The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 22, 1892, Image 4

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E-TA3UnED lv.
Columbia tWmorrat,
stabt.ihed :rr. CONSOLIDATED
-rriLKHtD iT
At li.ootnjburg. the County seat of Columbia
County, Pennsylvania.
Tixm-. Inld the enunry, fi.00 yearm sd-vine-,
f 1.30 if not paid In advsnre Outside
the coDcty. k year, strictly in advance.
All communications bould be addressed to
Bloomsburg. Fa.
Editors Colvlbian :
Realizing that a false impression ex
isU among certain farmers of this
county as to my position on the ques
tion of Equalization of Taxation, I am
persuaded that a few words upon this
subject will not be amiss at this time.
I make the statement nou.
First. Because I am not a candi
date for anv office, and second, be
cause it cannot be charzed that I am
doing it to gain personal favor ; my
only object be;n? to correct, if possi
ble, a false impression created and
fostered by political enemies.
I hare no apology to make for hav
ing voted against what was known in
the last session of the Legislature, as
the "Taggart 1 ax BilL" I voted against
that B.ll because I believed it was un
constitutional and, in part, a: least,
burdensome and inquisitorial. I was
not alone in that belief, but was joined
by other democrats who not only vot
ed against the Bill but spoke against
Senator George Ross, the leader on
the democratic side, made the most
vigorous speech against the Bill that
was made during the session. Among
other things, he said, See Legislative
Record, Vol I, 1891, pg. 2633
"Now, Sir, representing an agricul
al district; answerable for my vote up
on this subject to my constituents,
who are among the farmer class in this
community to a very great extent, I
say this Bill does them great injustice,
and that no Senator speaking in the
interests of farmers will dare to vote
for this amendment of the Senator
from Westmoreland."
The amendment spoken of was to
substitute a section of the Taggart Bill
for a section of the Boycr Bill.
It is a singular coincidence that the
three democratic Senators Ross, Hall
and myself, recently selected by the
State Convention as Delegates at-Large
to the National Convention at Chica
go were three of those who voted
. against this substitution.
And besides this, it was an open
secret at Harrisburg, last winter that
certain republican Senators were using
their best efforts to place the Gover
nor in a false light upon this very ques
tion. The scheme was this.
By joining with certain democrats
who were honest in their belief that
the democratic Senators should favor
the "Taggart Bill" for political reasons
enough votes could be secured to send
the Bill to the Governor in such an
imperfect shape that he would be com
pelled to veto it. The cry could then
be raised that a democratic Governor
was against Equalization of Taxation
and all the blame be placed upon his
Had not these plans been forseen by
certain democratic Senators, myself
among the number, the scheme would,
no doubt, have gone through, and I
, feel justified in saying that I had posi
tive, direct and rebable information
that if the Senate should pass the
"Taggert Bill" as it was proposed, that
the Governor would be compelled to
veto it on the ground of its unconstitu
tionality, if for no other reason.
The friends of the bill refused to
alter it. Along with other democratic
Senators I then felt it my duty to re
fuse to vote for the Bill in the sha;e it
then was. In other words, the posi
tion we took is to be accounted for on
two grounds.
First. Because the bill was in it
self faulty.
Second. Because we were unwill
ing that Governor Pattison should be
placed in a false light upon this vital
question. Like Senator Ross and
the Governor himself I believe
that land bears an undue burden of
taxes, that corporations do not bear
their share, that a revision of the tax
laws is necessaay. I am willing to
concede that the "Taggert Bill" had
many commendable features.
But I know that it contained much
that should have been stricken out.
and the friends of the Bill in their vain
efforts at forcing it upon the people in
its crude and imperfect shape and re
fusing to allow reasonable and, as we
deemed necessary, amendments there
to, succeeded in becoming the worst
enemies to t!ie Bill, and its failure to
become a law can be attributed direct
to them.
It is simply a piece of political dema
gogisra to assert that all those who
voted against the "Taggert Bill" were
enemies to the Equlization of Taxa
tion, and before any man should , at
tempt to criiicize such a vote, let him
first post himself as to what the Bill
contained at the lime it was offeiei to
the Senate for its aproval
How many of you bare ever read
the B.ll or know what it contains? Ee
slor to blame, therefore, when you
have nothing to guide you but the
uue misrepresentations of political
demagogues who live and thrive upon
the deceptions they practice upon oth
er people.
Grant Hiring.
April Joth, 1892.
By he decisive vote of 1 0 to 12
the Democratic County committee
adopted the following resolution on
rebruary u.
"JittolceJ, by the Standing Committee
of Columbia county in Convention
assembled, that we instruct our dele
gates to the state convention to vote
for and use all honorable means to
elect Hon. Grant Herring as one of
the delegates at large to the National
Convention, believing that Columbia
County with her Urge and steady
democratic majority at all tiroes for
the democratic entitled to
representation at large in the National
By a bare majority of one, a similar
resolution was adopted instructing
thera to rote for William Krickbaum
or district delegate.
Notwithstanding the strongly ex
pressed will of the people in favor of
Senator Herring, we are informed by
reliable authority, that A. D. Seely,
Jesse Rittenhouse and Thomas Boran
refused to vote for Senator Herring in
committee meeting, and did all in
their power to defeat iiis selection.
Rohr M'Henry and Dr. F. W.
Redeker were true to their trust, and
voted for him as instructed.
Fortunately the Senator had -nough
friends in the state to secure his nomi
nation, despite the action of the
three delegates from his own county,
and he was chosen by a vote in the
convention of which he may well feel
proud, only three other persons se
curing a higher vote.though there were
twenty four names before the convent
ion. Senator Herring is a close
friend to Governor Pattison, Secretary
Harrity and attorney General Hensel,
and it was their wish that he should be
placed on the ticket as a deiegate-at-large,
and it was done.
The action of three delegates named
can only be accounted for on the
ground that Boss Krickbaum issued
his mandate to them not to vote for
Herring, and they dared not disobey.
The orders of the boss were superior
to the expressed will of the people,
and the people were betrived. It is
well known that Krickbaum attempted
to control delegates from other
counties in the Senatorial district
against Herring, but they weie not his
pliant tools, and his effort failed.
How much longer are such things
to be permitted by the Democratic
party of Columbia county ? How
long will they continue to keep in
povir and place a man who never
hesitates to go against the expressed
will of the party whenever it suits his
own selfish purposes to do so?
When a man who has held office for
half a life time and drawn pay from
the public advises and commands a
violation of party instructions, he is
establishing a very bad precedent, and
one that might react upon himself.
The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla
is because it possesses true merit, and
no claim is made for it which is not
fully supported.
Court met on Thursday, April 1 4,
all the Judges present.
License of M. Q White at Espy
was transferred to his widow.
J. C. Brown, John Welliver and
Charles Harris appointed viewers of a
road in Mt. Pleasant near C. L. Sands.
J. B. Knittle appointed commission
er in place of Matthew M' Reynolds
who declined, in the division of Locust
township into two election districts.
The importance of purifying the blood eaa
not be overestimated, tor without pur blood
70a cannot enjoy good health.
At this season, nearly every one need
good medicine to purity, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's
Dori ilia Bartaparllla. Ititrengthent
rCVsUllai afcd buildi up the system,
create! an appetite, and tone the digestion,
while It eradicates disease. The peculiar
coniLiiiatloti, proportion, and preparation
ot the vegetable remedies used girt to
Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -T" lfeAf
lar curative powers. No lloCII
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. It you bare made up your mind to
buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to
take any other Instead. It is a Peculiar
Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold ty all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Liood 4 Co., Lowell, at as.
100 Doss On Dollar
I toprstioHT issi
Ought to be tmaUrr
the crest, griping, old-fashioned
pilL There's too much unpleasant
new for the money. Ought to bo
better, too. They're big enough,
and make trouble enough, to do
more good.
That's just what Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets do, more good.
Instead of weakening the system,
they renovate it ; instead of up
setting, they cleanse and regulate
it mildly, gently, nd naturally.
They're the original Little Liver Pills
the smallest but most effective,
purely vegetable, perfectly harmless,
and easiest to take. Only one
little Pellet for a gentle laxative
three for a cathartic Sick Head
ache, Bilious Headache, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
and all derangements of the Liver,
Stomach and Bowels are promptly
relieved and permanently cured.
They're the cheapest pills you can
buy, for they're guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or your money is re
turned. You pay only for the good
vou get. It's a plan peculiar to Dr.
Pierce's medicines.
Judge Kice Sustained.
There are some saloon keepeis in
Hazteton who hare reason to regret
the fict that they didn't take out their
The Supreme Court has decided
that the fee shall be only $150 and
therefore County Treasurer McGroarty
will have to refund $350.
I he matter came up before the Su
preme Court to day and that Court
sustained the opinion of Judge Rice
that the license fee should be but $150
instead of $500.
hue it is a matter of some regret
to know that the rity will lose the
amount of money it counted upon,
still it shows the wisdom of C W.
Kline, Esq- in taking his clients' case
to the Supreme Court and it pro es
that the opinion of Tucje Rice can be
counted upon as a clear and just ex
position of the law.
So the saloon men hive reason to
be happy. llazleton Sentinel.
Remove boils, pimples, and skin
eruptions, by taking Averts Sarsapar
The Directors of the Bloomsburg j
oard of the Mutual Guarantee
Building and Loan Association will
issue 500 shares of stock during ApriL 1
To accommodate all persons who de
sire to lay aside a few dollars every
month, at a large rate of interest, the
secretary, T. J. Vanderslice Esq. is
authorized to receive applications at
his oSce in the Sentinel building every
wees clay during the month, and Sat
urdays from 7 to 8:30 p. m. Will also
receive applications for loans.
Shares $100 each. Cost of stock
$1.00 per share. Dues 75 cents per
share per month, maturing guaranteed
stock in about 7 years, and no n guar
anteed in about 61 years. You can
take any number of shares from one up.
One share will mature $100. Five
shares, $500 and ten shares $1000.
On each ten shares and up if appli
cant undergoes a satisfactory Medical
examination a guarantee is given that
in the event of death, the full $100, on
each share will be paid in cash at
once; and in the case of aborrower, the
morgage be canceled and the home
left free to the wife and little ores.
Women can hold shares in their own
This is your opportunity to secure a
profitable investment.
B. F. Sharpless.
Geo. A. Herring.
T. J. Vande:slice, Esq.
J. B. Robison, Esq.
Frank Ikeler.
Hugh W. Mc,eynolds, M. D.
Thos. Gorrey.
I. W. Willits, M. D.
4-1-41- Directors.
EuckLn's Aroioi Salve-
The Best Salve in the world for cuts,
trittrs. soies. salt rheum, fever sores, letter.
chai se I hands, tbilt'Uins, corns, and all
skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
I'rice S5 cenu per bos. For Sale by C. A.
::ks Ccttca Rcct
A recent discovery by an old
pll)l'lUU. SWfutl llrd
inuiillily 0J thtuxiiul 0 la-
air.. I the only iierteetly
H:i(f and reliable utcdlclue
discovered. Beware of tin-
principled Uruirglst who offer Inferior medl
rlues lu i are ot thl. Aak for cook's (.'ottos
Root coarot'KD,rfira io niUtuU, or Inclose
(1 and ) cent lu pontage In letter, and will
semi, wuled, by return null. Ktill Healed par
ticular In plain envelope, to Udle only, t
ktuuiiu. Ad lrvt I'osi) Lilt COdriNV,
So. FlsUer block, Deuvlt, Mica.
Towx of Bloomsburg, Pa.,
For the year 1891.
Built up
Mihurtun ....
iwupjtlua ..
, f !.. I).
Al.tvn 09.
li.cj m ,
TAS ItOLL roll 1-M.
H null
S intn
. mill...
. I mlllt
..IS mllli...
A nit. of Tsv
.. iif.tfl I
41 SO
f,ll hi
S I.Wl.'OI IX)
ti,m m
VVr.1 Fnrnl'hrcg Company, so
rpet Mill t'oenpany, ... M.cmn W
lit HIU oompony S.iviO rO
KVbardww 4 Nlctasrda IT 14
Furniture Company
Exonerated Ixwrabw , 1h, for 10 year.
Mf , iw-",
June , " " '
' " May 8, f9 , "
" Oct. 14; iwl, " " !
li,r.r ro
r-r cnt of th abnv? valuation M
Funded Indebtednesn
lf9 1A 14 l'H 1 17 19) 1M 10 1WJI 1 IMA 1H 1WA ItMt lT I1M4
lUAn. S.t.. ) 10 M M W W NO
iMue auk . If I1 M Ml l l0
lu Junes, 1 . SOI Srt) SO SOI SU 4.D VO
iuert. li,tC.. 190 ll ISO W W N W N W W W Ml) W V)
laue Oct. . IS . t:0 M li M M ro 90 .V- Mr) .- M M CO W 413
! li, l. A S Sie 6iS Mrt 5"5 M Ki TlO : ITS WO Ktt XTS .-S tot
1-wuo rT. IT. !). IV) 1 15 I S l Iff to t0 1." () 110 ) M H M M
Lue Jan. 14 uw. wo U) too too too roe 100 o too
. liS M SOW SVS S14S WW 1413 S3C0 tits 150 1KV) IT0S 1T89 1T1 tttO ! 97
ROBERT PfCKINonAM Town Treasnrer for
li. in account with the Town ct Blooms
burg, F.
To monle rwelved a Mlowa:
Cmii oo batHl ss per laat an
Dual .'rmDt .. fill 73
From M. C. oodward, CoL on
Duplicate of l-. S4J M
FT mi m. v. woodward CoL on
Implicate of )! S800 00
Prom O. A. llemng tor show
Uoenaea CO
F i otn f. (4. lUnnan for show
licenses on
From P. ti. ilarman for fines.. to S
" " mm rents
for Pain '.0 00
From P. 8. Ilarman tor srvrer
permits 14S SO
From p. 8. Usrman for old
pump .
Ftixu r. c fcjer rur sewer pet-
mlt I 00
From John Btuh Co. tor
From American Telegraph
Telephone co. for puhlk-e-
t ion ft ordinance So. 4 9 ii
From Central penns. Tele-
f booe a fupplr Co. tor , ub
icatloo of i rdlnance No. t4 9 01
From bonJs negotiate Feb. 1st
ns tworo
From Tax roll 1WU S3
From John L Kllo, Co. Treas'
Liquor licenses tor l4tt IftM 00
front trnd holders for btate
tax on bonds 101 89
By amount of orders paid dur
ing year 1?(T 15
By amount of coupons paid
during year 13ST S3
By amouLt of bouls paid dur
ing year, u.
boodNalifl - 10 00
nt 10 uu
" 1S4 Si 00
" 141 ISO 00
" S. ftno
181 4.V) On
- - tie us oo
By amount ot Mate tax pld
to Mate i reas irer i
By amk ot TreaaureVS com-l
mlasloa on money paid out
on bonds lKid U of 1.... 10(0
By amount it Treasurer's com-
miwion on money paia oui
i r4 w
By amornt of caab on band.. T
at. C. WOODWARD, Tax ctrt
lector for lao.
To balance oo duplicate ot CM OS
By cash paid R. BucsUigaam.
Treaaurer i tl
By exonerations allowed Mar.
to. imi nits
f 400 08
if. C. WOODWARD, Tas Col
lector tor issh
To amount of duplicate
By Cftih psll R. Bucklnsham
l reaxurer ... aauu uu
By exo eriUons allowed Mar.
10, lf .... SU St
Balmce duo.. lasa
f 571
Cash on band as per last an
nual statement I 1SI 73
Front M. c woodward
tnr on duplicate 1HM) ..
From U. C. Woodward collec
tor on duplicates 1(1
From o. a. Uenlng for anow
From P. t. Harm an for show
From P. tt Brmta for anew...
From P. 8. Hsiman for rent
tor pork
From P. n. Ilannan for sewer
permits ..
From P. O-tlarmantorold pu p
From F. C. Kyer tor sew .r per
mit From John liiuh A Co, for
From Amerlctn Telegraph
Telephone co, for publishing
OidlnanceNo. M
From Central penna Tee
pbone and supply Co. for
publishing of ordinance ho.
Pmm'fxj'nji negotiated Feb. 1.
IffL SOOO 00
From John L. Kline Co. Treat.
liquor lloeniea for 1W I0J4 00
From bocd holders for fciaie
tax oo boiKU 101
From tax roll 13JU 33 S2UM S
tSOO 00
30 00
40 33
10 00
14J ro
4 vO
3 00
t to
S 00
38 en
lsos U
61 M
co eo
Jmt. paid W. J. Bldleman
com. of Highways
int. mid John (.adman. Com.
Of Highways 173 30
Ami. paid vin. purguaun cum
of Highways
Amu pld labor atd haullng.
John Whllenigbt
Amu paid P. . Miller Mone..
Amt pld C. P. Armationg
stone at 10
Amu paid Hound and Dootte
stone Ill M
Amt. psld 1) U W. Ca.
tre.gbt on atone ' SS 33
AiriU paid Creasy 4t H ells lum
ber M4 89
AuiU pill Blooasburg Car.
ca smithing .. 13 73
Anil. Ual4 0. b. Martin smltb
log. 11 OS
Amu paid ilarman 1 Dussert
aundrteii 34 04
AinU pild f. Ktorr son
unithlog 13 43
Amu paid Ilarman A Uasarrt
10 cnMt.ff plates 107 01)
AmU pU & Uusaert
weUblcg .. 3 71
Ami. I'ul'l Km. Ncal AT Fons
velgbli g - It 43
Amt paid C. w. Ncal it lire.
coU for crusher 80 SO
Arr.t. piidU. . Laubacb ma
sonry -. II 04
Amt. paid J. Uacbuian m.
aonrv It 13
Amt. paldC. W. Run j on tun.
dik 3) Ot
Amt. paid i. K. BcUujler tun.
drt. , 3 30
Amt. pal J Fr.-d scuwinu haul
ing 4 00
au.l naid Ilenn DelcLoiUler ' .
y ...v. f ov
Amu psld B. F Rice use toid
machine In two II 50
Amt paw t. F. Peacock Co.
sundries IS SI
Amt. psld .tobn Csdman Com.
HlghwaiS 4t tO
Amu paid m. Ferguson Com.
of lllgbwat lit 4)
AmU paid labor and hauling.. Htt 73
Amt. F. P. Drinker stone lul i"
Amu paid John Waiters stone. 4 iw
Amu paid E Hummers stone., 44 M
AmU paid B. F. F 'Ik stone.... 7 31
AmU paid W. l HuafTer stone 1 M
AmU paid Low Bra AT Co cob
blestone. .. 43 91
Amt. pll Low Bra AT Co.
apal'.s ... l 34
A tut. pld D. L AT VT. R. IS. Co.
freight on stone S33 Sf)
Amt nald Thomas Go my
upalla S 7J
Auil. paid b. KttOodea x0lMt-
stone.... . 16 (6
Amu paid Barton bbkffer.oob-
blestooe 40 54
Amt pail Wilson cox, cobble
Btone i u
Amu paid W. J. Webb, cobble
s'one . i M
AmU paid W. li. Yetter, sand. It ti
Amt paid Wm P Eerly. stone l It
.mt paid W M Ferguson
brick and sand 01 )
Amt patd c P lon. smlt nine. t su
Amt paid E L Barton, smith
ing 14 41
A ail paid C W Neil AT Bra.
coal tor crusher... 8 33
Amu pal I Ilarmsn AT Ilasrt
coal for crusher 81 40
Amu psld lUrman AT Uassert
rep-lr tocrusher iw 91
Amu pmi Barman A II assert
velghlng .. 38
Amu paid I. W. MtKelvy
weighing. 140 01
Amu paid M. V. W bite AT CO.
weighing it ss
Amt paid Patmers Produce
Exchange, weighing n
Amu paid Lock Haven clay
Worts for pipe. 43
t;Ml 3
Amf. paid Wesley , Knorr
chief Pouoe tl ot
Amt. Pali Assistant Pulloe.... U0 ti
Amt paid M V. Woodward
Town Constable jo rn
Amt paid M c Weoaward, ar
resta, to 04
I C8S3 15
J A Hutchlns A Co sewer pipe. . . .
l L W K K Co frt 00 sewer pipe
J c Brown teU gram and expmsv
. ? '
J C Broan services as supu sew
ers W o Holmes sewer construction
ti Heist sewer con traction
II V White At Co sewer n.
ttnn sot 00
H v Whits At Co pipe and sundry
material jj 47
narroan AT IJ assert repairs to
sewers 7 i
Jaclunn A Woodln drain pipe.... 3 i
Lesher A son drain 1743
Leaher A son extras u a
a ai w utiersteeo labor on drain.. I u
IJ74 7
Si 6t
18 43
5 71
-$?V18 tl
W A tlartxel rent Oct 1.V0 to Apr
1. t M 50
O A McKet-ry aundrlea t M
Ludlow Valve Mtg Co S Ore ty-
drants 53 Oi
Bloomsburg Water Co setting Ore
bydranta si 53
O B Martin repairs to boss Jum-
per it
Bloomsburg Car Co wood 1 ts
tmmtumera uaa Co gas coal 17 M
D L A W K R CO frt on coal.
D L A W K H Co frt on hydrants
Charles Sants cleaning bote....
Eureka Hues Co rubber goods
Blooniburg Car Co store rubber
W t) Khodcauoyer A Co wont on
Kent j A Hoffman work on pit....
C C Keaty services as engineer 11
s v
1 31
1 (
7 00
101 50
5 53
6 ti
43 83
Bloomsburg Water Co rent 48
flte hydrants Oct I, VJtoJuly 1,
vi (a fJi per hydrant per an
num TW 00
Blooowburg Water co rent 30 fire
iKdraiila July l, Hi to March 1,
l"Ji 6T4 M
Ileas Iron Mfg Co repairing limp
posts 1 40
Fenna Globe Gas L'ght Oo Light
ing Mar 1, vi to Nov 1, ti, mo
at ttt. Vf per light per month 817 41
Bloomsburg Elect no Light and
Power Co electric llwrblJubet,
1W, to warcb . iwi 1509 SJ
Bloom.burg K ecirlc Light and
Puwer co lUht Ing by utobe Ga
UbW Co's Lgbia to Mar 4, Mi lit 80
workUt IS).,
Eloomsbtirg steam Co steam 7 mo
Mar 1, VI to Mar 1, VI 170 1-1
Blomobur Water Co water 1 yr
Apr 1. lul to Apr 1. 1-vl 19 01)
Blouinsburg Ota Co gas Dec I,
to March V 61 5."
Mover BruglaR 1 33
A v itower wMcbman Mar I, 11
to Dec 1, l-oi 9 no
Chis Krug Inside bi nds St
I' K Vatn ill a pnlntlug root jy -,-u
F K Drake pulling seats In lock
up 4 on
(i ( Martin repairs In lock up 4 n
W o Holmes repairs to gas Umps N
George Weat bcrubblng 1
Bloomitiurg Lsnd Improvement
co rent l ) ear June 4 Mi to June
4. Hi lrti) 111
Ell)nli Hhutt wsichman li9
Llotmaburg Watrr 10 n i ter .. a; iu
" " water to
cot l. '9- 3 m
W M Lemon repairs ci m
a R Martin io ;n
John Kltcl en iaN-r t is
Efeh'.euian AT Wolf pluutblug 11 03
r.440 St
S4 7
S F rvaeock sudlt r of at et B mi
A N Yoit audl'or of V) act Am
J tf Blu 5 ,
A H corell rubber stamps 1 on
Guy Jacohy aflldavlls t 71
KlweU btltenbenddr publlaiilng
-81S3S SS
nr.nsl (tatement of ltl o. fn
Ilweii a Hlttfr.Londcr ptintlns
pub Ord 37. ). 4 . . ,
Wm Krickbaum pibiLnblr g stawl
tin nt 23 m
Wm Krh-ktmnm rrlntlng A tur
llMlint "VII W.VI. M .. , 5
J C Hroa n pun si alt merit ,
t (' Brown prtnunr and cubOrd
Mr Woodward eenltg tax to.
tl"es jo (11
t B W'iblson srvicns srgumerit to
exceftlors 10 rerort of Mews
No 3, f pi feS !!) U ,w
M 0 Oiilck, r rot. eont views North
tsii ThiM snd Fifth mi vsvt
W if Brooke A t o fta'lonerv
ilarmsn A Ussscrt repairs to
pump Ac 15
John I.sstraa, overpsld tat 4 no
P K Vannatta, Index boards.. M .1)
Eahlemsn a Wolf, sundries.... 77 is
l I. A W H R Co frlgliU. ...... 1 ti
i C Brown, services as Town
Kninnoer jt
m Neal A tvms, cleaning run t t:,
Ety A Horrm.n, work on
pamo snd crnoDrr H 50
Rormont cemetery Co. m la
cemetery sn1 putting up
tomblons 71 23
1 h'tcf sa ant'a, reps' ring
pump. a co
Bustle damages lo crops
in roiMrucil s nf rwT , ISO (l)
vim F IMmiiao, sundrl-a,.... 13 i
B P (t.rdner. inedUal treat.
ment of Mlnr le Davis fl no
Allen A Ar-nmroog, sundries.. 1 77
W B cu Timings services as
flecretsry . . 10 no
W it cumtuimrs. services to
making up tax roll ti Ot)
W H ummlnva, aervlcct In
making cut duplicate 3 on
Pal I on account of orders out
landing, vtx:
For " ro
Fori" tun
For ihw) avi
Palo coipnna of "' p ti
" coupons of 1 Ixxi 11
bouda. iau un
state tM ot bonds for
lU-reol yr T m
Treasurer's con ml-tlon ... . sxi in
Balance In bands i f Treat . xT w
I not)
'314 II
Dednct "mount of orders of
U9 outstanding
tpaves amount eaualllng re-
oclpts .... tll:M
Buooasstso, Pa., March 31, il
We, the undermgned sudttorsnf the Town of
n'onubnry, mt fiom t me to tune tor the pui.
poce of perlonulng our 00 ilea, snd do herehy
certify tbst e bave rismlnid the foregoing sr.
oounu snd stsu mentt and find thim cormt,
tnd we bertr.y awrove o II e bin. Me lecom.
rm-nd thst the vsult lo the Twn Hall lie put In
Miltable rotiolilcn for the projer prewivstlot
of the valuable uuoks and lecoida U-xciilbg to
A. L. FKI1,
Its's nee due on duplicate of
191 $lt"S )9
Balance in Treasurer's hand.. x7 9
Due from sundry persoLS for
eaer peru-lla 73 is
Fnrded debt S01S 00
rderof imm outstanding.. .. tt
Orders of lN9outatabdl.'g 1 to
ordernot IMli outHtentllng.... t 14 H
Coupons 01 lev) unpaid tt to
Coup us of lf.91 Ulif aid too v
Deduct astta
Net indebtedness .
w. b, crust'! a.
April I. Secretary.
f J!M It
r,; a
$ ti it 11
. S. HAltMA.N,
Pres. of counclL
FMate of A .Via Whilmtrrjalt 4' fofft .'uuiwAia
CofiiJMMd Cuwasi. smurl,
Notice Is hereby trlren tbst lettTS of admin
istration or. the estate nf Mora Whllmlre laie
of 1 entre township. Columbia tMunty. deceased
have len irranted to the unuVrxlifned ailnilnls
trator to whom a I pemon Indebted to nald en
tateare reiuettcd to make payment., and llne
having claims or demanU will mske knownthe
same Mlt bout delay to ELI A VolNG.
4-1-l-w. , Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given to trie creditors of the
undentlgned and to all persona whom It tuny
com-ern that he will apply 10 the court of
Common plea 01 Columbia county for Mie
benefit of the Insolvent laws of this Common,
wealth, on Monday morning, 'ay t, )t9A at tt a
o'clock of said day, at which time any uerxou
having any oblectlon to h'.s filial dlschnreeai
an insolvent debtor can aptear snd make the
same known. DAMfcL KAM1. Kit.
llKSKINO, Atty.
By virtue of sundry writs of 0. fa. lsued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia
couuty and to me directed thete will be expun
ed at public sale at the Court House la Bloouu
burg. Pa,, on
at J o'clock p. m., all that ce.-tain piece or p.r
cel of land situate in MlfUln township. In tl
county of Columbia, sod Statt of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-w It : on
the north by land of Thomas A ten es
tate, on the east by land of W. J. Nungeswr,
and the south by land of K. and D. Iloca, on the
weet by land of J. G rover, containing
more or lera
ALSO: All that certain piece or parcel of
timber land situated In the townihlp of Mlillia,
county and State aforesaid, bounded and d-s-crlbed
as follows tnw1t : Beginning at a dea4
black oak tree In the line of land of Reorge
Longeuberger, dee'd. thence by the same and
land of the heir ot John Huyder, deed, south '
degrees 10 minute eaat li perches to a stone ;
thence by land of JacootKibweppeuhelier.dec'd,
north 54 degrees east as perches to a stone:
thence by land of John A ten, deed, north si d
grees 10 minutes west II (4-10 perches to a stone;
thence by land of Thomas Aten south ix.voV
greva west il perches to place of beglnulug, con
and Seventy Perches, strict measure.
ALSO : All that certain tract of laud sltu:il
ed partly In Mlttlln and parly In Beaver town
ships, county and State aforesaid, surveyed is
the warrantee name of WUItam stcadiuin.
bounded by land lnj the warrantco cauien ot
William P. Bradey on the west, Jeremiah Ja
souoa the south, Wm. Gray on the east, and
George Shaffer and William Web on the units
and allowance of land, excepting Twelve and
one-half acres heretofore sold to Gioeou Nui
lying on the north wea coruer.
Seized taken Into execution at the suit ot s
C. Lee A Sun to use of D. W. Murk, and J. A
Schreck vs. I. K. (khwepiHnht lser, and o"
sold o the property of I. K.SebiveppenlieUer.
F.TAN. W. B. A M' K. JOHN Mol'KEV,
Attys, shcriS
i?&AGe mo mm,
Estimates cliecrfullj- given on all lj)ulU 01
bulldtwis. S-4-a-iu