THE KING 1 OF ALL COUGH CURES; j DOCTOR mM ENGLISH mmn j Sold in England j lor iTi a., km in America for 5 eenta a, bottle. IT TASTES GOOD. Dr. Aoker's English Pills Car Sickness and Hsadsche. II, Ut. frlu wllk tht W. H. TtOOKSH tx KCW YORK. ".;...-: - There's Music In the Air. S M 4T This genius is away up in it, ana is en gaged in the literal ful fillment of a very com- T I mon expression, it is as seldom that musical notes are seen floating over housetops, as it is that banli notes are found growing on bushes. Our artist has ih erefore photographed them on the spot. The man in the picture is on lop. So is J- Saltzcr, the well known dealer in all hinds of m usical instru ments and sewing ma chines. He handles the Steck, Estey and Starr memos; the Estey, Mil ler and United States Organs: 27e celebrated White, ftzrZ other makes of Sew ing Machines. Satis faction guaranteed by J. Saltzer, Blooms burg Pa. Main St. below Market How Lost! How Regained I KHOVTHYSFIF. Or HKLF-PHKHICKVATTON. A new and only Oold Medal PUIZLJ KHSAV on NKKVOD8 and J'HYBICAI. -1EBIX1TY, KKROH8 of YOUTII, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATUKE DECLINE, and oil DISEASE lnd WUAKN E8SES of MAN. 800 pages, cloth, t; 1-it lnvaluablo prescriptions. Only 1.00 7 mall, double sealed. Descriptive l'roipoct J with endorsements mrr I QFND ttnsvrezFREE! now. Consultation In person or by mall. Export treat ment. 1NVIOLAULM SKCKECY and CKB ffr1!? Address Dr. W. IL Parker, or Tun Peabody Medical Institute, No. i Bullluch St., ""ton. Uui. .!"" 'alxxly Medical Instltuto baa many Uton. bnl nn Mnnl II.-..). I Iml. The Bolence ol Life, or Belf-Proaervatlon, U a r"ure more valuable than gold. lUart It now, very WEAK ami NK11VOUS roan, and Icaru 10 w bl KONU . Medical KnUu. (CojiyrlghUMlJ PARKER'S iiaiq n A ISAM fplir"' "J Wftuiilli tho hair. 'V JbrlBiev0p Tmim to Betor Ury KJ Hair to l. VoutLiful Color. JjCUUl truip (tuuwiii )iir tu.ttng. j"r,nii rl i P llNK mm 7.J?'l!;,m''kerToiile. It IZi. ii.77li.l C.. il Miuo. j-iu Vk 111 llmt. IV i M Tlu only nn n IM I U, vr lllUur . a, V. NERO. We treat now of the Rteatest mons ter Of anv A'lU. Kcm. K.mnen.r o ' - - . 1 I meant then, Imperator, the command er of the armies, and they became superior to the Senate. The reason J Nrm r-nnl1 rnmmi v m .. nM I - - vuiiiiink nu Illuliy 1.11- ormitica with impunity the armies were under his absolute control. His moth.T was an evil minded woman Agrippina. She was a sister of Cali gula, another monster who was the reigning emperor when Nero was born. The terrible reign of Caligula produc ed his assassination. Claudius, the uncle of Caligula, was an imbecile, and assumed reign. The boy Nero was active, intelligent and of attractive appearance but bis wicked mother left him.adrift without control. Claud ius was poisoned by his physician through the artifice of Agnppma, his wife. Nero then became Emperor at the age of 17, but the mother was the real ruler for a term of years. But the time came when Nero determined to rule himself and his mother should not interfere. His half brother, the rightful heir to the throne should be poisoned, which was done; Brittanni cus was his name. Agrippina was not long afterward assassinated. The ex treme depravity of Nero was now be coming manifest. He was a rowdy in the streets and traveled with the thugs of the city, maltreating, insulting and abusing passers by. A Roman senator gave him a sound thrashing in the streets for insulting his wife. Nero got di vorcc from his wife, Octavia, and married a depraved woman Toppaea. Soon after Nero banished Octavia from the city, and next thing had her murdered. During his whole reign Nero spent the public money remorse lessly and made no improvements. He was great on showing himself an actor and singer. Actors and singers in those days were below par. He went through all sorts of training, visited Greece with his banjo, and had big times. It is said he burned out a great part of Rome, at least some of his confidentml slaves were seen going from house to house with torches and setting fire to them. It was supposed the conllagration proved larger than he intended and that some buildings around the palace were to be burned to enlarge the palace. He pretended there was a great conspiracy against him and he, accord ingly, had people murdered. Burr- hus, his chiet general, an.1 bencca his Secy, of state, the great historian, were among the number. It is hard to know whether the conspiracy was genuine or not, Nero's end was fast approaching. Everything was closed against him. His soldiers forsook him and joined Galba who was commander of the forces in Spain. He had no friends ; all Rome was against him. He de serted the city to the house of Phaon, was secreted there for a time. He tried to kill himself, but cowardice prevailed. Another took the dagger and killed him, and the soldiers hunt ii)T for him conveyed the remains to Rome. Galba took the throne A. D. 17. E.J.B It is proposed to call a meeting shortly either in rhilailelphia or Hanisburg of all the Congressional delegates from the auxiliary societies on women's work in connection with the World's Fair Commission. The meeting will probably be held next month, its object being to familiarize the women with the work delegated to them and to systematize the entire State organization. Indiana County alone will have no voice in these pro ceedings and thereby hangs a tale Last Fall when the auxiliary socie ties were being appointed in each county a prominent gentleman in Indiana County was invited to name "at least five women and a few more if he desired" to aid the Women' State Committee in that place. The zealous individual went to work with a will and soon forwarded to Harris burg a list of 100 names. When he was courteously informed that the list was too large for practical purposes he became exceedingly angry and refused to cut it down. Therefore, Indiana County is not in it so far as auxiliary societies are concerned. That Bird! From tho WushtaKton Star. "Isn't that a strange-looking e.igle on the new coins ?" "Yes. It is evidently a step toward the freak coinage of silver." A wedding trip The broken en gagement. The Minister's study How to make both ends meet. The gossip believes half she hears and tell the other half. , No form of error is more nauseat ing than that which lauds itself a:: ex clusive truth. The strange thing is that hotel run ners are not the people who run the hotels "We shall live by hook or by crook" said the fisherman when he married the shepherdess. That no one will take a fellow's word is not necessary proof that he will keep it. s ' 1 The Quay Hood-Tide- The altogether one sided popular votes in the various counties in favor of Senator Quay's re-election are be coming monotonous. On Saturday Lancaster swung into the Quay line by a vote of more than three to one, and such an emphatic indorsement from the Old Guard comes with stun ning force in response to the Quay tri umphs in the Western counties. In addition to Lancaster, Quay scored victories on Saturday in Juniata, Butler, Venango, Westmoreland, Mer cer and Indiana. It now seems rea sonably certain that Dalzell will le ceive no direct party expressions for Senate outside of Allegheny county, and with the Quay flood-tide that is now sweeping over the State, and the earnestness with which the active par ty workers espouse his cause, it is not entirely certain that Allegheny can be held to a square support of Dalzell. As a contestant for the party nomi nation for United States Senator, Mr. Dalzell is now practically distanced knocked clear outside the ring. In neither politics nor war can warriors be held in line for utterly hopeless bat tles ; and in the emphatic expressions already given for Quay wherever there has been an issue on the Senatorship, the result has been not only a victory for Quay, but a rout of the supporters of Dalzell. That there is a larc:e i-nd intelliecnt element in the Republican rarty of Pennsylvania that earnestly opposes Quay's re-election to the Senate, is not doubted by any dispassionate ob server of political movements: but it is withont organization , it is untrained in the machine methods which win political victories these days, and they are powerless in a contest at the prim aries against a superbly organized and disciplined army that quickly responds to the call of party masters. This el ement holds in its hands the control of the Legislature, as it could readily turn he election of lecislators in one third or more of the districts in the State; but the white heat of a Presidential contest will strengthen the feeble and resolve the doubting in favor of party obligations. The issue on the Senatorship in Pennsylvania is now clearly narrowed down to the support of Quay or revo lution, and all parties in interest may as well look the facts squarely in the face. In 1085 Quay appealed to the Republican people for vindication as a candidate for State Treasurer, and he was sustained by a majority of 40,000. Now. for the first time in the history of modern politics, he has appealed directly to the Republican people at the primaries for vindication as a Sen ator, and thus far he has had an un broken succession of triumphs. If the people shall elect the Senators and Representatives thus instructed for Quay, he will be given the highest right to claim his re-election as de manded by clearly expressed party sentiment, and none within the party household . could justly criticise - the Legislature for renewing his Senatorial Commission. Such are the cold facts relating to the contest for Senator, and with the foes of Quay it is now simply a question of submission or rebellion Ikroiniaii4t-l tlu Ilewt. IX I.k Maim, Plyuoi'tu Co., U., May, ItSJ. 4 auilxrod from temporary aloei'leaaneas from ovrrwork for two years, tor hluu 1 1 od l'antor Coeaix't Nnrre Tonlo, itnri can reooiuuiond same u tbo biuliolue Xcr siiuilitr troubloa. I', 1X1KMIOK3T. ; r.strnct S'ruin a Writer Of tba l!c J. McOowau, Cadyvillo, Now York : 1 nx ouunnml you to avnd for nix bottles of factor KoflUlit s NVrve Tonic, and let ber uao It as diiat-ted. Jt cured several In uiy parixb. EahT, N. Y., Oct. W, INTO. I used one bottle of Pastor Kocnlg's Norve Tonlo for dizziueas and nervous beadacbe, and It diil all you claim for It and even more. I had boea siifieriiig for years. MliB, P. HANCE. FREE -A Valuable Hook en Morvons JjeHie aunt lro to any suilruns, and poor putit-ntH ran also obtain tliia-iiietllciiio free of cliuruo. Tbii remedy ba loon preimrert by tlie ltrvi-rcnd Liktor K.x-uik. of Fort Witviii-, iud., Hiuce Witt, aud uow prepared uudurbls diruuUou by the KOEMIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoldbyDruffslstsatSlperUottle. 6 for 85. large Slso, 1.7B. 6 llotlles for 9. 5 Morn i no I x e A T Noon Nizht Good all the time. It removes tb l.inoTinr of mornino-. SU3- S tains the energies of noon, lulls 5 the weariness of night. Hires'g dellcloiu, sparkling:, appetizing;. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the take of larger profit, tells you soma other kind la "just as good "'tie falls. No Imitation Is as good as ins genome muss . ya i - To live active mull we will ttilil Yi '"'a wul ",'M'r"' B,ilury u"d pm-e not rnqulred. Terms and out lit frw. Ail dlVPiH, Hlulihg UKf, HK.AUS, 1IKNKY CO.. (ient-vu. N. V.. bout-oa N'uisorlen. KstubllHlied lstli. am -vnxii - r w 1 PROFESSIONAL CARD3.K- N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent't Buililinj, Court House Alley, i)i.oo.M;;nuKc;, r.v. A. L FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT-I.AIV, Tost Office HutMing, 2nd floor, LLOOMSDUKG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORN EV-AT-LAW, Win's UiiiKlinc 2nd floor, ELOOMSBURG, PA. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORN EY-a.T-t.AW, Office 2nd floor Columbian building, BLOOMSBURC, PA. B. F. IIARTMAN REPRESENTS THE rOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES Nortli American, of Philadelphia. Franklia, ol Philadelphia, rennsylranls, of rkiladelphia. York, of Penniylrania. Hanover, ol New York. Queens, of London. North British, of London. Office on Market Street, above Main, No. 5. BLOOMSBURC, PA, WAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE CROCERS. Teas, Syrups, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Kicu, i'pices, liicurb Sotla, Etc., N. E. Corner Seconal and Arch ttrccn, riiM.ADELpriA, r.v Orders will receive pro.i-pl Pttcpti'. J. S. GARRISON, M. D., BOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BLOOMSBURG, PA Office over I. W. Hart man & Sons' Store. Residence, N. E. Corner Centre and Eourth Streets. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG. I A. GRANT HERRING, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Rawlins' Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, TA. GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRANK P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dcmlcr'i Building 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WINTERSTEEN, BECKLEY & McKILLIP, ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, Loans 'secured, Investments made. Real Estate bought and sold. National Bank Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOHN M. CLARIL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OV THS PEACE, Moyer Bros. Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, TA. J. II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Lockard's Building, 2nd floor, Corner Main and Centre Kts,, BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Dark's Building, cor. Maiu and Centre Sts., BLOOMSBURG, Ta. CaTCan be consulted in German. W. II. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third and Main Streets, CATAWISSA, TA. J. B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North side Main St., below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dr. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dr. WILLIAM M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Ofike, corner of Rock and Maaket Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. HONORA A. ROBBINS, 11 D., Office, West First Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Special attention riven to the eve and tha MATTHEW McREYNOLDS, CIVIL ENGINEER. Office Second Floor, 1'ostoflice Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. J. J. BROWN, M. D.f Offlie and Residence, Third Street, Wtsl of Market, r.ear M. E. Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Oflioa hours every aflemoon and evening. Special attention given to the eye and the fitting of glasses. Telephone connection. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SURCION DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main below Market BLOOMSBURG, PA All styles of work done in a superior manner, and alt work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Gat, and free of charge when artificial teeth are ioaertad. aVTo be open all hours during the day. DR. M. J. HESS, Graduate of the Philadelphia Lental Col lege. Office 2nd floor front, l.ockard's Build ing, corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Dentistry in all its branches, Work guar anteed as represented. Ether and Gas ad ministered or El.KCTRIC vibrator and Local Anxstlietics used for the pninless extraction of teeth free of charge when artilicial teeth are inserted M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREA8 BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. 0 N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, Rl.OOMSliVRG, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as good Compan ies as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. J. H. MA1ZK, FIRE INSURANCK A OK NT, Room No. 5, Locknrd's Building, 2nd floor, Corner Main and Centre Sts. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Liverpool, London and Globe, largest in the world. A liberal share of patronage so licited, and satisfaction guaranteed. Assets. Imperial, of London ?o, 658,477. 00 Continental, of New York,... 5,239,91.28 American, of I'hiladeli bia, .. 2,401,956.1 1 Niagara, of New York, 2,2Jo,47S6 CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.j Merchants', of Newark, N. J.; Clinton, N. Y.; Peoples', N. Y.; Reading, I'a.j German American Ins. Co., New York; Greenwich lusurance Co., New York; Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by age and fire tested, and have never yet hd a loss settled by vnv court of law. Theii assets are alt Invested n solid securities, air liable to the hazard ol foe only. Losses promptly and honestly ndjusted an.' paid as soon as determined, by Christina F. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Bloom burg, Pa, The people of Columbia county shovld patronise the aency where looses it any, ar. settled and paid by one of their own citizens EXCHANGE HOTEL, McCloskey & Tracy, Proprietors. .Opposite the Court House) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences. CLYDE C. YETTER, FIRE INRURANCE AKD REAL ESTATE AGENT. Dl.OOMSHl'KIl, Pa. Farm property a specialty. 4-22-ly. PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD. AFTER NOVEMBER 1.1, 1H91. Trains leave Bloomsburg as follows: (Sundays eici'oted For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Potts VI Tamhqiia, etc, 10, II. as a. m. For V) lUIMiisport, MM) a. m., 8.1.1 p. m. For Dauvllie and Milton, 8.00 a. in , ' 11.C3 p. tn. For catawlssa e.10, 8.00, 11. s a. m., is 1a, 6.00, 6.M p. tn. Forltupert MP, i8.0J, U.s ft, m., 12.15, S.1S, S.tMi, 1.3(i, 11.05 p. m. Traltia for Bloomsburg leave New York via of Philadelphia 7.45 a. m., 4 10 p. m. and via Knsion h 4b u. in., .1.4.1 p. m. Leave l'bllndplplila U'.oo a. m., tt.4 p. ui. Leave xeuuini; n.u a. ui. y.di p. iu, u-ave 1'ot'aville t 80 p. m. Leave Tamuqua l.iti a. m., 9.19 p. m. Leuve WIlliHmH'oit v 4H a. n.. 4 .i d. m. Leave calawlt& 7.00, .ii0 a. m. 1.30, 3.19, 6.10 11.10 p. m. Leave Kunert 7.08. 8 S7. 11. SI) a. in.. 1.S7. t.-jr, u :9 p. m. For uuuitnom, w asnirton ana mo west via B. 0. It. H., throuyn traits lave (ilrard Ave nue si anon, i-nua. u it, it. n.) p hi. u.ct a. in., l.t7, a-w, B.IJ 7.18 p. m. Kuodayga.M, 8.04, IIA'7 a. Ul 8.5(1, t.4-1, 1 18 p. in, ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Iave rhilale;ulila.Chct,lnul Street Wharf and Soulu blrect Wall. FOB ATLANTIC CITV. Weekdarr Express. 9.00. a. in.. 4.0 4.00 n. 111. Aoooiinuc ilinloL', H.00 a. m. and .1.110 p. in. Sundays Kxpreas., a. m. Aucommcdn tlor, 8.00, u. 111. und 4.30 p. 111. l!cturiilnir. If ave Atlantic I Ity dr-not. Atlanta and ArkausaH Avei-ix-a. W eekdaya Kxrrt'w. T.80. 9.011 a. m. and 4.C0 p. m. Accomnai-dotloD, 8.10, a. ni. and 4.80 p. m. Sundays Kx press, 4 o , p. m. Accomcdetloc, T.30 a. 11 . and 4.80 p. m. A. A. TMcLEOTt, c. C. HANCOCK, Pres. & (ieu'I Manngr-r. Oeu'l Pawi. Agt. BOILING WATER OR MILK E PPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONI V. RAILROAD HUE TABLE D r.L,A WARE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NoRrnrnilRLAMD. Cameron ( hulKSkr Danville C'atawiHsa Hupcrt .... , IMooinstiurg- E.xpy LImip Kldge. Vi mow Grove B rlii re ret It NORTH. A. H .. r. at. A. v. P. 80 ICO It 05 4 S 81 .t 9 40 ?ft 4H ill 10 at 0. 7 0) HIM 10 J J P 71s S 81 10 44 ! 7 to 1 DO 10 49 J 1 7 t 4 3 7 84 S ISO 7 88 8 M 741 .... 7 48 S 04 1 f 4 8 10 1(0 8 IT 8 10 SOT S1 8 89 ISO 8 4 8 tn n ri 8 31 nn 8 40 4 00 8 41 4 r 8 49 4 08 8 M 4 1H 8 VI 4 17 9 01 4 SSI 9 08 4 80 9 11 4 84 9 18 4 n 4 4.1 9 81 4 CO 9 89 4 M A. at. r. at Derwiut rn-nu'u I,7v-: lllck's Ferry Klilckshlnuy Hun 100k a. Nantlcoke...... AvondMe I'ly mouth I'lymoutb Junction KlnH'on llnr,tt... Maltbjr Wvomtn? vt'pst I'ltuton Plttston. , Doryea Lackawanna Taylorvllle.. II It II 18 11 S3 ii'si use i'm U 08 ii'ii 1185 tteuevue 8CBAKT0M STATIONS. 11 41 P. St. hOOTH. A.St. 00 108 A. St. P. St. P. 160 185 807 RcrsittONk ftellevnp, , Tarlorvlllft , Lackawanna... Duryea. . Plttston 9 68 10 10 00 1 45 tn 18 10(7 IU M 10 10 IH 18 1014 I CO (8 8 10 10 108 f 91 Went Plttaton. WromlnB 40 10 (A 111 8 41 Maltby 8 44 Bennett 48 10 1011 119 8M Kingston (4 10 8.1 is 8 06 Plymouth Junction.. (61 1089 119 .... Plymouth 704 10 44 IN 708 Avonaaie Nantlcoke Hnnlock'i Hblckshlncy nick's Ferrr Beacn Haven.... 7 09 10 48 ISI 70C 1 14 10 61 IU 719 Tio 10 69 IH I ta 7 81 ll 09 101 tjn 11 21 817 7 41 7 44 764 1183 l 747 Ilerwlck Sot 1140 8 8 7 81 Briar Creek 9 09 Willow Grove 818 11 to S44O8 0C umeKiog-e 817 11 M 8 60 8 py Bloomaborg . Huprrt CatawlEsa .... Danville.; Cbulaakr , 814 1104 8 68 Sit 1119 4(8 Sir 8 81 8 87 11 IN 8 41 1118 8 67 1187 4 18 88? 418 R 4 88 84i 4 44 ... 4 61 8 68 908 Cameron 9 07 18 46 KORTBCVBIRLAKD 9 11 1 00 608 9 K ' A. at. r. M. p. w. p Connection at Rupert with Philadelphia t: Heaninjr hatlroed for Tamanepd, Tnmaqaa, vt'llllamsrnrt, mnburr. Pottpvllle, etc. At North umberland with P. 4 E, Dlv. P. R. H. tor Harrlsbunr. Ixck Haven, Emporium, Warren, Corry and Erie. W. T. HALLSTEAD, flpn. Mail;, Pcranton, Pa. Pennsylvania Hailroad. P. & E. It, R. PIT. AND N. C. RT In effect Nov. is, lroi. Trains leave Sunday EASTWARD. 9:C5 a. m. Train 14 (Dully except Sunday) for fTarrlHburfr cd Intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 8:16 p. m. ; New York 6:60 p. as.: Baltimore, 8:10 p. m.; Washington 4:80 p. tn., connecting at Philadelphia lor all Sea Shore points. Passenger coaches lo Philadelphia Baltimore. i-6 p. m. Train 8, (Dally except Sunday,) for IJarrltiburg and Intermediate stations, arrtvUur at Philadelphia at 6:60 p. m. ; New York, 9:89 p. m. ; Baltimore :46 p. m. ; VVanulngto S:16 p. m. Parlor cars to Philadelphia and paauenjrar coaches to Philadelphia and BaltUnere. 6.16 p. m. Train is Dally except Sunday for narrisburg and Intermediate points, arrtvlBj; at I'hlladelpbla 10:6.1 p. m. Baltimore 10:40 p. m. Tassenger coach to Philadelphia, :! p. m.-Traln 8, (Dally,) for HarrhH.nrg and all Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadel phia 4:25 a. m.; New York T:K) a. m. Pullmaa sleeping car from Ilarrlsburg to Philadelphia and New York. Philadelphia passcnKeraoan re main in s'eeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. 1:50 a m.-(Dally.) for UarrlBburg aa Inter mediate Ktatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 6:80a m.. New York 9:80 a. m., Baltimore :ao a. m. Washington 7:30 a. m., rullroan sleeping oara to Philadelphia and passenger coaches to Phila delphia aiid Baltlniore. 8:s a. m.-Traln 1 (DaUy.) for Ilarrtobarg and Intermediate stations arriving at balu more a. m. and Washington 9:43 a. ra and Pullman sleeping cars to Baltimore, WaahlnaT ton, and Passenger coaches to Baltimore. WES TWAKD. S:f4a. m Train 9 (Dally except Sunday) for rnnnndalgua, ltochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, with I ullman sleeping cars and passen ger coaches to Rochester. 6:io a. m Train 3 (Dally,) for Erie. Canandal gua and intermediate stations, Rochester. Bar tuio and Niagara Falls, with Pullman palaca cars and passenger coaches to Erie and ltonhaa- :5-Trln is (Dally,) for Lock Haven ana Intermediate stations. 1:85 p. m. Tram ll (Dally except Sunday) tor Kane, C'anandalgua and Intermediate stations. Bochecter, Biiffalo, and Niagara Falls wlti thiotigh passenger coaches to Kane and Roches ter and Parlor car to Rochester. 6:80 p. m Train 1, (Dally except Sunday) Rerovo, Elmlra and Intermediate stations. ."? P- m. -Train 11. (Dally,) for wllllamspo. and tntermudiata stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR SUNBCRY FIWM TliK KAST AND SOUTH. Train Hi Leaves New York, 11:16 night, Phila delphia 4;80 a. m., Baltimore 4:46 a. m., Harrav burg, 8:10 a, m., dally arriving at Hunbury M Train 11 Leaves Philadelphia 8-so a. tn. Washington S;lo a. m., Baltimore 9KX) a. ou, (dally except Sunday) arriving at Snnbury. IM with Parlor car from Philadelphia and passen ger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. , . .'? 1 Leayes New York 9o a, m , PhlladeU phla 11:41 a. m., Washington 10:50 a. m., Balti. niore li:4s a. m , (dally except Sunday) arrtvlna at sunbury 6:80 p m. with passenger coaohaa Imm I hlladelphU and Baltimore, rttin 1 leaTe?.New York l oo p. m., Phlladel. Through coach from Philadelphia. Train 9 loaves New York 6:80 p. m., Philadel phia U:80 p. m., Washington 7:40 p. m.. BaJO. more 8: p. m., (Dally except Saturday,) arriv ing at suubury, 1:04 a. m. with Pullman sleeping; cars snd passenger coaches from Watiurton and Baltimore. Tra in 8 leaves New York 8:00 p. m.. Phlladel plila litis p. m., Washington I0:(0 p. m., balU i",6.1 p- JIU' ,D?"'' arrlvingat sunbury S:.?, h ,m:'. wl,.n 1 u'lman sleeping cais from Ihlladelphla, Washington and Baltimore rod wore"1, coacbe ,rom Plillsdelplila and Balvj, SUN,?.U,?.H,AZLKT0N' W1LKE8BARIU RAILROAD. AND NORTH AND WKST BRANCH RAILWAY. (Dally except Sunday) ,TjalnJ,eavsunDUry I0:0a. in. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:48 a. m., Wilkes Barre 11.10 p. m! Hazleton U:lB p. m., Pottsvtllii.lS p. m. 1 rain it leaves Sunbury 8 86 p. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 6:16 p. m., WUkes-Barre 7:60 p. m. Hazleton 7:5 p. m. Poltsviiie 9,os p. m. rain 8 leaves Wllkes-Barre 7:15 a. m. Potta. vllie 6:00 a. ra.. Hazleton 7:lo a. m.? arriving it Blcom Ferry 8:47 a. to., Sunbury two a. m. TrUn 10 leaves Pottsvllle uto p. m. nnzleton 8:04 p. m. Wllkea.Barre8:18 p. ni., arriving at Bloom Ferry 4:ai p. m., Sunbury 6:15 p. m. , SUNDAY TRAINS. 1 rain 7 leaves Sunbury 10.00 a. m., arriving at Bloom reiry 10:48 a. m., WUkes-Barre is io r? m! Train SB leaves Wllkes-Barre 5:!c ip. m, "'? Kl0m,.ri7 6:3 P' m l sunbury 7:30 p. m. UIA8.K. PLGH, J.R.WOOD, Gtn. Manager. Gen. Pass, Agt. jgLOOMSBUUU & tULLlVAN K. ti Taking effect MCNDAY, NOV. 17, lfw. EOtTH. NORTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lp. Lt. l , 'TATIChS. P. at. P. M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. at. Blo mshurii, ....... 6 18 18 10 7 IS 6 86 8 86 40 Hall, btieel ( 18 11 04 7 07 8 48 1 41 1 T Ironoa r -M 16 11 0 7 04 8 46 1 48 8 80 Papei Mill 8 08 11 61 8 66 8 63 168 t LlglilBtmt S 06 11 4 M 8 M 1 54 7 II Orungevllle I 67 11 88 43 I 06 3 07 7 91 ork 8 45 11 17 8 ti 9 16 I 17 7 IS Zar er's .. 6 41 11 24 8i 9 10 8 10 7 84 Stillwater 6 87 11 19 6 187818 789 Benton . 618 11C9 18 987IS3 T 89 Kdncns, 8 M 11 04 11 9 41 8 88 7 44 CoU-a I reek, kO 11 (l 1 9 9448 41 748 Bugarloaf, 8 16 11 7 6 03 9 48 8 44 I M Laubachs.M 8 11 10 64 8 00 9 t8 I 60 7 67 Panl r. I l:m n . . . ... . a.. , . .... ,MVHBHIUWW 0 VI Jamison tit ... 6 00 10 40 6 68 10 10 4 OS 10 Lt. Lt. Lt. Ar. Ar. a. a , j m.a r. 71- 7f T 7K Vev 74 7 lot TK 80V 8 0" l ', 88 stv 8 Pi 8 4V 8 IK 11