The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 01, 1892, Image 6

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    COI.f MDV.
Behind him 17 ths tray A torse, ,
Behind the of liarcnles; " r.
Before him not tha (host of shores, ,
Before him only shoreless seas.
The food mate said: "Now must w pray, '
For lo I ths very stare are one. t
6peak. Admiral, what shall 1 ear?"
"Why say, 'Sail on I tall onl and on!'
My men rrow mutinous day by dan
My men grow ghastly wan and weak."
The atont mat thought of borne; a spray
Of anlt wave washed his swarthy cheek.
What shall I say. brara Admiral, say, j
If we siglit naught but seas at dawn?
Why, you shall say at break of dayt
'Sail onl tall out and onl and on 1'"
They sailed and sailed, as winds mlclit blow,
Until at last the blanched mate said:
Why, now, not erenQod would know
Should I and all my mil fall dead.
These ery winds forget their way.
Tor God from these dread seas It gone.
Now speak, brare Admiral, speak and say-"
He tatd: "Sail onl tall oul and onl"
They sailed. They sailed. Then spoke hit
'This mad sea shows its teeth to-night,
lie curls his lip, he lies In wait.
With lifted teeth, as if to bitet
Brave Admiral, eay but one good word:
What shall we do when hope logout?"
The words leaped as a leaplur sword:
"Sail onl sail on! tall on! and on!"
Then, pale and worn, he kept.blt deck.
And peered through darkness. Ah, that
Of all dark nights! And then a speck
Alightl Alight! Alight! A Unlit!
It grew, a ttarlit flag unfurled!
It grew to be Tlme't burst of dawn.
He gained a world; be gave that world
Ttsgraudest lesson; "On! and on!"
Joaquin Miller in the Argonaut.
' Assertions That They Will Not At
tack a Swimmer.
On the question whether sharks will
attack men when swimming', a corre
spondent of the New York Sim writes as
I wns on a Pacific mail steamer in tho
Bay of Champerico. Tho water was
clear and we counted seven sharks, raug
iug from about seven to eleven feet in
length. We got out a shnrk hook and
line and baited it with pork.
Our principal assistant was a little chap
who had just finished his time in the
navy. While we were at luncheon a
shark took a bite at the bait. The young
seaman was too hasty, and as a result
the big fish was badly hooked and
dropped off when hauled about a foot out
of the water.
However, our young friend seemed to
know a lot about shark fishing and
sharks, the result of his many cruises,
and when stories were told of men bitten
by sharks he scoffed and put it to the
test of experiments. To the consterna
tion of nearly everybody he dived from
the gangway and swam around to the
spot where the sharks were awaiting the
kitchen refuse. Iu every instance where
on of them happened to see him it acted
as if scared, and moved rapidly in au
other direction. It was tho same in the
bay at St. Jose, Guatemala.
At that place there is a big spotted
shark whom tourists easily recognire as
an old friend, and call "Joe. " The little
sailor chap swam after him, and he swam
in front of him and in front of others.
Several sharks must have seen the boy,
but none showed ths slightest inclination
to attack. He said the same thing had
been tried before many a time, and that
nobody in the navy now believed that
there was any danger of attack from
harks when swimming, although it was
possible that they might take a snap at r
dead floating body.
Sent Little Wonders of the Western
On Lnmml Island, State of Washing
ton, there is a mountain slope of white
sandstone, 100 feet wide and 1,800 feet
long, called the Devil's Slide. The
strange thing about it is, that every few
minutes a scale of sandstone comes shoot
ing down the slide and is hurled into the
waters of the bay. The unsolved mys
tery is this : What cause the scales to
detach themselves in this unique fashion?
Medical Lake is fifteen miles by rail
from the city of Spokane Falls, State of
Washington. The lake is two miles
long, half a mile wide, and sixty feet
deep. It is filled with a saline and alka
line water, having a slightly chalybeate
admixture, and is a popular health resort
Tor the people of the northwest.
Sour Lake is a small lake of acidulous
mineral water, in Hardin county, Texas,
forty-five miles by rail east of Houstoa
Its waters have a considerable local repu
tation in the treatment of various diseases.
There is said to be a canon on the
slopes of Mount Baker (in the State of
Washington), the walls of which are
composed of a kind of volcanic glass.
Notes and Queries.
Indian Courage.
The annals of no country can show
any savage foe so formidable for his
uuruber to trained regular troops of the
white race as the American Indian. The
tales of the Sepoy rebellion, replete as
they are with heroic achievements of
British soldiers, read like absurd fairy
tales to Indian fighters of our army. The
spectacle, repeated again and again, of a
hcore or so of these Englishmen riding
through as many thousands of opposing
Sepoys, disciplined, an thoroughly sup
plied with the best of firearms would be
a very novel one to those accustomed to
the temper of the savage of our own
continent Had Captain Jack or Joseph
r Geronimo, with such warriors as they
led, been the sort of foes to attack the
English power in India, the history of
Delhi and Lucknow would have been
written in far darker characters on the
wges of EugliMh history. Self-reliant,
intelligent, fierce in battle, inimitable
horsemen, armed with the modern rifle,
our own Indians have often waged suc
cessful battle with regular troops unsur
passed in quality and far outnumbering
them. It is doubtful if even the Cos
sack or Arab can be compared with thaw
in partisan warfare.
Whit Tar.
i White tar is one of the latest inventions
or discoveries. . It will not become soft
under the sun's rays in any climate, and
is expected to be used largely in calking
(he seams of fine yachts. ' r ,
A Vltlan of Perfection That Seams
Americana Impossible.
The Japanese waitress is evidently n
creature full of kindliness and winning
glares. Sir Edwin Arnold met her at a
dinner in Japan, where sho contributed
greatly by her tact and courtesy to the
success of the occasion. To each guest
there entered a pretty, bright, well
dressed Japauese waitress with hair
decked "to the nines," stuck full of flow,
crs and jeweled pins and shining like
polished black marble.
She never speaks or settles to any seri
ous duty of the entertainment without
falling on her little knees, sraoothlug her
skirt over them and knockiug her nice
little flat noss ou the floor, and will either
demurely watch you use your chopsticks
in respectful silence, or prettily converse
and even offer her advice as to the most
succulent dishes, and the best order In
which to do them justice.
It is not very difficult to use the chop
sticks, those simple knives and forks of
Eastern Asia, if once you learn the secret
of the guiding finger between them.
Otherwise you will drop the first mouth
ful front the soup bowl on your shirt
front, to the gentle, but nevertheless
satirical laughter of your waitress.
Amid the talk which buzzes around
you will have inquired of her already,
"What is your honorable name?" and
"How many are your honorable years?"
and she will have told you that she is
"Miss Starr," "Miss Camillia," or "Miss
Antelope," and that she was 18 or other
wise on her last birthday.
She counsels you to seize that tiny
lump of yellow condiment with your
chopsticks, to drop it in the soy, to stir
up and flavor these with the pink flakes
of salmon, and you get on famously,
watched by her with the warmest per
sonal interest.
Now and again she shuffles forward on
her small knees to fill your cup or to rear
range the confusion into which your lit
tle bowls and platters have somehow
fallen, always with a consummate grace,
modesty and good breeding. With the
condiments her little fingers have mixed,
the uncooked trout is so good that you
cease presently to feol like a voracious
seal, and wonder if it be not wrong, after
all to boil or fry anything.
Environed by all these tiny dishes, and
lightly fluttering from one to another,
you begin at last to be conscious of hav
ing dined extraordinarily well. So you
say, "Mo yoroshii "(it is enough), and the
service relapses a little for music and
dancing. Youth's Companion.
How to Blake of Her a True and Noble
Teach her that not only must she love
Iter father and mother, but honor them
in word and deed.
That work is worthy always when it is
well done.
That the value of money is just the
good it will do in life, but that she ought
to know and appreciate this value.
That the man who wishes to marry her
is the one who tells her so and is willing
to work for her, and not the one who
whispers silly love speeches and forgets
that meu cease to be men when they have
no object in life.
That her best confidant is always her
mother, and that no one sympathizes
with her in her pleasures and joys as you
Teach her to think well before she says
no or yes, but to mean it when she does.
Teach her to avoid men who speak
lightly of any of the great duties of life,
who show in their appearance that their
habits are bad.
Teach her that her own room is her
nest, and that to make it sweet and at
tractive is a duty as well as a pleasure.
Teach her that if she can sing or read
or draw, or give pleasure in any way by
her accomplishments, she is selfish und
unkind if she does not do this gladly.
Teach her to be a woman self-respct-ing,
honest, loving and kind, and then
you will have a daughter who will be a
pleasure to you always, and whose days
will be long and joyous in the land which
the Lord has given her. Ladies' Home
Illations of Great Men.
Ooethe states that he one day saw ths
exact counterpart of himself coining to
ward him.
Pope saw an arm apparently coming
through the wall, and made inquiries
after its owner.
Byron often received visits from a
spectre, but he kuew it to be a creation
of the imagination.
Dr. Johnson heard his mother call his
name iu a clear voice, though she was at
the time in another city.
Baron Emmanuel Swedenborg believed
that he had the privilege of interview
ing persons in ths spirit world.
Sir Joshua Reynolds, leaving his house,
thought the lamps were trees, and the
men and women bushes agitated by the
Ravaillac, while chanting the "Mis
erere" and "Lie Profundis," believed that
the sounds he emitted were of the nat
ure and had the full effect of a trumpet
Oliver Cromwell, lying sleepless on his
couch, saw the curtains open and a gi
gantio womun appear, who told him that
he would become the greatest man iq
Ben Jonson spent the watches of the
night an interested spectator of a crowd
of Tartars, Turks, and Roman Catholics
who rose up and fought round his arm
chair till sunrise.
Bostok, ths physiologist, saw figures
and faces, and there was one human face
constantly before him for 24 hours, the
features and headgear as distinct as
'.hose of a living person.
Oats As a Brain Food.
The Paris School of Philosopy has re
contly conducted experiments as to tho
value of oats as a food, which seems to
show that ths kernel contains three med
icinal principals, the first of which tends
to calm, sooths and tons up tho brain and
general nerve tissues, the second yield
log phosphates for the weakened and
hungry nerves, and the third, residing in
ths husk of ths oat acting as a laxativo
by its action on the digestive track." i
The Bird of Wisdom.
The owl took hit hat and his gloves one night.
Ills sweetheart for to tea;
When bis daddy asked him where bt went,
On a definite object I'm latent,
"To wit, to woo. " said ha,
To wit, to wit, to wool"
Cut he so ret had stepped outside ths door.
When he could ant fall to teo
That the tky with cloudt waa all o'ercast,
The rata was falling hard and fast.
"Too wet to woo, " said he;
"Too wet, too wet, to wool"
Harvard Lampoon.
A Horto With reclines.
A lame and half starved old whits
horse, attached to a wagon partly loaded
with ashes, stood on John R street, sear
Adams, and a schoolboy about 10 years
old stood with his hands in his pockets
looking at the horse, says ths Detroit
The owner of the rig came out of ths
cellar with a basket of ashes on his skoal
der, and after dumping them into ths
wagon, he turned to the boy and said :
"Look yere, boy, what yo' doin' yere?"
"Lookln'," was the reply.
What you lookln' at?"
" Look iu' at the horse. "
" Wall, you run right 'long "bout your
biziiesa. Dat boss has got feelin's. If
you keep lookiu' at him he'll bimeby
think he's got to get up and prance and
snort around an' run away an' smash dis
wagiu' all to squaalt, Deu de queshun
comes up wbVs gwine to pay de dam
ages, an' your pore fadder will wish you
had nebber been bo'n. "
"I gueas I can look!" muttered the boy
as lis Moved off.
"Iduntole ye, boy I I shan't bodder
wld you no mo'l If your fadder is wurf
a millyon dollars an' you want to take de
chnnces den you go right ahead; but
doan' you dun sw'ar befo' de jedge dat I
didn't tola you dat boss had feelin's an'
might kick up tho awfulest ambulaahuo
eber heard on John R street "
Mr. Blank a Hilarity Waa Ill-Timed.
A well known citizen who resides iu
the northern part of town when he went
out bareheaded this morning after tho
paper found a hat lying on the sidewalk
in front of his gnte, says the Stockton
Mail. Some fellow while ou a spree dur
ing the night must have lost it, he
thought The hat was a little the worse
(or mud, but the hat was a good one and
he picked it up and took it in to show his
'Mary," he said, "just look what I've
'Why, that's a real nice hat, Jchn,"
she said.
"Well, I should smile."
"Where in the world did you find it?"
"Oh, out on the sidewalk."
"But how did it get there?"
"Oet there?" he echoed, in surprise.
" Well, that's a nice question to ask.
Get there? Great Scottl Do you think
it grew like a, mushroom hey ? Mebbs
you imagine it walked there on its ear.
Get there ? Why, any fool would know
that some chap lost it on a howling
'But bo might claim it?" she Inter
posed, mildly.
'Ob, no 1 11 bet he was so full he can t
remember now whether he slept in a
barn or a bed. Say, that's a pretty good
hat, Mary, aud I'll get you to fix it up.
By jingo, it's just my fit, too. " And he
tried it on.
She took the hat and examined it care
fully. Then a dangerous look stole into
her eyes and she snapped :
"John Blank, you re an old fool!"
"Iam, hey?"
"Yes, you arsl"
Why?" (
"This is your hat" ' '
Bs snatched the tile up, looked at it
critically and then dashed out of ths
house as he recalled to mind ths fact
that bs himself had corns home vtry
. rot's Device. .
Ths following incident, told by ths
Utica Times, of ths method employed by
a clever son of Erin to induce his passen
gers to walk up hill, shows that a grace
f ul, witty hint is pretty sure to prove ir
Up one of the long hills of County
Wicklow a mars was drawing a heavy
load of travelers. Ths driver walked by
bar sids, trying to encourage her as shs
toiled slowly and wearily along.
The six passengers were too busily en
gaged in conversation to notice bow
slowly ths car progressed. Presently ths
driver opened ths door at tho rear of ths
car and slammed it to again. Tboss in
side started, but thought that he was only
assuring himself that ths door was se
curely closed.
Again Pat opened and slammed to the
door. The travelers inquired angrily
why he disturbed them in that manner.
" Whist, " he whispered, " don't spake so
loud she'll overhear us, "
The mare. Spaks low, " he continued,
putting his hand over his mouth and
nose. "Sure, I'm desavin' the crayturel
Every time shs bears ths door slammin'
that way shs thinks ons of yez is gettin
down to walk up ths bill, and that raises
her s pernta. "
The passengers took ths bint
i i
A Heeded Warning. Sy
Oh, ntver converse with a dynamite Bend,
Tho' harmless to yon he may teem.
For ha with hit creed Is so well magi. lined.
So brimmed to the lip with his scheme,
So utterly crammed with the tame thro' and
That if on ths theme you'd embark. V
A deadly explosion would likely ensue
If he'd happaa to drop a remark.
Boston Coorler.
Henry was visiting a relative who had
0 large attio full of eld things. One day
when he bad been playing up there, be
came running down stairs and shouted :
Cousin Anna, what doyou think Ifound
in tho attio ? I found a Bibls with an
apothecary in it "
Mrs. Youngwifs I want a nics ham,
please. Shopman Yes, ma'am. I can
strongly recommend this ons; it's well
cured. Mrs. Yoangwife (in alarm) Ok,
don't give me one that has bad anything
lbs matter with it, even if it is cured
nowl Let me have a perfectly healthy
one, please! London Punch, i i.
We Send Free
by mail to any woman a beautifully
illustrated book, containing over
go pages of most important infor
mation about all forms of female
complaints. No woman should
live without a copy of
"Guide to Health
and Etiquette,"
by Lydia E. Pinkham. Thousands
of women have been benefited by
Mrs. Pinkham's advice after afl
other medical treatment had failed.
Send 2 two-cent stamps to cover
postage and packing, when you
write for the book. Address
or OfliL CLOTH,
2od Door above Court House.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
Did it ever occur to you
that the inside construction and material is of as much or mere
importance, when service is considered, than outside appear
ance ? Nearly every piece of Parlor furniture that we sell ia
upholstered on the premises by skilled workmen, and nothing
but the best materials are used. Uur stock ot odd pieces and
regular suits is entirely new and the largest ever shown by us.
Of course you know ours is the largest and finest furniture
store and stock in the state, outside of Philadelphia. There is
nothing in furniture you cannot get of us at prices as low as
elsewhere. We deliver all purchases if the distance is less than
100 miles.
vooams & hurray,
Cigars, Tolacco, Candies, Fruits and - Huts
Henry Halliard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every W
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Sole agents for the
Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Asb
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Comes to the front with the
.-.OF THE.'.
Best, the Newest ami .Host Stylish, Lowest "
Piiee; and to prove Satisfaction is
our Endeavor
The best value for Money is to buy your
Clothing, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Trunks and
Valises of
Corner of Main and, Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA.
Largest Clothing and
J. R. Smith & Go.
Dy the following well-known make rat
Hnllct & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy a
piano before getting our prices.
eOe e
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
when buyinc Parlor Furniture
13 & 15 W. Market St.
following broods ol Cigars:
.J- I I cO-aa-l
Hat House in Columbia
ul III
Plans and Estimates on
kinds of buildings. Repair
aim carpenter woik promt
n(Anrli,l r
Dealer in Euildc: S:;;!;
Tnsirla I lardwond fin!ch.
Fersons of limited means'
desire to build can pay partt
secure balance by mortgj .
Caverns runl Trade Marks nhi.ilnM, iy!
1'aH'iit business conducted for .Molip-"
KNT OFHCK. vn have no sniwiirmi 5
biiKlnpyariliwt, hence can tniriHiirt pat, J
noss In Iphs time anil l Less Cost 1 1 n n 1 1
moto Iroiu Wuxlilncton. '
Rend moili-l, drawing; or phfHf). with
tlon. We BdvltMj It pittontatiln or not,,
cliarire. Our fee not rtui' (111 piit.-nt ia J
A bonk, "How to (iblnlti l'ntenl-.." win
tn to out mil clIrntH In your fctute, wmX
town, sent frve. Address
O. A. SNOW CO., WashlnirtntU
VlUmnnu i . n. I'liieui tlllHT.)
Scientific Anuria
Agency for
vKoiwr rm I Bar t
For InfnrnmtloTi and free TTand1oolr wtHcmc
JlUirt IU, ! 1IHOA1IWAV, HKVi unl
Oldwt bureau for eorurlnt putonts In Aaxi'
Kvorjr pstent takin out by tin le brought ttf ;
tbe public l7 a notloe (Wen tree ol chanituij
Scientific JUucra
Lsrcest drmtettnn of any sctentlflu rnir!nL
world. HplHiirtiUlT llliutraiod. K.i inioijpc
man should be without It. Week It, Sll.dtif
yearj S1.."U six month. Addrars MtlN.N &'
Vl.BLlsUKtt3,3Cl ltruadway.Mow York.
lost manhood;
(Pivcr's Frutl
jJervt Kend.;&
Gutnnln "
all Ncrvooiiwl
i. r, such u oi
L; Memory, Lcsi
Brain J'ow,H
votitneu, Htt:
airam ahb astcr use. ache. as
nern. Lost Manhood. Lassitude, all draws tad lj
of power In either sex, caused by orer-ni
youthful Indiscretion, which uil.mateiy iew ni
timity. Con.nmntion and Insnnity.
package. With every order we g'
guanines to cure or reiuna money, ij "-,
anysddrtss. HVER'O REMEDV CO., Tolefr.i
Ths Chain of evldenct I
Is now oompIelP-iMi I
CnlAM It the out
nrpnaratlnn that Bttv
tlrelr doea all that
Klilmwl for it. It rvmora i
Sfwnklfa. I.ivr.ninlfJL Blsci ,
tiMitt. PlmnlHL Tun. and sU I
Imperfections of the skin, without lnjarr. i
A few applications will renders roup
red skin soft, smooth and whlto. UUnoj
a cosmetic to coyer defer ta. but cure, ana tr. ir4f A n H.f MP Hnn . Price.?.
At dniKftlsUi or sent by mail, fiend to
Utttlmoulals, ' .
It will pay
anyone In
WALL paper;
want of
to send So.
l to naT nnatacei ns an Beautiful Use I
oyer 100 matched sjimnTea at lowest prlii a. ,
Address F.B.CADY,aHhhHtFroTldt'ace,B.l
and, Montour Counties.
y i h Vi i urn