The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 15, 1892, Image 5

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
iri'itnrmt at the Post omen nt, llloomsbtirir. ?i
iccoiid class manor. .March 1. Ishs.
FRIDAY. APRIL 15. 1892.
Cleveland for President.
Tlie Domccratic State Convention
convened at Harrisburg Wednesday,
Anril n, at u o'clock noon. The
convention eclipsed anything ever held
in the state, Doth in regard to numbers
and enthusiasm. There seemed to be
a general opinion that the convention
would be one that would present the
name of not only a successful candi
date for the nomination but one that
would be a winner in the November
election. The representative demo
crats were early in securing rooms at
the lately remodeled hotels. The
Democratic State Central Committee
secured rooms and made the Com
monwealth Hotel their head quarters.
lion, wrant Herring reached Harris-
burg Monday evening, and took rooms
in the Commonwealth and soon en
tered into conference with Secretary
Harrity aid Attorney General Ilensel.
William A. Wallace and Ja-. M. Guf
fcy representing the anti-administration
people took rooms at the Bolton
House. Tuesday morning William
Krickbaum, Rohr Mcllenry, Dr. F.
W. Redekcr and Robert Buckingham,
l'.sq., went to Harrisburg; Wm. Krick
baum and the two delegates took
rooms at the Bolton House, and Robt.
Buckingham at the United States.
On the noon train County Chairman
Townsend, J. K. BittenbeMer, togeth
er with the remaining three delegates,
A. D. Seely. Thi ma Boran and Jessi
Rittenhouse, started for the Capitol. 1
Ihe three delegates took rooms at the
Holton House, while County Chan
1. , , T 1
OWnsend and J. K. Blttenben-
tier went to the Common H ealth. At
four o'clock the Congressional District
Delegates composed of Northumbci-
land 7, Columbia 5, Montour 2, and ,
I. went into a committee
- " , IUI lULill
room for the purpose of electing two sel'-jovernmcnt, for honest money, the gold
delegates to the National Convention. nnJ i'ver coinage of the constitution nn l for
Upon a call of roll the result was as Z.T,4 c,,vtible in, - coinage
f, 11. , , ... , c t.r Z without loss j for that genuine civil erv ce
follows : C. JT. Dickerman of North- r,frm WIlich recoRnizrs public a a
umberlaid received 5 from Columbia, public trust; for liberal but not redden t en
2 from Montour, 7 from Northumber- ' l,ions anJ or 'he speedy abatement of nil
land and 1 from Sullivan, total is. be-1
ing the entire delegation ; Wm Krick
baum of Columbia, received e from
Columbia, nd 3 from Northumber-
land, total 8 : Peter McCann of Mon.
'our received a from Montour, 4 from
Northumberland and 1 from Sullivan,
total 7. (j. IT. Dickerman and Wm
1- 1 1 . .
rviiLKnaum having each received a :
majority of the votes cast were de
clared the delegates elected. Imme-
t lately after supper the senatorial dis-'
iiili, composed ot Lycoming 7, Co-: ua,u co" production, lo this end the
himbia 5, Montour 2, and Sullivan 1, 1 J,tKi,,ley tarT I"11 should be repealed, the
went into cnmmittPH ami c,.Lrt,l I ; essentijl raw 11.ate1i.1U of American mauuf
F ' ! hl m ,S' ctures should b put niH.n list and
r. tnrehby of Lycoming as member revised tar ff should I e adopted, with due
ot committee on credentials; Dr. F. ! regard for the rights of Amer'cin labor and
Redeker of Columbia, as member J llle I reservation of our manufacture,
of committee on rules ; and Ambrose 1 .lT,'a,, co't"' wiih this issu; and
1'arifll f;.,- ' . . f , with thi demand, the sentiment of the I'em .
1 ar eu 0f Sullivan as member of com- S)iva.ia Uemocracv is overwhelmingly for
mutee on organization. A motion was the renomination to the presidency of the
inmle by: a member from I yc Jming I l,,nn who gave to his party intellectual and
county that Hon. Grant Herrin" be Polit:caI Je ler.hip nnd to the country
Unanimously endorsed fnr HWat,. at I ,.l,re nnd elev?,eU "-Iministrntion. NVe'de-
lar .u.m vr - --o- .
'fte to the National Convention.
-1-...1 iui vote, tiiiee 01 ine tieie
gaiesfrorn Columbia county refused
to vote, notwithstanding that they were
instructed at the late committee meet
ing by a vote of 1 2 to 19 to vote for
senator Herring.
The evening was one of bustle and
"'musion, occasioned by the meetings
"i in
e variot S congressional and Sen- .
il .1..I a. an 1
itjrul delecates. Thpre wa much
w're pullingc'one ly the t. vent) -four dif
ferent persons who were contesting for
eight places as delegates at large to
the National Convention. About a
olocka. m., we received the intelli
gence that the Administration had
slated Hon. Grant Herring as one of
the delegates at large and assured him
that he would be selected. It was a
J'orthy selection as will be seen by the
large vote he polled from the various
At twelve o'clock, noon, the large
nail was crowded, and Chairman J.
Marshall Wrieht. called the meetin-r
to order, stating that he was ready to
'cce ve
nnminahnns for fmtrrfiri? .
chairman r j.-.-i.. i i- 1.- '
TW ? 1",',,cumlc,' "on- f' organitiation of regular Democra ic .o.ittie.
iiuuhoven of Cumberland was chosen, j,, iv.ry disirict, and the union of such soil:.
POn taking the chair he gave a pow- . ties in the Democratic society of I'ennsylva.
ertul address, Outlining what Would b ' ' a" ' national association of Dcmoua-
SSnlhf XTd ,f U'- i llT2U That we cordially approve the
Mlng the public record Of F.X Presi- I , .,ion o( , uemocrat,c Mate central co n
'ent Oroxer Cloveland and G ivernor m.ttee in selecting William K. Ilanity to fill
Kobert F.. Pattison. Whenever he the vacancy in the Democratic national coin-
numtiored the name of Cleveland or ' "U1f,d y e a'hr' WJN
l'ariis ,u r l .1 lain I.. Scottj and we hereby declare Mr.
r,, T n' C,Ver afler Cheer rent "le a,f Harritv to be the choice of the Democracy of
cartlitij, tjw speech. . At hall past Pennsylvania for ihe full term of member.
ne the names of committee on ere- 'iip of the Democratic national comm'ttce
"entials, rules and organization . were hlch bl8lnl ln Jnne nexU
read rml the convention took a recess
of two hours. When lh convention
re assembled at four o'clock the fol
lowing administration ticket was cir
culated among the delegates. For
etcctcrs-at large Mortimer F. F.lliot,
Tioga ; John C. Bullitt, Philadelphia;
The mas 15. Kennedy, Franklin; David
T. Watson, Allegheny ; for dclegatcs-at-large,
George Ross of Bucks, W.
U. Hensel of Lancaster, W. Nf. Sing
ety of Philadelphia, Cius. Roln on of
Lackawanna, Harry Alvan Hall of
F.Ik, John I McKinney of Crawford,
Grant Herring of Columbia, Henry
Meyer of Alleghany. When the chair
man called the meeting to order there
was not a vacant p'ace to be found,
all the available space, chairs and
standing room was occupied one sol
i 1 mass of enthusiastic democrats.
Senator Hall of Elk county, chairman
of Committee on credentials lead the
report which had been unanimously
adopted. Upon the conclusion of the
report the chairman moved the adop
tion of the report, and the call for the
previous question. A lively discussitn
ensued by the amis, but this following
was so weak that chairman Beltzhoov
er easily ruled against them, and ra'l
ed for the report of the committee on
organization, who named Hon. George
Ross of Franklin County for perman
ent chairman.
Air. Koss on assuming the chair ; s
the permanent chairman of the con
vetion, in a masterly speech, held the
close attention of the vast audience.
At the clos cf hi.t speech Senator M.
P. Read of Philadelphia, chairman,
read the following rules :
We, the Democracy of Pennsyl vnnia, in
conven ion assembled, join wi.h our politi. associate of other states in the effort to
re-ore the control of the executive branch
of the federal j;ocrn ne;it to the any of
the people.
We pledge anew our fe.ilt v to the m-inci.
pies tirst declared by the illustrious nun who
founded our free institution and established
u,c 'enK"-ra l"'ty protect ana pre
serve them.
.... ipiic.v in 11. c iiutiniics wnicu nave
..e taught and the 1 radices which have
b--en enforced in the administration of oov-
Wm 1- .1.. J.....-" 1 1
er,,inen' I y Thomas Jefferson and Andi
'letd ",; 'y Samuel Til,lc11 ai,J t:ro
We believe in and we declare for hor
xoun 01 nce-ll-Si " oppressive taxation,
Vi;h spci:il relation to the pending polit-
ical cond t ons in the c u itiy and common- we hrmlct ami dee am
I. 1 hat the paramount reform now de
manded f f the federal legislature is the re
form of thj tariff laws, upen the 1 asis I the
! Democratic national platform of 18S8. to
me chu di money snail re need e-sly
exacted from lha industries and necessities
1 of the people; and lhal our industrial inter
( ests shall not le prejudiced by excessive tax
ation, false systems of finance, or mmm.
clare our convictions that the best interests
0f tie paity ail( 0( ,ne country demand the
nomination nnd
as president, nnd we are confident that und
er his leadership the principles of J.lemoc
racy will win a glorious victory; nnd, to the
end that the vote and influence of Pennsyl
vania may be most effectively heard and felt,
the delegates this day chosen are directed to
fll-l II llllit ill nil limltrj untti... I ...I ...
,lleir clure. said a -lion to be determined Ly
1 . t . . . . . '
ine vol; 01 ine majority 01 the delegates.
3. That the honest, courageous un 1 cfT
cient administration of Robert V. 1'attison,
Coventor of 1'cnnsylv.uiia, meiits the a'pro-
11 1 nixl confidence of the people of the coin
monwealth, and has the hearty commend?
tion of the party whose standard lie twice
carried to victory; that his effort to enforce
the constitution nnd the laws arj prnise
worthy and patriotic, and have o. r unpiuli
fled approval. '
4. That the action of the Repul.li1.a11
state senate tn evading the duty ol pronounc
l"B judgment upon faithless state olfic als was
a cowardly subterfuge and a disgraceful vio
lation of public duty.
5. Thit in accordance with Ihe recom.
mendation of the national Democratic com
mittee, the Democra ic state, county end
city committees are advised mid directed tj
further by every means in
their power the
UrM'nvl, That the Iemni:ratitf jitate cen
iral coinmittcs of l'ennsytvniiia is teicl y nu
tl.oiized to fill any rnd nil vacancies lli;U
may ocur after the adjournment of the con
vention in the position of candidate Ur
judge of the luprcmc court, of candidali: for
congressman at large, of candidate for presi
ii I elector-nt-lnrge or of dclegate-nt-to
the Democratic national convftnio i,
by 1'ic nomination or tlejtioti of suitiih'e
persons to fill such vacsndes: Provided
that should any vacancy in the position of
dc'cate at-largc occur on or after fune I,
I?o2, then such vacancy shall I e filled I y
the remaining delcgatcs-a' .large.
k.siW, That the delegaies to this stale
convention from their several congressional
lis,rit:t l.e authorised to fill nny
that may occur In Ihe position of distiict '
candidate for presidential elector or of dele- '
gate to the national convention. ,
When the chairman concluded the I
reading of the Rules he moved their '
adoption which was promptly answer
ed. Jno. M. Garman, of Luzerne
county offered a substitu e to Rule 2,
but after some discussion the substi- '
tution was withdrawn and the resolu-!
tions adopted. I
After the adoption of the resolutions
the following persons were elected by
acclamation. Forjudge of the Su
preme Court, Hon. Christopher Hey
drick. For Congressmen atlarge,
Thos. P. Merritt of Bucks county,
and Geo. A. Allen of Krie. For
F.lectors at large, Mortimer F. Elliot,
of Tioga, John C. Bulltit of Philadel
phia i Thos. B. Kennedy of Franklin
and David T. Watson, of Allegheny.
Then followed the only test of
strength between the administration
delegation and the anti-administration,
when the following was p'aced in
nomination for Delegates at large,
and upon call of roll received the
respective votes opposite their names :
W". U. Hensel, Lancaster, 424
Ceorge Ross, Bucks, 418
Charles Robison, Lackawanna, . . . 399
Grant Herring, Columbia, 384
Harry A. Hall, Elk 376
W. M. Singerly, Philadelphia 369
John L. M'Kinney, Crawford 354
Henry Major, Allegheny 350
Jos. P. O'Brien, Erie 123
Jas. M. Guffcy, Allegheny, 118
Geo. F. Baer, Berks, 113
Win. A. Wallace, Clearfield, 1 1 1
The first eight receiving the highest
vote were declared elected, whereupon
John M. Gorman of Luzerne moved
that their election be made a unan
imous vote, which prevailed.
The following were chosen by the
Senatorial districts as electors:
Samuel Gustine Thompson, Cle
ment R. Wainwright, Adam S. Con
way, Charles II. Lafferty, W. Red
wood Wright, George R.' Guss, John
O. James, Wm. Molan, James Duffy,
Chas. D. Breck, S. W. Trimmer,
Samuel S. Leiby, Azur Lathrop, F. C.
Hippie, Thomas Chalfanr, W. D.
Hunimelright, P. H. Strubinger, H.
P. Piper, Joseph D Orr, Charles A.
Fagan, Andrew A. Payton, John D.
Braden, Michael Leibel, Thos. M'
Dowell, J. K. P. Hall.
Many rise in the morning with a
headache and no inclination for break
fast. This is due to torpidity of the
liver and a deranged condition of the
stomach. To restore healthy dction
to these organs, nothing is so effica
cious as an occasional dose of Ayer's
Pills. -
Call and see our l!ne of Wall
Paper and Window Curtains befo:e
you buy. J. H. Mercer.
We are prepared to do papering
either by contracting to put it on or
only sell you the paper, just as vou
like. J. H. Mercer.
Look to your interest. F.lmira
Clipper chilled Plows, right and left
South Bend chilled plows at bottom
prices Planet Jr. one l.orse cultiva
ten, Blaker adjustible spring tooth
harrow, set the teeth all at one time.
All kind of repairs that fanneis need.
Call and see before you buy, at
Kshleman & Wolfs, lower end Opeta
Mouse, Uloonisburg, Pa.
For Wall Paper and Window
Shades go to Mercer's Drug and Book
Guises fitted free ot charge at J. G,
Arn. a 11 ...- . 1 J
11 ma. Jin wi 1 iguai u iiiccu.
A large and complete line of Wall
Paper at Mercer's Drug and Book
. 1 1 .
re you looKing lor a Kange or
cook stove this spring? If you are
dont buy uniil you see and hear what
we have to say about the famous New
Coppello R'ltige and the stoves that
we handle at Kshleman & Wolf, lower
end Opera House, Bloomsburg, Pa.
And knows lio knows, Is wIha," says the Arabian
IJiuvi'm. wuru nuuizu mm rneiiinaiisiii, sout,
ktur iln-in, ilysui-inila, skin disease, liver and kid
ney IroutiltMt nil oriiniiata in linoum bloul. ami
lhal the uvat Brusilian rvmedy, C'ac-tiis Blood
Cure, til.l promptly and surely neutralize and
remove uuy uiouu poutou, ana you srui M WMo,
o. A. MuKelvy, DuuKlHt, iUnomsburif Fa.
Good Locks.
Good look are more than Mn deep, rle
rending upon healthy cosxation of all- the
vital organs. If the Liver I in.,-ri. ..
have a Pinched Look. Secao hu.i.k
and you will ha good look. Electric IU(.
Icr i the great alterative atxl Tonic act
arectly on these vital orgaaa. Care firaD
ttu, Blotches, Itoil and i4tm a ml m!L
ieaion. SoUaC. A f rrhrt Issasm..
900. per botfly. a
Kidney, Liver and BladderCur).
turn baffo, pain In JolnUor Nick, brink dust In
Uhni-. ircim-nt niHa, Irritation. Iiillnmatloo.
irrarcl, ulceration or catarrh of bladder.
Disordered Liver.
Tnalrvd .lljostlon. Rout, blllloits-h.-arUcho.
V . , ;n -'T cnrtu kt.lroy .llfflctiltlet
iiUrljijie, urinary trouble, bright- disease.
Impure Blood.
Scrofula, maktrlR, rent weakness or debility.
ertr lln noltl.. If ni.tb.o.
Mtcrt, lrumliiU will rvlmul to yon th prl- paid.
At Drnxgliila, 50c. Hire, $1.00 Mae.
"lanUits1 Oulil to llndth'-rnw-CoBHltatkm n-M.
DB. Kit Mia & CO., U.NUUAMTOH.N. Y.
! IMW f!
A PROniNKMT O. A. R. mN.
Ever since I came out of the Army In
'65 I hud Iwcn in poor health and had
taken more or Ipsa medicine nil tho time
I guttered principally from kidney and
li ver complaint, pain In back, poor appe
tite nnd constitution run down generally
Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root did me more
pood than all tho other medicine I had
ever taken. At present am feeling bet
ter than for years. It is the best med
it-ine on earth. Wm. Spencer, Co. F,
80th Indiana Infantry, Elkhart, Ind.
It is just such cages and wonderful
cures as these that have made Swamp
Root famous and given it a world-wide
reputation. Everybody lias a good word
10 say ror it. tiave you tried it T Re
commended by Druggists, 00a or $1.00
Tin roofing, iron roofing, steel roof
ing, cheaper than shingles. We can
now put on steel iron roofing at such
low figures that it makes it cheaper than
a shingle roof We also do spouting
and all work in the tin and sheet iron
line at bottom prices. Call and see
samples at Kshleman & Wolf's, Opera
House, Bloomsburg, Pa. 4 8 2t
all paper and window curtains at
W. H. Brooke & Co.
To Builders and Others-
For Shingles, Guaged Fencing, wide
Bam boards, all kinds dressed lumber
go to White & Conner, Orangeville,
Pa. 3-25 6w.
I. W. Kartnun & Sons.
Wc dont undertake the
task of raningr articles. K
you are anxious to see one of
the largest, finest, and cheap
est lines of dress goods i.i the
County, call, when in town to
see ours. Last year was a
Special cleaning up with our
stock, ' We succeeded" and
now offer an extra clean Spring
and Summer stock. We have
many new styles of dress
goods and a full line of trim
ming. We have the latest in
Spring coats and wraps. We
1 'HP 1 a .
nave a mil line 01 jace ana oil
curtains. We have a case of
navy blue calico at 5c, which
cannot be duplicated at the
price. Our Grocery is full
with dishes, glassware, -c.
for Easter presents, Granulat
ed and soft sugar 5c.
I. W. Haktman & Sons.
You pay your money nnd
you take your choice. It is a
good tiling when you aro in
vited to take your choice to in
sist that you have something to
choose from.
You will find no fault with
us in this respect if vou will
come and look at our wall paper
and window curtains.
If you have need of either
come and see our stick ; if you
have not, come along just the
We know vou will admire
the beautiful combination in
wall papers ; the new shades in
curtains and be tutoniched at
hat you can do nt a moderate
Ily vlrtuo of stinrt T writs of fl. f.t. Is'.iipi!
out of tho Court nf t'tmiiii'in PI.-is of Columbia
county and to mo illrpctrit tlictp will be p.p;in.
cd nt public sab; nt tho Court tlouv In Itlonms
bury. I'b,, on
nt t oVIopk p. in , nil that cert hi t cc or pnr
col of land sltuni ln Jliniln fO'.vriV.l;!, in tli?
county of colitinblii, mid .su: of renusylvanln,
bouutlcd nnd d .-scribed ns f illw?, c.-'vit ; on
tho north by l.uij nf T:nm3 A' an e;
tite, on the cost by lnnd nf W. J. Xuntfsser,
nnd thi south by Innd of H. and I), llo n, on tho
west by bind of J. orovpr, cnntnliilng
Aj.HO!-Aii that certmn piece or pmwi of
tlinlxir IhiiiI sltunteil lii thp townhlrt of Mlfllln.
county nnd Htnte nforesold, biund-tl and des-
i nueu as toiiiw.s to-wlt j llilnnliiK at a dead
bln-' trefi In thi linn of Innd of tleorjre
Lnnifenbeiver, clw'd. thenes liy thn miuiB nnd
bind of the heirs of John 8nyder, dee'd, south TO
detfroo 10 minutes east lai perches to a stone s
thence by lnnd of Jacob Schireppciibelsor, dee'd,
nirthiiiHi d-jtrees east perches to a stone;
thenee by land of John Aten, dee'd, north Sll de.
(frees 10 minutes west 1 J 8-10 perches to a stone;
thence by land of TIiotos Aten south 4XJ de
Brees west l perches to pbtce of beginning, con
and Seventy Perches, strict measure.
ALSO : All that certain traet of lnnd situat
ed pnrtly In Miniln and purly ln rtenver town
ships, county and Htato aforesaid, surveyed In
the warrantee namo of William mendman,
bsunded by land In1 the warrantee names of
William P. Bradey on tho west, Jeremluh Jack
sot on the south, Wm. Gray on the east, and
O Hrge Shaffor and William Web on the north
and allowance of land, excepting Twelve and
oie-lialf acre heretofore sold to uidon Nuss
lying on the north weit coi ner.
Seized taken Into execution at the suit of 8.
C. Lee Son to use of !. w. mark, and J. A.
Schreck vs. I. K. Hchwcppenhelser, and to be
sold as the property of f. K. Hchweppenhelser.
kvanh, w. n. & M' k. John moi hkv.
Attys. HherllT
By virtue of a writ of Lev. Ka. and Ki Fa. issu
e 1 out of the v nirt of t'omm in Pleus of Col. Co.,
Pa., and to me directed, will be cxprs 'd at pub
lic sale at the Court Hons?, bloomsburg, Pa..
SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1892.
at 10 o'clock a. m , all that certain piece, parcel
ft id tract of land; situate In the township of
Brlurcreek. county of Columbia, and state of
Peausylvaula, bounded and dl sort lied as follows,
to-wlt : On thn north by hinds formerly or now
of William Frens ; on tho east by lands formerly
or now of George Evans ; on the south by lands
formerly or now of widow .Masteller and Daniel
W. Kelchner ; and on the west by land of Heece
Eck, containing
more or les, on which is erected a two story
Bank Barn and outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of T.
II. Bechtel trustee vs. II. V. Garrett and H. V.
Garrett , ndm'r on Lev. Fa. No. NO, May T..
and KI. Ka. No. nt, May T., IMij, and to be sold
ait the pmpprty of H. V. Garrett, and 11. V. Gh
rett, administrator. JOHN MOL'KKY,
BschTlL Mll.i.KB, Atty. Sheriff.
This eminent Phys
ician ha3 devoted a
life-time to his specialty-diseases
of the
Eye, Ear, Nose,
Throat, Lung and
Chronic Diseases.
The celebrated Authors and Medical Lecturers
and Greatest living HpeeliillsiH lor I lie treatment
and cure of ull long-standing and dlltlcult, i liro-
mu (ll.irt iscs.niiii Uls mi-u-h of tlie illiNHl, Nervous
System, and Eye and Kar, Nose and '1'hroiit, will
vwir tins county mid meet tlieir many putleuts
and friends, and ulve ALL TKI un or-
secure the latent and best treatment, for such
diseases ns the regular family physician is not
poriuniiy 10 consult tneni f ree ott'narge. and
pn-purvu w Lreuu
The Doctor's remitutlnns are not onlv Natlonnl
bin Loiitliieiitul, us tliey have vlslled Kurone
several times and treated thousands of cases,
und miide many remurkuble cult's, while liring
Ing together tiielr Aiiatoml'.'ut .Museum and tine
collect Ion of Insti'iim-nts, appllnuces, etc, which
is iuu largest, unu uiiesi eoiiucllon now owned
by uny one ln the country.
They will visit this county everv fonrwei-ln.
thus saving their patients the trouble und ex
pense of visiting tlie city, as they tiro the enly
Physicians and stirireons In thlsenuntrv who
carry their own Munlklus,I)ilels Mlugrums, etc,
1 1 llliisi rate und make lulu to ull uilllcleit the
causo and nature of their disease.
The Doctors tmit no neuto diseases, hut
mitkeuii entire siieclalt) of cbroiile iiml lonir
slandlng discuses. ( asi'S given up by other
doctors and pronounced Incurable, they most
desire to see. Tho Doulors have treuted over
11,1110 cases tn Ohio ln the last twelve years,
many of which hail been glveu up as Incurable,
some to be blind, others deuf, and a laige nuiu-
oeror nie invaiins ror lire, nut behold I now
they See and heui-, and many are started on the
high roud lo health and recovery every day.
Tho doctors are surrounded with the largest
collection of line Instruireiits ever Imported to
this country for exuiniiilnir und trentlnir mi
chronic diseases of tlie II KA O. FACE, EYE.
KAIt, THHOAT, 11EAUT, LI NUS, Stomach,
Liver, kidneys, Kludder, Skin, Hriiln and Net-,
vous System, l uncei-w. Tumors, Mies, Swellings
!u! '
wit, mil i-n. rim, urui sis, cui Uliu, Itneuillll.
iisiii, uniiisy, .tout, sick llcaillcne. Deb It
;Jl.ary- DlseasesViV:, und Tm" "tout .11
standing and Chronic inseuscs., m nr Mnlriiu. lilAna.,u nf 1-1.11,1... u-. '
In an astonishing quick time. They will relieve
you of ull roaring, litsslng and Kinging nolsoK,
licavluess, Itching, pain, ruiuiiug ol llieear.wlll
close una hole lna drum of lifiv y 'ars stand
ing! will Insert Artlrtclal Kar Drums of their
own liiveutlou with astonishingly gratifying
1 ;lsasis of Women, siteh ns have ha filed the
skill of ull other physicians und remedies, unlet
ly cured. Cancers, tumors, tllimiii ami n,.i;,..,i,.
gmwih-curel without the use of the khlioor
cuus lea. No eutllutr, ni pain, no danger.
,'.." jt r at ii on Friday Amil 29
Now offer attractive lines
all the Popular Eli!S Goods 'n
Dlack and Newest Spring col
ors, Bedford Cords, Surah
Cloths, Serges, Tonics, Cam-
;e"'s Hairs, Chevron?, Crcpons,
,A n n11 wrin1 nrzU Gcrnne - Hf
4 QU Vl0l OUran TCrgCS 75C
fi " , " Henrietta Dlack
87c worth i oo. Secoursoc
J al I wool Gocds. Newest shades
I at t
OI 1 an- i'lOaeS ana UrcyS,
in all Newest Effects and Styles
at low prices.
full lines. See our fast black
Hose for Children at 10, 12,
25c and up. Men's 5c pair
and up. Kid Gloves, full
new lines, Silk Gloves, Jersey
Underwear,!Ladies' Vests 10,
15, 250 and up.
New lot of Ladies Muslin Un
derwear. See our 35c cam
bric Corset Cover.
We have them all kinds.
Point De Irlande Laces,
Point Gene Laces.
Demi Flouncing Laces in White
and Black, the prices will
please you.
Spring Coats now in, our
new line. See them.
A lot 124 c Dress ginghams
at 10c yard.
Black Satin Broche, the . new
est of Dress Materials.
p. s.
Every Lady visiting our store
Saturday, April 16, will receive
free a small Easter Souvenir.
Notice is hereby given tfint the partnership
heretofore existing between K. Nehweppenliel
ser and J. K. Snyder botli ot Miniin township
was dissolved on the ?trt dny of March JMWbv
liuitual consent. All persons having claims
airMnst. said firm, and an pernon Indebted to
snld nnn will sett lei he mime with J. E. Hnyder.
K. UcuwuppenliHlser will continue the bUHlnew.
J. B. thrvsu. 4-1-SU
The Doctor has
been for years a
Professor and lec
turer in several of
our largest Medi
cal Colleges, and
has earned great
fame as an authot
ity and author on
all subiects con-
cerning his spec-
It Is In the mucous membrane, that wonderful
seml-nuld envelope surrounding the delicate
t s.ues of the ntr and I'S)d passage'-'; at catariU
makes Its si ninghold. Once established it eau
into tlie very vitals and renders life but a loug
druwn breath of misery and disease, dulling the
sense of hearlng.tnimmellng the power of speech
destroying the faculty of smell, lulntliig tho
breath and killing tho refined pleasures of taste,
liislduousl v .by creeping on from a simple cold
In the heud. It assaults tho membranous lining
and envelopes th bones, eating through the
itellcatnoalsanilcuasliigtaulumiuat ton.slough
lug and ileal h. Notliiiiu stuu-i. nr r.,ii..
lloDwlllfeHire lwalth to the patient and all
alleyluites are simply procrusUnul edstilTerlugs,
""" "uiai lenninutlon. The Dm. buve
by a tri'utment. liical mui ,.r,i..n., .1..
I lie cure of this dread disease a certain! v, and
bus never fulled. Even when Ihe disease bus
made rrigliifui inroads ondellcuto const it uilons
hearing. smell and inula i,i ..,.. n..7,...' 1
und the dlsime thorisiglily averU'd. '
They recotrnlze tlw great principal that genius
or tiileni, or exeepilonul skill In und profession.
Is a great public trust to bo executed for the
greatest good for tho greutest number, benea
Jhey cull your attentton to thn fuct of their vlHt
to yoiir community, audio what you may ex.
peer, from t heir (real nipnr ti.. 11.
devtKed years to the Btudy and treatnient of
Chroci: and Cemp'.Itated Ilseascs,
Which other ntivslclana f,iii,..i t,. .
fully. Those delicate functions of tlie human
rrume. Whose iliriinmm..iM tn. ....... ...?."
delled human skill, have in many cases Melded
10 1 tue patient Investigation und untiring perse
verance of these doctors, und thousands of suf-
1 . . ' " 'torore pronounced In-
cin-ttbie, have consulted these gentleiiim and
been by them restored to healt h and useflulu t
tin.1,",','; fln1""1,' 'i'1"' '""Ho Intbimma
.1 iV'.'.'ie H','.1'1' or "V Jrl" thet horoid, o
lent or Mat taring Sort'yisl'u
f'."V v "."" i iceratloim, Noiihiis of lb.
oim, Spiimis or I be
i eei a running
Hllndneis I'uru-
thalmls, svphllltleophtlialnilu, Ked Bli.-cheior
i.V .7 f '."r """ I'lyeumidiiropliilial
nils. opucltlesof Milk Wnlta Ssiiaont ieKye,
l, .7,7: ,Y"T" l,,B " amaurosis,
ailing out of Lashes. Sores, Ketlness ol Edges or
Udsaud Eyes, and all other diseases to which
the eyo cr Its ps-ndngeB are lluble, poslilve
and rapid cure guaranteed.
vi'-l"' y!m B,'lll, k,"r" Pln or scar.
New method. Kloctroysls. Kl'iLEI'SVOK FIT
seient Hleul'.y treuted and positively cured bv a
i !?,5!!tmh-.kt'itl:i'TATION HULK
ajv&s t mil iuv