The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 11, 1892, Image 2

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Julius Cxsar is a dubious character
m history, but not justly so. Some
will have it that he was a bad, selfish
ambitious man, full of lust for conquest
power ami dominion, without any re
deeming quality that would veneer the
baser qualities of human nature; that
after his immense conquests that cost
the price of blood and treasure and
the enslavement, imprisonment ant
desolation of great cities and national
Hies, that his mini was still it unrest
and that he sought the absolute and
unqualified dominion of Rome and all
its conquered provinces, its dominion
power, and unmeasured wealth, that
he sought a crown, and would convert
Rome into a kingdom and rule it him
self; that he was slaughtered at the
loot ot l'ompey s pillar in the new Sen
ate House that Pompey had erected
for the benefit of Rome ; that many of
me conspirators were his warm per
sonal, Dut they could not toler
ate his desperate and remorseless am
bition, not that they loved Caesar less
but Rome more." This quotation from
his friend, Brutus, who helped slay him,
nas mucn in it ol an alleviating charac
ter. If Ciesar had been, as many sup
pose, a remorseless tyrant, would Bru
tus have used this language toward
him? Nay, verily, and who was this
tfrutus? He had been m the service
of Pompey against C:csar. He was
among the prisoners taken by Caesar
after the bottle of Pharsalia where Pom
pey ended his great military career,
nea to rypt and was beheaded. In
stead of Caesar executing him as a trai
tor, ne spared nis lile and crowned it
with honors; received him into his own
service, gave him the government of
the richest province and after his re
turn from it, loaded with wealth and
honors. Cxsar made Brutus praetor
of the ciiy of Rome. He had done
about everything to make Brutus a
trustworthy and devoted friend, and
yet this man Brutus, was one of the
.No wonder Caesar exclaimed in his
eying moments, "and thou too, Brutus,"
and then sank in death at the foot of
Tompey's pillar the Pompey he had
so signally conquered. Out of the
twenty-three wounds, only one was a
mortal one, that showed with what re
luctance they sought to kill Caesar, and
how each conspirator sought to avoid
making the mortal one and yet carry
out each one, the compact seemingly
of the murder of Caesar. We are told
the horses, with which Caesar had
passed the Rubicon, living in honor
able retirement in a splendid paik
which Caesar had provided, by some
mysterious instinct, had warning of their
great benefactor's end and refused their
food and walked about with melan
choly and dejected looks. His wife,
Calpurnica knew there was trouble
ahead, yet it did not prevent Caesar
from going to the Senate Hou-e on
the fatal "Ides of March" 44 B. C.
The people preferred a Caesar to a
Senate to govern them. It was jeal
ousy and envy that killed Cxsar, and
the conspirators, after the murder, had
hard work to keep themselves safe
from the fury of the Roman people.
They fled in dismay and sheltered
themselves as best they could and many
of them afraid to venture to their
homes, and hid among friends.
Now unfolds the true nature of Cae
lar. His will was read by his friend,
Anthony, to the public. Its provisions
were of such a character as to renew
feelings of sympathy for the fate of
Oesar and a realization of the people's
loss in his taking off. His vast estate
was divided chierly among the children
of his sister - no children of his own
while the very men who had been most
prominent in his assassination, were
named as trustees and guardians of
his property; and one of them, Deci
mus Brutus, the one who had been so
urgent to conduct him to the Senate
House on that fatal day, was a second
heir! We are not done with Caesar,
even after they cremated him on the
field of Mars, and after the conspira
tors to mollify the people made a grand
pageantry of his funeral.
Read what Marc Anthony says of
l.aesar in his short funerai orations,
that he was a worthy man. a good man.
All honors, human and divine had
been ascribed to Caesar by the decrees
of the Senate and were read at his
funeral. The fire at his cremation was
extensive. The people lighted torches
by the fire and went to the houses of
Brutus and Cassius, threatening ven
L'eance upon them for the murder of
Caesar. The Roman people erected
a column to the memory of Caesar on
which they placed the inscription; "To
the Father of his Country." They
tailed a Cinna, thinking it was the Cw
na, who helped kill the Caesar
Caesar had made great plans to em
bellish Rome more grandly than she
was and also, Capua, the secon 1 city
then in Italy. The people lost a great
benefactor and mend. He and Alex
ander were men of nolle impulses.
t wsar was murdered. was bocra
tes and men of our own day and na
V.. J Bowman
The Next Bett Thit'g-
V'rom tbe Ponton Now.
I he prince, then, is coming to
America to see Niagara, and ro one
seems to know the object of his visit.
It 1a evident enough. Unible to
reign himself, he wants to see some
thing pour.
Pattison Talks.
Hazleton, l'a., Feb. an, 1801
Hon. Jloberl E. J'attison, Harris
bnrrf, J 'a. :
York Excei.i.kncy : As a friend of
the Administration, I enclose a few
newspaper clippings, and deem it fur
ther incumbent to inform you that 1
deep seated dissatisfaction approach
ing alarm exists throughout this sec
tion of the State toward the late,, so
called, Reading deal. Opinions are
also openly expressed that the State
authorities have been censurably want
ing in promptly bringing to account
the parties guilty of alleged violation
of the constitution by the merging or
leasing of parallel or competing lines.
11 is lunner asserted that mere is
wide difference between your mode of
procedure in the attempted South
Penn and Beech Creek lease, and the
present Lehigh Central Readinu deal.
With an abiding faith in your integrity
as uuei Executive and satisfied in my
mind that the Administration will be
found to have taken a tenable positiorr,
I respectfully ask that vou confer the
honor of such information as will en
able me to refute the aspersions cast
upon an administration of which,
citizens 01 me umnion wealtn. wc
have just reason to feel proud.
V ery respectfully,
Matthew Long
The following reply was received bv
Air. Long and it is the first outspoken
expression yet made by Governor Pat
tison and is the only authorative expres
sion get given to the public and it shows
that Governor Pattison is not commit
ted in the matter in any way except to
enforce the law:
(Commonwealth ok Pennsylvania,
( Executive Chamber.
Harrispitro, March 1st, 189.
Matthew Long, Esq.,
Hazleton, Pa.
My dear sir Your letter of the
29th ult., with newspaper clippings en
closed, have been received and con
tents noted. All the authority of the
State will be exerted for the enforce
ment of the Const'tution. X VI I Article
regulating railroad and canal com pa
nies is a very wise provision of the fun
damental law. It commands nothing
but what is right, and forbids nothing
but what is clearly wrong The Law
uepartment of the btate will contend
vigorously for its execution.
section 12 of the same Article pro
vides "the General Assembly shall en
force by appropriate legislation the
provisions of this Article." Action by
the Legislature providing for penalties
of imprisonment and fine would prove
a much speedier remedy than the one
now offered.
Very Respectfully,
Robert E. Pattison.
I have been troubled with chronic
catarrh for years. Ely's Cream Balm
is the only remedy among the many
that I have used that affords me re
lief E. W. Willard, Druggist, Jolliet,
havi been troubled with catarrh for
ten years and have tried a number of
remedies, but found no relief until I
purchased a bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm. I consider it the most reliable
preparation for catarrh and cold in
the head. - Geo. E. Crandall. P. M..
Quonochawntaug, R. I. 3-4-2t
Bob Fitzsimmons whipped Peter
Maher at New Orleans last week
Wednesday night, in twelve rounds.
Some money changed hands in
Bloomsburg on the result, bets being
taken at two to one on Fitzsimmons.
That disease is propaga
ted by the innumerable microbes, germs,
etc., which fill the air we breathe and
water we drink, there can be no ques
tion. These microbes attack the hu
man body and breed poison in many
shapes. Recent experiments read be
fore the congress of surgeons at Berlin
leave no doubt that the way to clear
the system of these germs is to force
them out through the pores of the skin.
S. S. does this in the most efficient
way. It cleans them out entirely, and
the poison as well.
Mr. r. Z: Nelson, a prominent and
wealthy citizen of Fremont, Nebraska,
suffered for years with Scrofula, and it
continued to grow worse in spite of all
treatment. finally, tour bottles of
Swift's Specific cured him. He writes
'Words are inadequate to express my
gratitude and favorable opinion of
Swift's Specific."
Trt-ullHe nn Blood and SklnDlsonson mailed free.
' 1 m -- - -
Tho Euprcmac y of the Foreigner
Prom tlio Brandon Bucksaw.
Tommy (to new boy) "Vou wasn't
born in this country. You can't
never be the President!"
New Boy. ''No, but I can be a
policeman some day, and you can't."
A Safe Investment,
't one which ii guoranteed to bring yon
1 Ufactory results, or in case of failure a re
1 l of purchase price. On this safe plan
cm cm buy from our advertised druggist a
-rile of far. King's New Discovery for
oniumpliou. It is guaranteed 10 bring re
el in every case, when used for any affec
t on of throat, lungor chest, such ax con
u.tiiliun, inflammation of lungs, UouJiitis,
tistliina, whooping cough, croup, etc. It is
I, aunt sml alterable to taste, perfectly
si ft, und can always be de ended upon.
I'lial bottles free at C A. Klcim's dmg store.
Llttl. Hob Stood th Tut.
The "blue line" strppt onr sliipppfl nt
the corucr, says a writer in the Vottth't
Companion, and au anxious looking
young woman put n small boy insMo.
"Now, Bob," she sai.1, M she hurricil
out to the platform ngafn, "don't 1m
that note I Rave you, don't tako it out 0.'
your pocket at all."
"No' in," said the little ninn, lonkin
wistfully after hi mother nn the conductor
pulled the strop, the driver unscrewed
the brake, and the hones, shaking their
hells, trotted off with the car.
"What's your name, Bub, asked a mi,
(.'biennis looking young man sitting be
side him.
"Robert Cullen Deems," lie answered
"Where are you going f"
"To my granilmu's. "
"Let me see that note in your pocket. "
The look of innocent eurprino in tbe
round face ought to have shamed tbe
baby's tormentor, but he only said again,
"Let me see it."
"I tan't," sai, Rolert Cullen Deems.
"See here, if you don't I'll scare the
norses and make them run away. " The
little boy cast an apprehensive look at tbe
belled lioraes, but shook his head.
"Here, Bub, 1 11 give you this peach if
you pull that note half way out of your
pocket. "
The boy did not reply, but some of the
older people looked angry,
"I say, chum, I'll give you this wholo
bag of peaches If you will just show
me tbe corner of your note," said the
The child turned away, as if he did
not wish to hear any more, but the young
man opened tbe bag and held it out just
where he could see and smell the luscious
A look of distress came Into tbe sweet
little face; I believe Bob was afraid i
trust himself, and when a man left his
eat on the other side to get off the car
me little boy slid quickly down, left the
temptation behind, and climbed into the
vacant place.
A pair of pretty cloved bands
almost unconsciously to clap, and theu
everybody clapixnl aud applauded until it
might have alarmed Bob if a vounir l.i. lv
sitting by bad not slipped her arm around
him and said, with a sweet glow on her
Tell your mamma that we all con-
gratulate her upon having a little man
strong enough to resist temptation aud
wise enough to run away from it. "
1 uouot if that lona;, hard niessnireever
reached Bob's mother, but. no matter.
the note got to his grandmother without
ever coming out of his pocket
German commentators are said to fini
in Shakespeare's plays many things which
the author never dreamed of rmttinp
there. And If German scholars may do
this, why not an English schoolboy?
ino late Major uarttelot was educated
at Rugby, and is still remembered then-
as the hero of a funny blunder.
What is the meamnsr of the woid
adage T " asked the master.
Various wild guesses were hazarded hv
different members of the class, and then,
it came young Barttolot's turn. Without
hesitation he replied :
A place to put cats into. "
Every one laughed, and the master.
who was as much mystified as his pupils
by the strange answer, called the boy up
at the end of the lesson and asked what
had put such an idea into his head.
"why, sir " said Borttelot. "doosu'l
it say in Shakespeare. 'Like the Door cat
in the adage 7"
Dentists say that is a physical imnossi-
bility to set diamonds in teeth.
Eev- Wm. Holliashed,
Pastor of the Presbyterian church of
Sparta, N. J., voluntary writes strong
ly in favor of Hood s Sarsaparilla. He
says: "Nothing I know of will cleanse
the blood, stimulate the liver or stom
ach like this remedy. . 1 know of scor
es and scores who have been helped
or cured by it."
The highest praise has been won by
Hood's Pills for their easy, yet effici
ent, action.
A Chance Shot.
Fromtlia Indianapolis Journal.
"Brother Gotrox," said the Rev.
Mr. Wilgus, "did you ever reflect that
your wealth is not really your own
that it is but committed to your hands
as a trust yet to be accounted for?"
'That is the way I got hold of most
of it," answered the great man, sur
prised into su Idea candor, '-hut I
don't see liov you discovered it."
Inviolable Eecr-cy-
Stranger. What s the matter?
Where are all these men running to?
i-itizen. inese gentlemen are
politicians. They have just been
holding a private conference. They
are now nur-ying to nnd a newspaper
in whom to confide the secrets which
they do not consider themselves able
to keep unaided.
Tie World's Columbian Exposition
Rend fifty cents to Bond & Co., 576
Rookery, Chicago, and you will receive,
postpaid, a four hundred page advance
Guide to the Exposition, with elegant
engravings ( f the Grounds and Build
ings, portraits of its leading spirits and
a Map of thj City o Chicago; all of
the Rules governing the Exposition
and Exhibitors, and all information
which can be given out in advance of
its opening. Also, other Engravings
anil printed information will be sent
you as published. It will be a very
valuable Book and every person should
set ure a copy.
Children Cry for
1 ...I Ja..-
V - a w Y s 'rm
if ii: ini u
"Sweets to the Sweet" is a soulful
motto. Who would be truiltv of mi.
ing bitter with the sweets offered to
sucn cnarming creatures? Yet that
is just what dishonest confectioners
do. A specialty at Phillips' is the
very best of pure candies. Sole
agency for Tenney's celebrated New
1 or L.oniectionery. The Bakery is
always well-stocked, and th raf. ic
always open.
Elys Catarrh
Ur.liAM 2ALM
Cleans lh.e
Nasal Passages,
Allays Pain and
Heals the Sores. L.
Restores the A ( rj
Sense of Ta-tc 1 "lSCC5
and smell.
try the cuke HAY-FEVER
A Dartlolo u applied Into each newt n I and Is
imrwanii'. rni'f a renin ni iirun(nm: ni mull
registered, ttu ets. KLV BKOTH KKiS 56 Warren
bt., N .Y.
We repair Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills,
Threshers, Harvesters. Mowers and .
all kinds of machinery.
And all kinds of Repairs.
Garfield Injector Co., Garfield
Double Jet Injector, Automatic
and Locomotive Injector. '
All work done by us is guaranteed
to give satisfaction, and all work in
our line will be promptly attended to
1MnrrLA"Bl'8 OUatB CI0AKTTCS for c.
OAT IAC tarrhl-Prln IQCtl. At all drugglit.
i Town M ItSKHV HTOfK. Wo ifrow ill'
tlic li'iiillnif viulB'IfH, both old und new. Wo rv.
iilui'o nil HtiK'k Unit illi'H, and tfimnintctt Hull.
itiL'tion. nii?iii-t Hmiiryurcoiniiilsaliju trim tun
mart. Wiitv fur termx.
11. E. Hooker Co., J.urserj'inen, ltocliPMler. N.Y,
"Hy a t .ornuKli knowledge or the nuturul laws
Willi Ii Ki'Vrni the oiMTHllnna of dltfcittlon und
nutrition, and by a rnrvful apiillruiinn of thi
Hue proper! Iks of wcll-loclt'd( itoou. Mr. Kpps
liua iiruvlilnlour briikfaHl tables with a drll
rule lv tluvoivd bevnruire which mav n:iv im
tuuny heavy doctors' bills. It Uby I lie Judicious
Use Ul HUL'll K1IIC1C5 III Ultfb IIIHL a cousin mum
may be irrndually built up until strong enough
to renlst every tendency lo illtM-ase. Hundreds
oi Huuue miuiiuiHs are uoauiuir around ua ready
to attiu-k whi-iever there Is a weak polut. Ve
may eacane many a fatal sliuft by keeping i.ur.
selves well fortllled with pure blood and a prop.
erly nourished frame." civil -rp'iw awn.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Hold
only la half pound tlus, by grocers, labelled
Vll ua ,
JAMF.B KPPr) Jk CO., Homoeopathic
Illn. tfllH If
1S iff
Practical Machinists
The "People's t Store"
Will place on sale this day, their first invoice of
White odc1s,
Laces miil
The assortment this eenson surpasses
in this section of Pennsylvania.
Mill and Centre
Entrance on
Jewelry and Silverware.
Graduate gticiaii.
O :"
Eyes examined free of charge,
Expert workmen in the Repairing
Foreign and Domestic
BloomsHurq, Pa.
Easily, quickly and permanently by Dr. Tift'llflviiM n
You will admit after having taken a tew doses that it fa a fiv I UUHLCufc
specific for that terriblt disease. Instead of flying to the door or window rasping for
b.reAthl?JTin 22.1? ah "e W0UJ ,asti J" have onV to ke a few aote
of the ASTHMALENLwhen the spasm is broken, the breathing becomes easy, and you
feel as II some angel of mercy had unloosed the iron grasp of ttu fingtrs of death,
that had nearly deprived you of life.
'T B "J F00P Y0 T
worst cases of ASTHMA is the wonder and admiration of ail who have used it. The
happiest moment of your lite will be when you have used a bottle of DR, T AIT'S
Pip SXIIVI Vt EN F and ,0UnJ 11 cured vou of the most distress
'r1" ' 1 lng diseases that ever afflicted thehuman family.
u BaoHCHITiS It surpasses every known temedy. For sale by all druggists.
A trial bottla aent free to any one sending P. O. addreee who suffer
from Asthma. Dr.TAFI BBOS. MEDICINE CO., 142 State Rochester, M. Y
WITH uteris
Will r wllfetat dlrlM tit WtakmeM ffitltfc frfim
rUa.ltB f brfels. Bar' rM, StN r ludtaorvitoii,
M atiufel ahftaatiwB, rilat, loaavc, Bert cut dlt liljr,
leasqtt. lBndar, rkeueaatUsB, kidky, r ! kledier oai
ItiHta, Imi baci, Unibeo, etftl(t ral ill-htllh, lo.
Thi tleouto ! WMelvrful leipriBiBlt Bll
thtri. ! glfta urrml lhl 1 ImUuti fell by Ibt wnrr
mi tWteU ,IH.M, bb4 UI mir U ef tbe ftbo? dli.
Nliruiir. ThuB4t Imb ur4 f Ihla mervtlou
Uf entloa rur u itir rtaiedUa fii4, b4 lv
Jreda r teitlmvaUlt Is this t4 Ttry ibr !.
Our Brfl IsintiI ILMTaiC MHPItNHttllT to ttt
crfelaat its trar Itrtl Veah mm: mtV WITIULL Its Ll H.
Hll tllMeu llreetftk til'iHiKTKKU la U W SO
Pa I a. Bead far Urgt UlasiraUd auiyaUM. ! fr
No.l Brondwaf. NIW VOMK.
'nfw fiiomnieecl
"v ir. i. n. 0111 yr
H1 Arrli.s". '".
I'tt. &9 nt .ova, Mr Mimm ;:t i-cimn.v !n
dulaj. 'ihuussaiU ol cm4, r. aytr iu m'
IIjIbI Tons, lUsdtaK. l'a., wsco'1 hcturaav ot
jioa 4iCM(Q. vB4furuoulart, .'ifcfi.i
Sis., Danville, P.
Both Streets.
My Plymouth Rocks and Red
Caps are great favorites, as is
proven by mv Dast success.
Eggs of either kind $1.50 per
1 .1 or $2. so per 26. Write tor