kniv ? -Yes?" "Well, we married to get even." emit', Gray & Co's Monthly. PHILLIPS'. L A The shade of a para sol is a very acceptable th in in the summer months, but tlie rputat'on or rlii lips cuje ana Ualiery cannot be thrown m the shade at any time t he year ro u n d- JJi -end an d cakes fresh every dav He are sole agents for 1 en n ey s ji n e ca ndi es Ice t Crea m at wu ys: Ca -tering for parties and wcaainQs a specially. Special terms to regular boarders in the Cafe. M. M. PHILLIPS & SON. Bi.OOMSBURG, PA. AND SH3RTHAN0 INSTTTUTE Bonk-Vor-nli if. ryinimivl l bv, "tptiinrrnr)!!". Tr-rt:lnw, tVniiianabtp, Ai1ii.m- 'l.-, an.l all braiiclies li'juln,' In a I borough bunlnit oduox tton. A p-x'H' Mi liiMiilullw. . p-epar. Inir Us pun for s'ieees In tinlie.. T-nn nKil-nii.-. N ehar?- for ttiaTrtn. Write fir catabua. S. A. Miller. Pres t Klail ra, .N. V. ACT. 1?. m- .11 1..-. : l. t . , . . . . a mM II, (wn IWIU, Wll 11 auun.Bt. QtfftSrU UM3 tlXlitZ Mcnriai Uieeaa. EropUnna, Krraipriaa, vital dMoaj. and everr indinaunn of fc ipoar. itwd bliod. Br. Ltaite'! IM Seeder I. ie su muufcir that eao alwsra rx ntim) onoa. Drnavieu ell it. THE SELLERS MEDICINE CO. , ivaeuaiH dr. BJLxrn ELECTRIC DELT SWT SltmtMT. Wui m iittnl eiriu en rwarttM rraw riraiuiH -i eralm. e Hwtm. x i er teilwrfU.,, a-CMi vahauit. Irtiu, Um. r, 4.MIH,. tlit U'i. UasMr. raaii. t.iMf, Mvw aa llimr mm- ?:uu. baa Ual, ItalM. IMM UI-kMllk. aw. .ia .irt. Wit MWM WmUtt Iwpi, . mr a u.ra, ul (I'M , nmil Ut U taMMlif toil kf Ik. mim ' toai.oe.a, Minriaitia, aaM im, T a ThMa4t .... W rt4 f UU hhmi la.Bii.a,n u man rtMilH ful4.aa c:., Ska 4. W u.umili la tkte 4 htj r tat lu arawlw iapnM KLMTBIC i astieeBT la t,, stmm aMa ifmi mm rsu arraiLL asiT. H-uu ni i ., sifntik uiiiitiu k a i e L ' ' ' n ' iklri. ekii, trae No. I Broadwar. Ml W VOnV. IW 111 ARTIST. Makes now the finest Portraits and Cravons. Is having his Gallery remodled and fitted up in fine style, and the only first class north light in the county. 12 CABINETS $1.00. Also having a wagon on the road fitted w ith the latest improvements for taking in views, Portraits and Tintypes, will call at your door without ex.ra charge. Reserve your photos as we carry a full line copying samples till we call at j our place. Iroj u a p:ttal tari izi wi will . a dy W Oa J8B. Gallery Main St., next to St. Klmo Hotel, BLOOMSBURG, TA. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. X.raf (tf Kirkiel CWe, ilnedimt. Notice Is herehv irtventhit loit. rt,.Kiniiini ary on llie etate ol Kxrklt-1 Cole, de,vaaed, have teeu kfrsuted to H. H. lirotz, to whom all Ik tsoi.8 Ui.i. tHfd to aaid rstate are reniWinii 1.1 i Diakpavuiriii.aud tbtne liavtm; riaiiu or d maud 1U uiiike kuuuu tue aaiue without UV- (;. n. it. oiiui, I Executor. J2f:" ft;t! s:ar t;t:s fcr Fimples, 0 BoflT bm- y3 m, i in - fVITI ILttTia. m jam. a-f Has received a fine lot of SILVEEWAEE, CUT GLASS, and DECORATED CHIJTA. ee tle ipliiy in 1 Wiqdow, Special attention given to the repairing of Watches and Clocks. EYES TESTED 1 REE OF CHARGE WKE2T GLASSES ARE PURCHASED. DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND L1QU0BS. Bloomsburq, Pa. 'Woll TJa-A.l va,a MMM.XMy 3UtII arc Quickly ?.Iarrlcd. House SAPOLI0 ALEXANDER MOTHERS & CO. DEALERS IX Cigars, Tobacco. Candies, Fruits and Nuts SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every We k. Ix-ir:-2r aoczs -a. Specialty. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Bole agents for the following brands of cigars: F.2z.T Cay, Lciirss, Ncnnsl, fcdias Friicsss, Sasca, Silvs: :si Bloomsburg Pa. UCCE33 and Judicious Advertising. IJoad to Opulence Ijes r(r;ee-Deep Jrou IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, illATTIiG, or OIL CLOTH, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT iv. Door above Court House, A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. LOST MA&HQCD5 Oivrr'k KrrucS ; .' f.e-rtJY,)u kMwiihaWrfttee Cuvrsntke f cura ati Ncrvou d ra'. irons HO ftih US. ache, VjkefuV rt, Lj Manhood, Lajiiiurfe, .l Jr.V.m aiid Ion ct powi-r ia c.thcr cfai.-d fcy ovr-etmen et Youthful Indttcreiict, :.:; : ulr.nuit'v lead lo In aimif, Coniimption a-nl lnr.4niiv. Ptiie, ti oi t pickica. V.'iih evf ry f , c- icr a tive a tvriHe-i guerenlta ( c'- rr niu-i nefiy. 1 y i.uil aj yaddrju. PiVEil'S fliiwV CO .Tol.-'o, a Jviou li 5 Ts7y 1ST II wax.. WfVU," UIH8 TltO I Try it in Your Next Cleaning. CAN BE ACHIEVED In Ann Business fyj Untiring Industtry, Catrefal Economy, A PEW CHOICK vammw For Sale Clienp. These birds are pure brei' acJ will score from eighty to ninety joints. W. U. GERMAN, Millville, Yx It Will pay iVALLPAPEP 'iy one want of a.UUM Iu CA.lV ail UiKh at..',i