The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 19, 1892, Image 8

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Desirable vacant lots and n number of good
house and lot In Hloomsnurg, J'a The best
business stand In Bloomoburg. A very desira
ble property containing 1H acres and flint clans
buildings with good will In a business worth
Iiano to firmo per year at Willow (.rove.
Dwellings la Eupy, Orangeville und Beach
Haven. A large number of farms In Columbia
County, one In Luzerne County, one In Virginia.
Two Country Store Htands In Columbia County
nd one In Luzerne County, A water power
planing mill, dry dork and lumber yard and
sheds In Keaeh Haven, Pa. Also 10 acres of
good farm land at same place, by M. I'. 1A TZ
PON, Insurance and heal istate Agent,
Chas. P. Elwell, for the past three
rears a student in Boston, is giving
lessons on piano and violin. Both
taught in the best methods, piano in
New England Conservatory method,
violin according to the German school.
Wanted. Resnectable familv hav
ing no young children of their own to
ooara a uuie Doy lor ? per week
and give attention to his moral train
ing. Address Children's Aid Society,
127 So. 1 2th St., Philada., Pa.
Happy Hoosier
V.'m. Timmons, Postmaster of Idtville,
InA, writei : "Electric Bitten hai done more
forme than all other medicine combined,
for ftat bad feeling arising from Kidney and
Liver trouble." John Leslie, fanner and
stockman, of same place, says t '-Find Elec
tric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver
medicine, made me feel like a new man."
J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same
town, says -. Electric Bitters is just the thing
for a man who is all run down and don't care
whether he lives or dies ; he found new
strength, good appetite and felt just like he
had a new lease on life. Only 50c a bottle,
at C A. Kleim's Drug Store. '
"The Yeddo straw hats" newest and
lightest hat made at Lowenberg's.
Charles E. Hower has opened a
livery stable at the rear of his premises
on Third street, where he keeps saddle
horses to hire- He has five head, well
broken, safe for ladies and children.
Thus far he has been well patronized.
He will accompany those who are just
learning to ride, if desired. tf.
An elegant line of neck wear at
Fashionable Livery.
The well known horseman has
opened a fashionable livery in connec
tion with his boarding stable at the
Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine
turnouts can be obtained, single or
double. He has well broken and safe
saddle and driving horses for ladies,
all at reasonable rates. Orders left
at the Exchange Hotel will receive
prompt attention. Drivers furnished
when desired.
tf W. A. Hartzell, Proprietor.
Two Harvest Excursions'
Where the grasses are kissed by the
wand'nng breeze,
And the fields are rich with the golden
grain ;
Where the schooner ploughs through
the prairie seas,
To its destined port on the western
plain ;
Where homes may never be sought in
And hope is the thriftiest plant that
. grows 1
Where man may ever his rights main
tain, The land is as free as the wind that
For further particulars apply to the
nearest Ticket Agent, or address John
R. Pott, District Passenger Agent,
486 William Street, Williamsport, Pa.
7-8-1 2 1.
Of Intaretst to Young Men- ...
Young men desiring a successful
start in business life should write to
Palms Business College, 1709 Chest
nut St , Philadelphia, for handsome
circulars, which will be sent free, pro
vided you name this paper. This
institution issues a Life Scholarship
for Fifty Dollars, and secures situa
tions for its graduates. This is a rare
chance for those who wish to become
bread winners.
Book-keeping, Commercial Law, Stenography,
Type-writing, Penmanship, Arithmetic, and all
branches loading 10 a thorough business educa
tion. A practical luntitutlon, prepar
ing Its pupils tor success In buHlneaa.
Terms: moderate. No chars for ultuutlons.
Write for catalogue. N. A. Miller, Pres't Klinl
ra, N. Y.
Mocha, -
"House boating" has grown to be a very
Eopular amusement along the Susque
anna. A party that decides on house
boating first builds a flat boat of any
size and dimensions desired, a cabin
or tent is pitched in the middle of the
big float and the party makes itself
comfortable therein and thereon.
Then they launch the craft and "dream
and idly float" and smoke, and fish,
and tell stories, and drink beer and
play euchre till they get sick of it.
Then they Sell the boat and go home
on the cars. Those who have been
down the river this year say they are
going twice next year. It seems to be
an inexpensive outing, and can be
made very quiet, civil and moral, or
just the reverse, according to the com
pany. Sullivan Iteciew.
Census Returns
K. J. Brown, at Port Noble is the
happy father of a son. It is not his
first but he feels just as proud.
W. J. Keller, wore a broad smile
Friday over the arrival of twin babes ;
but they do not count when it comes
to voting. They are not the kind that
The Bloomsburg Brass & Copper
Company has just entered a mortgage
for $20,000, and has bonds for sale in
sums of $100 and $500, at six per
cent, interest, payable in 5, 6, and 7
years. The mortgage is secured on
their plant, and is a first class invest
ment. The bonds can be obtained of
Wintcrsteen, Beckley & McKillip.
Orangeville Academy, Orangeville, Pa.
Begins the next school year under a
new management. A first class Pre
paratory Institution, open to both
sexes. Prepares for Business, for
Teaching and for entrance to
higher institutions. Course in
Shorthand and Typewriting. Expen
ses Low, Pleasant Location. For
Circulars, etc., address
W, C. Mau.-kr, Principal.
Orangeville, Pa.
Next term opens, Sept. C. S-iJ-jt.
Guaranteed Cure-
We authorize our advertised druggist to
sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition.
If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or
.-.ny t.nng, Throat or Chest trouble, and will
use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair
trial, and experience no benetit, you may re
turn Hie Dome ana nave your money refund
ed. We could not make this offer did we
not know that Dr. King's New f Discovery
:ould be relied on. It never dtsanrjointa.
Trial bottles free at C. A. Kleim's Drug
..lure uuc u jou sna 91,00,
By virtue ct Sundry writs of Fieri Facias,
and Alias Fieri Facias, Issued out of the Court of
common Pleas of Columbia County, and to me
directed, will be sold at public salo or outcry.
at two o'clock In the afternoon at the Court
House, In tbe town of Bloomsburg, Columbia
County, tbe following real estate, to-wit :
NO. 1.
All that certain lot of ground In MirtllnvlUa,
Mifflin township, Columbia County, Pa mark
ed and described in the plan of Mimiuvllle by
number (125) on hundred and twenty-five In lot.
bounded on tbe north by Second street, on tbe
east by lot number one hundred twenty-six, on
tbe south by Third street, and on tbe west by
lot now or formerly of Mary Gearhart, said lot
being 200 feet In depth and tw feet In width,
(SO) by wt) ; as the property of A. K. Fedder.
NO. 2.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
In tbe borough of Contralto, county of Columbia
and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as follows to-wit! On the north by
ltallroad street, on the east by lot of John John
son, on tbe south by an alley, and on the west
by lot of Thomas Boran, containing 33 feet
front and 150 feet deep ; as tbe property of John
J. Curran.
NO. 3.
All that lot or piece 01 ground situated In tbe
borough of Centralla, county of Columbia, and
state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt i Beginning on the north by
Second St., on the east by an alley, on the
south by lands of the Locust Mountain Coal
and Iron Company, on the west by Ixttust
Avenue, said lot being twenty-live (S3) feet In
front on suld Locust Avenue and of that width
one hundred and fltty feet (1E0) In depth. And
being the lot which 18 ihnrked In block
number as hid out by the Locust fountain
Coal and Iron Company: as the properly of
Margaret Puffy.
NO. 4-
All thut certain lot or piece of ground situated
In the township of Conynghuin, county of Col
umbia, und btuce of Pennsylvania, bounded und
described as follows, to-wlt : Ueglunlug at a
point on the north side of Hock street, liny tool
west of northwest corner of ltoek and Myors
street, thence along said Park street south
eighty-seven degrees west twenty-live feet to a
stone, thence north three degrees west one
hundred nud fifty feet to an alloy, thence uloug
said alley north sevunty-sevuu degrees east
twenty-live feet to a stake, theme south three
degrees cast, one hundred und tv.'etity-flve feet,
to the point of beginning, being. tho tho lot j
marked with the numlK-r ten (10) In, block num
ber one hundred and eleven (111) In town or
Ccntrullu, as laid out, by the Locust Mountain
Coal and Iron Company lu the map or p'-ati of
sulU town of Centralla : an the property of
Margaret Murrey
NO. 5. I
All that farm or traet of land situate In Hen.
tou towushlp, Columbia county, and suite 01
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows : On the north by lands of Adam lielles,
east by lands of Jacob M'Colluin, sout h by lauds
of John HelHltllne and Ellas Pcalcr, und west by
lands of Peter Ipher and Catherine Lutz, con
or more, exclusive of the grave yard ; as the
property of David Doty,
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold by
August 19th. HherUT.
Inherited by few, Is pure blood, fre
from hereditary taint. Catarrh, con
sumption, rheumatism, Scrofula,
nnd many other maladies born in
the blood, can be effectually eradi
cated only by the use of powerful
alteratives. The standard specific
for this purpose the one best
known nnd approved is Ayer't
Sarsaparilla, the compound, con
centrated extract of Honduras sar
saparilla, and other powerful altera
tives. "I consider that I have been
several hundred dollars' expense, by using
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and would strongly
urge all who are troubled with lameness or
rheumatic pains to give It ft trial. I am sura
It will do them permanent good, as it has
done me." Mrs. Joseph Wood, West Platts
burgh, N. Y.
Dr. 3. W. Shields, of Smlthvllle, Tenn.,
says: "I regard Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the
best blood medicine on earth, and know!
many wonderful cures effected by Its use."
" For many years I was laid up with Scrof
ula, no treatment being of any benefit. At
length I was recommended to give Aytr'i
Sarsaparilla a trial. I did so, and
By Taking
about a dozen bottles, was restored to per
fect health welching 230 pounds and an
now a believer in the merits of Ayer's Sarsa
parilla." James Petoy, Mine Boss, Breck
enrldge Coal Co. (Limited), Victoria, Ky.
" My niece, Sarah A. I.osee, was tor years
afflicted with scrofulous humor In the blood.
About 18 months ago she began to use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and after taking threa
bottles was completely cured." E. Caflall,
P. M., Lose, Utah.
Pn pared by Dr. J. C. Aver k Co., Lowell, IIhi,
Bold by all Drugg-Mita. I'rice 1 1 ; sis bottlea, i.
Cures others, will cure you
Kmatevf Phillip Sfiltn; itntatrt.
The undersigned nudllnr appointed by the
orphans court of Columbia County to distri
bute the money in the hands 01 John It. t asey,
trustee, to creditors, and parties entitled there
to will sit nt his orth-e lu llloomsburg on Fri
day, August lih, lwii at 10 o'clock a. in. when
and where all persons having claims upon said
lund must appear und present the same, or be
debarred from any share of said rund.
Xtlate of Caroling Maim, demised.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
appointed by the orphan's Court, an auditor to
distribute tbe fuud In the hands of the adminis
trator d. b. n. c. t, a. of said estate, to and
umongst the parties entitled thereto, will at
tend at the omce of Hon. (iranl Herring In
Bloomsburg on Friday, September it', 1NM at
nine o'clock In tbe forenoon to perform the
duties ot his appointment. All parties Inter
ested and having claims upon said fund, are re
quired to alteud und establish their rights or be
forever debarred from coming In upon said
Jury List.
The following la a list of the persons drawn
to serve as Jurors at wptember court, which
convenes Monday, Kept, ttilb, lK'.W.
Bloom J. A. Hess, .1. W. Kramer, Chas. Krug
Heaver J. Busln, llezeklab Hosier.
Brlarcreek I. (J. Crlsman.
( atjiwlNsa Kllas t Weaver.
Centralla John Mulligan.
KlsblngcreeW David Yost.
Franklin Hobsrt Weaver.
Greenwood Kills Eves.
Hemlock John Welllver.
Jackson Allen Mcllunry.
Locust-John Hughes, W. L. Snyder.
Main L. A. Dnlliu. Ueortre Fisher.
Mu Pleasant 1. Howell. C. W. Mtsou.
Pine ii. U. Uordner. James Kinney.
8ugurlouf Aaron It. Fritz, A. L. Frit., Josluh
r. nu.
Bloom C. P. Armstrong, Boyd Ohl. Clark
Kenton I). o. mack, perry wciienry.
Berwick J. II. Uoyt, W. J. Knoor, Joel Mor-
Brlarcreek is. Bower, jonnsitier.
Centre Kllshu Hugeubuch, J. 8. Hugenbuch.
. K. tiponsler.
conynguam rainck iiau-y.
KIslHiiL'ereek Alfred Eveland. John F. Hess.
J. G, Mcllenry, 0. 1. Yost.
KratiKiin syivesier uower.
ureenwood J, K. Allen, H. J, McEwen. Jos
eph H. Trlvelpleee.
lemtock joiiu insenroHu.
Madison A. K. Smit h.
Miniln 11. nry Heller, John Lut..
Montour Kills (Jigger, K. Lazarus.
Jlu Measant Hiram
orange A. B. Herring, C. F. Megargell.
Pine Klchurd wiilttnoyer.
Hoott-lsaac Crawford. U. W. Krcssler. II. N.
Bloom Stanley Brvfocle. John B. Casev. .1.
T). .louts, C. W. iicKelvy, C. McBtlUe, Oeo. W.
Beaver Samuel Horln-eker.
Benton W- B. Ulbsou, S. 8. Harvey, H.Sbultz.
Herwlek Howard w. Bower, W Smith.
Brlarcreek. W. S. Ash. Albeit Lvuu. William
t at awlssn William llaruer.
tent re -William Uensel.
t'entr.illa Martin Welsh.
Conynghuin John P. llunnon.
l-'Ishlngcreek itaulel Mcllenry, David War-
Franklin lleniy fJonshull, F Pensyl.
Greenwood 11. Bardo, J. 8. tilrton.
Madison John J. Kreuiner, J. Wise
Main 1. B. I'etterolf, J. 11. Miss.
Mifflin T. .. liowiuitn. L. II. Creasy,
Orange Geo. W. Dldleuiuu.
Hon 1 1 u'ereek Francis Lnvan
Scou-o. B. Mellck.
8uarlo;U-C. W. Hess' J. M Larlsh.
In Iho Court or Comiuin Pleas of Columbia
Comity, Term mii.
Notice lit hereby given, that an application
will be made to the said coiim on Saturday the
Orrt day of September A. l. lHsi-' ut ten o'clock
under the act. of assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to
provide ror the Incorporation and KeguluMon of
ci rtnlii corporations, approved April -.D, isri,
mid lh' supplements thereto, tor tho charter of
tin Intended ( oriKinitlou tobe called "(irozler's
Mllltarv Hand," the character und object
whereof Is the promotion of musical culture
amongst Its members and for these purposes
to hnve, possess and enjoy nil the rights, Dene
tits and privileges of thu said U !t of ussembly
and Its sup foments
Tim proposed charter Is now on file In the
Phot honotu ry's olllce.
1 rui !!!
4nn Woorlorful Pletam. Halt Tin.
HtW 5'CapiilN)Md1 AuowndflAivnis'Atl.
- miu rww,TJ IMI TV 1UU, TimW'S
KIIIIM 7T. .iu,ur vonn, ux 01 Ut.l .
DUUfl A41ra, UuiioaiCAi. Pc. Uo. flu,, i't
f"i iilflC-1
What is
is 1,1 I.,
Costoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Xarcotio substance. It Is n harmless substitute
for Parcfforic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is rieosant. Its guaranteo Is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feTcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's ranacca the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers bav repeatedly told an of its
good effect upon their children."
Dr. Q. C. Omoob,
Lowell, Mm.
" Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria In
stead ot the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forelnc opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Pa. J. F. KntcBs&os,
Conway, Ark.
The Contanr Company, TT
In the matter of the partition of the real es
tate of. lohn Wliltenltflit. lute of the Town of
liliMiuisliuiv, county of Columbia, sutieof I'eun
sylrnulu, deceased.
The heirs of said decedent will tnke notice
that In pursuance ot an order of the Orphans'
court of Columbia County, a writ of partition
has Issued from said court to the sheriff ot said
county, returnable on tho fourth Monday of
September A. D. lttttt. and that the Inauest will
meet for the purpose of making partition of the
real estate 01 saia aeoeneni on n eauesasy ine
21st uay or septemoer A. i. into, at v o clock A
M.. of said day, upon the premises, at which
time und place you can be present if you see
The premises in question are as follows . All
that certain inesauiiKe and tract of land situate
lu the Town of Hloomsbunr. aforesaid, bounded
on the North by Third street-, on the East by lot
01 saran a. wnson, on me soum oy an auey, on
the West by lot of the estate of Peter Unifier
deceased, belnc in width and fronting on mild
Third street fifty seven feet, more or less, and
In depth two hundred and fourteen feet, more
or lees, wlih the appurtenances.
To Daniel K. WhltenlKht, Tainaqua, Pa.,
Chas. 1). Hamlin, Tainaqua, Pa., Norman K.
Uniulln. care of .'. M. Moyer, Vancover, Hrltlsli
Columbia, .Mary A. Walter, Klvlna WhltenlKht,
Daniel WhltenlKht, Joseph M. WhltenlKht,
( buries Whlteulicht, Harvey WnltenlKht. Alice
Kline, Mahlon ilamllu, Ada S. Itebitrt and
( alvln Dehart, her husband. Clara Uarder and
Thomas K. llai-der, her husband.
Charms . Barki.iv, JOUN MOUR KV,
Atty. hherlff,
sherllT omce, Bloomsburjr, Pa., Aug. IN, lHUi
The Celebrated " Claost" Bread. Cake and ParlDs
Knife Manuf actnms wsnt scents In every locality to
handle these knives. Beet thing In the market. Pres
ent agent clear from 110 to f 1 (daily. Bend $1.00 for
avieset TNIIUUM (HUI II., rtwont,a
AlRIri Mf
' ELY BROTHERS. M Warran BU. Hew Tork. Price 60 - , fxV Me
Call and examine and see for
is the right
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend ttMsuperiortOMyprescripttoB
known to me."
R. A. Aaotran, H. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians In the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Ciuturia,
ad although we only hava among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
Umitbd HosrrrAt. add Dispsrsabt,
Boston, Mass.
Aixut C. Surra, Pre:,
Murray Stre-at, Now Tork City.
The undersigned Auditor appointed bv the
Orphan's Court of Columbia county to distri
bute the fund in tbe hands of J. 1). llenrtu act
ing executor of the last will and testament of
Mary Hlcketta late of thetwpof orunge said
county, deceased, will sit to perform the duties
of his appointment at the otTlce of (irnnt Her
ring Esquire in the town of bloomsburg upon
the Mb any of September lmhj at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon ot said day, when and where all
parties Interested In said fund am notified to
uppear and present their claims, or bo forever
excluded from coming In on said fund.
Xitiile of Uumpliret) it. rai krr, tfenrased.
Notice Istbereby given that the undersigned
appointed by tbe Orphan's court, an Auditor to
distribute the fund In tbe bauds of the adminis
trator of said estate, to and amonirst tbe parties
entitled thereto; will attend at bis office in
HlootnsbuiY, on Saturday, the loth day of Sep
tember, A. 11. ldM, at fen o'cloek In the forenoon
to perforin the duties of his appointment- All
f art lea Interested and having claims upon said
und are required to attend and establish their
right or be forever debarred from coming In up
on the said fund. JOHN U. KKKKZK,
H-6-4t. Auditor.
,-J Clnuim and bmitirue ttio htlr.
t rYuiri'S ft growth.
. F ' rails to Baiter Gray
Jfflit-'f Hftir te Its Youthful Color?
V Cum Mlp Iimm a hair lalUaav
J?SL jdcandSluiat DrunrUM
Th Conaum ptlv and Feeble sm an ,
ftuffT from aihamtiaf SImmm ghoula aat PmrkT'a Olurar
Toalo. lteurMthtwamCouK. Wrak Latin. ItobilitjlB
aif Miaa, r ! waaknna, Hhuiialiaail raia. OK. a SL
HINDERCQRN8. Tsagnly twaaatrfbrConia
Stoiii au saw. Makua vaSias aar. IM, at Vruaguu.
place to buy your Clothing
To one who lias given a nn.irty ,
thought to the struggle of a r
trying to see what his teacher mlm,"
who remembers his own blind fain '
when required to recite "the Worij J'
round like an apple" (we usod to Vun'
der which apple) or to recite the tv'ne
times backward, the kindergarten prc
stnts itself as a belated luminary.
This important foundation stone for
all successful teaching was long re.
jeeted by the builders and even at its
renaissance so hidden by the fossillif.
erous stratum of self conceit and uni
willingness to "ring out the old" that a
universal recognition of its untold value
is still in the future.
It has been said Je pence, dons ie
suis", (I think, therefore I am.) T0
aid the proper development of t,js
positive proof of existing capable in.
telligencc not prematurely thus tax
ing the mental powers beyond health,
ful endurance but by nature's own
beautiful method is the aim of the kin
dergarten. Children are not ready made nn
chines but growing plants, reaching
out in every direction and eagerly ab
sorbing from their environments what
ever will tend to supply the demand!
of the increasing capacity for thought,
food ; not however, in all instances se
lecting the most desirable nutriment.
Hence the necessity for intelligent
direction that this early development
may assume a form of intellectual
symmetry and moral beauty that shall
be a joy forever. Yhcre is the mother
who has not, at some time, received
heavenward inspirations from the pure
and beautiful thoughts expressed by
her wee ones.or is not daily (luestioneil
during her busiest hours as to the
"why's and wherefore's" of what her
three year old boy sees from the win
dow! What energies of soul lie there
waiting to be brought into action by
judicious leading!
Freobtl gave this matter lon ami
earnest deliberation. He saw that a
child could be taught and not be wor
ried and to this end brought into the
work such appliances as the child
could joyfully seize and therefrom
gain ideas of color, form, comp.vison,
moral quality etc., gaining during the
awakening" a desire to know more of
these things, to interpret the printed
descriptions for themselves so that
study should not be an imposed burden
but an obicct invitine dilicent and
VHlU.OIi tie
What a mighty, mighty army moves the Dem
ocrats along 1
To the polls Just see them rushing fully scvea
million strong 1
Orover Cleveland Is our leader and we're sure
to win the fight,
Buttling for our Country's honor, for the truth
and for the right 1
'Kah ! 'Hah, t 'Rah I for Orover Cleveland,
Krom the lakes to old tlwanee;
Orover Cleveland wins the battle,
Cleve and nteve 'twill surely bo.
Houthern Democrats are saying. We are sure to
win tbe day,
Northern patriots are with us. and they've sure-
I ly come to stay.
mine west we re strong, ana Btevcnson win
make us stronger too.
While the Eastern states are sure to vote Mr
Orover, tried and true.
Chorus. .
Harrison and all his party of Kepubs are on the
Scared to death by Orover Cleveland and the
Democratic gun,
Off will go the heads of thousands as we turn
the rascals out,
80 go 'long with the procession and be with ui
at the rout.
The above song is published by A.
J. Showalter Company, Dalton, Ga.,
at 25 cents dozen, $1.00 per 100.
yourselves that
U . irc Sit. t'larlti.