The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 13, 1892, Image 4

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JTUf Columbia Sfmofra!,
stabuhf:! : . on'I.idated 10.
- rrci.inio bt
Al Bkom.buig. the County seat of Columbia
county, Pennsylvania.
Trrhs; InNlde the ecuhty, $1.00 a year Id ad
vanoe; ;..V) If not paid In advance Outside
the county, 11.2) a ycir. strictly In advance.
All communk-atU Ls should be addressed to
Blooinsburg, ra.
FRIDAY. MAY ij. 1892.
TKOM.Vi r. MEKHITT, lierk.
JNO. C. BULLITT, Philadelphia.
DAVID T. WATSON, Allegheny.
Samuel G. Thompson. Clem't R. WainwTtgut,
Adam 8. Conway.
W. Redwood Wright,
John O. James,
J am 68 DulTey,
8. W. Trimmer,
Azur Lathrop,
Thomas Chalfant,
P. II. Strublnger,
Jo.seph D. Orr,
Andrew A. Payton.
Michael Lelbl,
Charles II. Lafferty,
George K. Gush,
Wlllmm Molan,
Charles D. Breok,
Samuel s. Lelby,
T. C. Hippie,
W. D. lllinnielrelch,
II. B. Piper,
Charles A. Pagan.
John D. Braden,
Thomas McDowell,
J. K. P. Hall.
Washing ton", May 9, 1892.
The anti- Harrison republicans are
jubilint over what they say is the cer
tainty that Mr. Harrison cannot be
nominated at Minneapolis. They
point exultingly to the nearly six hun
dred uninstructed delegates, and sneer
at the fact that only four States that
the republicans have any reasonable
hope of carrying Illinois, Indiana,
Nebraska, and South Dakota have
instructed for Harrison, and some of
them do not hesitate to say that the
majority of the rest of the instructed
delegates, all from the south, could
easily be taken away from Mr. Harri
son by cash purchase, if it were neces
sary to do so to defeat him.
Quay. Piatt, Reed and a large num
ber of the most influential republican
bosses met here to congratulate them
selves on the result detailed in the
election of delegates to the Minne
apolis convention, and, what is more
mportant to them, to agree upon the
icket to be nominated. The meeting
as, of course, a secret one, but it is
whispered that it was particularly
Agreed to hold cut hopes to Sherman,
McKinley. Alger, Depew and other
dark horses until the last minute, in
order to keep them and teir personal
followers from going into the Harrison
camp, and that when the convention
meets, Blaine and Rusk are to be
sprung upon it with a rush and enthus
iastically pushed through before the
friends of other candidates have an
opportunity to pull their wits together.
Mr. Harrison is reported to be con
templating a withdrawal in favor of Sen
ator Cullom. In fact it said that he
told Senator Cullon before the Illinois
convention was held that he would do
so, as soon as it became apparent that
he could not be nominated on the first
ballot, and that it was that promise
that caused Cullom to get the conven
tion to instruct for Harrison.
Having compelled the Department
of Justice to begin legal proceedings
against the sugar trust, the House will
nowdo the same for the National Cord
age company, the trust which controls
binding twine, by adopting a resolu
tion offered by Representative Scott,
of Illinois, the same gentleman who
introduced the sugar trust resolution,
which the House passed last week. It
may be that the Sherman anti. trust law,
which was enacted by the billion dol
lar Congress, is entirely worthless a
vas charged by democrats when it was
passed there are reasonsfor believing
that it was intended to be but that
makes the House all the more anxious
to see it put to a practical test. If it
fails, the House will pass a bill that
will not fail, and leave the responsi
bility for its becoming a law with the
trust-loving republican majority in the
Senate and the republican President.
Representative Bailey, who is mem
ber of the House sub-committee en
gaged in investigating the afairs of ihe
Yellowstone Park Association, thinks
Mr. Russell Harrison may find himself
in an unpleasant position before the
investigation is over, owing to his readi
ness to loan his "influence".
The House committee on Post Of
fices has agreed to report favorably a
bill appropriating 100,000 for the ex
tension of free mail delivery in agri
cultural districts, and providing for the
issue of fractional postal notes.
Again the old cry that Secretary
Noble has informed Mr. Harrison that
Raum must go, or he would leave the
Cabinet. This may or may not be
true, but, if the charge be true that
Raum wrote, without Noble's know
ledge, the letter declining to furnish
the Pension Office inve;tioitinT rnm-
( - - --n Q
mittee with the j apers relating to the
certain special pension
examiners, and Noble says he did, it
would certainly be about what any
self respecting man' would do under
similar circumstances. The committee
through the chairman, Representative
Wheeler, ask for these papers and Mr.
Raum wrote a letter stating that he
had been directed by Secretary Noble
to decline furnishing them. Now,
Secretary Noble says he knew nothing
about such a request being made, and
that the committee can have the
papers or any others on file that they
may wish to see. It was well for Sec
retary Noble that he took so sensible a
view of the measures by reporting a
resolution concerning the refusal to the
House, which might have resulted in
imjxrachment proceedings against the
Secretary of the Interior.
The thousands of pamphlet copies
of Henry George's '"Free Trade or
Protection", which was recently pub
lished in the Congressional Record,
that are being distributed through out
the country, are being sent out by in
dividual Representatives, and not by
the Democratic Congressional cam
paign committee.
The silver democrats in the House
expect to be able to secure the signa
tures of a majority of the democrats to
a petition asking that a new date be
set to vote upon the free coinage bill
and that a rule against filibustering
be reported, indeed they claim to al
ready have a sufficient number of signers.
It is now stated that the new daily
in Scranton, about which there has
been so much talk of late, will mater
ialize soon, and that it is to be a lively
penny afternoon journal, with Colonel
J. A. Price, Terence V. Powderly
and other well known men back of it.
"Mr. Blaine's condition," he (Rus
sell Harrison) said, "is such that all
talk of his nomination, even if he
should become a candidate, is out of
the question. He is completely bro
ken down, both mentally and physi
cally. "He cannot remember the simplest
things, and all of the woik of the
State Department has been on my
father's shoulders for over two years.
It is simply absurd to talk of nomi
nating Mr. Blaine.
"He can scarcely more than sign
his name to documents requiring his
signature, and rarely, if ever, reads
any of them. He is almost as helpless
as a child." World.
If your blood is
without delay by
vitiated, cleanse it
the use of Ayer's
The State democratic Convention
of Connecticut was held Tuesday May
10th. The delegites-at-large to the
National Convention were uninstruct
ed, but the name of Cleveland was
cheered to the echo. The delegates
from Connecticut can go to Chicago,
ready to cast their vote for the most
available candidate, and return horn's
with the assurance that the six electoral
votes will be in the democratic column
when the votes are counted in November.
Strength and Health-
If you nrc not feeling strong nnd healthy,
try Klectric bitters If "I.n Grippe" lias
left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters.
This remedy acts directly on I.iver, Stomach
anc Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to
perform their functions. If you are afflicted
with Sick Headache, you will find speedy
and permanent relief by taking Electric bit
ters. One trial will convince you tlint this
is the remedy you need. Large bottles only
50c. at C. A. Kliem'i Drug Store.
J. Saltzer the popular Sewing mach
ine agent has placed a new
the road.
When you buy your spring medi
cine you should get the best, and that
is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It thoroughly
purifies the blood.
The number of shares of stock al
lotted to the first series of Industrial
Building and Loan Association of
Bloomsburg, Pa., have been taken
and the association will issue stock in
the second series upon the 7th day of
June next, that being the time of their
next regular monthly meeting. The
number of shares will be limited to
five hundred in each series. First
payment will be $j 00 per share and
$1.00 ptr share a month thereafter.
Par value of each share $200.00.
Further information may be had by
caning at the olhce ot the secretary,
wins mock, JJloomsburg, l'a.
A. N. Yost.
We acknowledge receipt of a hand
some program from Prof. John F. I
Morns, the commencement exercises
of Catawissa High School to be held
in Catawissa Opera House Monday
May 1 6th.
The regular meeting ot the Town
Council was held Thursday night, May
5th, all the members present.
A petition was rea l feom Wm. Cum
mings asking for a sewer from Whit
man's alley eastwardly about 60 feet
on Third. After considerable discus
sion the President was authorized to
consult with the Town Engineer in re
gard to the advisability of purchasing
the private sewer of Mrs. Finney in
stead or laying a new one, and to re
port at the next meeting.
The following building permits were
granted :
To Wm. Cummings for a dwelling
house on Third street. To J. W. Johh
for a dwelling house on Fourth street.
To J. L. Dillon for a Greenhouse on
Fifth street.
To W. C. Bryfogle & Bro. for a
building on the east side of Market
street near the square.
It appearing that a large number of
ordinances have been passed since the
publication of the last pamphlet, the
Secretary and President were upon
motion authorized to have all the or
dinances printed in book form.
C. W. Miller, Esq , appeared before
the Counsel and presented petitions
for exonerations from the payment of
town taxes for ten years on the follow
ing industries :
Suber's patent rolling bearer Com
pany, Axle Works and Steel Plant.
Ice Manufacturing Co. and Mears
& Co. Wash Machine Works. Upon
motion the first mentioned plant was
exempted with the understanding that
they erect or cause to be erected two
fire hydrants located at a convenient
place with respect to other buildings
and that they keep the same c onstant
ly supplied with water at their own
expense and in case of fire the town to
have the right to use them free of
On the application of Mears & Co.
for exemption a yea and nay vote was
called and resulted as follows: Pea
cock, Gorrey and Holmes, yea, Kra
mer, Gilmore and Drinker, nay;
Rhoads not voting lost. Application
The agreement of E B. Brower do
nating the land for the opening of
Penn street providing the grading was !
done by Sept. 1st, 1892, read and ac-!
cepiea, ana me solicitor re an an or
dinance that he had prepared declar
ing the same a public highway. On
motion it was accepted and the ordi
nance ordered published.
Grant Herring desired the Council
to do some cobbling on the Lightstreet
road in the rear of his lot ; George
Kobbins desired a crossing near his
residence; Mrs. Hagenbuch reported
the street near her home and leading
to Dillon's Greenhouse as being in a
bad condition ; and William Chrisman
wanted the Council to open and de
clare a public highway an alley near
his residence, he to donate the land
and pave the same. All these matters
were referred to the Committee on
Friendship Fire Co. requested per
mission to use Oak Grove on the even
ing of May 30th for holding a dance.
By a unanimous vote the tax rate for
the ensuing year was fixed at nine mills.
The following bills were presented :
Wm. Thomas Police to May 1 $17.50
Wesley Knorr, Police 4.00
F. R. Drake " 1 00
John Keefer " 1.00
Nathan Chromis " 1.00
John Masteller, Stationery 75
Daniel Laycock, Police 1.00
Dem. Sentinel, printing St'mt. 25.00
M' C. Woodward, Police 922
J. C. Brown, printing st'mt &c. 42.50
J. C. Brown, Town Engineer. . 26.00
C. M. Drinker, Locks, &c 3.00
Water Co. Hyd'nts Apr 1 to May 1 83.33
C. R. Housel, Com. of Highways. 2537
The New Ballot Law,
The Secretary of State has addressed
a letter to the County Commissioners
of the Slate requesting that they call
the particular attention of the Chair
men of County Committees, and of
ot'.iers who may be in a osition to
give information upon the subject, to
the importance of exercising great rare
in the matter of certifying nominations
to County Commissioners and town
ship auditors. The letter states that
the certifications of some nominations
of Legislate e candidates already made,
discloses the fact that sufficient care
has not been taken by those whose du
ty it has been to certify such nomina
tions. If errors in certificates are not
avoided, confusion and trouble will
ensue. Instructions sent by the County
Commissioners to the chairmen of
county committees, and oMiers con
nected with political organizations,
will be of great benefit in preventing
errors in certifications.
It is announced that the passenger
train employees on the Lehigh Valley
Railroad have received orders to pro
cure summer uniforms and new caps
of the Philadelphia and Reading pat
tern, and den the same May 15th.
The caps are slightly different in shape
from those now worn on the Lehigh
Valley and the coat is longer. The
P. & R. buttons will take the place of
the Lehigh Valley.
Premature gTay whiskers should be
colored to prevent the appearance of
age, and Buckingham's Dye is by far
the best preparation to do it.
From the list of States that have
thus far held republican conventions,
less than one-half of them have instruc
ted thir delegates to support for a
second term the present incumbent.
It looks as if the republicans had no
more love for Benjamin Harrison than
they had for R. B. Hayes.
We wish again to repeat that every
indication points to the nomination
and election of Grover Cleveland.
The subscribers to the stock of the
new steel works held a meeting on
Tuesday evening at the office of
White & Yost and effected a tempo
rary organization for the collection of
stock subscriptions, &c. A charter
will soon be obtained.
Martin Randall, Labor.
Levi Shoemaker " . . . .
David Hunt "
Gideon Heist " , . . ,
Wm. Edgar "
Wm. C. Wirt
Jacob Brobst "
Chas. Fornwald, Hauling..
Samuel Shaffer, ' ..
Daniel Miller " .,
FredSchwinn, "
Wm. Coffman, " . .
6- 75
7- 37
Total . $317.91
The above amounts were ordeied
paid. Ths Committee on High
ways ordered to inquire into the prob
able expenses of getting a road ma
chine here on trial. Adjourned until
Thursday, May 12th, at 7:30 p. m.
Be Sure
If you have mado up your mind to buy
Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take
any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar
medicine, possessing, by virtue ot Us peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation,
curative power superior to any other article.
A Boston lady who knew what she wanted,
and whose exainplo Is worthy Imitation, tells
her experience below:
To Get
In one store where I went to buy ITood's
Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me buy
their own instead of Hood's; he told me tbelr's
would last longer; that I might take it on ten
days' trial; that It I did not like it I need not
pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail
on me to change. I told him I knew what
Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was
satisfied with it, and did not want any other.
When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
I was fueling real miserable, suflerlug
a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak
that at times I could hardly stand. I looked,
and bad for some time, like a person in con
sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so
much good that I wonder at myself sometimes,
and my friends f rcqueutly speak ot It." Has.
Eixa A. GoFr, 61 Terrace Street, Boston.
Jold by all druggists. $ 1 i six t at ti. Prepared only
y 0. 1. HOOD CO., Apothacaries , LoweU, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Wood's Fhosphodine
The Great singllab Remedv,
k JToinptly nnd perman
leiuly cures all forms of
.Vri'iui uei A-hum, Ami.
on, Siiennauirrhea. Int.
I piilntvy mill all rjfnl uf
Ahum1 nr AVr. n......
prescribed over Hi years
nrP. "" li KrtiaM ami
---. iioiwsi Meairnu) kiioirn.
Ask druggist for Wonii'H I'iiohi'iiodink ; It lie
iiuerssouw womiies uieiiicine in place of this
ir-w.c uin umuuuim mult-, uiciofw puce 111 letter,
luul wo will send by return mull. Price, one
mti'L'titr... tl . ylv kl.ti iilll ..I....... .-.I.
...... ...... -' w... u.i. firiiM-,
nire. Pimmlilet in plain seulcil, envelope j
stamps. AUdrest. Thk Wood Chemical to,
1.11 WuiKlwurrt avenue, Detroit, Vlch.
ttf-fSoMIn llliMiinsburg by Muvcr Urns., .1. 11.
Mercer, U. A. Klelin, ti. A. McKelvy and 11 U re
Hpnoslble druuiflsis everywhere.
Our Claims
discharge of
An exchange says that the Supreme
Court has decided that bicycle riders
are not entitled to the sidewalks in
cities and towns. A pedestrian was
run into by a wheelman, both being
on the sidewalk. The former sued for
damages and won his suit, the court
holding that the rider had no business
on the sidewalk.
The Largest Assortment
The Best Taste
The Best Fitting Garments
The Newest Ideas
Good, Honest Materials and
The Lowest Prices
For Your Patronage
Every garment wc sell is ol our
own manufacture. No other retail
clothier in Philadelphia can truth
fully say the same. We have often
published this fact and our competitors
dare not deny it Some of them man
ufacture part of the goods they sell.
Can you tell which part of their stock
has two profits marked on it?
Browning, King Si Co.
Leading American Clothiers,
Warken A. Reed. 9IO and.912 Chestnut St.
(urraiuw nil
Rather rishj
the offer that's made by the pro
prietors of Dr. Safe's Catarrh Rem
edy, lliskv for them. For yon, if
you have Catarrh, it's a certainty.
You're certain to bo cured of it, or
to bo paid 1 300. That's what they
offer, and in pood laith they cure
von. or pay you, no matter how bad
your case, or of how long standing.
But u it so much of a risk?
They have a medicine that cures
Catarrh, not for a time, but for all
time. They've watched it for years,
curing the most hopeless cases.
They know tbat in your caso there's
every chance ot success, almost no
chance of failure.
Wouldn't any one take such a
risk with such a medicine ?
The only question is are yoa
willing to mako the test, if the
makers are willing to take the
If so, the rest is easy. You pay
your druggist fifty cents and the
trial begins.
1.1st ot Candidates to be voted for nt t he dele.
Knte election held ftiturdiiy Anirnst tit U 1HSW,
etweeii the liourn of 8 nnd 7 o'clock p. in.
AoniiniuniK convention i ueswiuy au,iihi imii.
For Representative,
of Bloomsburj;.
For Representative,
of Greenwood.
Lilt of Dealer in Columbia County.
I hereby rertlfy the following list of denlera
taken, returned and rluiwltled by me tn accord
ance with several acts of Assembly In and tor
tne year iSHit 14 correct 10 me oe.11 01 my know
ledge. SXATBM.
Araro & Btuinm CoM License
I). I.. Plnirley store 14
T. .1. Nlitiiuan " 14
C. K. Hhuman " 14
Wm. H. Llewellyn store 14
Levi Michael 14
(J. H. Drebtbach " 14
Norman Cole distiller la
C. F. Mann 1 nool table H
J. M. Kline organs A H. M. 14
U. L. 4 v. B. Mcllenry store IS
lra K. .Mcllenry furniture 14
Alfred Mcllenry store U
lljllitnd Mcllenry store 14
V. K. ox farm tools 14
Itlllhlme Hidden store 14
H. (I. Keller stoves & tinware 14
.I.J. Mcllenry store 14
T. t:. Mcllenry dniKS 14
Hhor Mcllenry A Son distillers it
C. M. Smith store 14
C. K. Kdson " 14
Ash Brothers distillers S
L. F. Fowler store 14
Isaiah Rower store 14
;. N. Klsner drills 14
K. A. Bower store IS
smith Bros. " is
T. A. loan Hardware 14
I. . J. Townsend Jewelry
K. P. Freas (Htft.) store IS
M. Levy clothing is
Miss sally Kou'h confectionery 14
H. M. Ilockman, 14
ll. F. Drclsbach organs and S. M. 11
Harrison Bros, store 14
Swayze A Co. " is
Joseph Chain " 14
M. A. .Varkle furniture 14
Henry Drlefuss clothing 14
II. C. I.uubach hardware 14
ii. L. ltenRoli k Co. drugs 14
F, L. DtslleUurst furniture 14
J. it. (lould drugs 14
.1. Saltzer organs and 8. M. 14
1). K. Keller stoves 14
Berwick Store Association Limited
store (1
Hudson owen coal n
rtlromsbtlrc Par Pn BtnrA
J. w. Masteiler notions
'Jorlez Kobblus wholesale lln'iors
Geo. Hohman organs and P. M.
M, Kllenbogen & Bro , notions
Mrs. Win. Webb tobaccos
Louis Bernbard Jewe.ry
11, A. McKelvy drugs
II. W. Sloan store
L. T. rliarpless groceries
J ouls (ircss clotlilug
Mo)t llro's drugs
W. II, Brower carieta
Alexander Bra's 4. Co. tobaccos
11. v. While co. grain
W. H. hishlon drugs
1. W. McKelvy storo
1. W. llartuibii A Hons store
it. W. Kelter Carpels
C. A. Klcliu drugs
C H. Vurinan Inuruxui
J. II. btecker t roteilm
W. J. correll ft Co. furniture
J. W. Kyt r store.
Mrc. IVter tiross bottler
I Hi) lay In u s. sioru
J. K. 1'eiihyl
Hartzel Winner A Cr, furniture
1 . K Wtiary stoves
James T. Ltavts btoro
.1, Sallzer organs and K. M.
F. K. Bruwu uiouvrles
8. F. l'eacocu a t o. hardware
W. W. Ilerlch clothing
0. K. Havage lewelei
F. 1). Dem ier boots jc Bhoes
J. U. Mens Jeweler
W. 11. nrouhe Co. book storo
uinmliigs Verdy coined louery
I'aue Hawkins 4 pool tables
1. iialcrdoiliiug
II. J. claik ii son dry g ods
. ..., , nmiiuKim IIUl IllllH
1 J
Mrs. M. M Huillps confectionery 14
1 1. in..
J. It Schuyler (Mngr hardware
n. i.unjoii Hardware
(. N. Wilson groceries
Kvans i,er clot him;
111' oin Cur Co. coal
W. U, Taylor bottler
J. II. Meicer drugs
I). A. Creasy Huie
J. A . iluss boots and shoes
Andrew n..uaer leather and shoe
mining 11
O. I', hlnglnr drugs J
1'. K. Vaunalta wall paper 14
Oriental tea t o., teas c. ji
J. 1. Armstrong grooeiles 14
W. F. Ilarluiaii stoves 14
K. E. llalbton groceries 1 1
N. W. Barton giocoi li s 14
llaruiau llasii I coal 1 1
C. W . Meal A Bros, coal 14
Creasy Welts lumber is
1. W. klleUrn krilnelo 14
L. W. Kllclaeu Jurw. tools BLtl
wagon J4
T (
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W. Tt Koclier coal ji
W. It. Korher stole j,
Farmers Produce Exclinnce, storo 11
I'. It. Miller coal 14
rewnh usirnn flinr nnd feed t
W c. Hlchart flour and feed 14
Kshlcmrn Wi.lf stoves 11
W. o. iiolnin Moves u
Mrs. M A. Watfon mllitnrry 14
Hloouisburg Jrcn Co., cool it
.1. w. lioMsworthy 1 pool toMe g
11. 1 . Michael lun.ltuio 14
1). C. Black groceries 11
chns. Fcttermnn 1 pool taMo n
j. j'nvis nruirs 1 1
'J lion. as Iivm store 11
Albert, Hall confectionery n
Jno. W. Krlley confectionery 14
.1. F. Nertney wholesale llti'iots 3
C. (J. Murphy store h
C. II. ureu hy 14
M. W. Ivl4 druirs 1 1
O. B. Millard store 1:1
.lames l)i ke dressed motl.i 1 1
I. A Ktley store s
Charles springer dremed meals Ac 4
I. Fettenuan groceries
John Klbnorb I pool 1 11 tile
t rs. !. 1 ncmas cciiieerionrry
II. J. Kelt, y wholesale liquors
ALdrew neban groceries
llirrt lrtt rlothinir
Thomas Cleary store
roKTKnn ,
Hinl. ooodman store
(eo. Weller "
0. K. Ij filer 1 pool Ublo
Mid Valley supply Co. store
M. A. Swank store
8. P. Khawo wd store
K. LOhgenberger pool table
K. n. ttaiay sioie
C. c. willits drugs
E. Fl-her drugs
II. V. spangler clothing
s, 1). Mnard store
Lloyd Merger clothing
Kdwsrd w aid boots and siioct
schtuack t soi hardware
J K. Kelruer store
F. O. Hrelscb store
tleo. Mauhit boots and shoes
f.C. Walt. st' loueiy
T I). Beruiuger hardware
Sharpleps Bros store
r. a. lrvin pool taoie
T. . Harder turnllure
8. Mendenhall Moves
slmoo koupcoal
J'sepb (lultermao store
B. M. lewssoury len Hirers
A. L. llsrtman Uresoed lumber
C. F. Haider '
V. W. Harder "
C. K. i;iewell groceries
1. u. seesnoux stoie
1. 11. bei-Mio.u coal
J t.ltlln coal
L. C. UdisLj'der t pool tables
Low Bros Co., store
eo. K. sponsler store
tleo. Brobn A son store
Z. T. Fowler grain
J. L. Wolvtrtuu store
Alfred Artley store
U. M. Bucher store
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M. Mcllenry A son store
t . V. Mcllenry More
Edgar At sirlth distillery
Mir. Mary Lewis store
J. M. Ainmennsu ftore
Jones vt alter loio
J. W. Lamed store
ueorge Howell store
Black ft Co.. stO'S II
Jacob Kantz s' ore 14
A. ,1. Uerr store 14
W. M. lives & son store U
1. K. Welllver store 14
1. C. Christian clothing 14
.1. f. lives larm 1001s remmers 14
v. f. Kves 11-Diy furniture 14
u. . ivencr stoves 14
C. 8. Kly drugs 14
Chailes Ue t pool tables 7
Kins fives rro. stoie Ii
Masters At CO., store III
B. E. Parker store 14
A. 8. Krauur coal and grain li
J. H. Henrle, store 14
11. N. & J. K. While, store 14
II. II. llurtlmau. store 14
Mrs. K. Williams, store 14
11. W. Riiilu. " 14
L. II. Daniels " 14
K. II. W hituer " 14
C. K. Yeager " 14
J w. Snyder, " 14
K. c. eager, " 14
Wm. Adams " 14
Kramer ft Son, storo 14
Dan'l Laldacker, store 11;
Allison Ierr, store 14
W. F. Zaner 1 1
W. M. Loiigenoerger, store 14
t;. J. Campbell fertilizer 14
I'. J. Campbell, store 14
E. swepenhlser, store H
u. .1, vKniinger, ruriilture 11
J. W. creasy, sloi-e 14
1). A. I less, coal 11
A. W. Snyder, store 14
Aaron Hess, coal 1
Theodore Evars, store 14
Arthur Koberts, store 1 4
II. I). Ouiuk. cowl 1 A
li. It ui lines, store 14
Charles Harris ft Kros., store 14
A. M. Dewitt, store 13
tieorge r. Miner store 14
rieckruHllue oros. Store 11
A. B. Stewart store 1a
11. H. Low coal and grain 14
uuo (.ouner farm tools 14
B. W. Lyons store it
J. It. Fuwler distillery 3
O. W Cherrlngton store H
A . n U'hltn .tn..
A. P. Howell btoro h
rius 1 oiuig 14
Isaac Helcuard store 14
W, K. Ueitterlck " 14
N. Hlchart groceries 11
Win. Bogart " 13
J. D. Workhelser groceries 14
SUier Springs quarry Co. storo is
James Kelcbaru grain 14
o" I-. fnr one pool table
ll. 1). cole siere
!' J. Force drugs
Thou. K. I'roctor store
Jacob Lorali
Tony Busb "
A. II. Ilenlng '
Elijah Hess
Win. F. Mohncr "
A M. Ilurvev
Andrew Lnubach '
A, cole ft sou, distillery
Appeals will be held nt the Commissioners'
onice lu Blociiiisbunr, 00 Saturday, the 4th day
u.i L ": 1M', ut'l'wii the hours ot v a. m.
proUr"' M- wut,'e Ju can attetd if you think
J. 11. DkLONti,
May 5, r8j-w. Mercu,mle raiser.
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Indicated In nervous derangements, resulting
it iu excessive mental work nr worry, audi 11 geii
ei ul or special Weakness caused by overtaking
nuj ot the vital functions. A comuvutlon of
he best nutrient and tonlo remedies, blended
l special processes, In such form us to adapt It
to nearly all cases ueedlngl iviunienl . It builds
up the forces by suoplyln mi excessive p ropor
1 Ion 11ft he unl mill rood elements nciled to re
pair the waste caused by disproportionate ex
eiclseof the physical functions. Fun Iter par
1 lemurs mailed ou iipplicallnii. All eonimunl
rut Inns nu Icily oconiWenilnl. Sold In Wlluly
I line, ea , by the Stanley Medicine Co., only.
. I Main street. (Star Drug store.) If
) our drugy-lsi dis s not keep It send to us and
vo Ul U.ull ll ou reedp' 01 price, ti : six tor is.
ArU Willi jr.