THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. COMBIMEI IS WHAT LEON COFFEE IS MADE Or IT PLEASES EVERYBODY" MAKING SHORT WORK OF IT. You say he would. rvwy, whether it came from Jacobs' 01 t.oi. Yes, he might, but it pleases him better, and our Bread, Cakes, Pies, Ice Cream, Candies, &c, will please you better than any you can secure elsewhere. We aim to make everything as nice as can be made, and our continued and increasing patronage shows how well we succeed in pleasing customers E. JACOBS ez SO0T, Bakers and MTjj. confectioners, NO. 130 WEST MAIN STREET. ros SALE. Desirable vacant lots nml n number of pood bouses nml lols In Hloninsburg, l'u The best business stand In lUooiiisburg. A very desira ble property containing llJ acres and first class buildings wllli jroml will In a bustness worth jiax) to 150U nor year at mow wrove. Dwellings 111 Kspy, ornnwvllle and Beach Ilaven. A large number of farms In Columbia County, one in I.u.rrue County, one In Virginia. Two Country store Stands In Columbia County and one In Luzerne County, A water power planing mill, dry dock and lumber yard and sheds in Beach Haven, l'a. Also 10 acres of good farm land at. same place, by M. P. Ll'TZ HON, Insurance and Heal Estate Agents, HMJUMSbClOi, I"A. II. 'The Yeddo straw hats" newest and lightest hat made at Lowenberg's. Wanted, Respectable family hav. ing no young children of their own to board a little boy for per week and give attention to his moral tram ing. Address Children's Aid Society, i7 So. 12th St., Philada., Fa. EQTJESTEIAN LIVERY. Charles E. Hower has opened a livery stable at the rear of his premises on Third street, where he keeps saddle horses to hire. He has five head, well broken, safe for ladies and children. Thus far he has been well patronized. He will accompany those who are just learning to ride, if desired. tf. Many pleasures in life are due to good health and good looks. Manner's Double Extract Sarsaparilla will bring pleasures as it increases the appetite, re lieves all disorders arising from bad blood such as Headache, Constipation Boils and pimples which when driven out of the system brings good looks. Manner's Double Extract Sarsaparilla can be found at all drug stores also at Moyer Bro's. tf. An elegant line of neck wear at Lowenberg's. Fashionable Livery. The well known horseman has opened a fashionable livery in connec tion with his boarding stable at the Exchange Hotel Stables, where fine turnouts can be obtained, single or double. He has well broken and safe saddle and driving horses for ladies, all at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Exchange Hotel will receive prompt attention. Drivers furnished when desired. tl W. A. IIartzell, Proprietor. Some one has said that a bargain is 3 n article sold un der its real value. Some ad vertisers are not believers in this theory or are as econo mical of the truth as they are with their bargains. But "an honest tale speeds best being plainly told." This is our purpose in offer ing Wall paper bargains. They are bargains because they are as we represent them, full length, full weight, bona fide goods. j We know one instance of a bargain in wall paper which' after it was on the walls lead pencil marks showed through. Whose was the bargain? Come and see us ' before buying elsewhere. W. H. Brooke & Co. Mocha, ' JAVAJj C If f The Oaance in the Democratic Tarty. Those who, notwithstanding their sympathy with Mr. Cleveland's views, still hesitate to support him because of the Democratic tradition, who still see in the party the old body-guard of slavery, the apologist of crimes against liberty, free speech, and a free press, and the armed force that to save human slavery would have destroyed the American Union, might as reasonably regard the Republican party as the party of the alien and sedition laws anil .a ITnifprl St.itr Rink NJntliinn could show more clcirly the change in a party wnose name is unchanged than the contest and the sentiment behind it which have resulted in the nomina tion of Mr. Cleveland. We are far lrom savine that the nartv has not great sins and great rascals to answer ior. ut no nonest .Republican but would agree that that was true also of the Republican party. Neither of the creat Parties is a nartv tint U 0 f - I'" to say, they have not grown out of the issues of the times They are both organizations which have survived the situation from which they sprang, and are adjusted to later questions.-.iar-ers Weekly. Two Harvest Excursions- VIA THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL R V, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 3OTH AND SEPTEMBER 2 7TH, 1892. Where the grasses are kissed by the wand'rins breeze. And the fields are rich with the golden crain : Where the schooner ploughs through tne prairie seas, To its destined port on the western piain ; Where homes may never be sought in vain. And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows ; Where man may ever his rights main tain. The land is as free as the wind that blows. For turther Darticulars .umlv tn the nearest Ticket Agent, or address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, 4S6 William Street, Williamsport, Pa. 7-S-r2t. The vilest sinner may return every thing except an umbrella. If it wasn't for the cranks the wheels of civilization would not re volve. Wanted The name of the gold smith who made the welkin rins. Truth. b The independent man is very often in dependent circumstances. Truth. The fog might be pointed out as England's air apparent. Washington Star. . Dudes now use bronze powder to produce the effect of tan. It is cheap er than a yacht. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will nurely do you Cood, if vou have a Cough, Cold, or any troaiile with Throat, Chest or I.unCs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Ciippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a ramplc botile at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at C. A. Kleim's Drug Store. Large size 50c, and $1.00. The plague of breaking lamp, chimneys is abroad in the land. There are two sorts of chim neys ; brittle and tough. Ninety, nine in a hundred are brittle. The worst are imported from Germany. The best are Mac beth's "Pearl-top"& "Pearl-glass." TWO SOrtS as tf wnrtman. ship; fine and coarse. The nne are juacbetn s "I'earl-top and " Pearl-p-lass." Thes are rough and out of propor tion; misfits and misshapen; they do not make a good draft; they smoke. Two sorts as to glass; trans parent and gray. "Pearl-top" and " Pearl-class " are clear. fin and tough not tough against accident tougn against heat. kjslh lor "lJearl-top" or " Pearl-glass" chimneys. Pittsburgh, Pa, Geo. A. Macbeth Co. Th Chain of evidence Js now complete that OR. HEBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM is the only trt'Daration that cosf- ' tlvtlv does all that li claimed for It. It remores Freckles. Llver.niolefl. lilaclc- headfl. Pimnlen. Tun. and all lmnerfsetlons of thoakiu. without iniurv. Afi'wappllc&tlonswiUrenderarouirh or red sLluHoft.smooth and white. It U not a cosmetlo to cover defwtt, but a fure, and imaruntepd tocivefuuisfiiction. Price &"o. At druggists; or sent by mail. Eecd for V (i. C. BITTMJ.K & CO., If) TOLEDO, - CMIO. t THE NEWCOMB Fly Shuttle Rag Carpel LOOM. .WctvM IV yardi an fcttr PH;NEWCOMB, Davenport, la. foctUTIuorwwful whr " fiVmrtli rill Ilto. ix VMteftK. A44TMS I. MUHM, a tmwn, In. A FORTUNE Inherited by few, is pure Mood, free from hereditary taint. Catarrh, con sumption, rheumatism, Scrofula, and many other maladies born in the blood, can be effectually eradi cated only by the use of powerful alteratives. The standard specific for this purpose the one best known and npproved is'Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the compound, con centrated extract of Honduras sar saparilla, and other powerful alter, tives. "1 consider that I have been SAVED several hundred dollars' expense, by using Ayer'i Sarsaparilla, and would strongly urge all who are troubled with lameness or rheumatic pains to give It a trial. I am sure It will do them permanent good, as It has done me." Mrs. Joseph Wood, West l'latt burgh, N. Y. Dr. J. W. Shields, of Rmithvllle. Tenn., says: "I regard Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the best blood medicine on earth, and know ef many wonderful cures effected by Its use." " For many years I was laid up with Scrof ula, no treatment being of any benefit. At length I was recommended to give Ayer's Barsaparllla a trial. 1 did so, and By Taking about a dozen bottles, was restored to per fect health weighing 230 pounds and am now a believer in the merits of Ayer's Sarsa parilla." James Petsy, Mine lloss, Breck enridge Coal Co. (Limited), Victoria, Ky. "My niece. Sarah A, I,osee. was for years afflicted with scrofulous humor In the blood. About 18 months ago she began to use Ayer's rJarsaparilln, and after taking three) bottles was completely cured." E. Caffall, P. M., Losee, Utah. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prnsred by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggiati. Price 1 ; els bottle, !. Cures others, will cure you ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE-- Real Estate. Entile of lhmttl Suit, Verrniwit By virtu of an order of the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, there will be expjxed to pub lic sale at the late residence In the borough of Berwick, l'a., on Front Btreet, on SATURDAY JULY i6th, 1892. at S o'clock, p. m., the following pieces of land: TkactKo. 1 All that certnln piece of land situate partly In the borough of Berwick and partly In the township of Nulem, Luzerne coun ty, Ta., being parts of lots marked and numbered In the general plan of said borough of Berwick, flfty-slx and ntty-nlne, beginning iu the middle of lot number llfty-slx ou Canal street ; thence by said street seventy-four and oao fourth feet to lot number sixty in Luzerne couuty ; thence by the same slxty-slx and one-halt feet to lot cwned by Isadore F. Chamberlain j thenco by land of said Chamberlain seventy four nnd one fourth feet to the centre of lot number flfty-slx; thence by the (tame elxty-slx and one-half feet to the place of beginning, upon which there la growing a choice lot of fruit bearing trees and vines. Tract No- S All that certain piece or. land situate partly In borough of Berwick, Columbia county, Pa., and partly In Salem township. Lu zerne county, Pa., being one In lot and a hulf to wit : the whole of lot marked and numbered In the general plan of the borough of Berwick aforesaid numbers fifty.flve aud the westerly hnlt of lot number fifty-six. Beginning on Front street In said borough at the corner of lot num ber fifty-two ; thence by the same one hundred eighty-one and a halt feet to Cunul street; thence by the same seventy-four feet three In ches the width of a lot and a half to the center oflot number ?lfty-slx within the line of Lu zerne county thence through the middle of said lot and running Into Columbia couuty again one hundred, eighty-one aud a half feet to Front street nlong Front street aforesaid thence seventy-four feet three Inches to the place of beginning, whereon are erected the fol. lowing buildings : One double two story f ramo dwelling house, one it story frame dwelling house with cellar kitchen, one two story frame build ing and out buildings, there Is aUo a choice lot of fruit bearing trees and vines growing upon the premises. Tkkms ok Sale. Ten per cent of amount) bid for each property upon the striking down there of, one-half of the balance October lilth. 1H94, and the remaining hulf January lfl, islitf, with Interest from July in, ism. Deferred payments to be secured by bond nnd mortgage upon the premises. Possession given October liith 1HJ, subject to leases. Evans, Atty. ALOXZO J. SULT, Berwick, Pn.. June 17, im-i. Execntor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KutoU 0DatiM lluuck, ileceased. In the Orphan's Court notice Is hereby given that the undersigned appointed ljy the, court uu auditor to distribute the money paid Into court under an order of March an, mn in said estate, will attend at his oltlce lu bloonisburg 011 Wednesday, the ff th of Julr, a, 1. ist at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to periorm t he duties of his appointment. All persons whomsoever hav ing clulms upon tho said fund are remit red to attend and establish their right, or be forever debarred from coming In upon suld fund. L S. WIVl'KKSTEKN, June 30, 1WI8. 4w. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. EMate of Cathartu U'hllenight, ffWMiw,!. In the Orphan's Court notice Is hereby given that, the undersigned appointed by the court nil auditor todlHtrlbute the balunocln the hands of U. II. Orotz, txecutor in said estuie will uu tetd ttf, his olllee In PlouiiiHUUig ou Tuesday, the st h day of July.A. Ii. Inm, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, to perform the duties of his ap pointment. All persons having claims upon I he said fund are required to attend and esiab Usb their light or be forever debanvd fruui coming lu tiponthe said fund. ,., L. . WlNraiSTEEN, June30.1sf-:. Auditor FACT. . " v"T". u"i rion dioool which U rtipldli mad b that remarkable prepar ation, &i.xursiiT'i Quions blood aiiiossL For the speedr eure of Borofuli WaVUnT MjreuruU Disease. ErnptionaTTlrysipelJi! THE SELCKrMimclNE CO. Piples,1 'm, Ml-yj Heads, 11 ftiC-8 L,animM:wLm&T!MS2Za What Is Castoria ia Dp. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants cd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substltuto for Parcporic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its ffuaranteo Is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms nnd allays fevcrishiicss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency, Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cas toria Is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Cantoris It an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers bare repeatedly told me of 1U good effect upon their children." Da. O. C. Osnoon, , Lowell, Vasa. ' Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers willconsider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agenta down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. KixcncLOE, Conway, Ark. Th Centsar Company, TT There la NO SURE 'EVERY CASE if we treat no one without a ough knowledge of the Incurable Cases Declined. RrsLmtn&tlnn fro h mailV man rtmmw tana fJaarvBBOT wsl pw luffiiM frnm Aa4kma M. i-. nnnuuw nMILO, tn.O., n tl A I Pk a JIUrm m m Dr. Stanley's Trim;.. X-MV energy, new vitality, new life, The worn-out feelinjr; defective memory, sins;. SCIkIi brain, ilin nervousness, Hie Impaired H. pent Ion, the Impure blood, the back-ache, the cllzzlucHH, tho despondency and (renenil good-for-nothing reeling that result from worrv, ex eeaHlve mental work wltb Insufficient exercise, Irregular lmblts or over exercise of upeehil func Hons CAM ill-: OVKK.COMK, Dr. Stan leys HKAINOUNK supplies tho want. bile lung Npeclal Htudv was devoted to these conditions, the discovery of this greut remedy wh largely accidental. It WII.I. lOtI TIVF.I.VCVKF, It r stor a to both men and women the proper enjoyment mid useful ness of life. H can luirui no one. It strength ens without Ulinulutlng, soothes without de pressing. Benefit Is quickly reullzed and hence It Is cheap, by mail ft j six packages, enough foralmost any case, 5. Hend or cail for clrcu litr. STAMI.KV MEIIICINE CO., (Star Drug Mtore) 6a a. Matnst.. Wllkea-Barre LOWENBERG'S CLOTHING SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT! BLACK AND BLUE CHEVIOTS. LADIES SHOULD SEE THE PRETTY SUITS FOR CHILDREN. Call and examine and see for yourslvesthat LOWElsTBERG'S is the right place to buy your Clothing. r Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai I recommend It as superior to any prescription koown to me." II. A. ARcnaa, H. D., Ill So. Qgford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoilk, and although we only bare among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we ore free to confess that the merit of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Ilosrrrit. ikd Dtsrotsiar, Hon ton, Haas. Allxm C. Surra, let., Murray Street, New York City. CURE FOR EVERY CASE OF ASTHMA a OF HAT FEVER," but the worst rases, uncomplicated by organic disease, can be CURED TO STAY CURED by constitutional treatment. and this at the pa- ilant'a horn. 3 EAU-.. . . BUFFALO, IM. Y. $6.55 "?IH1fT Beaut iful book containing the latest vocal muslo full shei-i-iuiislc plHK-s, hnndsoine cover. Including the following gems, una bridged : UubTs""si' 40 ' Ve Warkei E1llt Ho,lr8 Asleep, 4(1 1 Whistle nnd Walt, 40 od&ur UolUeulH. 40 n . . ''i"u. . ld Orjran Ulnwer, 40 io Pretty Ks..; mi tlur Lust Walt, 40 V.!1. V.'" .'' f ,,v,'r ""' Moonlit Pea, 40 In OUI Miidi ld, Ml Hweet Kiitl,, Conner, 40 Mary and Jolin, 40 "but la Love, ' 40 We give this book to introduce to you K ROUT'S vKI(; I'OWDER And KHOLT'8 KLAVOKIMJ KXTKACT8, I'nmriximra for PfRtrr nnt STRENGTH our grocer will give you a circular enntHin ALBERT KHOl'T, Chemist, Phlla. SUMMER SEASON" 1892. THK LATEST COLLARS, NECK TIES, DRESS SHIRTS, NIGHT SHIRTS &c. THE PEOPLE'S PAKTY. The People's party has not been aV.le to secure a leader w,0s,. "een would Sivci added strength standing to its cause. It la, f,, back upon Gen. Weavrr, who nniil a little more than v0 the Greenback candidate for i, a' dentin 1880. r lres- Its protest would have !,.. erwith some other candidate V, its failure to secure one dose not tl the party of significance or of its portance as a factor in the Wal campaign. The party is heterogeneous in com position, but it is in earnest. It renrt" scnts discontent with existing co',-" lion, and while many of the rcmed i it proposes for the evils it points m are crudely conceive.l and i,, ticable, the evils themselves are actmi and the need of a remedy is great The party has its origin in the con viction that existing conditions undu' favor a class at the expense 0f th masses, and that is true. It is a nro! test against Nutocracy, and su, h L test is justified. It makes a demand for an equal chance for all men, nj that demand is just. The party proposes many wild aj impracticable schemes for the popular betterment, some of them very nvs. chievous in character. But there is a great company of voters in Northwest ern Stales, as recent elections have shown, who do not fear the mischiefs threatened and are determined in their antagonism to existing co.idiiii ns. It is far from unlikely that the People's party will carry the electoral vote of several far Western States hitherto se curely Republican. ' Thev will in some of those States have the help of the Democrats, who, seeing no possibility of winning themselves, will help the People's party to win, thus lessening the Republican electoral vote where they cannot add to the IK-momtir. n is easily within the possibilities that this third party may thus prevent a direct election and compel an elec tion by the House. Its importance as a factor in the contest is not, therefore, to be despised, while the processes of political education may fairly be ex pected to teach many of the Peopl.-'s party men the truth that in the triumph of Democratic principles lies the true solution of the problems they are try ing to solve in other wavs. Men once awakened to the wroncfullness ami mischief of the policies forced upon th. country bv ReDublicanism are in a fair way to become democrats ia a season or two. World A nobby line of summer shirts at Lowenberg's. A friend in need is a friend who generally strikes you for a quarter. It IS a CaSI rf faith with wnrl-i with a man who buys a cheap clock. I. W. Hartman & Sons. 400 Udies' Ties, all Biffe:,, Set:, is $1.00 All kinds of warmer weather goods. Picnic Goods and Plates, Our 10 cent Dust Pan is all in oue Piece. I r DOUBLE BREASTED SACKS AND CUTAWAYS. 1THE FINEST LINE OF FALL PANTS IN TOWN.